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tv   Documentary  RT  January 25, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EST

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so those who have their thoughts over them uh to uh, to actually uh, step up and, and actually need their responsibilities. um, as, as an international community and uh, uh, states that um, signed on the, on the condition of the rest of the children. uh, this is very important and we, we really remind everyone with, oh, all states and only to remind them with their uh, responsibilities. well, i probably appreciate you backing off from the political side of this, although there are the people i will be talking to today who i am going to push on . because essentially that with the world remains in hora as of this continues over a 100 days. now went into the 3rd month of this conflict, and so many women, and so many children getting caught up, i guess, as israel would just say, collateral damage. just sell a him, a waste is a communications officer with unicef. joining us live from online, it's been a great privilege. thank you very much for joining us here. one, international television as well. thank you as well for joining us here. what i'd
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say you were coming to live from the heart of the russian capital with all your news front and center. we're back at the top of the, the easiest way to send it out. and we'll set up, you know, something that i can send you even more to say 45 a. so we have that. so in my live my number that's let me go that easily. but for sort of the 30 something and then it turns in less than i leave it until the band said he did. so in that sense of it. so you have a gun with it as a new vehicle or the size of the printer. so that a month that the joe didn't stuff in it either for the $29.00. thank you. the idea
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that you spoke with the seal, the think the day number is lorraine from a sort of the faith very slowly and had our, our either the about of the only people that are supposed to see me. you've got an idea they want to you. is there any target for the time frame that people are feeling extremely because it's of even though it is a message on your angel who need i thought you the sort of the 4th telling of,
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and i said that uh, associated are gonna be signing for like if it's the only thing i mean the persona and let me get for it. and what i assumed was that what the, the 4 digit numbers on the c, and would you be able to get them with the information? i mean, the model sorted, i imagine we'd us a minor eh, somebody again, normally uh, were you interested in a more good associate on the end of the, the heavy m o for life? what am i gonna get so many have given me the persona,
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the plus for. so i'm in the table and we just saw it. bill consolidate that on the buttons and that the farmington that i would have possibly been in the unit that only sold on because it'd be simple to easily without the but i so i don't know who i mean i put it in, i think. okay. and i think on any of those heavy and what is the one that ends you almost out from the e. b 's even able to disable, can see what, but it will save. i mean, i think this, i me, that i'll be able to have the bundle. i did go look at bustle and of maybe a photo has sound good in their lives and that can let them come inside of that and also be a good last time that i broke the . so as you know, again what i'm doing, the one on the bottom allow the sort of my side and then he went in to say, let's go see and i'm in the room, but i, you, but i mean going, why that under that i'm i didn't the audio thing, so ok. by the knowledge,
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the dressing model, interest on your game is ethan gaona is within the associate on pay for that. he's going to take what i mean from where you throw a deal, but in canada and so no. so then doubled his hands on my side, roads into the woods. oh you the who they've been there since then police ago, years ago to the people get out of an upside local. i'm going in the middle. no. the under the new sit in data sorta going thing us him by saying i said so bear to be signed up for the loud and he says, he'll know what that means out of getting a if it goes out an impulse. you know, mean thing demo. say they give
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a sense of how they little random gamble. so instead of viewing, but in a say that, oh yeah, going through my sales and i do have uh, i come by me unless it goes through my content that i might be got a like a saying when the number that you're not sending going to send it, but i'd rather gotten the money that i've seen. i don't, i don't need any better. so now the name on this, if pm, but i want to use it and don't miss a guess anymore at the office for a lot of a day. i will say in some of them like that is i'm one of the media a and we get my dentist one and that a lot of the city a at that one city of the city, a federal edison idea program. i see though i've in see it the, the i'm also man, oh yeah, the most here. yeah. i mean, my, you know, but i have to persona, i feel that people, for whom do i want to take the domain name for 100 because of yeah, you know, so i'm going this unit and, but i, you all know, so pretty studies as you so
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a lot for my, i guess the, the pretty is here. let me say no, someone's telling us and deals, you know, based on, but honestly does you lot mind your idea that i fits on a k. i did, i will. is that go see that? i mean on the he can only go see, i'm a persona and then we'll grab a, wanna be that record it. what can you, i'm afraid that then any say i live money out and we've got a good on the heart. the whole keeps asking me about a month, the city, somebody middle and went to say this, you know, see out on the, someone come by means of the sign us, you know, we are going to, you know, same will just say you for them you that means that sounds that either something by means of what i'm you said they by 3 other people, the dressing in for the next step. what about it is still saying 0 and then what
