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tv   News  RT  January 25, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EST

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square, also known in the world as alms dealers, that we must not be ashamed of them. the cab struggles to explain how a rush and a military transport to carry ukrainian p, o w was shot down close to the ports of infighting a robinson as parliamentary. but the tragedy the pilots of the doomed chat to manage to the plain away from ville top area, k locals of watching an event great to tragedy, to be out exclusively from the mother of one of the pilots who praises the crews higher with the guys had a very good seen due to pro college and age where can support it. a shot. my son was a very comfortable find. and in my opinion, ill heroes. there was a 3 story building here, which i feel that these 4 people resulted in the casualty. the injuries are these
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10 other people. the belongings around suggests that there was at least to some extent of family living. here we bring you an exclusive report from the nothing at all. correspondence in the thoughts concerning us to visit the site of recent is really strikes which left behind a trail of devastation the mid day, hey, in the russian capsule. it's great to have you with us as we take a look at what is happening around the world. and starting as of this, that was an investigation is ongoing into yesterday's downing of a russian military transport with ukrainian peered companies on board with all the details and reaction to the project as well as beat and fighting it's triggered in kids has all t shaped bows from c of this year, just about an hour or east of belgrade or yesterday,
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a russian in new shit and the $76.00 heavy live transport plane was brought down by ukrainian and erica for and it's caused a terrible catastrophe. here. locals are telling us about the earth shaking windows uh uh, also vibrating as this vice machine. remember, this is an aircraft that weighs over 77000 kilograms. and unfortunately, it was kind of not only its solution cru and s course, but 65 ukrainian prisoners of war on their way to a prisoner exchange, who was part of a flight of true solution. 76 is the one of which locally turned around with the 1st one was hit by dismissal until and just into a field just behind us here in belgrade. now the reaction in ukraine has been one of absolute anger and outrage, an absolute cost, a nation as to how this could have happened. it's a total up. everyone is sitting around keeping quiet, but we're,
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the defense minister is nowhere in sight. the presidential office is out of contact . everyone has the heads up the right. it's keeping quiet and just watching and waiting for someone to blame this on. of course, when you're sitting in warm flaps in kiev and revolve, it's really comfortable to think about what is grades and historic. and in addition to this confusion, the, even though the community, a part of the president of a lot of them is, the lensky has also seems to be at odds with what actually occurred here. uh, not saying anything about this attack initially. take you 24 hours before he even did make a statement of what he did make that statement. it seemed confused. and so more contradictory. what's the shortest piano? it is obvious that the russians are messing with the lives of ukrainian captives, the feelings of their relatives, and the emotions of society. old, the effects must be established to the extent possible,
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given the graph crashed on the russian territory. beyond the controls and the total messages coming from key. if we know that on social media the there was a lot of the almost celebration in ukrainian, sir. it goes from some the accounts and platforms associated with the government. they're suggesting that the ukranian military had that you degrade victory, a lot of that was withdrawn, deleted, and covered over if you like. in the aftermath of the realization that they'd actually attack the planck trying their own men. and it seems, it's not just blinding me as the landscape whose messaging and don't understanding of what happened here is at cross purposes. we also had the s b u, ukraine's the in for the security service coming out with conflicting messages about what happened here. according to the agreements, the russian side had to ensure the safety of the defenders. at the same time, the ukrainian side was not informed about the need to ensure the safety of the
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space in the area of the city of belgrade in a certain period of time as was repeatedly done in the past month. the transport across in the 30 kilometer was the can not be safe and must be discussed by both sides in any case because otherwise it puts the entire exchange process at risk. so his rescue teams continue to work here to recover any human remains. they can find, we believe they're spread over a significant area. it seems that the confusion about what happened to year in ukraine in particular, is causing significant problems for velocity as a landscape. and his government shape bows for or t in belgrade of the washington defense ministry has brand at the crash. a terror attack carried out by tips full says, a list of the 65 peer w's killed. and the tragedy has now been published. another plane carrying a father 18 ukrainians, saw this one was diverted with most of the saying the prisoner swap has been paused
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. his how the situation unfolds. the
