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tv   Documentary  RT  January 25, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EST

11:30 pm
was each tv i don't have any sort of bed silver chest. so are you doing that? explain it straight to us. well, the problem or the material costume. down until frontier files oscar more than usual starts more than that. i might have just just, just when she was doing this by junior, i'm prep or go to the other spring and then i'll put you on something. so it's good to see where i'm from. cooper style, new investment. should they have to go to the bathroom, all of us,
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probably in the loop on here. thank you pretty deal the the anything i beautiful if you're getting the page, it's tiffany. if need be to be thrown functionally into to solve all so you may see the year uh to be sure it's not, i'm not doing money. if someone else could give me like a support e number. sure. but what they do, upgrades carousal where he can, you know, i did cheap, i'm was doing that trip on it and that's a more stable especially cleaning coming up the more people i read him, what sort of shock
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i'm sure. i'm just going to ask you to do that's the get the best credit. so it was to even look what the quote to is and you might have you show, even though the front of the dispute is going to happen. so soon as you noticed, like a normal renewal due in the system when you're doing the, the okay and so even the park has already out as much as i'm for the keys for even let me just continue my system, the evil by me. but i saw the marsh, we've got the, we've got an expression for my name and the deal with the thing. and those burleson me, it was at the show. if i'm progress, mention to player. that's what the just giving you the wrong the what the espana met with a big deal it's uh, but i mean you have to purchase not sure. could it be helpful, but you're moving with and since you, it's not what i see, which one will go to your phone?
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me and you'll just give you the one that comes to the approval of the storage. the subject associated with the quote which is on virginia. what is it for the almost like a nice but then you take your grammar, you have gain, it goes as you are the most case of the orders components. i'm showing the functional company stores here for transfer can without those conditionals of this . so this means i'm comparative local probably now black one that of course we'll see if getting more than this lesson. we'll give it a mutual serial number, but it isn't e o, but she did not, i was going pretty sufficient. good solution. right? but the possibility knows this is for when your plan, your loss of the drum color able. i think the such them good actually and a choice the single don't know for. yep. or it is little difficult for states to care. okay,
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from last sunday shows a special order for tory. what was the risk of me? the last, what by vision was the store on the last couple months? i'm used to shore the unless you look the why should we we broke for thought, are you going to come up with a dispute? you through to the cross at the bottom, you split it up with what's up now, what are the video patrol, but he's supposed to get a problem. come, if this one can present, you'll see the whole sandwich. it has to be the pulse was shifted almost level. where is the physical? what's the fortune water slips? couldn't use it them. it's always thing going to see something printed only, you know, put americans with a general thing rushing scale, which is quite, that's what i'm thinking that's do. that's just innocent. show any of that. but as number one, there's someone forgetting since he left that i have to see if the can you please the the show us ring a process before you so much for like going countries to mostly keep going. as i
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mentioned, this is i've just typical plan with finality expressed here submit item. so you may to a matter as only can we cods us through much to, to watch 3. the show play while of seeing a goal is on his end, prepares to ship his camera cause he drove to the front. i know the engineer from his designs, a small recognizance plan named sky, suggested that i should i show a pretty what that's concerning the question i thought able to get to seeking access. so yes, so this might be the idea thing. and i, if you want to know, but the one look forward, you see a loss on very well some of the machine you a little bit of food, if the dorm pres, one, if you haven't bought the words, let's see what's the most now, all 4 of this somebody will take full given yeah, it was mission so that you just must deal with the child smile, most of most of the name please. most of them are for the ceiling mission or somebody over. i knew it was your, most of your sure about that. this is when you click of showing you someone it is
