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tv   Documentary  RT  January 24, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EST

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general strike under the government of javier milly, organized by the general confederation of labor, a confederation that brings together many trade unions. today's call was also answered by social collective organizations and political parties on mobilizing against the radical reforms being promoted by heavier me lays government. people rally here because of the changes to the decree on labor law regarding trade unions and to push for a relaxation of working conditions. the worsening of the economic situation has, however, added to these motivations above all else. the recent devaluation by the libertarian freedom advances party government resulted in high inflation. and this had an impact on people's wages because they were unable to keep up with the inflation rate. here's what some of the protesters had to say, what again, the prices went up, they don't put a lie to our faces by you. they want to sell the country to sell everything we have to add. i honestly cannot believe the reason we hear you. i cannot believe how such
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an attack on the constitution, which was exactly that was allowed to happen. we are here because of everything, which means the loss of our country and the sale of everything, including our natural heritage. we are here because many people are losing their jobs and we cannot let that happen. we are in the center of the when a star is near the hall. it's a national congress of argentina where the trade union law is being debated and where there should also be some discussion about the decree of necessity and urgency. the people who came here are mainly from different social groups. trade unions, artists and environmental lists came here because some laws contradict environmental protection. feminist organizations are also present. various statements by the government in the media have brought these people together today. the washer and foreign affairs ministry says the 2nd batch of him monitoring food aid has been
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delivered to somalia. on wednesday, the 1st dispatch of free grain was delivered to the east african country. back in november. somalia is among 6 nations on the continent. worship pledge to supply grain or trail, and molly have already received vish as of the plans, 200000 metric tons of grain. here's out one somali official described most gross fulfillment. all that's pledge with the women. we think the russian government for looking into the situation that somalia is currently in we've been going through drought. and then the heavy floods which were caused by the el nino wins. it was possible to reach some of the effective people. we think the russian government for this big support that they have shown us, we hope it isn't the last time i asked the commissioner, may go to moscow and thank them and collaborate with them. we await support from the russian government for the somali people and the somali government throughout
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these difficult times. the us president joe biden was interrupted multiple times by pro policy and protest as during a recent speech and you, i'm shot demonstrate a screaming and i quote, genocide, joe and free protest done were in need of be shut it down by biting supporters. let's take a look at how that went down the right to me deeply. first, we're going to have this for the down here while i'm sorry.
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the list going to go on for a while. i got this place the were heard from dimitry delani, a spirit. supposing full of the facts, our reform is the democratic faction. he said, the western world ignores is rarely a truck that is, even when they're caught on camera. i do not think that the western world is ready to accept the idea that instead of as israel is committing an ethnic cleansing, genocide, despite the prior examples that were caught on camera that are given on or the killing of a person or human being in cold blood by answering questions they've just busted off. and the world especially the western world, is really accepting these atrocities. not only that,
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but generally side joe in the white house, is for supplying weapons to commit these will crimes and claiming to be a pro democratic person. now i would think that the world is waking up in the renters are richard golf and whoever, whatever volunteers shouldn't have supported or still supporting the jimmy side, we have a price at develop box. this will not go on. check the blood of the innocent people in guns that somebody got to pay for it. starting with western politicians. but also it's gonna come back to this random society that has proven to be in the side of society in the 21st century. this such society do not usually last or make they the blood stairs without continuous horse. and at the end of the day, self destruction. and those are the top doors here on our tea. that's our head to
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our website. archie dot com for long. i'm a nationwide josh, and i'll see you talk will be our from on the the you might be able to look into this like really or whatnot, the stuffs. and we believe that the country would be for you one day and we're not allowed to isolate is to proof tasks or from one dance we out of here, we will not leave. and then my people have very strong believing that the commission will go when the because really nice 3 and a best on this will do this. will you know that there is no commission content the end of our life gun. okay. bye bye. you. okay, before now gonna free in the elk abide by you. okay. egypt to provide for you to
