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tv   Documentary  RT  January 25, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EST

4:30 am
it's not fun, the me love it. it just like go here live with you this going to find you online in the house, on the music, on the many malls and deal go moon. there's almost 100 of under the that i was what people have. and so now how do i have, i knew it seemed verified own by use and i mean get on through the window the impulse. can i just i'm be, i'm you get, i don't, would you see what the thoughts could? i think the government fucking were chasing my casa a cassette within the hotel. yes, i phone somebody. i mean for that is for the who of the mouse and it was the amount of love you know, the city that it, that forget, nothing will change when i see me plus i had only a 400 and then the all and i will only so what i said, so do you see the big sent them i sent out on the words know before they went the, i mean what's the minutes for them? they will not in my role g m, i guess, you know, for safe side all we activities. you'll get okay, that will be a non duty uh for them and us many outcomes. they'll come for
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a better look at my site. you see something you're going to be and you'll see what i'm in throughout. and it'll come from info available. and you said it was more than a city or even a demo or e mail me that you'll get. okay. what do you have the higher the middle getting in the middle meet on the e mail system, cody and the sad part is heavy. yeah. some of the seen on the face, the, the being, i even the seo and i want to kind of what i'm being maybe seeing. i think that is and this isn't 0 english on resume the service. you have bicycles almost at least you may recall investigators. i think or because they say that i looked at the to
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get him through to zillow only, no bucks for the kids to see that. okay. like kind of go that i have to meet the 30th. is that like a young little places in full? can i see anytime yeah, a month to finalize the new model. one cannot in. instead of the single i gave you, can i punch the, what is emily's the got info from the front. i mean thing up inside of can level for me because some excess seo into one really isn't literally. that is the only reason. nobody is whenever you think of them palate. but i think the main thing is all the icons and then can, you will see that us on data mazda mazda, either 140 a little bit, and i but so like a game. no, but as i least for my page, i'm going to be self because id a. my name is that it will only come in there, but i want to sell not a goose of going up as simple as that equals to be. so if,
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even if you go get a new b as in and set a lie, as you get a feel of this ago minus the 2nd row of any one of us on a given that a would be monday, fema santa liars and you can see them difficult on most i did give you the one. so say last set, oh no, no to event the need is the mean is the mean is if that is in the mean is the only available and lovely supposedly wonderful channel for anyone else from the you see in the middle based on the city of the 9150 united la. honestly the dad is he gets older so me, you know, made it fine. you do want to comment on this already set up for them. i've been trying to get them into one in my last a born a. so if somebody in the
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settings and i don't wanna say 0 in the middle, say 0 is after receiving it as i get myself out of the home. i don't wanna go even though, but honestly it's not even less than i leave. i mean, i would only go or, you know, affordable. you said no money to 15000. it seems said i meant to get a ok for the side on the top, on it for a little guy and we'll see on it because on the fever and we'll see when it gets on there. but i see and we'll send it to you. if i'm being my name's thought i have your name c at i eda e k. okay. me me that i'll give you a little bit of note on that. so let me see. so it'll get how to proceed. i mean syncing ones on. yeah. they will notify. okay, so go ahead and go to the order and miss diesel only agreeing to sign on to say anybody out of okay, so that means and i understand c plus you and if you want to set them with any but as soon the
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receiving end date, i live in a week long as you case by a level, but then she and then what do you mean that is especially a are called form of idea of the road is a key for a system i guess and got a they mean it was black for to stop by the force that a lot of can seen as me said, the sample frequency for some, you know, some of the big data from the they've gotten me on. since i knew that since the sun had on me unit, they would assume that at that point yet i feel that the best possible mean though they don't want them to say we that up. i didn't, i meant that, but i will split up as soon as i can get them to sleep out of it for me. i you don't know if you ever got this set up the symptom for them. you mean those that people do the bidding devon feel? nobody's gonna say that, but i will still get a sense on my thing is that i do like when i 1st and like i said, i each in my name is it sort of my ceiling in my name is that i go to the specific one for me unit, hello,
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my name is a name from base and see where it ends in the bottom. that'd be said. one of them is the thing that i'm the son of the other woman's. okay was as he had told him, i said when we added for g, i like a, a one, i guess what? it was one of the last ones on audi. i knew about it, but it went to see, i guess what i'm saying. i don't know the handles. i know the significant when no signature, columbia heavy, i know it plugged in a useful little bit, but all you can say i last, you know, like a little packet that i need the condo easily. ready and i'm going to talking to them as soon as i get in and see if i'm getting this all the same we're gonna need, i don't know, i need to meet on the, on the need would be most of you know, anything come into more. i'm into, it's just something you'd see on it like i'm on hold on to
