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tv   News  RT  January 25, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EST

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of the system, the english is and even if the heat is breaking news does ally here. when i see the killer of a russian war, john list is sentenced to 27 years behind. bars being found guilty of assassinating flatland, todd of ski and as in petersburg, cafe this past year. this is territory, would you say in the sacrifice? tens of thousands of soldiers, thousands of tags. alma tested out carriers um would cause uh, $2.00 to $2.00 days to retake, to called good policy. you're reporting for the front lines where you cried in troops meet russian forces, and that's the key of retreats it's modest gains i left behind. also in the program of the flight recorders of the dialed illusion 76, the salvage from the crash sites. the struggle is to explain how about russian
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military transported across carrying ukrainian v o w, which was brought down well in fighting erupt and the kia pilot. there was a 3 story buildings here which killed at least 4 people and resulted in the casualties the end result of these 10 other people. the belongings around suggests that there was, at least to some extent of family living here, and all the exclusive from stuff and 11 on a correspondent. first, john lives to visit. the side of reason is really strikes which left behind a trail of destruction. the right, well i felt most go at 5 pm locally, will be joining around during a shot. i'm a suit enough, but for right now here on the program, we do start with breaking news for you. this our diary, a trip of a has been found guilty of a terror attack in april last year. the claim, the life of russian john list of flatland to totter ski and left 50 to as wounded.
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she's just been sentenced a 27 years in prison. russia earlier said key of organize the attack as well as having a hand and several other cases. it targeted public figures to all of these on record . it was in st. petersburg covering the cafe bombing last year. you had this report, a fed foot tall, a pro russian war correspondents, and an effigy rigs with high explosives. 9 months after flatland, sitarski perished and the st. petersburg cafe. when he was handed a trojan horse, dari, a trip of us finally standing trial for her role in his murder on that fateful day . she claim she thought the statue given to her by ukrainian agents was only filled with a listening device. but the russian authorities are not buying her story. the citizens make realty of the key for his use full of words. so striking travel would try to convince the investigation that she allegedly didn't know about the bomb and thought that the figurine contained the tracking device. however, the investigation revealed that in fact, she was aware that the f a g,
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she was handling over to the workforce funds and was filled with explosives. the explosion took place on april, 2nd, wounding, more than 50 people as to starsky, was speaking at a media events that he organized for her part trip of admitted she was doing the bidding of kits and was motivated by her opposition to russia's military operation . moscow was already certain, it was the work of ukrainian intelligent services with the help from the west. you left is the neo nazis and there accomplishes not only operate on the territory of the new regions of the russian federation, but also commit crimes in other regions. there is every reason to believe in the potential that 3rd party countries and west and secret services are involved in the preparation of such acts of territory and sabotage trip of what was the change the day after this terrorist attack took place shortly after the f. s. b identified her accomplice as ukrainian national, named jewelry, denise of the niece of coordinated the bomb and collecting information on to tar skis whereabouts and providing the bomb itself. now, according to investigators,
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she travels to russia from kids the a lot fia, and then he fled to turkey, the armenia. and to this day, he remains at large, and the head of the training intelligence services has even admitted they will not hesitate to murder rush and media personalities. this came, i made the other high profile attacks like those on daria do. gonna ends the harpy laugh. it was, it was, we were so 10, it's clear that we didn't blow up daria duty now, but if it comes down to it, we will get our hands on. so a view of doing and summing on are they also targets? so we'll do it to the part. let's just say we've already gotten a lot of people. there are some public and media attacks that become fair, as they say, it doesn't say it does pull up and get put on such a list the most when you get personal i have to on. so you as an a service in the world classical response, we can not comment on this situation. we can neither confirm nor deny this.
