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tv   News  RT  January 25, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EST

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of the, the territory which you pay and sacrifice tens of thousands of so just thousands of times and plus without carriers um would cause the to, to, to take the retake called goods. are 2 reports on frontline developments for your trade in troops needs russian forces, and that's can you ever treats. it's bought as gains of that behind the flight record as all way down to ill. 76 on saturdays from the cry. side, preliminary findings of the russian investigative committee point to what i'm the prop mess all launch from ukraine that destroyed the jet. awfully unacceptable. that's the united nation. is there a reaction to when he's ready,
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strike up the un shelving guys of why 12 people are killed, eunice that says nations around the wells need to come together on call for an add to the father beneath the international community to step up and take their uh, take their responsibilities in defending children rights and really cool for a ceasefire. the hello the welcome to our the to national routine. you live from my new center. at moscow, i have my co quartet with the updates now to the current in conflict. us russian forces either were taking positions that key of had secured during gets cancelled or offensive. i see the corresponding brod does the brings us this report with the latest developments on the front line. a little distance away from,
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from the front lines of the very short distance away from the above voice, which is near the boats in that, and one of the main directions of the euclidean counts for offensive payloads counter offensive over the summer and never the less, the credit for it says here, but able to penetrate some kilometers into russian defenses. pos, the dragon's teeth, the now famous will for you create infamous drag and sleep defensive lie, the 1st russian defense of line. we were here if that above oil during the summer offensive through autumn we saw you credit in vehicles button and by the dozen. uh everyday. now, a weird situation where do you credit and sally of the credit in a sense of his being robust, that gains russian troops are, are me a 500 meters away from closing those defensive defensive lines? up again, this is russian, apple and troops, as well as special operations forces. we could also tell you that you can,
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is indeed running short of especially large got heavy kyla, but a large caliber tillery shelves with seed more and more se drugs kindly call g drones being used by you create an attempt to uh, to compensate for the shortage in heavier arms, well also hearing from fight this here that there are much few. are you pregnant? so just maddening positions. treasures of firing positions here on the front lines, which again, speaks of a manpower shortage among you credit and forces. but this is indeed a remarkable reversal so quickly for russian forces to have reclaimed so much territory, many, many thousands of square kilometers kids that are bubble up. and i bought, you know, i know this is territory what you pay and sacrifice. tens of thousands of soldiers, thousands of times solid personnel carriers all would cause the to, to,
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to take, to retake, to congress. and this is a little reversed at this point that me, a 500 meters left for russia to close up the salad. that you create, achieved over some accounts with heads of how the russian investigative committee has opened the criminal case over the doubting of a not out ill, 76 military aircraft. the preliminary findings show that the plane was hit by an anti aircraft missiles launched from the train area, both slides record as we're solve 8 from the ill fated aircraft loaded with 6 to 5 ukrainian b o w's. that was said to be swapped with russia. all 74 people, including 9 russian crew members were killed in the crush. a local church held a memorial service for the deceased and maybe attended to pay the tribute to the russian crew members a local lie. what this is said that after being strong,
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the playing stepped away from the nearby town alternately saving lives. we spoke with the wife of one of the navigators, all the prompt alexi visual can, as she told us how she left on that all she felt on that fateful day. the have been done if she was awarded domestic ross metal, the most important metal and aviation, and one of the most important in russia. but i can't say to what degree he's a veteran of combat operations in syria and he worked in because i started, i knew about this flight. i 1st heard about it on the news. i hoped he'd been on board the other plan, the one that was turned around, but i realized it was him because he would always let me know when he was taking off and landing this time. there were no messages from him for a long time. i mean, i knew it was him, but i didn't want to believe it. i hope that he had been on board another plane and just couldn't get in touch. my husband is from was coming. of course are region in eastern cause us don. we have been married since 2005, and we have 2 daughters and 11 and
