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tv   News  RT  January 25, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EST

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with all the so was this the, the breaking news on our, to international the us state to volleyball ma has carried out the nation's 1st execution by nitrogen gas, a new method that some experts, doub, torture and claim may cause x appreciating paint. the russia condemns it. great and its main sponsor, the united states during an emergency and un security council session over a deadly attack on a plane carrying prisoners of war must possess, keeps stops, and nothing when it comes to serve in the west view training leadership was well aware of the route and method of transporting the soldiers to the place of the pre agreed exchange, the fact that it is ready to sacrifice any number of its own citizens for western
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geo political interest is no secret to anyone in ukraine. as applied to our quarters up and down the aisle $7.00 to $6.00 of solve, which from the crush side, preliminary findings of the russian investigated, committed points to an antique across the missile launch from the crane. the destroying fidget is his territory, which you pay in sacrifice, tens of thousands of soldiers, thousands of times. alma tullocks without carriers um, would cause a due to due date to retake, to come to our care reports on front line developments where ukrainian troops meet the russian forces and ask for retreats. that's moda games. i left behind the walk and everyone business directory internet, you know, a lot from us go, i'm i,
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they show a josh top stores the south of obama has executed its 1st death row personnel with nitrogen gas as fix the ation as a space fix to promote a new approach that is less difficult then lift the injection, alabama lawmakers authorized nitrogen. i poke c a as an education method in 2018. the method works by depriving the brain of oxygen. nitrogen is an odorless gas which makes up 78 percent of the act was fat, but is little when inhaled on its own. the un human rights office argues that this method may cause severe pain and suffering. kenneth smith was sentenced to death for his role in a woman's murder in 1988. but his case was retried because the prosecution of illegally dismissed black juris in 1996 the jury foot of despair estimates life and sentence him to life without parole. however, the judge of the road, the recommendation, incentives him to death,
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the executive director of the death penalty information center says that the new method is pretty risky. alabama is using an untested unimproved in a method of execution. it's never been used before to execute anyone in the united states or anyone in the world as far as we know. there are lots of risks and lots of concerns about this method. i mean, it is easy. all just a, we is anesthesiologist to not really have a stance on medical execution because this is not the practice of medicine. okay, so that is not the practice of medicine. backpacks and medicine is to save people's lives. however, sometimes you do get caught up in these arguments because a lot of the medications or drugs that would be given to the condemned or anesthetic agents that your point a lot. when people use nitrogen, it does deprived the brain of oxygen. and clearly this will, you know, causes of someone's demise is that's a legal issue. i can speak to a medical issue. but, but you know,
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a lot of these criminals have been on death row for quite some time. and now we're just now getting to the point of, you know, finding out their sentence that has been, you know, judy created by, by a, by ensure their peers to tap a death sentence. so i, i don't, i don't really know why that change. so things like that, i just, i know, you know, nitrogen is very effective just like carbon monoxide would be effective. any way to, you know, commit suicide is a way just knowing, you know, take someone's life as well. and a national attorney, klein, preston says that the execution method may be in violation of the us constitution. this is terrific because the one this is the 1st time that this type of execution has been tried with the deprivation of, uh, uh, oxygen with the, with the nitrogen. and so, you know, there are lot of people that are against it, of the country. pretty much split on the issue of whether you're pro capital punishment or inside capital punishment. but spices say there's,
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there's no general consensus on it and the execution should could be problematic because it's going to be administered through a gas my ass beraskigy in mass. it's going to be a debated issue, i think for some time. and so i just like this being the problematic and it very well could basis or hasn't been a time where this has been run. this could be in violation of. ready united states hostage you're going to attack on a russian military plane, terry, and present as a was a premeditated crime. that's the message sent by russia's deputy ambassador to the un during that emergency session of the security council. according to demetrius proliant, polanski. this shows just how far camp is willing to go to serve western interest. see me see. so i'm gonna see what you've done with all the data we have today indicates that we are dealing with a deliberate, premeditated crime. ukrainian leadership was well aware of the route and method of
