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tv   News  RT  January 26, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EST

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1000000 vietnamese people became the victims of american aggressors. the records in the hey, decides to call for a ceasefire, then how moss will abide by the c spy. if the enemy abides by, it's come off just to stop and fight. thing about this for you on the top court, ruled in favor of south africans to mom's for an image of the front on the, to the 3 of age cekada palestinians i'll split wasn't as well well, a bite. by a new rule. this rule not like israel does what it wants. preventive funniness and then the other place in guys had wanted there are many requests for cease fire, but israel listens to no one. i don't think it will in here to any decision with mobilization interaction in a global pressure. israel has no choice but to adhere to this decisions. south
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coast foreign minister has traveled to the hague ahead of the ruling and says, one of how country is key goals has already been met. that is a lot taking the international community to the home being inflicted on policy. today i think the palestinian issue is from consent of the world and that is a very important achievement of through this case brought by so that with the international pool of justice set to rule later today, protests those around the globe have taken to the streets, but while some are showing the full support to the palestinian people, others all pulling for an end to aid supply to golf on the well now uh, brianna. this is an attempt to national as advertised for keeping me company. and
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let's get to law storage. pulls out on this off. how last has filed to stop fighting is the international court of justice rules today for us these far now it's a part of south africans to mom's and it's genocide case against as well. a paid, how do you so the records in the hey, decides to call for a ceasefire, then how mazda will abide by the c spy if the enemy abides by, it's secondly, the facts and will release the design is present as it is holding. if the occupational release has all posted in prison, this south africa has requested several and not to see measures including the as well to suspend military operations and garza and to allow adequate humanitarian a to end in place. while the court. what rule right now on was the israel has committed acts of genocide. it will decide whether to issue an order compelling tennessee to suspend its kind of pain for torres talk to not who was needing how countries delegation of the have commented ahead of the ruling. the closest was
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really that is vital to highlight the flight of innocence in palestine and to also a look the international community to the great home that is being done to the people of power starting from public institutions and to the general road in that area. and also drew attention to the lack of justice and freedom over many, many decades, much of which has been ignored by the world. so today i think the palestinian issue is front and center of the world. and that is a very important, a chief went through this case, broad advice of africa. so that's because us foreign minister at this moment, deducting the lady ponder is already at the hague, with the international court of justice will deliver this highly anticipated
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verdict at this particular moment. also of africa's austin folks is a provisional mission and those that just some oscar requested so that the case may change. but this move that to the legal team had said, just in quotes on the lives of january, is that i as a special genocide, our intent is the router in the belief that in fact the enemy. this is not just the minutes of waiting of how most or indeed how most and that on file is embedded in the fabric of palestinian life in gauze. this intent is evident from israel's conduct in specially targeting palestinians living and gaza using weaponry that causes large scale, homicidal destruction, designating save stones, for palestinians to seek refuge and then bombings. the dispute type crystallized as a metal through this is consumed by his rogues,
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official and unequivocal denial on 67, but that it was committing genocide in garza. he said, african legal team even went as far as emphasizing on determinative in crisis and gaza, which continues to woodson after 3 months of funding and for the space move and well presenting the evidence. the legal team sold and described the guys who offered to see new surroundings a trucks off to us. and they drove in some of the, the last the across things in egypt or rather with age of the pooling food and water boxes down in carrying them. and costing them down to 12. in addition to all of that to the legal team. even listed comments from top is read. officials as proof of genocide or intent, quoting the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, in particular with these charging documents, thinking out some of the button political cartoons that we mentioned mentioned y'all was, was saying that he wasn't,
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was invoking the typical story of the total destruction of the i believe the bible is why lots and you'd remember, so ask you about to be emily. kinds of, most of us be attacked the children of the as well. also the exodus of each of the products of move on. that's cool. i'm the entire people and the leadership of the people don't embrace them and believe them. remember what's on the look, say to you, we remember and we fight. i don't know what the leave. i've ordered a complete siege and gaza. there will be no electricity, no food, no more, no fuel, everything will be cut off. we are fighting against human animals and we are act accordingly. but again, the question of international court of justice is actual power is looking for some . it is a key issue on many people's minds at this particular point to many austin with the international court of justice can really enforce any decision it makes in this case, and also the min max so on which the judges are expected to quickly provide clarity
