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tv   Documentary  RT  January 24, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EST

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the fixtures designed to simplify all confused who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few. fractured images presented as facts can you see through their illusion going underground can the russian states never saw one of the most sense community best. most all set and set up the same assistance must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians cruising and split the r t smooth net keeping our video
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agency roughly all the band on youtube, the fitness center. for the question, did you say steven twist, which is the i usually, i mean, he likes that. i'm kind of like the ones who doesn't from the view, and he's got to be a good on getting a so there are no, by them all and talent advocate to see us in the see, you know, could of been on the, not on the need of it, it just, i go here and i go to this, going to find you online. yeah. and go ahead and do the house on the music on the remaining loss and deal them on the side of under. but i that i was what people
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have and so now how do i have, i know that seem verified own by use the media enters and then we do the import of can i just, i'm be, i mean, i don't, would you see what the thoughts could i think the government fucking were chasing my casa a, cuz i put in minnesota. yes headphones. how do you? i mean, for that is for the game, whoever the mazda and the final level, the fest. so nothing should even fast forward. again, nothing will change when i see because i had a week, a 4 and her length and the all and i will only so what i said. so do you see the extent that my sent out on the 4th? no. it for the wednesday. i mean, what's the minutes for them through? well, not in my real geometric ational for safe side, all we do is you'll get okay, and that will be a non duty uh for a minute video outcomes. no, gumble, i keep looking at my site, you see something you're going to be and you'll see what i'm in though, and it'll come from in the city or even a demo or e mail me that you'll get. okay,
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what do you have? the higher the it'll give you the ability to go with either. let me just see, i don't see it on v e mail system cody and the zip code is heavy. uh, some of the scene on the base, the, the meeting id meant the seo and i went across with, i'm being maybe seen that day, guidance, and this isn't 0 english on resume the service. you have bicycles. almost every c o maybe closely to assessing goals. they say that on the 2nd hand, through to zillow and all, but for the kids to see the doctor like kind of go to they have to meet at the 30th if that like i in little places. and so going to see at the time of the month of
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funding as the new model cannot in instead of blue single i can, you can approach the, what is emily's, they got the right. i mean thing up inside of can level for me because some except seo and to really use i literally that is really be so nobody is going to be think of them belo perfect. i'm in pennsylvania. the agents, in that case, you will see that as some data mazda mazda equal for the little bit, i bet, so like a k. no, but as i leave for my pace, and when we sell to city, i recognize that it will only come in there. but i want to sell, not a grocer going up as simple as that goes to be. so can feed and go get a new b as in satellite as you get a feel difficult. when the 2nd bro give me one of us are giving us a lot of yeah, money fema instead of liars and you can see them take on notes. i did give you the
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one to say that i said, oh no, no. to verify the me see me, let's see. name is if that is in the mean is the only available and lovely supposedly wonderful. can apple play anyone else on the site you see in the middle based on the city of the world? and i do what i do not like i say the dad is he gets older so me, you know, made it funny. i do want to, i don't, i don't i'm, i'm into the, somebody's for them. i made the persona, get them into one in model. they born hazel, somebody in the service goes into the, the settings and i don't was the serial. and don't mean to say, you know that, cuz even get as i get myself out of that whole, i don't know who to go even though, but honestly, it's not even us in, i live. i mean, i was on equal, or you know, for the money to the steam down, it seems that i mean to get
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a ok for the side of the opponent for the little guy, and we'll see on it because on the fever and we'll see what it is so we'll be able to see and we'll see what it is you have on some b and c, i a to a get a ok, me, me that i'll give you a little bit about some note on that. so let me see. so it'll get hold. i'm assuming this thing was on. yeah, they will notify a silverado in colorado to buy several colorado and ms. diesel only agreeing to sign on to say anybody out of okay, so the main thing i do it as close as possible. if you want to send them with any but the same thing as well to the receiving end date, i liberty, we gave you a level, but then she and then what do you mean? the s c a are on form of idea of the road is
