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tv   News  RT  January 25, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EST

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the, the, the territory would contain sacrifice tens of thousands of soldiers, thousands of, uh, tags on the bus and out jerry, um would charge uh, $2.00 to $2.00 days to retake, to calm good talk to you reporting from the front line. where are you crating and troops beat russian forces, and that's key of retreats. it's modest gains are left behind a key, i'm struggling to explain how our russian military transport, carrying ukrainian p o w is, was shut down, close to the florida in fighting erupt. senate parliament over the track time israel denies involvement in the attack on a un compound, in gaza sheltering despite the palestinians comes at the agency says an id up tank attack caused mass casualties and up to building
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the or i talking to pm on thursday. here i must go with your news lined up front and center, so straight to you. great. now to kick off with this news, our here on not a russian forces have were taken positions from ukraine. that key i've had taken over and is counter offensive or senior correspondent, but i guess the f as this report which is from the front line, a little distance away from, from the front lines of the very short distance away from the above oil, which is near the boats in the, and one of the main directions of the euclidean towns were offensive, failed counter offensive over the summer and never the less the credit reports is here, but able to penetrate some kilometers into russian defenses. pos, the dragon's teeth. the now famous will for you create infamous drag and seat defensive lie, the 1st russian defensive line we were here instead of of oil during the summer
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offensive through autumn. we so you paid in vehicles funding by the doesn't uh everyday. now, a weird situation where do you credit in sally of the credit in a sense of his being robust that gains russian troops, or are me a 500 meters away from closing those defensive defensive lines? up again, this is russian, apple, and troops, as well as special operations forces. we could also tell you that you can, is indeed running short of especially large got heavy kind of a large caliber tillery shelves with even more and more a cd drugs company called g. drones being used by you create an attempt to uh, to compensate for the shortage in heavier um, well well since hearing from 5 this here that there are much few. are you pregnant? so just minding positions, trenches of firing positions here on the front lines,
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which again, speaks of a manpower shortage among you credit in forces. but this is indeed a remarkable reversal so quickly for russian forces to have reclaimed so much territory. many, many thousands of square kilometers can better bubble up our boats in a low. this is territory, but you can sacrifice tens of thousands of soldiers, thousands of times, solid personnel carriers all would cause the to, to, to take, to retake, to congress. and this is, will reverse at this point, that me a 500 meters left for russia to close up. the salad that you create achieved over some of the counter insides of the investigation is ongoing. into yesterday's down and go by russian military, transported across with ukrainian p o w was on board with all the details and reaction to the tragedy as well as the in fighting and t of is onto these shy bucks
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of this year. just about an hour or east of belgrade, or yesterday, a russian in new shit and the 76 heavy live transport plane was brought down by ukrainian and erica for. and it's caused a terrible catastrophe here. locals are telling us about the earth shaking windows uh uh, also vibrating as this vice machine. remember, this is an aircraft that weighs over 77000 kilograms. and unfortunately, it was kind of not only a 2 person crew, of course, but 65 ukrainian prisoners of war on their way to a prisoner exchange, who was part of a flight of true solution. $76.00 is the one of which locally turned around with the 1st one, was hit by dismissal and pulling it into a field just behind us here in belgrade. now the reaction in ukraine has been one of absolute anger of the outrage, an absolute cost,
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a nation as to how this could have happened. it's a total up. everyone is sitting around keeping quiet, but we're, the defense minister is nowhere in sight. the presidential office is out of contact . everyone has the heads up direct keeping quiet and just watching and waiting for someone to blame this on. of course, when you're sitting in warm flaps in kiev and revolve, it's really comfortable to think about what is great and historic. and in addition to this confusion, the, even of the community, a part of the president of allowed to be this event has also seems to be at odds with what actually occurred here. and not say anything about this attack initially . take you 24 hours before he even did make a statement of what he did make that statement. it seemed confused. and so more contradictory. what's the shortest piano? it is obvious that the russians are missing with the lives of ukrainian captives, the feelings of their relatives, and the emotions of society. old,