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people in key of knew very well about the upcoming exchange. they knew the route preserves, and more would be delivered by the attack on the plane was a deliberate in conscious action. the terrorist attack clearly demonstrates the inability of the key ever seen to negotiate form and u. s. army resolve is called ben upsides being, who claim the trades, the lives of its own service. men who are on board the down jet. a brush is dealing with a dishonest actor, a skits of frantic after a drug addict act during the form of the zalinski. and is his little bottom lies cabinet. so they named betrayed this, they betrayed russia, they betrayed the world. they betrayed the even the sentiment of prisoner exchanges, and they've murder their own forces. and that's the narrative that should be carried across to every ukrainian soldier. consider yourself dead if you want to try and return to ukraine as a p o w ukraine would rather murder you like they've done in the past. then have
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you tell the story and the story they're afraid of is that russia is a hospitable kind of balanced, intelligent nation that doesn't want war. that simply wants to put an end to the us, had gemini hostilities that weren't put in place in 2014, that has led to biochemical labs, all sorts of corruption within the united states. and has put the world into a position of conflict like never before. so they're afraid of the narrative. getting out the rush is really the best friend of the ukrainians, while so lensky is their biggest enemy is evidenced by this act of murder name and a train transport came down in a field missing nearby schools. why children with starting at the time, according to eyewitnesses, the russian pilots managed to steer the strict complain away from the city. we heard from the mother of one of the pilots killed in the crash. she said her son and all the crew members should be considered hera's did. he did the oil change, but i'm sure the guys had a very good seam,
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so they did well coordinate his work. i supported, he showed up to my son, was a very comfortable, fine. and in my opinion, ill heroes. the tragedy in belgrade prompted russia to call for an emergency meeting of the un security council. and it was up to fonts which holds the current presidency of the body to agree to block the request for a week or not from paris. well, we'll tell you a bit later on in the program. we'll head on over to our website. i'll ask you to come see when garza continues to spill over the board as, as ro, recently carried out new strikes on southern lebanon report. disney targeting has been as flight test and an exclusive report all teasing. yes, and i couldn't was a foster john, let's to visit the scene of dr. time. this is the sight of an extra ranking. the town of nicola, it's roughly 2 kilometers from the is really border and this vehicle was destroyed,
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flipped over. and i believe the engine is actually on the other side of the compound, which really depicts the level of destruction the is where the air force has caused in these parts of the country. but more importantly, the compound in and of itself, of course, has been destroyed, but the neighboring residences and buildings have also been destroyed. which is a main issue, particularly because this is a residential area. it is populated by civilians. and of course is debris all over the ground. we do need to be careful, don't a trip in full and destroyed vehicle. this is also important in the sense that the country is facing a great deal of economic stress and properties like that are very difficult to come by for the people of 11 on. but the environment here tells a different story. the smell in the air is of course, reminiscent of an air strike, but there's also this friday, this citrusy floating, fermented smell in the air,
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a lemon from what is what was a lemon tree? of course, that is one aspect to it. this country has also been destroyed as a result of the blast, but more so this compound has been completely leveled. there was a 3 story building here which killed at least 4 people and resulted in the casualties or injuries of at least 10 other people. the belongings around suggests that there was at least to some extent a family living here, personal items, clothing and this. this is the engine i was talking about right here, which was separated from the vehicle. and the vehicle went one way, the engine with another. so this is of course, the reality of the quote or this is the reality of a southern lebanon. it's also the reality that is not discriminating. its attacks, not too far from here, is una, so it's the united nations interim. a peacekeeping force in lebanon to ensure that
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these classes do not take place. it's to ensure that there is a peace along the border, but even you feel is targeted from time to time. much of the civilians have evacuated load up for this specific reason. the people that did leave either have had children and families that they need to protect. and the ones that have stayed are here because they want to ensure that their business is, or at least whatever ties them to these parts of the country, remain safe. and as a result, it's a bit of a hit in the minutes, but the one thing that does remain of reality is that the is really military uses. these attacks to frighten the people fighting the locals, and just based on the damage it either suggests one is really air force use high payloads to ensure share destruction or multiple payloads to essentially ensure the same thing that there was the war. so we're not that, is that something that gets the normal because we're out in the or it was the end.
