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tv   News  RT  January 25, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EST

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as he is incapable of even some testing different technical procedure of a prisoner exchange, put this into the context of the mysql agreements which we use to arm ukraine. keeps in rejection, over an already initialized draft based negotiation in the symbol in 2022. this was done the pressure from the western backers, and then you will understand why the, we've well not rejecting negotiations in principle, we continue this special motor operation, ukraine, which was initiated, so as to save the lives of the people left on the bus. i think you should see your present. i think the representative of the russian federation for the statement and i know it gives the flow to the representative mozambique this our president, we thank you for holding these important meeting. we express so of thanks to this. it doesn't matter because alone on the 2nd page, is it all for political affairs, for our availability to, to brief,
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the color so the surprise events, the dawning or the movie to tell us what they have craft richer reportedly resulted in the loss of 74 lives including prisoners of war is tragic. the tragic loss on prisoners of war is signed and the different horrible scene. instead of being united do with their respective families. they have written instead of, died far away from the battlefields. this at present we judge both sides to learn from these tragic incident and ensure that it does not seem to of the recent progress i changed in the appraisal
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night change and between them this tragedy showed in his stead be a catalyst for this coalition. and the dialogue between the potters and at the last piece and the settlement was under your clothes or phone the 2 parties to immediately engage in on conditional expeditions piece to negotiations. we're just the parties to sustain the momentum from roof and prism a change. and the move towards the ceasefire. and bill do mutual trust. we fund the edge, the part is pretty good as the cause of the nation. i you money tied in the standards in ongoing,
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in the future. i presume our wars transfers in light of these tragedies. it is crucial that the future president i exchange is be carried out securely and human. we open lines of communication between the parties. in the strict idea rose to the geneva conventions. the tragic loss of lives yesterday must serve as an unequivocal reminder to or over the agenda, necessity of achieving peace and understanding between the parties and in the region. i thank you, enjoy the seat of a present, told you most of the next different most of the doors it up cuz the statements, i not give the flaw to the representative of the united states. thank you,
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mr. president. us and under secretary journal decarlo, thank you for your informative briefing. let me begin by expressing condolences to all of those impacted by one man's decision to launch a war of aggression in flagrant violation of the un charter. we are here today because president put and decided to invade another sovereign un member state. just as he started this war, he can end it. after nearly nearly 2 years of a war perpetrated improvements behest, i repeat this work it in today. if russia withdrew its troops from ukraine's internationally recognized borders, rushes rush to call for a council meeting fits the now familiar pattern. right out of the russian play book with which we are all familiar. brochure has repeatedly attempted to shift
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responsibility for the tragedies of this senseless war of choice, as though it is the victim, and not the aggressor. while we work together the facts and ascertain what happened, it bears repeating that the kremlin bear was full and ultimate responsibility for starting and continuing this war. members of the russian armed forces also bear responsibility for the war crimes and other atrocities. they have committed. the russian representatives, expressions of concern and attempts to appear serious about the counsels mandate to maintain international peace and security ring hollow, as russia continues to commit aggression and unspeakable atrocities against ukrainian citizens as russia's full scale invasion. here's a 2 year mark. we call on the international community to continue its support of ukraine sovereignty and territorial integrity as the kremlin to not be allowed to
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succeed in its efforts to erase an independent ukraine from the map and subjugate its people. thank you mister. present you let me see the representative of the united states for there is a statement i now get the for truth ever present of a multi presence. i also thank you, is she the carlo for home form is briefing the ministry transport plane crash in the straits once again, the disastrous consequences of russian aggression. this is the context of russian troops has also invaded ukraine and of russia. heads up has the united nations charter. none of this would have happened. we missed the rates of condemnation of the russia, of the russian for the russians will, i can see crane, which constitutes a manifesto, violation of international pressure. so i'm going campaign of systematic as strikes against civilians and civilian infrastructure continues to bring suffering to
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koreans. on tuesday, russian armed forces loans to fort for messiahs on the cities, towns, and villages across ukraine, which resulted in new casualties among the civilian population and the destruction of a central facilities including medica. i'm the educational have been things over $200.00 different objects with damaged 18 people, the kids on to me, then $132.00 inches full of tax plus stuff. all the tax i prohibited under international. this is yet another reminds us of the consequences of russia's question is ukraine. the protection of civilians in arms, conflicts us what us protection of prisoners of war in compliance with international, including international humanitarian law, must be at a penned international obligations must be off hand. a civilian casualties must be avoided and civilians must be protected from home at all. times
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to the one who is president more to once again quotes for restaurants. in this affinities, i would throw its ministry forces equipment on proxies. the maintenance of international peace and security can only be insured for a comprehensive just and last increasing ukraine. we will continue. we will continue this time to create honest people in the fight, so they have the region for, for over 2 years to exist, the right to serve defense, i percent, they definitely retorted integrity and so francy, i thank you. so let me see, i think that represent from on to, for their statement. i now get 6 or to the younger representative diana talking to mr. president and our time q as to the cardinal for the briefing, provided we are cited to hear reports that 74 lights were lost in the plane crash yesterday in the region of medical or uh we take note that the full circumstances