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meanwhile, is the lensky claims. he had no idea of what was happening in saint petersburg or moscow, while others in his administration moved to carve out a narrative alleging internal russian descent i was inside petersburg when to have brought terror to the city following events, minute by minute. here's a rundown of what i reported at the time. i'm right here in saint petersburg. and as you can see behind me that the cafe that we just saw on the program, and there's a fire trucks and the government investigators looking into find out exactly what happened, police officers are searching around the city for a girl that i witnesses are saying, i brought a statute with an explosive device inside and handed it over to loveland sitarski. daria a trap of a will. this is a woman who was detained by the authorities on suspicion of b behind this murder versus anti terrorism committee. has determined that this was a terrorist attack, organized by t of with the help of agents from the aforementioned extremist organization,
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the anti corruption foundation, the story of the terrorist attack that ended sitarski is life and injured dozens. more is one of many sad stories of suffering caused by ukraine's disregard for civilian life. whether it be cold blooded assassinations, or t as ever, increasing attacks against civilians in russia's boarder regence. it seems to be a desperate attempt by ukraine to mask its failures on the battlefield. well, directly now to the ukrainian conflict, as russian forces all re taking positions, the key of had secured during this counter offensive. and i'll, senior correspondent, filed this report from very close to the front by a little distance away from, from the front lines of the very short distance away from the above oil, which is near the boats in that. and one of the main directions of the euclidean towns were offensive. a failed counter offensive over the summer, and never the less the credit and forces here, but able to penetrate some kilometers into russian defenses. pos, the dragon's teeth. the now famous will for you create infamous drag and seat
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defense of lie, the 1st russian defense of line. we were here instead of of oil during the summer offensive through autumn we so you paid in vehicles button and by the doesn't. 2 everyday now, where to situation, where do you credit and sadly, you paid an offense. if it has been reversed, that gains russian troops are, are me a 500 meters away from closing those defensive defensive lines? up again, this is russian, apple and troops, as well as special operations forces. we could also tell you that you can, is indeed running short of especially large got heavy kind of a large caliber tillery shelves with even more and more a cd drugs company called g. drones being used by you create an attempt to uh, to compensate for the shortage in heavier um, well also hearing from 5 this here that there are much fuel you paid in. so just uh,
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minding positions, trenches of firing positions here on the front lines, which again, speaks of a, uh, a manpower shortage among you credit invoices. but this is indeed a remarkable reversal uh, suit quickly for russian forces to have reclaimed so much territory. many, many thousands of square kilometers kids that are bubble up boats in a low. this is territory, but you can sacrifice tens of thousands of soldiers, thousands of times, solid personnel carriers all would cause the to, to, to take, to retake, to congress. and this is all robust at this point, the me of 500 meters left for russia to close up. the salad that you create achieved over some of the counter offensive in russia, is that belgrade border region of both flight recorders of the dow and delusions.
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76 half, now being se from the crash side of the black belt is of course, will be a crucial part of the investigation into the ill fated russian military ad. across that was down with $65.00 ukrainian, p o w was on board a whole $74.00 people on that aircraft were killed, including the russian crew. that way our local charge has held a memorial service for the deceased. many attempted to pay tribute to the russian pilots and some locals, a witness the events side of the stricken plain stared away from the village of a yep, lenovo, missing several schools. say the cruise actions safe lights on the new chick. yeah. the pilots at the cost of their own lice, the plane towards the field so that it would not come down a residential neighborhood. it's made everyone cry, fool stuff, heroism, and then all difficult times. there are such honorable people devoted to the motherland. if you did not think about themselves, but thoughts about the people choose, i will cut it up. i feel really sorry for the guys. they saved our village because
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if the plane had come down here, it would have hit to school and kindergarten full of children. the houses are densely located here, that would have been many debts. be here, just about an hour east of belgrade, where yesterday, a russian in new shooting, the 76 heavy lift transport plane was brought down by ukrainian aircraft for kind of fortunately, it was kind of natalie. it's searching through an s course, but 65 ukrainian prisoners of war on their way to prisoner x gauge was part of a flight of 2 solutions. 76 is the one of which luckily turned around with the 1st one, was hit by dismissal, and pulling just into a field just behind us here in belgrade. now the reaction in ukraine has been one of absolute anger and the outrage. an absolute cost of nations, the how this could have happened. it's a total up. everyone is sitting around keeping quiet,
