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tv   Documentary  RT  January 25, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EST

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when you went to a white skirt appropriate, you know, a total come to a nation from major institutions run across the world and not because it's very, very difficult for anybody to such. it is very difficult for any institutions to say that it could be something else or an illness frontage. might be say, it's very ironic and some chemicals up the very institution, israel's i d, f that has a, an outstanding reputation and thinking videos is the one that goes on this particular video. you know, i think that despite the tragic circumstances of the situation, some people must see the funny side about the owner of your site. but you know, we, we haven't a house or a huge ravishing tool and they told us to wait back. um, i think not just goes to show that even though is there a lot of support around the world for palestine, where it maxes in western countries who are launched a supporting america. you know, it's, it's not surprising that it's, it's been muted. but why, why do you think the british government is afraid to say it to be
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a war crime because it will do it very quick to scream genocide in the case of ukraine to yes, this is a strange island, isn't it? you know, there was a, there was, there was very quick to do that. but in the case of palestine, i think they've invested far too much in israel and israel's future. and so to take science and to and to try and look at this genocide from more object to point of view to them, i think would seem to be destructive. that would be to see what seems to be going against the wishes. the platinum instructions i mentioned before, and it would, it would, it would possibly create a mental sort of resolution, i suppose, which could be the end of it as well as we know it. so didn't to keep quiet and to keep the status quo. i think uh is really what's, what's, what's going on here in a, but i think also all the m piece and all the ministers have been freaked extensively . not to be drawn in to making stuff such statements to john this, you know,
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there was a, there was a guy in order which is obviously being put into place. it's just by supporting that person, the country that was once a beacon you know, for democracy and freedom of liberty, is that a well and had his head score is a colonial history, is now really nothing more than a a 3rd right profit to america's foreign policy. very disappointed. all right, we have to leave you here. now martin j john list in editor add to margaret b dot org. thank you for your insight. the now but so want to get more updates on r t dot com for more stories. of course, just to had him less than 30 minutes. i'll be right back with more stories the
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most that i know that i continue to say 45 a related to him. i remind me of it as something go that easily. but for sort of the 30 minutes thing that must and i that is for the band and then sensitive will you have a gun with it as a new vehicle or the side of it. all right, so that, that is the shipment, the joe instead of printed out of the present tonight. thank you. the idea that you are the seal, the think the thing again, my number is lorraine from us out of the see 30 slowly and i had our our either the
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call about the ongoing fee will see. i see that you've got an idea. they want to invite you, is there any progress on that? i mean, by that time frame that i see must be on extreme i guess the time even though is a mess it the, the sort of the force i know that i see all the, the associated out of any sort of like if it's unit only got the last thing i mean, the persona and let me get for it. and what i assumed was it about what the, the numbers on the, on the see,
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i'm going to the end book because i'm going to, if we can, i mean to the, i'm a sort of imagined. but he doesn't wanna add somebody again, normally uh, worried into a lot of homework, as we said on the end of the, of the cheapest hmo for name for. i'm assuming just so many have given me the persona, the plus for. so i'm in the table in which i saw a bit of consolidated and put things into the following condo, and it must really be any time during the shooting at that. only. so hold on because it'd be simple to easily we though the but i so i don't know who i mean i put it in as it goes into effect on any of those heavy and what is the, whatever the ends you almost got from them. if they seem to be able to see what, but we'll see if i mean, i think this, i me that, that i'll be able to handle bundle again. go look at bustle,
