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tv   Inland Visions  RT  January 26, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EST

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death and both sides have not been able to control them. and the doors of the little slipped on the box on each side. uh, mostly sponsored and uh uh from the by the americans. so these are starting to build which are using the boot just on the side for the problems on both sides for the audience and for 5 to study. but in the past, i remember that we had a similar situations. we were able to overcome the problems as the, the each day of new children and she went to school at ward and have moved to the part of it. there's no something to but now of course there is a new element and that is the, is trying to really was going on in regards of so that the aggression has positive. apparently the iranians to become more sensitive to any pressure on
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them from literally just on because they. busy are the facing problem for these that i least side. so apparently the ronnie is locked in this folder. i 100 bucks. i have a bowman pause to cooperate with each other in overcoming these groups. by that say, all day this, our most story is coming aware of the top of the i see you again the the, the, the
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hi, i'm sean thomas and this is inland visions. a show where we meet extraordinary people and travel to amazing places so that we can all understand each other just a little bit more. and today we're in the process which this is an impressive ski resort to just to 40 minutes from the sun and see of searching. but as beautiful as all this is, there is a blooming danger that people just don't fully realize avalanches. and we're here to meet the team, the kids to them and check the
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learn more about the tickets of this fascinating job. we're going to get you started fidelity out. it was part of those are full tours. avalanche control to the very day. thanks for meeting us out here as a talk us through all this. i guess i'll start off by saying nature is completely unpredictable. but this is that you have an amazing ability to negotiate with this
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. no, talk to me about this and how do you know what to do? well, i think it would be a bit too low to claim we can actually negotiate with smo just from unfortunately, all communication with nature is only unit directional. we could listen to it, but we can't impose on terms on it. all we can do is trying to sign for the clues left by nature, this know, the way that we know location right now is there understand that there's a lot of moving parts. it's much more complicated than people realize. it's not just one person or a couple people, if an entire group of people working together to make this happen, can you talk me through this process? if i come up with uh, doing about teamwork, we have a mediator ologist to monitor the conditions and prepare the full costs for the next 2 or 3 days. a couple of people who lives of the snow and those who maintain the equipment we can use to trigger avalanches if necessary. if this work is 247, at least when we have snow on the slopes. it's a continuous cycle. we have about 40 people on our team during the winter periods.
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actually, the thanks for leaving us out here. it's a beautiful day. i have to ask for producing the weather is difficult to do accurately under regular conditions. how do you do it out here in the mountains, under these conditions that i think the geographical position, the landscape, and the proximity of the black sea creates very specific conditions for this region . what else see behind us be great to call cause this rain spring, which holds back the air mass is coming to us from the west, but you have and accordingly we witness a very large amounts of precipitation. here you can see there's no cold, there's already 2.5 meters here. the before we have 4 meters see and so these regions, these cabinets are wise by a very large accumulation of snow. and in fact,
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it is quite difficult to predict the weather in such a condition. florida says we're talking about avalanches that i have to ask when is the most dangerous time for an end of life to occur? is it immediately after a snowfall or when the weather is nice and clear like this? good. yes. a heavy snowfall does cause problems for all of the launch control. so this north and we can literally see 72, a 2 centimeters of smelt. if you all of us, very often we gotta meet sale snowfall, overnights. and of course the results is never fully open in such conditions because the launch danger increases dramatically. but even create a while that can be dangerous. for example, when we have a long periods of will about this know, become sweats, which increases the load of us know, attack and decrease its ability. in general, you need experience and certain specific approach. the size of the avalon association, but in general, yeah, the mouldings hands, the snow falls, they hire a more serious the last thing she becomes. and since you have to meet her,
