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tv   News  RT  January 27, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EST

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the, the couch area convenes the un security council in a bit to full as well to increment the international court of justice is ruling the golf on south africa, which was the case to the hague, says, hesitates. crimes have been exposed to the well, it's crimes against the part of a student in sleep. since october last year, the people of gaza had been the victims of parchment and strikes from land sea and a profile of sending protests. those around the globe takes to the streets and supposed have called to set a break. in the i see chase rulings as a when to be international. who of know who came in the us? well, they have to sit back and realize the day of the fact of
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a genocide because they was applying the homes and all. so the victory is coming all the tensions between the israelis and the lebanese side have resulted in conflict and destruction all across the southern suburbs of 11 on all t reports from a village in southern lebanon, which is free when they find to get help on the receiving end opens reading miss sol stripe describing it aloud, thought state the governor of texas has pledge deposits and needs to kill the border with mexico. ignoring warnings from watching the kids just taught mid day here in moscow as always. thank you for joining us here at alta international, and that's kind to us for his bus stop. algeria is set to, to request the convenience of the un security council in order to implement the routing of the international court of justice and not genocide case against is ro,
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been all thoughtful, could nations foreign ministry says it's time. tennessee was held accountable for its crimes. jerry considers that the ruling of the international court of justice announced as the beginning of the end of the era of impunity from which the is ready, occupation is long benefits to give free reign to his oppression of the palestinian people and repression of or they legitimate rights on friday, the hank court issued a series of rulings on emergency measures. in the case of admitted by south africa, it's instructed as well to prevent genocide and gall sounds as well as self and punish any public and slight mental that kind of a muscle. so in show the delivery of basic services on a central humanitarian, 8 or mentions elements, the court further considers the israel muscle sure with immediate effect, that it's military forces do not commit any of the aforementioned decks. the court
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is also the view it israel must take measures within its power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement. to commit genocide in relation to the members of the palestinian group and the gaza strip. the court further considers that israel most takes immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by palestinians in the gaza strip. the south african president, several ramos those uh side as well, is being judged by the anti international community. i think that it's crimes up to tool today is ro stands before the international community. it's crimes against the palestinians laid back since october last year. the people of gaza had been the victims of bombardment and strikes from
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land sea and a the homes refugee camps. and then time neighborhoods had been destroyed and not even schools and hospitals and religious places have been sped. the people of guys that had been deprived of electricity. a few of food and medical supplies has been settled. i'm a pause. the has the destination of to the international court of justice, ruled in favor of that africans requested to impose emergency misses a case as well. or what military operations in gaza, the president says that he expects he's well to abide by the international court of justice is reading that it take ms. is to prevent the genocide a case for the seniors and guys of the court has indeed ordered is well to insure the forces, do not commit acts of genocide and to, to improve humanitarian access. and also to report back within
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a month. and only if it's f, as in wages, was a gaze combust submitted to in the gaza strip. today, i'm going to spend the dependent was at pains to highlight that just so logic off once to see some must release the hostages. the ministers hope is that a pro says to discuss with a 2 state solution is all begins in a new semester. but listen to what the minister is, how to say my husband's back to. we will begin to move toward a process where substantively a 2 state solution is being discussed. the people of palestine of stuff at home for many, many decades. i don't, but i do believe it to in today or tomorrow. but what we've done is a very clear signal has been sent by the court. and it's now a test for the government and people of israel as to whether they will act in a manner that says, all of us must respect international. this or the me is that the core critical nice the gravity of the situation and was convinced myself as because compelling
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presentations that was based on little on the fact that there are possible cause to believe that is there a is committing genocide in gaza. it means that the cries and suffering or fall of people in gaza have been here in the great hold of just of the is it a is phase? it failed to convince the court to dismiss the complaint to prove that it is not deliberately violating genocide, convention di c. j and judges assessed the facts and the law and issued that order is ready. now, with the sun trial accused of committing the crime of old cries, bringing the case to the you in stop court has been a major diplomatic victims full. so that's the recall which has long time p and the cause of palestine is a lie, cummings, they apply to, to its own. and