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the effects must be established to the extent possible. given the graph crashed on the russian territory. beyond the controls and national doable messages coming from key. as we know that on social media the there was a lot of almost celebration in ukrainian circles from some accounts and platforms associated with the government. they're suggesting that the ukranian military had that used a great victory, a lot of that was withdrawn, deleted, and covered over if you like. in the aftermath of the realization that they'd actually attack the planck trying their own men. and it seems, it's not just the black to me, is the landscape whose messaging don't understanding of what happened to your is at cross purposes. we also had the s b u, ukraine's the in for the security service coming out with conflicting messages about what happened here. according to the agreements, the russian side had to ensure the safety of the defenders. at the same time,
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the ukrainian side was not informed about the need to ensure the safety of the space in the area of the city of belgrade in a certain period of time, as was repeatedly done in the post london, each from support at cross in the 30 kilometer was the can not be safe and must be discussed by both sides in any case because otherwise it puts the entire exchange process at risk. so his rescue teams continue to work here to recover any human remains they can find. we believe they're spread over a significant area. it seems that the confusion about what happened to year in ukraine in particular, is causing significant problems. for flattery, zalinski and his government shape both for or t in belgrade apartment. that's a lot more now with a gun. us put the cold on his joining us at live on the, on the international again, as the chief editorial the finish m v let the news website great throughout the program. thank you so much for joining us. i mean, this is just an awful story. you know, we're 24 hours into an hour. yeah. and those, you know,
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i just wanted to ask the is over, say moscow is blaming t a foot for shooting down this aircraft. and it was, as we all know, a humanitarian mission, with all these you cried in p o w is on board. but i, you know, i want to ask you, do you, do you think if, if you take all the rhetoric and narratives away, just think this was a deliberate attack on the cross, but you think was accidental. the 1st of all, i don't believe x, and this being a such high state conflict, the total creating a conflict in the world scale ease just kind of even comes as a shock, as it should do. it's, i think there is a situation in care of all obviously the, the right time doesn't know what the left hand is doing. and the question is, who knows what is going on to create these kind of confusion? it's a very effective way. they'll get the cranium corner for you to stay in the news.
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and that's is what i think that is full about. it was all about that in the new year in belgrade because that in the doing that step latest day or palm beach to keep the creating and conflict in the international media. because these days, these weeks are highly important for the give regime to keep the discussion about the support for create on the agenda on the people's minds and to create a such kind of for news and information which shows that the conflict. please hold that there are events happening and there is chaos on the ground. this is something to live or the west to get people to be in the ball. i say it's, i mean it's ultimately, it's a, it's a re drawer attention back to the competing ukraine at a time when so much of the west and political a media landscape is focusing on gaza these days and a has been, as you will know for the past 3 months and just wanted to ask you about a,
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a former ukrainian m p e. go to and we'll see joke who, who is going public saying quote, arrest should be made in keir. he also said that early ukrainian media reports back tracks on their original confession, the key of killed its own p o w is in this aircraft strike your thoughts. this is the reality which, where this kind of elk applied to countries like creating and other western devices . they find themselves in they have corporate the there will, they cannot control who are working for war. bob, blue or cranial interest, like playing a play, boost written in a far away from a great country. and of course it won't be as the beginning your own guys east, something what cannot be accepted nationally so. so i think that this is
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a wake up call for many people integrated and making the real questions that the worries are really in commercial. always do calling the shots, you know, crazy and jerry tory and uh, and i think that these, these is always gamble also for this international rock, there's no such kind of things. so where is the red line also for dual credit, when people young us, why do you think fronts blocks? moscow is request for an emergency united nations security council meeting on the down angle, this humanitarian mission. why would powers look the request for an emergency u. n. s c meeting that they lost just huge number of french corporate. there's no harm in the same region. i don't know how much the price is. maybe they don't know themselves either. how involved they are in the
