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tv   Going Underground  RT  January 27, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EST

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did when were arrived there? we waited all night. we were told that there would be a train and the carriage would be with the children from leningrad. after we rushed onto the train, they began to change her clothes and brought us warm underwear. and i'm old moving and astonishing stories of heroism and bravery from the siege of leningrad awaiting you. right now. it's on the i'm action or time food. welcome back to going underground will cost to go around the world from the middle east, on the $79.00 kind of as the review size. liberation of germany's genocide allows for its concentration camp in poland. part of the holocaust which killed around
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6000000 jews, while governments and people around the world commemorate those victims. apparently nothing is being done to stop the alleged genocide being committed right now with u . k. u, as a new weapons in the middle east against palestinians in gaza were over 25000 people have been killed mostly women and children. this in a week ways. riley, bmw and yahoo rejected the creation of about a city and state something called unacceptable by un secretary general engineer gutierrez. joining me from tel aviv now is a former is really excessive member and incumbent germany. these really are majority by large party which advocates for the rights of palestinians in israel. a thank you so much, i'm sorry for coming on. soon as i said today, the anniversary of the as, as, as liberation of our shipments. stollins troops saving so many jews from german genocide. why is the u. s. u k. um, to attack on gaza? you the attack on guys a like ash which is the poland and then the pin in human history. we had such
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a run it scene. yeah, i think this is the 1st time by the way that the victims of life, but it's little bit that the jewish people will have suffered so much wrong from racism and from the human a zation a are now and the national guard for justice is being charged was crimes of of, of jennifer. this is, this is unbelievable then is so, so sad and so frustrating because it seems that unfortunate the human beings do not look at them anything from, from history. a. and this is really very negative . i'm not promising. going to do to commemorate this, this is this, the important historical event you, you would expect that people would learn something, you know, at least the victims would learn something, but to,
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i'm not seeing any of this happening and was being continuous war crimes drives that it a uh, but by south africa and a lot of other states i see and by the palestinians of wars are seen as, as grams, that you can take, it can be gold jello site. and then, and it's unbelievable all this all the situation a you know, in the order of 1948 and then the palestinian neck about it. the whole is the biggest that our 1st thing in the city of that time, and 98 percent of its population were any exposed buses, honest forces, the different parts of the less the went south out in guzman. now when i'm talking to now, the state instead of which i'm, i'm a citizen, it is now a $1000000.00 families. you know,
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all of the 1st indian families in java. we have our relatives invested in not just the state is getting the we are not allowed to express our views against the killing of all our funding. well i'm at the is a was against budget, but i'm not the voice against your general side who are not the voice that against the war trance? no. the only legitimate voice in this there is row out of this crazy fascists who are asking for more blog or more destruction for, for throwing up on beaumont guys. though for more genocide guns, it's unbelievable situation. yeah, we should say it's not all jews clearly certainly because it's a self proclaimed jewish state by a certain jewish lead is that we can give that out. sure. it's a comparison of course. uh well the, what is it like, i mean i understand you and your wife other than that i,
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i want to share something with you. i totally agree with. first of all, of course it's not the jewish be. and of course, it's not because of anything they've got to do with your jews or you just met just that we have a very small minority of jewish activists who are paying very high price because they are struggling for human rights to imagine the situation thus far are supporting just as this was struggling for it. well, if you have those was struggling for human rights, and this was wrapped out in serious danger. but of course, no, of course not. then it's, it's, it's this and it's not all of the judgement and what, what, what is being done. you know, we are talking about the combination of watch. the policy is of the is riley, different governments has been leading the jewish people, not just in israel, but all over the world to be much more in danger because of this
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racist and specialist wallace's that just done. a gunter does the vision of zionism that districts have been the most safe place for drugs on here. it is being the most dangerous place, not just one of the tools inside of it, but also from the jewish people outside the state of israel. yeah, you refer to be brave the jewish people that express solidarity with those activities. who believe it is genocide, you know, that nature, nation media reports that a israel is a free country is a democratic country and that's what locks it out is so different in the middle east. what is it like to be a palestinian living in this state of israel? what's the phone? i wish it was. you know, you hear you, you'll be out of this propaganda all the time. and as a citizen in this,