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audits. is that's off provisional, misses, it's good to end is concerned about with that useful comply with section border because although we told that to such a court decision is a binding, there is no authority that could actually be enforced as well as most it could be the security council, but the big is well, really enjoy the protection from the american veto and you see small moves of the judges older. it was confirming accusation that people really faces and that being, it does not kids about international lewis as being legal fit to move indicates as well. but here's how people in gaza feel about what could potentially come out of today with the expect. be cool to issue a strong decision public gazing, israel to is the spot for judging by the brit time to take the occupation practices and goals that israel will not abide by this decision. that heavy, anything else from the israel will not comply. israel does what it wants. it
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entered, con eunice and then the other place in god's aid wants here, that there are many requests for a cease fire. but israel listens to no one with mobilization interaction in global pressure. israel has no choice but to adhere to these decisions. i hope that international press so will continue because it is what influences governments and forces them to intervene. not so far instructed me on this. no promises can be taken from them. they kill women, children and the elderly. does such people have an honest word. if there is a truce, they are ready to break at any minute. and they say we are the terrorists, assist them aust, i'm not going to shoot. this is real is deceiving us. they have not committed to any decision thus far. we do not value words from israel. we only as god to stop this war, stick it in the unit was a little bit of off the southern list on israel will not comply because the american v to will cancel any decision. america is the partner in the genocide of the palestinian people when the security council voted them to cease fire
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resolution and gaza, all conscious loaded in favor of the resolution except for america, which supported israel decision to continue the war on the south coast case at the hague has prompted a strong reaction, and israel people took to the streets, demanding an end to humanitarian 8 to balance a one in south africa itself. protest as have been made some best support for the pot of sending people to we report from both places a jamie, that tons in photos and clinics has one saw the box under multiple works for the children of the symbolical, starting from those who, sorry, 6, the pieces in memorial and so we took him to raise awareness and support for those in need and 500 kilometers away in the city of gibbon. we are here full fee to the east of a moving team to say, so that gives you the very same resume that live the same group of people who are coming from those. and that was victims of the, not just,
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you would not expect it from the side of the region. so we need to be, it's gonna push us from the various fonts, a powerful message, also the dairy, to raise the rates of cost of effort and beyond. a compassionate individual who set forth on a positive hope for the international court of justice. given response to these on the government who to click your transfer, keep him home. and the people have had assigned. as soon as it's coming down to young people, it's coming down to the children and giving them the opportunity in this class over one on the days that is, has been, you know, mess accruing and i'll blow so rating uh guys and the molding say, you know, based on the to the hospital system, you know, health care system the so the important for us to support child and particularly for the house case is super important. and that's why we fund and drink in on the floor along the way. it's a new will travis of foster landscape gravel roads and vibrant community living
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inspiration from the resilience of the children he will for you. what will lead to push forward one thing to show the children of god so that even though they are miles upon their struggles close to our houses, one of them to the north. no need more attention to the hospital and see have normally the same. busy they have no education assistance because is right is target there's. so since targeting ga, the, and you can do this in the institutions, so we need to give you more attention to with together. how can we, you know, give the hands of the policy and to them, and go the, and reaching devon, an incredible moment to a monumental gathering of solitary 2 will take place symbolizing the power of unity and compassion. the message will be care for children of solver as well as not just
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about a physical journey from so interesting as a fund raising awareness, initiating vital conversations and working tirelessly towards a retail price of future for the children of hundreds have gathered here in jerusalem in front of the canals, so it's these really polymer needs to earn spare leadership to stop allowing to when he's hearing aids, 2 guys on the banner as people hold here, say no to humanitarian trucks, go into have mass. the most readers believe the aid ends up in the hands of the militant group. israel says it fights to destroy so protest for his claim trucks, we food, walter, medical supplies and fuel, pul, today's roles, and some of those we spoke to say they fear weapons could be smuggled into the inquiry in the humanitarian vehicles as well. there are other surprises, arguments giving that to all the trucks. being carefully checked by is really forces at the boulder before being sent to guys them. for testers also told us