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situation and events. what are taking place from the heart of region right now? so, so they are, they are in a gamble. also they don't know who we scored slowly. so always for them safer to step aside and to, to let the situation lead to some direction where they can again, start to hold the french just most tens of their corporate groups in the heart of region. yeah, that's right. so, i mean, you're alluding to the fact that this could possibly be revenge by powers thought the losing 60 or french most in areas who are, who are hanging out in a very nice hotel in ukraine. what do you think? yeah, that's what, what do you think is the future now? we will now pretty much, well not unless you're watching the west of mainstream media. you should know better than that. but if you're watching archie and some of the other channels out the, you'll now know that also keeps failed contra offensive during last summer, and ukraine and sole fizzling out pretty bad for the key of regime. the nato weapons that we basically, america nato, have already lost their proxy war against russia. but now you have this airplane
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being taken out. this russian aircraft full of ukrainian p, o w's, some people the same. now key ever has basically lost the conventional war. now was going to result to unconventional means i e. terror attacks across the russian territory. what are your thoughts down us? you know, the main thing now is to understand that where is the order of the law and the justice out of where he's the director of k is of the most problem. but the thing is that you've, these operators what creating these kind of terrible things. ok, ok, and shocks are managing to create a picture that the, the, nobody's controlling and creating a situation. we have to get involved. we have to serve you in the situation that will create the serious a threat to everybody. because because a lot of the situation that when, when russia is really doing, they are giving immediately facts on the table. there was 65 people here,
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all the names there was decent that going on. we know exactly what's happened and we demand a reasonable actions to follow. so the older, the understanding is in the russian side. and when we advances in these corner, it will bring order and understand ability and rights and justice. so, so the where's displaying these black card by showing a full feature that the recent k is know, there is a controlled k is and, and, and that's i think the arts, he's doing great. they are dealing with the facts on the table. and people around the world, you look the fact and understand that there is the control and understandable situation. i appreciate you saying that right there. john, listen, joe political analyst, the youngest puts going in joining us live here on how to international. always a pleasure. thank you. so much thank as well, the russian ministry defense has branded the crash. a terror attack carried out by
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kids forces a list of the 65 p o w was killed in the tragedy has not been published. so that was the 2nd plane, tiring of the 80 ukrainian service when that was suddenly devoted when the 1st plane was taken out. moscow says all the prisoners swap the deals right now for the meantime are on pause. but just for a moment. here's how the situation unfolds. the
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people in kiev knew very well about the upcoming exchange. they knew the route preserves in the world, wouldn't be delivered by the attack on the plane was a deliberate ink cartridge section. the terrorist attack clearly demonstrates the inability of the key ever seen to negotiate right. shifting the ga so now with the un has reported and attack on the organizations training center that houses 800 displaced people located. we're talking about the southern city about sun, eunice. it says a pair of idea of tying so round, so i should say show, let's hit the building. however, israel has denied any responsibility to this. so we understand the 9 people killed many others wounded and the un special rubber, 2 of palestine instead of the strikes constitute an international cry. or
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why blocking a to stopping people? because this is what apartheid, the organic byproduct of secular colonialism looks like. segregation and depression pushed to the extreme, ordering trapped people to evacuate and bombing them before they can even do so. it's kind of us, yes. and it is also a series, international crime punishable under the rooms. statute of the international criminal court. separate, got some really disturbing numbers for you, the latest casualty, the death toll now standing out over 25000 people. and according to god, 0 officials since the beginning of october, 11000 children have lost their life stuff. figure as a pos, the number of kids killed in was in iraq, afghanistan, and i'm given here are the numbers for you. it's not nearly equal to the amount of children killed in syria over 11 years. now most of those who are surviving the war and guards are basically doing so constantly in search of safe havens with
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a un saying that nearly 90 percent of residents have been displaced. of course, every day brings new casualties. and according to the numbers of 1000 children in gaza, i killed every 10 days, adding up to, for the from a daily told, i think and every day a 100 kids are losing their lives every hour. course children are at risk, is one of the reasons why garza is not called a place of quote. to dispatch goes this day is the most dangerous place to be at. charles, a journalist ends in 8 walker hospitals and scotia. never become battle grounds. these conditions have created a situation of us in desperation, inside gaza, leading top 8 officials to declare that there are no longer the conditions for a meaningful humanitarian response and gaza. this will not change until the seas up on boardman and the fighting ends by crossing a lot of alto units. that's communications officer style in a way. so he's joining us now live from jordan
