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tv   News  RT  January 26, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EST

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to take all these steps to prevent subsidies, you'd be the inside of genocide against the people of god. indeed indeed actually, you know when it, when it comes down to it. no, that's why it was, i'm pretty strong statement is coming out of the i. c. j today and as you said, they were 6 measures that the president of the i, c j, john donor to announce the last measure being israel has to implement these mattress report back in 13 days. so it does sound that should be like this should be some. busy optimism among the palestinians on support as of them as well that live and joe, but none of work. ok, thank you. well, thanks for joining us there. winowski international. we are not stopping at all just to pause for one minute with back in just a sec of the few issues of polarized the world recently, like israel's war on gaza. the west defends israel's colonial settler project. the
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rest of the world looks on an anger and discussed what we're witnessing is the end of the west, 500 years of global hegemony. it is last the, the further considers the israel must ensure with immediate effect that its military forces do not commit any of the aforementioned acts. the international court of justice, instructing israel to take all necessary measures to prevent genocide in gaza. hundreds of pro palestinian protests as in front of the un. it's top code for the deliberate since verdict on emergency provisions have bonded by south africa as gods. that stuff has continued bombings. we've lost contact with regular
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contributor amounts of treatment. it's been 5 days. we spoke to his mother who says his son was unwilling to leave cause a despite all the dangerous sometimes i think the class with mt isn't leave. these are the, he's upset. if i told him like this, he said my, my men come not leave. okay. and i'm not in need of the situation. people need me here. somebody can take it to the office or to con you. and if i want to for my son, i work for him. as rushing out to the ray and drones take aim or do crating. anybody system that don't have to go public, key of that tend to stabilize the front lines of folding showed the the just have to hope you have luck lead here at most good. this is all the international. a lot of developments talk to you about today. it's all about the hague and the i c. j. so the international court of justice has issued a statement to the genocide case submitted by south africa,
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basically as instructed israel to take all necessary measures to prevent genocide in gas. the court further considers the israel muscle sure with immediate effect, that it's military forces do not commit any of the aforementioned decks. the court is also the view. israel must take measures within its power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement. to commit genocide in relation to the members of the palestinian group and the gaza strip. the court further considers that israel most takes immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life. faced by palestinians in the gaza strip of outside the court building a school was the protesters that are waiving publishing and flags and support in south africa is case a people are undermining the i. c. j,
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condemn israel. and the genocide case in georgia is that the i c j emphasize the di, humanitarian situation in gaza. so have a listen to this. sustains on, pardon, across the guys or strip call cause the massive displacement for the population that is in a state of flux, constantly uprooted and forced to leave overnight only to move to places which are just as unsafe of this for affected more than 2000000 people the entire population of gaza. many will carry is lifelong scars, both physical and psychological. the vast majority, including children, are deeply traumatized. overcrowded and unsanitary unrest. shelters have become home to more than 1400000 people. they lack everything from food to hygiene to privacy. people live in, inhumane conditions. where's diseases are spreading? including when children,
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they live through the unlivable and the with the clock ticking fast towards family . so i, that's across live now to a pair of, of correspondents. we bought the middle east bureau chief, maria from ocean are standing by for us also my have it not g right there in the west bank as well. i'm not sure i'll start with you is just be moment since we've heard basically what is a list of professional measures announced by the i c j certainly seeming positive for the people of palestine. what. what could, what can you tell us of the high to you earlier and friday, the international court of justice has rejected israel's request to drop south africa's case against israel. deciding it has all legal rights and authority to initiate such a case. meaning the legal fights will continue in the long turns house a term south africa is accused in israel, of genocide which israel strongly and repeatedly denies. in the meantime,
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south africans, he has requested non provisional measures from the quote which included, altering these rarely defends forces to stop military actions in gaza, while the case proceeds aimed at force in a ceasefire. and we heard earlier today that the quotes voted against the end of the fighting hold. the head size is concluded. the israel cell take immediate measures to prevent killing of civilians to prevent destruction. provide humanitarian assistance to is suffering of probably stands in gaza. israel also should punish all those inciting genocide, and israel is obliged to reports about implementing these measures to the quotes within a month from today. so basically, that means that the idea of operation in guides a will continue, but israel is obliged to try everything possible to do its best to minimize damages destruction and of course to minimize the victim. and the
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decision has just been announced, and we haven't heard the official reaction from tentative yet. it will probably take some time for israel to forge is, is response. hurley around says a prominent student and yahoo had a meeting with top legal advisors. and the a was exactly to consider and analyze possible scenarios at the quote and these rows response options. but even before the decision is real, made this position very clear. stella. these denies the accusations of genocide post by south africa within the yahoo saying the international court of justice will not prevent him to continue the divest 184 in guys as you know, according to palestinian sources in more than 3 months. have the operation of phase really defends forces in gaza, claimed the lives of more than 25000 people, including children and the quote today concluded that the humanitarian situation is