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a 14 year old. they already know about what happened. my husband was a real ma'am. he was a great husband and father. i always felt safe with him hiding behind my stone wall . he was very supporters, and he had very good judgments. he never deceived anyone, and he lived by his morals. he loved flying. he loved his ill 76 aircraft, although he started flying on another type of aircraft. they had several types in the regiment. so we had to retrain for the ill 76 pieces, 3 different kinds of planes. first media has reported that the plane was dial by a us supplied but forgot to missile system. so i think minute resource has not been while friends, which currently holds the un security council of presidency, denied russia's request to convene an emergency meeting on the day of the tragedy were heard from a former high ranking indian to put my 2 said at the you when he believes that the meeting was postponed for a deeper investigation, i say it's very difficult. those don't come out with a click of
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a suspension because so i think apparently of and they want to continue to create confusion. the component, the confusion which has already been created by a grain of, you know, there is no clear indication of there's no clear statement from what i am on. what exactly was happen. um, you know, be this conflict is almost $700.00 days old, telling the cause of this conflict to that i've been many, many incidents of for accumulation from both sides of accusing each other off of all sorts of why nation. so it has been very difficult to make a correct assessment of what exactly is happening, but i do have reasons plus default, it does happen even live on his own. the secondly, the information flow is very, very low. strict the controller. but the french behavior is um, this is
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a very side incident to, to, to see the lease by the actual, whether it was paid by m, as i saw above the 1st thing, anybody or more, each cited more in this case should, should come forward and uh, you know, of, of be agreeing with on the thing, at least investigation the drive is pressed against. if required to find out what exactly happens. uh, so this is the minimum uh, i think uh it shouldn't be done and nobody should be putting any obstacles to there . right now for more on the latest development that's across live, to our, to correspondence shape bows in the background region and kinda bump in as in new york try to you for us. so what's the situation where you i bill, good. well, i'm like, yeah, as you can see, it's a very difficult conditions here in belgrade and we've just come back from the small settlement of the loadable at just about an hour east of belgrade,
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the side of this, the tragic incident. now we spent the day talking to people in the village, the main sense there is one a shock, but also one of great tanks for these pilots bravery. several people told us that they saw this giant plane dissolution 76, and it's very important that the viewers understand the scale of this machine weighs over 77000 kilos only. and it was heavily laden with fuel and its cargo of ukrainian po w's. when it was stopped by ukrainian air defense, some is so close to the village deposits, apparently steered away from a crushing directly into the village and it allows it into field uh, just about a kilometer uh beyond. uh so there's a huge sense of shock there. and we've had a tubing and rolling, of course, from tiaa. we've had pro a president zelinski initially saying nothing for about 24 hours. then coming out saying he wants to have an investigation. prior to all the sources in key of had
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come out and essentially celebrated the shooting down to the illusion. 76 until at the discovery was made by them that unfortunately their own men were being carried on board. so it's been an absolute charge. it is a terrible i already and twist of fate for those prisoners of war who are very close to making a home to their families. as we've also heard a terrible tragedy for the crew, pilots navigators, and the guards who are with this a consignment. locally there was another plane as part of this flight, another illusion, 76, which makes the turn around when this incident occurred. but a great tragedy, a tragedy for the region here in belgrade were standing yards from where and made a weapons killed doses of people a new year. and like in a very cynical attack, we believe with a check made vampire and below arrest systems. so belgrade, historically feeling the print of this conflict right now and is innocent civilians
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that are feeling it luckily and tragically, uh, there was a bigger tragedy averted. and y'all, blown about today, or yesterday morning. and thankfully, and the people are very, very thankful for that at least mike or why not let, let me cross to new york where caleb, where you are right now. the un security council meeting is to start in a couple of hours after was postponed for a day by friends. what are the spec patients for today? well, we're here at the united nations and anticipation of the upcoming meeting of the un security council. now, when speaking, yesterday, the russian foreign minister made clear that he hoped france would not abuse its power as the acting president and the rotating seat of the leadership of the security council and delay the meeting. but it appears that is what happened. russia wanted an immediate meeting to take place in the immediate aftermath of the shooting down of the plain. however,
