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tv   News  RT  January 25, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EST

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shouldn't you should ask all of the questions? some more questions asked the better the answer is will be the, this is territory what you pay in sacrifice? tens of thousands to fill just thousands of times. alma toss it out. terry is on the cards to do to, to take, to retake the call. good policy reporting on the front line developments where ukrainian troops meet russian forces. but as you have retreat, this is motors and games are left behind. as the flight recorders of the downed illusion, 76, the solvers from the crash side t as struggled to explain our russian ministry transported across carrying new credit union, p, o w, as was shot down well in the fighting abrupt students, all them and over the track actually unacceptable got to the united nations reaction to an as railey stripe. i know you when the shelves are in golf,
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so what 12 people are killed in unison as nations around the world must come together in coal for an end. the violence, we need the international community to step up and take the bigger responsibilities and defending children rights and the really cool for a ceasefire. the live out loud from most go with the news tv lining up, get top stories a welcome to him. by the way, straight to the ukraine conflict, we go now. it was a russian forces all re taking positions that key of had sent to a during it's much hyped counter offensive. and our senior correspondent now brings us this report on the latest developments along the front line. a little distance away from, from the front lines of the very short distance away from the above oil, which is near the boats in that. and one of the main directions of the euclidean
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counts for offensive pay of counter offensive over the summer. never the less the credit for this here, but able to penetrate some kilometers into russian defense as part of the dragon's teeth. the now famous will for you create infamous drag and seat defense of lie, the 1st russian defense of line. we were here instead of of oil during the summer offensive through uh, autumn we so you credit in vehicles button and by that doesn't uh, everyday. now, a weird situation where do you credit in sally of the credit in a sense of his being robust that gains russian troops, or are me a 500 meters away from closing those defensive defensive lines? up again, this is russian apple in troops as well as special operations forces. we could also tell you that you can, is indeed running short of especially large got heavy kind of a large caliber tillery shelves with even more and more s p drugs kindly call g.
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drones being used by you create an attempt to uh, to compensate for the shortage in heavier um, well also hearing from 5 this here that there are much you are you pregnant? so just minding positions, trenches of firing positions here on the front lines, which again, speaks of a manpower shortage among you credit in forces. but this is indeed a remarkable robust will uh too quickly for russian forces to have reclaimed so much territory. many, many thousands of square kilometers can better bubble up. the boats in a low this is territory, would u. k and sacrifice tens of thousands of soldiers. thousands of times. it's almost personnel carriers um would cause the to to, to take, to retake, to congress. and this is, will reverse at this point, that me
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a 500 meters left for russia to close up the salad that you create achieved over it . some of the challenges of heads of the interruption was about the road border region, both to flight recorders of the dow and illusion and across happy and salvage. we understand the black boxes are in very good condition, and that of course will be a crucial part of the investigation as to what happened to the illusion aircraft they've had 60 fine view crating and troops on board. in fact, it will 70 full people, including 9 russian crewman was, was killed in that crash. a local church held a memorial service for the deceased. many attended to pay tribute to the russian pilots. a local to witness the event, say the stricken plain stared away from the village of the yep. one of the missing several schools. in fact, they say the cruise actions ultimately safe lines. the new check. yeah. the pilots at the cost of the own lice, the plane towards the field, who said that it would not come down a residential neighborhood. it's made everyone cry before stuff, heroism,
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and then all difficult times. there are such honorable people devoted to the motherland. if you did not think about themselves, but thoughts about the people chose all could have definitely, i feel really sorry for the guys what they saved our village at the desk. because if the plane had come down as it would have hit the kindergarten full of children over the house, is a densely located at one of the many deadlines that she will be here. just about an hour east of belgrade, where yesterday, a russian in new shooting, the 76 heavy live transport plane was brought down by ukrainian and erica for kind of fortunately, it was kinda not only its russian crew and s corps, but 65 ukrainian prisoners of war on their way to a prisoner exchange, who was part of a flight of to solution 76 is one of which locally turned around when the 1st one was hit by dismissal and pulling the student to a field just behind us here in belgrade. now the reaction in ukraine has been one
