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tv   Documentary  RT  January 25, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EST

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defined we'll continue to spend was book right. as long as it takes, i think you should have an f c. ok, representative for japan and for the fair statement, i get this or to the representative of the united kingdom. thank you. presidents and i think you asked you to color for her briefing the outset president, let me express a full support fuel handling of the presidency. i do find that i want to make that was rush while the russian representative cheese is collect your funds on this. when you and rules, and she has frequently. electra the u. k. one organization of nice things. his country continues to commit all can be the most egregious, infrequent violation view and charleston. in this institutions history. presidents, the u. k. requests, loss of human life, wherever it occurs. we for the supporting ukraine's. com and measured response to
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this aircraft incidence. and the creators an urgent need to establish defense as president zalinski has said was it is too early control conclusions. one thing is clear when president treats in, made the decision for leaky and very to ukraine. he demonstrated his title disregard for the value of human life, including his own citizens. we would not be in this position and it's like this would not happen if it was not for russia's full sco leaks invasion in february 2022. so for an independent ukraine to notes and does not pose the threats to russia. ukrainians want and deserve live in peace and security . and without interference from the launch as naples of the hundreds of thousands of lives because they lost in this world. including ever 300000 russian
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soldiers get an interest in tens of thousands of ukrainian civilians killed soon. this point, this conflict with have lost it to you, is russia can choose to in the budget it can withdrawal or let somebody person know from the internationally recognized port is if you claim and as a permanent member of this council, they can uphold the purposes and principles, we'll see you in chapter. thank you joe, i'm se the old page. i'm the representative of the united kingdom god for that statement, and i now give the flow for the whole to the representative of algeria. thank you, mr. president. i think and the secretary general rosemary decarlo for her briefing 2 weeks ago in the same chamber, julia expressed concern about the escalation of functions and the continued to the laws of lice. searching for alternate development,
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i always pushing for the any prospect of these 4 states meant of describes us. and here we are to day after the deadline, the deadly incidents are freshman, military transport aircraft weight, 74 percent unblocked. i don't need to extend my sensor comparisons to the families of all victims. if this has to be done the then no to cure the soldiers that lost their lives to day would have been freed and the air friend crow back on the call. so it would have likely wake on the exchange of prisoners between russia and ukraine as a positive gesture and fell today. unfortunately, this is not the case. we are rather gently gathering today with more acute concepts, more concerned about the logic of confrontation prevailing in this square. i was more concerned about the increasing 4 ladies ations. more concerns about the legal
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perspective for inclusive and constrictive dialogue and negotiations. we are walter game calling up or party to exist size source trend and to for your t a p r t, eyes political dialogue for the sake of just and lasting peace. the privacy part of the you are in charge to need to be a part of the industry go that we're taking into account the legitimate security concerns of all parties. the international community is also called to promote and, and pulse. if i found the different i'm, i think a for, to achieve peace, we stand ready to contribute to when in the vote to promote the inclusive and cost effective dialogue as soon as the party already doing gauge in genuine negotiation . i think you jo, m f c, or prism. i think we representative volunteering for that statement and i should make a statement in my capacity as the representative of france. and joe,
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i think miss decarlo for everything who reads on the 24th of february 2022 russia adults and a large scale aggression to guys will claim to be having already occupied crimea and fed, but will end on bus. the age is the negative consequences of this aggression for which russia as so sudden and full responsibility, continue to proliferate, should you. and then every day brings news of a fresh drama with its total of victim civil up to you if we lent yesterday the to meet russians. military plane had crashed in the region of bel garage or on the boat with ukraine. so that is what i can, and this is why this comes. so is meeting today, notion today, when you have a product the soon the appear to be notified as. so throughout the 50 twos, you will not be able to sit with full search and see whether there is
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a link between these 2 events. we also notice to an exchange of the exchange of all prisoners with what happened to the same day russian friends that the people plane was transporting the ukrainian prison is. this is it, it is important to shed light on these events. so you'll see, in any case, it is extremely difficult to hear russia expressing sadness over the fate of ukrainian presents a pool of surprises and convening meetings to she seemed to shed light on. and then with it, the old responsibilities especially should act. it should cease its aggression who to adopt it strikes the gates of infrastructure and withdrew its troops re planning territory as the international court of justice. 6, it seems the 16th of march, 2022. i'm the united nations general assembly, having all the money to do several times. the amount of result is that russia is throwing willy nilly interest propaganda is lamentable. and so look, because it is with no change that the russian character presented to of talks about the image. 17 in 2014 was in that case, pleased with
