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tv   Direct Impact  RT  January 27, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EST

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tomsman started on through a lot of questions. there are many to moms which have not been responded to movies . we believe we have a role and we need the means to do it to order and that they remove those administrative shackles that strangled us so far. it's only speeches, we wait for them to be effective and see how it will play out in the future. so if these actions are concrete or only words won't accept on fox, they are saying that more announcements will be made and the next few days, the better come fast forward will not stay on the bridges. we will go to the preceptors. the french state will not have the human resources to protect themselves while that's off in moscow signing off. so this how we will back up the top of what we on know, leave you high and dry direct impact with rick sanchez is on next. enjoy the
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the, the palmer sanchez. i've been doing news for 30 years and 2 languages all over the world. here in the united states, i've interviewed for president's work and 4 of the us is major television networks . i don't like what they do by the way, because i think news should be honest and direct and impactful, and this is direct impact. the i want to start by showing you a picture of somebody who's probably not supposed to be front and center in the
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news suddenly is this is janet young. so you're there for title is treasury secretary for the united states of america. as such, she doesn't really make foreign policy, but what she's supposed to, if a treasury secretaries and federal reserve chairs, which was her previous job, are supposed to stick to essentially accounting and nomics. they usually shy away from engaging in politics, certainly world politics. but here she is sharing our personal opinion on the middle east. i think america stands behind israel's period. we stand with israel. americans also make clear the israel. we're working very closely with the israel layers that they have right to defend themselves. but wait, there's more,
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or he or she is now assuring the world that the us as plenty of it's a tax payers money to spend, will continue to do so by giving tens of billions of dollars of it to ukraine. will also giving tens of billions more to israel and whatever else it might need. i think the answer is absolutely america and certainly afford to stand with israel and to support this reels, military needs. and we also can, in most support ukraine in its struggle against russia, by the way, she's not alone. secretary of state anthony blanket is assuring as real as he has a ukraine. that when it comes to funding, quote, we got your back. that's what he's saying. we got your best plenty of money. don't
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worry that there's national security advisor jake sullivan, who's also assuring his corporate media friends that he will put together a new weapons package for both israel and ukraine, which for starters, will be significantly more than the 2 $1000000000.00 each that they've already guaranteed. and not going to take the place the o and be director who will present the request that we send up at the present was very clear today that we will be making a request to the congress. and it will include a request for funding for support to israel. and he has also been equally clear that we are going to renew our request to the congress for a to ukraine. what exact form that all takes that will be worked out and presented by others, not by me. but the notion that we're going to go up and ask for is real aid and ask for ukraine aid. that's unequivocal. we are going to do that. and of course the kuta gra, there is the president himself mr. bye. i a fresh office visit to israel,
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and mr. biden told reporters that he will now tie together his funding with to ukraine with the funding for israel. it it's, it's a kind of a to for right, or maybe better said if you want one from column a, you got to take one from column b. that's why the more i'm going to send to congress an urgent budget request to fund another dispatch. so security needs to support are critical partners, including israel and ukraine, is a smart investment is going to pay dividends for american security. for generations help us keep american troops out of harm's way. now if you're a us taxpayer, like i am, and you're hearing this change during sound of the cash register going off in your head with all of these numbers. while your money is being spent on causes that have
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really nothing to do with you or your family, rest assured to are not alone. in fact, there are members of congress who are now asking some of the same questions that don't dress them from day one. they're wor, pounds, that's all right, and their business is very good right now. borrowing money from china to send it to ukraine makes no sense. you know, who else starting to ask, you know, who else starting to worry about this money? money he thought was promised to him, but may now be going somewhere else towards the cause. the fears may trump is. yeah, ukraine president a lot of mere zalinski. it explains say press reports. why he was so eager to try and combine his cause with that of israel's and how did try to do that? well, by literally inviting himself to join the us delegation as they met with his really
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officials immediately after these almost attack. interesting move right. well, instead of being welcome though he was kind of humiliated, that's how it was reported globally, by the way, that's not my word. it was reported that way in newspapers like india's induced on times in fact, what prime minister benjamin netanyahu essentially told that you, granny in president, was thanks, but no thanks. that's on. yeah, those exact words as lensky were, quote, is not the right time. ouch. so here's what's going on. now is the lens keys up, obviously, sensing something about this situation. while us officials in the bottom and ministration continue to promise ukraine, that their check is on the way history is telling a different story. as there are countless examples of u. s. foreign policy and kept promises when priorities just changed. and there is