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a believe israel signal to allow any humanitarian assistance into the gather street, even if it serves to is the suffering of ordinary civilly and palestinians. they say gavin's vote is 400 miles back in 2006. when the militant group came to power, they support have mass and therefore they should share the responsibility for what is happening now. nation sending food and drinks to that are listed in come, us terrorists in gaza. that's. that's the main message. because i mean, if the federal go to the people that okay, i've decided that most of the through the not just really goes to the front of me and i'm us terrace. so mr. nunez, what do you think the end specialty? nothing. maybe maybe some like the day and like to compete some brands every day we are a we came to to flight all the trucks of the supply that the they do you
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mind if the supply that they gave to the guys a beep and we don't have to supply them anything, even water like the our prime minister is in 1973. she said, even know spawn of slaughter. people have also come here in support of these really defense forces and they're ongoing operation. and guys, demonstrators, seats as an act of self defense and demands to continue the operations. here's my lender. who said that they going to come up with they send
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you the the guy, but we need to we need to continue. we cannot give up if we cannot go into a ceasefire. we cannot allow humanitarian aid to go in to god. there's really no difference between civilians and how modest f as the northeast northeast fire, until the hostages are mazda in spanish. 100 percent finished. this protest is just one of me all there is happening in israel almost on a daily basis. in the last 3 months. people take to the streets for different reasons with different demands. but all of them are angry and disappointed with how the government deals with this car and situation. meanwhile, the video starts making online shows protest as broken and pulled across and goes
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out from me is waiting side around a 100 people with flags come seen in the road chanting and don't see in front of a trucks preventing them from entering the and say it comes palestinians with a desperate need of life saving supplies, such as medicine, food, fuel, and water. well, throughout the day we will be following the events in the hey, we're expect to not enter morning in less than 2 hours. we will, but keep you updated on about upcoming, rolling some to pace, stay with us for that and much more. meanwhile, the situation in the southern part of the tape of squaring increasing the dia, local health officials, came idea of the tax on the city of hong eunice, left $200.00 dead and $370.00 injured thoughts. i'm just a single day. it comes as, as well, has intensified strikes on 3 hospitals in the region. nasa, i've had a lot of the medical aid for palestinians. humanitarian organization says the
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facilities are no longer functional ways. know what to treat those well into the total number of casualties has risen. drum not to k. 25700 have been killed since october 7th. the majority of whom all women and children pass over $6.00 to $3000.00 wounded. see the stalls that has suffered numerous communications. blackouts making it challenging to reach reporters on the ground. for 5 days. we have not been able to contact our regular contributes a month for schumann, his family does not know his whereabouts. his last known location was that the nasa medical complex in hong eunice, which is now surrounded by his really full says, hey, of some highlights from his recent report for our team member for the non stop quiet. alternately non stop drones likes,
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non stop buzzing or by doing some of us today. we have an exclusive footage inside the more you have and also hospital in the south of the script. here continue. flight for the lights. continued stage that fast. what i'm going to do some interviews with some people who left some of the areas that are not safe and see what they think, see how they are living. thank you to the audience for continuously. this thing to us. well, with joint knife should buy muscles, not the life of saying my thank you very much. i can't even begin to imagine the said the i'm sorry i see that he must be going through. so we appreciate you being with us. um, yukon, could you just tell us a little bit about the last time that you've heard from sol? a launch store. i have to have a sunday 21st. about 12 am. it was sent me an ice messages. this a good night,
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my my last few weeks here sooner. so i'll talk to you soon. package you and douglas my last time the morning i sent him some messages, but he didn't answer blind. so i talked to black out, and then again i sent him messages. i've got messages under the black. i'm spent for 2 days. we thought it's, you know, check out perhaps communication. but when it became more going to see there is id and i as well my so can't do that. even right. there is back of communication, these terms, it's best to go anywhere. and it was, it was put yourself in connection as that he talks to me 1st wives for his overactive. then i shows that it's not the microsoft console. then we started to, he was telling us he might be in the hospital increase the course for drug, and some people said he left sort of a subject that he's not there before in the hospital or something. the hospital, he's pulling his don't thinking sometimes of things, but nobody answers. and like,
