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tv   Cross Talk  RT  January 25, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EST

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the, the russia condemns a crane and its main sponsor, the west western states during an emergency and you and security council session over on attack on a russian military plane that killed 7 to 4 people as possible says it was a premeditated stripe by kids. as a flight record as of a downs, i. l 7, a 6 all solve age from the crash side, preliminary findings of the russian investigative committee points to an untied aircraft, to miss 1000, launched from ukraine to destroyed the jets. this is the territory which you great and sacrificed tens of thousands of soldiers, thousands of tags and personnel carriers all would cost to do to, to take,
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to retake, to congress are to reports on front line developments where you create in trips meet russian forces. and he retreats, that's notice case, all left behind all the unacceptable that the united nations reaction to one is really asked strike at a new and shelter in gauze of what 12 people are killed in a subset of nations around the world need to come together. and co for that and to the pilot. we need the international community to develop and take their uh, take the responsibilities and defending children rights and really cool for a ceasefire. the laptop stores, that's our head to our side r t dot com for more i'm they show a josh and i'll see you about the top of the hour, the
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the the hello and welcome to cross stock. were all things are considered on peter lavelle? few issues had polarized the world recently, like israel's war on gaza. the west defends israel's colonial settler project. the rest of the world looks on an anger and discussed what we're witnessing is the end of the west, 500 years of global hegemony. it is last moral authority, the cross section in palestine. i'm joined by my guest at martin in washington. he is an attorney and former member of the republican national committee in new york. we have line off, he is legal and media analysts ended and be real. we cross all the risk, he is
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a writer and political analyst, right. tell me costs are roles and the fact that means you can jump any time you want. and i always appreciate ali, let me go to you 1st and be rude. lionel a racially racially, it's been on this program week after week covering the guides issue and the 1st time i had them on i asked him a quick question about his thoughts about it. and he said everything has changed. that's one of the reasons why i'm calling this program because a shift in your mind, what has changed, i mean, in your country, in your region, in the world, philosophically, however, you want to approach that the question go ahead ali. it will let us change 1st and foremost is the invincible homie reputation, which is rarely use to enjoy. now that reputation was shaken quite, quite extensively by the previous was the 2006 war here and living on. but i think authoration other books are still and by how mouse has completely shifted and broadband reputation to an end. i think that has led to turning us policy in the
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regional beside down. you have the major us, how i in the region, which turned out to be more of a paper tiger. if you were, if you really could say confronting a movement like thomas, which has much more limited military capabilities. and this force that you're with into, with, on my end, i'm going to release your seeing now what's happening in the i'm and how that you were supposed to be. well, most isolated when it comes to banking, israel, even some european allies, very important. you are being watched by the way, like friends, have distanced themselves familiar with support for his room. russia and china had some interesting stances in this particular conflict. we saw a delegation from how much visiting russia. and i think both russia and china wouldn't mind at all if they weren't able to restore the increased the influence and the ends less and the influence of the west and the region which has proven to
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be quite destructive. and so i think all of the, the elements taken into account pointing the point to this broader shift to which we but this thing which is a result of the water and goes yeah, that's a very interesting observation. sure. well, i know, you know, in my introduction i talked about the, the lack of moral authority. and as we look as we speak right now, the proceedings i'm against is, or by south africa on genocide as being spoken about and will soon be decided on it . so it's very interesting to me how the united states as a band, and so many of the principals that you and i, as some americans were brought up with. okay. and it's, you know, due process rule of law, all of these things here. and there being so easily a band and, and then something closer to home for us is that and freedom of speech is being attacked by people who we thought were defenders of the free speech. go headline
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and a couple of things. the people, many citizens for the 1st time, are asking themselves why is there such a focus on palestinians in the course? they realize that this has been going on, you know, for 75 years. but for some reason they, they but wait into this, this is the 2 points. i always say, number one. if we change the word israel to france, it will be a completely different argument. people would be talking about things completely differently. there was a, you can do that, this is wrong, but for some reason, this kryptonite 3rd rail kind of a cab. i don't go there, attitude current phones, people. and the 2nd question i have is, can you think of any country in the world that would send sure or, or expelled it's college students for saying something against the united states on their college campus? have you ever heard of those? people are asking one that we're, we're be, you're, you're being expelled from
