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tv   Documentary  RT  January 25, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EST

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to mass all the attach, the us central command said the target administrative groups in response to the previous strike on on the american ad bays in west and arrived at the targeted groups. however, i have said that they remain on did todd and will continue to conduct the attack to invitation for ease roles, invasion of gas that they had a one of the many she has class to target these really mar time trade research. the move on the dean of these logic resistance in rock to begin the 2nd phase of their operations, which includes enforcing a blockade on zion is maritime navigation in the mediterranean sea and putting the entities ports out of service. the so name is law making, resistance in iraq has claimed responsibility for drawing a title on these roles. mediterranean port of osh dot are the same organization preexisting study conducted a novice flag on the same side. earlier this week, independent to rocky political, a sub politicians either side on which i lead the believes that the older. busy
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public opinion in this country is against both the us and he's all of the movie or mirror ok is very much and see metric and has 10. and the question now is why the americans are still exercising their freedom and saucy mating. a rocky troops and the rocky gods that are paid and working for the rocky government time for the ministry of defense. so the more than general that the americans have should have. i shouldn't have a place here being a rock and they're interested in this region should be minimized as much as possible. they have the agenda, they have their own schemes that they are taking part of. and of course, the threatening any voices that specie against the genocide of palestine and against the american policy of unlimited support to those are
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abby's and why would they expect many things from add the resistance either is debit card number dyslexic. uh, because the amount of it, and in the end, i think israel has lost the but, and the feeling in the world that it used to have in the past. the sympathy that has had in the past. i think that's a loss that's due to their savage action against the simian women and children. well that's the all day this alice most story is coming your way of the alas seat against the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the that i usually, i mean the like that i'm kind of like the front of into this and from that view. and he's got to be a good on getting a so the number of them all and tell it added case to see that seems i see, you know, could of been on the, not on the me look at it just like, well here's what it was going to find you online in the media near the,
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on the mini malls and deal going live almost 100 vendor. but i that i was with the believe it. so now go ahead by me all the same. verified, owned by you say, they mean you get on things around them and do the import of canada, of them be, and you get out of them. would you see what the thoughts could? i think the government working with chasing my casa a guess of waiting to hear from somebody, i mean, for that is for the gate who have the most and then one of the final love, you know, the sooner. so even if that forget, nothing will change when i see me for that, i'll wait a for her and then they will and i will only so what i said. so do you see the big thing that my sent out on the words know if for the wednesday, i mean, once i'm gonna bring that up and then they will not in my role g m, i guess, you know, for safe side, all we do is you'll get okay, and that'll be a non de mentos video outcomes. they'll gumble at you better look at my site, you see something that's out of the bed and you see what i'm in that out. and it'll
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come from in the center of the city or the one of the dim both the left for me to you'll get okay, what are you. 2 the higher the natal getting in the middle seat on the emails that don't go to i'm going to say for this, have you seen on the face? do you go somewhere? you know that being name in the seo and i don't know if i'm being maybe seeing that they got it and this isn't 0 english on resume the service. you have bicycles. almost every c o, maybe close as he does have to go off because they say that i don't look at those to get him through to zillow only know, but for the kids to see that the like kind of guy that i have to meet the 30th is
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that like i in little places and so i can see at the time. yeah, mazda, of financing your models and cannot in, instead of lucille, i gave you, can i punch the, what is, i believe they got the right timing thing up inside a level for me because some excess, you know, into already. yes, i literally you guys are ladies and nobody is going to resume. couple umbrella, perfect. i'm in pennsylvania. the i can send that. can you last year that us on data mazda, mazda e, one for the little bit. i bet. so like a k noble s. i leave for my page and when we sell city, i recognize that it will only come in there, but i will spell not a grocer going up as soon as possible. so we so we can see it and see go get a new b. as in lions you get a sales this a go one of the 2nd below of any one of us on a given that a would be
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a mighty fema. i'm sad at last and you can speed and 50 gallon newest. i did give you the one. so say last set, oh no, no. the event the me see me unless the mean is if that is and the mean is shown is veiled and lovely, supposedly wonderful. cannibal for anyone else on the side you see in the middle based on the city of the world and how do you do not a lot of the bad. you get all this on the you know, made it fine. you do want to know how to combine books on this already set in the format. so not get them into one in model instead born hazel, somebody in the service goes, nobody that he said in the, i don't was the serial. and don't mean to say, you know, that because even get myself out of the whole, i don't know who the assistant,
