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tv   News  RT  January 25, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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the the, the leasing territory which you pay and sacrifice. tens of thousands of soldiers, thousands of tags on with personnel carriers. um would cost uh, $2.00 to $2.00 days to retake this home. good. all right, sir. reports on the phone line developments for ukrainian fruits match the lease in washington for 5th m. s. k of retreats. its modest gains i left behind the as a flight record as of the down ill 7 to 6 of sol based on the trash side. preliminary findings of a rush of investigative committee point to an anti aircraft, meso loans from ukraine, destroyed with jet awfully audit acceptable backs, the united nations reaction to an he's ready strike of the un south of
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a guy. the flat 12 people are killed is that says, nations around the world need to come together and cole board and do the valve. and we need the international community to step up and take the take the responsibilities and defending to learn rides. and really the goal for a ceasefire. the weather is our team to national reaching you live to moscow. welcome to the global update based our i a michael, quick check. now to the training and conflicts has russian forces re taking positions. the key, if it's secure during its canceled offensive, i've seen a corresponded more. i've got the bring sauce this report with the latest developments on the front line. the little distance away from, from the front lines of the very short distance away from the bubble, yet,
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which is near the boats in that. and one of the main directions of the euclidean towns are offensive, failed counter offensive over the summer, and never the less the credit and forces here, but able to penetrate some kilometers into russian defenses. pos, the dragon's teeth, the now famous will for you create infamous drag and seat defensive lie, the 1st russian defensive line we were here instead of of oil during the summer offensive through autumn we saw ukrainian vehicles button and by the dozen. uh everyday. now, a weird situation where do you credit? and sadly, you credit in a sense of his being robust, that gains russian troops are, are me a 500 meters away from closing those defensive defensive lines. up again, this is russian, apple, and troops, as well as special operations forces. we could also tell you that you can ease, indeed run, ensure of especially large got heavy, kind of
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a large caliber tillery shelves with even more and more a cd drugs company called g. drones being used by you create an attempt to uh, to compensate for the shortage in heavier um, well well since hearing from fights is here that there are much fuel you credit. and so just uh, mining positions, treasures, uh, foreign positions here on the front lines which again, speaks of a, uh, a manpower shortage among your credit invoices. but this is indeed a remarkable reversal uh so quickly for russian forces to have reclaimed so much territory. many, many thousands of square kilometers kids that are bubble up boats in a low. this is territory which you can sacrifice tens of thousands of soldiers, thousands of tags and personnel carriers um would cause the 2 to 2 days to retake, to call good. and this is old, robust at this point, the me,
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a 500 meters left for russia to close up. the salad that you create achieved over some of the counter insides of the massive blaze as erupt. it had a prominent hospital, a new radian capital that's across live, not to our to use of july, the reporting from outside the medical facility and to her on you said, what details do you have about this incident? of the well as we speak, the fire has completely been extinguished by other firefighters. are there been around to, doesn't fire trucks deployed to this region? we're firefighters have been working for around 3 to 4 hours to put out the fire. now, the iranian fire fighting department told us this full expression, of course i talked to him and he said that the fire has been completely
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extinguished. uh it, uh, of course it all started around uh, 6 30 pm local time here in northeast to ron, on the uh, the gone to the hotel hospital which has many non iranian for, and medical tourists coming from different countries. mostly it ones neighboring countries like, oh man and a rock. well, the fire broke out. uh 630 local time here and uh, so far the fire has been completely pulled out. the building has been completely evacuated. 93 patients were inside the hospital at the time of the incident and now all of those patients have been evacuated, transferred to other medical centers to receive the need, a treatment. uh, of course, the fire when the fire broke out, it affected the eastern side of the building off. of course that's the facade of the building. and it gradually spread to other parts of the hospital and entered
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some of the sensitive parts of the hospital. for soft yvonne has so far as short. d. uh, yvonne e, a nation. the one you firefighting department said that. uh so far there's been no faith tallies um and that uh, the avante mission. he said that should rest assured that no one has been killed as a result of the incident, but we're not sure about whether or not there have been some serious injuries. um, i also ask the spokesperson for the fire fighting departure. and mr. malik, and he said that because of the incident is still under investigation, but he said that they've been several uh, warning warnings issued to the hospital to avoid using composite materials for the facade of the building, which in case of a fire, that facade, that type of material accelerates the fire under blaze, and those warnings have been here. she said, but this, of course,