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can also send them. so the set to say, sadly, and they will send that over to the side of the system on monday that you give them a like i, you know, very heavy. and i don't think you to, for that be your level is here. if i little i was enjoying that, i mean, yeah you're, i mean this is, i'm on the sale. gotta sit. but obviously, and i live on a saturday with them and say, i could either of them a deal unless the land went up to see they've got to see all the and see a little bit of money into it. but i don't, you'll get the 10 it out of a 2nd. i'm going into full. let's see on there. okay. move down. i know the boss how the the the when i see the see on them. you said the valencia barney deeds. uh, if i could get it get by the mind inventory, i use my data. yeah, you can go more than almost the end to see that, but it's still not about that out of in the see it they have in the single methodist month, a minimum investment photo lost a lot for me the by know,
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the name was the deal. yeah. i think it's a lot of money. i mean, i know on my side of we model by side of we model the front desk or the most that will see this talk because they they convince him that i person, i mean i don't think that he thought of from 30. so did you buy the menu? mine will be as i am ok, northwest you now and what it will be can of was you and the buzz you from what i booked on some of the one of those a physical mostly with the media. well, they look a good, he's what they me live a sufficient thing on those sort of that be simply, it means you're not assume level heat up by the almost the able to pass the owner but doesn't get us a couple of him. and he said i, but we'll see if they would get a gun. so i think you'll get an idea of what do you, the gospel go out and feel a little bit of it when i see the sooner, like in the name of k, loved to get me open gasket the persona big give me. so i looked at the sort of the,
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the sort of the person that gave him a compliment to them. you know, i just want to give you the compliment. i like when you use what, okay, cuz i get billed to you. i'm a list of people i might as it is what the name of the so if he's in think it was a little bit of better. so it, but it got, he said he get the money to really some of that the probably see what a sort of my video singles, i mean, it was kind of when i did, i don't know what the sort of level of the, the level of in a good way model of the way model, the i'm with them for lam uh the, the house on the scene. you get out of the, the data. not why even a video because it'd be defensive. but on the internet i'm in tablet. wouldn't that i filed the noise,
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so forget something. i will have no funds for my not to stop over on the 2nd day and disability. i'm able to fit the no guess and wasn't able to all the old but it's, but i'm go a or really want them went into my for my, for would it not the negative fit that the, the ticket that i'm on the, on the face of the frequency and one is the thing i'm in the, you know, one of the middle visible. i thought somebody last week i'll see you in dallas. i have a little bit of aluminum into somebody is and sorry, i know the listening monique on. yeah. and molly, from the ministers on the visual vice and receive a ceiling in the san antonio. suffice. it was an idea of a like a, as a you quite a startled friend. they all of that because he didn't. and, and,
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and then later on in the must have gone up. it doesn't mean that i'm going to use it. i'm a little button that in and it would open the tiny. i'm the scenario somebody and then okay, you know the, i'm on a folder and see you put it on the left. so not useful company. i think that's a good thing. yeah. hold on by me. i also see how to do so. i mean, it'll here little data moodle and when i so now the thing can be very hard for them. so i don't, i don't know i'm just a couple of minutes. so if i use it is i will pick it up tomorrow and have them send the label. but if we need tons of that, i mean, i look for the,
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this was probably bonus, i get on the scene facility, the us as to the office very soon. i live in perfect. we'll see you live busy the let me get i see why we don't pay the last. i didn't know it. how does that? they have another post to get in a month, and i figure out the amount of legal, but i want to see if no new messages already. i'm on the i think that by me get out for the in the mind a bit that are listed according to the one doesn't mean that i will get them off to nobody else. i feel not to be in law. and obviously the end of the month for the quarter, but a just missed almost i didn't know everything about the internet . so what i thought that i saw the story guy going on, the guy they put on nice. i sealed is neil corner nice. i see on the record only says you sound good on us because i was here last
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a meeting. that means they put upon it. i don't want to handle it on wednesday and i see a lot of people instead of finance here. so since you go, i don't buy a comma synagogue, but i forgot that will not be now. i guess it will be, i see on that that i know you said you don't really know fairly, as i said, i mean, i thought it might assume that you medical science after you have the last 8 of going use of our friends here had been easy possibilities with those in the i'm on the the
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that's the big the band list to go ahead. the disney will be quite a section on the ship, but after the civil, which is almost a typical of somebody, even if i video are students teaching them to go to check on board is showing that emissions on here and didn't realize chipped them to talk was it will be available, solution accessible was in your total for the was this the
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dos limited docusign? things are going to let you know why it, in valium, there's a lot and they say see that the in a little but i think i so then i'm also not getting it from the end. i think on the, on the who is that? okay, let me see somebody, somebody go, i want to come into the say, based on the basic game of getting a wider than i did earlier this week to innocent people the this one doesn't don't necessarily have to. so i think i'm just based on one of those on this own things on the, on the road. and obviously fin the people, the bottom line, a lot of people in the end to get a lot of money. are they getting one of the one thing in the community? there's not a whole bunch of people coming in from the boy close it, but uh the youngest because i'm in other places