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talk to one of his conferences if he now on the okay on and now in the head of state. so about the gun, a gun, all the time is done by the side of justice and human rights. this number one, the number to the again, uh, avoid with the blessing as people in human rights comes in. and when they, when, when there's an invoice about the, just a solution, i'm gonna send viola side. i'm gonna avoid against the non against this thing and go to lines against the obvious it might be pulled against, or the war crime is slight. it'll do it against the light people. and number 3, from the beginning of the 7th of october, they gave me those people who stopped organized, but have been given a solution for investigates, organized to been doing station a call here. and the overnighted one in the money. and the last one, it was only the last part of the it was in capacity. it was very big uh,
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gonna solution and or let people go. jesse thousands, people was there and shouting and going forward. okay. but it's fine. so again, it's done by the side, it was blessing as people because as i told you, get this done by the side of justice and the human life. and i don't think that it's an automatic discipline. this was kind of stand by the side of us, right? because of your support as well. definitely your support at the beginning of 10000 children and get your support as well. that's the manual support that can go swimming $1000.00 and as a and you'll, you'll support the moving of our housing and you'll support the sort of my people i'm visiting and go orlando and you support the commission. you understand. so we're looking for a free them, i'm gonna all the time as i said, to use done by the side of justice under human rights and the international. how would you access? i've talked to him, donna, they kind of supports that you'd be receiving from the us to con, continue to as well, or the, i think on your,
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on your publish document from the beginning, the beginning of the month of october. so 1st that it's time time the system door and code for the for the to assist the ocean, all the stuff. and this is african american union. and as you'll see in south africa, this issue and to go to dig into the coat. this is not easy and we know that so i was, i think i will do it on to continue because the african people and so african people suffering too much on the upper right. and you know, the address of the need, the full 2090 is month to month to the next time the blessing as need does a lot for them up with that. yes. out of 5, he's done by the side of, of the south africa. and it might be able to stand by the side of the south africa . and the feeling was that somebody in the south african people in the same time is latest done by the time it was done by the side of the light against the black
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people. and they support the side to continue to continue the fight in south africa . and the africans, people as the invite the african impulse, those were the now in what is done here. and also the do not want to come up any sign and what's happening in my country. so as african she said the formal and she said the window, but if i had to stop in south africa, a lot of students and then eventually i'm something too much push through my school . if you didn't, they all of the school working. go ahead and because we're not allowed to here to take the short way to the school. the same happened and have been assigned, know the same method. so when the tide is talking but it's fine. so you are a student in, in the school. now when i opened the tv, i see the say, this is the south african bundle. say it's nothing me. so as i want to one,
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i'm looking for an institution, for this conflict, handled african countries. no, no, cause i will definitely pull that this in from that if you want to see it listed into that one is the fuse one they want, they want to continue and they'll condition they want to continue the fight against my people. and they want to stealing more and more and more and more them from our legs. the only company this little did not have brought up and did not have much. so now there's, like, if you ask, i don't want him to show me the level of is that what was it a minister when he want to, for the level of his life the last month. you know, up here doing the show, the land. i go to then the, then it is a lot of the guns and see i just, it was life. that's, i mean they want to provide it or things to combine. so what they want, they want the increase in guys out and then, and then in the country, unlike people living in the company, we're living in because of the want to continue. if they want to continue,
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then it is easy for them to find that was the answer for this it luncheon. why the site is $75.00, feels good luck living in peace? no, no, no sort of cost of us be taking the boys that well for you to the international come know, quotes and, and we know what's happening like if you're facing the assumptions is i don't like i'm a little in the, the supplies when so i think i think there's these issues and you know, all the content stuff to stuff stuff to, to support. so okay, can you just do the g and mexico? you decide to search for port south africa city, sheila and mexico with to the mexico and all of the contents or the african countries support uh, was appointed right now of america and some of the country and the most important and everything. so that will been congress. some of them don't like to see getting the election or home being the housing and getting the families from the children.