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and during the day it was in the when i add a lot of records from the 16, a place on this as usual, normally. uh, need a quote on the quote above, but my, it was a crazy uh, there was something to big bombs from the plan and they sold this house. and inside this house, that was some people that is not on the 4 people there, but they do within the 2 seconds. the 2 guys out of the door. yeah. because the flight of the that is foot on the one. sometimes it's not boom. that's why they slip to so they want a woman. that's why they sell it to god. while filming is the residence of the quota provided us with fragments of the rockets that we're used to level this a 3 story building. this piece alone weighs about 12 though it's almost as big as my hands. but what's important is it's, it's sharp, it's heavy upon explosion. it this hot to the point that it will pass through. anyone like hot butter and it was used to destroy
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a 3 story building as well as the surrounding environments. however, what's also important is among the fragments. residents and locals also found a piece of the rocket, which reads b, n, b, b to 10. this is of course, in english locals tell us that the israelis do not use rock is like this of this is american made. and it was used to level this residential area and many others around the border with israel, which is roughly 2 kilometers from our current position. and on a regular basis. attacks like this continue at the cost of, of course, civilian infrastructure and life in about the months, but it's not on for months because we're out here from the beginning of the water and we still have other with die here. we don't want to leave us the best for the times on for the latest. the most of the latest now they go on the
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that's the difference. yeah. but for us it's not a my, my workshop is still open though to some of those plans. those are those of the people still, this is the sight of an air strike. israel is not too far from here. roughly 2 kilometers away. airstrikes carried up against the tunnel makoto levels. what was a one point? a 3 story building right behind me? demolished a made one with the earth. i'm just taking a look at the destruction. of course, this is a civilian and residential area. some of the belongings from hum bags, personal items scattered all across the field. what either is, of course, a small size for an adult, a grown woman, or a child too, very difficult to decipher, but the sheer level of destruction, of course, it does speak for itself. but what doesn't, is of course, the level of destruction around the surrounding homes. this was, of course, not the target of the strike. the target was this residential building here,
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but the civilians in this home also had to pay the price. what was at one point, a living room, a bedroom, an area living space for a family has been forced to leave, but the level of destruction doesn't end their locals telling me the cost to build a new home in southern lebanon is as expensive as $200000.00 money, which many people don't have because banks do not give out loans and people don't have access to their own money. and just the share destruction doesn't end their vehicles as well. a very difficult to come by financially speaking. logistically speaking, the share level of destruction, of course, is almost a reminiscence of the atrocities the israel is currently carrying out against the civilian populations. the of course asked like did result in a number of findings for sure. uh, for instance, the strike was so bad that it actually on routed
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a tree from the ground. and you can imagine how difficult that would be or how powerful the explosion it has to be in order to maintain such level of destruction . not the only tree other trees over here. and what makes this concerning is of course, of the fact that we're not discussing whether there were military targets in this residential complex. while we're discussing is of course, the rules of engagement. and how many attorneys should act in residential areas and according to international law, of course, attacks against such targets or illegal. yes, of course, these really air force and these are the military continues to conduct airstrikes in southern level of ukraine is not let me saying itself. so rather it's well with russia to the boston field. it's frequently taking the fight in deep with an enemy territory targeting prominent public figures. so last year,
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russian john started to can i was killed in a call bombing. politicians i saw production was wounded in another comp, last with most grossing key of was to blame, which on list not going to task me was also killed in attack last year. and the project is expected today in the trial of the woman accused of blowing up the populace loca. all teased on a coulter, who covered the tragic events in some pittsburgh last april. has more details. effect foot tall, a pro russian war correspondents, and an effigy riggs? with high explosives, 9 months after of lab length starsky perished and the st. petersburg cafe. when he was handed a trojan horse. daria a trip of us finally standing trial for her role in his murder on that fateful day . she claims she thought the statue given to her by ukrainian agents was only filled with a listening device, but the russian authorities are not buying her story. the citizens meant grill till the key if was useful. the word so striking travel would try to convince the