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even us in. i live. i mean, i was on equal, or you know, for the money to 15000, a scene said, i mean to get a ok for the side on the top, on a little guy and we'll see on it cuz on the fever. and we'll see when it gets on we'll be able to see and we'll see what i can do about them being in c, i a to a get a ok. meaning that i will give us the 1st name, i think uh you can let them know about that. again, let me see. so it will get hold a note, i'm assuming this thing went on. yeah, they'll know to buy. okay, so go ahead and go to the colorado and miss diesel on the agreement with us on to say any better out of okay, so the main thing i do it as close as possible if you want to set them with any but the same thing you know for the, the receiving end data, the case i see, and then what else you need. let me know if that's best for you. a form of idea of
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the novel is a key for a system i guess think that maybe it was blocked, florida got 90 percent of out of can seen as me said, the single single thing for some you know, some of the big data from the a bundle dig on me and says that you that send the title me you and is able to look on that at that point yet. i feel that the best i feel is being though they don't want them to say we'll leave that up. i didn't, that meant that, but i was pulling it up as so when i could get a blessing that of the, from my you didn't know if you ever got the sense that i've done something for them . you mean those that people are doing, bidding them and feeling that way you santa, sooner but i've also had a sense on my thing is that i'd be like when i left for somebody kits and i each in my name is as low as possible in my name is that i go to the specific one for me unit. my name is the name from the base and see that ends in the bottom. that'll be set off from based on that on the side of
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the window, they will have the women's. okay. we'll see until i see when we added for g like a, a one i guess what you'll see on are the last ones on audi. anybody but a one will see, i guess what i'm saying. i don't know. he handles the significant windows signature, columbia heavy. i know it plugged into useful but will be open for audio and i'll see i'll share no like chat with all that good for the audio you. i will like. ready and i'm going to come into my soon as i get in and see if i'm getting this all the same for giving me a lot of noise. and believe me, the need would be most of you know anything come into more. i'm in the get something you'd see on it like the hold on to a little bit busy to get i had decided after the onto there is a good to base, a little bit of cleaning. i, you know, the rest of it using the,
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the size of the annual identity or get a hold of somebody that hit on buddy value. let me know. when the youngest sits, bradley, my leave an easy and accept the a focus on the different media people homeless. i gave you kind of a bad audio on the pool. so like a size and maybe that, and that was really an invalid and he says enough and i thought he's taking the bus all, i'm leaving this of the scenes. that's what to do to meet this on. i can for that or 30000000000. i said, i am said, defend back. what indeed show me what the symbol is. you need us. i mean, what is that you mean is in need of a the some business here in about that say i guess what? so for, since i'm, i'm a deficit. i'm in for the yeah, i had it all for part of the even it goes the we so again it was, it was, i bought it and does it for getting, this is what the sample or the point added focus. so i need somebody to get input, but i think that is what it though could have been like i said in the unlikely
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event that this book is nominated, even less that a sample of all of them will get. so when a messy on the matter way goes, it will say that this what the, what the kid i don't see. so mind maybe incl. yes, i had always some new a from the sun. i'm not always doing what they, they asked me. where does that mean integrate with because that's a lot for the americans. alabama doesn't get the be made a payment cs plus. what about the desa? either size to get my living we sent, i'm able to can tell you for like what is the vehicle on the 11th the final austin with the letter that was on meet on the key and id for the purpose of you. and then you'll get on, but it's what the point is. so what you a, so we, i give us people in the you and, and see what needs to get. it needs to get a moment for so normally the, to go in on nobody. i put them in the side of you to have the hand to get by say, get them. it also got me. no, no good. i mean, you know,
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getting this that i'd be able to get a new one. so if i mean i had to get, this will buy it if we're so we had a model. so pretty much so. so i mean, it does say that it has like a single method save method seem disable in uh, seem to say like a 2 point is that again, nobody cited eli and for much on some of the data. and it's that one city or more than what we thought would be more or less, it would be one. your little ones is seasonal in the end, a little baby girl just doesn't really mean don't get lost. that's my thought is in the field. personal 2nd. it right, or indecent and, and then the numbers are not meet on the and then your muscle doesn't mean being that i living the but as need for some apples to moments ago. and the something was the message and also send it. they say say if it's a windy, pico inflexion, if and that makes sense, i mean, the people they need to have a sort of need on the person that need. i'm thinking you got a letter about groceries in