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of the crash are yet to be determined on hope that the results of the investigations will soon be made available. we deeply regret that lives continue to be lost every day in this war. that should never have been. we especially lament the fact that many more will continue to suffer each day that it continues living in constant fear on which shattered lives and dreams about the whole life would be . regardless of which side of the front lines the represent, precious lives continue to be lost. my delegation reiterate. it's called for an immediate end to this war. and the withdrawal of russian military forces from the territory a few queen for this destruction wrought on civilians over the past 2 years, must end from the mass destruction of cities to prolonged economic, social,
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and psychological impacts. the trauma unrest jointly fix of this war will be acutely felt for years to come. in this vein, we also reiterate or call for the parties to comply with their obligations on the international law and international humanitarian law. and to guarantee protection for those who are most vulnerable, including women and children. finally, we again urge to parties to commit to a serious political and diplomatic process toward ending this conflict and the continued engagement of the international community to this. and i thank you to see the think represent okay on for for their statement. i know because the floor to the representative of the republic of korea. thank you mister president. let me begin by thinking you rosemary. to call before you a briefing,
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since the russian federation began its illegal invasion of a frame, we had been making some all kinds of human suffering occurring every day for almost 2 years. at this juncture, we have now which is yet another tragedy close to by this war. from a humanitarian perspective, the republic of korea emphasizes the need to comply with international norms related to the protection of prisoners of war and the civilians at all times. regarding the pressure of the russian military plan, dilution, $76.00. in the belgrade region near the frame border on 24, january my delegation regrets the loss of life of all were on board. this is the same time. we also note that there are discrepancies between the positions of russia and crane and the effects unclear at this point. under these circumstances, more information is needed to be determine the actual cause and the results of this
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tragedy. at this time, my delegation hope is that the full picture of this instance will become clear through a fair investigation based on facts. it was reported that on the same day, a crane and russia were both pursuing exchange repute w's, which was not realized from ation man or to them perspective. we hope that this instance will not negatively impact any potential or future exchange of pure w's between the 2 sites. is the present. it is unbearable to watch tragic events or repeatedly, as the war continues. in this regard to my delegation, once again urges, the russian federation immediately redraw is the military forces from the turn of a crane and to put up and disprove war. butrend sovereignty political independence entered to the truth and temporary should be respected. including i
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reaffirmed that the republic of korea is firmly committed to working with the international community towards a lasting pissed and crane in line with the un charter and relevant to you in resolutions, i think you should have it. i think the representative of the republic of korea for their statement, i now give the full was to the representative of switzerland. mister quincy, don't let me see mister president. i would like to think the deputies secretary general rosemary to call him for a presentation would take note of the information concerning a military aircraft which crashed into belgrade region near the ukrainian border to us today at present, we have no reliable information on this incident. it is critical that the facts be established in a thorough, transparent, and independent manner way recalls and then the international humanitarian fact
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finding commission is at the disposal of the parties to a conflict at old times to clarify the circumstances. because on every one, to avoid speculation, accusations, and hasty conclusions that on the exacerbate existing tensions without pre judging the detailed conclusions. i would like to take this opportunity to reiterate 3 key messages. first, for over 700 days versus military aggression has been causing immeasurable, suffering, suffering and destruction. if there's some other tre gression had not taken place, we wouldn't be discussing incidents such as of the one that brings us together today. we deplore the loss of life resulting from this senseless war and cold. i own a restaurant to cease all combat operations and withdrawal it troops. its troops from ukraine. second, international humanitarian law must be respected unconditionally, by all parties to conflict. 8 accords crucial protection to people who are not or
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are no longer taking part in hostilities such as civilians wanted combatants and prisoners of war. where they call that under the geneva conventions. prisoners of war must be protected against the dangers arising from military operations. the primary responsibility for ensuring those safety, including during transport, lies with the detaining power wait support efforts to exchange prisoners or for an invite the parties to continue with them. 3rd, in connection with the 1st 2 points, we urge a pressure to seize the waves of ms. island drone attacks that continue to cause civilian casualties and extensive damage, disability and infrastructure. again this week and several locations in ukraine including care of how to keep. and the patrol screech and there is urgent. it's urgent to redouble efforts to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in ukraine. i think you can, but i think the representative of switzerland for the statement as i now give it
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over to the representative of china closures. mister president. i think on the secretary general with economy full for briefing, when you click on task this morning, the security come so just to do the pro rated on the topic of weapons applying to ukraine. today when we took in an emergency session, on the instance of the crash of a russian ministry transport aircraft, resulting in significance casualties. and stated in the briefing, it is reported that the russian, joseph aircraft, carrying prisoners of close on route to hand over to ukraine was found at all the people on board were killed in his grave disaster. some day you will please the walls flaws and conflicts of bottom lines on the sea for you to see china expressed its quays, concern over this tragic event, and then strongly dis relevance parties to strictly by and by rather than international and international conventions safeguarding the lives and the basic
