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tv   News  RT  January 26, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EST

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eunice, the support further considers the israel must ensure with immediate effect that its military forces do not commit any of the aforementioned acts. the international court of justice, instructing israel to take all necessary measures to prevent genocide in god's ultimately in arranging television. the charge of genocide level against visual is not only false, is a range of and decent people everywhere should rejected the hundreds of pro palestinian demonstrators in front of the un top court as it delivered its vote, its own emergency provisions demanded by south africa. and as god's or was bottomed, we brought the contacts with one of our main contributor to not ensure schumann he's been able for 5 days. we speak to his mother is why read the son may be in the
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hands of the idea, but he was also unwilling to leave the danger in. does that sometimes i think the class with mt is indeed easily excuse upset. if i have an idea to send from, i'm in come not to leave, and i'm not in need of the situation. the police me here, somebody can take it to an office or to con, doing this, i want to for my son. i want to look for it and it does rush and i'll try to re and drones take aim and ukrainian bases, and the public key adds attempt to stabilize the frontline polls show the screen start to big day for developments. and just so much to fill you in on. so it's great to have you with us for this live broadcast from most of the international court of justice has issued a series of rulings on emergency measures and a genocide case submitted by south africa. it has instructed israel to prevent genocide in gaza to the court further, considers that israel must, i'm sure,
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with immediate effect that it's military forces. do not commit any of the aforementioned decks. the court is also the view it israel must take measures within its power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide in relation to the members of the palestinian group. in regards this trip, the court further considers that israel most takes immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by palestinians in the gaza strip. outside the coal schools have demonstrated with that to support south africa's case people demonte the i. c, j, condemn israel limited the allegations of genesis. 8 there is any denial for the fact that it's the 25000 people already died there and under any
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human conditions there is no denying that. and i think that the role rules. 6 i think right now he's ready 5 minutes and then you know, reacting to the i. c j's preliminary ruling and claiming his country is being discriminated against. like every country is really has an inherent right to defend itself. the vile attempt to deny is real. this fundamental right is blinking discrimination against the jewish state and it was justly rejected. the charge of genocide level against israel is not only false, is ranges and decent people everywhere should rejected. 30 friday, the international court of justice has rejected israel's request to drop south africa's case against israel. deciding it has all legal rights and authority to initiate such a case. meaning the legal fight will continue in the long turns house turn south africa is accusing israel of genocide which israel strongly and repeatedly denies.
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in the meantime, south africans, he has requested non provisional measures from the cold, which included all during these rarely defense forces. to stop military actions in gaza, while the case proceeds aimed at force in a ceasefire. and we heard earlier today that the quotes voted against the end of the fighting hold. the head size is concluded, the israel cell take immediate measures to prevent killing of civilians to prevent destruction. provide humanitarian assistance to is suffering of palestinians in gaza. israel also should punish all those inciting genocide. and israel is obliged to report about implementing these measures to the quotes within a month from today. so basically, that means that the idea of operation in guides a will continue, but israel is obliged to try everything possible to do its best to minimize
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damages destruction. and of course, to minimize the victim. we know that the public here is divided. some of them are supporting the a is really military operation in gaza. they say that him, us fractions is real security and should be destroyed, day for the operation should tend to there. but some other people here including some of the relatives, all the hostages who are still held in captivity and gaza. say that the military operation, although it's supposed to put military pressure to help release hostages from the contributed, is not helping a but is a like put the opposite goals rather to negotiation pro says, and they say that maybe uh, these rails should rather concentrate on negotiations but again, this is not to as the final decision by the international court of justice,
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and we have to wait and see for further developments. but i thought i figured as president federal and i'm a photo said following the international court decision, that israel must abide by the measures handed down by the judges. we expect is dr. as a self proclaimed democracy and the state that respects the ruler floor to abide by the measures handed down by the international court of justice. south africa is that top different about to attend to the i, c, j. u hearing of the hague and speaking of the press conference afterwards. now lady pend or expressed hope that israel will implement all of the quotes to my my husband's back to we will begin to move toward a process where substantively a 2 state solution is being discussed. the people of palestine of stuff at home for many, many decades. i don't, but i do believe it to in today or tomorrow. but what we've done is a very key, a signal has been sent by the court. and it's now
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a test for the government and people of israel as to whether they will act in a manner that says all of us must respect international, real issue. that's of all your questions are about israel. but the real issue is the people of palestine who are being killed every baby and all the people of palestine was sleeping in the quote. the people of palestine were denied food all to an energy. that is the critical issue that all of us should focus upon in the early days off the how must as well, who in particular so the optical was condemned for effectively ignoring the homeless attack of 7 october and not just by eas raul, traditional allies. but today, minister in the lady bundle was at pains to highlight to that, so the pick up ones to see some must release the hostages if it continues told since the 7th of october, as did the i see to been sure. she also said that it is well does not comply,
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it will be setting a terrible president. the real issue. she a, according to the minister, is about the people of palestine. as we've heard this, who are being killed every day. the issue is to save uh the people of the appellate sun for sleeping in the cold and the mist agent to the people of palestine is not to keep up hope. but most importantly from the ruling today is well, has lost its beautiful v i. c. j. to throw out so that because the case against it's the court, no to that to the is a prima fucking case of genocide, which means that is well is suspected of getting aside. the court went as far as to, to know, to offset to the statements made by is really government officials and military need is which should be so that it can advocate to turn back on new guy told me said, well yeah, evidence improve often decide the intent to buy is really need is towards the, for the scene, is it guys in optim outlining the die?