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a part to the comparison is all strongly reject even today is well has indeed called for the case to be thrown out to deny you. so that because of the cation of genocide as roughly distorted and saying that it makes efforts to avoid civilian casualties. he is ready, prime minister benjamin netanyahu also reacted to the ruling who was outraged by its claiming his country as being discriminated against. it's like every country is really has an inherent right to defend itself. the vile attempt to deny is real. this fundamental right is blakeney discrimination against the jewish state, and it was justly rejected. the charge of genocide level against israel is not only false, is rages and decent people everywhere should rejected victory and achievement. this is how israel took friday's rolling by the international court of justice. that's the note order to stop the idea of operation in guys asking though to minimize
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death and destruction before that the i c. j has rejected israel's request to drop south africa's case against israel. completely deciding pretoria has all legal rights and authority to initiate such a case meetings. the legal fights will continue. we have been able to speak to some people here in tel aviv. all those we talk to are in favor all these really operation as they see it as an act of self defense. also as a we have been had so demonstration hang support of the idea of offensive were people even saying they prefer to see more as strikes on the inquiry, even more intense notes refresher? let's take a listen to what people we have been able to speak to have to say, i am pleased that the upper right something guys that can continue because we've at eliminating hom us is ro is going to uh,
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side squad, security risk. i mean, fact minimal table will die. i believe that the, the army has hospital the 1st to prevent the civilians kennings. i'm not happy that they didn't to see you then. so i agree with the creation of africa with ssl certificate, which sounds like the strip it to me is really public is kind of divided and there are other opinions as well. and to war sentiment is also quite strong. here in israel with relatives of the hostages still held them to routine gaza, for example, surgeon hazel, to rather focus on negotiations with a mass to secure the release of their loved ones, instead of putting more military pressure on the in place. today's hearing at the i, c, j is only the 1st step over potentially year is long quote for the fight between south africa and israel and it is yet to be decided by the courts. if israel is committing genocide in gaza or not,
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but bottom line is that the operation and guys will continue. and that will definitely lead to mol, losses from both sides as the judges. what's different that ruling schools have demonstrate to stood outside the court in the hague to show the support for south africa's case. they were waving palestinian flags and chomping slogans. meanwhile, over in south africa. so. 6 the are being policy like seen in the city of pretoria as people celebrate the quotes routing, they believe the i such as decision is a with in snapshot of the think i had to be the 1st african. it's faced to call them the world to stop is are and we think this is a is a victim, not only for the setup for the victory, for the order. so me the because because you came in the us. well, they have to sit back and realize the day of his boss of genocide because they was
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applying the arms and all forms. so the victory is coming also. but no calls in the inbox, cold calls and, and plays happen going to the i, c, j swings, quite often peasy, optically, since it stopped short about ordering a safe spot. the, because this is good, disappointing to us. we will wait for the international court of justice to issues to make to decisions then that such as a ceasefire. i'll return to all homes in the know, all right and stopping the blood shots in the gaza strip, the rest of the city. what is happening in gauze which does not require court. everything is clear to the naked eye. the issue of genocide is clear, doesn't require court outside that i know it is a precedent for the 1st time that the judges from different nationalities, unanimously agree that we are suffering, that we have problems. and then we are having genocide. but unfortunately, they did not ask for a cease fire, but the overall decisions weren't in favor of the palestinian because palestinian act of us on officials gathered out to a local government building in the west bank city of rama on friday to watch the i
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to judge decision bank to let's it call me to the community while the activist up to lot sharah said despite know, everything going the way the palestinians had wanted. the building still carries a lot of significance, of course, as but to see means we are hoping more, you know, our hopes with much better, especially about as the retirement of up to cease via media to as pay our objective this again, against the really everything goes us to but as a whole, the statement was a very good forward to put a scene in goes and it took into consideration or the gomez that were presented by itself after the can team gets team. and of course uh it just states, it also is the ones that i really need to see is the new anything uh, you know, side for that gives us through. i hope there will be fair to that issue about