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nobody knows what it is, we don't know when he is no communicate, you're know what's up, you know, teachers not with his teams look like his people are. that's his lot for what time that his 10 days every day he comes and will it be due to them? nothing. nothing. so now we don't know and i asked you it must be taken right. that is right. for feeding the food that the pool would be poor because it wants to stop them or giving them so instead of guides is because it doesn't once you wish to them or make it. but i think tents for them because is there a doesn't 20 m street wants to funk, but them and, and he's doing everything for the humans. that is, it doesn't want this to happen. and course, i think everybody in the, in the few words in english about the situation being so each step always does the whole entire pre work and get support to help these to be enhanced. of course
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that's important that so i assume he wants to get it and when they want to not set costs because he has been taken and i wish that the government to kind of the ashton says us be yeah can. and yet it does nothing. he does it, you know, version of course a we, but he never went into an army. i think just because it means he's a project manager. he loves people and he loves to have others. that's all what he is. he's asking you guys to help with the media and spirit and was that was spirit to help that's or wide. how do i get him? sorry, sorry to interrupt you. i just one saw us too. i know is the parts and canadian to national. have you been able to try and reach uh, somehow through a channel to the canadian government or have you been able to try and contact the as radio far to kind of local aid organizations. redcross may be helped you in any way to try and at least understand why he is maybe get in contact with him. the really i contacted the as or as the can you agent emergency and also on data
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applied and distributed try our best and when i get them on that information, they want that well. last time i've seen or the people with him and his passports and everything they want. and they said on his team that works with him or the time to you know, to develop his interview is on up with them. they're working so hard on the media within cush, dark 5 months or where's much sort? everybody's asking about him. i bought that b u as well, and we're trying to know where he is. everybody is helping is trying. we're sending messages. we just went to a to, to have less. i didn't 3 at the cross yet. and this might be a good idea. i would try and do it. i'm managing as well as people into to set them can find out if they capture him or not. and it'd be 3 human way because you know, our vision or is it i didn't that 3 sits in the very best 4 chairs. the hostages are 3 this in a very quick way, like catching you mess with it. i went hostages, you know, you make them named state, execute them,
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they will treat them very bad then that's what scares me. and yes, there is the mothers of the hostages and worried about their children as our senior mothers, but they aren't thousands of them. they are not allowed to protest to say we want our children and they are just crying by themselves. and when they took the torture, thousands of them into must be equal unless there isn't mother. so i found is i saw it was called a few weeks field. it's at least that see is that they are expected to be to grow and to, to the left for us. we know they are towards church. and that's what scares me. and i need to bring much sort of backs. oh, tell us why he is our lawyer. i mean, we obviously have spoken to 11, so a lot their thoughts and things to me, but she feels but she wouldn't tell an on the life you know, on it to a tv channel, but may for so withheld to has not the can you give us a sense of when the last times be was based on to him. this he as well express that
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about walking as a journalist in gauze. we know how dangerous that has become for people who are reporting the facts on the ground. did he ever describe to his feelings about that? i never had this a surprise me much source. it had the contract with a price board to cut off just 2 days before the ward and it's a very, very good salary with the education, with housing, with everything. and i did start as well. i left my job here is what to join him. i was supposed to go there and have happened that i see it was different because support and usually didn't find a job. and they said my, my i went to job, let's focus on that. and he found a job and cut that as it was supposed to go there. but somebody, he changed always his mind, but he went behind you and is the sort that people wanted him because of his english language. and as a canadian, to help bridge the entire world, because at the beginning the gun is what it was too much about lies about the head
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. think about who much lies in the news and they wanted somebody, it was, speaks english that teams change is propaganda. and he managed to do that. and every time i sometimes i think the class with m. p as in lima, beans. if he is upset, if i told him like this, he said my, my men come not leave. okay? and i'm not in need of the situation. people need me here and then even which is fine, but it would if you didn't want them to leave and i said, please let them leave to our children gun. say if they are suffering and to accommodate. and as he said, he has a left to let them come monday i come because i am here and their mother isn't up with the be and i'm going to was of the he, i agree that they will come and stay here for a while until things become better and then we can join him and i was to come and join him on the as one that looked after our fire that look after you further. yeah . now i have to give it to you and i can do it. lots of work to help people do the best of it. never, never accepted a word from me if i told him leave even at the last minute when was there?