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of absolute anger and the outrage, an absolute cost, a nation as a how this could have happened. it's a total of everyone is sitting around keeping quiet, but we're the defense minister is nowhere in sight. the presidential office is out of contact. everyone has the heads up through keeping quiet and just watching and waiting for someone to blame this on. of course, when you're sitting in warm flats in kiev and levels, it's really comfortable to think about what his grades and historic and in addition to this confusion, even to the gradient, part of a president of allowed to be this event. steve has also seems to be at odds with what actually occurred here. not saying anything about this attack initially. take you 24 hours before you even did make a statement. nobody did make that statement, it seems confused. that's no more contradictory. what's wrong with the shorter human or it is obvious that the russians are messing with
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a line element of great and calculated on that email. the feelings of the relative clauses and the motion for the loss of sight. we should keep all clear effects. you must be established to the extent possible fish, joe, the graph crash, the him 33, and then i see on the controls. and it seems it's not used for that to me. is the landscape whose messaging and understanding of what happened to your is across purposes. we also had the s p u, ukraine's the in for the security service coming out with conflicting messages about what happened here. according to the agreements, the russian side had to ensure the safety of the defenders. at the same time, the cranium side was not informed about the need to ensure the safety of the space in the area of the city of belgrade in a certain period of time as was repeatedly done in the past, lunging each from sold across. and these 30 kilometer was o, it cannot be safe and must be discussed by both sides in any case because otherwise it puts the entire exchange process at risk. so his rescue teams continue to work
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here to recover any human remains they can find when we believe they're spread over a significant area. it seems that the confusion about what happened here in ukraine, in particular, is causing significant problems for velocity as a landscape. and his government shape bows for or t in belgrade. but meantime, a french media reporting the plan was shut down by americans supplied patriot missile defense systems, as, according to military sources. meanwhile, from switch kindly holes, but un security council presidency denied. russia's request to convey an emergency meeting on the day of the tragedy. so let's learn more and cross live. now. show them a full truck, a full my indian. i busted out to both on media and georgia. i missed them on hold for a very good evening to you. thank you so much for coming on the program here. i know you served as a deputy ambassador to the united nations as well. and i know it's early days at the why the, why do you think friends rejected russia is requests for an emergency meeting about
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the ill fated illusion aircraft as well. i would say very difficult does do come out with a quick uh, uh, suspension because uh, i think uh, apparently, uh, uh they want to continue to create confusion. they come on the confusion return already been created by a green. uh, you know, there is no clear indication. there is no clear states and promo claim on file. exactly what's happened. you know, be this conflict too. so now i know 700 days old telling the course of this conflict. uh, there have been many, many incidents of for accumulation from both sides of accusing each other off of hooks up to why nation. so it has been very difficult to make a correct assessment of what exactly is happening for a good idea of reasons. first of all, it does happen even live on his own. secondly,
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the information flow is very witty and restrict the control. but the strange behavior is, um, i mean i'd be the, there's a very side incident to, to, to say the least by the garage or whether it was picked by am, is i so well the 1st thing, anybody on each side of the word in this case should, should come forward and, you know, of be agreeable and kind of thing at least investigation. the journey is basically simply quite to find out what exactly happened. so this is the minimum i didn't call it shouldn't be done, and nobody should be putting any obstacles to there. well i think i think it's very diplomatic statement coming from the full, my indiana bassett, a divided the media and georgia. i mean, we've had stronger stipends coming out of officials now that essentially a couple of american patriot missile as well launched by the key average him the took out this russian and across that was on a humanitarian mission. i should mentioned that as well. um,
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why do you think so to an attack, a code on this jet, i mean, it could have been accidental. it could have been deliberate perhaps, but key of must've known this that across was packed with ukrainian p, o w. as when most go in the key and key of do these p a w swaps. they coordinate the car doors, the location, they the defense of the sky coordinate, although they're on the phone, getting this done. so i would love to know if indeed key of new old is i'm surely they did. why would they take out their own soldiers? good. exactly how you see the print. there are many, many, many questions which of eyes. first of all, this was a lot easier to slap a secretary to the soldiers on board. well, canadians, what a grand is going to get out of uh, you know, who did don't north of us, but uh publicity i used to actually find the day with the drawers publicity of