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a tragedy with dozens of new york, a strain in the dutch rece nationals as well as nationalist or other countries died . uh, political food. i wish to cool. cool, because the attention of the security council, the subjects of november 2022, the coach in the hague exam, flare equipped very professionally and to them to the session nationals and one ukrainian pro russian national from dunbar. so in this case, russia should focus on the only thing that has been truly urgent stuff. i think it's one other question. i know i now give the flow to the representative ukraine. thank you, mr. president and the secretary general distinguish members of the security council . i also recognize here the representative of pollutants version in the permanency to the song tune and for almost 10 years since his country has started, is aggression by all to find ukraine and creamier for almost 2 years since that his
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country launched full scale war against ukraine we have seen so many times, the treasury is ready to commit any crime any for vacation to justify its violations. and to divert our attention from the basic issue that the only root cause of all the atrocities odessa and destruction is the russian horror of aggression and its intention to destroy ukraine state route versus started. it's an just unprovoked in genocide to war and dress a bears full responsibility for all atrocities does and destruction caused by door . it is clear already, the trasha is unable to to have substantial results on the battlefield. this month, the russian situation continued. it's ms out to on your premium. so it is, it goes out to the largest number of ms. o at tech, some hockey in the heart of region, located near the russian border. in the last week alone, russell loans 19 mazacco strikes on the ball region using good please. 26,
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s 303 east. come to him is ios. as a result of these attack, 16 people including one child, a bar code, 781 to the 10 buildings were destroyed, including one hospitals for huge occasional institutions and 6 residential buildings. the restaurant, the duration must immediately stop selling ukraine. and so it is this, it has deliberately turned the bell go to the region into spring board from 0 to again, product to the city of over a 1000000 people. the quarter of the city has already been destroyed by russian strikes. any states within the limits of international law will take all possible measures to protect its people and infrastructure. the downed forces of ukraine are taking all necessary measures to protect the civilian population. from russian was the text, as well as to reduce the messiah threat, stemming from russia, especially from the bel good region. to this end,
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the ukraine and force has not only control the aerospace, but also closely monitored the messiah loan sites and logistics of their supply chains. including the use of military transportation, the intensity of russian cell and going to heart and region is directly related to the increased number of military transport aircraft, including i l. 726, that have been heading to bell. good air patrice, simply taking this into account. the armed forces of ukraine will continue to take measures to destroy delivery means and control the air space to eliminate the terrorist threat. in particular, the bell growth, how to give direction. let me remind you that according to the lowest of warfare, military transferred aircraft of the armed forces of the russian federation is a legitimate military target. mister president, on the 24th january 2024. if prisoners of were exchanged between ukraine and russia was supposed to take place, but it did not happen. ukrainian side fulfilled implications. russian people,
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these were timely, transferred to the agreed location. and we're waiting safety for the exchange. the russian side was suppose to ensure the same level of safety of ukrainian captured serviceman. at the same time, the cranium side was not informed of the need to secure the air space in the area of bigger city during the specified period. as has been done repeatedly in the past, the situation we are dealing with effectively took place in several regions. ukraine was not informed about the number of vehicles, routes, and means of transportation of the captives. and this alone may constitute intentional excellence, buroso, doing done to the lice and safety of the prisoners, the length of the transferred aircraft in a 330 kilometers on of calm. but of the reasons besides the danger to the entire exchange process and the russia, they're responsible as the responsible for the safety of the pews side to should
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take all necessary measures, including to inform of all transfer relate to details into words or any specific teeth to comply with all relevant international provisions. since 2015 most go has used civilians as human shields in decree, mia and the don't boss. this russian practice was repeatedly recorded on the ground when russian soldiers physically cover themselves with ukraine and prisoners, and opened fire from behind their backs. this is a common tactic for russia and the twilight is the norm. so the international humanitarian law. russian propaganda was suspiciously fast intern slate, to eastern statements about the shooting down the russian. i'll send that to 6 aircraft that had allegedly transported ukraine and peel these all the details of the plane. chris are being investigated by the crane and authorities at the same time, if the information that there were ukrainian prisoners were on board is confirmed,
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we will have another conformation of gross violation of international humanitarian little bit russia. and the 1st case of russia using cars, human shields in the year to cover the transportation of massage for the, for the use against peaceful ukrainian cities. according to article for to see 4 to 6 of the geneva convention relative to the treatment of prisoners of war, the detaining power. so take adequate precautions, especially in the case of transferred by c or by here to ensure the safety during transfer to the security service of ukraine. registered a criminal proceeding on the basis of the military. political leadership of the rest of the duration also relate to the article $113.00 of the ball convention. failing to ensure the safety of prisoners toward your own transportation and to use an object for transportation through the solar system with target youtube to military use. taking into account all the presented facts ukraine emphasizes the