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transporting soldiers to the place of the pre agreed exchange with these monstrous actions the zalinski regime. if of course, it still has at least some control over the actions of its militants, has once again shown its inhumane nature. incompletes incompetence to the fact that it is ready to sacrifice any number of its own citizens for western geo political interest. there's no secret to anyone in ukraine. a meeting of the un security council was convenience to discuss the recent downing of an aircraft that contained the number of ukrainian prisoners of war were headed for a prisoner swamp. now, at the meeting, the russian delegation questioned why it so the french government, which is currently acting as the president of the security council, the 15 member body that leads the un. why it took them so long to organize this need it. russia had wanted to hold an emergency meeting in the direct aftermath of
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the incident. however, there was a delay. now, frances said, this is merely a procedure rules concerned, however, it appeared to the russian representative so that this was yet another example of the western countries trying to shield the key of government from any criticism or revelations of its now practices and it and negative activities to me some yours will have no doubt that our western colleagues will also practise verbal expressions today with the sole purpose of protecting the public key of regime in any way. they as well as its leaders and keys, do not care at all about the dead russians and ukrainians, who for the collective west are just 2nd class citizens, inexpensive old material, and the geo political crusade against russia. today, western leaders are trying to convince their public, so that's such a situation. is it profitable investments and an attractive business project? the cynicism of such arguments is simply off the scale. the western sponsors of the
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criminal key of regime are fully responsible for its crimes. out of statements from the united states, the united kingdom and other countries that are opposed to russia and back in ukraine, were rather short. they simply blamed the entire incident on russia saying that the war, the entire war was simply russia's fault. so the details of the actual incident in question did not seem to matter. later in the meeting, there was a rather harsh exchange between the ukrainian representatives and the russian. and basset or the ukraine representative made some pretty outrages claims doubting the presence of the po w's on the plane, etc. the russian deputy ambassador quickly took her to task years. the exchange russian propaganda was suspiciously fast into an sleigh to eastern statements about the shooting down of the rush, and i'll send it to 6 aircraft that had allegedly transported to clean and peel
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these. according to our military intelligence, only 5 bodies were sent to the local mark in belgrade, and no human remains are visible on views from the crash site. you might look at the micro will show up in the apparently the instructions that my colleague received was to continue lying and protecting the key of regime. the lists were published and they were given to the ukrainian side in accordance with the established procedure, as has been done many times, it is absolutely pointless to deny it. unlike the lists of the victims of the provocation in boucher, which we still cannot obtain and constantly inquire about. the meeting showed some very clear differences between major countries represented on the council. and it also highlighted that while russia has put forward a pretty straightforward account of the events of what happened, how this mind was taken down, we don't have a very solid answer from ukrainian figures or from western leaders. we're backing
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them. and the fact that it could have been us supplied or western supplied weapons that shot down in this airplane, filled with prisoners of war, forces many to raise questions about the continued morality and advocacy of the fund as government and ukraine, that continues to throw the lives of its citizens away in a conflict with russia, a conflict that many say has already ended and is already pretty much over. westbrook discorporate a form i you and special commission weapons inspector. he says, powers is trying to prevent moscow from bringing up the plane crash at the security council as part of the west continuous propaganda war with russia. frances, concerned that if russia were able to gain access to the security council and put its case before at the security council, the russian narrative, which is of course back based, based upon international law. thank you, most of would dominate. and so what france is doing is the exercise of
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a tool that it has as the president of the security council to deny russia the opportunity to score victory in the information war that's taking place regarding your credit. this is surely about censorship on the international stage. but i don't think for a ukraine is just going to be able to ignore this and pretend it didn't happen, or tried to transfer all responsibility to russia. and the families of the, of the dead prisoners of war simply aren't going to allow that to happen to united states has no ammunition. that there is no facts out there that the united states can twist or manipulate to its advantage. at the bottom line is that, you know, ukraine is 100 percent in the wrong here. and so the united states made. ready a uh you know, a cursory effort to, to be seen to support in ukraine. but just as how can you speak convincingly on the subject when you don't have any material available to back,