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a d for a one c stand like isn't that other mean? it was flat florida. got body force out of out of can seen as me said, the single single thing for some, you know, some of the big data from the a got an e. and because it you that send the title me, you and is a what a so called. but at that point yet i feel that the best i feel is mean though they don't want them to say we need that up. i didn't, they meant that, but i was pulling it up as so, and i could get a blessing that of the, from my, you don't know if you ever got this template. i've done something for them. you mean those, that people do a bidding devin feel? nobody's gonna say that, but i will still get a sense on 9 is that i do like when i look for somebody kits and i each in my name is sort of myself in my name is that i still go to the specific one for me unit my name is a name from the base and see that ends in the bottom beside the from there . you know the thing that i'm talking about the
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other woman's ok. we see a total i see when we add a bug g. i like a, a one i guess on we'll see on audi lessons on audi. any about it, but a one will see, i guess one shanella. nobody handles the significant. what else can you see? go get on the head. yeah. i know it plugged into useful but will be open for all you can see i'll share no like chat with all that good, but i need to know you all that. ready and i'm going to go into my soon as i get in and see if i'm getting this all the same, we're gonna need, i don't know the name on the need would be most of you know, anything coming through more. i'm in that case i need, i feel like i'm a little bit busy. good. good. i haven't decided to ask you to complete them onto or it's blowing. there is a good place a little bit in it. i am the rest of it using to the size of the annual identity,
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or get ahold of somebody that somebody had thought, you know, me know. when the youngest said, bradley, my leave an easier to accept the a focus on the different media people homeless. i gave you kind of the sad audio only full so i can size and made it up and that was really never again, it was enough and i started the and then your by all means this of this in the best way to do to me. but fun, i can for that or 30000000000. i said i financed to defend back, but didn't do it. show me what the field is. you need us. i mean, why didn't they you mean is in need of some personal care in about that? say i guess what support since i'm i'm a deficit. i'm in for the yeah i it awful. but the even it goes to resolve and it was, it was, i bought it and does it for getting, this is what the sample or the point in focus. so i need somebody getting pulled up and i think that is what it all could have been. like i said in the unlikely event that this book is nominated easily for the sample of all of them will get the when
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a messy on your motto, it goes, it will say that this what the, what if in the summer kid, i don't see. so my maybe incl, yes, i had always some you a some the, some i'm not always feeling what the they, they asked me. where does that mean integrated because that's a lot for the family and doesn't get the be made a payment to us the last. what about the best of the the size? the only thing i'm able to do, i can tell you like what is the vehicle on the 11th the panel off and what was the letter that was on meet on the key. yeah. and id for the whole purpose of yeah, anthony, oklahoma. but as what the point is, so what she likes. so we, i give us people in the, you're gonna see might need to get it needs to get to your, my, my personal number to the, to be a non duty of one of them. and he said he didn't have the end to get by say, get that to me also got me. no, no good. i mean, you know, getting this that i get a think get any going so far. i mean,
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i had to get this will buy it if last. so we had a model so, but anymore, so, so i mean, it does say that it has like a single method save method seem disable in uh, seem to say like a 2 point is that again, nobody cited eli and for much on something wonderfully, diego, and it's that one city or more than what we thought would be more or less, it would be one, you know, once it is seasonal in the good old, it doesn't really mean don't get lost. that's nice toys in the field. the single 2nd in, in this i entered into one of my more numbers on i need on the and then your muscle does mean being living the but as need for some apperson, i meant the ego and the same thing with the message. see and also said that they face, it seemed so indeed be going flexion. if that makes sense, i mean people, they need to have a sort of need on the person that need and thinking you gotta run it by groceries in a little while is let me the so that lethal some for us that other common sense as
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a see and it's as simple as a part of that, but it'd be a hard for getting them in the home. yeah. how to come come in this when it was for them, it is impossible for me anymore. and be honest about a lot of these are the interesting, i mean, does i press on and still find your level? a lot of them is that essentially the cable, they might have a son when he the extension for the closest is this the best one i can come to do or do you focus on in see my sample lesson video. let me get on the list. i'm with the jim, look at him, us or you know police at least the side of the all sort of model corners to forget he's coming to the need us need unless somebody and the other monday night is when i read them and instead of the one the form of the name of the i'm in the know to buy this a go get all getting on board a bunch of the goals for me model guess the for the movie that they've been size, the able to hear the hear if somebody can be shown up or to send the boy and i see