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but we're the defense minister is nowhere in sight. the presidential office is out of contact. everyone has the heads up throughout, keeping quiet and just watching and waiting for someone to blame this on. of course, when you're sitting in warm flats in kiev and levels, it's really comfortable to think about what is great and historic. and in addition to this confusion even to the gradient, part of the president of optimism in sky has also seems to be at odds with what actually occurred here. not saying anything about this attack initially. take you 24 hours before you even did make a statement. nobody did make that statement. it seemed confused until more contradictory, which with the shoulders younger, it is obvious that the russians are messing with the lives of ukrainian captives, the feelings of their relatives, and the emotions of society. all the effects must be established to the extent the possible given that'd be
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a graph crashed on russian 33 beyond the control. and it seems, it's not just for that to me, is the landscape whose messaging and understanding of what happened here is at cross purposes. we also had the s b u, ukraine's the in for the security service coming out with conflicting messages about what happened here. and according to the agreements, the russians side had to ensure the safety of the defenders. at the same time, the ukrainian side was not informed about the need to ensure the safety of the space in the area of the city of belgrade in a certain period of time, as was repeatedly done in the post london, each from support at cross in the 30 kilometer was that it cannot be safe and must be discussed by both sides in any case because otherwise it puts the entire exchange process at risk. so as rescue teams continue to work here to recover any human remains, they can find, we believe they're spread over a significant area. it seems that the confusion about what happened here in ukraine
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in particular, is causing significant problems for velocity as the landscape. and his government shape bows for or t in belgrade. the french media reporting that the plane was taken out of the sky by a us supplied patriot at defense battery, citing military sources. meanwhile, from switch, conversely, holes, the un security council of presidency actually denied russia's request to convene and emotions. the meeting of the day of the tragedy. and i discussed this with joe political analyst, and john was the youngest. what's going on? he showed his thoughts on, well, the tragedy of the past 24 hours. i decided to even come as a show as it should. don't do it's. i think there is a situation in care of all obviously the, the right time doesn't know what the left hand is doing. and the question is, who knows what is going on to create these kind of confusion?
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it's a very, a fix the way they'll get the crating and corner for you to stay in the news. as that is what i think that is full about. it was all about that in the new york in belgrade because that in the don't step, they just stay on palm beach to keep the creating and conflict between the international media. because these days, these weeks are highly important for the get regime to keep the discussion about the support for create on the agenda on the people's minds and to create a such kind for news and information which shows that the conflict. please hold that there are events happening and there is k us on the ground. this is something to live or the west to get people to be in the ball. all right, that's our shift. here is the guy. so now whether you and his reported on an attack, apparently on the organization's training center, that house is it right now,
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at least 800 displays. people be talking about the southern city of con eunice says a pair of idea of tying grounds, hit the building of israel, denied any responsibility. we understand. 12 people killed many others wounded and the un special weapon to have a palestine set. the strikes constitute an international crime why blocking a to stopping people? because this is what apartheid, the organic byproduct of secular colonialism looks like. segregation and depression pushed to the extreme, ordering trapped people to evacuate and bombing them before they can even do so. it's kind of us, yes. and it is also a series international crime punishable under the room statute of the international criminal court. all right, let's bring up the dreaded numbers here. what else you international that the latest casualties over 25000 people that's according to god's or officials. but $11000.00 children have lost their lives since the 7th of october. not fig. i believe it or not. supposing the number of kids killed in was in iraq,
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afghanistan on yemen, is now nearly equal to the amount of children killed in syria over 11 years. now most of those who are surviving the war and gods are they doing so in a cost in such a safe havens the un saying only 90 percent of the residents have been displaced. of course, every day bringing new casualties. according to the numbers, a 1000 children in gaza are killed every 10 days added up from a daily total of a 100 losing their lives. and we discussed the di situation and gaza with a unicef communications officer. saw him over the stringent in gaza is becoming more than catastrophic. it's. it's a really hello forward to and then not right now there's no where to go. that's i think that's the problem. the biggest problem and then guys, i find what sets it apart from other conflicts. maybe 1900000 people
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have been internally displaced. um those people are living in a very crowded a shelters and very crowded areas. and they're being pushed even more to, to, to lesser and smaller areas. and this creates a real, a risk for diseases, but also for, for increased needs. changing it a for water for sanitation as well. uh, the musical health that we are seeing and know in in garza, i'm in georgia now and it's practically the same weather as in the state of palestine. it's winter and we don't see that we've seen a lot of green in the past days. so you can imagine how that affects children, methics families, especially those who are living in tents and, and temporarily settlements many, many to many children being killed. and unfortunately these children