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the position that you want to take. united states doesn't have a moral co ops to go out there. there was then we wouldn't provide. we'd have stopped providing the webpage to create a long time ago. so, so there's no chance united states will really think it's approach to helping ukraine based upon a tragedy such as the one that took place the united states will, if congress approves it, will continue to provide a weapons. and if congress doesn't, then united states won't be able to provide weapons, but the decision to give her ukraine weapons or the whole weapons back has nothing to do with any sense of, you know, morality, the united states isn't suddenly going to grow conscience and sale. my goodness, our weapons were misused by ukrainians. we don't care. remember it's united states senators such as lindsey graham and others who have said that you go and you know, this is the best use of american tax payer money possible. we're providing you training weapons that are used to kill russians and know american lives are at
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stake. how is that a moral stance? so don't expect anything that's, that's morally based from the united states when it comes to. it's continued support for you. great. the russian authorities of opened a criminal case into the down and of the military transport aircraft near the ukrainian border. the plane was carrying 6 or 5 ukrainian prisoners of war for an exchange with kids when it is believed to have been struck by an untie across a missile, launched by ukrainian forces flag for quarters, happy salvaged from the wreckage. everyone aboard, including 9 russian crew members were killed in the crash. a local church held them in the rest of us for those killed local. i went this to say that after being struck, the plane stared away from a nearby town. ultimately, saving lives was supposed to the wife of the commander on the down plain will shed her halloween sail. yeah, was not doing the rush to go. i found out about the tragedy even before the new
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scheme. i got a call from the military headquarters. it's our 10 year anniversary this year, and we have 2 little girls. i don't know what to say. i don't know how we're going to live without him or how to tell the girls about it. they love him so much and we look forward to his return from trips for their joining me for the centre of a very truly belgrade in russia. so it's kind of get the find yourself at the center of the news for another project. reason, of course offerings at dozens of civilians killed here uh at new year about ukrainian shelly and yesterday in a town about an hour east of here. at 74 people lost their lives when a russian illusion 76 heavy transport plane crashed. after being apparently struck by a ukrainian system, no dimitry pass call has confirmed that there were warnings made to the ukraine's and that there were a notifications made to view craney and military that this flight was going to take
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place. so to play and soon the flight. yes, this attack still went ahead. now there's also been an investigation. i opened by the russian invest of committee at the site. now we spent the day talking to people in the village. the main sets. there is one a shock, but also one of great tanks for these pilots bravery. several people told us that they saw this giant plane dissolution 76, and it's very important that the viewers understand the scale of this machine weighs over 77000 kilos. and only that was heavily laden with fuel and it's cargo of ukrainian p o w, as when it was stopped by ukrainian air defense. some is so close to the village deposits, apparently steered away from that, crushing directly into the village and it landed in the field uh, just about a kilometer uh beyond. uh so there's a few cents a shock there. and this all comes as a woman was targeted, a civilian that was targeted until by a drone here in the belgrade region and also. so it's
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a rock here to help it seems of this violence against civilian populations. on top of this terrible tragedy which we witnessed, and it's also worth noting done in key is when this news 1st broke, there was almost celebration of the downing of this heavy russian transport plane. but when the news filtered out that it was carrying ukrainian prisoners of war, uh that the messaging seem to change quite considerably. so we'll keep you updated as this slowly develops here from belgrade. cables or to the russian forces are re taking positions by the ukrainian military had secured during the camps previous counter offensive. i'll send your correspondence morag, guys via profiles the latest from the front line. a little distance away from, from the front lines of the very short distance away from the above oil, which is near the boats in that. and one of the main directions of the euclidean