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what is the solution? if i tell them i think that must get a sense that they knew it's going to put con no. so they knew they would come and they had to evacuate to him and others. so please leave cause i'm not supposed to get them. now i've seen the coming, he said no, mama is once it's ok, it will. but when you have a ceasefire, you will be joining the sort. he never was afraid. he never wanted to leave the people. he loved the people, but as the i loved the people because i went there before the water and to stay too much with him. it's beautiful people, very nice place. i've never seen people like this general, those kinds of religious. but what's happened though with the only thing with worries me that you are not on there because much so it is not for him. got stuck, his wife does that, and i can go there if anything happened to you there, how can i be with you? how can i take care of you? i want to be with you with that's the only thing i want. somebody can take it to an office or to con you. and if i want to for my son,
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i was looking for non stop and quiet. non stop drones like my, if i, if i cut off what one question i, i, again, i can't even begin to imagine how this must be from here. so please, if you feel that you cannot continue to say, i mean, we know that long. so was that the, not the whole specials on the nose on the b is ready for this is somebody talk and talk a little bit so much. is that any news on whether people who are reporting that ended up being taken into cost to do it by idea of services? do you have any paper on the ground to have had any insight into the hospital? you know, but i know something to do with him as well from i could accept, but this is a sort of disappeared attempt and we can't even reach him. and so i'll accept this . he was his friend. i was always talking with him when i talked to him once,
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when he left me talk with them and come 1st to me. i sent him your son, his good on 20, were asking yeah, very things don't wait. and it disappeared as well. but i think as a journalist about sort of he's dr. janice, these acted as t was putting lots of support from the pretty were donations. he was we think the answer was waiting for to us telling the truth in english. and i think he's a target or than anybody else. and that's what i wanted. anybody. yeah, be stuck in the army and say if he's there or not, to be treated well and placed on home. that's what we looked at once now. and if i can help me to go, there is what i'm ready to go there and look for him. well, i have to say and i know that it probably wouldn't mean very much to, but i have spoken to him on so list every single day, several months. i've seen his face and even one tired and is a one. maybe stats. he nasa, as
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a stopped in telling us the truth of what is going on in gaza. so all of us icon against tell you appreciate your sons walk on one of us. hey, i'm hoping and praying that she makes contact soon. and we appreciate you for coming on and telling us about your son. thank you so much. stop with like to say the mother of mine for sure. what 9 to thank you very much. thank you. as all told and goes out now why at least when 2 people have been killed and move and a 150 wounded off to a crowd. queuing, fishing, monetary and age and gall, to city was hit by in his way. stripe, a warning he may find the following footage to stopping thousands of severely injured civilians were taken to out to the hospital. however, the local officials, rooms who lives could still be lost from the attack. just the now limited cafe to prove that while, as well as reported, look into the claims some supplies as of incident to say,
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they were targeted to the port name. what happened is that people went out to get their food for the day, but they couldn't find anything to eat. he's really tank suddenly appeared and hate people with shells. we had to bring them to the hospital on a donkey cart. we were going to buy a lot landlord waiting for the trucks when these rarely tags hit us with 4 shells. young people were killed and all this, what ages i was heated my feet and in my hands, the dozens have been killed and hundreds and jude, even the injuries a strange injury is where the body is towards. it's crazy is right, is carrying out a mass. garrett gives these defenseless innocent civilians and goals like to go out looking for food while under steve for killing people. and while israel is enforcing the criminal policy against the populace, civil defense cruise is still recovering, injured people and dead bodies from this side, the occupation is still controlling the area and preventing us from entering to recover anyone who's less that there are people that we.


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