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the exact cause of the incidents is still to be investigated and to be clear, vonny and i'm in a surf interior was also here at the see you said that the, the iranian ministry of interior of will and they're wanting police will definitely investigate the causal visit and we'll let the people know about it, of course, but we're not sure whether or not it has anything to do with the ongoing of slayer off in the tensions in the region and the re send. so tit for tat exchanges. between iran and israel, has there been some serious exchanges of files like tit for tat retaliation between israel and to ron? and whether or not this latest incident has to do anything with that. and those developments or not to this question has to be seen in the coming perhaps hours or days. but what's clear is that this hospital is very significant in the fact that
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the sense that it hosts a significant number of 4 and tourist, apart from being a hospital, providing some medical services to about 4 and visitors, medical tourists from mountain and walk and other neighboring countries around here on it also has a hotel, a 21 story hotel that has around 120 suites for the families of the patients or the patients themselves to accommodate those people coming from other parts of the region to yvonne to receive medical treatment so this makes this hospital, judy khan, this latest incident unique. so i'm going to stay here, ask the yvonne need officials at the seed here on a will update you as soon as i get more information about it. all right, thank you for bringing us up to speed. of course we expect more information r t for his funding use of july. thank so
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there was an investigative committee has opened the criminal case over like a doubting of an ill 76 mandatory aircraft. their preliminary findings show that the plane was headed by an anti or crop mess, a launch from ukraine area, both of slides record as with salvage from the ill fated the aircraft loaded with 65, you create in fuel w's that waste, that to be swapped with russia o $7.00 to $4.00 people, including 9 russian crew members were killed in the crash. a local judge held a memorial service for the deceased, and the many attended to pay tribute to the russian crew members local. i wouldn't if it said that the off of being struck the play instead away from the nearby town all the way to be saving lives. we spoke with a wife of one of the navigators of the crowd, alexi recently this ok bye back. she told us how she felt on that fateful day.
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she was awarded to mester off metal and the most important metal and 80 age, and one of the most important in russia. but i can't say to what degree he's a veteran of combat operations in syria and he worked in context on i knew about this flight. i 1st heard about it on the news, i hope to get on board the other plan, the one that was turned around, but i realized it was him because he would always let me know when he was taking off and landing this time. there were no messages from him for a long time. i mean, i knew it was him, but i didn't want to believe it. i hope that he had been on board another plane and just couldn't get in touch. my husband is from was coming of course, origin and eastern causes us done. we had been married since 2005 and we have 2 daughters and 11 and a 14 year old. they already know about what happened. my husband was a real man. he was a great husband and father, i always felt safe with him, hiding behind my stone walls. he was very supporters, and he had very good judgments. he never deceived any one. and he lived by his
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morals. he loved flying, he loved his. it was 70 ex aircraft, although he started flying on another type of aircraft. they had several types in the regiment. so we had to retrain for the wheels 762 to 3 different kinds of plans . bar to correspondence. caleb, more pin in new york end tables in belgrade. hey, how the latest on the developing story as well, mike? yeah, as you can see, it's a very difficult conditions here in belgrade. time we've just come back from the small settlement va, loanable at just about an hour east of belgrade, the side of this tragic incident. now we spent the day talking to people in the village, the main sense there is one a shock, but also one of great tanks for these pilots bravery. several people told us that they saw this julian plane dissolution 76, and it's very important that the viewers understand the scale of this machine weighs over 77000 kilos and only and it was heavily laden with fuel and its cargo
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of ukrainian po w's. when it was stopped by ukrainian air defense smith so close to the village deposits, apparently steered away from a crushing directly into the village and it landed in the field uh, just about a kilometer uh beyond. uh so there's a huge sense of shock there. and we've had a tubing and throwing of course from to yeah, we've had pro a president zelinski initially saying nothing for about 24 hours. then coming out saying he wants to have an investigation. prior to all the sources in key of had come out and essentially celebrated the shooting down to the illusion. 76 until at the discovery was made by them that unfortunately their own men were being carried on board. so it's been an absolute charge. it is a terrible i already and twist of fate for those prisoners of war who are very close to making a home to their families. as we've also heard