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towns were offensive, failed counter offensive over the summer. and never the less the credit forces here, but able to penetrate some kilometers into russian defenses. pos, the dragon's teeth. the now famous will for you create infamous drag and seat defensive lie. the 1st russian defensive line we were here instead of of oil during the summer offensive through autumn we so you paid in vehicles button and by the dozen. uh everyday. now, a weird situation where do you credit and sally of the credit in a sense of his being robust, that gains russian troops are, are me a 500 meters away from closing those defensive defensive lines? up again, this is russian, apple, and troops, as well as special operations forces. we could also tell you that you can, is indeed running short of especially large got heavy kind of
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a large caliber tillery shelves with even more and more a cd drugs company called g. drones being used by you create an attempt to uh, to compensate for the shortage in heavier um, well also hearing from 5 this here that there are much fuel you paid in. so just uh, minding positions, treasures, uh, foreign positions here on the front lines which again, speaks of a, uh, a manpower shortage among your credit invoices. but this is indeed a remarkable reversal uh so quickly for russian forces to have reclaimed so much territory. many, many thousands of square kilometers kids that are bubble up and i bought it up. i know this is territory what you pay and sacrifice. tens of thousands of soldiers, thousands of times salma personnel carriers all would cause the to, to, to take, to retake, to congress. and this is all robust at this point that me
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a 500 meters left for russia to close up. the salad that you create achieved over some of the casual feds of the mass of places are up to add a prominent hospital in the rainy and capital on thursday or 4th. say all the patients have been evacuated so far without any casualties, are to correspondent use of july. the reports on the aftermath it took firefighters, sarah hours to port out huge flames setting goals to one of the largest hospitals. in jeff ron, the gone, the hotel hospital caught fire around 6 30 pm local time 193 patients were receiving medical care as we speak with already say all the patients have been evacuated and transferred to other hospitals and that new depths have be reported. so i mean, those are just had much more we are here with you by the grace of god. nobody was injured in the fire, but there were patients in the hospital who needed special care and where given
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priority for transportation to nearby facilities. the remaining individuals are waiting to be made. the fire broke out from the eastern side of the 11th floor of the 21 story building and then quickly spread to the higher floor shrouding other sides of the hospital. for now, because of the incident is not clear, and that the minister of interior who was at the scene said investigation has kick started to determine how the incident occurred. i spoke to this folks, person of to 15 funding department about how it all happened. he said, for now he cannot comment on this matter, but said that all inappropriate material used in the facade of the building, accelerated the expansion of the place on the 16th and 17th flores of the hospital and its facade were completely engulfed in flames. the fire spread, but we were able to evacuate everyone and prevent the fire from entering the main body of the building. firefighters with the help of medical staff and nurses have
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nearly completed the vacuum ration. but a search for the remaining individuals is ongoing. for all the details surrounding the possible casualties, injuries on the cause of the fire are not clear and disordered. he's all for these have advised the public to stay tuned for official results to be announced in the coming hours and days. so we cannot tell for now if the gone, the hospital incident has anything to do with the ongoing escalation and the region and the repetitive retaliatory operations exchange between erewhon and as well. and that way company does a war which we do know that'd be gone. de is one of the most important and best equipped hospitals in the middle east, which was built 15 years ago to boost medical tourism. and these were on the, for public. i'll be wrong. it host a significant number of 4 and patients mostly from other countries to receive treatment apart from its medical services. it has
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a large hotel that provides the accommodation for 91 and patients and their families. so the question of whether it was an accident or an act of sabotage remains to be seen in the coming days. as they is run how much more rate is on protests. doesn't israel have taken to the streets calling for humanitarian aid to guys have to be cut off. our keys middle is their chief marietta, the notion that has more of the story. a hundreds have gathered here in jerusalem in front of the canals such as these really parliament. it's the orange, they are leadership to stop allowing human hearing aids, 2 guys on the banner as people hold here say no to humanitarian trucks, go into have mass. the most readers believe the aid ends up in the hands of the militant group. israel says it fights to destroy so protest for his claim. trucks with food, walter, medical supplies, and fuel support is roles. and some of those we spoke to say they fear weapons