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uh, getting side that's helping you guys us today and uh, advising that, asking is a 3 course that is very important. and then uh and uh, this whole, the tool that sees you and go on uh with uh, all the people stretching as far as the i could see support for palestinians on clear display on the streets of young men. what tens of thousands also expressed on the recent is really on us military actions in the region. the hey, we came out today to say the we and the palestinians are one people. we are in one trench. our cause is one cause their blood is our blood. their cause is our cause. it's the cause of the entire error is lumnick nation. low get to america, death to israel, a curse upon the jews, victory for islam. nothing over the day we ask that you have many armed forces to
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intensify strikes on american ships until the american and british enemies surrenders. and the siege on the people of gauze as lifted and 8 is allowed to enter for them the 2nd day somewhere with hundreds of thousands. it does perhaps even given a quote for picking out shows all of your teeth, the people of the deceased guys is reporting to these protesters are under going over 3 months. i mean it's really, that's genocide. now the message that this demonstration is very clear and very similar to the previous message in the previous demonstrations. and that is to continue with support for the people of palestine. and the continuous support for the armed forces for the most on the left, will be moving to continue their air strikes to continue launching tiles a launching on man. drones in the red sea in the gulf of painting is revealing
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ships to us, link ships and even with british lead ships. and that's mainly because these are the issues with the people are the hard team and not just the enemy old pedal, sorry. well, not just the old, deepest these guys of strips, not just the enemy of cameron, but the protesters. they're telling me that these are the 2 nations for anatomy of all of mankind. for the goose i'm so fluids of each other site taking place and palestine. other protesters are saying they want the army to continue to conduct and escalate their military officers is the, let's see there are you the suggested that the countries the status of a blacklist and be prevented by causing by the winds up while the world's attention was focused on the hague can go to the killing and destruction continued in his way to destroy it on a residential how house and the left at least 6 civilian instead of many more
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wounded. the attacks came less than 24 hours off to a similar strike that killed 15 people, including a baby. the idea of targeted the almost a rock refuge account, which is a densely populated area of the law. it all comes as a total number of casualties has risen dramatically. open $26000.00 have now being towed up since october. the 7th. the majority of whom all women and children over 60 full 1000 palestinians have been moved at the war and dollars is claimed, not just lives. button livelihoods to fishermen have been left high and dry with no equipment. and that for no means to do the very job that puts food on so many people's tables. so which on this month when somebody picks up the story, immunize for you the, you're going to be medina. i'm here reporting from the fisherman sports west of got the city, a place where the is rarely occupation has destroyed along with the boats and equipment belonging to the fisherman. let's take a look at just how this tragedy has affected the livelihood of locals in the area
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in the us be more than $110.00 days since dr. patient destroyed our land. now there are no boats, no fishing, and no sign of the previous fishermen who frequented here. but we live by god's will. and provision comes only from him. even if the war were to stop today, everything has been destroyed. the borders are closed in all directions. maybe there is a 30 kilometer area where 1 may fish, but it's a narrow zone. and fishing is also forbidden in the west. where's once a go? even before the war there was a big deficit. but now, well, there's simply nothing less or less than i'm the has a we have 2 small boats, one of which was completely destroyed. hopefully the remaining one will stay. now if we catch something we eat, and if we don't, we don't us at all. that's been destroyed was all we're supposed to work with. so there are no tools. there is no life,
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nothing. the school has destroyed us all 310 days. we haven't even add to the see until now. we've adjust the city and haven't being compensated. it's, we can go all kinds of work, can't do anything. there's no supports. how do we don't have money to work or to get equipments? we have no money, no, nothing like i did. let me have definition of it is really occupation, did not only destroy the fisherman's boats, un hender activities, but also destroyed this rooms containing their equipment and tools. why the way, what's up by r t from goes to city and i see that gall site is not very neat. territory finding itself on the receiving end of is randy attacks. the southern pulse of lebanon has also been targeted, would be un saying $86000.00 people being displaced and civilian infrastructure has been destroyed. but many still remain in those board of regents like in the town of him at great risk to the lights or cheese. yes, and that's and how's the story at one point in time, the lebanese town of c,