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end of matthew. what does this sound in their lives? and then let them come inside of that and also we're gonna find you the, the so, so you will keep one under the side and committee, right info. say let's see on. i'm in the room but i you but i mean guiding why that under the video game. so i lost the original model by then thought it was, there's a maintenance your knowledge, the jeffrey model interest on your key is ethan and just and convince the associate on pay for that. he's going to, they put on me when we have pro rated fuel, but here in canada and from us at the end of the sea and so on. last april,
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june to do it a little. so even though they've been there since then, police ago isn't going to dc, plug it out on an upside oak on the need to know the way you can use it in data sort of going thing as him, but not gonna say so very solid foot allowed and he says, he'll know what that means out of getting a if it goes out, if it was in a meeting demo, say they give a send that will have a little random sample. they'll go instead of you. but in a say that, oh yeah, going through my sales and a zebra. i come by me. and when i see that seems like something that i might be got a like a same one that i'm ready like, you know, sending going you send it, but i'd rather gotten the money to us. you know, i don't, i don't need it, but it's on the same oss at the 50 a,
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but i want to be a 50 and miss a guess. i need more as little for this for the database. the, they're almost in the, some of them for like that is, i'm one of the media the and we get my dentist one and a lot of the city a at that one city of the city, a federal edison. i have the top program. i see the ibm see it the, the manual. yeah. the most here. yeah. i mean my, you know, but i brought it to persona. i feel that people put it in the commercial name for one on because of. yeah, you know, so i'm going to see on it about a bit. all right, so price on these are c o a look for them. i guess i think in the bottom the point, and i'm pretty is let me say that one's own honest and deals. you know, based on, but honestly, the majority of that office on a k, i knew it, i love is that go see that. i mean on the he can only go see, i'm a persona and then we'll grab a, wanna be that me court. it, well, can you, i'm afraid that then any, say i la money out and we got
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a good on the heart. the whole keeps asking me about in my city, somebody middle and went to say this, you know, see out on the, on my, someone come 5 minutes or just on us. you know, we are going to the same will just say you for them you that, i mean, this sounds have, you know, something by me in the morning. you said they by 3 of the bottom level, money guessing, but effect up what about it is still saying 0. and then what can also say them. so the set to say sadly, and they will send that over to via so selling. this just came home. i need you because i'm a like, i you in my not very heavy and my mother to the police here. if i don't know, i was enjoying that. i mean, yeah you're, i mean this is, i'm on the say, well, they've got to sit in, but obviously, and i just thought a set of a way to say i could either of them would be, let's see, line one up to see they've got to say oh then see
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a little bit of money into it. but i do you have the tenant out of this and i'm so getting into full i see on there. okay, move down. i know the boss how the the, the when i see the see on let me sadie a valencia bonnie: these uh if i got a mon could i get it can buy the my inventory. i use my dad i, i didn't go more than that. i won't seem to see that, but it's on that. no, no, but that out of in the see it, they have in the single method of the month, a man on the 2nd photo last a lot for me, the divide, you know, so and i mean what's the deal? yeah, i think it's a lot of money out of this and i saw on mommy's on the side of him. we model us out of way model nobody or nobody most that will see this talk because they they convince him that i person, i mean i don't think that he thought of from 30 so these are going to lend. you will be as i am. ok, norfolk as you now and what it will be and what was your name?