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so that you know, my husband and then the forget how do you make it? i mean, campbell, a lot. the kids that have the model impulse, like the i said go ahead of me from up. i mean if i did a little pop up, i mean it, i d e. i got a lot of feet in my line, you know, bad ones. and they got the best gun, one, when i got to find the model, you said you're gonna automatically go any of it, then ro, side of the setting up a fight. and i'm mobile home now, and it's like a little demo in by that, i mean, i don't know what i, what i want. don't want it. that's solely not a lot more about it. believe me, the most likely the anymore. mississippi this uh this uh this what he wanted to see that the industry
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so basically no point in time of year. so let me know when is that right? yes, it was either sooner so, so yeah, the pointing to guy on the guy who but do you uh see if it goes it goes to the single, the bottom lucy part of the studio and don't say it isn't nobody me doing this. i know you're not on the video, nobody's in the room. i said it finds the money in cuz i find them by to put them in. and then you know, the most of the other people that some territory and from show me that i'm gonna see that and this will assume. so i think on the, on the, in the line was initially when i send the so i mean, i think you'd have to think of it. i wanted to get that thing got when i think i got off the mean me lower. i lost a lot of heat. i get i laughing. good. take it. i same thing. i think it. i think that awful and it said, okay, i will call when i'm out. if i leave love, you sat on the phone, i see that and does it look a lot by that? but i live the,
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and i think i get a sense of the meaning that i didn't want to do that, i guess sadly, to solve for the disappearing involved in full in english, 2 and a half and a sort of less than the one that i gave for him, for him to send me 3 all on, but either severe or languishing that i didn't look at it in person a bit of a warranty. so what is it going to say though, 9, but as long as you know, i talked to completing a certain realize, i mean it say that i will give you what we all seek to monitor for one of our last 8 bits this into the system with them being said and me got nothing but assume this operating of the things you find any kind of the most useful side of them for us. we don't even know what's gonna be the most out of the o. and that's all i guess what? i'm a little while people people decide is amazing if these are the need us. yeah. i
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see the video on the coming all day, little by the end, every done. you know what i'm coming of, i'm in the is i don't see him thought of when to the mode ivonya the there matter. i go for the we have no, i like the fine. yeah. you know, look to see what we, i don't know, they go to, they go say level, but the season is fine. yeah. no, i'm not so new the, this one was another problem i don't necessarily have with you know, that on monday, the other side of that if i'm going to be in the order, is it going to be able to come in and put it in my account idea, when can we just in case decided that you bought solid middle something very helpful by the, the you and say that the guy pursue some info. is anybody on the bus the only
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less or not getting out of it or see it was just kind of the find out but assume out the thing about i'm going to see and that i would all but, but i really you that i will come and see i live in beneficial so i said they gonna put all of my help police people get it. oh is there like can you see hold on. yeah . i don't know is i use it for the other thing online and is i don't see it and i think the, the old and the other thing was more about the one that i think i was using was a little bit of money. i guess we got on let's see. i want to see and how much i was in the commercial. definitely a little better. i think i losing losing one a little by saying that is so important that i eventually want in the esl. he's ok lie to black people on you say that for my i'm calling for is the other number which is a little bit in those in the what we are no b o n e n d y last associated with the company and gone little place a little bit the same or less the on the or less you and this is uh, the,
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almost the whole year the, the one is a little bit on like a level be it will be like they've been this, you know, commute is anthem blue echo and yet a single get allow them to like one is the youngest one. is it lucy? it was an independent corner. was a bus on the loan? yeah. i the me and they don't. and i don't know. mia and associates is the cmc on the on. you know, the owner's. yeah. let's get on know me because you haven't been able to buy a board and see all the ceiling because at the end of the things you know it all mean it. i guess it the and on the been that's because it isn't the family because i only think are serious going. okay. law i think on not being an old affiliated one case with i'm with a new york city. got it. not this in coming to the,
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i mean assume sunny for the missile place, but can know simply to meet that and also to me that and this i really don't want this a place. my name is living the out of my are pretty got and this is and see what i'm kind of in the out a month and the conflict of interest in ca going think the most the most i you the middle and they will to buy. and to say you're going to the age of need more the video i'm need out of what it would be in one be made out of us. yeah. for the got the most and know you to think about it says typical for caleb. yes. and we do, but it's how do you deal for anybody at all? why would you put it? because like i said, i think the need to have couple of it. yeah. or if they got to be small, i would probably be looking in when i think i not have made all day with an ottoman . you might remember me looking for that. or when he started in with the new and the radio. either way around and think they think, daniel, and generally when i was in a job,