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a little bit busy to get i haven't decided to ask a complete amante's or it's blowing. there is a good bye say a little bit of peanut i, you know, the rest of it using to the size of it, annual identity or get ahold of somebody that i'm body. that's how you mean out of when they load on, you know, just that, that they might even easier to accept the, a folk on the different media people homeless. i gave you kind of what you said on audio on the pool. so like i said, i just made it up and that was really an invalid and he says enough and i thought he's taking the bus all, i'm leaving this of the scenes. that's what to do to me. but so on. i can say that are 33 and i said i am said the feedback what and they would show me what the sample is. you need us. i mean, why didn't they, you mean is in need of the some percent accurate in about that? say i guess what the percentage later on, i mean, what do we do offer, but at the end it goes to we so again, it was, it was a,
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what is this about getting, this is what the sample for. but i didn't focus, so i need somebody getting pulled up and i think that is what it though could have been like i said, and be a little bit music is book is nominated easily for the support of all of them will get the when a messy on your motto, it goes get one feel of the single that you put it in the summer kid. i don't see somebody maybe angry. yes, i had always some you a from the not always feeling what the they, they ask because it is, i mean, didn't give it a lot for the family and the zip the be made a payment to us for last. what about the dresser? the the size again my looking, we send them, you will see we can tell you for like what is the vehicle on the 11th and the last i know with a lot of them you know for so i mean on the key and i do forget the whole purpose here in oklahoma, but as what the point is, so what she likes. so we, i give us people in the you and, and see money to get it needs to get a moment for so normally the
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category of non duty up, one moment you to have the end to get by say get them, you know, so, i mean, no no good, i mean, you know, getting this that i'd be able to get any of that going so far. i mean i have to get this will buy it if way. i swear tomato soup anymore. so, so, i mean, it does say that it has like a single message saved message seem disabling uh, seem to say like a 2 point is that again, nobody cited eli and for much on some of the data. and it's at one city on more than what we thought would be more mess. it would be one, you know, once it is seasonal in the end, a little baby girl that doesn't really mean don't get lost. that's much those in the field. and the single 2nd is indecent and, and the numbers are not meet on the and then your muscle doesn't mean being the living the but as need based on that person, i'm in video and the same thing with the message she and they say say it's and so
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when the be going flexion, if and that it simply means typical variables have a sort of need and that the person that need and thinking you got a lot of, i guess that was amazing. that was what is, let me the so the little some of them inside as a seat. and it's as simple as i bought that, but it'd be a hard for going to me that how do i, how to make, i mean miss any of us, we're going to do possible, or maybe more than be honest about a lot of these are the interesting i mean, does i press on the lot of them is that essentially the cable, they might have a son when he, the extension panel will say this, the, the moment is when i can come and do it. do you focus on in see my able to present a lesson. okay. yeah, let me get on the list. some of these, you look at them, us or you know police, at least the side of the all sort of model corner to forget he's coming through them, but it's okay. meet us need. i know somebody and the other one is when i read them and instead of the one, the form
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of the name of the id i'm in dental to buy this i go get all getting. i mean for the event the bus will be model guessing. along with i for them i these, i live inside the a little here. i know the driver with the here. if somebody can be soon to send people in my last, you'll notice this one. and this one is at the better and assume than this one into the sort. and i guess and data when uh, the audio can see the consumer the. but i said to be the other thing that is, i can show you this how real associates are not the lock up in the you k, as in. so to get a thought, we up, you name a minute and associated us on the left and we need to see if we can use i get it. can you standing on the, on the start when you stop, i mean you send them in, they have to come in. they thought it in 3 in one leaving unless you opened it up for you to as i look for my media, is that i sent the rest of the kentucky to one of the people. possibly. i mean,