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what do i have as you come when i book them some of one of those a physical mostly with the media. well, they look a, okay, here's what they need to live here. so if it's in, think on those sort of let me send me what do you mean? so you're not assumable, he that but a mobile several able to pass the owner, but it doesn't get us in february and let me set up and we'll see if they will get it. got so i can get an idea of what do you think we'll go with that i'm feeling like a little bit of the, the sooner like in the name of k loved to get me open gasket photo product, but it's gonna be me. so i'd like to sort of the, the sort of the person i gave them a compliment to them and i just want to give you what other component the like when you use was okay, cuz i get billed to you. i'm gonna get my list of people unless it is within a release of his input. it might have been a better. so typically he said he get the money to really some that the probably see what a sort of my video singles. i mean, i'm a fan of when i did, i don't know if i did. i left the sort of the a level 511,
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a good way model of the way model, the lam uh, the, the i was on the see me. you get out to the data, not why, you know the video to be defensive, but another part of the and that i'm in doubt. it when the a hot out of the house. and i so want to get to that that i've had enough fun for me. i know the stuff over on the 2nd day and to say the spit the know guessing was negative all the old. but it's black, go the organ, you want them going into my for my, for would it not the negative fit the likelihood, even the ticket that i'm on the face of the frequency and one
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and minus the thing i'm in the, you know, one of the middle this is a boy so night last week i'll see in dallas i have be able to place it in the middle from the window into some light inside and savvy, i know a listening, moaning tanya and money from the men they suffice and receive us even in new york city got you as a place as an idea. and luckily, i say you quite a startled friend day oliver because he didn't. and then they, they're running and i must have gone up another minute. i'm going to use it. i'm a little button to that and it would open the the i'm the scenario as somebody in them. ok, you know, be on the user then say that i'm too old and see you put it on the find us or not
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useful company. i think that's a good thing. yeah. the kid i told them fine. yeah. so see how to do so. i mean it all here, little data moodle and whatnot. so now the fluency on what you think happy by the law, the phone number and those are covered in it. so if i use it, what else i can do for you tomorrow i'm going to send the model a book. but if we leave them in a little the, this was the senior facility, the as to what off of 30. so you know, we'll see you later. let me get, i see why we don't pay the last. i didn't know it. how does have data on it? will still get to know most enough, they got enough the amount of legal, but i want to see if no new messages already. i'm on the i think that by me get out
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of forget a lot on your mind a bit that all. instead of going into the one of them, you know, get them up soon or without because, you know, not to be in law. i'll see you then the and the, the i'm on the board but a, just the sum of everything that allow me to be at i d n a. so what is the address all the stories guy, economic guy, the point on he says, sealed is neil going on. he says you didn't call it only says seo, sound good on us because i was here last a meeting. that means they put up on it. i don't want to have him blow on. i want to do that. so you know, people in san francisco city, so i don't buy a couple scenarios. but i for those, i don't, i mean, yeah, i guess it will be, i see on that that. i know you said you don't. i mean, yeah, fairly obviously, i mean, i thought it might of them that you might of girlfriend, sir, could you about? let's say that, can you stop by? that's what i was here. go ahead and finish the buzz. what people thought was in the i'm on the
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go ahead and book it on the way in bailey, as you may see that in the, in a little. but if it doesn't, then i'm also not getting it from the end of it on the, on the apple. cause there's a way to go on the face of the basic and we'll get into whether that idea or less the furnace of people is that this one doesn't, don't wanna say. so it doesn't necessarily have to solve the gun on this own thing. the point out and appraise ethan told people in the bottom line a i might be able to entity a lot of money on agreement of the one thing in the community. because on a whole,
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by some people come in boy close it. but i don't see the pricing so that you know what i've seen them in the program. do you make it? i'm a campbell, a lot. the kids that have the model impulse like the i said, go ahead and meet them up. i mean, if i did a little bump up, i mean it, i d e, i got a lot of feed in my line, you know, bad ones. and they got a little one of the best one or no, somebody got assigned the model. you have to say you're going out about a complaint when you hit the wrong side of a button and delete the setting up a fight. and i'm mobile home now, and it's like a little demo in, by the way. i mean, you know what, i, what i want, i want it that selena a lot more about it. believe you the most likely the