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i was just have to say thank you for such a beautiful weather today. we can do it without your help. thank you very much. all in the to how do you actually measure the level of dangerousness of those particular slopes? how do you look at it and say that's dangerous. we can go there. we've been studying this area for a long time. oh yeah. no designs that to carry a certain strength level for avalanches. so every year we kind of know what to expect for me cuz i don't want to have a launch conditions they've met. and so, and then we take measures accordingly, something like that. what so slow now is understand that you get down to an actual microscopic level looking at the snow, the type of snow,
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the different types of snow crystals. how does that actually help you assess the danger level? i mean, is it really is that specific truck? because we're practica, most reliable information on avalon changes comes from direct observation. it's what we touch with our hands. we'll walk on with our feet or see inside a test page. and we'll make dig smoot bits measure the different temperatures inside the smooth mask. starting the last formed off the rest series of snow falls and do a number of tests to determine the stability of those last. we then try to extrapolate information obtained in one location on to other zones because it's not always possible to take tests. with that i said use some of the occasions can be dangerous . so we only dig in safe places. the steepness of the slope winds the temperature humidity. this all has a factor in whether there is a danger of an avalanche. what's the most important factors, or do they all work together? well,
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we've heard say that any factor could prove to be decisive on any given day. typically, the most important factors are the amount of snow in the steepness of the flight from your good. but they're all days when the most avalanche problem places are okay. uh, why don't you get an avalon somebody you never expected? oh, should we say in places that are not typical? very good. you said that something along the lines of a mistake with an avalanche work. i should never happen. in fact, when it comes to your work, a mistake is life or death. is that not a lot of pressure? is your job dangerous? well, i'm the overall it is who we are. we are responsible for the safety of all gas and a mistake by an avalanche worker can be much more than that, especially when there are multiple mistakes. because if a worker gets cause their napa launch, or there's an incident, usually it's down to a series of mist takes. the risk management is a key is it allows us to assess situations according to the danger level and come
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up with an appropriate way to handle them. so if a professional finds himself in danger, that means he's made a number of mistakes. by the way, that's why i say it's wrong when professionals get into such situations, that if it gets you to watch, um, have you ever been in a situation where you see a dangerous area, but you can't reach it, you can't do anything about it. what do you do then? how do you handle that situation to to that happens all the time? oh, the easiest thing you can do is restrict access to that area. the mountains are challenging to rain and it's not always possible to get to a place you want to reach in order to take a better look at the law to bring explosives for some other action. if that's the case, we just close of the area and keep away when you go. all right, let's go see what else we can find in the mountains. the
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absolutely beautiful up here, a little bit scary, but beautiful. um. so let's say that you find an area that an avalanche is likely and you need to release that energy. how do you go about doing that or try to most of these areas where identified a long time ago, and they have station we systems installed, which allow us to trigger avalanches the remotely talking about areas that don't have such station or we systems what we do is often we set off and have a launch. we send a patrol at to see what's new cub a still remains of the identified xbox with further action may be needed. and then we take it right here, here at the rosa hotel that you guys have some of the best state of the art equipment for combating avalanches. what do you have? it's primarily a gas system running on a mixture of propane and oxygen. the, this is the shed that holds the equipment entities. links to designate has planted
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in spotswood. avalanches originate uh so to know the system is controlled remotely from a safe distance. it can be operated even at night. so we can choose the exact moment we need down to the 2nd that makes the system different from other traditional tools such as explosives or on tutoring, which can only be used in good weather. with great visibility, all system works in any conditions at any time of day. so the other thing we rely on the compliments the system is explosive symbol. we use the binary type uh, the helpful in place is that the gas pallet system can't reach wherever it's improved, less effective for some reason. i think we've gone through a number of different systems and they will have the strength and can be helpful in some situations. but we've settled on these 2 for the time being as i'll go to solutions. i mean, i guess systems that explosives 9 should have no avalanches is the same. how do you know what methods and techniques to use against this avalanche as opposed to that
