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tv   Documentary  RT  January 26, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EST

10:30 am
the the, the most is the man this to image the day, my e. and is the she said to you, the munoz, the queen. yes, her name was said as he gets paid, the, the niche for peter beautiful gloss. and just as a place to invest flash sonya store, can we get them done? we just did it, but the only thing and the rest of it yeah. was appointment. oh it's talking to the
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kind of dental and vision. read us. come down with special wagner. you come down the bills to stay. what did he really over us? a check. you only have to select the some west coast of oral care. what does it get that the thumb vip, just less than one way or? yeah. does he have to the jessica surgical deals? what that's the photo and visual one, eastern dot one meal, but that's dodge in napa. just let the client jam or that you or to me, and i'm going to take your questions great. it wasn't shown as boss, of course the, because that's endorsed opinion and you come down with a talk with ha ha chris charlotte
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of the notes adjusted to the slide. the look for the picture of the vehicle and see if i do yes or so to go with the for which i assume you can go to as soon as you can. so the judge must it unless it isn't quit telling me what it said. no, it's not full of california, it's been one of us throughout the military. so i was with the social for me was that there was no doubt in the system with the
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mobiles familiar with the show, but it was there. so we need to really simple cut our california with the quote for the personal family that we were wondering and we mentioned astra mention the items are calculated. so a to keep the media was because of okay and when you're using your so, so with the, to start with the, with the know spray the label which you are, he has not from the planning has gone through that sort of reason. i say this is then there's the for the so you should have it, you should go through them as soon as the closer scheme to one do assign. what are you and you don't want it don't. so show me an interview and you put out this investment peters, the discount britta,
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overtures the the, the interest that i'm going to be additional specialists from the by phone chance is just to have come and get off tina for new employment. what goes up and doorstep the motion? hattermio. how's the most efficient fuel? how special you on the horse on the west coast. investor ok. any potential extra construction. let's get the. yeah. and when you buy a new with, with you on this new for you on a stretch and or signal a month to put this new will before reception is battelle 1st. unless, unless, unless somebody should perhaps get there is a crunch a to you're coming to orchestra for sure. something like sugar,
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which is one of the show eligibility and domestic mental for yeah, well the average of content go so for before source to, to, to push that the ratio the surgery is gone like 0. ok when you, when you keep your sure you do for us and when you a 100 what the most of these features, insurances, which includes your photos or does anything additional video wise for further facilities that also fails? no. covers good work. of course, you're welcome to shop by to pick the best the best course that you can use. there's no chester for those who look ways to clear the picture below when you when you go, i do not when. yeah, but when your husband what a kimball, so awesome. all right,
10:36 am
you fortunate by our stay action or some families i'm with the show the longest you with those original one moment. which today? sure which of the course videos now, you know, numerous close by cool. a story on to cook the laser by video or storms. teaching them to come to check on the board is showing that emission, you know, to move us to bring ship them to the doctor. the for you the new our students because there's 2 of them. right, young movies shows a little bit of putting you much to know. sure. oh goodness, don't listen to us when it's important to patients, right. the
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last to the story is each of my go to find the most just letting me share the full what you just have done. your simpler which it took you up when you lost them, but you can group home by slow fee was that useful appraisers to the desktop funniest lifting goods. never mind the settlement for this to, for this day and i chose to and the us next to the team according to the to be do those couple abuto international which is good. let me see, it's over there because it doesn't speak to josh concise was also boy, the movie a beautiful felicia. the soul of the age of
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this little suppose you for the call to come onto this one but the left to the test for super familiar with the videos that were supposed to associated with the special to someone. and the reason it's precisely there is the coming you and she gets very soft tissue. timothy just has any mind. so what did you, boy, he goes to a funny waiting list of the here's news to fix and find out what is the city and the condition of the vehicle is consuming. just
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curious, we do have a tail special. you're here with which can you look or succeed? it will perform better to think of still ok. most of the business criteria of luxury also for anything sister food or is it the hold on funding and all that's inside that isn't that what it is? i guess i'll send that over to she who is this will just be a little follow g o. yeah, boom. boom. yours, me see we story morris. i'm still on the wrong. so even though we're done, future will deal with them. i hate and you know, uh huh. was do you smoke when you were in? was it was for your can is uh no, says your name is on the whole list as i need to facilitate the flow star. so you said that was 3 of the door to the yeah, i don't know what, which is for sure, but the or
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the shortest ray of the work and then we just have to show some of the store control the let's use this to me. this was in the midst of simply
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the, there's tough to tell you i just left new skills on this because i've been doing some of them visitors for the business and shoveling your sample to peach tree again. but the point assume you see it so that you show up. so there it goes to show me a little bit of a suspicion is if you can purchase a, some of them with this is a feel for the is the best the best on that just to get to. yes, they all sold the okay. i need to make sure that she is looking for wi fi is
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a comfortable need, a new offer to come down for the show. can some of that i originally did, even though that old bulk on the on the now it's not send out a little system issue, especially a symbol new and you're likely a newborn was most us because i was pretty serious spanish. so my thought was when you miles or something that i smoked, it thought aspect of the
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vehicle. so the, the, the russian states never as tight as on one of the most sense community best most i'll send, send up the, in the 65 with the cable. $95.00 must be the one else calls. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russia to day and split the ortiz full next,
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even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube. the said this was a request which is the san thomas. and this is england. visions a show where we made extraordinary people and travel to amazing places so that we can all understand each other just a little bit more. and today we're in. this is an impressive ski resort to just the 40 minutes from the sun and sea of searching. but beautiful is all this is there is a moving danger that people just don't fully realize avalanches. and we're here to meet the team with, teach them and check the or the
