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tv   News  RT  January 26, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EST

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the, the, the, the court further considers the israel must ensure with immediate effect that it's military forces do not commit any of the aforementioned tax. the international court of justice instruct easily to take all necessary and as as to prevent genocide in god that and raging tell, i mean the charge of genocide level against the result is not only false regions and decent people everywhere should reject the hundreds of tow policy and protested in front of the u. n. court, as it delivers it validates on the emergency provisions demanded by some of africa . the guys is bombed with last contact with a regular contribute to a months or show a mindful 5 days. please speak to his mother who says his son was unwilling to
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leave guys a this by the agent. sometimes i think the class with m. p is in the fields of the he's upset if i told him like this you said palmer men come not sleep. ok, and i'm letting me assist situation, people need to be here. somebody can take it, took it out for us, or to con you. and if i want to for my son, i want to look for a lot of input then says kids, the new plane was carrying the crate in front of the business of war when kids 4 fifths of it down with the nature of mess, all 6 of the youth, most likely, the patriot missile system was used to an american or european air defense system, most likely french in a couple of days. the exact answer will be given the it's midnight in moscow. welcome to our global news coverage and our g does come on our it's international. i a michael quite yet with the latest that the
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international court of justice is issued. the series of rulings on emergency measures, in the genocide case, a bit advice of africa. instruct in ease or to prevent genocide in gab. so the court further considers that israel must ensure with the immediate effect that its military forces do not commit any of the aforementioned decks. the court is also the view it israel must take measures within its power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide in relation to the members of the palestinian group. in regards this trip, the court further considers that israel most takes immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by palestinians in the gaza strip. the outside the court schools have demonstrated as where they're at to
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support set off against case that people demanding the i c. j condemned. these are all i've met the allegations of genocide. there's any denial for the fact that is the 25000 people already died under any human conditions. there is no denying that. and i think that the role rules. 6 i think the arts get, i'd stop as of africa, as presidents are. my pull is the side of the ease, while it's being judged by the international community. and it's crimes that clear to everyone today is ro stands before the international community is crimes against the palestinians. laid back since october last year, the people of gaza had been the victims of bombardment and strikes from
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land sea and a the homes refugee camps. and then time neighborhoods have been destroyed and not even schools and hospitals and religious places have been sped. the people of guys that had been deprived of electricity, the fuel food and medical supplies has been set out. i'm a pause. the has the destination of to the international court of justice, ruled in favor of that africans requested to impose emergency misses a case as well. or wait for military operations is gaza. the president says that he is 50 as well to abide by the international court of justice as readings that you take ms is to prevent the genocide a case for the seniors and guys, the court has indeed ordered is while 2 is sold, the forces do not commit acts of genocide and to,
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to improve humanitarian access and also to report back and within a month. and these points differed, such as wages who gave combust submitted to in the call district. today i'm going to send the dependent was at pains to highlight that. so logic officers wants to see some must release the hostages of the minister's hope is that a pro says to discuss a 2 state solution. it is all begins in a new semester, but listen to what the ministers have to say. my husband's back to we will begin to move toward a process where substantively a 2 state solution is being discussed. the people of palestine of stuff at home for many, many decades. i don't, but i do believe it to in today or tomorrow. but what we've done is a very clear signal has been sent by the court. and it's now a test for the government and people of israel as to whether they will act in a manner that says, all of us must respect international. this or the me is that the core critical nice
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the gravity of the situation and was convinced myself as because compelling presentations that was based on little on fact said there are possible cause to believe that this rain is committing genocide and gaza. it means that the cries and suffering or fall of people in gaza have been good. in the great hold of just this is what i use for you. it failed to convince the court to dismiss the complaint to prove that it is not deliberately violating genocide convention di c, j, and judges assess the facts and the law and issued that order is ready. now, with the stone trial accused of committing the crime of old cries, bringing the case to the you in stop court has been a major diplomatic, a victim full. so that's recall which has long time p and the cause of palistine is