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a school here because you disagree with another country's foreign policy. when did that happen? so as i said, the rules are inverted, it's good choice. and it's about time the people ask themselves, wait a minute, who's in charge here? who exactly is the client today? the home? well, i was going to, i was going to get that. do you want to jump in? you've been very patient, go ahead. i do. i, i just because i want to sort of agree with everyone and i want to point to leadership as a problem in america. yeah. well, where, where we sit and look at a president who doesn't know whether he's come or going on. these positions hit one day, he's the staunchest defender of israel, the next day he's, he's not, i mean, he goes back and forth guys, but you mentioned due process. i have to tell you in america right now and put aside trump versus bible in america right now. i think i'm going to sound like an old fashion bleeding heart a c o u lawyer, i'm a lawyer. i never thought i'd say that, but the fact is due process has been lost in this country. you can look of january
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6, you can look at how they prosecuted aspects of almost anything. and i'm willing to move all the way to the point where i say to myself, out loud to the federal, especially federal federal prosecutorial system becomes so skewed against those without power. by the way, the black and brown drug dealers, all that, that we have to really rethink this and i think we do. and, and you guys pointed to something you said the media, the power of the media america. we've been in the way washed by the media that we had to fight you crate and the ukranian war. it was the end of everything. and one day pivot. we're now we're going to go back to israel. i'm and we're and we forget about ukraine. now. my opinion, by the way, to say on the record, i think that what happened, what, how mazda attacked on october 7th is an existential crisis. and i think that is roger right to defend themselves. that's a different part of this debate. but i would like to just say guys, we in this country and america are listening to our big tech and big media. rain was just that we have to move on to the next fight. we've got to and the next fight is just whatever our, our, our, our narrative machine, big government,
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big tech and big media is telling us. and it's a disaster that you can not like drop, but trouble stood up to that machine. not always perfectly, but he certainly seemed to be on the side of americans as opposed to on the side of i don't know who. well, you know, did real quick and palestinians have the right to protect themselves too. but, but i get your point. i get your point. okay, i got you. okay. so all we, you know, i, i'm, you know, people always ask me of you. do you like talking about politics actually like culture and society more. okay. and philosophy because i see an ad the case can of, of, of a moral stance here. i mean, the united states is also in the dock when it comes to genocide. and i don't think most americans, the vast majority of americans understand that. and just to echo with ed said they don't, but they'll never really know why on i talk enough to know that he's told me repeatedly, the people basically don't have a clue. is it? i'm us one morning woke up and decided to attack israel. well,
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that isn't the story here. so looking at it from the region here, obviously israel wants the us to stay in the region. obviously it wants to fight its wars for it, but the region is resisting more and more. when biting went to israel, he was shunned by arab leaders. that's a turning point alley. before i answer your question, this very quickly about the client state issue, the definition of a client's state is a state which serves your interests. and if you look at it from that perspective, i failed to see how you would support if it gets really serves us interest, particularly with the car and not the whole government. and, but i think more of the authors, it is just for america's working. mostly is right, interest. so with a visa america, i'm not saying it's fully a client's name, but it resembles more clients say that these are particularly in our, in this conflict under sensors, taken by the, by the ministration. with respect to the question about how the region is resisting
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the american pressures. that's true. the go seeing how they got many years, even soto law movement. how they haven't been detailed this far, these attacks this find the terrorist, there's like a nation or steps which i filed on. i think a very important point to realize is that tom sent to the movements in this region in addition to a wrong, you know, 1st law, i'm sort of law how mass they do realize that the american public, i'm more of an american in general, is not ready for the middle east and adventure, and i think that's net loss. all of these players when they picture these later later, but i want to buy another cross. i was across. stop. i want to knowledge your. thank you. what's your comments slide by peter on this member that famous interviewer trump was asked about food and then they said, you know, as a killer and trump said killer, he's like you're, you're all killers. i mean, my, my point is that i agree with the cut up the search and that's everyone's in the box. meaning we're to look critically at our own policies and say,