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i'm was home to almost 30000 people. it was also home to and is really prison and is $5000.00 prisoners, including $500.00 women. over the decades, one by one people left their homes and am until only a few remained. but most of it is among those to the 10 students shop a day in and day out with the hopes that one day people will return without welcome to the end, the beginning thinks we're good. but when israel started bombing with phosphorus and destroying homes, people started leaving for safer places because they had children because of the air strikes. i lived the village for one day and came back to open my shop. i will see my village and i want the people to return when everything is okay, locals, say israel is attacking the outskirts of the sea. i'm using white phosphorus, destroying fields, void of any civilian life, but they are vital for civilian livelihood. is real,
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has denied using white phosphorus, but the us says, the reports coming out of lebanon are concerning. we are concerned by the reports of the use of white phosphorus. obviously there is legitimate military use for white phosphorus, but that does not include using them on civilians. it means that if you use them, you have to do everything. you can to minimize civilian harm. any time that we provide items like white phosphorus or really anything to another military, we do it with the expectation that it will be used for legitimate purposes and in full keeping with international humanitarian law and the art law of armed conflict . so we're looking into this and looking for additional information. however, when attaching densely populated civilian areas is real sticks to conventional weapons, but even that is enough to cause devastation. and the distance is the, is early settlement of mcculla. it's roughly 4 kilometers from c, m, and the tensions between the israelis and the 11 east side have resulted in
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conflicts and destruction all across the southern suburbs of 11 on and as a result, thousands have been displaced from a southern lebanon. and as a result of this conflict, the people, the fia, and mostly left the city, there were about 5000 people that used to reside here. but artillery fire air strikes and attacks. some of these really side have left people with very little to no options. among other options, the residents of the are choosing to stand their ground and observe a close. the consequences of war can uh they had stalled those hating here in this area. and people said it was a strike. so we went all to watch what was happening. we will watch you from here, how it looks, all pencilled to bottom, coming down, and i've waited for it to fall on me detonated in front of me. my, um, gods hits. so as much as they want to scale us by throwing bombs, we spend strong until the last breath saying that we are not defeated. since early
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october, southern lebanon has seen displacements in the 10s of thousands and on like northern israel, where the government has evacuated almost all civilians, civilians and southern living on choose to stay. despite of the bombing and the looming threats of death. johnson, again, archie in the southern lebanon. no threat from the biden administration will stop texas from securing it's pulled up with mexico ops the clay warning from the low stall states governor for one day. as you might imagine, we are prepared in the event that that unlikely event does occur to, to make sure that we will be able to continue exactly what we've been doing over the past month. and then as a building these barriers, whether it be the cost, you know, wire or other kind of board, there is whatever we've been building. the bottom ministration is now trying to attack us because of it. and we will continue to do exactly what we're doing to
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expand our denial of legal entry into the state of tech. texas has been fighting against the federal government and quarters of the states all the policy. and it's also known 25 republican governors have issued a statement of support, citing the record high number of my point crossings. that's this is what over time is representative said. when asked if he was on board. the former president donald trump, has suggested to all the republican governors out there was certain members of your states national guard, and your case governor would be the oklahoma national guards. send them down to texas to help greg abbot, are you going to do that? absolutely. you know, i've done it once before and we're looking, i already talked to my tag, my general made so, you know, we've already started putting the numbers together. we'll be in contact with governor rabbit. florida governor on desantis says state, so throwing the weight behind texas as the board issue is old national consign. i
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think that what's happening in texas is not just a texas issue. it's an american issue. and you ever situation you have a situation, we kind of are 8000000 people pour into this country, illegally adjusted in the last 3 years. and if texas they have requested we've obviously we've got f, h p, fish, and wildlife. we've had guard, we may do more national guard, but we also would be willing to do the florida state guard. and the reason why you would want to do the state guard is because the fed at the president would not be able to federal lies. the state guard. the texas governor has a case of bite and administration of failing to protect the nation. and ton washington called the states auctions and legal on demanded at safe fortification operations for the twins. for our deadlines, the boss has already expired. the white house folks passed and said people are