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a very well welcome to today. so but my goodness, gracious me, these numbers are, well, i think i've ever seen anything like it. frankly, over 11000 children in gaza. reports are being killed by id strikes since the beginning of october. i mean, just, i mean, i know you've got a professional job to do, has to be as being the communications officer for unicef. but as a human being, your thoughts on these numbers? will they, these are all totally investigated and gone. terrific. most of us are going to tell you and but as a human being and this is a reality for kids and, and does a unfortunately let me just say 25070 percent of them are children and women. and um this, this is not the only step, it's that stick that's worrying. the worrying part. even more is those who survive, who live in real despairs by the day the be it from lack of water like
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a food really bad nutrition. a situation for children, especially those under 5 and more more so for those under to the streets and gaza is becoming more than that. that's profit it's. it's a really handle for children not right now. i mean that we, you know, we're, we're calculating 11000 kids right now. they've been somehow, somehow caught up in this war since october the 7th. and i know the numbers are coming from the guys, the administrative health, israel. pretty much consistently questions those figures, israel keep saying that all these kids are being used as human shields? does that sound accurate to? yeah. well, what we know is the, we see live on tv, many, many to many children being killed. and unfortunately these children have nothing to do with the conflict they didn't choose to be in that place. what
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we know for a fact is one child is too many, and this is, this is a goal for all parties and those who have influence over them to cease fire. now that's, that's the main thing that's we're asking for the main thing that children needs, indigo is a strip of what's happening now. can continue on. this continues to be risking much, much more lives in your career. have you ever seen anything like this? well lately, keep we keep tearing from police have been even longer in service then done us the this is one of the most terrific that they've seen. some of them didn't see something like this. we can say for sure that this is the worst that you guys are has seen in the past years since they you and has been monitoring the situation that so again, i think there's, there's no need to prove that the situation in gaza is really bad for children with
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seeing children being killed daily. we are on the ground, our colleagues, i'm going to tell you the situation that we see more children being a sick diseases are starting to uh to spread including respiratory illnesses. um, even the tight this now we hear some cases have been have been confirmed and other other illnesses that are really, really dangerous. not only for the lives of these children or for the future, but the for the future of the community as a whole. this is a really hard to take on this. we allow this to uh, fist or, and uh, scripts even more. we are really interesting the whole whole community. yeah, i think you make a very good point. the same is not just the case of a lack of food and water. it's a case of a lack of sanitation. and when you look at the, the, the, the young population that, i mean kids are going to how they're immune the systems are. if they're prepared to
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deal with something like this, we've seen the footage of sewage and waste water, a wash in the streets, and people with injuries are supposed to be living along this. i mean it's, as you say, is extremely dangerous. and as you well know, sally, in the god there enclave is not a very big area. i don't want what opportunities to the civilians that have to escape divine as me let me put it this way solid. and if you will, that unless a central god, because northern gauze or is basically in ruin, where would you go to find your shelter? well honestly, nowhere because there is no where to go. that's. i think that's the problem. the biggest problem and, and guys i and what sets us apart from other conflicts. maybe although conflicts are conflicts, they're always bad and they're always affecting children and unfairly. so of course, but in gaza there's no place for civilians for children to escape to the gaza strip
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. is a very, very small area to begin with. and now with the continued attacks. now the north has been pushed and most of the people in the north can be put down. we were talking about over 1900000 people have been internally displaced. um, those people are living in a very crowded, a shelters, very crowded, a areas and they're being pushed even more to, to, to lesser and smaller areas. and this creates a real, a risk for disease as i said, but also for, for a increased needs engine at a, for water for sanitation. as i said, for uh, the medical health that we are seeing and know, and guys of unimed, georgia now. and that's practically the same weather as in the state of palestine.