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a terrible tragedy for the crew, pilots navigators, and the guards who are with this a consignment. locally there was another plane, as part of this flight, another lucian, 76, which amounted to turn around when this incident occurred. but a great tragedy, a tragedy for the region here in belgrade were standing yards from where and made a weapons killed doses of people a new year. and like in a very cynical attacks, we believe with a check made vampire and below arrest systems. so belgrade is certainly feeling the print of this conflict right now, and it's innocent civilians that are feeling locally and tragically, uh, there was a big or tragedy averted. and yeah, blown about today or yesterday morning thankfully, and the people are very, very thankful for that. at least we're here out in front of the united nations and anticipation of the upcoming un security council meeting that is scheduled to take place, discussing the downing of the airplane full of prisoners of war from ukraine. now
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russia wanted this meeting to take place in the immediate aftermath of the incident, but as was said on telegram by dmitri poll janski's, a deputy ambassador for the russian mission to the united nations, they feared that france would use its power as the acting president of the security council and their rotating position to delay the meeting and it appears that that is what happens now. pull janski's said that they expected france might take this move because they wanted to give you crane an opportunity to make up their own version of events to have a story to justify and explain their actions. however, at this point, the meeting is set to proceed. it will not be taking place as it was held for by russia, and they made it aftermath the incident, but it will happen 24 hours later. we understand there will be closed consultations that take place before the public meeting of the security council members, the security council will be consulting with each other behind closed doors. and
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then there will be a public meeting, and many are anticipating to see what the different countries will have to say. there are reports indicating that it was apparently a us made weapon that was used to shoot down the aircraft though that is not confirmed. we don't have full confirmation of that, but if so that raises a lot of questions about the ethics of the you as a continuing to give weapons and fund go to the ukrainian military and usa has given billions and billions of dollars to fund ukraine, provided them and all kinds of weaponry, etc. but at this point, people have questions that already there has been pushed back in congress. now there's this report that a plane full of ukraine's own prisoners of war that we're about to be swapped with shot down by you grinding and forces, possibly with weapons provided by the united states. all of this raises a lot of questions, so we'll be anticipating this very important meeting of the security council will be anxious to see what the different countries have to say. a lot of people all across the planet are going to be watching to see what goes down in the chamber
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right here in new york city view and security council chamber and manhattan. reference media has reported that the play in was shut down by us supply and patriot missile system finding minutes resources. meanwhile, friends, which currently holds the un security council of presidency, denied ross as requested convene on an emergency meeting on the day of the tragedy . we spoke with international affairs and the sink and the security analyst markets level that he predicted that the us government as a major bank of key if would turn a blind eye to the incident, are almost certain there won't be any outcry from the u. s. over this, they will seek away the twist and blame russia somehow for this incident. despite it being done by the care of redeem against its own prisoners of war. uh, and, and done with it in american supply military systems. but if the cabbage him views
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its prisoners of war as traitor before surrendering, they should have died to demand defending their positions. and we have seen the cavern dream target its own po, w's in. uh, 2022 uh in. um, you know, uh uh, early enough go, you live, go in the don boss region a hi mars fired at a detention facility holding the prisoners of we. busy are far right, members of a's off stall who were starting to speak out. we saw a similar incidences in our to almost a year later with another high mars hitting a detention facility and a multiple videos we have of when the coverage seems, forces surrender and have to be transported from the battle field a back when they can be identified the givers even sends a f p v. drones for artillery strikes to try to stop them. uh,
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they certainly don't want a critical. busy key every game of troops speaking uh, you know, to, uh, you know, the russian ministry of defense and possibly to the world media. critically on the conditions of which they were forced and often script, scripted to fight under that loss. as president clinton has emphasized the country a strong by lot for relations with india and abroad in the south asia, nations independent and foreign policy in defiance of western past that he made those comments during a meeting with students. how to university in the ross in the city of calvin, in grad, i don't mind coping enough that i'm in the receipts of the largest for an investment . if nothing has changed, the indian economy has come from russia and our company. rosemary has invested $23000000000.00 in acquiring an oil refinery, a network of federal stations. they also inquire to ports, etc. and with your team view is pursuing an independent foreign policy,