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unless you have a lot of little seen. yes. oh, so you would have been no, i think i'm gonna so that will remove it out of i was only meant to continue. you can only have one here, but in the interest of or so you'll get into the, in the, in the, in the morning and there's a little my ma, get ok in line 30, going not. and natalie natalie, hey, the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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the russian states never as one of the most sense community best english. i'll send some of the same assistance to progress be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the rush of funding and supports the r t spoke neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services for what question did you say a request,
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which is the the, the, the the big the band list to go ahead the, the assumption somebody should but after the civil
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was uniform dental, the familiar with if i video storms to, to me to put you on board is showing that initially i'm here today and we left shifting detox was really a beautiful solution. russell was in your list of all the was this the side you can kind of ideas are going to use the problem, the out africa and also a lot that big deal and the other lot the lawsuit. so this i'll use, you know, actually goes on the scene, you need the for the gun on the, see if i'm going out for the go on the most of the, for, let's see on the, like the by you surface, you know, in the that you have the gum wayne,
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but event they've been so within that i have and so i don't see and you have to give problem. and most of us, whether if you need, do you want me to complete those? i don't see any of them. i haven't had a problem. i think some 5 are not going to the not go daddy's and going to love seeing that book. definitely gone. i don't know my case in some way or but i only 30 on that. and i guess within the single, the same time you have an idea of who we are and is we just had our we went in again. so you want to get on us, see how it are you wanting to tell me you're going to die like one on the go left on on the book says another policy on it. now you'll get on this was any other way they added. they've gotta do it on, you know, sullivan is, how does he know them being promoted? yvonne, as i'm sending you guys, i'm gonna be able to get bonus. basil complain are you the pro bc exec knowledge? other software. yes. is a you yeah, this how do you have know how to solve the case? it can be and i said,
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of course the gain condition and all the money to get them loans. the numbers are always getting us and let them the people say more so it was at the end the interesting at the end of august and as always, as you get into the classroom, but been a little bit about some of a lot of kids in but it's a good thing that i'll, i'll do is i'll put it in my legs missing a little bit. i'm going to simply say, percent, that's ok. i suggested the book, but i'm going to bring you up on a works it and also wanting to, if i'm not at the end of it, but i'm the general throw out a new link. cannot even get done in this in its own. if it means don't know, so i'm in the i but when you know the last, you know, you know, the style you know, you know, to be, i is, is stories. when i push the on that those, because again, the problem was never stealing the dollars to the audio. both of you and i'm to, i'm like, is that the national, have you been doing this though? it's just to get that goal for them. if we,
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if i see the inside of the middle and it will not at all, and i'm, i'm not, yeah. and can you be enough? see, sorry, i did not look at my side. nothing on the i can dig into something will be the most of any the setup initial invest that you'll get to get the media line. think of them into them and says, and then they can be a how to get there. i mean debbie at the by the side and look at that. my son, noah delilah. but again, i read it again a little study uh send me that. so this would be at a me, but it will still be a bit of an i guess you'll see some of what i think i just pulled out of forget to do it. i probably shouldn't get thing logged in. that's fine. yeah. you know, make it that way. i can use that. yeah, i am sending out a form. if i media of the is it you said on the fact that it should happen sooner? so here's the thing that are going to be me. you need me, they need me to find because i'm not from that. i can also find out on the some, in my head of this thing. i don't that honestly believe it is
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a lot of the my name is the thing that was wonderful and safe wasn't even in memphis. i lived in that article again, almost all the rest of the gentleman's email. he noticed that he knew this thing that the level of use of the beam, seeing the, as i have seen it on, i goes to the point of the scene, the forgive my, let them know my innocence or the village i live at all or that i get, i'm gonna have one out of 200 out of the for my vision, but i gave the movie up on it. i get a view from 0 and you can view e, well yeah, yeah, that was simple. say needless to say no to get them with the to just bring them in a minuses so they know nothing else either have it as of yet, i think all ok how it was and see i can see much less i move it wants to and i almost the last time of my check unless somebody gets on you on the team. ok. you that of that for me to will. that is so much so good. am i left for you only to leave it at that link? that's the landline got a bit and then we'll have him,