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what exactly is going on? you know, one of the last debates in this country about presidential immunity, as we know, obama was killing civilians withdrawal p themselves was saying kill them now, but kind of a debate. but let's not pretend that there's not moral gravity to this bill. clinton was calling in bombs to bosnia way too late because the my, my head, you're yours doing the indictment for me who i agree with. you guys literally probably knows how to i, if you don't, it doesn't have, i could do the who about buying me. okay. who cares? okay, is a paul, let's see here, and i'm going to go to line on here for a 2nd here. it's a policy that has never been fleshed out and debated in america because people are afraid to say the true. let's just say go ahead while or well i yeah, a couple of things here. first and foremost, what i imagine just before a few said to you as most americans, what are the roles of b,
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b that yahoo and victoria newland in crafting american foreign policy. most of them would say, i don't know who you're talking about. and that's absurd story because we're living kind of in the 1950s world where we think we're the good guys and the bad guys. another problem is, i'm sorry to say this, but when you say to people genocide and my colleague here who is a fellow lawyer, i always looked at the definition. tell me what, what, what the i c j means. you know, we, we have a law in this country called may have and it has nothing to do with what you would think it would be. so when you look at genocide, people have this idea of the holocaust or our schmidt's or something. and they won't impart that particular ideation into what this is when they look at what apartheid is to the weight south africa gives you a little hard time to talk about an expert witness. i mean, doesn't get any better than that. so i have this idea, actually we have this idea that somehow these terms, they are, they're there, they conflict with our pedestrian st. ideas of what this is. well, yeah,
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because of the genocide is something that is historical. that's how americans have been taught. gentleman, fascinating discussion, i'm going to go to a short break, and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on house, on stay with our team, the that, that the media and the big the band list to go ahead the the quote assumption. i'm not sure, but after the civil war 2 and the most essential, the familiar with the 5 video storms to, to move to i'm going to show that in design here. realistic should be available solution 1st. what was in your list of all
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the was this the welcome back to across stock? were all things are considered on peter roosevelt's remind you were discussing palestine the okay, want to go back to holly and, and be rude to i don't know if you had to suffer through watching some of the talks in davos last week um its insufferable stuff. unfortunately, well fortunately, i have people to give me a clip, so i don't have to wait for the waste too much time. but always when you look at it, yeah, anthony blank and the secretary of state, he's a pathological liar. okay. now maybe that get gets him by in davos and his crowd. okay, fine. we're not invited to such things, but you know, the city,
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you know what, what i found really, i couldn't figure out was more disgusting, what he had to say, and how nobody confronted him with a nonsense that he was saying here. but in your part of the world, you know something about how a foreign policy over many, many administrations as why to their, its own people in the interest of other countries, particularly this one country in israel. so again, these are the resistance that they talk about. i mean, they have the truth on their side. i mean, you can, you can go through everything that's like choice. they said, and you can, you can prove that it is not true. it's false. and, but i mean, i'm sure they don't, you don't have to be convinced because you just see it at face value lice. go ahead only just quickly before um in the previous time. so i was saying just the one i have to make is the leadership accessible so you can pass on those. so like in a previous page said, america's busy in ukraine. it has all the priorities. now is the time to work on making america withdrawal. now that's part of a broader strategy,
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which claims in the end to point is really not very difficult situation because there's a conviction on the part of the what they called the resistance, texas that went out american in the region. and that's when it gets ran. we'll be really a bundle and facing the exist central chrysler. so you have a know, i think a new strategy by this next and access in the region which recognize that there's a us no longer has the resources all the time to invest that much in protecting is right. but all we would do with the ortho, also know more or store a to you to be there any more. okay. the iraqis want american troops out, syria is being occupied, you legally, but not by the united states. there's a lot of elements that do not want the united states. so i would say, and i've said this for many years, yes. view, i should leave the middle east. would it get ugly? yes it would, but the region would heal itself having an outside or arbitrate everything. the way it does in favor of one country is what is most disasters for the region. your