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of that didn't happen. and we saw france using its power as the acting president of the security council. and they are rotating position to delay the meeting. but the meeting will take place. russia is a permanent member of the security council. they have the power to call a meeting, and that meeting will take place will be anticipating during what russian ambassador and eventually i have to say about the incident and what the western countries will also have to say what france will have to say for itself. but why would they delay a meeting about an event like this? what is a very serious moment where an airplane, full of prisoners of war was shot down by ukrainian forces. now this sounds like something that should be immediately addressed, but france used its power to do otherwise, the meeting will proceed. ranch, dissipating it here in the next few hours. we understand that the meeting that will be public will be preceded by closed consultation. so they'll be closed consultations in the security council chamber, and then then they will have their public meeting on which they will go before the
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world and discuss the events that take place. so a lot of anticipation to see how the different countries react and explain the events that have just happened. the fact that it was western military hardware that was used to shoot this plane down. not only were they ukrainian forces, backed by nato and the west doing it, but they did it with hardware supplied by western countries. that raises a lot of questions about the morality and the assets of continuing to fund the ukranian forces. so people are looking at this and wondering what will be said when the meeting begins. a wide hearty corresponding che bose on the caleb monthly and thank you very much for bringing us up to speed with this. of the canada has added to india to its probable the last into far ends in its past national elections, of the same investigation. previously accused of ross here in china. atalla has now been asked to provide evidence for the case. the foreign interference commission
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has requested that the government of canada is collection and production of documents relating to its terms of reference include information and documents relating to alleged interference by india related to the 20192021 elections. what canada has done is they have expanded their i'm veto investigation against into fevans by countries in their elections of 2019, i'm 2021. now the foreman defense committee by canada was set off in sometimes september last year to investigate in defense by country such as china and russia. i know india has been added to that list investigating india now for a legit into veterans in the last 2 elections. no, it's interesting because every time you think that the blue magic relationship between india and canada did not hit any law,
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cannot the daughter read any fault though it has hit rock bottom. what you see is counted out for walk in there. once again. not remember last year and justin to do in an open farley month have basically a lead in deals in moreland, in the model of a canadian citizen, called hardly seen major. he was a call of sony. explain this. he was a call to sony separate. this also labeled service in india. india had rubbish. all these obligations india had called them motivated. an absence of india on fact had repeatedly all scan it all for the rules of the said that they have approve based on which they have alleged that till they, if they have provided none. now entails also going on to say that under the global freedom of speech, in what, what canada does it, the hide it's seamless. the context is that we feel that canadian part takes,
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has given space to violent and extreme political opinions. the advocates separatism from india, including too violent means freedom of speech and freedom of expression also comes with a certain responsibility. the misuse of those freedoms and the toleration of that misuse for political purposes would be very wrong. no new obligation by canada is concerned. the windows and was moved in meddling in their elections of 20192021. we do not know whether or not they are to provide proof or not. but what they saying is that this committee, which has been formed the ongoing investigation, is supposed to reveal an internal report of thoughts on may todd. but also they're saying that it'll take the full year for them to finish this investigation. of course, and i was going to wait and watch see whether or not they have any tool for isn't again, a similar hard deed signature kind of a situation where there's only wards and no substance. oh for that matter. but we
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can also expect from the indian ministry of ex, done the fast a shop reply to canada. and to gather now the un, it has reported an attack on the organizations training center that houses 800 displaced people located in the south and the city of san eunice that he says, a pair of idea of tank rounds head the building. how about use was denied and your responsibility? 12 people have been left dead with many of those winded, by the un. special roberto of palestine made a case on social media. that easel must be held accountable. have a blessed, a why blocking a to stopping people? because this is what apartheid, the organic byproduct of secular colonialism looks like. segregation and depression pushed to the extreme, ordering trapped people to evacuate and bombing them before they can even do so. is kind us, yes. and it is also a series,