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a way that is wireless. let me. but i still have at least some 1st of the other women side as a seat. and this is the, the be a have for the how to come to me missing a lot for the different possible. or maybe more than be honest it was a lot of if you would, these are the existing, i mean, does i pressed on and still find your level? a lot of them is that essentially the cable, they might have a son when he that in for the set up on extension. and i will say this, the best one i can come and do any focus on any fee mind for the lesson k. you know, the meet on the list. i'm with him, look at him, us or you know police. i lease the saddle all for a model corner still forget he's coming to whom the need i need. i know somebody and the other monday night is when i read them instead of the one the form of the the mosley. i'm in the not to buy this example getting off getting on
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board event. the bus will be model. guess the, for the movie that live inside the, he's able to hear the drive the here. if somebody can be shown to cindy blair, my, let's see, i'm not this one. and this one is the same than this one in front of the insured. and like i said, canada, now the audio can see the vin singles and they, but i said to be in, i looked into this as a consumer either several, you'll see that they're not the back of the, you gay, you get a totally up union. i mean, unless i see that on the left and we need to see if we can, even after i use, i get to can you stand on the, on the, to start when he saw me through the i'm in the and i can come instead of going to be in one leaving unless you own that up for you to as i look for my media a so that i send the most of the key to one of the most of the most you got a lot of literacy. yes. ok. so you would've been 9000, you know, so i didn't move it out of,
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i was only meant to continue. you can only have one here, but at the end of december, so you will be in the, in the, in the same day. and then they land the mortgage can on the line 30 gardner bits, and natalie, natalie, hey the the big the band list to go ahead the the quote assumption, i'm not sure, but i have to tell you the dental, the somebody, even if i video storms to to move to, to check on board the show that in design, you know,
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to then we'll ship them to talk to be available solution 1st, what was in your list of all the so with this the side you can kind of us are gonna use the problem data for the guns and also a big, big deal, 11, a heavy other like the last 2. and so this have all you'll seen last week. i remember seeing these are the for the gun on the see if i'm going, i have to go to the most of the, for, let's see on the like the by you surface you know, and then of that, can you 100, i'm waiting for the funds. i guess i within that i have and so i don't see and then you have to give problem and most of us, whether if you need the complete photos, i don't see any of them. i haven't had a problem. i think it said the bottom, i'm not going to the not do that either in going to love seeing that book. definitely kind of i don't know. my case is some way out,
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but i only 30 on that. and then yes. and then the single, the saying, i mean, that have done audio video and so we just had, i, we went in and i gave it to you, i get on the, let's see of it. are you wanting to come the, we do dialing one on the go. that's the one on the book says another policy on it. now you'll get this will send you out of the, the kind of for the, you know, sort of them as i have not seen of them being promoted. yvonne as i'm sending you guys, i'm gonna be able to get some seo people in. are you at the appropriate saves, acknowledge other software. yes. is a your yeah, this how do you have know how to solve the is it the meanwhile radio i said of course the gain condition and all the money to get them loans be like at least getting concerned with them. being able to say more . so it was really and the ink in
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front of the ceiling and a little bit of a single and a plug it in, but it's getting a little while it is. oh boy, it and not once in a while it's missing somebody. somebody say there's industrial gases invested, they a get back to them into the works it, and that's what i'm into. if i'm not at that, i've been under a 100 different and it gives us a benefit on the pro, our newly cannot even get done in this in its own. yeah. mean. so no problem in the, i have a when you know the last, you know, the style, you know, you know, to be, i is, is voice. when i push the on that those. because again, the problem is not, we're still under dollars. see the idea though, thanks you and i to, i'm like, is that the national, have you been doing this though? it's just to get that goal for them. if we, if i say that if that in the middle and it will not at all, and i'm, i'm not, yeah. if, can you be enough? see, sorry, i'm not a little bit by side, not big on the i can think of this, i'm worried up most of any, the setup initial invoices. you'll get to get the video blending of them into them in on sales. and then they get an idea how to get there. i mean debbie at the
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bottom side and look at that. my son, noah delilah. but again, again, a little steady uh sally, that so this would be a me but it will still be a bit of a night. but i guess you'll see some of what i think i just put out of a forget to do it. i'm not going you shouldn't getting logged in. that's fine. yeah . you know, make it that way. i can use that. yeah. i am sending out for me. if i media the, is it use it on this? i believe that it should have been sooner. so here's the thing, it'll give me your name, you need any me to for the front. that kinda thing. got to be something in my hands that this thing i don't that i'm super new to is a lot of you. my name is the thing i look it up as one of the people haven't even admin facility and but i'll go get them almost all the rest of the gentleman's email. he knows that he knows this thing. i'm ready for me. the yes, i'm not seeing the, as i have seen it on,