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in this part of the world, i would have loved it to be in my mind for when we established our political party trying to exchange it. it's also for the democracy annual. and the, the main agenda and my political party is trying to change is role from a joyce state estate, which is due on race and the racial separation into a normal democracy. we call it this depth of all its citizens because we are struggling in the state of this right for equality and justice for all we have to consider the extreme. and imagine this irony, those who are struggling for peace, justice under equality for all are going through the day 3 months during war, the rest, your reward is being arrested. i just the end of all of the other boys is that that supports a few patients that wants to give gusta on the seat that wants to give joy superior
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already. that's why it's ok, precious a patient of course, other legitimate and it is so contradicted that any in this that you are just so full of contradiction. now we are not allowed to express our views against the war . you know, all the senior leadership, what 20 percent of the population inside the system we have been trying to organize in march or the city as the most efficient against the war. since the 1st week of the war. we are being threatened by this valuable ease. in every time that regard to bring the lessons for the most station, that's the order that was in there. police station is to use live bullets to prevent decimal domestic writing. i was the day for hours me and another few colleagues. that's where for my member of the kinetic been part of the senior leadership, we were in a legally did the the any and,
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and less of it will is vision. and then we did that on the police station for hours because we wanted to and you have a small wrought this less than 50 people. get a in g one sign in, out of the gabriel english, ask you to stop the war. that's all been hundreds of our students and this value new verse. it is what expos illegally from the colleges and universities because they are all the human sentence on the social media that they part of them wrote that the children are blooming also in gaza, or stop the war or equitation for the i'm going to stop you there because if you're comparing what's happening because unlike house rates, and if you look at the figures, your med saying 4 percent of guys are killed, wounded or disappeared. that's a waste of 13000000 americans being killed by bones. in the usa say your clear that non violent protest is the issue even though jews rose up in the warsaw ghetto to
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kill the captors and oppressors. and when there was a great module or 2 and a peaceful palestinian protest in gaza, thousands were killed was to be honest in the 1st few weeks. and we would frankly defend ourselves because it, the situation was so dangerous that our expectations of lead this, of this part of the palestinian people. that the explosion of the philistines people is still a political program for the gun. it is really government. and for all this extreme right, fascists and israel, not just for the people cost but for all the palestinians and all over the historic . and by this imagine that the situation was so dangerous and the most viewed was so a full of what's left of mentality,
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of revenge on violence that we were expecting also. and love that exposure for 20 percent of the is riley citizens. we have, is there any we are getting the citizenship. we were expecting that because we are not jewish. we might also be expert in like over 4 or 5 years in the 1941 and then so you are right. you are in and in the situation in a democratic society, you would step general side was all means that you can think of. i mean, that was the was to get to, i mean, he wasn't genocide in south africa. mandela didn't even say was, it was a pod today, and mondale is supported and he's always support from palestine to his life. they need to bomb restaurants to end up outside. that was mandela strategy. but then i'm
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telling people to do this. that was the strategy of a lot of different national movements that were any struggling against apartheid occupation and so on. we have chosen a different strategy and our strategy is to try to build a better future for all by the way. this is a very special and very complicated situation. it's different. the or other said, look on your project. we are seeing over a month, our goal. right. and so both with just a good. the 1st thing in question and the jewish question. now this is a new situation where the victims of the subtler colonial project are seeing their, their, the political goal in saving both sides. it's not just the 1st thing in question because, but all of the options, all of the solutions, if you can imagine, could be very violent and very any good get don't bring much, would be, um,
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i'll give it a mindless position. was different that i've interviewed nelson mandela before he died. his position was different and did see that as well. he didn't see the mass legible app for economist. similarly, political violence or swap. and he chose at the end, mondale to save his people and to build it, but the future for all citizens of south africa. they chose that the democratic identity, but because he was in jail, it was some time we have a shot at how stop you, the more from the champion of these rarely our majority by life policy improvement class and member off of this break the
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the, the little go back to going, undergoing i'm still here with the chairman of these really our majority party important tonight. that members army was shot at. somebody in part when we were talking about the mandate was very different view about resistance to apologize. and of course, the warsaw, ghetto and associates anniversary. and i should to ask you really whether even a non violent embargo kind of know environment, the em any one of the ships, the ways really link resulted in british and american and strikes on e. m. and this week is that the kind of scale of attack on any attempt to