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on this one, and this one is at the bottom, and i've seen them this one in the sort. and i guess, and now the audio can see the vin single, the, but i sort of in that is as a consumer either several, you'll also see that they're not the lock up in the u. k. himself or get a hold of me up. you name a mean and associated us on the left and we need to see if we're going to use i get to get you in on the, on the left part of me through the i'm in the and i can come instead of going to be in one leaving unless you open that up for you as i look for my media a so that i sent that in most of the people wanted me to get back into also the most. you got a lot of literacy. yes. so a, so you would've been 9, doesn't have the photo, i remove it out of, i was only meant to get any of you can only i'm going here,
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but the end of december. so you'll get in the, in the, in the end the mortgage can little my mind get ok in line 30 gardner bits and natalie, natalie, hey the, the stick them with them for me to put them for the gifts, but the side of celia was missed because they did just wouldn't care to get a car through the new year. oh for g, if i teach so i know for me teaching scholars should postpone, you've cheated us from the 2 of us value provides you with that. so she's my, it's a cheap let's move, i'm on the stairs from 1st month to month with the amount that louder to move. let me look into the interest. i did, i use one for so the lowest, the did,
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some of that. i'll study to the progressive rock. i used to be a shy finish. this is just all just for a few. i'm a fraction and for them to come thing to do friday is the material ordering up our simple for the for sure and shoot me an the temperature of addition to some of this, [000:00:00;00] the opium, to explain it straight to us. the number one, i'm gonna show us january 1st, that is before the so vice chair and we'll just keep going. as i mentioned, this is i've just typical plan what's not expressed here. submit item. so you may, to a matter of the way can regards no problem, you know, no, but up in the front and then for the 5th. and if i know 4 will
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be street, the mention is pretty much full time. but if you want to know where it brings 2 of them over proof for those types of products that are coming up and then you learn, so figured out by your for sure. so the, or the most of the triple just the enough one to the it's almost the, that the system, the good english is and you know, the
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side you can kind of the us are gonna use the data for the gum. and also a lot that big deal and the other like the last 2. and so this have all you'll seen last week. i remember seeing these are the, some of them for the gone on. you'll see if i'm going to go on the most of the, let's see on the left devices. so, you know, in the that you 100, i'm waiting for the funds. i guess i within the time of seeing funds, you have to give problem. and most of us, whether if you need, do you want me to complete those? i don't see any of them. i haven't had a problem. i think 75, i'm not going to the not do that either in from the scene. i booked i for the gun. i don't know like a, in some way or but i only 30 and i guess within the single the same time you have done audio video. and so we just had, i, we went in and i gave it to you. i get it on us, see of it? are you wanting to tell me, do you want to die like one on the go after and on the book says another policy on it. you know, guess was any other way they added it kind of for the, you know,
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sullivan is i don't so you know them being promoted by any of those. and you guys are going to be able to get sonya seals to blame you at the appropriate seeds that knowledge other software. yes. is a your yeah, this, how are you? i'm not going to sold the is a communal reality, said acosta game condition and all the money will get along the release of getting concerned. let them be the same or it was literally under then. then it'll be interesting at the end of august. and as always, as you get into the classroom, i've been a little bit of a symbol in a wild kid and, but it's getting a little out. it is the knowledge and how my legs missing. so i'm going to somebody say, present vessel gas invested. they a get back to them in the works it and also an input if i'm not at the end of it, but then the last couple hours,
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if i really cannot even get done in this in its own. yeah. mean, so no problem in the i, but when you know the last, you know, the style, you know, you know, to be, i is, is voice. when i push the on that those, because again, the problem was not, were still under dollars. see the audio talking to you and i to them i can get up on an order showing up or have you been doing this though? is this a good that goal for them? if we, if i say that if that in middle and it will not an hour or not by now. yeah. it can be in the see not a little bit by side, not big on the i tend to get us. i'm worried up. most of any gonna set up any sort of invoices you'll get to get the video line. think of them in to them in on sales, and then they get an idea how to get there. i mean, debbie ended up on a side and looking at that, my son know at the level, but again, i read it again a little study uh, sending that to the theater. mm. but it will still feel good about now. you forget, you'll see side of what i think i just pulled out of a forget to do it. i'll call you shouldn't getting logged in. that's fine. yeah. you know, make it that way. i can get that. yeah, i am sending out a form. if i media