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thoughts are all a like. i agree, i agree. i agree with you when the, you know, history says look at what, what else do you wish policy? is us policy in the end, the reliance on military. now obama, a result of the one time when you say that, you know, you don't need to how to solve every single problem. that was the luck of the environment. criticism, one of the few bright spots of obama, so they have a left office with 7 wars. so hey donald, it's around and decide donald trump didn't start one. look, i don't know. i'm disagree. i'm just saying that the us and ministrations even you have the you with the president to, with mental financial for leads in american foreign policies. which certainly knows how to use military force which has an sub the region itself. and that was able to set up the american interest by the way. now regarding blinking, i think was even worse than the fact that blinking is lying. we all know that the, you know, the american democracy when it comes to the middle east. and when it comes to
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a fiber to them, to just write on what is even worse for the us is that they don't moment, but you don't have to do you no longer have the money. it's been, you know, people are, you know, diplomatic, think it was so know how to practice policy. if you look at this administration, jack sullivan, if you remember just i think about a week before that's cover and i think it was exactly 5 days. but keep going, yeah. the reason is, in the most stable period have a. so i think that says a lot about the us to expertise towards this region. i went back to the people who have genuine knowledge about the middle east call being marginalized. yep. by people who support, you know, with a general approach of blindly following history on, i'm pretty with the middle t r i is ation. go ahead, right. edge of it. go ahead. yeah, i mean, i, i, peter, i think i cut off all the last time. so i don't want it this time, i apologize, but i want to say a couple things. one is your right, excuse me,
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we race to the bottom. we have the worst liars and not even good liars, they're not even good at the job, but not sophisticated. i mean, they're just as you point out there, they're just, they're, they're terrible. i would say something different though. i think the post world war 2 now and, and, you know, sign fully, kissinger is gone. i, i pray for so, but he's gone thankfully, because we can stop talking about kissinger and his ideas and we can say to ourselves, what is america want now? and i think the big reset since the end of the bush cheney year, which happened when trump one is what is a repeat of these republicans. but i think american foreign policy as you point out, where should we have american interest in the world? you know this, this last december we celebrated the 200 that a bursary of the monroe doctor in the manual doctor. and if you look closely at, it was about the systems that were coming into the western hemisphere because they weren't compatible with america. but monroe said, we're not coming into europe because we don't want to mess with your stuff. read or you figure it out for yourself. i think more and more americans are saying, show us what the interest is in these parts of the world for us,
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and let us assess whether that's valuable i. i want another show argue about how we do feel a certain mary debt to the is really whether that's accurate or not. that's how america feels. and i'm finished with this. we've been brainwashed. i mean, even that were just describe the bed. i don't know. i don't see any obligation the united states as real 0. that no, no, no, that's not what i said the hold on because happened in europe. it didn't happen in america. i know, but that's not what i said. what i said was, that's how americans feel. i'm not saying we have a debt, i'm saying if you feel like you have a dad and you're elected politicians who are telling you that to that that's, that's what that is. that's where that's part of it. where it's coming from. most of it's coming from oil frontage, roads where it's line, or it's coming from the donor class. ok. as usual. it's the donor class. okay. nope, everything ed said i could agree with with lionel. you're always confronted with the question, do you send them off? that's the beginning and the end of the conversation. that's how they do it. like
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a couple of things here. you, you, you must ask these bumper sticker playbook. questions number one does is we all have the right to defend itself and you responded, does palestine? and the answer is, oh, i never thought about that. that's number one. number 2, they think that they don't want to look at proportionality. imagine if, after after the gulf of tonkin, we decided to new vietnam elisa, yeah, but it was a gulf of tonkin be would say that doesn't make any sense. we've forgotten that because the argument doesn't go past those 2 or 3 questions. let me say it will be very quickly, we talk about the media. i invite all my friends to go to youtube, which up to now has been pretty pretty, but now and rather add a dine in sacrament. and i said, just just put into your search parts, israel, palestine, and see what comes up. you will be maze, and i am every day made to the meet this bird jeanine me to peep. and by the way, people that before october, the 7th, i would not necessarily be listening to, for