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which is not easy in the current world. but india, with a population of 1500000000 people has the right to do so. and under the leadership of the prime minister, this rate is being realized. and this is not just the statement of fact. it is important from the point of view of organizing joint work and thinking that gives us an opportunity to forecast the actions of our partners in the medium and long term product, mrs. important and practical. where can we rely on the country or the leadership of the country we are cooperating with the world or will it make decisions that do not even correspond to its national interest tomorrow goes to such games, do not work with india. and then we just, we spoke with child model that i have former indian ambassador to all mania and georgia case of india has showed its independence by continuing to work with russia despite west impacts that over the conflict in ukraine of the new standing. the blue does understand each other and the history stands behind, you know,
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from the bottom of the lien to stay with the same test exchange. so there is a political understanding. it has always been there for the ideal reasons. the one who loves to violate to treat the in the boss was not picking up much and i want to go new motion to these are going to you, this is and the shooter. they should all little better for the relations between what's eventually to so and then um like uh for instance, like who should live close to the been in policy. i'm showing huge eyes in mind that kind of standards definitely don't offer me the show. okay. and confidence and the americans had done all sanctions against the registrar and i might have guns and moody and open. but as far as us, we're sitting there trying to push it out in the strikes a suite us to stay away from and chasing. uh, you know, from the, from the show on this phone to phrases. but we said no, we stood by,
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you know what the talk was uh, in the best interest of the now and also in the sofa taking our relations with the time goes to the restroom shop to you know, uh, new hurts is not confident. and just the physical, you know, doing the 2 sites and move them. you guys have a great understanding of each other and us all of a look at mistreat, which is working or very latest. and together now the u. n. has a report then attack on the organizations training center of the houses, 800 displaced people located in the southern city of con you and as the size of the pair of idea of tank rounds hit the building. however, east will have denied any responsibility. 12 people had been good and left dead with many of us wounded by the un special repertoire for palestine. mid a case on social media, but he's role must be held accountable. have
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a listen. why blocking a to stopping people? because this is what apartheid, the organic byproduct of secular colonialism looks like. segregation and depression pushed to the extreme, ordering trapped people to evacuate and bombing them before they can even do so. it's kind of us, yes. and it is also a serious, international crime punishable under the rooms statute of the international criminal court. by the latest casualties, now standing at over 25000 people according to the gas, the official since the beginning of october, 11000 showed and have lost the lies about the figure has surpassed the number of children killed and was in iraq, afghanistan, and human. it's now nearly equal to the amount of kids killed in syria over 11 years. that most of those who are surviving the warning guys are doing so. and such a safe haven what the u. n saying that nearly 90 percent on residents have been
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displaced. now at the. busy they bring to new casualties according to the numbers, a 1000 until then in guys i killed every 10 days added up from a daily total of $100.00, losing their lives. can see the numbers that we discussed, the situation with unicef company occasions office. i saw him always of the storage and garza is becoming more than got that stuff. it gets its uh, a really hey, look forward to and then not right now. there's nowhere to go that's. i think that's the problem. the biggest problem and guys like and what sets us apart from other conflicts, maybe 1900000 people have been internally displaced. um, those people are living in a very crowded, a shelters as that you crowd the areas and they're being pushed
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even more to, to, to lesser and smaller areas. and this creates a real, a risk for diseases, but also for, for increased needs. things in the for water for sanitation as well. uh, the musical help that we are seeing and know in, in god i'm in georgia now and it's practically the same weather as in the state of palestine. it's winter and we don't see it. we've seen a lot of green in the past days. you can imagine how that affects children, methics families, especially those who are living in tents and, and temporarily settlements many, many to many children being killed. and unfortunately these children have nothing to do with the conflict. they did, they choose to be in that place. this is the worst that you guys have seen in the