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international crime punishable under the rooms statute of the international criminal court. now the latest casualties now standing at over $25000.00 people now according to gas l. special. since the beginning of october, 11000 children, you know, have been, have lost their lives now and that figure has passed, the number of children killed mean was in iraq, afghanistan, and even human. it's now nearly equal to the amount of kids killed in syria over 11 years ago that most of those who are surviving a war and guys are doing so. and it's such a safe haven with a un saying that the nearly 90 percent of the residents have been displaced. now every day brings new castle to use the according to the numbers you can see right here a 1000 until then in gas, i had killed every 10 days. and if you add that old denny is a total of a $100.00 losing their lives. now we discussed the situation with unicef
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communications office. that's probably more ways a sewage and gaza is becoming more than catastrophic. it's, it's a really handle for to and then not right now. there's no where to go. that's i think that's the problem. the biggest problem and then guys, i find what sets us apart from other conflicts. maybe 1900000 people have been uh, internally displaced. um those people are living in a very crowded, a shelters, very crowded areas. and they're being pushed even more to, to, to lesser and smaller areas. and this creates a real, a risk for diseases, but also for, for increased needs, changing it up for water, for sanitation as well. uh, the musical help that we are seeing and know in, in guys i'm in georgia now and it's practically the same weather as in the state of
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palestine. it's winter and we don't see that we've seen a lot of green in the past days. you can imagine how to fix children, ethics, families, especially those who are living in tents and, and temporarily settlements many, many to many children being killed. and unfortunately, these children have nothing to do with the conflict they didn't choose to be in that place. this is the worst that you guys will have seen in the past years since they are and has been monitoring the situation that so again, i think there's, there's no need to prove that the situation in gaza is really bad for children. we're seeing children being killed daily. we are on the ground, our colleagues, i'm going to tell you the situation that we see more children being
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a sick. the diseases are starting to uh, to spreads including the 3 illnesses, even the types us. now we hear some cases have been confirmed and other other illnesses that are really, really dangerous, not only for the lives of these children or for the future, but the for the future of the community as a whole. this is a really hard to take on this. we allow this to uh, fist or, and uh, scripts even more. we are really interesting, the whole, whole community. we need the international community to step up and take their uh, take their responsibilities and defending children rights and the really cool for a ceasefire and, and continue the advocacy and i work put for everyone, not only the parties to the caustic, but also those who have the influence over them to uh, to actually uh,
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step up and, and actually need the responsibilities of as, as international community. as a massive blaze, it has often had a prominent hospital hand. they are written in capital. let's trust live to our to use use of july the reporting from outside the medical facility and to ron yusef is good to have you, would you like me to write down? what's the details of what saves going on right there, the incident can you let us know the, like you said, be great. can you hear me? i'm asking what would be the details of the incident? yeah, of course. of course, for huge flames and golf. the 21 story building of the gone div hotel, hospital and ne stuff on e set into place around 7 p. m. local time on the eastern side of the building. and the fire continued to waste for 2 hours after spreading to other parts of the
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building. efforts to put out the fire or now under way with firefighters, racing against time to both extinguish the fire and to evacuate the building. i spoke to the sports person of the fire department. mister armada county said that the firefighters have so far managed to extinguish the outer part of the building there. now war king to point out the interior part of the hospitals. so far we have not been informed about the cause will be sitting for the money and health ministry has confirmed out up to this moment that there are vin. no faith talent. he is, the deputy health minister also said that 93 patients were at the hospital when the fire broke out and 91 of them have been evacuated and transferred to other medical centers to other patients. they said were accommodated in a safe place in the hospital due to the fact that they had just come out of the operating room. he said that they will soon be transferred to another hospital once their condition stabilizes. we're not sure if the student has anything to do with
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the ongoing tensions in the region as there been some tit for tat exchanges between there was and, and as well in the wake of the gods of war. but we do know that john b medical center is one of the biggest and best equipped private treatment centers in the wrong, in the middle east, upon from providing medical services. it also has a hotel providing accommodation for, for, and patients and their families. what makes this hospital unique is that it was built 15 years ago with the goal of boosting medical tourism and iran. i've been here um a couple of times actually to produce reports about everyone's house tourism. and each time i visited the place it was fussing with patients from other countries like iraq or man, and many neighboring countries site will update you right here from the spot as i get more details about because of the fire and how things work out for ride har