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i can cut off and then the machine is it is. so the net or the guy know that a 1000000 units able to buy is that all of this is this thing that about us. it was, you know, slow, but as long as the answer companion of it isn't available, everybody has to and how do you spell it out to you sometime and see what is sitting in about understanding the funds that that'd be some is what might be the case i'm would you know that some of the us she says the not on level here, the not in a moment. so you have in all of your social 3 not, i mean look into a level here age when i this one you see on you. so one of the unit at your, from them is that is that still city a said and think we've had and but for some people support talking to let them know i'm off. i'm just wondering to see your last name, click on it and go to the new so when mendota tends to get a box, that's the heart of the failed fatal. go get see if you don't have the see that live in your and i believe i've been getting a lot of them on that. you forget them in the but he definitely get a lot of them when i would get his african database because he has to be go able to get
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a full cellphone on me. so i will take care of sundays. i'll put the very easy for the ultimate, of course on that's what i like for going to be. so we've got a lot of people who will be lucky because he's going to go a little bit, but as a and then it gives him the and, but that's the one. no, but it's a nice keep that i'm of use of really good fun. but of that, another question i need to do, i need a hassle to get by difficult because it's in the mean. it doesn't mean it. it's interesting. all right, my form, i get simple formulas. both cost me at that $100.00 because the whole weight in the the unit and i gave them
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the by the comment they gave, i'm hung up my data. anybody said no to know what we're heading on my data and deal with them both in a god you know somebody and i would, i guess is no say it doesn't look them into anybody. i mean, he said, i've moved in oklahoma by that by me. get out and then douglas avi sat us, you know, i think it had the vehicle on me. how many of us have you i need or in the system but i mean yeah mom, i'm even going to dial. i live in douglas. i see you're within the meeting to stay the same way. i mean that anybody, you mean by the way, maybe uh,
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way through streaming instead of waiting on someone to get out in the low end and battle of your bible. so instead of going to say no to might, i will. and if they meet, i want to come, you know, see if i've, you know, and if the error is saying you already sent me that i think i may not be able to bubble up. my dad i do gotta be in is muscle to get to the that would be side of level of head of the button, but i can be in that in that email by them instead. why not? yeah, they slid oh, just throw in the last buddy. go to the the soon to come look me up in the google getty of the
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world because you all look, this was the other vehicles from the us, the the lucy did the nurse who was inside of it is the so the guy you'll get
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the, your to that the is still available as the victim, but the, the but i can get and most of the, um, the most crucial but simple to be done at the
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sky. see good meals. uh pretty good. good. yeah. it was was for the uh, most of the oh god to school. people just fit out of the buddy. the good
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the, the best experience for the rest, the problem or the choice january 1st that is before the so the most it keeps going. as i mentioned earlier, is up to steep requirements, not express here,
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submit item. so image of matter as only can regards no problem. you have no open up in the front and then for the 5th and if i know 4 will be street, the mention is pretty much perfectly buffalo. but if you want to know where it brings, throws them over proof of those type of stuff that you are going to have to move the learners off of things that are available to try and implement. so the most of the triple just the enough one to the it's almost the, it's a little bit more of a, one of the system, the good little issues. i mean,
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that's the see the silver, the book to somebody. how can it be that um the ship to the middle east from a country whose top officials constantly complain about shortages of munitions and military equipment? is fairly low paying the boy a bit of boss, a low grade, and then little boy in your system with below grade level nominal facility or some of those other slash them about the easiest little so one of the easiest number mobile bubble a full wellness special kind of the piece that have gone on now. well, why are weapons from ukraine spreading over the world to, to of this country and to a major arms hub, will continue to bolster ukraine's armed forces by rushing them and capabilities that they need to defend their country. the everyone knows very well that we don't sell but known as pineapples or any kind of children's toys. we sell women's. yes,
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we're also known in the world as items dealers that we must not be ashamed of, that the key of struggles to explain how a russian military transports a carrying ukrainian peered companies was shot down close to the for the inside taking a route and it's called a bunch of over the tragedy, the pilot, some of the do jet manage just the plain away from the old top areas, say locals, about taking an even greater tragedy. we hodge, exclusively from the mazda of one of the pilots who praises the cruise heroine. the guys had a very good scene today due to for college and age work and support of the shot. my son was a very comfortable fine and in my opinion, you know, she lives there was


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