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when you move on the particular youth on the last to restore upon necessarily only the thoughts you might have with the most young people chats. that's for the rest of the rest of the movie. both interest give show up on in the of the when you spend mutually confuse meaning, you know, where i'm would you prefer for live streaming june 30th please senior with multiple oil change and then the full full change because you distinction. jeremy unfortunately, is up only in the warehouse we have, you mentioned diligence when we, somebody looked before, you probably wouldn't just put them in your old software program. literally somebody or both these guys on yours, if you need it on the phone, what was someone your priority for the show really face on the phone with you? the
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truth, i mean our, the ticket though that the people know think she knows this into the use deal with some unit which you're dealing with a little with someone with a smooth and grab a nipple insurance through someone up with crystals, mitchell. and when you switch to of hold of the voltage, she didn't open yet, it seemed to have this meeting with little control really turned on one year old, one of course to true and truthful. and also things best not to products the to have somebody to, to, to look up the order. mean what we shift in the process here is i much of the receipts here that each, that each so of this year and increased individual item on the only e and your near within the 2 players. that wasn't sure what that means in the
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subscription was go at that alone. if the issue, if at the phone, the chief told them, please visit the bus, i've got one more at the desk at that point of the little boy, k. e said it's a wishing bush name in the pricing. right? yeah. voice in the pony, the dispute words got upset. right. got you? what she did not know what meanwhile, in some pete, as the local enthusiasts have been designated to fly off the hide ranger, my poor little yeah, generals off my way to the practical things that figured out one of them fishing where but it wasn't the one bedroom set, you know, was thinking, consolidating, all kinds of stuff for him to get them. got things. yeah. but the little guy see
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with the that is correct. the partial. uh, what i see is the schedule that got them this month. uh we shes sysk around this way. with a some of the models or can i see with your 1st name as when it can finally get on? it was still got a pin 0 really just send me a letter to you what i was doing. yeah. at the promotion and actually put that at the school. no problem. this 15 still to lease or there was a my for the dental and the other semester come on because i asked them which these products then would see that on a 15 way model. it shows the, the lesson plan was to have my own portion personal financing, the assignment of for him assignment for the shopping. so now pending workers for, for my, for what if somebody call me about the insurance for my family or for my older family, for one income, but them of and up of cooper for the vice principal financial affordable existing. yep. it is up to you. um was it,
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it's most of them are gonna come by and pro they'll put on, you know, there's oh, nice part of the group group we approved for food. i don't know if the move in for 1st thing. so i have to fill in, you know, thinking in for my daughter storm, cuz for me nothing on preventive about the way. and so it has been worse and it would be different to see me, no problem. you know? no, but up in the front and then for the 5th. and if i know for one of the b to the section, that's pretty much pollution by from within an hour. been fluid from over both of those types of part of the stuff that you are going to have to remove that a couple of the functional components of that as
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a matter of payoff for particularly is it going from within your school learn. so figured out a way of 4 to try it. so the 1st one was with the affordable. somebody put the window, open them this pro it's so between that but i thought of is probably the one of the over the last one is really good. things are learning is below to in your words, additionally, to any other. yes. and your so the work till i get out of your system and your more just allows phone. i suppose it's on the phone to postpone the addition, but there's things are there. so no more than one way or the other side of the record. we ways the thing and i knew we what was exciting. and so that there's doing that. i'm and spencer was mitsubishi,
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and it was done in my minutes when the praise core of the which in there for the ultimate nipple citizen. and we were just good for those rights for the technical team. we plastic products instead of like 3 plus the, with the, with the amount that we're sending, let them know that on the phone i'm talking to the specific junior for the experience that open a window in the flow and you know, so i think we look at them and they also know is it shows in the month of the sample size, but that one of those items, why didn't the extensions plan fail the clone? the else can you go to the footboard and the
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the pool 2 minutes in to look forward to each other but i thought yeah. which yeah, yeah, i thought i in the yeah, that's it. the name of the court, the video watch, which has some wonderful but then i looked at your thoughts and push requested by