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these. so shell and actions themselves with the real displayed. they had good on people on that, so you put it as being extremely hit by them is eyes. it is definitely what are some what would be the reason? but if it is an accident that it's an accident, then it's a side, it's a driver's d. i'm the oldest and won't say about it, but though you will, you please no questions to be on. so, i mean, i, i think the money was, i mean, investigations and not even because i wonder i heard from the custom reports is that there is a black box, which i mean the color and, uh, probably be, uh, you know, more details will be forthcoming uh, in the next uh, next to 2 days as well. yeah. and as i'm sorry, i'll tell it as, as he said at the beginning of our conversation, you did say that there's been no official statement from key. evan, i'm going to add onto that. she, if has been suspiciously silent ever since that the croft was bought down and we
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have had a russian officials and now the french meteor as well. say that the key of regime use the american patriot based off to take this aircraft out of the sky. a form of ukrainian m p, so equal to most egypt says a rest should be made in t of those of very strong was coming from a former ukrainian m p. don't you think? yeah, difficult to, you know it's, it's quite possible i'd be fine because of the, the, the fed that somebody phone with him don't create in uh, you know, which, but who, who was in control of our control stuff is may have gone ahead and along this uh, this kind of, uh, missing from the government may or may not have been aware of it. uh, you know, uh, a, so it's, it's, it's a matter of speculation. of course i'm trying to speculate that the government all will be key and the government didn't cube the really low. no, no, hold dear to that. well, i'm, i, i mean, i'm enjoying your speculation. ochoa,
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i do appreciate it. i mean, i just, i mean, forgive me for interrupting, but i'm just trying to get as much from you as i can in such a limited amount of time. we have here on network television, but you, when the aircraft with 1st came down, they were various ukrainian media outlets that said, yes, our troops did this, it's all work we did it. and then in the next hour or 2, all those headlines were deleted on this a peer. meantime, no serious statements coming out of key of, i mean i, i think frankly, we know what happened here. and it's a tragic result with all those ukrainian p o w is dying, a tragic death. i mean, what is the irony, a child? the irony that they survive the conflict zone old a way to be flown home to be reunited with their families, only to be the house of the skies by their own government. i mean, i'm sorry, but that something's not right here. i mean, i did, i saw a report unconfirmed reports. there's some people thought there was a high delegation of russian offices on this plane. there are other report saying
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this plane was carrying as $300000000.00 for the russian s $300.00 missile systems . but as you said, it's early days yet, but it does seem the key of took out on aircraft with its own people. i mean, it wasn't that long ago a year or so ago, the t of deliberately boned a penal colony that was housing. what roughly 50 or a 100 members of a neo nazi as a fatality, and they were going to be freed. and apparently the report say, key of didn't want these as all fighters going public law. so the actual fighters of stressing those are lensky regime as well. so, i mean, it's a mess right now i would ask you before we go, our child, what's next in the ukranian conflict in the wake of this aircraft being brought down? where does a conflict go from here? you know, the conflict dos there is absolutely no sign of the conflict coming to him and nobody seems to be entrusted. you know, i would say the only 700 days i'll go 700 days have passed and the contract goes on
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and there's no, i don't see any sign up for anybody interested in bringing it into it. um atkinson, if uh, if i may say sold the americans and then you don't pay my lies a feed into the have food in the object soon. so when this started pushing, oh good. i enjoyed so you know, the, the, the, the, the idea was too late to contain bee larvae. but this conflict and as long as possible. and they'll get 2 last 2 weekends or shot to the extent possible municipally. and also economically by way of imposing also from friendship. i think a lot of those of victors as being uh, a cheap, the shop, be updated and done. then they have been able to find deliveries, to, you know, to, to get the, the impact of the sanctions. you think they are the seem to be that it has, it has been some bullet as we send some, you know, new alliances have come up. and,
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but a now, as you know, has up a, has been slow, you know, showing or displayed and lead to the left foot stretch to control of me by law. not being coming under any pressure was about solutions from the american out of europe in my class. as far as the question of buying oil from the shares concerned. so this has brought, has nothing has happened at the same time. i'm really surprised that, of a country like russia has not been able to. uh, you know, pick this country to a conclusive, uh, not action like, i mean, it's pounding. yes. they have, uh, they have the, they were do well good. cuz the these, you know, be there for now has taken place and lecture annexation south taking place for them . not finding it possible to hold onto, uh, whatever they have. uh, you know, uh they can kinda go through the tool to you right into the thing as an easier to
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think. so what you all in and if you look at the maps look at the maps look at, look at the new front lines. i mean, the russian federation not, i'm not trying to be a cheerleader here, but the russian federation has secured a sizable amount obese and ukraine at this point. it. and when you say that they're not holding onto what they've gained, i mean, look at, look at, look at all the mine fields. the. the dragon's teeth failed counter offensive. i key of most people. in fact, the american and british intelligence community intelligence communities have already said, it's basically over this conventional proxy war against russia is basically over. and when you think about a child, i mean, you're a former indian ambassador, a deputy that invested at the united nations. i mean this, the russian federation in a proxy war with nature of the united states and 50 countries and russia, the russian federation is doing well. it's basically one the economy is on the record summary. it's pretty, it's pretty interesting, frankly, under the pressure the most goes been on the look at the state of affairs right now