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protest against what's happening and garza, the americans have decided to take sides in this. and then in, in this conflict and method of supporting those riley's and the world crimes is they are sitting in this riley company. now what will work up in that, that taking the decisions that the americans, i any, are very active or off or disappeared. crimes say a lot of the british, the british, most of the side of the, the support of the is also after all, the discovery of all the is value lies. regard to the 7th of october. and the beginning was all the, it's built on over. and the adopted, there's really not they've been, or there to support this on the human eye deck and gauze on it when they did not know the truth. but now they know they know that the is,
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that is where lying about what happened on the 7th of october, that the, the, that was both of the products now they knew and they have decided to be part of this warcraft. so we kind of deal with them and then on the objective park. unfortunately, everybody we are and is bank of very high price for that. you know, imagine if people did learn something from the 2nd world war and did learn something from the jewish experience of the 2nd world. and instead of all this destruction of all the scaling of all this blush, it, they would have invested the same resources of the same amounts of money and energies in building nothing just in, in, in destroying go. so what would have happened? what should that? no, no, no, no, no, be seeing a totally different modalities. but unfortunately,
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so you can still be people learn very little out of the, any of the end of history, including people from, but on any historical experience in it before. and you would at least expect it more human approach was oh, just a palestinian pain from people who are victims of of, of, of, of a general. so i have to work victims or phrases in 4444 centuries. but now you, i've seen braces wallaces, war crimes. it's as well, you're seeing solidarity of goods from south africa and the global south clearly which shows that those to whom evil is being done are indeed doing good. this the so very big any many very important sooner there at the move once that, that gives us a way to be pulled, by the way,
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from jewish active. this is ro and from different parts of the also any from jewish americans enjoys. you'll be, as will i see them, and you can imagine how important is that, is it this will it that i think because at the it's it still keeps some meaning for the values that we have been struggling for, for the kids who will be at the top is often being censored from mainstream circle, mainstream media, obviously in nature nations, i should say that the debunking of sexual crimes being committed on october, the 7th they headed babies and the sorts of stories still being repeated. actually it'd be un security council even after being debunked, but then you've gone honestly, is like, oh sure it's what does that make joe biden wishy so next as live on the land of the e. u. i. they can co conspirators in genocide of what they meant and it the, the,
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their support is what allowed is ready to do. all this, you know, is really good. then tell them all. this was of the american british and eased report from the 1st week. they give it a huge support for is right to do what ever they wanted to they, you know, i remember what it was, the 1st important articles regarding it is the intention of, of doing a genocide, grimes and what was written by a jewish is riley story. and these did, you know, in the states, april 1st or rods? that said, is a, it's telling the world that they are intending to do general? is that correct? why is the world not believe, even though the prime minister is think so if the difference minutes there is a so if the any military leadership are saying,
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so why is or let been everything the they are saying they are intending to do that? well, i understand with respect to be to by been so not going to be others. and as in schools as of african drawers are preparing a 2nd case at the end to initial goal of justice against them because they biden, etc, deny it all. what about uh, again with that 2nd world war reflection of the importance of joseph goebbels to it was campaign against the jews, the communist, and so on and nazi germany. how far is nathan nation media complicit in the genocide to cnn sky news? the bbc, you media and the way they've been reporting a day, compress it as bots. adams, in this international court of justice case against israel. i think, i think at the beginning they were all misled by the early narrative. but i think later on they started seeing it things differently,
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and now they are trying to, to be a little bit more objective. it still, you know, the, the, i mean the, they have a few problems. first of what is the following anyway. i know for them to cover just uh and uh, and then no objective way. they never saw that there was a uh on bbc that they're not allowed to send the drum, listen to gods. and because of his rarely, they said that what is right allows the jo notice to do something they've done well, is led by the arms books now. and it's imagine the army which is accused of a workman's takes the drawer and the list. and that's what, what to do, and what the rad, or what to do, or where to go, is they lead them to that, the items they want them. right? otherwise, the book that i don't think of it, well, i mean, was it the bbc that is oh yeah, there's outpatient nation journalism kind of works and it's in and i have to say
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but um and that's just get onto your personal story. then i understand you and your wives, relatives of been killed in the by u. s. u k. u weaponry. unfortunately, a yeah. and then as i told you know, on the palestinian big families of jeff. uh we have a relatives in in guzman, the oh, me my wife. all of my friends in uh, 3 days ago i was and i went to visit my brother and he lives in an area of, of the deck. if i need to know the doctor from me, the last in uh, in one of the bone beings said d over the family members income. when i visited them here and job, they were having a discussion. you know, when we come home or 8, when you want me, when we well new or visit dental condolences and things and the family or what,