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one of those things. otherwise we did the move uh to the fullest by the new most. but it was not anything that i'm not sure that on any since the seller was it. and part of the the, the few issues of polarized the world recently, like israel's war on gaza, the west defends israel's colonial settler project. the rest of the world looks on in anger and discussed. what we're witnessing is the end of the west, 500 years of global hegemony. it is lost. the most affordable cuz it also we're getting the business and you clean the 3 of the,
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of the daily that as soon as i know mary comes green, we've got the discussion of curriculum. can also can you provide jewels to such and sure ruckel even was not in shift of the different student info which of course and yet use their own wisdom in the probably just a moment that was to obviously the role here was that was sent to you yesterday i just looked up for you as the i'm guilty and that'd be studies the play store is coming to on on on thursday. if we can, we can load it, was it just pushed? it won't because of this new way to bar float you school culture really don't know which these are i know for the don't know is i can suggest to do given the other than that we're going to use best opinion pronounced has come up with the
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georgia and this term is described because it goes ends in the last to the other way. this has been to the voice. mueller, customer and organs. this just we're still going missing. so much longer. i have always just to remember, i don't know felina program was the type of always just the for the fiscal great. the voice and the scope of eloquence isn't too much to answer model for linking lots of folks. so all of the good, good items that are always awful. i did an answer. so this is the, the, the, to the 4th floor there was a set of their phone number where they were,
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they found it. so i don't think that's what's your uh video says blow switch them out. i don't really know exposure. so if they don't like thing, but if it's in a separate, you know, the positively a lot, that's the nature of the cascade. troops are ready to collaborate with the high drains. you guys, the unit runs his own drone pilot school and driving the lab. wastage of the full amount of authority on the scrub was mobile with the scrub it up into the muffler because i'm working on those questions to you in a 2nd. it's always of just, it just doesn't fit those in the comfort of the software for whichever class the school way below, but the escrow the competitive . anybody was sold on uh no, no no no
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no problem, but it was a pleasure. i appreciate the valuable below, but the problem is this uh about the plastic wafaa. first of all, because i am only supposed to just get a uh, similar i thought i was uh by the unit the window to put it in the shut off and restored to learn this for the last one was there, but it was sized voice and he was telling me of the silly, lovely speed as far as that goes, i can bring it to you. so if somebody is familiar with us for the 1st move, as long as i can move it on for the 1st symbols that i'm really interested in
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speaking with almost no, there's no, but i'm up above the most of the class, giving me a list of what the company is let us know kind of in the middle of the but those come out of those lot of ways. but the most the do, the modeling for can put it in as a new brush on consort will just through the annual with them. no, because you to consider them on the lowest and they say there's going to sit there . bill is due on the sea chest. you know, these are still watching engine homes of most cream and used to the built the computer and nothing was happening as over a stuffed you by st. quite a t e a. how to from saying i'm from the city and i'm with it used to be much cheaper simply if you use your very, i mean you name is be for deborah, but that was the one that was the book junior for us, the but from the finish of chief of yeah,
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submitting those mist isn't when you thought of them goes on a product. so we're going to look at the customer as well to the what the either on the on the surface of that gives you a short message and i think you got it. you got the what's the kind of would, would i'm pretty sure use for business. does that,
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does that number? once you have self, i'm able to stream on put somebody else to bump a little bit to some of the additional value, my number one, god, all the the most show bringing it to that is what that is very useful when you ask them. that is the best. so based on the rules are different than the assessment. to see at least not a mind their goodness and i don't want to do the work so, so brilliant, william. but i was cut off. okay. good bye. back to normal, meaningful sound like one of the fine. you're fine. you're fine. the guys are fine . it looks like you've been doing pretty creative before the photos i need to have the, you know, for the movies and then you most of the sites and affiliated with what it is that you're wanting here. so can you spell that somebody else going somewhere? oh, it is a computer for them for you. my bedroom. is that what they do?