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. europe, the economy is going down the drain, the russian economy is going through the roof. russia stands on the front line of this multi point of world with india, china and the other bricks nations as well. the world is changing a child, but i appreciate your, your very measured statements. here are knology international. i would expect no less from a former ambassador, a child male halter diploma, indiana basset with a both on media and georgia. it's been a pleasure having you on the program. thank you for your. thank you very much and thank you very much spot see about. thank you know, i sure think it is straight the guys out now, but un has reported an attack on the organizations training center that houses 800 displays to people located. we're talking to the southern city of con eunice. it says a pair of id of 10 crowns hit the building. however, it is rose denying any ties. 12 people were killed. many others wounded. the un special rapid, too, of a palestine made a case on social media. the israel must be held to account, have
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a list why blocking a to stopping people? because this is what apartheid, the organic byproduct of secular colonialism looks like. segregation and depression pushed to the extreme, ordering trapped people to evacuate and bombing them before they can even do so. it's kind of us, yes. and it is also a serious, international crime punishable under the room statute of the international criminal court. or bringing up some of the latest numbers for you here and how to international death tolls at 25000 thing. god. so that's according to local officials. and can you imagine since the beginning of october, the beginning of the war over 11000 children have lost their lives. so that's, that goes to pausing the number of kids killed in the wards in iraq, afghanistan, government as well as not really equal to the amount of children killed in syria over 11 years. now most of those who are surviving the war and cause of the basically doing so by trying to find a cost in case of whereas my next safe haven with the un saying that the 90 percent
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of residents have been displaced every day. of course, new casualties and according to the numbers, a 1000 children and gaza are killed every 10 days. we're looking at a daily total of at least a 100 losing their lives. we discussed the di situation and gaza with unicef communications officer saw him away or the stringent garza is becoming more than got that stuff. it gets its uh, a really hey, look forward to and then not right now. there's nowhere to go that's. i think that's the problem, the biggest problem and then guys i and what sets us apart from other conflicts, maybe 1900000 people have been internally displaced. um, those people are living in a very crowded, a shelters as a crowd the areas and they're being pushed even more to, to,
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to lesser and smaller areas. and this creates a real, a risk for diseases, but also for, for increased needs in general, for water, for sanitation as well. uh, the musical help that we are seeing and know in, in god i'm in georgia now and it's practically the same weather as in the state of palestine. it's winter and we don't see it. we've seen a lot of green in the past days. you can imagine how that affects children, methics families, especially those who are living in tents and, and temporarily settlements many, many to many children being killed. and unfortunately, these children have nothing to do with the conflict they did. they choose to be in that place. this is the worst that you guys have seen in the past year as soon as they you and has been monitoring the situation that so again, i think there's,
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there's no need to prove that the situation in gaza is really, that's what you learn with seeing children being killed daily, we are on the ground, our colleagues only to the situation or we see more children doing a sick. and diseases are starting to uh, to spreads including grocery illnesses, even the type this. now we hear some cases have been confirmed and other other illnesses that are really, really dangerous, not only for the lives of these children or for the future, but the for the future of the community as a whole. this is a really hard to take on this. we allow this to a fist or, and it's even more we are really we're seeing the whole whole community we need the international community to step up and take their uh stigma
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responsibilities. uh and defending children rights, and really a quote for a ceasefire and continue to look to see an output for everyone. not only the part of the caustic, but also those who how the influence over them to uh, to actually uh, step up and, and actually need the responsibilities of as, as international community would have thousands of protesters have taken to the streets of television, divorced, the opposition to the ongoing war, and many, many are simply family members of a hostages that are still being held by hama, the, the, the, you're looking at the pictures right here, where police squared off with demonstrators who had blocked the city's main highway . the crowd called for an immediate cease fire and the release of the hostages from gaza, somerset they won't be as ready government to initiate a deal with some us to switch sleep and the violence. we can be silent anymore.