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yeah, too many to be in crisis and gaza. the i c, j has decided to go on to search and provisional mission as a source to buy. so africa saying that is will, must also take all the steps to prevent abuse site with a volume. and so i get used to um, dependency new people. but she is the so that we can just as administer what his reaction and to revise some of the issues that had come and see it is a victory for international law. it is also a message that they cannot be in the exception of these in the world. all countries must be took the same and is that i is not an exception. it cannot be an exception to the genocide convention. so i believe this is a victory for the people have caused them for the people of protesting, particularly children and, and human. and therefore, as you're in south africa, we believe that the eh, eh, former president mandela would be smiling in his grave. the only practical outcome is that this would be a if this file and they should be measured about to put in place to how to do money,
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teddy and $8.00 with civilian infrastructure and so forth. so indeed, it is going towards what we saw the for good requested and the officials off the routing paul to we share with us um, present to watching the briefing as a collective and all of them really say it is very significant that to the provisional mission of the case, israel was supported by a large majority off of the court judges showing that the this was not a divided court and so that we can senior government officials as well have welcome the international court of justice is moving, ordering is on not to commit genocide and it's submitted to operations active the ones really i'm signaling now rather as just putting in a few um suspects or rather suggesting what could potentially come out of the west . but just before the day comes to an end unlocked is expected to come from that side. well the palestinians and the west bank were also are watching the i. c, j ruling, a many gas it in the town whole over
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a mile to witness the decision being announced to be a live stream. and south africa's, i'm baset of the palestine says this country had no choice. it had to stand up for the end class. so that's like the international court of justice. always disagree with the restructure. we come from the city of the city and we had no choice. but to approach the international deficiency, the outcome confirms that so that'd be just be fine. in approaching the, approaching the full, we hope that the outcomes itself will shift the picture of any kind of fine as a positive 1st that colors allows that effect on this. the patient would be suffering for 75 years on the fence. this i'll definitely cost to put this forward
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to any one of the from you guys, including, you know, because we haven't got them on the weekend, but it's fine to watch it. but i see this again on the back today where we are doing some kind of sickness actually from the 1st part of them won't see how somebody says to me, that'd be on the counter still think i didn't get into football and guys tried to do the restore it would have been so i see just one second. let me know that. ok, let's see. so that was for me to pick up on that one to mike. ok. the same model again, this is what i do is i do decide to go here looking back, let's go to that one. maybe it was the nasal,
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the chair. so you let me switch in on the bunch of on the centers to provide me with the ones i guess, i guess i'd be one of so this is very important the see as, as thousands of all those bank i wrote even just about but i do some don't watch that you're going to have the that was the problem. you have to have to until they are joined our progress for 2 days. and also they're going to have the best one for us with that. so i think i'm, it has right now to a southern gaza with john lift his son a come our reports on how locals the feel about the ruling from the i. c j a very here is divided back to, to a parts one. the defense one, a, some of people here and drop off her safety say did that they, they were really looking forward to the adults to dump, taking the ad room. they died. it may be furniture or impala. the problem is,
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is it a to and it's to water and everything because i live in place and they said, did that now? is it a 80 odd me a say having to have it having more time to expand. it's maybe put it on the ground and to come make it more and more of the most accurate as i gain. they look at it and god, the man, me, and how do you in the city in 2005, i've got the which is now and living under. is it a n a c, a under? is it a we were hoping that the international court would at least take a ceasefire decision in order to eliminate the suffering we're experiencing those. but so far, nothing positive has happened one more. so we hope that there will be a ceasefire. and the decision of the international court will be adhered to the city and people for buying an immediate decision. for s rule to stop the showing the awesome fitness center which has been suffering from starches and a humana,
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terry, and after fee, they will not. it states of america antenna only can not his real israel, what has been tried for its crimes, and then what do you know and trust and international organizations. otherwise the world would be able to pressure israel to storage crimes and goals that i am not optimistic about anything because the israel considers itself about renewal is a defense is typically so, and it isn't a war or even to, to raise to an increase in certain i cannot have pressure on the edge of the so at least at least involved once i gain indemnification between me of how much to and between the, the name to have them. maybe some may see if i add any guy with a lot of different opinions here to inspect it in rudy's and even to see a big time, at least to come back to that houses that they lifted from them and to have some
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time may. so and so, and thousands of people are gathering in the capital of yemen to show solidarity with the palestinians. damage, right, is expressing anger, right? is riley and us actions across that region. the hey, we came out today to say the we and the palestinians are one people. we are in one trench. our cause is one cause their blood is our blood. their cause is our cause. it's the cause of the entire error is lumnick nation, loaded out to america, down to israel, a curse upon the jews victory for his long enough global days. ask that you have any armed forces to intensify. strikes on american ships until the american and british enemies surrenders anesthesia on the people of gauze as lifted now and aid is allowed to enter for them. the
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people over 3 months, really genocide, now the message demonstrations are similar to the previous message in the previous demonstrations and that is continuous support for the continuous support forces to continue their air strikes to continue on to the files are launching on man drones and the red ships, link ships and even the british ships. and that's mainly because these are the hard team in the old pal, sorry districts such as the protesters.