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close to catastrophe and then play. but at the same time, they said that they didn't find enough evidence and they didn't see a urgency to stop the operation there. and you know the us, israel's is because l i also dismissed the accusations. and actually the international court of justice has no power to enforce its rulings, so it could have far reaching consequences. and now israel finds itself in a tricky situation. and i have to tell you like it's most important thing to understand about today's here. and in today's decision, by the quote of the slope, the end, the just the 1st step, we will hear the final decision in the future. and that is more interested how israel will react to that final decision. if it decides that is real committed, genocide in the guise of sleep or not uh, but is well made is clear that it denies organization. so we have to wait and see what the reaction from israel will be. but 1st of all,
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like the courts in the hague will turn to the un security council to force equal to stop the 53. if there is such a decision and a israel does know its owner, it and this will probably a problem for us to use is power veto. and secondly, to severely damaged israel's image had leave countries to decide on the suspension of relations with israel and other by electro measures out. so, but again, we have to wait see for this final decision by the international court of justice. today's hearing is the very 1st south of, of potentially years long quote from 5 between south africa and israel speaking about the public. we haven't been able to speak to people here in the tel aviv. but we know that the public here is divided. some of them are supporting the is really military operation, a gaza. they say that to mazda threatens israel security and should be destroyed.
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and they, for the operation should continue there. but some other people here including some of the relatives, all the hostages who are still held in captivity and gaza. say that the military operation, although it's supposed to put military pressure to help release hostages from the contributing, is not helping a but is a like, puts a obstacles rather to negotiation. pro says, and they say that maybe uh, these rails should rather concentrate on negotiations. but again, this is not the final decision by the international court of justice and we have to wait and see for further development back to you. yeah. as you say, no, the final decision, but a pretty clear cut announcement, frankly, those list start the list of provisions. you mentioned up to 9 of them that marcia, i think when you talk about the reaction that we're expecting from tel aviv anytime soon, it's not going to be
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a very happy reaction. let. let's go now from televi to the westbank and mohammed and g. but what, what, what, how people reacting now where you are mohammed and any, uh, i guess optimism among them or, or is it still early days yet people are trying to digest it all? yeah, so that's the thing you guys including to know because we haven't got the address is hold on here including the mayor of the stuff because of the pricing once you but i see the decision on the phone with back to me. where are the, i'm going from, let me see here, and i like, she has money on the, on the signature actually from the 1st part of them. what was the offer letter sent to me? that'd be on the side of the account. so it's like i didn't get into the board and guys up, so nobody was cried. oh that, sorry. i know that it's supposed to give us about 3 to it would have been so as you do for you, that will get a feature that was submitted by itself. i'll click on that one for mike. okay. the
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same button again, this is what i think is like, oh, i didn't side 10 guys up to 10 both. exactly. go to the 50000. if i make you the millions of people, the sheriffs hold on, let me switch in on the branch of on the internet and the centers to boulevard is what was the problem with the once you get into that, that'd be what. so this is the important, the part about us as tells us about those bank. i'm abroad, even just about bucks. i people don't watch that this weekend and the about the guests that was the problem had ever seen. so i see i'm about to see them the cool until they i don't that are how good for today and also they going to have the respect for us with that. and so i think i'm, and i know i will have a not much in that you guy that live in grandma. let's go from, i don't know my look now to joe, but we're, it's about quarter past 3 in the afternoon and on of where it can go. right? that because movie was south africa, the filed the case to the i,
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c j. have you had any sentiment from those around you at the moment today? any reaction from local the well not as yet re but i am with the ac nimbus were gathered to watch the routing. i will be speaking to the justice minister in a just a few hours, but essentially what the judge said is that the i c j has found that there's a genuine dispute between each one. so that forgot. and before i today has to is dixon to hear the case that she for the mission that the i c. j has also found that section of the accent emissions that said africa a co complains about a capable of forming under the genocide convention. the court also rejected as well as argument that said, i think his case could do succeed from the court. well, she said that the i c j has found that so africa has a standing to bring this genocide case against israel. but most importantly,
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i think the last mention has it's the fact that is what has lost. it's a bid for the eyes to j to throw out so that because case against that. so the court noted that the is prima facie case of genocide, which means that is what is suspected off of genocide, but will be i'm taking that conversation for the with the justice minister. she instilled after got your hands back so i would appreciate that. thanks so much. let's head back to the hague now to the netherlands and the lady, pandora, speaking of south africa, let's listen and quickly as well as ensuring that the state of israel, which is currently add up to pi a and the administrator in palestine provides the necessary basic services that the residents of gaza and the west bank requires this case was very much about international bodies, ensuring that they exercise their responsibility to protect us or as global citizens. old member states of united nations have attached