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playing political game. we will not shy away from calling out what we see is political games from the governor because it is not safe, it does not protect our communities. it's not, it doesn't help border patrol to do their jobs. so we will continue to call that out. that's not gonna hold us back. meanwhile, present barton wants congress to pos and national security spending billed to boast of security on the board to thought it's tied into a to both ukraine and israel. something republicans have a post political on this on starting said the board. a situation is starting to boil over. this is the basis of, you know, what you can call the civil war, but it's essentially, you know, at this point it is civil, right? it's not, you know, we're not going to be sending the violence, we hope here. but the point is that there's a, there's a fundamental raft. when you have half the country, you know, oppose to the certain policies that are housed in favor of or let's say the are more relaxed about the policies. and you know this, this becomes
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a major hot topic bite in, has, as talked about, or that i guess it's is being infer that he can federal lies, the national guard. right. and basically try to use the national guard, they take the national guard away from texas to this case, right from abbot. one thing that's already been done is the services retaliation. you know that, that gets a subjective but by the, by the administration is as busy blocks currently are for the cause on like with natural gas exports, which affects texas. um, so you can start seeing what the economic appraisal is that a realizing the national guard would be. another escalation that i would have to respond to. um, but yeah, i mean the last thing you wanna see something, you know, escalating into actual physical conflict and fine if the ssl farmers and fonts are digging in when it comes to that dispute with the government that pro test is continuing to grow with yet more roads and major highways being blocked by tract is demonstrate to as have been finding ties and displaying in front of with slogans.
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cooling on the president to respond to that to mom. farm is on happy with the rising taxation on costs that i'm making up businesses unprofitable. then you'd have pointed probably minutes to gabrielle. i told sort to appease the farm as during a visit to the south of the country he filed, the governor would prioritize the agricultural sector on the call. you wanted to send a message and i've received a loud and clear, we have decided to place agriculture above everything else. we're going to put an end to the reform, a tax increase where the state gains nothing and on top of that stuff is losses. the 1st step is that we're going to increase what was planned in terms of compensation for veterinary expenses. we're putting a budget of 50000000 euros into it, and it's going to go very, very quickly. press prime minister gabrielle at the went to the south of france today, where farmers are particularly experiencing hardship because the land down there is not as rich as it is here in the north. and the one real take home here is that,
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well, nothing is really been decided. the consultation process is now being watched by the prime minister between the agricultural industry representatives and the unions and the various pre facts. so interior ministry representatives to try to get some kind of an idea as to what the problem is and why farmers are so upset right now. one concrete thing he did say is he proposed 10 different points of simplification to implement right now. and it's not clear whether or not this is even going to be able to make a dent in the issues that they face. for example, he says instead of having multiple controls, a farmer only have one state control and won't have multiple state controls. and you say, you know, the time for appealing,
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certain things will be reduced. and well, that's great. that means that the french bureaucracy, which is already absolutely crushing, is going to be maybe re reduced the tiny little bit, chipped away a little bit. again, it doesn't address the issues of cost of energy costs, the raw materials, the tax is the cost would be able to even employ a table because the government is so heavy handed with its taxation, none of that is being addressed and it's not clear if it ever will be addressed. the prime minister also said that this is a consultation that he's going to initiate right now, and it is hoping that it continues in the future. so more talking, i'm sure that's gonna solve a lot of problems. however, it demonstrates just wouldn't impressed with the concessions offered by the pm. so those spit heading the protests along with the farmers themselves bound to continue the fight. that won't be the decision. if we decide to continue this mobilization, it's a difficult decision, but
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a necessary one because the prime ministers announcements don't, don't throw a lot of questions. there are many demands which have not been responded to movies . we believe we have a role. we need the means to do it to order and that they remove those administrative shackles that strangle us so far, it's only speeches. we wait for them to be effective and see how it will play out in the future. so if these actions are concrete or only words on the tip top box, they are saying that more announcements will be made in the next few days. they better come fast, forward will not stay on the bridges. we will go to the preceptors. the french stage will not have the human resources to protect themselves. not is how the news is shaping up so far this saturday, for molto head on over to ask you to come and enjoy the rest of the weekend. the
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