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you're telling me that all of mankind for the support and escalator, military operations, or even suggest in the countries the right now to the southern part of the gauze enclave, which is just in a dire situation right now. the local health officials saying is rarely a tax and the city of con units have left $200.00 dead and nearly $400.00 wounded in less than one day. it comes as israel attacked 3 hospitals in the region. the medical aid for the palestinians, humanitarian organization says facilities are no longer functional and the number of casualties just keeps on going up at least 25000 killed since the start of october. and by now, you know, will to well that most of the dead women and joe garza has suffered
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numerous communication blackouts making it challenging to reach reporters on the ground. i mean, for example, we hear at all tape of 5 days. we call and find all regular contribute events or schumann. his last known location was other necessary for medical complex in hon. eunice, a place as we understand surrounded by the i d f. so for the meantime, as we continue looking for him, there were some highlights from his recent reports for us the non stop and quiet alternatively non stop drones like non stop buzzing or by doing some of us today. we have an exclusive footage inside the more you have and also hospital in the south of, of the script here continue flight for their lives. continued space, that's fast. what we're going to do some interviews with some people who left some
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of the areas that are not safe and see what they think, see how they are living. thank you to the audience for continuously listening to us to audio. we spoke with his mother. she's worried that her son may now be in the hands of the idea. it has to have sunday 21st. about 12 am. you always text me nice messages this a good nice my, my life. you sweet. see sooner so i left for you that you sent back the joe. and the question i last time the morning i sent him some messages, but he didn't answer applies. so i talked is the black out. and then again i sent him messages. i've got messages under the guide, and then for 2 days we spoke, it's not saved. you know, the past communications 6 months ago when it became more than 3 days friday. and i still can't do that. even right. there is back out about communication. few times. it's best to go anywhere. ok. so connection then we started to, he was told when he was,
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he might be in the hospital in critical spit out. as i saw some people he said he left stuff or something that he's not there and nobody knows where he is. i asked you, he must be taken right, that is right. he's doing everything for the human. that is, it doesn't want this to happen. and of course, telling everybody in the, in the few words in english about the situation kind of being to each step low as to the whole entire reward and get support to help disobedience. of course, that's important that so i assume he worked on get it. and when they went to announce it costs, because he has been taking much sewage. he had the contract with a price for kind of cut off just 2 days before the war got really changed or which is mine. but he went to find you and is the sort that people wanted him because of his english language. and as a canadian, who has read the entire word, because at the beginning the guns is or it was too much, both lies have both be heading about too much lies in the news and they wanted somebody who speaks english that you've changed is perfect. and the,
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and he managed to do that, and every time i, sometimes i think the class with mt isn't leave easily. he's upset if i told him the ideas. he said my, my men come not leads. okay. and i'm not in need of the situation. people need me here can never, never accepted a work. i mean, if i told him leave to ethan, and the last one is, when was the, what is the solution that i sent him? i think that must be a sense that they knew it's going to put con no. so they knew they would come and they had to evacuate to him and others. so please leave cause i'm not sure if i get them now. i see the coming. he said no, mama, once it's ok, it will have a ceasefire. the only thing was worried to me that you are not on there because much. so it is not for a website. is one of them. does that, and i can go there if anything happened to you there, how can i be with you? how can i take care of you? i want to be with you with that's the only thing i want. somebody can't take me to an office or to con you and if i want to for my son, i want the looks like i need the north of the ankle. i have 20 people killed more
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than a 150 wounded after a crowd with chewing for humanitarian aid and gaza said he reportedly hid finance. ready, striking the warning, the following footage of the human off them off is disturbing and it's coming your way. now. the dozens of civilians were taken to the el cheapo hospital, a local officials, one, but many more lives could still be lost due to the limited care available. and while israel is reportedly looking into the claims, some survivors say they will deliberately talk good. what happened is that people went out to get their food for the day and they couldn't find anything to eat. is really tank suddenly appeared and hate people with shelves. we had to bring them to the hospital on the donkey cart. we were going to buy a lot of landlord waiting for the trucks when these rarely tags hit us with full shells. young people were killed and all this was easy. it was heated my feet in my hands. and i saw that one doesn't sit, been kills and hundreds in judaism, the injuries a strange in trees where the body is toward it's crazy,