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no bigger priority in u. s. foreign policy, by the way. then the state of israel americans need to remember it's not that is real needs. america, america needs israel. israel is the front line of defense for the uranium regime and harris that one i heard us. and when i heard our friends, and we need to be honest with the american people, so well us funding shift toward israel and the way from ukraine really to early to tell. but those closest to the situation seem to be feeling that it's all but uh, a foregone conclusion at this point. and the person coming to that conclusion, by the way, is, this is gonna, maybe shock you maybe not. none other than the finance minister of ukraine himself, sir, he march and go in a moment of candor, has told reuters that as he sees it,
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the owners are tiring of ukraine. speaking of the international monetary fund and the world bank meetings and mar cash morocco. merchant goes said that his country has been promised billions of dollars, but he's still waiting for it. and then he admitted the following. and now let's talk about the us congress. is that an impass specifically over spending, and in large measure it's about the spend that's being sent to ukraine. and as you've been hearing during these arguments, many on the republican side of the aisle or calling it money that is not well spent . it's a problem that has in fact reached a fever pitch so much so that didn't. it's already costs the old speaker of the house, his job. it has sent the entire body. really just tell us.
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just tell us what was in the secret ukraine side deal. what commitments were made to print to president biden, to continue the spending of president barton in exchange for doing things for president biden. it is becoming increasingly clear through the speaker of the house already works for. and it's not the republican conference but there is an even bigger concern for ukraine is that you have to be you have to be something like, maybe someone is like an american insider to really appreciate it. but you have to understand the american spirit is a we americans are if nothing else, man, we are extremely sickles. and we fall in love and we fall out of love with the latest media fab. like nothing you've ever seen before. nbc, cnn fox news, they sell it and we buy it until they sell something else. and then we just move on
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to the next thing. whatever else they're selling. now, one day after janish, dad is the worst place of the world and we've got to attack until it isn't. the rock has weapons of mass destruction. oops. maybe they don't. syria. yeah, been living. yeah. it's so confusing, right? how vietnam used to be the domino that would tip over lots of countries and make them all commies and to show the world today. vietnam's are trading partner. hello . funny how it works. right. and then there's a war on terror where. busy those people were all replaced by the next scene. the question for ukraine is, in the physical world of us politics, the 24 hour media cycle, the american voters who are simply used to moving on. how does it remain relevant? how does you claim remain relevant? and how does it a boy not being replaced or replaced by the next big thing?
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hey, by the way, i'd like to continue this conversation with you. what do you say we do it on twitter racks, as it's now called. i think my handle rick sanchez, tv. rick sanchez, tv and i'll be looking for you there. okay. when we come back, why have things gotten even worse for those who want to continue to send funds to ukraine? i'll tell you the name of the music. i'm one of the see it in and me and say, guess i am all. what had a little form is all i thought of it
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a i want says and stop. i don't like that. it's on whether the media you got it or not, but i, you know, you got one way just under then you will sit in data sort of my idea that i fits on a k. i know if it goes to that. i mean, i think he's going on because he, i'm a persona of a be that me court that i, i didn't go to that i won't see him to see the best. so that sort of i that out of in to see if they have and the single man to some of the manual. and all that into model is the remainder measured on it, each of the modem units off on, you know, the system just likes it and just say i could either of them. but these are, let's see, let me look to see the status of the video in and out of the system. so being at that point, i see on there the most down in the boss on the i see the see, i'm let me say the one of us, one of the main mcdaniels we knew them by the news was that guess i'm given what you're my point of view, okay. somebody said, see, i see it goes in
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a 2nd. i maybe this is why you say things on is in the, in this area going, i think the into the 2nd floor and they're explaining it straight to us the results and show us drinking process before the so there's 2 more good. as i mentioned earlier, is i've just deep requirements, not expressed here submit item. so you may have to memorize the way the cards. now problem, you know, open up in the front and then for the test. and if i know for one of the what peach tree the mention is when you might have to go by for a bit lower francisco from over both of those types of stuff that
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are coming out the lives of the figure, a way of for sure. and so the most of the, the different levels and enough one to the it's almost at the moment when the system, the good wishes and you know, the hey, welcome back. i'm rick sanchez. 2 things have happened recently that have to be extremely concerning for ukrainian president the lensky on top of some of the things we previously discussed. one is that twitter owner, eli mosque is expressing his very pointed disappointment with the ukranian counter offensive of sharing it. and he's going on to say that, in fact,