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anymore mississippi this uh this uh this what he wanted to see that the industry so by using no point in december. yes. open enrollment. when is that right? yes, it was either sooner. so she has a pointing to the guy who by the way, uh, seeing if you guys had us with a single bit both of them. yeah. but i'm losing those. it isn't nobody me doing this. i don't, you know, the, you, the place or the room i say to friends, the all the money i, because if i am part of that i'm in and out, then you know, i was together for that. so anybody on from assume that i initially see that and this will assume that i think on the list owned in the why it wasn't as a but i said that, i mean i think you'd have to think of it, but i think it that the thing got when i think of that stuff. mean me load. i'll, i'll, i'll see they get out laughing. good. take it. i see things. i think it has been cut off on and it's ok. i said,
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we'll call when i'm out. if i leave love you. so i don't know something i see that and does this will help i that up? i live the and i think that is the meaning that i didn't want to be doing that. i guess i like to follow to both the disappearing involved in full in english 2 and a half data in a sort of way that i'm on it. i get 473. 0, one very little, dear, based on language samantha, looking to see why that might be an interest on a bit of a warranty. so what, cuz like on sale 9, but as long as you know, i talked to somebody instead of you guys. i mean, it say that i will give you, oh yeah, you know the policy tomorrow at any point i must say that this invest at that point noon said he got nothing but assume this opinion for the so sometimes you find any kind of the most useful i think we are side of them for us. we don't even know
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what's gonna be the most out of the oh and the so like i said, i'm a little wild people so i didn't produce that is amazing. if these are the lead us . yeah. i see on the, on the coming all day, little by the now i'm into the, into the done it of what i'm coming with. i'm in the, the is, i don't see in the when the motives on here that they might arise or for they lose the malware we haven't really like the load on it. fine. yeah. you know, we're not supposed to see what we, i don't know. they go to the tables headlight, auto body to see plenty of fun. yeah. no, i'm not so new the, this one was the another problem i do want to tell you, so with, you know, the money, i get the notice i have that. if i'm going to be in the order, is it going to be the am i got an idea? when can we just,
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in case decided that you bought southern middle something very helpful by the they laughed loudly like you and said that you get prosy. some info is anybody on the bus the only less or not can i will see us just kind of the find out but to see on the find out but assume that i would on but i don't know. oh yeah, that's where to come and see. i live in if you see an eye on the side of the hill, but need people get it to be like lucy pony. i don't know. it is. i use it for the find you online and it was, i don't see it in the the old and the other thing was one of the one that i think i think is why. and if i'm a little bit of money, i get every got on. i see, i want to see if you have those and it will commercial definitely a little bit of i think i losing losing one a little by saying that his old point in time enjoy going to be in diesel diesel. okay. latham black. people only say that for modern calling for is the other number, which is a little bit the impulse and what we are not deal with
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a black one. let me go get e n d y less associated because if you want to continue going little by say, a little bit the same or less the on the less you. and this is a new, almost a whole year nandita to him to the one is a little bit on lot a lot will be it will be like them in this, you know, come you is, i have to block or one yet a single get i have them to like one this is you the both a, it was as an independent cornel was se, se a funding i totally independent. they don't, and i don't know media and associates visit the c and c in the port on, you know that i'm gonna include almost are listed without ownership, at least get them. i mean, because if you had on a little bus at both ends here soon, because again, on the things you know, it all gets at the end of the business because it isn't the family if you've got only successful going. okay. law,
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i think i'm not in an older affiliated one case with i'm young within the pacific. good. not just in coming to the, i mean, i feel sorry for the missile vice book and also going to meet the most of it to me that the real phone, what this'll place is probably gonna be moving the out of my office. and this is and see what i'm kind of in the out of my novel conflict of interest as me see a conflict on the side of the realm of the middle. and then we'll go back in to say you'll get to them and you'll meet more deputy, i'm need out of what it would be in one be made out of us. yeah, pretty got the most and know you to think about. it says that people forget little gas and we get but it's out of your deal or it will go to, you know, i'm looking for the default letter. you decide to have to go to the internet. you have to have couple of it a bit. the whole set of sending out to me small i would probably be looking in when i think i know to me on the updated and automate the my m looking for that. or when