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a lie can mean they apply to, to its own. and a pot to say, comparison is all strongly reduced even today is well has indeed called for the case to be thrown out to deny you. so that's because of the cation of genocide as roughly distorted and saying that it makes efforts to avoid civilian casualties. it probably is rarely professed, as appeared outside the court. the building at the hague defended these rules, actions in the gather strip after the court demanded that the idea of prevent civilian casualties. while i'm telling me you've argued mid liza bear or chief mara, production of the local reactions about a routing declared by the i c, j. victory and achievement. this is how israel took friday's rolling by the international court of justice. that's did not order to stop the idea of operation
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in guys asking though to minimize death and destruction before that the i c. j has rejected israel's requests to drop south africa's case against israel. completely deciding pretoria has all legal rights and authority to initiate such a case meeting, the legal fights will continue to pay off to the decisions for the announced. we have heard the reaction from israeli prime minister, benjamin and yahoo! he reiterated israel's position that we have been here in all the time since the war started in october, the 7th. but the country has the right to defend itself. this is how israel seized is offensive in gaza is an act of self defense. antonia holes are repeated that south african accusations are false and outrages like every country. israel has an inherent right to defend itself. the vile attempt to deny is real. this fundamental right is blakeney discrimination against the jewish state. and it was justly rejected. the charge of genocide level against digital is not only false,
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is rages and decent people everywhere should rejected. we have been able to speak to some people here in tel aviv. all those we've talked to are in favor. all these really operation as they see it as an act of self defense. also as a we have been had to demonstration him so full of the idea for sense if we're fif or even saying they prefer to see more as strikes on the inquiry, even more intense notes refresher. so let's take a listen to what people we have been able to speak to have to say, i am pleased that the upper right something guys that can continue. because we've at uh, eliminating how much is ro is going to uh, side scratch security risk. i mean, fact medium old table will die. i believe that the, the army has hospital the 1st to prevent the civilian. so kidding,
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i'm not happy that they didn't to see you then. so i agree with the creation of africa with so there we go. which sounds like this trip it to me is really public is kind of divided and there are other opinions as well. and to war sentiment is also quite strong. here in israel with relatives of the hostages still held and could see between guys or for example, version hayes road. so rather focus on negotiations with a mass to secure their release, hold their loved ones instead of putting more military pressure on the in place. today's hearing at the i, c, j is only the 1st step. all the potentially here is long quote for the 5 between south africa and israel. and that is we had to be decided by the courts. if israel is committing genocide in gaza or not, the bottom line is that the operation in guys will continue. and that will definitely lead to mol, losses from both sides. but tens of thousands of people have gathered in
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the capital of young men to show sold a diary to with the policy unions of was stricken gazda demonstrate as express anger at ease roll and you as actions in the region the hey, we came out today to say the we and the palestinians are one people we are in one trench are causes one cause their blood is our blood. their cause is our cause. it's the cause of the entire arab islamic nation, mo, data to america, death to israel, a curse upon the jews, victory for islam. not global day ask the many armed forces to intensify, strikes on american ships until the american and british enemies surrenders. and the siege on the people of gauze as lifted and aid is allowed to enter for them in the 70s where capital was hundreds of thousands. it does perhaps even give any protesters for picking out shows all the people of the deceased
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guys is reporting to these protesters are under going over 3 months. i mean it's really, that's genocide. now the message that this demonstration is very clear and very similar to the previous message in the previous demonstrations. and that is to continue with support for the people of pals and the continuous support for the many armed forces for the price on the left will be moving to continue your air strikes to continue watching the tiles a launching on man. drones in the red sea in the gulf of painting is revealing ships to us, link ships and even with british lead ships. and that's mainly because these are the 3 nations with the many people on our team and not just the enemy, old fellow, sorry. well, that's just the old, deepest these guys of strips, not just the enemy of cameron, but the protesters. they're telling me that these are the 2 nations who are anatomy