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technical and discipline international or russia vers full responsibility for the lives. so if you crane in prisoners of war, we have system conducting an international investigation. discovery is all the circumstances of this incident. mister president, proceeds directly responsible for the aggression against due cream, the rest and state. it is the world's largest organized source of terror. russia and its leadership must be held to the strictest responsibility for every manifestation of this tower. there would not having a single loss among ukrainians if they have not given the order to start the war. it is obvious that the russians are missing for the low. so if you crane and capt, it's the feelings of their relatives and their motions of ukrainian society. it is necessary to establish all clear facts to the extent possible, given that the aircraft pressed and russian territory is beyond our control. effects is the key word. no. the credence or twos are investigating all
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circumstances and the sage of old prisoners. it speaks well, and so the kremlin is as follows from the statement by putting spokesperson has effectively rejected the idea of a transparent and impartial international investigation. discovery insisted that only a pigeon prejudiced investigation to confirmed the russian version of so called ukraine and crime will be allowed. the criminal is goal is clear to keep the narrative about the situation within the framework of their version. are you creating and military intelligence? does no true. all the temporal senior military and political officials should have been on board, but wearing steps told by the russians, federal secured to service to use other means of transportation. following the plane, chris, the federal security service, and the russian military did not allow emergency workers to inspect the crash site as per protocol. according to our military intelligence, only 5 bodies were sent to the local mark in belgrade,
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and no human remains are visible on views from the crash site. we read to read that there is only one way to solve the scorch of war. to stop the war itself, the russian federation to make the only just decision as outlined by the un un got resolution of the 23rd february last year. principles of the charge of the united nations underlining comprehensive johnston lasting peace in ukraine. russia must seize its address and was the droid strips from the territory of ukraine and prepare for what usually follows the end of the war. accountability and informations think there's a little bit too loud. i think to the representative of ukraine to that statement, the representative of the russian federation, which is to make a further statement. i give him the final super is the centers presented and did not originally intend to comment. are you creating in the,
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on the crating and statement? of course it's a sense, um, nonsense, paranoid, nonsense. let me just say that i understand that my clinic was told to continue with allies and shielding onto kia per diem. the list have been published and they were convey to the koreans side following the procedures was done many times before. and it's pointless to try and deny that country by the way to the list. so the victims of boots, which we're still trying to obtain and have been unable to do so, and we keep saying you're talking about this, but that's what i wanted us to, to talk about. i wanted to react to, to what you mentioned, mr. president, to your statement today about the crash of the malaysian image, a 17 in 2014 and tradition of the following, the western, hypocritical tradition. you place the blame before this tragedy on russia. let me just briefly recall of the incontrovertible facts that you was come,
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trying to ignore after the disaster. it was russia who kept insisting on international impartial investigation and was of inception on resolution 216 to $6.00 on this about the security council. and we helped another lens as much as we could and always reacted to, requests for legal, for legal assistance, ended up swiftly unlike your brain and the united states we forwarded the information which was of critical importance to determine who was to blame. our information was never made part over the proceedings at the same time. um, they were a lot of questions about the biased approach by the joint investigative group. we were therefore, not a surprise to buy the revised decision of the district court in the hague. it was obvious to us that outcome of the work of the group and the judges show proceedings were aimed exclusively at making sure that the evidence fit. the only one aversion
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which is beneficial to west to the west, so that the russia was involved in this, by playing along with the k of regime its accomplices, have discredited themselves completely. they close their eyes to the most egregious discrepancies and the outright allies by key over in the process. in particular, it is not a logical in here. um, if you consider that the aerospace was not close to about the area of conflict in violation of international law. and this shows that there was a political bias on the part of those who conducted the investigation. this year will be a 10 year anniversary of the of, of their treasury, but nothing's changed. and the west o 4 of their reasons are justifying any crimes committed by their key of puppets trying to blame, brush or even one to fax a showing that it's exactly the opposite. let me underscore it here. that to punishing of the those responsible for the tragedy of an age 17 who in actual facts
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were and still are in k of them that know that this has nothing to do with the political performance that will be, is being played out. thank you. to julie, this is the, i think it was the representative of the russian federation. so the statement, there are no for the names described on the list. the meeting is agend arrived. you have been watching the budgets, the meeting of the united nations security council that was a cold by russia. you were supposed to hold us today, but it was dr. blow stalled by the presidency of the united nations security council. who with this i have my friends right now. eventually the meeting held and a started by the opening by the russian representatives at the meeting. and he formally notified the united nations security council of the downing of a russian plane carrying ukrainian the presidents of war. and he used the time to