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a signature to a range of instruments. but when the lines that threatened these instruments of, of brought to bed and somebody had to view that we could not stand idly by and continue to observe the killing of causes of palestinian citizens who had no room in the whole flax co postage taking and killing that was done by a month and therefore we pulled, it's important that we do reports and apply to the international court of justice. that the measures provided within the convention for the punishment and prevention of genocide brought to bear. and that to the state of israel is called upon by the judges to act, to protect civilians. and to end the massive level of home that we
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have seen since these really action began. and we agreed tightly with the judges that thomas should release the hostages. that the car into holding. we also, uh, you know, various engagements with our partners internationally believe the moment is now right for the, to be negotiations for a 2 state solution to and this conflict decisively decided that the choice of the state are you disappointed? because i believe that to, in exercising the order, they would have to be a safe file without the or the doesn't the i would, i would have one to signify. no, they didn't tell you disappointed, but how they didn't specify that. you know, i'm, i have no way that i'm going to say,
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i'm disappointed i hope for it. but the fact of delivering humanitarian aid, the fact of taking measures that reduce the levels of home against persons who have no role in what israel is, come back to me requires a sci fi and i believe is valid, have to attend to how it conducts it. search for the hostages, and for those almost individuals who carries out the october 7th and then to i believe that to the quote just this needs to be read very, very carefully. they've given very, very direct instructions. we are satisfied that the provisional measures that we suit to be address would be a address 5, a quote. and i believe if you read the convention very carefully, uh,
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the matter of how a wall of homes like this going back to the is not the library. i would a one to address the word suspicion is included in the judge. but i am satisfied with the directors that have been given and in particular, i was concerned as the president took, the quote was reading the order that reference wasn't being made to a report because the reporting is absolutely imperative. the monitoring of action in terms of the old days by til as sofa the track that to a monthly report report within one months of the state has been old. it is, i believe, very significant. the germany in the united states has called this case of narrative. well, the fact that to the quotes is, remember that today we're not deciding about the allegation of genocide. what we're dealing with other provisional measures. it's clear that the quotes does say,
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circumstances exist, where it is plausible that did the side the acts have been committed. this of course means once the marriage case is addressed and is the finding is that the has been jealous side. those states that have a, the back to become a party to commission open infringement in terms of the convention is that will conform to these orders. they've done what i've never really know about israel. but israel has very powerful friends who i hope will advise israel, that they should act minnesota in terms of i think that's where you at the public to the side. what we said is he is an international instrument. let us bring it into operation. and let's stop the looks of it as a significant let's act and sub africa has acted. and what the quote has
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actually indicated is that this convention is being brought to live in a very practical way. and then now seeing collect, we want to is that the member states of the united nation must oversee the process . i mean, sure that we create a basis for a global community in which a result obviously is no longer a result to abuse is no longer easy. and that more if it is now directed towards negotiation and toward speaking peaceful means of ending conflict. come on by the time that people are well, far as i understand the convention states a member states, signatories, and you bring actions with reference to states, not to particular group, but how somebody behaves to the site that well uh, i believe that uh, what has been done uh by from us, it's such a close,
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great home. and i do think that the hostages should be free. and that's what your best folks, some of the benefits to believe that the decision of the course that we have. let's say in something v. i have good us when it goes to today and, and to show, tell them may be can help finding what is the can solution to the conflict between the people. but it's seen in people these that idea. well this is uh, this is my husband's back to we will begin to move toward a process where substantively a 2 state solution is being discussed. the people of palestine of stuff at home for many, many decades. i don't, but i do believe it to in today or tomorrow. but what we've done is a very clear signal has been sent by the court. and it's now a test for the government and people of israel as to whether they will act in a manner that says all of us must respect international,
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the international and hello, hello. well, if, if israel x in accord with it, i think the implications are for the future. hope for well, should it not? then essentially, we're opening up room for all abuses in many conflicts throughout the world. and i think we'll be setting a terrible, terrible precedent. so what, i'm sure you, what all of us should do is call on israel to act in terms of the 2 sides with a large preserve inside. i don't think it's a matter of south africa and israel here. the real issue that's of all your questions are about israel, but the real issue is the people of palestine who are being killed every baby and all the people of palestine. what sleeping in the quote, the people of palestine were denied food, all to an energy. that is the critical issue that all of us should focus upon the