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a variety of reasons who now show this exquisite brilliance as to the singular problems that we're looking at right now. there are people, there are journal is there are new platforms that are absolutely leading sees to this classics status meandra. so media that we have had who, by the way, isn't even interested because america, i'm sorry to say, is more interested in the super bowl. and taylor swift that what's going on right now? much to their so i yeah, i don't even know who taylor swift is the name all the time. i've no idea who they're talking about. yeah. better off. okay. but always i want to, i want to finish. you know, i'm a really serious note here because you know this, we've heard it already. you know, israel has the right to defend itself. okay, well, let's unpack that as quickly as we can on television. well, gaza and the west bank are under occupation. so under international law then self defense gets a lot more dicey. ok, israel actually is,
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an occupier is obligated to make sure that there are, there is food, there is water, there is fuel, they're doing everything the opposite. so even the way it's presented in western media is nato. it, they, they don't present the legal argument this that's on the face of it's a lie to ali. it is exactly, you know, it gets fairly is always, has always been trained as the victim in this region. although not the argument is getting harder and harder to defend as a result of use for it was ongoing shift to the right. even the american, this is ministration is finding it difficult to have something that i think the important point which we haven't made reference to yet is the by the logic was simple and which is rarely enjoys. in america, you have a not so slow a segment. the goal is to have you have some people who believe in i jewish christian alliance against those loops. those factors, i think also you know,
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important factors when you want to explain the general approach. not just of american foreign policy, but also some members of the american population to correct me if i'm not mistaken . i still have the skin or stereotype view that identifies most of these with terrorists. and that particular times, think of foreign policy which is more affordable for me. i do believe it's changing the purpose and the west, or i think you know that. but besides you, i don't, you're going to, i think it is a significant issue which you don't deserve squares any. yeah. it all a american jews and you induce in europe are standing up to not in my name. that was one of the most hardening things i've seen since october something. and i want to go back to tell, you know, yeah, i'm a partisan politics is always a plays a role in all of this here. but you know, i find it really interesting the people i have contact with the media and lionel knows this very well. i can talk to really far left people. i and, and,
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and i think i agree with them on a lot of things. i'm a conservative here, but i don't like the prism in which the leads always trying to present issues here, left wing people. liberals like drug. i can't find any common ground with but left when people conservative people independent people. and it's basically this liberal establishment that controls the narrow to and is, lionel is pointed out, we're all punching holes that it into it's, it's just ridiculous what they're presenting us and that's why people are turning away. i have and watch cable news now for a year. go ahead. yeah. well, i mean, a couple of things. couple observations. you started that question or comment was a partisan politics. if you watch that nikki haley versus trump conversation, you see a classic neo con nikki haley. yep, who is really spouting off all of those positions and, and sort of formulas likely. i mean, she's like anthony blinking, you look at it, you say you can't mean that, but you just bounce it up on the other side. you have trump and trumps. i, you know, i, the allergy if it's such as if it's, if it's for our interest, i want to be strong. so i'll deal with the saudis,
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right. i'll deal with it is real. i'll and i think more americans attempt to comment earlier about the ben general goals. for example, i think more americans are in the conservative wing, are looking up and saying, you help me understand how american issues american interest are at the heart here . and you know, for example, you would have never heard on the conservative side this conversation, the conversation went like this. why are we given israel money? they've got plenty of blending power. we don't have any lending bar, let the borrow money. why are we sending them to? well, i can say them all good days and i say the netanyahu gives zalinski a call. he's got plenty. yeah. okay, exactly. all right. all right. i did a little gentlemen of run out of time here, past the baby and discussing you. i want to thank my guest in washington, new york, and and be rude. and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at r t c. and excited, remember crossed out the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the welcome to explain it straight to us. the problem or the choice. of course that is before you. so vice chair and we'll just keep going,
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as i mentioned earlier, is i've just deep requirements, not express here, submit item. so you may have not as a week in regards, no problem. you have no open up in the front and then for the test and if i know for will be street the mention is pretty much pollution sal polosa by for the, for the 2 of them over proof of those types of products that are coming out the low, so figured are available to try to sell the most of the triple just the enough one to the it's almost the, it's
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a little bit more of a run the system, the good little issues. and you know, the middle schools will inject some of the music from you the goals for the


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