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price of prisoners of war and present such tragedy from happening again, you can, i'm working on way cheapest so tight across the development of the ukraine crisis has demonstrated tweet over and over again that conflicts smoke, confrontation produce no winners. dialogue can negotiation represent the only viable way of defending crisis. sending weapons to the battlefield is not conducive to the chief when tough a piece. jot down some china corps on relevance fontes to strengthen the racks. engagement $10.00 long, gradually resume negotiations. hispanic human. a consensus, while the international community demonstrates greater urgency and strengthen diplomatic mediation in the collective efforts to hold the escalation and deposit the constitution. when tucson tucson found the issue of fuel crane, china has all alone stood on the site of peace and thought aloud and being committed to peace negotiations and ending hostilities. and we wish to maintain
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communication with all parties and will make on relating f as to what's a political solution to the crisis. i think your president, with this, i think the representative of the china for their statement. and i'll give this over to the representative of ecuador across the us and your policy, and thank you president. we should start by interesting question. shoot for the briefing by a 100. i'm secretary shows and rest. we do, connor for peace, if us. and they'll say, welcome to participation of ukraine. today. we're meeting 0 in this chamber for the 3rd time in 72 hours to discuss the repercussions of the russian ministry offensive in a crate. this began in february 2022 in. seems like recently, according to your thoughts, you and then we also have a new tragedy. we went to school for the downing of a minute to transport plane, which resulted in the tragic loss of 74 lives, including 65 ukrainian prisoners of war and 86 person crew and 300 russian
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soldiers. if this is confirmed by tony, would it be a human tragedy, but rather a painful reflection of the devastating effect on the left, the broad scale of the world. and so, and full transparent investigation must be carried out of this incident. to clarify the circumstances in show that there is the count definitive thinking i underscore the need for the parties to respect international humanitarian law, uninsured, dignified humanitarian treatment of prisoners of war. likewise include of regrets, recent reports of attacks in various cities and villages in ukraine by russia, which of life led to the loss of civilian lives, including those of children and districts of civilian infrastructure because of both the tax against civilians and civilian and involved civilian infrastructure. unaccepted in full and must cease immediately. it is imperative that the parties to fully respect obligations for students to international humanitarian law,
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including the principles of distinction, proportionality and precaution, who present colleagues onto the war. and ukraine has caused great loss and suffering. but tony, for those directly involved in adult, but for the world as a whole. and this is a time of jupiter dakota attention, which is very significant. and the effects of these conflicts go beyond voters and stress and international peace and security people. i repeat what i have said on numerous occasions, and i know it is of concern to us that this the ministry logic is becoming injurious, preventing dialogue and negotiation. we recall that the presidential statement or the security can as a slash b r s t slash 2022 slash street field for those of the 6 of may 2022, whereby this body be called that the students and to the united nations charter. oh, and then the states have assumed obligations to resolve the international disputes
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by peaceful means. do we think that i wish to conclude by retracing to the parties that this will must see because it is imperative that a realistic cease 5 be allowed towards adjust unless things piece from the basis of the principles of the child through the united nations. thank you very much. who have suitable pretty well. i think the representative for a quarter or for their statement i give the store to the representative of charity on. thank you. is the president. so president, thank you for convening this meeting. also, thank you. as you was made to cut off for the briefing, saturday tickets this somebody message that we have once will convene to consider a situation at the side. so for a grateful because we have an ongoing conflict and you clean the both the tragic incidents the down and also the russian military plan. 124,
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january 2024. which based on the port has led to the death of 65. you create and pieces of wall 6 wash include members and fee needs a bustle. no one can only imagine the human speed of hope failed. somebody bought it said peas as a war on the prospect of the exchange saving. that means the tragedy of the war one can only imagine defeat and a much less dates of the families, many of the tragic fate of those who lost their lives. so we had looked into security console to imagine the security code, so it has a specific monday. therefore, as members, we have to you to get the principles which we all up subscribe to and to try to of united nations. and do so. you guys see any tickets. it's called for the full
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respect of the national sovereignty frontier utility integrity of ukraine within its internationally recognized board us. we also use the call for the immediate suspicion of us daily to use an ard for good fit to prologic efforts to resolve the conflict. this also means that we have seen the lady told me the consent of all involved parties as a precedent, as reported by the russian federation. the suddenly tight yeah. kept community passport, bleeding, or shut down, or by wash as well go drawn by you cleaned and to me side deck up to me side. it was a portent to became, as i said, $65.00, you clean and beautiful views. 6, which include members and peaceful this it was reported that the account was on the route to a scheduled exchange. so please of low report
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form, you can indicate that a p and piece of where exchange was scheduled to be ported out. it's like the label and comprehensive information about the identity of those on the board to down clean you clean as also reported at the election federation did not communicate information and the need to secure a safe space provided logo, we jump accordingly. cl, it will make the following click of observations. firstly, we acknowledge and welcomed exchanges of business of one of the parties for the conflict. we particularly commend united arab emirates for facilitating the exchange this month that led to the lease of $478.00 degrees in us. stephen, with a sad incidents we and see if the parties to continue with these meaningful steps.