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investigation that she allegedly didn't know about the bomb and thought that the figurine contained the tracking device. however, the investigation revealed that in fact, she was aware that the f a g she was handing over to the work or responding was filled with explosives. the explosion took place on april, 2nd, wounding, more than 50 people as to tar ski with speaking out of media events that he organized. it's a terrorist attack that russian prosecutors are looking to punish with 28 years and a penal colony for her part trip of admitted she was doing the bidding of kits and was motivated by her opposition to russia's military operation. moscow was already certain. it was the work of ukrainian intelligent services with the help from the west, a seal up to steve, neo nazis and their compass is not only operate on the territory of the new regions of the russian federation, but also commit crimes in other regions. there is every reason to believe in the potential that 3rd party countries and west and secret services are involved in the
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preparation of such acts of territory and sabotage trip of what was the change the day after this terrorist attack took place shortly after the 1st be identified her accomplice as ukrainian national, named jewelry, denise of the niece of coordinated the bomb and collecting information onto darcy's whereabouts and providing the bomb itself. now, according to investigators, she travels to russia from t f. b a lot, fia. and then he fled to turkey. the armenia and to this day he remains at large and the head of the training intelligence services has even admitted they will not hesitate to murder rush and media personalities. this came, i made the other high profile attacks like those on daria do. gonna ends the hard pre life. it was, it was really wish it's everywhere. it's clear that we didn't blow up. daria, do you know? but if it comes down to it, we will get our hands on. so a view of getting and something on are they also targets? so we'll do it the part. let's just say we've already gotten a lot of people. there are some public and media attacks that become fair play as
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they say it. they'll say this pull up and get put on such a list to little quotes. and most of when you get personal, i have to answer you as any service in the world. classical response, we cannot comment on this situation. we can neither confirm nor deny this. meanwhile, is the lensky claims. he had no idea of what was happening in saint petersburg or moscow, while others in his administration moved to carve out a narrative, alleging internal russian descent. i was inside petersburg when to have brought terror to the city following events, minute by minute. here's a rundown of what i reported at the time. i'm right here in saint petersburg. and as you can see behind me that the cafe that we just saw on the program, and there's a fire trucks and the government investigators looking into find out exactly what happened, police officers are searching around the city for a girl that i witnesses are saying, i brought a statute with an explosive device inside and handed it over to loveland sitarski.
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daria a trap of a will. this is a woman who was detained by the authorities on suspicion. i'll be behind this. murder versus anti terrorism committee. has determined that this was a terrorist attack, organized by t of with the help of agents from the aforementioned extremist organization, the anti corruption foundation, the story of the terrorist attack that ended sitarski is life and injured dozens. more is one of many sad stories of suffering caused by ukraine's disregard for civilian life. whether it be cold blooded assassinations, or t as ever, increasing attacks against civilians in russia's boarder regence. it seems to be a desperate attempt by ukraine to mask its failures on the battlefield. front switch courtney holds. the presidency of the un security council has rejected the call for an emergency session. most ago, had requested the meeting to discuss yesterday's downing of a russian miniature transporter,
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carrying ukrainian pier w's that problem discussions for administered to hold his own, racing up the global bodies headquarters in new york. well, wash and step to him boss with the un set the power said d valued diplomacy. well, let's move as could have been predicted, the french german ship chose to abuse its authority as chair of the security council in january, and refused to exceed to our demand for an urgent meeting of the un security council in connection with the terrorist attack by the key of resume guest, our aircraft carrying ukrainian prisoners a fort for exchange. it is a pity that one's glorious friendship. long to see has been devalued to such betty cheating. russia has called a meeting, an emergency meeting of the un security council on this matter. however, it appears that france has blocked this meeting from taking place. they've used their power as the acting president of the un security council to prevent this emergency meeting requested by russia for moving ahead. right after the plane was shut down, key cleaned yet another victory for valiant ukrainian armed forces. but as soon as