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is right. it is carrying out a mass scare against these defense, those innocent civilians and goals a big lot looking for food while industries for killing people. and while israel is enforcing a criminal policy against the populace, the civil defense cruise is still recovering, injured people and dead bodies from this to be able to raise the still controlling the rate and preventing us from entering time to recover anyone who's less than 30 people that we've not been able to recover because they points to his rate. he moved 3 vehicles. the situation is very difficult. it is as if we have gone back and gone to the 30 days of the bloody war and the goals district all right, to the ukrainian conflict now where russian forces are propelled 3 attacks of your current entry within the dynamics republic. the russian administrator defend saying 4 of key phases whitehead and the 3 drone teams destroyed a senior correspondent as well. well, literally overlooking the front line and this is closing as high as it is safe to
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be though it isn't safe for to try to minimize the all time. here we are in the outskirts of my income where ukrainian defenses have crumbled all crumbling. but that is not to say that they're written off. the front line is between us and 5 . a city in the distance that is across the gulf. got you this card to be held by you quite in troops. it is under the control. the front lines is about about halfway between us and them. with a credit of 10, we despise all the complaints we've been hearing in the west impress uh from the ukrainians about them, you'd be more immunization more shelves that has been a huge about the shedding today by you credit troops of smoke over in the distance from recent impacts, but since the full of 90 good and my income was the longest running and most of the blood just bottles of this conflict since the captain,
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the liberation of money could buy russian troops. they have found out the northwoods, the woods cut off the gulf. good, a mazda, a weeks kilometer is covered to the west. we have a good record of which russian troops of already and so that is the next time west, was off the money to south towards nova missed call of goods i. there is no sense that there's a source that your mom, you create ends of artillery shelves provided by the west. and when the guns go quiet, the drones, the kamikaze drones. why that is the biggest danger to us and to many of those uh the, the drones come out hunting. but the situation is such that you create a throwing thousands, thousands of drafted conscripted troops into the meat grinder into the front lines . he has to be erected a front lives which said desperately trying to trying to hold will to fight back what's in the beat to stop the russian advance. iran and pack us donna
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said to reinstate their respective. i'm boss it is this friday. the reconciliation move comes off the across the board, a missile strikes and diplomatic relations plummet. st between the neighboring states, both sides claim they've been targeting various tara groups as quickly spots and so, and so an escalating crisis. however, tyrone, and just on the part of being quick to re normalize relations, the tara group, iran target is called a j e o adel. and it was found in 2012 with the goal of establishing an independent state. the groups claim responsibility for numerous tire attacks in iran. one of the biggest, 2019 when a suicide bomb killed 27. the revolutionary gods. eroni media reports of claimed the organization is backed by america. but we were speaking earlier to the form of pakistan on a foreign secretary and his representative at the us german shut off my con. and he says to pack us down in a row and have a common goal to the,
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to the tara groups which share a specific oh not the order crisis started when uh, the good news was found that the girl inside the balloon just on focused on each side were just on had been a busy, probably brought up creating problems. so for them one really whole sent wished that instead of, uh, uh, i usually uh, in the gene getting uh, this new insurance strides. the best thing for the board to have to get together, which has been dead tradition. in fact, i know i remember many locations. we have similar situations because this part of the largest on both sides have, has problems with the externally ages the groups uh, sitting there. and both sides have not been able to control them. and
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the doors on the boxes find the side of the sponsors and uh from done by the magazines. so these are the which are using the booth is fun size for the problems on both sides and for flash, fucked in the past. i remember that we had a similar situation. we were able to overcome the problems as the as each day of new each of the instruments award and avenue to the point of fact there's no something to but now of course there is a new element and that is the, is i really was going on in regards of so that the condition has positive, apparently the iranians to become more sensitive to any pressure on them from
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below. just thought because they are that are really serious a problem for these ladies side. so apparently the ronnie is locked it at either risk, worked at a $100.00. i have a bowman pause to cooperate with each other in overcoming these growth. right, that is just about it for now here. and i'll change the national but catch up on a lot of stories were across the rumble. odyssey telegram and of course of websites . so you don't the, the.


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