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so all the countries now, all the other states in this world started to stand by the side of south africa. wesley, as of right. and this last think i don't know, you know, sometimes i'm feeling this way. there's nothing it has to be the so why do you think i would do is i didn't go back in 96 isn't a good way to go. look at by those think of 2 by 2 and i will go by and google and see them done, right? as united option then i do provide is chosen and they go to the scene as people with the opposite listening as you know, in 6 a 6 you know, is like, and love life goes a 105. yeah. so that's more than welcome. we go to the end of a closet off because then god goes us more to place. but we have only
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300000 people live and they were lovely that housing well, that's the ones in the history. they should understand that the only change in the last, if you want to start or you should use that on the plane and using the home and using those kits. now, the meaning of the change in a wind you think will still get louder. so 4 days of hottest time, he's on the 2nd, 1st of all, i left his hand go into effect on guns as i know a lot of them again, a toilet design goodness, both to support those technical support to the front end of it. as soon as people you know, uh and can i say this is that the dentist that administration there is one of the guardians jumped into the county like busing and children killed by this. i use the kind of them like, there's like no me, i go to the domain know,
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and they will get it into the station. the people in the old, the start the freezing with, with this i thought it was the blessing as people it is not easy for the want to see that best buy is getting a hundreds and thousands of united from the same people. and the world did not try to do anything to the sales people. so not pulling it african countries for those and always done. but the sudden the thing is conviction, except i'm going to and them and it comes up with the size with all the ones they need it. okay. might people, that's it. and then when it comes to the civil solution, the same time. okay, let's, let's go, let's go to the system. does that easy? it is very easy. it's just wondering what the status of the sales people. that's cool. what, what do i think is that something you page him for is that when it comes one to, to do it, to kind of very easy for me. it does very easy for that. i'm the only solution for this conflicts now to since it was mine and talk about it
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a little short talk about it. china, talk about it all that open dentist talk about african countries is good for that. it's an age old old. i suppose that as any of this, i don't want this, i don't want to sitting more on 11 for one. i want to pay my people, they want to come and go to this, the students bookstores, and then it says the fund, those moms for the time is this. is that just this? this is a human rights. this when you think us little with the place and this world, this is not good for them. the
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acceptance. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do, do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else working with plans or do they have the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't marshall stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you think . on the, on the
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not the 156. you in stock full, i've been killed things off to my 7 and by the body has failed to actually approve a resolution on sci fi a. does this show that the u. n. has lost? there's paul ball relevance. i think the 165, not 150-561-6511 the 65. this is war. you know, the same people have some more of the ones to defense about themselves. and as i
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say this, have all the opens in the, in the window stuff. they don't have this one, but now they have because some of the countries give it to you understand if you want to talk about is getting over the people working with you on a bedroom, that is more than $200.00. they can more than $200.00 in but aside, listen to me. i want to do something. if we do the same, if we did the same with us, like if we have the old ones is like have you have the horses ladies have and i'm just like have this one with was the scene and this model of the defense of voltage. and we can do from the if it is $24700.00 from the site is $10000.00 of images and $7000.00 was what lessons was quote, total cost. this is what's going to cost. ok, what they're doing. know again,
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some of the same people same. so when they go to the people who was working with you on it as normal for the site is because they could have done that before. they got you in a walk in the life and the tv. it was life what they are doing after they can do nothing and they will not do anything because they get this or does the order for can. and can you give me this? is this your doing more and more, and we want to feeling at that is some sites and this was done by the side of justice and it's under the single one kind of thing. you know, if we have international law, it's very easy to learn it less than living in peace. and this was hopefully, that wasn't the lesson though. but as you'll see, there's a lot of international one up on you, one for palestine, one photo crane, one full rochelle, 14 k. no one for america, one floor and one for libya. nope. nope,
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non these guys. they keep saying that they are not warwick palestine, but with how much thousands of women and children were being killed. 2000000 people went over. now, i've been forced out of the homes as well as hospitals, which you've mentioned a number of those things. what, what does your take when it comes to the fact that these all say is the on the wall with a mouse and the products that listen to me? number one, but before 1991, there's nothing to noticed with his name is homeless. that a 2nd and the thought of the thing as people, that site is not moving a lot of housing and getting my people before this, the beginning of the sample was the under the 1000. i think a different notice he asked me before how much, how much i started to work only and guys in my of them 1991. you see the problem is they didn't look like it isn't this semester and by this time. and