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the only you'll see you the side of the what i'm doing. and because of the need to be sure the address they send us, it looks like the initial initially young people being here, i'm spending, they are in seattle funded, and the for several weeks the testing will get in it and they will no, no, no building on nothing, i mean i don't remember anything. assume that level in video, but kind of go. so then let me ask you this email, send me. that's what i mean. people are sending that to me more companies 26 percent will see on it and the guy said that i said the able to tell you little bit about my uni. oh not i'm part of you really need them to get done. oh yeah. the, the, the, the thing it on this and the asking when you think about it, i had an invest in working with it in the world. i think i see on this one the, the, one of the motors. they don't mean a lot for me to go get on. so vandal and it's a bicycle. and to show you an opinion that allowed us to meet with one to seem to the point. you know what i see when we say what is going on. right. but i see on
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the learning a little bit later, in the se, in my animal, is how i made a point built into freedom. feel that you know the place. and i think the home, the no idea or post the whole day or best probably because it was that is a commercial i'm going to go and i'm going to find out why see that? let me just see on this. so for i see a, i see what open think on the bus with the a lot of somebody said, said i see the buildings in, i mean either good by, you know, things on as i can different things that are going. i think the end of the se for 98 and there's something in this thing up in the corner. been black lassie get on the line that isn't really busy. this like plastic is on the movies. you get the link. that is the thing. but anyways, a guy you know, him to get me with the events there, and one that i gave up and all that i'll all been throwing us into the system is,
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i mean i'm, i'm that i live like when i'm here this a place the data for the me, sagal, you know what? i've seen the buddy 20 dahlia, not up to either boys tonight. then they pull it out of him. dana a out of the night and i'll set it up and do not a want to be honest. i mean, or maybe i'm all my, my, the only why we that soon. a heavy uncle here like my data, the whenever you need them, maybe i'm a main one is the most that the you all the so i like that i will say now what i mean. so i lady a month when the side of the live you that again the city will highlight my did, i mean it, i gave the data, some of the needles within this have been data source review. i going and so i mean
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it, me from be i'll call and i might have some idea, but i don't even look at the name of the local political under my associate in helping people because he will be not no conflict when i leave it with him. it's a good, you mean that's no problem political i going, i did a b, y, and my that is some people it, but the things that i'm asking, i've no pickles, meaning was a sincerely the main thing you got them done. doesn't we notice options as you may notice, go more like i'm do that. i mean, i'll just get on the line and then you'll see some that can be see that was can you of course the software. so i guess he's fremont and it's like i told him to fix the on demand. notice for the last the, for the need your help with a lot of is a city might, i mean take it under, but i was going around 3030. i'm thinking you, you don't segment out of a moist. it was just a donation was the name of the middle. okay. not the name of a,
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the own up any. i'm more sort of building off and that is a really small make it up on the scene. these here are those i so i agree, sees is out of one thing, not any i'm of course, many are gonna decide you as possible that i've been there a week. i said when there's for some weight on that and what i'm, what i, what else i mean, which is what those people see and it's fully customize them. that means those come in those. so the end of the people names tell us you on what are supposed to be with this a little homie and look up with, you know, what we do, i really gotta do a secondary, i mean that has to be someone a, you're not because they might not, i mean, they don't see in teams or some window in front of that. and this issue that, that, i mean that i'm in the incident on the test blackboard get, i get out of sports. that big of that there's more stuff on our says here, which one is good, then i want to compete late and i was just on what she meant on the way will i that i asked them? i'm not responding for the police report that are still responding and i responded, i'm back a, you can edit my saddle and it was the same thing. the, she's let her know. we're still 40 people kind of from the city it on the is completely different, really are the will use expert in one line to receive the
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release of come to the russian states. never as one of the most sense community best, most all sense and up the in the system must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians to day and split the ortiz food, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube. and it said, this was the question. did you even twist, which is the,
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this is the territory which unclaimed sacrifice, tens of thousands of soldiers, thousands of tides on with us. and l carriers all would cause a $2.00 to $2.00 days to retake, to congress all the reporting from the front lines where ukrainian troops meet the russian forces as for treats as modest gains are left behind. a key of the struggle to exploit in our russian military transport cargo plane carrying ukrainian p o w 's with all of a sudden shot down close to the new fighting erupt in the parliamentary with his truck. there was a fleet for building pier which chilled at least 4 people and resulted in the casualties or injuries of these 10 other people. the belongings around suggests that there was at least.


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