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you know, it just, you know, that god, let's just give the words of almost someone thinking for even though cause you're getting it in the have come with the full producer or most of you those keys, somebody parts of you. what was more of this to be grange? get boats us and there are what type of chairs for what kind of that would be joke or uh, could we my, your oh unless you to look at what you've triple thumbs quite yet. and you come or somebody. leslie coverage for disappointment, for the position of how to go on with somebody at the oaks. i don't typically change, of course, and it's a quarter to a wifi or whatever you want to go to the main main part, all those much them. i really don't have the ability to control the 3 voice can affordable in illinois was community out of the of i should do a little for sure. what the settling i to dislike or to spoil. i'm going to invest
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prescription for serious shift. so that is all those language questions you've used which of them and there's a problem for us to do this because of the, the santa goals manufacturers, 1st 3 drones with tested by a camera man team called the brain one, the blue i should like to be able to explain it will probably no problem in your so barbara, so we're just gonna cut off the table. some of those cells should still, so mostly enough one to but it's almost the, it's a little bit more of a, one of the system, the good. what issues and you know, the
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word in the face cornerstone di up. it will store what? no, nobody will smile. but i got off the moisture which was at those i mean yeah. doing so good. right. i'm going to come on though. he's and i'm going for the civic center. yes. to charles you have the fumbles on board. yeah, it was the most part numbers. yeah. so i've got, i have a meeting at school, but the rest of my grades got when a property of the same i was i watched the video clip this last night, somebody me on the road or another couple of them with a deal. and i'd like to set up one us where, you know, i didn't political, we think i can use the fuzzy. yeah. it didn't show i, there was a 0. i don't was, i didn't show amendments to lower the bakers like combat drum is it,
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but that's difficult. to hit most mission anywhere or so there's one can go to the i really am not sure that the way it was time 3 of you did. one of my shifts, which wasn't which of any shooting that i'm or which is the bonus. and it's taking the nation to look at that, and we're not which of so many of the new much improvisors think mutual for if i'm doing $140.00 to the, to just let me know what, what is completely up to a free manual like who is up on the, on mr. origin kilogram. then especially when you have the due date, you're doing the interested in the little sheer when you're older than you on this the us. but we make sure that i'm the topic. if there was more that she doesn't know more than what it was a key that perhaps you knew unless you use not the of the
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one bedroom or is this company to sure it was the 1st one. uh, come with the other is what levels are coming out to the beach and to the show for the from the fish or saw pretend to the, to get interesting. but i thought that's what shows a couple of movies compress. you compare to go to the musician she wasn't as after we're this one was let you in, you can, i should or, and if your book i'm going up and you don't additionally we have them continuously from was published and what was federal seed list of things to do is to finish up the francis research as before. so if there's something who should i should when you read is for store 3 here of showing sion bullet pretty up us thing. it was not going to so will be due to construction work, but i'm store scratch the what do you want to formally auction or shoot me with a line of options here where i'm from one of my somebody back from i think that's a bureau which does voice voice is yep,
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along the verbal pool is do. what we're going to do is when you're joyce, new books, assuming the rotors and your thoughts please showing you when you come in, you'll just, i'll just in the us deal with them for me or somebody off the story or both as and usually 16 and a little for june. i'm wondering, you know, streaming is good news . the news. i was just wondering if you can use a problem in those to cope with. yeah, windows, or could you both go see one another thing. if someone don't group off. no, just continue ritual difficult during those months. then you're like mostly splitting the pepsi the what i'll talk with you only can use some, some of the grades, but i give a full name of silver speaking. first,
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operability is just a couple, syria. we'll switch to store string is due on the most of your them on the, on you molly? come on, the left was the old one. okay. and you from boy and can you guys and you mute. i'm going to send you some wireless views from the mission for school clean. it doesn't lift and you will have to store a split and you have for what the things you just know a pro which which so what with the the time shown, thomas. and this is england visions to show where we meet extraordinary people and travel to amazing places so that we can all understand each other just
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a little bit more. and today we're in. this is an impressive, a ski resort to jump to 40 minutes from the sun and see of searching but beautiful . there is a moving danger that people just don't fully realize avalanches, and we're here to meet the team, to teach them and check the, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
12:00 am
the, the if the cold in the hague decides to cool for a c spot, then how mass will abide by the see spot is the enemy applied by it? come off, but i just to stop pointing is that for today's interim warning on the china side case of the international court of justice to mom's, the legal party is expected to state. why does that needs to be an immediate see spot on the delivery of more 80 will knock by israel does what it wants you to enter con units and then the other. placing guys in one says, there are many requests for ceasefire, but israel listens to no one. i don't think it will appear to any decision with mobilization interaction a global perhaps


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