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have nothing to do with the conflict they didn't choose to be in that place. this is the worst that you guys will have seen in the past years since they you and has been monitoring the situation that so again, i think there's, there's no need to prove that the situation in gaza is really bad for children. we're seeing children being killed daily. we are on the ground, our colleagues, i'm going to tell you the situation that we see more children being a sick of diseases are starting to uh, to spreads including the 3 illnesses, even the types us. now we hear some cases have been confirmed and other other illnesses that are really, really dangerous, not only for the lives of these children or for the future, but the for the future of the community as a whole. this is a really hard to take on this. we allow this to uh, fist or, and uh,
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scripts even more. we are really interesting the whole whole community they need the international community to step up and take their uh, take their responsibilities uh and defending children's rights and the really cool for a ceasefire and, and continue the advocacy and i work with for everyone, not only the part of the caustic, but also those who have influence over them to uh, to actually uh, step up and, and actually need the responsibilities of as, as international community or shifting, getting thrown off the international as our prime minister just intruders popularity is circling the drain, a bit of diversion never hurts canada has did in the to its pro, both alleged to get this interference and pos, national elections and kind of to get this the same investigation previously
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accused both rusher and china or of during that. and also what has been asked to provide evidence for the allegation. the furniture appearance commission has requested that the government of canada is collection and production of documents relating to its terms of reference include information relating to alleged interference by india related to the 20192021. elections are causing a lot of out throughout the course. will that overall enjoying the shot? and joining us from new dahlia, just a shortly before 8 pm local time. urgent. good to see you. any uh, any details on this investigation to know what canada has done is they have expanded their i'm veto investigation against into fevans by countries in their elections of 2019, i'm 2021. now the ford in defense committee by canada was set up in a sometimes september last year to investigate into fountains by country such as
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china and russia. i know india has been added to that list investigating india now for a legit into veterans in the last 2 elections. now it's interesting because every time you think that the blue magic relationship between india and canada did not hit any law, cannot the daughter read any fault though it has hit rock bottom. what you see is counted up for walk in there. once again. not remember last year and justin to do in an open sarlin months have basically a lead in deals and boyland in the model of a canadian citizen called hard deep seeing the jar, he was a call of sony extremist. he is a called us on a separate test, also labeled service in india. india had rubbish. all of these allegations india had called them motivated. an absence of india on fact had repeatedly off down at
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all for the rules. they said that they have a full, based on which they have alleged that still they, they have provided not now entails also going on to say that under the gospel, freedom of speech, in what, what canada does it, the hide, explain this. the context is that we feel that canadian politics has given space to violent and extreme political opinions. the advocates separatism from india, including to violent means. freedom of speech and freedom of expression also comes with a certain responsibility. the misuse of those freedoms and the toleration of that misuse for political purposes would be very wrong. a no sizes. new obligation by canada is going to sound the windows and was lived in meddling in their elections of 20192021. we do want to know whether or
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not they have provided proof or not. but what they saying is that this committee, which has been formed the ongoing investigation is supposed to reveal an incident report assault on me, todd. but also they're saying that it'll take the full year for them to finish this investigation of. 7 as in dog, going to wait and watch, see whether or not they have any drawer isn't again a similar hard beat signature kind of a situation where there's only wards and no substance. oh for that matter. but we can also expect from the indian ministry effects on the fast a shop reply to canada. right, i'll take the room during shot to my joining us live from you dunny. thank you. the as yeah, mine is bombarded by uh, west and do. busy the security situation in the red sea for ships is tenuous at best. however, china is cooling for cooler heads to prevail. as the un security council has never authorized any country to use force against them. and we think that the sovereignty
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and territorial integrity of countries bordering the red sea, including them and should be respected. china stands ready to work with all parties to cool down the situation in the red sea and safeguard security and stability in the region show. but during the press conference, the chinese for ministry spokes person was asked about reports. the beijing had been asked by washington to urgent care on to rein in the cruise. these china responds with a message to the relevant policies. quote, do not add fuel to the fire in the red sea. meanwhile, the who with these on the us led responds to the group of the types continues to us escalate. warranty reports to american flag ships carrying cargo for the us defense the state, the funds were attacked by who with these before the us of the okay. launched a new round of strikes on the group targets in yemen. well, let's get more on this right now. we've all taken trip to college are joining us here. anaki international called great to say you. what about uh, what about your reaction to china is position in regard to the conflict in the red