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if they want to say this or the person to follow when the same people just have less than the husband developed, there's nothing of his name is on the and that's it just gives more than 1200. the for might be. the 2nd intifada, because more than 4400 therefore might be before how much the 10000 should assume in 1000 to but they enter the get the slightest insight or the i can say well that okay, it shouldn't do one year old 6 months old why don't we don't want to not have the children 14 years after she has the children become picking up. she had been, she doesn't get there very, very beautiful small baby left side of the house of have neighbors. and they got the looks of the that they were not the still this the something wrong . and then the culture. this is i signed a sweet thing. it's it's, i mean having the kind of stuff, it's the human when, when
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a lot of people and this is we are looking to us. i mean, why? why? oh, the old have one of the lot. number one, number 2, bullshit to me, lot of from i think a lot of from i share a lot of from russia. let's say, who my number one and then said i am a guardian or police damien, or jordan or from or egypt. number 2, number 3, and so i just want to can do like this. no, but they don't know. nobody will like oh, the oldest son against is like why they don't ask himself boy, because that can get you then enrollment's under this and the students and the for those moms. and they can never think because the 3, the people did not come into sending guys that people, sometimes the children, the children will just need to check for smaller pit. look the font and one is
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always fine. we've been, burglary meant about the visible office that can make that appointment as part of how coffee they can come. you don't believe in peace. they're going to say on the board and want living only and based on the line you how do you expect this situation? so that's how they develop, especially when there are times as the team is all on here on live and on human. as you kind of full scale will actually be prevented. isn't to be as little surprised when having that has thought to collect tax in the 7th of which just supplies to spend 5 years, 5 to $5.00. i was sorry. 5 i was what is i don't know was the 9th is no, i mean that's a good to do is i know it's a period. what does that company, what does the ministers, what? 5, i'll 5 i was going to the stuff is i have this difficult situation with guys and she half and i was unable to attend the same time
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a lock and we've been on the on and the and then i don't think she she can look see you believe that it could be a for you to not, they can do it in one case only in 11. if they're not a sit limited guest of double big with the on, you mean maybe it would be at that us war. we see it in our know because some of the countries are waiting to see how they're gonna change the distinction or work because they're pretty self. some of the kansas i can not believe. i cannot believe i cannot, but sometimes when i think you know that i'm going to kind of talk about and a little bit in kansas about the conflict between osha and oakley. and they said they said that or wish i want to go by ok. the american ok, i'm going to go back to like one day before, right?
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this is i couldn't have done this in a little and there is no international for osha. ok and that's something that support decides also, but i want to explain the idea. i want to talk about the idea the, the, the, the, i'm on bring libya and they can present only one day. and they destroyed syria, american army know, and syria, white. and you look about than what's international know this one. and by this time is the bite, the bullet seems to be the support of co players against my people. how can we understand if you want to see this one of the lives of all the children in this world? all the attendance in this world. we should have only one international and no one justice for the human rights. this time we can the vic, all of us in peace and on the board has also shown some support for palestine. but as it is gone enough or done enough to show this beyond just
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the speeches, i'm here monday through an 8 or the dentist disliked african cut the civic on to have the special institution and special police. but all the countries are typically this done by the sides of but it's 10 percent. but as you know, people, so the ok, so that this upload but assign strongly since may be from month is excessive. know they've been to the blessing and people $20000000.00 a few months without this money. we cannot this, don't know what, let's without this money we can, that's what if you know what it's like again. so it's not going to, is this a part of a duty, egypt your, as i met it or not, i've got this done by oversight and in this conflict and from the bookstore, but most of them come to all of them. they're going this way. and this done by oversight when they, when, when they are both a both and position and they, so all the printers. but as if you asked me, you was more, yes,
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we need more because we want to see the end of this will condition. we want this, i have to stop does a commission to my people until unless and leave so. so if, if you're asking me, we want more, yes, we want to know what more support from not only the content from the old 1 dollar to send, but the type of justice we don't want. i don't think there is one justice. okay. this is done by the side of the just been as one who are lifeless. then by the side . we'd like to see the piece in the middle east, but without the some document de depends about hispanic. they stayed on track and forgot to include like, and not the successive and i don't think it was the piece and then the
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in the band list to go ahead the the quote assumption. i'm not sure, but after the civil war to cancel the somebody, even if i video storms to, to go to check on board is showing that you're showing here and then we left the ship them to talk to me that the solution was in your of the was this, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the we are the russian hill, $76.00 plain crush side fields around me is this post with metal fragments, pots, actually parts of the plane, human bodies, and lot you'll watch an exclusive contained here on our team to national as we get 1st access to the military transport plane crash side, and incident, multiple labels. a carole attack by kia, have the paperless gallery in 6 to 5, your premium present as a war for us. what with russia and he has a movements, the crash was caught in the video. the impact on the brown would have been much


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