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avalanche per se? but we install station we systems where possible and the choice that resolve this. if we have a gas of a launch control system in a certain spot, which that's what we use, they protect most of us loops. if we don't have a course of action will depend on the level of danger and on how necessary of a launch mitigation is it may well be the case that it's not worth it. we may be able to just close off an area for a while, which is also possible a job and one of the most effective avalanche control techniques we close off some areas set off explosives in others. but most of the work is done by all stationary systems. now a lot of your work is done at night. and how is it possible for you to control something as big as an avalanche in complete darkness? that's odd question to answer. we don't really control avalanches during us know full. i'll meet the early just to take measurement once every hour, most so we know exactly how much the snow cover has grown. we know which way the
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wind is blowing and we can make assumptions about certain areas that should have enough smoothing for all mitigation activities to be effective. if it helps that we can do that remotely or says we have snow grooming equipment operating at night when it's safe. the truck drivers provide us with valuable information about any slides that have a code and this size that helps us a lot. you know what? because the data we get from people on the ground is the most effective tool for ensuring safety. we know that you do an excellent job here at rosa filter in controlling avalanches, but we know that there are people will call them free riders if you will. they go off piece to specifically go to places where the slopes are not groomed. how often do they cause avalanches and how do you deal with them? uh, what's, what was the corporate is that does happen quite often. scheme of piece by default means that you own an avalanche problem slope. yeah. but all right, so what we monitor the slope trigger avalanches,
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restrict access to certain areas and can take other steps. we don't have the same level of control outside designated skiing areas. after every snowfall free right as rushed to low slope like maniacs, they often neglect safety rules and underestimate their abilities or strings. they crave a dreamily and excitement to a degree wherever it interferes with self preservation. because you actually do get cold and avalanches. thankfully, these are mostly small slides that aren't that dangerous and can't do much damage. there are many avalanches like that which mainly go on notice because nothing major happens over a ride to get to into one, takes himself out. that moves on lunch with us is that sometimes people without realizing it trigger avalanches that can't affect others. that's how to control. all we can do is keep reminding people who go off paste the. they are responsible not just for their own safety, but also for the safety of others a close to one year before getting that zillow and they should make sure they've taken all the safety precautions. the got
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the most spectacular defense with the most breathtaking views. it's amazing to watch what's going on in the heads of the off piece to skiers and snow borders. when they're racing down the mountains. galaxy silver live is a professional snowboarder sport style and a big air prize winner. i'm sure he has some answers, the hello. hello alexi. how you doing? good night. you too. cool.
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so i've seen the videos of what you do. it's breathtaking. all inspiring. absolutely. amazing. um, what is it for you? is this a hobby? is this a way of life? uh, talk to me about what is this for you guys or whatnot? oh tony, one thing, see you'll snowboarding, m, as soon as you try to give it up, as long as becomes impulsively boring and stressful. when you realize you just can't go on without snowboarding or that this is the 1st, may even fundamental moment. people close around you emotions that you can't get anywhere else the other way. so many people to see a drilling that tickles your senses and gives you so much power down what people who are addicted to a generally nice. so take me through this a little bit. you're out there. maybe each time it's different, you're going down the course. what's going through your mind? what kind of you mentioned new emotions, but like what's actually going through your mind when you're actually out there on the course. this depends on weather conditions above all and wouldn't be someone. so it depends on the terrain up there was some push these sites sites where you can relax and just let yourself go. enjoy the roll eyes and not worry about anything or
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sort of flag under a slides where you have to stay absolutely focused. 100 percent of the time for even 150 percent of the time to assess the risk, so not make any rush movies because any slight error might send you off a cliff will promote an avalanche. mm hm. now you mentioned some of the dentures there. let's talk a little bit more about that. you have to admit it is really dangerous. what you do when you go to these extremes and you could be causing danger for other people. have you caused an avalanche for yourself? um or have you been in an avalanche? what's that like with the island? is this month of? all right. what i'd say by then, regardless of how many years experience a will snowboarding you have, or how much of a pro you all. yeah, it should be ideal. never to get cold in an avalanche and never have to save anyone from an avalon, just a bloody. they will be perfect for the avalon is equipment to never be used ever or what but situations do occur with them since going you they sees and i go causing this more of it on, so i activation my ad, but the avalon is rolling down while i manage the stairway so it only ended up just