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it became known that the plain was carrying ukrainian prisoners and cube officials didn't know that there was going to be an exchange. ukrainian propaganda immediately tried to cover up its joyful reports about the victory and is now trying to find some other explanation. i had the opportunity to ask the russian foreign minister about the anti russian rhetoric. we've heard from both american media and american politicians. and if this means that they are possibly citing out of the population for all out war against the country, here's some of what he said when answering my question, the sure studies. so i hope that there are still smart people in the us by and say that a few cream loses a russian will go to the baltic states, finland, and so on. president prudent has already commented on this matter, saying we have no desire or need to attack anyone's either militarily nor politically, nor economically. we would have had no need to launch a special military operation if there had been no coo and new cream. and then when
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the mens could agreements were signed, it turned out that no one was going to honor them except putting the special military operations to became in editable after years of trying to convince the west that there is no need to create a direct threat to russia on our borders also heard from the russian foreign minister regarding the situation in the middle east. in particular out israel continues its bombardment of gaza and how the united states has played a very negative role in this whole situation. preventing humanitarian aid from being delivered, enabling israel to carry out it's ongoing atrocities for concert. so, and then you should be able to use this as for the current crisis and the implications of us policy in the region. they're equally understood by all not a single campaign that washington has undertaken over the last decades referencing it's fundamental security interest, even 10000 miles across the atlantic, where it has added security threatened not a single campaign has resulted in
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a better life for the country that was attacked and a recurring theme throughout his remarks was that in many countries that were once colonized, i've now established their own independence. they've started to walk on their own 2 feet and develop their own economies. and it seems like the united states is not willing to accept that the rise of the bricks, nations and the bricks, economic union, the independence of various countries from the former colonized world and their desire to participate and join with countries like russia in china and the process of development seems to be something that the western leaders are actively trying to prevent, trying to stop the new global economy. that is emerging, the world is simply not centered around wall street in london anymore. and there is a new economy emerging around the world. this was a theme that came up throughout the russian foreign ministers remarks talking about how the united states is essentially trying to hold off the future that is breaking through across the planet. as far as us signing off from the russian capital just for this hour. but if you haven't got, you'll sort of use that. ok,
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you don't. com. is the place you take a peek. and caesar the, [000:00:00;00]
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the have getting stand has attracted conquerors attention from time immemorial, in the 19th century, the british empire decided to subjugate that century. the british view, the afghan lands as the northern gateway to india, and wanted to turn them into an obedient province, trying to predict the independence. see a mere of a dentist in those blue hama turned for help the russia waste. the british considered their d. o political adversary, this was the last straw for london. britain declared war on the half gans in august 18, 39. the invaders occupied couple and brought their heinsman to bowers. the invaders brutally suppressed. any resistance thus, is telly they slaughtered all ask in man who had reached the delta pen, raped hundreds of women, seeking to him really 8 the muslims in 18. 41 general uprising against the british
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yoke began debris. it is under the command of general elton stone last couple and started to retreat. only a few out of the 16000 invaders who had begun their march from couple made it to the british position in general about the defeat of the royal army caused enormous damage to the prestige of the british empire throughout the world. the victory of the afghan people became the most important events in the history of the oppressed peoples resistance to the colonialists. it just failed the races. smith of the european invincibility, the i usually, i mean, he likes that. i'm kind of like the ones who doesn't from the view and he's got to be a good oh goodness, i don't know,
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brother in law and call it advocate to see us in the see, you know, could of been on the, not on the me look at it just like, well he was like what he was going to find you online in the house, on the music, on the mini malls and deal them. there's almost 100 of under the toner. but if i knew it seemed verified, owned by you say they mean you get on things around them and you're the emperor of canada. some be and you get out on, would you see what the thoughts could? i think the government put in what you say, my casa, a guess of waiting to hear from somebody, i mean, for that is for the gate who have the most and then one of the final levy the best . so not sure, even if that part again, nothing will change when i see because i had only a 4 and her and then the all and i will only so what i said slowly seeps over to the extent that my sent out and do worse. know if were there wednesday, i mean, once i've been one of them, then pull them through, well not a matter of g m,


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