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sea. they're asking for cooler heads to prevail for the chinese position has always been very principal. and this is again, this is a response. as you mentioned, to a question from a reuter journalist asking about the reporting and financial times about the united states passed in china, pull it out to pressure you wrong. and by extension price sharing, the i'll answer a lot. yeah. mindy forces to this is follow taxi shifting red seat. now. right now the united states have of bomb, but yeah, men repeatedly it so far that has not accomplished the state of aim, which is to restore shipping through red sea. in fact, human right now has costs and 11 percent of the world shipping to a band and red sea and go around the cape of good health. i mean, yeah, man is a major naval power right now. and what china has said is, again,
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china said the top priority now is to stop. it's all leaking guys up because that's a root cause of it. and i get, this is uh, this just moved, this became plain common sense of i don't think united states will less than now did the us, us shipping lines were just attack yesterday and they were, they were us flags and us operated ships, commissioned by the defense department, so they're far a loaded with weapons for israel and they were call her by us and worship us as wave we add, one of the missile exploded splendid 100 meters from one of these container ships so that they're actually forced to turn back to the the the, the reading a to the arabian sea. so this is a failure. this is a failure of the us so called s, board force to ensure the ship. why couldn't get through the red sea and all the
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100 and china shipping lights are not heavy uh, facing are facts through red sea at the moment because the largest chinese shipping lined costco has announced its suspended shipping to israel and hope all after all the answer uh, like the knows their block, kate is typically targeting shipping to israel. so chinese are lease effective. how does it get there? they're sticking out a very pretty full physician calling a stop attacking civilian ship. all of the yesterday's attack. i don't know if those container ship can qualify as the civilian ship is because they're actually carrying ammunition for the us defense department as the escorted by us ships and the the bombardment of, of us a u. k. on government has not worked and you will not work because us have wage a spend your us a have who previously wage i pain your loss. boxy war. we saudi arabia you way. yes
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. that are on you. had been an answer. all law has not been did, and they will not been today. yeah, maybe i should say on so around the, the, the who is the movement. the, i mean it's, it's funny, some of the who the spokespeople said that when the american security flotilla backed off, and i mean, it made a clear withdrawal. they said that america left with his tail between its legs. it's a very interesting the balance of power in the red sea. these days are all to contribute to call. john, thanks very much. thank you for the war and gaza is spreading. israel recently carried out a series of asteroids on the southern level and reportedly targeting hezbollah fighters and excludes of all to report a correspondent guessing that can was the 1st journalist on the scene. if that's a tac, this is the site of an air strike in the town of nicola. it's roughly 2 kilometers from the is really border and this vehicle was destroyed, flipped over. and i believe the engine is actually on the other side of the
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compound, which really depicts the level of destruction the is where the air force has caused in these parts of the country. but more importantly, the compound in and of itself, of course, has been destroyed, but the neighboring residences and buildings have also been destroyed. which is a main issue, particularly because this is a residential area. it is populated by civilians. and of course is debris all over the ground. we do need to be careful, don't a trip in full destroyed vehicle. this is also important in the sense that the country is facing a great deal of economic stress and properties like that are very difficult to come by for the people of 11 on the day it was the war. so we're know that that is that something that gets it. so normally what we had in the war, uh it was uh and then during the day it was in the when i add a lot of records from the 16 a place on the us,
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it was well known among the but my, it was a crazy uh, there was something to big bombs from the other plan and they sold this house. and inside this, although some people that is not on the 4 people there, but they do within the 2 seconds. the 2 guys out of the door. yeah. because the flight of the that is foot on the one, sometimes it's not boom, that's why they slip to. so they want a woman. that's why they should go to god. what makes this concerning is of course, of the fact that we're not discussing whether there weren't military targets in this residential complex while we are discussing is of course, the rules of engagement. and how many attorneys should act in residential areas. and according to international law, of course, attacks against such targets or illegal. yes, of course, these really are for some of these really military continues to conduct as strikes in southern level of.


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