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source of the godaddy degree. and then if the construct immunizations them is not needed somebody to be by which because of the children who are the visual beverage and as much to feeling as list, it's continuous, miss paperless for children. because there's only 2 color of grids to cut off groups. and everything isaac disappeared in those extra 15 minutes or so, talking about the slot type of stuff that you're more interested in or the shuttle . and then just use the pers might just, you might just in the past most talking about you get it morgan and shimmered. i
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thought he had a wonderful process, the actual then you play as a short one, his pastor, me scroll down and go to once it just won't go past the previously you quit so. so please try to present the story and we'll just start the electronic signature just one minute. i'm not sure where just sit are closed because i was just your should either of those i deal with the state of tennessee sheila
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use you can get to. so if the singles cause a blues or how's the long story? and we could also go to the game with an individual can sell the product, these his book, the bells, and that you really just such as the, the one where you're picking this cup out of this the most of the police getting the, what's the reason for me please the bushes in are so much, can you name of the decision the somebody if the game is really want me to to see the degree of so yeah, some now yes, we may have which is the we're going to see if i chose to process the order for system she not sophie, how do i access now, those are so special moment lecturing when i'm done such. and yet i just showed that there was a sheet over the course of combat elements. really bad the word on what to do without see communities with no change in the gym to me. the one of the boys
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mentioned now that i was admitted to the, to the board come fix was made of the decision, the mazda, most of the was and he's got a good number of it. and it's not that good to be a good for now. is it will come come on board and get us to another product already, but i did need, you know, that you know, the weeks from now the guy is picking because i do this if you need to send that again somewhere. but you have just a digital, even the trash for additional it will come with the business. plenty of them that you will with digital. this is lavonne music with doctors like a keeping it appear to dejan. yes, just occlusal guard has to be that those are the media. this is the story that we chose here on just the tonight. let's choose just those books for yeah. and supposedly all sorts of ages, what we choose
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a pool or so i want you to kind of show it to her for the last and that would, it would say we're interested in the rivers. you just, you know, office play on it. so we can kind of so we're pretty much with the lights and the sandwich tooth. tim was the name of the, the one who set cost was at the brand. i don't know if there's just yeah, go ahead and just press the menu or here. wait a minute. no. so we'll go over with the only one you mom while you boy. yep. the spark or so the goose team here for numerous so it won't let me know thanks more to today. well know a while now we really should not have been on the phone or see not
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the the but also after the do we use because the sign in the spinning across the think of the call was some way to be able to go to the, to participate in the notes that we put it on, move in, but you don't want to proceed. announce law the things it is numberless. i just called at the, for the explosion because used it best means frontier thought that they would fit in the store based on the
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deal. so that works here when you want me to start bought the eclipse without somebody built, the claim will pay here for dismissal. just very somebody called for dish previous to but also in yourself behind it. yeah, i'm gonna go are you agree with me with this the long way i'm we're still, we're just a few of them or should i go to new york some vocal know can you if it is correct for because i thought the order goes to the whole truth, special thing is missing the you want to be the guy to me is the for to us some of the you for you
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know what on the order to do me a but i also the number echo long that the core was more since just the because you get to motion for the people can do it this. i'm going to throw it in. yeah. so that's the the shape going is that go with that? so like all the square go with and square foot length, but this was gus. my for one that's so and the piece focus q a senior meeting the the key to sure. sure. now there is
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a serious before the dr. shaker. cute. the house also such as the for what's the story slash like right? yes. she's just not sure. what's the name of the journalists us, but she has steps to very strange like a kid named does it separately in the industry up as well? yes, it does. look at these findings flush the toilet this morning, the styles that glass quarters libya. shame is the yeah
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. that came on board with a former ship i showed you. i'm not sure if it's a dead person. you probably get pushed by the just a couple and you said ask somebody to put a list on i wonder where it's doing the shirts. the shirts, a community living center vision with our science and gauge mission i was trying to put the name of the nation and nationwide actually in different starting the shipper to move on the shelf and your appointment the so the, the, the food chain that fucking, i'm sending me stucco in the me. me because i don't you with the resolution. she
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and you did. she tried? she will hold up with x. do she didn't do you do this because, but the people come but they mean, usually you do you do any via email or you use this for you've each you get to choose 10 of the way to do so let me know you got a name is b e t h e d d, keep this in the electrical, it would be a pretty good if you will do well, he came here to the ship. yeah. the so you would you, which do supposedly did you meet the sensor?
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but the most, i'm going to keep it at norfolk, but i mean that's a really loud noise. the media circulation for the detail for the speech. it's you lose reason with the money to the kitchen, the time it's the fluids, you know, employees the land lease, the recording
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of the stuff is now the answer is not as much but we hear you mean? yeah yeah, sure. as the subordinate doesn't shed is got the, the, the the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the in this experience for the rest of the problem or
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the choice training process before you. so those 2 things good, as i mentioned earlier are, is i've just deep requirements, not express here. submit item, so image of matters only can cards, no problem, no, no, open up in the front and then for the test and if i know for will be street the engineers pretty much pollution. sal polosa preclude buffalo, go buy from a bit lower francisco from over proof of those types of products that are coming out on the move. so figured are available to try and sell the most of the triple just the enough one to the it's almost the, it's
11:00 am
a little bit more of a, one of the system. the good english is, i mean, the support further considers the israel most in sure with immediate effect that it's military forces do not submit any of the aforementioned tax, the international court of justice, instructing israel to take all necessary measures to prevent genocide in gaza. ultimately in arranging television, the charge of genocide level against visual is not only false, is a range of and decent people everywhere should reject the hundreds of pro palestinian demonstrators in front of the un top, cold as it delivered its verdict on emergency provisions that bonded by south africa found that god was boned, we've lost contact with one of our main contributors,


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