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and on the take peace of voice changes as provided for on the intellectual level. secondly, we always did parties, so the conflicts to comply with the obligations on the international, especially international you money to yellow and suddenly on the treatment piece and as a for dudley, we arch and call for accountability, accountability for violations of international population of will you be conducting, i'm conflict and the new so you got we called for an independent and impartial investigation of the incident. and this all comes down to the surrounding 8. that'd be conclude by emphasizing the importance of we'll see you in dialogue and in the conflict we can only imagine the security council reconvene again to consider the situation you created for another side. tragic and then you get to the incident. if
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the conflict is not ended by peaceful means, i think you should only see the i think the representative fairly unfair statement gives the floor to the representative of some of the now thank you very much mister president. i would also like to think of the secretary jenna was admitted to kyla for, for her briefing. and it is extremely challenging to have any informed discussion, especially on the security on the piece and security when, when only and verify that information is available. and we also understand the difficulties. surround you go to the station of such meetings. this at the moment we are aware of only one sect, i mean literally transport airplane crushed during an on conflict. we don't know what each was carrying on, whether it to shut down and my delegation would about coming dependent to verify the information on the event. on the other hand,
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we have am putting dependency verified information on violations of international including communitarian human rights role in ukraine by russian federation. and this includes indiscriminate attacks and civilians and critical infrastructure and growth violations on human rights. he's the president. it is our sincere hope, this, that this episode of the war on ukraine. it will not stand in the way of future exchanges, a present as before, between the 2 countries. even in the absence of impartial and verify the information 8, sadly, has to be concluded. that new names would be added to the long list of casualties that has been growing seems february 2020, to serving undergrads and the loss of life beat civilian or military using any armed conflict. and i would like to convey our deepest condolences to the families who lost their loved ones in the 7th, which was another tragic consequence of a necessary waterfall aggression against your grade. thank you. you want me?
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i think the representatives living in their statement. i now give the fluid to the representative of japan. give me so present. thank you for convening this. thank you for coordinating to convene this meeting. i also thank you as did the cargo full head, the briefing. he's the president, or we are aware of reports that the russian military eco aircraft has crashed english, and territory. ukrainian side has understandably stated that it would take time to evaluate this incident. the security council would be as the responsibility to address issues affecting international peace and security in order to fulfill this function. the council needs to have talked before we should not engage in speculation without any of just the information. mister president, we must not lose sight of why we have assembled here today. rochelle requested that
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the urgent briefing be scheduled today, claiming that the downing of its media type plain in the will of aggression against the crane, which russia initiated the, on the security council's agenda for this discussion. are they doing this, knowing that so many, you know, cent granules have been cute on the grading and soiled by russia's indiscriminate attacks. it is obvious that if russia has not by you, they did the united nations tata by starting you to aggression. the base book rang in the 1st place. such a situation would not have a rising sale for japan. once again, a jeez, russia to stop its aggression and immediately and unconditionally withdrawal from the entire international. the recall the nice to 3 of the claim to find we will
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continue to spend was book, right? as long as it takes, i think you should have an f c. ok, representative for japan. and for fair statement, i give this or to the representative of the united kingdom. thank you president. and i think you asked you to call her for her briefing. the outset president, let me express a full support fuel handling of the presidency. a decent, ironic that was rush while the russian representative cheese is collect your funds on this when you and rules. and she has frequently. electra the u. k. when organization of nice things, his country continues to commit all can be the most egregious, infrequent violation of the wrench officer in this institutions history. president, kate requests loss of human life. wherever it occurs. we for the support ukraine's . com and measured response to this ex.


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