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they have to come back. we have to form a deal. this has to be initiated by israel. this is the only thing that you matter right now. the house is need to come back today. we want our government to feed and talk to wherever it takes to reach a peace agreement to return all hostages. and to end to end the war to end the violence. we just don't want any more bloodshed. we want fees, we want equal rights to all people. leaving from the river to to see we demand the release of a hall house which is from god. and also when we demand sees fire and um, stopping of war, it's a demonstration. i call it for the government to say to free the hosted is held in the, in the street by that's why we called for an action because we see that the
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government that doesn't do anything. all right, let's go slot down to is really activist. so jonathan, paula, who's now joining us live throwing off here. it's natural to take this conversation . so that was the point like a very warm welcome to today. i know, you know, the story old to well is, are joining us life and tell of a right now of protest as it is where a lot of money that the government secure an immediate release for the hostages and strikes, sees 5 deal with hamas. so what do you, what do you think of, what do you make of the public's efforts? so 5 is the government listening to the people. do you think i on what we can see right now is that the government isn't listening. the government is continuing its genocide, a war on godsa. i have to say in accordance with the majority of, with the backing of the majority of public opinion. we've seen just today that 8 trucks humanitarian, a trucks award block bike is ready for testing their interns to gotcha um
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and the genocide of war on guys that continues. now it should be clear to anyone with even a little sense in their head that the only way to secure their reduce effect of refuge of uh, hostages. from god um is through ending the war to ending the war and securing the release of 1st indian prisoners. now anything else that is both condemning the people together to the ongoing genocide that if any is uh, is carrying indigo street in the is ready hostages to that. um, either from if any bombing or otherwise. so these are, these are strong stipends coming from me to jonathan, and i appreciate you speaking from the hot here one, international television. i really appreciate you spending some time with us as well. correct me, jonathan, if i, if i'm wrong, if,
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as i understand at the beginning of this conflict, you will, being held on the house arrest or protesting against a legal settlements in the west bank. am i correct in understanding you requested to be tried and admitted to record instead of a civil one? can you, can you give us any details about that? yes, i'm working through has something that's even south africa. stuff already got doing the part i did not have a and that is a dual system of the law. so in south africa, under apartheid when white people joined the amc in resistance to apartheid, they were tried, but they were tried in the exact same courts that they're blocked, conveyed for training. what we have here is we have 2 separate systems up to the one for philistines, and one for jewish is ready. um, so if i am arrested in the west bank uh at the demonstration together with the posting and convert under the exact same circumstances,
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the exact same conditions for the exact same charges you know, arrested at the same time, hand in hand doing the same thing. i would be tried under the it's already been under names, could really be no codes in a civilian court. i would have to see a judge within 24 hours and my judge will not be a soldier. however, palestinians arrested in under the same circumstances would be tried in mid trade court under the under new tree law. by a jew the prosecutor would be a soldier and the judge would be a soldier in uniform. and they would have to wait for 8 days before they even see a judge. and i again would have to wait for 24 hours. so to protest this fundamental, the system of apartheid when i was,
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was when i was indicted for protesting in the west bank, i insisted that i insisted that i should to be indicted in front of the military court. something that's the 3 that under a very large space, a mentor of color, that it varies are not to try. didn't meet a tree quotes the. that's a really interesting, interesting story. you know, it's amazing that you'll, you'll, you'll, you're showing solidarity with the palestinians. i guess you're putting yourself in the process that you're going to kind of get yourself in trouble jonathan. i mean there are reports emerging of israelis being arrested, the posting coles on lines at the end. the. busy doing so we're on social media and a sound. some people have even been fired from the jobs for making such a sentiment. you want to go to about 30 seconds, jonathan, what can you, what can you read into that for me? what can you say? well, for the full trouble is not always bent on and saying that for yes there is repression that refreshing his voice towards posting and many of my posting and friends are.


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