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i goes to the point of the scene or so give me a let them know said, or the village only live at all or that i give them a have one out of 200 out of the for my vision, but i gave the movie up on it. i get a view from 0.0 going view equal. yeah, yeah, that was simple saying is that something i was going to get on with was that of jeffrey clements in my name is is the thing else. i thought of how it is. let's see . i think all ok how it was and see i can see my last slide moving. we'll see. and that's the last, almost the last time of my check, unless i can find you on the team. ok. you that it, it for me to will that is so much so good. am i left for you only to leave it at that link? that's the landline. got a bit of and then we'll have my kids to lafayette and even though he knows it is so the net or the new name units able to buy on development, this is the thing that i thought it was, the solver everyone's vianza companion ever since the 11, but i have to and how do you spell that a list of some and see what is sitting in about out of this on the funds that i can
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send the some is would i be like if someone would you know the us she says thing that i don't know if you're having any move in for you at all. okay, so let me look into some level here when i have this one you see on here. so one of the units for from them is that a few months ways it's still city and fed and things we've had and visited. so would people support to kind of let them know i'm up? i'm just wondering, so i see. you don't have to click on it and go to setting it is what i'm about. i'm trying to get a box to fill out in the heart of the field. they don't get okay, see any them why? but it's something to see that live in your and i believe i've been getting a lot of them on that. you forget doing that, but he definitely get a lot of them when i would get a septic on database because we have to think i'm able to get a full cycle on me. so i will get you to send these out. but the very easy for both, i'm going to put you on the we're going to be. so we've got a lot of people who will be a little bit ago. he's going to go a little bit, but us 8 and then it gives him the and the fun. no, but at the nice bottom of these really the new you don't need a hassle to get by the figure because it can be to be in the mean. it doesn't mean
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it added interest in the form. like a simple formulas box means that either the whole weight in the some of the services i gave them
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the by the comment they gave, i'm hung up my data. anybody said, no, no, i'm heading up my data in doing some of those in a god you know somebody and i would, i guess is no say dose. is anybody anybody have any say i do the holding up. i that i by me get out and then dollars save you sad us, you know, i think it had the vehicle on me. how many go somebody i need or his assistant, but i mean, yeah mom, i'm even able to dial. i live in vegas. i see you're within the waiting to stay the same way. i mean that anybody, you mean by the way, maybe uh, way through streaming instead of waiting on someone to get in this low end and tablet, your bible. so instead of going to say no to might, i will. and if they meet, i will come, you know, see if i've, you know, and if the error is said young ladies, they made a mistake. i mean, off the auto bubble up, my dad i, they gotta be in as muscle to get to that that would be sort of level headed up on
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. but i can be in that, in that email by it. i mean, you said why not? yeah that would it be sweat? oh, just throw in the last valley your the the soon the, um the the the, the good. okay. the the world, the poor assume the all look at it. sure. the, the, the, the, the,
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of the voice of the the, the, the, the the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, the, it was, uh, the guy your,
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the unit the the, your, to that the is still available is that by the theater. but a good, good, and most of the i did most some places, but so i'm going to be done at the sky. see here we'll uh look
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pretty good. good. yeah. it was was for the most of the oh god to school. people just hit the button, the experience straight glass,
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what the problem is or what else uh how much it was january 1st as before due. so there's 2 more we keep going. as much as you are is i've just deep requirements, not expressed here. submit item. so you may have not as a way, can we cods no problem? no, no, but up in the front and then for the 5th, and if i know 4 will be street, the mention is pretty much full time. but if you want to know where it prints 2 of them over proof of those types of files that are coming out and then you learn. so figured out where you're for. sure. so the most of the triple just the enough one to the it's almost the, it's
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a little bit more of a run the system, the good little issues and you know, the territory which you pay and sacrifice tens of thousands of. so just thousands of times i'm impressed with our carriers, i'm would cause the to, to, to take the retake called good are 2 reports on frontline developments where your trade in troops needs russian forces. and that's key every treats. it's bought as gains are left behind the flight record as all way down to ill, 76 on style based on the cry side, preliminary findings of the russian investigative committee point,


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