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the us should already start having talks with russia to establish some kind of truce here. but even more concerning than that probably is the fact that the us house of representatives, you know, this battle that's been going on for so long. well, guess what? they finally have a new speaker, or a new leader in the house congress. his name is mike johnson, he's a conservative republican, and he's been expressing his disapproval of sending more funding to ukraine. joining us out of talking about this is box little boat. he's in the international relations. he's also in a security atlas. he's based in moscow and he has a background in both defense, military and security. so he's really the perfect person to talk to about this. i want to start with this mark. so we got j, jo and comes out and she says, love, we certainly got enough money to fund taiwan and is real and ukraine. and so it is
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anthony blue gym. uh so it is uh, jake solomon across the united states as we have plenty of money, don't worry about it. in fact, we're also going to do a package that involves taking care of sending funds to the border as well along uh, there with texas and the arizona. so are they right? plenty of money? no, nothing to worry about to read sites or how to be. it's always an honor to, in a pleasure to be on the show. um, well, i mean, i guess that is a question that you really need to be asking directly to us taxpayers. right. the pentagon budget for last year was nearly a trillion dollars. right. not counting conflicts, spending, which is it access and by that has just asked for another $106000000000.00 on top of that. so this goes to fuel, you know, a whole host of military requirements, including
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a network of well over $800.00 military bases around the world. which is, you know, it's about 750 military bases more than anyone else has around the world. and most of those others are us allies. um, so what the us tax payers funding. it is primacy right there. the military primacy, the goal of the u. s. to not only have the most powerful military in the world, but to have a more powerful military then all of any potential rivals challengers or discontents at the same time. and then it is an interesting to say that i'm going to interrupt you cuz it just made me think of something that's been kind of not yet me a little bit as an american living here in the great united states of america. the
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country that i'm very proud for many great things we have done lately. i have gotten the feeling that everything military and militaristic have more like is on the present. you cannot go to a sporting event without having to watch rockets, literally planes. you know, we're planes going above as part of the beginning of the game. you can't go to any of that anywhere without having soldiers come up with the fly, which, you know, then you have to salute applied. and then, you know, saying that atlanta, which i'm fine with, obviously, but it just seems like there's 3 evidence towards everything being so military, you can't turn on the tv without seeing something that's joining to the military and defense and more. and then on top of all that you just said that we're only spending a trillion dollars the most ever, according to what the, by the administration just did. and yet every time you turn around,
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somebody's asking you for a donation for our soldiers, for the military, etc. it's kinda weird and i, i'm probably not the only one in this country who's noticing that. but it's not something you want to say publicly because then people are going to think you're not patriotic or. yeah i, i think is really, you made it a good point. um, i think that on multiple levels, not just the military and the military spending itself, but the militarization of us society on, you know, everything from sporting events to a completely militarized police force across the country. uh, to uh, you know, uh, domestic intelligence services like the f, b i and everything um, are incredibly, uh, you know, militarized to a degree the,
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and i'll do you one more movies, the media cable, those shows the newspapers, they carry on the wrong beach of war so that when suddenly whereas should we be sending money to country backs because we need the help of everybody's like, yeah, i guess so is that what we're supposed to do? sure, uh huh. but i mean, it's kind of like that's how they get you because no one who, no one say why no one's asking that question mark to when the us was launching a cruise missile strikes into syria. a few years ago, i remember there was a, a journalist anchor for one of the big 3. i can't remember or the moment, but he was on, you know imbedded with the forces on the ship and, and he was live and talking about how the site of a cruise missile was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen in his life. and i'm
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like, i mean, i'm x u. s. navy, and i don't know, i've seen a lot more beautiful things than cruise the cation of everything having to do. and i'm not against having a standing military. i'm not against using that military when necessary, but a 20 years in afghanistan to get absolutely nothing but make a whole lot of people rich. same we can say about a situation in iraq. and now the story we're getting that we have to just continue to give gabrielle what ever the hell that wants no matter what it is that we quote got there back. oh, and we're still going to be pumping money or your credit and we're going to be above the money it is. i want, after a while, it starts to sound pretty crazy. especially considering that most americans today, according to most studies, barely couldn't get by paycheck to paycheck without going broke. yeah, i mean,