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fine. if there was some unprepared people in my place. but as a child or teenager, or just a purse do not wait till they must have been pulled into the avalanche. and there's no telling how it could have ended for them. now, i've heard it been said that you can tell a free rider from a regular scare because they always have a backpack with them. they always have equipment with them. what is the one thing that you always have with you that you need to have when you're out there on your own? yeah, but that's why i say the most essential thing is to try and save a because even if you don't have a shovel approval and a half launch backpack with an ad bug, which i'm trying to see, but might still help the rescue team find you like even though it's like at their own time, you stand a chance. if you take coats in an envelope from buried under the snow and you don't have a trans eva, so there's no way anyone can locate, you already know there's a really tiny chance of success. only if perhaps, as a knowledge rescue team on the avalon to slowly pop up, even you have just didn't just have snow covering, you know, and what have you,
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even if we're sounds at the top of your voice, it snowed muscles all sound a sight to do the same time when baby didn't start this know what do i do way up through the everything happening on top, your head, people walking, right? so you and talking to each other either won't, they won't have a sound, not even if you keep challenging for help me. felicia. now it's safe to say that the people who build the skied courses and on pieced activities they would like for you to stay on peace. but that's not going to happen. you are a free writer by trade. is there any way to make your job safer or what you do safer in the future to being present any problem? also, training on being professional avalon is training in order to understand how it's a works. that's a kind of weather conditions affect the snow in terms of increasing or decreasing a child. so an avalanche, you have to keep upgrading your knowledge and skills and it goes no certainty for free right guys. but we'll say for free. why does he do it for fun? yeah, i'll let you know if i know this thing you can do is right in different places in different snow conditions. a hit the slopes with experience, right?
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as we're to unhealthy, the more about how to stay safe is the placement, the, the workers here at region 14, have to be prepared for situations which means looking for bodies. and if they hear this sound, that means it's the right place to look the find out where the thank you for taking the time to meet me out here. uh you have an incredibly important job. um, do you know how many lives you saved? right, it's part of the item you knows guides of the indicates or quality work for our
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service is not the number of people rescued from avalon. she is the number of people not cold in the fall. so thank god we don't have to search for people and rescue them from avalon. shes so an avalanche happens so quickly. it's hard to remember what to do if you actually get into one. i guess the best way to survive and have lunch is to not get in one in the 1st place. i would say yes, it's best to stay out of an avalanche. that's how you stay alive. you know, if you want swept away by an avalon should, the only thing left to do is grab the strap of the air bags, backpack, and close your mouth to create a kind of chain, but in which you can breeze beside the big of the chain. but the best of the chances of survival are no longer the timeframe. yeah, i mean lady up as well. so if an avalanche happens, how do you know if someone is actually a victim? if someone is actually caught under the avalanche, especially if that happens of pieced beautiful are to this way and also have we
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need to take eye witness statements and you know, or if there are any and we used the 1st rescue is on the scene, conduct a sensor search for the for if, if there's a person with sensors in the avalon community, it's very important to educate. but what you please leave your trying to see was on always dia used to then there is a device called reco getting older and he reads the reflect to itself. but it can also read phone ships. and if all these devices fail to help us meet them, we stand in the line and start probing through the avalon slide. you know, this is an avalanche happens and i'm caught in one. so what do i need to do? you've touched on this a little bit already in order to survive. and maybe what do i need to not do. so my goal and the most important thing is to try to stay calm is go with what is doing at that point. you've done everything you can do, then your only hope is your friends. the people who deal with the vast majority of victims can't even move. that thing goes beyond that. because the avalon sheets of