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of all of mankind for the gruesome support of each other site taking place in palestine. the same, they want the army to continue to conduct and escalate their military officers, which is the let's see, there are even suggested in the countries the status of the blacklist can be prevented by costing by the canyon police and c, a gas into a group of human rights activists by the pro policy and protests, the head of a court decision. the dozens of protesters and 3 activists were arrested either raleigh in the canyon capital. how the demonstrations organized as a report, at least, had an official permit to hold a peaceful gathering. security personnel was step in after the group approached the german embassy as his protest comes. as the german 4 administer takes a 4 day tour of africa,
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ers drew immediate condemnation from human rights groups. in particular, i'm this due to national found mr. kenya's campaign director says whoever supports mutual supports, genocide does a general side to government and anyone who's tends to support them is equally genocide too. so we're here to declare a jump on the government government as a general, you know, side door of government. and we wanted to hold a peaceful profession to just tell them that we expect better of them then they have done. and the canyon police, because kenya is also an agent of imperialism, went ahead to tea. a guy says, even when we was extremely homeless, a guy that has suffered numerous communications. blackouts making it challenging to reach reporters on the ground. for 5 days. we have not been able to contact the
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regular contributor man, so sure man has lost no location was i've been nasa medical complex in con units. a place now surrounded by the idea of here are some highlights from is the recent reports for our t, the number for the 2 days. we have an exclusive footage inside the mod here and also hospital in the south of rosa slip here. continue flight for the life continue, it stays that fast. we're going to do some interviews with some people who left some of the areas that are not safe and see what they think, see how they are living. thank you to the audience for continuously this thing to us. hardly have we spoke with months or sure minds mother. she feels her son may be an idea of custody or even finish back out. bad communication few times. it's best
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to go anywhere. ok. so, connection and nobody knows what it is, i assume the worst i get. it asked when they went to announce that cost because he has been too much sort of had the contract with a price for kind of cut off just 2 days before the war got really changed over to his mind. but he went to find you and is the sort that people wanted him because of his english language and as a canadian, so hopefully the entire word because at the beginning the guns over is or it was too much about lies. that was be heading about too much lies in the news and they wanted somebody who speaks english that you've changed is perfect and the, and he managed to do that. and every time i sometimes i think the class with m. p as in leave easily. he's upset if i told him the idea assistance my, my men come not leave. okay. and i'm not in need of the situation. people need me here can never, never accepted a work. i mean, if i told him leave keeping the last minute when was the,
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what is the solution that's i tell them i think that must be a sense that they knew it's going to put con no. so they knew they would come and they had to evacuate to him and others. so please leave cause i'm not sure if i speak to them. now i've seen that coming. he said no mama is going to it's ok, well we have a ceasefire. somebody can't take me to an office or to con you and if i want to for my son, i want to look for him. a r t has submitted a request to the idea for assistance in the side for the john list months. oh sure man. he went missing during any ease rolled attack within the vicinity of nasa hospital in solving gas that will keep you updated about any developments. a 10 states have already sent the national guard troops to tax us to help secure the border with mexico. one of them is oklahoma, who is golf now has asked whether he would follow for my president donald trump
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suggestion to do so. the former president donald trump, has suggested to all the republican governors out there was certain members of your states national guard and your case governor. it would be the oklahoma national guard, send them down to texas to help greg abbot, are you going to do that? absolutely. you know, i've done it once before and we're looking at, i already talked to my tag, my general made so, you know, we've already started putting the numbers together. i will be in contact with governor rabbit. a texas has been fighting against the u. s. federal government in court over the states board, a policy for the 5 republican governors have already issued the statements supporting texas. i made the record high number of migrant crossings. president boynton and his administration have left americans in our country completely vulnerable to unprecedented, illegal immigration pulling across the southern border instead of upholding the rule of law and securing the border. the bike and administration has attacked and