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where would i have to wonder, why haven't the american people demanded accountability from their politicians? we started 20 trillion dollars wasted on this failed fiasco. where our politicians and our military lied to us continually about the state of the conflict for 20 years. i rack livia syria, where are we still have us occupation forces sitting on syria's oil and weak fields? right, well let's, let's talk about that because that's an interesting point you raised in this one that i think we need to address. and it has to do with really 2 things. are media, which is where we get all information, you know, the average working american good guy, go to galley, they, they put in their hours, they come home, they get their beer, they sit in front of the tv and the going to watch. i don't know what sir sean hannity, who the hell knows some cable news channel or something and they're gonna expect
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that they're gonna be told the truth. and in fact, they're generally not what they're generally they're not those people were never question. what are military or what our government does in terms of military expansion is. and it's really interesting to because in the past we used to and then the 2nd part of this is politicians. they're supposed to protect us against this kind of spending, but they don't. why is it that those 2 entity seem like varying codes with whatever the heck the military industrial complex watch, which is more wars and more said, well, one of the, of, of course is the revolving door between the us military complex. uh and uh, both the politicians and often even journalists, i mean there, there is, but you know, as lobby is there's a huge revolving door, but it's more than just personal interest because military industrial complex is the vehicle for in the ideology for an ideology of american
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exceptionalism that demands us primacy. a and germany, and that goal is seems to be pushed by the us media. i don't remember. there's a reason why we call the media the 4th a state as if they are a 4th and an equal branch of government. how many press conferences have, have we seen where reporters asking questions of either the, you know, state department, the white house press corps, the pentagon? bad during, why haven't you sent this weapon to you? great. not. not asking but badgering. why have a lot of the board did during the vietnam war, which got to go back fiasco right us? yes. right into and then and then out of. but there was a big,
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huge narrative change somewhere along the line. they just don't know if the media is capable of that type of the sense that they eventually became capable of during the vietnam war today. as long as a guy at a military corporation, whether it's raytheon or anybody else, can put money in the pocket of these politicians. these politicians will be able to support wars because they're essentially accepting legal brides. and we're talking about hundreds of millions of dollars by himself got over a $100000000.00 to become the president of the united states. much of it from some of these corporations. so house and american, am i not to then doubt whether the reason he's really solely in support of ukraine has less to do with my needs and my to his needs. and the more with his needs to
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have a question how, how do you vote against northrop grumman and, and goldman sachs? i mean it's, it's impossible with the serious problem that we're west country right now though. i mean, it's how do we mean i'm an american and then i want this country to do right. and i'm not saying i don't, we don't want to be involved. they'll generally from time to time. but it starts to look like it's just the front of the game. that's the problem. unfortunately, as long as the us dollar continues to be the global reserve currency, which is starting to rain but only slowly and the not a process that will happen. then the us can keep printing more money and borrowing more money and it's called, you know, quantitative easing and they can continue spending these enormous military budgets . but i, i think that there's more than just personal interest. there is
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a broad bi partisan consensus on the goals of us for and in military policy in pursuit of primacy and had gemini and ben rhodes called this a nor mess establishment that really decides us foreign policy mark your to like to talk to thank you. my friend, i enjoyed the conversation. thanks for having me. rick is always a pleasure. likewise, the hey, before we go, i want to remind you of our mission and simple. really. what we want to do is trying the silo the world. we've got to stop living in these little boxes where we think only our information matters. and it's all we read or see troops don't live in boxes to this everywhere. i'm actually interest. i'll be looking for you again right here, where i hope to provide a direct impact the
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russian states. never as i've started as i'm sort of the most sense community best . most all sense and up in the system must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the rush of putting s r t smith. net keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say a request, which is the
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couch area convenes the un security council in a bit to full as well to implement the international court of justice as ruling the golf on? south africa would quote the case to the hague, says, headed people. crimes have been exposed to the, well it's a crime. so gaze that part of a student in sleep. the students october last year, the people of garza had been the victims of parchment and strikes from land sea and the protocol of sending protests those around the globe takes to the streets and supposed to call to set a break in the art teacher is rulings as a when to be international, who opened a new game in the us. well they have to sit big.


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