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awesome that was quoted and witnessed all that and with the people of palestine, we stand with the people of palestine and i'll miss to them is never give up. hope south africa got over the update to oppression they will overcome the that will never be grateful. unix. lucy, allow me to start by saying that's with the cold corner with everything that's the excellence of corporate for international cooperation to south africa department or has, has stated and phone to follow a few. and to read the message from the palestinian people on this very important day. this is, i started the day spell is fun when it comes to the moment this all done by the i'm not sure, of course. what, sorry for jumping in all of a sudden that we were just listening to the 4 minutes of south africa and the lady pendle. i would love to give you a few details about what she had to say. but before we get that, it's a call 7 who are correspondence one more time. so not come out is that what i
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thought by as john list as dining by for us right now? who's now just joining us here on the line as we continue with our special coverage of the i. c, j, preliminary hearing today. so now it's rory. i'm must go. i hope you're going to hear me. uh, can you give me any details of where you are now? is there any reaction to what's being coming out of the i c. j today? anything that you can tell me from where you are? yeah, actually now um and rough hesitated 1000 part of the coastal in place a big city which is the residing now more than one point. 6000000 people in got the most of them where visit with parts to display to that house. is it on the i the it given 100 to of guys uh is today and can you order it if we can see a, the lady from the amy on going to edit site saying they did receive school sunday and they actually the people here in garza we have it, so you knew that the dozens of times on 2 of them that are due to have some
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internet to follow up for to be a knew that to stop by a, the i t t a n a b i c j. if that's related due to their fact is because i live in place the public a all yeah, i own the public opinion here is divided back to, to a part to one the defense one, a, some of people here and drop off her safety say did that do they were disappointed by a did the canada to resolve through that issue to buy a di da, mainly as a way of really looking forward to, to adopt the adopting the ad room that it may be furniture or is that owner or impala the pump into and so, and it's too old and nbc sports, i live in place and they said did that now the a, the army is a having to have a,
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having more time to expand it on the ground and to committed more and more of the most accurate as i get below the and you guys are man me and how do you and the city in 2000 part of guys which is now and living under is in the edbc john days of a the army. i didn't know. is it any comment? a more of a, a grinds. i gains a to be paul, if we can say that the inside this one you will need to be maybe as it is what i the on me is a continuing. it's a position again to the end inside you in a city and advocate and rough i city here to we can and with mrs. tom, is there any effect? again, civilians are made me when they were a sleeping or the other and the other air being on hand in garza and drop off his study. some people said did that, maybe today? did he did that? the should by the p t j. a say defense to say bad. so, and did it, is it
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a war or even to, to raise the increase event or not united pressure on the edge of the so at least to at least involved once i gain between the, how much to and between the band with the name to have them maybe some of the try out and you guys are allowing people to see me and the kids to inspect it, andrew, these and even to see if they can at least to come back to that houses in the, to be lifted from them and to have some time made so and so and fix their loses. i mean, why do we have some, i know, let's say that 3 thought the with them. then that is so, but it depends on a tier in gaza. they did that the, the vision it is on a should, by the day may way is welcome and now and man the as a defense time. since all, why is it amy? and is there any government?
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the government did the say no. and is this you decide to do that? or maybe it's going to get it that it's complicated tom, it could, i'm to on the sides. i can 17. and the receipts plus that includes. all right, so now come out of the join with joining us. live it from alpha. thank you very much for that report. well, we can join those south africa's jo is just minutes that he's looking very busy right now is the moment i can join us now here on the, on the international to take forward our conversation. essentially one is just come out of the international court of justice administer at la moda. it's real re to show you here at most go. i do trust. you can hear me a very well welcome to you today to asi, international, your thoughts, please, on the professional measures that have just been handed down at the international court of justice. your thoughts please uh it is a victory for international law. it is also
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a message that they cannot be in the exception of these in the world. all countries must be kept at the same and is that i is not an exception. it cannot be an exception to the genocide convention and the international law but, and also the convention something new. and so i believe this is a victory for the people have caused them for the people of putting particularly children and them and women. and for us here in south africa, we believe that the former president mandela would be smiling and his grave. and this was a cut of just x by or cutting president. yeah, we were just so it just watching comments from south africa as foreign minister and the lady pendle issue and she was a, she was very optimistic in, in, in the, in the wake of what's come out of the i c. j. she also said that south africa could no longer stand idly by a thousands of innocent palestinians. women and children continued to be killed. do you think? because the final provisions handed down by the i c. j sir,
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said israel has 30 days to implement these measures and report back to the i c j. do you think israel will do what it's being told is they have to comply with the, with the image of the same as into he did by the ice of june. there is no exception that lives in they must comply and then uh they all miss just that we think that you and it starts us to deal with non compliance with this in the interest of the referral that they complied. so i do believe that there is no any, it's a non negotiable, the issue of fair compliance. and the issue of international law, we need to be in that whole space. so site. but as you well know, and the lady pandora, that's how that 1st foreign minister was saying the in, in, in, in just simply exercising the order. i had the down from the i, c j. they will have to be a ceasefire.


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