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what discussing between them sense if they are allowed to warm if they're allowed to have it then because they lost their deal of their family and they want to warm and, and they were terrified that there's value, what is what come on at that them in the, in that then so then the decided not to do it. but any, imagine this situation that's not enjoying it on the audio, your people, your relatives, your director of active or you, you can't do anything to them. you know, all of the people that stepping me now in the streets, in joshua as a leader of the want to do something for that for me. they can afford to help them economically that they can. and you can imagine what does that do? do do, do to the people psychologically that the or goverlan, your brother is in
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a very serious need objectively you can help him. but because of this, the, because of the racist policy is because of the you panel. you kind of and this i think, you know, it's hard to explain this, but i think that the war is not just doing all this to have the, the we are seeing in gaza now 25000 and less than $5000.00. and it just disappeared . don't know what i don't know that i'm not what i'm not unfortunately probably they are not. i think this war is all this violence. crimes is killing the souls of, of, of, of hundreds of millions of people all over the subsidy as much as they need the
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people of government, the crowns in the west bank, in jerusalem, or all of this attack on that. but the thing is, insight is, i know this is a huge amounts of pain and frustration. i don't know why all these states that claim democracy and claim that they get about to human rights or the constitution talks about to human rights and equality and justice. a, how are they and let's see what or, or, or all this being and was destruction of how as they did support thing is i had to tell you this, i don't know, maybe not, maybe none of these people because women and children would have been killed without a british american and european union weaponry, given the inability of palestinians in the occupied territories to attack israel effectively. when will the time come to attack the? so the countries that of the sources of the weapons that of getting older women and children and i, i like, you know,
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it's, this is the hardest thing to do in such a situation. i think our role as, as, as political leaders is trying to keep some was all this up to you wish it was all this restoration was all this and was all this very tempting the will to revenge a i think over a lot of me and will now is, is just to keep our humanity. i'm not to lose hope. i have to try to think positively on it, but the future for was this hard situation. very complicated situation is we should not allow ourselves or our people a to become a victims of, of, of this instinct of, of,
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of revenge and, and, and violence. our role is this is due to destroyed this vicious circle of wireless and revenge and to try to build a better future for the i didn't leave revenge. i mean is it was strategy, but now you're right. you are right. no, i know you don't with the front, as i know it does not mean any other adventure, of course, i know. but seeing in you and that i, i'm really and i want to be talking to frank with you. i'm telling you that this is not, this is not an easy mission. this is not an easy mission. a. and the problem is that any of the is riley political discourse from all the different will it. and the imagine you know, all that, that we are having this discussion was my, any part the comrades and it was my friends that tell me that some of you are
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talking about democracy for all the adjustments to equality who's not in this was this one here that the thing about before. now what, what is the other side? what? well, not even one is riley political party. went against the war crimes or asked for the step of the war or not to go to the innocent people. of course, i mean i know i know well well into a very hard situation. tell me i was yada. thank you to that's it for the show of continued condolences to those surviving the killing in gaza will be back on monday with the retired us army lieutenant colonel and professor wolf. i didn't studies at the us army will college john? not go until then. you can keep in touch, why will i social media if it's not sensitive in your country? and how do i channel going on the warranty? and remo dot com to watching you and all of the episodes i'm going on the right,
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2 months. the, the that, that the media and the big, the band this to go ahead the, the quote assumption somebody should, but after the civil unions almost to cancel the somebody even if i video storms to, to go to check on board is showing that emission here and then we left ship them to the doctor was it will be available, solution accessible was on your list of all the services.
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the headlines right here are not the algeria cold for the un security council to convene and a bit to false israel to implement the rulings handed down by the international court of justice 24 hours ago. by that israel storage way denies the genocide claim is facing. 174 civilians are killed in 300 wounded. an idea of attacks on gaza in just the last 24 hours is the forwarding. somebody's going into a lone star state, the texas governor pledging to personally secure the border with mexico. ignoring the feller code was coming out of a hold of watching the
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