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the, is it use it on the truck but sooner? so who's sitting at a google me your need you need any me to focus on that front, that kind of thing. i don't think i'm in my hands that this thing i don't that i'm super new to is a lot of the my name is that a thing? i look it up as one of us if we haven't even memphis, i ideas come again. almost our little egg, let us introduce of the gentleman email. he knows as to the nature of this thing on the level here. 17 seeing sheltering the head of seeing it when i go to the point of the scene, or forgive my innocence or get the thing of it, you only live at all or that i can let them know how one out of 200 out of the photo my vision, but again, the movie up on it, i did a different 0 from deal going view. you will. yeah. yeah. why we're simple saying and so so, so you know,
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so to get on with that of jeffrey clements in my name is the thing else. i've ever had it as of yet, i think we're okay. how it works and see. i can see my last slide moving. we'll see you in our last almost the last time on my check on this one i can send you those only this email. okay. you that it, it for me to will. that is so much so good. it might be, i'm gonna leave it at that link. i filled out mine cannady, but then they will have my case to the office and email is it is sending it over to go no the meeting, the union is able to bond. is that a problem? this is the thing that i thought i said, no solver, everyone's vianza hasn't been, you know, big center since the, everybody has been having a sort of the list of some and see what is sitting in about out of this on the phone that i can be some is what i be like if someone would, you know that some of the us she says the not on level here in any move in. so you have a look at social for me and let me look into some level here face when i have this one you can see on here. so another video that it's for, from them is that if you model it still say to a set and we've had in this for so would you possibly let them know i'm up?
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i'm get us the one we see and your last name click on us in the course of the note . so what i'm about, i can pick it up well, history a little bit harder than a failed, fatal. go get, see any the them why the see that live in the world. right. your and i believe i've been getting a lot of them, won't let you forget that, but he doesn't get a lot of them and i will give a septic on database because we have to think i'm able to get a full cycle on me. so i will take care of some of these, but the very easy for both of me to push on. that's what i like for going to be. so we the, the biggest part of the item that it gives you and the set it up for no, but at the nice bottom of the is a really good phone. but of that, another question. i mean, if you don't need to buy the ticket because it shouldn't be to be in the mean, it doesn't mean it at a $50.00 a month for me. i guess him, for the most part, cost me and that are those that are within the of the services. i gave them
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the by the government they gave, i'm hung up my data. anybody said not to know, i'm heading up my data and do it. them both in a god you know somebody and i would,
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i guess is no say it does. is anybody anybody maybe say i've lived in about 100 of my data by me get out and then douglas, avi satellite. you know, i think it had the vehicle on me. how many of us have you gotten either in the system but i mean, yeah i'm, i'm, i'm even going to dial. i live in vegas. i see you're within the way through the state. yes. certainly. i mean that anybody, you mean by the way, maybe, uh, way through streaming, instead of waiting on someone to get in this low end and download you all by customs that are going to say no matter. i will edit, they mean i will come, you know, see if i've, you know, and if the error is saying you already send me that. i think i may not be able to bubble up. i did, i did gotta be in is muscle to get to that that would be sort of level headed up on, but i can be in that be that even by it. i mean you say why not? yeah, that would indeed swear
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to just throw in the last valley your to the the seem to come look look the with the good. ok the of the world, the poor. assume the all look, this is the lease of the voice of the of the today. so let's go to the
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let's see, good. uh, so was uh, up to the guy your, the unit the, the, the, your, to that the is still available in the that competitive.
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but i can get in on the, on the most for some place. but some of the be done at the sky. see good. we'll the look pretty good. good. good. good. for the most of the oh god to school. people just hit the button
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the the the
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the that's as you mean. yeah. the big the band list to go ahead, the assumption somebody should but after the civil, what uniform dental of somebody, even if i video storms to, to, to go to check on the board has shown that it is showing here. nothing will shut them. deduct will be available, felicia russell was in your portal for the so was this
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the we are the russian hill, $76.00 lane crush side fields around me is this post with metal fragments, spots? actually parts of the plane, human bodies, and blood experience it for the chair on our to international as we get 1st access to the military transport plane crash side incident, multiple levels. a terror attacked by 2 of the plane was carrying 65 ukrainian prisoners of war force swap with russia. and here's the movement. the pressure was portal video. the impact on the ground would have been much worse as the russian


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