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suited texas for stepping up to protect american citizens. from historic levels of illegal immigrants, deadly drugs like fentenol and terrorists entering our country to a show of support comes i said just mobilizes considerable resources at the us mexico border of texas national god and state law enforcement officers are standing against the federal border patrol, oppression so i'm not greg i bought has the keys to abide in administration for failing to fulfill its constitutional duties. administration has really, truly abdicated is responsibility to secure the border and enforce the laws. texas very simply is securing the more donald mcadams executive director of the wrong poll institute for peace and prosperity says, there is a chance that the rift between the states and the federal government will devolve into something similar to the civil war. a definitely
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a chance or something like this can escalate. i think a lot of people on both sides of the mostly would like to see it escalate to a civil war. there's a lot of frustration. there's a lot of anger in the united states. i have certainly not seen it before, but you know, the us has that has had a long history in the past of federal lives and where the states have a lot of control. the tax caps is only entered the union with a provision that it could leave whenever it wanted to us. so you do have this provision in the us in us tradition. there's been centralization from washington dc over the past few decades value. and there's also the issue of the, of the state cards and the state cards are legally can be controlled by the governors in the state of war exists. so they have a lot of leeway over the state, the state guards in their state. so the, the escalation is increasing, but again, as i, as i wonder earlier, this also could be a truck because of, by the administration. the numbers are terrible for the body administration on the
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economy on foreign policy and essentially every aspect. so one thing they do have is the ability to paint their opponents as enemies of america, finding himself set at democracy itself is on the ballot. so if you don't support him, you don't support democracy. so i could not imagine a better trap than having some hod heads. you may be even federal agents down there trying to inflame the passions of the people on the conservative side, on the anti open border side to do something, something stupid. so it's an untenable situation that the former president and maybe future president trump could certainly capitalize on these last few months before the election. all right, let's come back to the conflict between russia and ukraine. now this footage behind the shows a group of ukrainian viewed the use entering a russian military jet before it was shut down by kias forces. earlier this week, russia as president put the inside of the training and military used and they to
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miss our system to target the plane despite key of having no. and it was carried detailed, the green and troops for president exchange. the key scheme that's really and that shift the entire court and key regimes isn't one way or another, based on crimes that it commits daily including against its own citizens. they shut down, or i of 76 plane which was carrying their own service, been the main intelligent service. and the ukranian army knew that we were taking $65.00 service men there. most likely the patriot missile system was used in american or european air defense system. most likely french in a couple of days, the exact answer will be given its present prudent statements expected to, but also outlining so on the key fox. really that this was probably almost definitely a western supply. their defense system is ukraine would not have had the capacity to do this itself in some ways, refers to the confusion within the key every theme initially and making no comments then of celebrating this attack. then blaming russia for the depths of these
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unfortunate man who died on a course to be a going up to speed an illusion. $76.00, crushing in a town of village an hour, each tier of belgrade the 11 15 in the morning. and it's also important to remember that the pilots on board this craft managed to steer this giant derek of 77000 kilograms and waste away from this village at the last moment. and we were told this by several of the villagers themselves. and they set up a, a shrine to these man, so we can actually have a listen to one of the wives of this heroic clue who averted the disaster, which could have occurred and made the toll so much worse in this terrible catastrophe. here was not a do i found out about the tragedy before the news came. i got a call from the military headquarters its our 10th anniversary this year. we have 2 little girls. i don't know what to say at this moment. my daughters haven't found out yet. i'm going to tell them not now, but maybe in a month were visiting my mother now. my husband was supposed to meet us at the
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train station when we returned. our daughters loved him so much. they always look forward to his return from trips. they still ask if there dad is going to meet them once they return home. i don't know how we're going to live without him. you've done this or call them this, of course, as the us and you try and still haven't made any official statement about this. a significant international incident, the russian aircraft being shut down over russian territory, not to mention this significant debt. so need, are making real statements on the us suggesting that they will look into whether the us patriot, their defense system was use of course fronts initially blocking an urgent request for you and meeting. but the, you and media that did occur, or the discussions at the you were predictably, on t, russian essentially suggesting that there is, there's no one to blame. but real sure, because this event would have never occurred if it hadn't been for the russian special military operation. that someone who did have something to say is the formidable russian foreign ministry. spokes person marie,