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you set up. when i go in with the new and the video either later, i don't think they think, daniel, and generally when i was in a job the invalid only, you'll see you the side of the board meeting. and because when you, when you say the address, they send us and those are covered. and if at any see i won't be the funding. they are in seattle funding. and the 1st i've always accessing over here in the no, no, no building on nothing. i mean, i don't remember, let me think assume that i believe in video looking at a the soon as you can send me the fax and send me the companies 46 percent will see on it. i knew that i said that i said, the able to tell you little bit about my uni. oh not i'm part of failure to meet on . think it finally the in the didn't get on this and the asking when you think about okay, i remember anything like that and you know what? i think i see on this one of the, one of the motors, they don't amend a lot or need to go based on sofia and it's
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a bicycle and also send you an opinion. i use a lot as the meeting with one to simple the mean i find this item for the next, you know, for the motor. so when we say when you go to the ceiling to learn a little bit later, and it'll say it in my animal as a how i made a point to include being different than the normal face. and i think on the normal work that those, that i probably won't go all day for best uh does it by side. it's a commotion, i'm pointing to it. and if i lost it and allow me to assume that there's a portal, i see a single button, click on the bus. so the to somebody said, see it, i see those things in, i mean either good, visual faces, no thing done. it's like that. and then jerry, i'm going to go into the say $48.00 and they've, i'm gonna sing them in the corner. black. let's see. get on the line that isn't very busy. this i plastic is on the busy road. get the link. that is the thing. but
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anyways, a guy you can think of me with the, i'm going to go look at events, this and one that i gave up and all that out of been throwing us into the system is, i mean i'm, i'm that i would last like when i mia this a place, the order we saw the you know what, our procedure ended up, buddy. 20 valley. a lot of i to eat a place like that. they pulled out of him. dana a, the 50, not a but want to be honest. i mean, maybe i'm wrong on my ability. why be that soon? a unclear like my data, the one to be near them. maybe i'm, i'm a 1 dollar more months that the, you're the sort of the that i will see and what i mean. so i like the end of the live you that id and the cd go headlight. my dad, i mean it, i gave the
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data, some of the needles within this have been data source. maybe i going and that means that it can be, i might have some idea, but i don't even look at the name of local people under my city and help them pick when they go to open. that's no conflict, but i need someone to give me. that's no problem. political, i go like you to feel and my they have some people, but they seem to have montana no pickles, meaning was. and sadly, the main thing you got on bundles may notice options. those may notice go more like, i'm do that. i mean, i'm just getting it on the line and then you will, can you see? so let me see that was can you of course the shop or some talk is he's fremont. and it's like i told him to fix the on demand notice, or the last piece for though they need your help with a lot of it's a, it's, they might, i mean pick it on the bottom. the result is i'm thinking you don't segment the
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voice is i think it's just a don't interesting even if the middle okay, know the name of it the own up any more. so it, it, the and austin, that is a really small make it up on the see needs here. i thought i saw greece, she's just have a point there. not any i'm of course management society as part of all that i've been there a little considering this for some weight on that and what i'm what i, what else i mean, which is what i just need to finish pulling because no, i don't. i mean, i mean those to the end of the people these tell a few on what i supposed to be with this saturday a little how me and look up with you. i've been with you as in regards to a secondary notice to be sent to you that you can send my documents. i don't see in pendleton window, e, mississippi, that the remainder of them in the senate on the has plus for get i get i was forced to get out of course the promotions here. as long as you get the numbers are going to be late. a number just on what you meant on the non way will that i asked them to respond them for the, for the people that are still responding. and i responded, i'm back a, you can into the saddle. and the same thing. this is a lot on north,
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an opponent think, walking around the city it on the is completely, you won't be really are the other will use experiment i into a c, c the, the big, the bam. this to go ahead the the quote assumption some of the ship, but after the civil, which if one of the most potential, the familiar with, if i video, are students to, to go to check on board is showing that envisioning here. and then we left, ship them to fax, the movie a beautiful solution. russell was in your total for the. so was this
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the, this is territory what you pay and sacrifice. tens of thousands of soldiers, thousands of uh, tags, almost personnel carriers um would cause the jeep tube today to retake, to congress are to report on the front line developments while you great influences needs of loss and forces and that's key of retreats as mother gains. i left behind the flies in the corners of the down the hill. tell them to fix all it's all based on the cross side, preliminary findings of the russian investigated committee finds all points to on antique across the missile launch from ukraine, but destroyed bit awfully unacceptable. at best speed united nation.


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