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this low as it moves and solidifies when it stops or through the snow turns into concrete. so there's nothing you can do more of, of just what we do ahead with your thoughts and hope that your friends will help you when you well know, trying to find out what consist of your breath is. so it's not to waste precious oxygen. basically that's all i've seen, you have different equipment that you can use to help find people in an avalanche from your experience. what's the best equipment that people can have? the shovel, this poll that they have the beeper from your experience, what works best for all of these devices. an airbag backpacks have come a long way in the last 20 years, some. so in n t, i have a launch impact, definitely increases your ability to stay on the surface to most of the try and see, but no, it's not, it's extremely fluid is to go off paste without is group with appropriate a shovel in your backpacks and stuff. and trusted friends you over to that is,
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you don't go off piece with people you don't know. they might not know how to assemble the shovel. that's alone and find you on the old and smo with the try and see that you do an excellent job in informing people what to do, what not to do. but if someone gets caught in an avalanche, they can't move. they can't be heard from under the snow. what are their chances of survival and for how long can they actually stay down there? which is sort of 80 percent of people coach in an avalon who are dug out in the 1st 10 minutes to live discipline and 40 but sent in the 1st 15 minutes or so. you get a sense of how the jones's dropped. but of course, to the known cases where people have been in an avalon for several hours before and have been dug out and live to tell the tale. that's a read case. those are the lucky ones. i know i've heard that different countries have different rates of survival depending on the type of snow that is there. what
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type of snow do you have here in rosa which are and what are your chances of survival it in the an avalanche here. you can also perform 1590 percent of the cases. i mean we can talk about the surface of a launch is something that is smooth, that is just small and not bonded with the old snow. what so it falls try. so that is what we're talking about most of the time. no, but i mean what they're all exceptionally is like this one we, where we have to deal with avenue launch, is that a much deeper on a massive scale? and why do you make that money? it's so unusual rubric, i put a good of them. so to summarize, if you have mountains and you have snow, you have a potential avalon to danger. you have to be prepared for that. so you have to understand that good. but we'll know that we can get them if another opinion mike starts. thank you very much for taking the time. i've learned a lot and i know a little bit more what to look out for a 2nd. the
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so how much time does somebody have to spend in the mountains here to become a professional in the avalanche or business park a. the general consensus is that it takes at least 5 v as in one place for you to learn the roads and begin to understand things that makes the will begin a level avalanche control specialist. and it takes a lot longer to become a good one to turn the idea. you should be learning all the time. also we should. we haven't gone cold, uncle yosh every now grouping. yeah, he's been doing this for 30 years. and every year he learn something new and he shifts his knowledge with the younger generations. and we know that it's dangerous . in fact, we just heard the boom of your job happening right now. but uh, is it your dream job? do you love what you do? the go to the, for some, it's a dream job. many people come to us believing that this is something romantic and beautiful, but actually, i don't think it's a dream job because you, there's a very heavy burden of responsibility. look. but if you take it seriously,
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it's quite hard, quite difficult. so i wanna just consider the fact that i'm in this place as my destiny. faith brought me to my job and i've accepted it. but i wouldn't let my children to do this work saturday. adrian job or not, we really appreciate you doing what you do. thank you very much for showing us around. thanks. appreciate the
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the look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. we're so short or is it conflict with the 1st law show we live in just in case we should be very careful about visual intelligence. at the point, obviously is to makes a truck rather than to the area where the artificial intelligence, we have somebody with the in the robot most protects this phone existence with alexis
1:00 pm
the, the court further considers the israel most in sure, with immediate effect that it's military forces do not submit any of the aforementioned tax page. national court of justice, the instructor easily to take all necessary measures to prove that genocide in god and raging tel aviv the charge of genocide level against israel is not only false, is our regions and decent people everywhere should reject a hundreds of pro palestinian protest as in front of the un, this court as it delivered its verdict on emergency provisions, demanded bias of africa. type guy as bob and live last contact with a regular contribute to mine. so it should mindful 5 days we speak.


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