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decreased, but then you seem to lobby. thank you for bringing us up to speed and us. yeah, man is bombarded by a west and do they security situation in the red sea for ship is tenuous at best. however, china is calling for cool. the hedge to review as the un security council has never authorized any country to use force against them. and we think that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the countries bordering the red sea, including them and should be respected. china stands ready to work with all parties to cool down the situation in the red sea and safeguard security and stability in the region to but the, during the press conference, the chinese for administrators both passing was asked about the reports that b, g had been asked by washington to urge to ron to rain in the with these, china responded with a message to the relevant parties, quote, do not add fuel to the fire in the right seat. move while the conflict between the who pays and the us let western coalition continues to escalate. according to
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reports, the power of american flag ships carrying cargo for the us defense and state departments were attacked by the movies that you comes on the heels of another round of us and u. k. s. strikes on yemen. now we spoke with our to contribute to our call, john, who is suggested that the us has become desperate by trying to sign up for help i right now the united states have a long but yeah, men repeatedly it so far that has not accomplished the state of the game, which is to restore shipping through red sea, china is shipping lives are not having, facing attacks through red sea at the moment. because the largest chinese shipping, like costco, has announced the suspended shipping to israel. and a whole lot of all, after all the answer a lot has announced their blog, k is typically targeting shipping to israel's. the fact the us have to go to china to ask china will help. that means you,
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united states is really desperate. china has read better, it is position the israel palestine calls like that, but the solution is established in a policy in the state. but for now, the priority is still immediate. cease fire just with a stops to fighting an end of suffering in those and civilians who are being whose life are being destroyed. of the watering guys, ice writing, how the idea f as a tractor has belie a field which was used to launch a way these are useful. so that'd be the recent, the also carried out the series of asked lights on solving lebanon. the point that lead targeting has bl offline to, is it an exclusive offer to report corresponding to yes, and it can, was the 1st journalist on the scene of that attack. this is the site of an air strike in the town of nicola. it's roughly 2 kilometers from the is really border and this vehicle was destroyed,
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flipped over. and i believe the engine is actually on the other side of the compound, which really depicts the level of destruction. the is where the air force has caused in these parts of the country. but more importantly, the compound in and of itself, of course, has been destroyed, but the neighboring residences and buildings have also been destroyed. which is a main issue, particularly because this is a residential area. it is populated by civilians and of course is debris all over the ground. we do need to be careful, don't a trip in full destroyed vehicle. this is also important in the sense that the country is facing a great deal of economic stress and properties like that are very difficult to come by for the people of 11 on the day it was the war. so we're not that, is that something that gets it? so normally the boys were out in the or it was the end. and during the day, it was in the when i add a lot of records from the 16,
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a place on the she was well known among the but my, it was a crazy uh, there was something to big bombs from the plan. and they sold this house and inside this, although some people that is not on the 4 people, they all buy. they do within the 2 seconds. the 2 guys out of the door. yeah. because the flight of the that is foot on the one. sometimes it's not, boom, that's why they slip to. so they want to beaumont. that's why they start to get what makes this concerning is of course, of the fact that we're not discussing whether there were military targets in this residential complex. while we are discussing is, of course, the rules of engagement and how military's should act in residential areas. and according to international law, of course, attacks against such targets or illegal. yes, of course, these really air force and these really military continues to conduct as strikes in
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southern levels. well, that's the update this hour. you can get more details on r t dot com. i'll see you again in about 30 minutes the, [000:00:00;00] the, well, it seems like we have many different payment methods these days between paypal, venmo, credit cards, apple pay, or at least say, there's still a significant portion of the world who does not have access to these technologies.


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