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it's winter and we've been see that we've seen a lot of rain in the past days. so you can imagine how that affects children affects families, especially those who are living in tents and, and temporarily settlements. all of this can really affect the lives of children, but also their, their futures. we are sitting there will being that if it gets any sickness now, if they get any injury now it can actually continue with them for the long gone. and that's not only the physically but also mentally. and we are seeing the impact of this war on children, on their mental health. and there will be, you know, i think you bring up a very, very important angle that the whole less psychological aspect of this, you know, didn't, you know, it was said over the past 3 months that he wants to eradicate this ideology. he wants to di radicalized people in gaza, but just simply by the actions. the idea of his carrying out is going to have the
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opposite effect is going to radicalize people for many, many years to come solid. and it's difficult to draw comparisons here, but you're looking at the number of children killed in this conflict in gaza. go back to the conflict, the war. and i've dentist on iraq, if you like, even the m and these are, was and conflicts. and last for years, but the daily casualties among the kids with nothing like this can, can you try and explain the difference between this war and the other conflicts and why so many children the dying and this one as well. as i said, one of the main reasons is that goes to the strip is really a small uh, area of land. and um, the 2nd thing is um this, this trip has been under located for years. so there's really no where for people to go, there's no safe on that's. we said that before. uh, there's no safe place thing does enough for children. not for him to tell you in
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a word cause, and that's part of the problem now is to be able to reach those children who are now starting. unfortunately, we're worried that they will start to die out of diseases, hunger, lack of nutrition, and all that kind of like a go to the things that are not a bottoms and, and shows. and then that task we lost the lots or really for, for that. but we don't want to risk more for other reasons. so that's why it's imperative now to uh, to see a ceasefire and immediately expired that is long lasting. that's sustainable children and in the district and in the state of palestine in janetta, they're really, they're really need and deserve piece. and um that only comes with a political solution to solve the underlying issues. yeah, i mean, i guess i was looking to add on top of that, you know, what, when, when you compare previous conflicts side of iraq, afghanistan and syria,
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so on and so forth. you do actually have pretty much, i dare say this very similar culprit sewer involved on one side of it as opposed to who that fighting against, for example, whether or not you'd be the united states as coalition of the willing in iraq and afghanistan and all of that and we also have now the same guys, basically involved supporting israel with military hardware from the world's most powerful military. so we've got these american times and um, with vehicles that are being sent to israel, these are being used to kill palestinians. and as we know, 11000 kids have not been killed in the past 3 months. i think as we continue to watch the world reacting and holler up because what you know, in recent days about a week ago, we had millions, worldwide marching and solidarity with the palestinians. and yet as the volumes still continues, we all know the palestinians. they don't have an air force, they don't have a navy, they don't officially have an army, but they're going up against israel was backed by the united states and the biggest military in the world. this should be something that's also also discussed. sally,
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not just the fact that we haven't a humanitarian crisis here is also the fact that essentially the richest, most prosperous economies in the world are essentially backing israel and what the international court of justice is hearing now allegations of genocide. how is it the world is still sitting back and watching this and essentially allowing this to continue real. i'm going to tell you, and i'm only concerned by they materially, situation on the rights of children. politics is not for me to speak to. and as you know, you know, such as not political agency, i'll tell you on. but what we know is that we need the international community to step up and take their uh, take their responsibilities and defending children's rights. and the really cool for a ceasefire. and that's what i said earlier, we are continue the advocacy and outputs for everyone, not only the parties to the caustic, but also those who have influence over them to uh, to actually uh,
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step up and, and actually need the responsibilities of as, as international community. and uh, uh, states that i signed on the, on the condition of the rest of the children. this is very important. and we, we really remind everyone with the whole all states and all leaders remind them with their uh, responsibilities. well, i probably appreciate you backing off from the political side of this, although there are other people i will be talking to today who i am going to push on. because essentially that with the world remains in hora as of this continues over a 100 days. now went into the 3rd month of this conflict, and so many women, and so many children getting caught up, i guess, as israel would just say collateral damage just solely. i'm a waste is a communications officer with unicef. joining us live from online, it's been a great privilege. thank you very much for joining us there. when it's.


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