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could be smuggled into the inquiry in the humanitarian vehicles as well. there are other surprises, arguments, giving that to all the trucks, being carefully checked by is really forces at the boulder before being sent to guys them. some professors also told us they believe israel's signal to allow any humanitarian assistance into the gather street, even if it serves to is the suffering of ordinary civilly and palestinians. they say gaskins voted for him as back in 2006. when the militant group came to power, they support have mass and therefore they should share the responsibility for what is happening now. and what is happening now is described by many as the humanitarian catastrophe. only 4 percent of the water and gas is suitable for drinking according to estimates at least a quarter of the $2300000.00 populations hold gas and leaving an extreme hunger as row has come under immense international pressure for a tour,
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as is created in dire humanitarian situation and eventually it was forced to allow some aid inside the inquiry. and this is exactly what people who get in here today, protesting against nation sending food and drink to the palestinian come us terrorists in gaza. that's. that's the main message, because i mean, if you the free to go to the people then okay, i'm to send them about most of the through the, not just really, this is the kind of simian, i'm us terrorists. so this is the noun, it's what do you think the head special nothing. maybe maybe somebody. * couple today and like a tentative piece of brands. every day we are a we came to to fight all the trucks of the supply that say they do you money to supply that day. you gave to the guys a paper and we don't have to supply them. anything. even water like the our prime
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minister is in 1973. she said even know spawn of water. people have also come here in support of these really defense forces and they're ongoing operation. and guys, i'm demonstrators saved as an act of self defense and demands to continue the operations that according to the valley, students sources claim the lives of more than $25000.00 people, including children. as far as global condemnation, with some even call in it's a genocide, the most readers have the answer to that. they suggest palestinians should leave guys them. let's take a listen to what people here have to say. hey, my company, this is my land. this isn't my only $25.00. i think even in said this is
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a going to come of these still rooms they send to to control the paper only. it's view the so now they need to we don't need to die, but they need to we need to continue you. we cannot give up. if we cannot go into a ceasefire. we cannot allow humanitarian aid to go in to god that there's really no difference between civilians and how much. at this point, we have to finish the northeast, northeast fire until the hostages are back at the mazda spanish, 100 percent finished. this price is just one of many other is happening in these roll most on a daily basis. in the last 3 months, people take to the streets for different reasons with different demands. but all of
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them are angry and disappointed with how the government deals with this car and situation. earlier on the friday, the families of the hostages held in captivity and gases for more than $110.00 days, protested in front of military headquarters in tel aviv demanding the government to work harder to make a deal with him as to see the loved ones back home, there was no official confirmation to that, but the reports were earlier this week and that these row had offered him as a 2 month loan ceasefire. the idea of withdrawal from major talons of gaza and the release of some palestinian prisoners from is really jails in exchange for hostages . now we hear from each rows newspaper hot as the is row and some us have reached and basic agreement on most terms of the choice and the deal. the newspaper hayes citing sources close to negotiation process. this information cannot be verified though by now. but if true, it would mean a real break for those other top stories. this our, on our,
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to international head to our website, our, to the, from, from one use coverage. i am a nationwide josh. i'll be back at the top of the hour with the latest updates today with on the the us, the, okay. i just let us know. so the syndic some of the music from you to continue the, the goals
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for the the,
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the access you mean? yes. ma'am. this to image. does that mean? is it she said to you, the munoz, the queen. yes, the name i said as he gets paid the bill in his 1st period. beautiful gloss. and jessica sir, please choose your best plus or you. i thought can we just come down were listed here, but the only thing and the rest of it. yeah. because i put me on the front of the, the kind of dental and vision, rid us them down special wagner. you come down the bills to stay or even the rest of the check you only have to. so i have that somewhere else, coaster oral care. what does it get at the vip, just less than one way or yeah, does he have to the .


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