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express the disappointment of russia in the refusal of the united nations security council president as held by funds right now. to schedule, an emergency meeting on the issue is asked to pay as the know that it was supposed to be held at. he asked funds to resist the pressure of using latest on the diety to overshadow the official duties of the presidency of the united nations security council. and he, it was the you'd also notified that if investigations review, that's uh, the country of origin. all the mess, all used in doubting the plain is know that a country will be seen as compass it in this attack. that was part of what he said . and he also said that the korean air force immediately rejoice at that, that he wants to work of the grant in ministry when this attack happened. but when
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they knew and got the wind, but it was uh the plane was carry ukrainian prisoner. so for the web quickly to delete messages and then change the call was at these was some of the issues that he talked about and highlighted at the meeting and asked about time. all the other members to tons to express their concerns one way or the other, and also also put different put for the presentations at the meeting. now the meeting has been a join sofa ad. we look forward to, it may be a communicate that will be issued at the end of the meeting. i will set to the brand new updates of all of the issues and raise the resolutions from the emergence and meeting as well as that pulled by russia. the white russian authorities have opened the criminal and a case into the downing of the military,
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transported across the train and boarded the plane was carrying 6 to 5 between and present as a war for an exchange with key of when it is believed to have been struck by an id across meso, launched by you creative forces. now slides record as have been salvaged from the wreckage and everyone on board, including 9 russian crew members wakefield in the crash. a local church, a local church held a memorial service for the deceased. but many attended to pay tribute to the russian crew. a local i witnessed a set of after being struck, the plane stepped away from a nearby town, ultimately saving lives. we spoke with the wife of one of the navigate us of the prophet. she told us how she felt in that fateful day. she was awarded the master off metal and the most important metal and aviation, and one of the most important in russia. but i can't say to what degree he's a veteran of combat operations and syria,
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and he works in projects done. i knew about this flight. i 1st heard about it on the news. i hoped he'd been on board the other plan, the one that was turned around, but i realized it was him because he would always let me know when he was taking off and landing this time. there were no messages from him for a long time. i mean, i knew it was him, but i didn't want to believe it. i hoped that he had been on board another plane and just couldn't get in touch. my husband is from was coming. of course, a region in eastern cause i started, we had been married since 2005, and we have 2 daughters and 11 and a 14 year old. they already know about what happened. my husband was a real man. he was a great husband and father, i always felt safe with him, hiding behind my stone walls. he was very supporters, and he had very good judgments. he never deceived any one, and he lived by his morals. he loved flying, he loved his ill, 76 aircraft, although he's started flying on another type of aircraft. they had several types in the regiment. so we had to retrain for the l. 762 to 3 different kinds of plans for
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the joiner. we sold the center of a very to me belgrade in russia, so it's kind of get belgrade, find yourself at the center of the news for another project. reason, of course offerings as dozens of civilians killed here. uh, a new year about ukrainian shelley on yesterday in a town about an hour east of here at $74.00 people lost their lives when a russian yeah, illusions $76.00 heavy transport plane crashed. after being apparently struck by a ukrainian system. now dmitri past coff has confirmed that there were warnings made to the ukraine's and that there were a notifications mates of ukrainian military that this flight was going to take place. there were 2 planes in the flight. yes, this attack still went ahead. now there's also been an investigation. i opened by the russian invest of committee at the site. now we spent a day talking to people in the village. the main sense there is one a shock,
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but also one of great tanks for these pilots bravery. several people told us that they saw this giant plane dissolution 76, and it's very important that the viewers understand the scale of this machine weighs over 77000 kilos. and only that was heavily laden with fuel and it's cargo of ukrainian po w's. when it was stopped by ukrainian air defense smith so close to the village deposits, apparently steered away from that, crushing directly into the village and had landed in the field uh, just about a kilometer uh beyond. uh so there's a huge sense of shock there. and this all comes as a woman was targeted, a civilian that was targeted until by a drone here in the belgrade region and also. so it's a rock turning off. it seems of this violence against civilian populations on top of this terrible tragedy which we witness. it's also worth noting,
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done in the key is when this news 1st broke, it was almost celebration of the downing of this heavy russian transport plan. when the news filtered out that it was carrying ukrainian prisoners of war, uh that the messaging seem to change quite considerably. so we'll keep you updated as this slowly develops here from belgrade cables 40. all right, that's all for me now. my colleague additional i, josh will be in just a few minutes of this. i'll be i'll have to bring you more updates by the the, the russian states. never as one of the most sense community best to him. then
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i'll send, send up the keys to progress, be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on russia to day and split the r t. suppose next, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube said this is steve and twist, which is the the, the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the russia condemns a crane and its main funds of west western states during an emergency. and you and security council session over on attack on a russian military plane that killed 7 to 4 people. possible. it says it was a premeditated stripe by kids. as a flight record as of a downs, i. l 7, a 6 all solve age from the crash side, preliminary findings of the russian investigative committee points to an untied aircraft, to miss 1000, launched from ukraine to destroyed the jets. this is the territory which is great


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