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past. you as soon as you and has been monitoring the situation that so again, i think there's, there's no need to prove that the situation in gaza is really, that's what you learn with seeing children being killed daily. we are on the ground, our colleagues, i'm going to say the situation that we see more children doing a sick and diseases are starting to uh, to spreads including grocery illnesses, even the tightest. now we hear some cases have been confirmed and other other illnesses that are really, really dangerous, not only for the lives of these children or for the future, but the for the future of the community as a whole. this is a really hard to take on this. we allow this to a fist or and is even more we are really we're seeing the whole whole community we need the international community to step up and take their uh stigma
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responsibilities uh and defending children rights and really cool for a ceasefire and, and continue, oh look to see and i look push for everyone, not the only the part is the caustic, but also those who have the influence over them to uh, to actually uh, step up and, and actually need the responsibilities of as, as international committee. and now over to the u. k. y, but just find been established use to knock and opposition lead a curious tom. i can't say whether it will be a war crime if the idea of killed a policy and who was holding up a fight flag, or international humanitarian or should be respected and civilians will be, should be protected library about point expressly to prime minister netanyahu. and the forms x rays in the region this week, making exactly the same point for us. obviously i haven't seen the voltage yet. so
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i've been walking around the talk. i'm still tight yet. i would have to say it's, i've been sent the link to it, but i haven't seen it a so called the faith zones. and guys are proving anything but faithful. the civilians who beside that, that usually a tax on such areas have been captured in camera by british media outlets. about one video shows civilians holding up the white flag. and one of them is report at least dad in the streets. other ideas that he was not aware of such an incident occurring in, claim that the footage was the quote clearly edited. let's have a look. this group of men doing dark up close to appear non threatening. they wanted to reach to other family members and get them to try to of homes. why did i have my mother and brother in there that i'm seeing with the wrong 50 or 70 display people in another house. busy at least right, which came to us and told us to evacuate. they didn't let my brother out. we want
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to go and try to get them. oh god willing the interview. he had been shot on, fatally wounded. right. let's cross live now to john lives. martin j editor, i my grab, you does chrome, the dot org is nice to have. you join me right now. what do you think about the fact that the british leadership cannot determine whether it will be a war crime for the idea of to caroline on, um, civilian in gather it doesn't surprise me as the same. like, i mean honestly, um the british political lead have signed up to completely supporting lock stock and barrel. the genocide to these readings kind of helped design is to count in those time. and um, with the, with the attention of surrounding the international criminal justice case in the netherlands, which is probably gonna come to that tomorrow. it's pretty normal. it's pretty
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standard to play from where she so not to not be drawn into making a statement which could be used as evidence. which could, you know, i'm quite apart from being used as evidence to support the war crimes case against as well. of course, that would and know mostly in the way the ministration. so he's not, you know, he's not going to get pulled into doing something quite so let me make a stop, but also you have to remember the background to what's going on in the british political scene right now. you know, so, so, so they have some, some real problems. he's go by french and peas to open the states into the media. so they don't have the confidence in him taking the policy to the next couple of options on winning. so you go to the lines, play a nice story, not too concerned about some of this genocide getting on those thousands of miles where the charges. now what was the international response to this? reported kelly, and we'll find out on the phone listing in if it had been holding up a white flag. when you went to a white skirt and appropriate, you know, as
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a total come to a nation from major institutions run across the world. and not because it's very, very difficult for anybody to such it is very difficult for any institutions to say that it could be something else or an illness frontage. might be say, it's very ironic and some common cold up the very institution, israel's i d, f that has a, an outstanding reputation. the 2nd videos for us is the one that goes on this particular video. you know, i think that despite the tragic circumstances of the situation, some people must see the funny side about the owner in your office. but you know, we, we haven't had a huge ravishing to on. they told us to wait back. um, i think not just goes to show that even though is there a lot of support around the world for palestine, where it maxes in western countries who are launched a supporting america. you know, it's, it's not surprising that it's, it's been muted. but what, why do you.


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