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is the heart of the shape of the year nicky. by committing such atrocities, the key of redeem hopes to fuel the waning interest of the international community in the ukrainian crisis. i would like to ask washington london, collective brussels as well as paris, berlin, and all those who talked about supporting the young ukrainian democracy every day, trying to out shallow each other. do you even realize into whose hands your sending heavy weapons artillery shells, which by the way contained depleted uranium, we strongly condemn these barbaric crimes of this lensky regime. and all those who enabled them without the financial material and political support that the key of regime receives from abroad such terrorist acts would not have been committed. murray is the heart of a certainly not holding back in her condemnation of this. alec current, morality. you've had the fact that there is no crime that can be committed against the russian federation in any context. and no murder,
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no terrorist action from your play and of course, the weapons, the car. yeah. and perpetuate these actions all originated with a to so where is the heart of a happy to point that out in the west, seemingly happy to yet again look the other way. but as they've done and done boss for all over a decade, and they've done here in belgrade to on many occasions, most recently went dozens of people died in a completely unprovoked attack on civilians only yards from where i'm standing at the us pushed back against the rising calls from the rock for washington to finally pull its troops out of the middle east. and country all depends on the has shrugged up those demands. say that the point is commonly not up for negotiation. you set the patient see meetings or the shaving the which all of us for is that because it's been mutually agreed upon with the right. the government is
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not to discuss this issue or is it because the u. s. is not willing to discuss this request. and the purpose of these meetings are a funny thing we meant on not to raise that issue. no, the per fault just to just to again take a step back here, the purpose of these meetings. and it's, again, it's a working group is to, is to look at what and what the bilateral relationship between the united states and her rock looks like. now that the threat of ices from 10 years ago to today is very different. for i've increase the demand for the us to we 0, it's 4th is k math of a series of american, the tax, so many shed groups in the country. washington says he has been targeting militants links to ron, or the u. s. declared that it was ending its combat mission in the in the right 3 years ago. but it is still believed to keep a contingent of more than 2000 truths in the middle east and country. earlier this month, your rights, 5 minutes to read through
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a 3rd this call for the us military to finally pack up and lean. we always repeat this. we need to push iraq away from regional and international conflicts. this is not only for the benefit of a rockies, but for the region in the entire world. political on the left, her right hand mileage. demari says that the foreign military presence in iraq is only causing trouble for the nation. of the restaurants are under the age of the current tensions in iraq are being caused by the foreign presence. the government has specialized strong trained security forces that have fog battles and were able to liberate the lands, will be rock from extremism, terrorism. and these lovick states, those security forces, have security control over all sites and the rock, what we need is for all foreign countries to stop interfering. the 1st of those countries is the united states, and we do not exclude the eastern countries,
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both countries and all other countries. this is the basic points that will pay the way for the withdrawal of the american forces from iraq. today the government officially requested through the ministry of foreign affairs to complete the tops that begin in august 2023. and there will be an important session during the month of february 2024. to clarify the features of the presence of american forces, the american forces came at the request of some military forces that are present to protect us interest in the oil companies in southern iraq and from the diplomatic commission in baghdad. as well as the baghdad military airports, the air bill, military airports, and the strategic all you and i'll a side air base when the foreign forces withdraw. all these places will be under the protection of the rocky armed forces. are to the comments where you can get for the details of all the stories we're following. how be right back at the top of the with more updates
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the hello and welcome to cross talk. we're all things are considered. i'm peter valve. few issues of polarized the world recently, like israel's war on gaza, the west defends israel's colonial side a little project. the rest of the world looks on in anger and discussed. what we're witnessing is the end of the west, 500 years of global hegemony. it is last moral authority, the cross talking palestine. i'm joined by my guest at martin in washington. he is an attorney and for.


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