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tv   Documentary  RT  January 27, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EST

1:30 pm
he wants congress to pass a spending bill for border security, and he's attempting to get republicans to binding on the due. however, that is against their, against the little small detail of a $100000000000.00 plus package loops into it. that will be shipped off to ukraine, and these are all of the kilometers on stove. takes us through the process that he said has the potential to factor united states. this is the basis of, you know, what you can call the civil war. but it's essentially, you know, at this point it is civil, right? it's not, you know, we're not going to be sending the violence. we hope here. but the point is that there's it, there is a fundamental risk when you have half the country, you know, opposed to the certain policies of their house in favor of, or let's say they are more relaxed about the policies. and you know this, this becomes a major hot topic bite in, has as talked about or that i guess it is being infer that he can federal lies, the national guard. right. and basically try to use the national guard, they take the national guard away from texas to this case,
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right from abbot. one thing that's already been done is the services retaliation. you know that, that gets a subjective but by the, by the administration is as easy blocks currently or for the cause on like with natural gas exports, which effects texas. so you can start seeing what the economic reprisal is that a realizing the national guard would be another escalation out of would have to respond to that. but yeah, i mean, the last thing you want to see something, you know, escalating into actual physical conflict. a file actually all day this hour he can get details on our team does come. i'll see you again in about 30 minutes. the previous menu, the news so that we will lose each kilogram and
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any sort of good. so but shift so you do have that experience for the rest of the material to put on the details. frontier files. oscar no issues 1st more than that i'm. i don't know if this, this just when she was doing this by junior 1st the prep or go to the other depending item for transit almost. so it's good to see where i'm from. cooper style, new industrial. sure. 3rd school categories. i bet you pull up a start and i'm not,
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we've been here. thank you pretty do the . 2 the anything i beautiful here beginning via tiffany beach and it's beautiful, but she was easy to solve all so you may seem to throw in the knee there on the 20th and then it was given like sports even numbers a lot. mccade. yeah, upgrades. close, of course, he didn't, you know, i did cheap, i'm was doing that to them and that's too much business, especially checkbook cleaning, coming up, the more people i read him, what's the good to me?
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so i'm just going to ask you to do that's the get. the pass code is always to even look what they're going to do is and you might have, you show, even though they're on the front of the dispute, it's going to happen. so it needs to be noticed that that will be no argument when you turn down the okay. and so even the park has already out as much as i'm for the keys. even let me just give us a phone the i will buy new, but asylum on sure. if they've got to be we've got that expression for by name and, and deal with the thing. and those burleson me with that the show if i'm progress, mention to player, that's what they just give me and they're only within the budget, you're spending the deal. it's uh, bringing you have to purchase. not sure. could it be helpful, but you're moving with them and send you what is nice, but i see what's your number, your phone,
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me and your just give you the one that actually comes to the problem was the only that, those numbers the subject associated with that the quote was over, i wish i was wrong. virginia, where is it? probably almost like a place, but then you think your grandma you have gain a close as you are the most case of the orders components. i'm showing the functional company story sheer for transfer can without those conditionals of this, of this even unless i'm comparative local property and you have black on our computer. most of getting, it was like, almost like a single give it a mutual serial number, but it isn't e o, but you know, i was looking pretty sufficient. i'm going to wish you the right. but the possibility. now let's see if the plan deal less of the drum color, able to attend a subsystem that i've seen a choice. the single donor for. yep. or his little facebook for stace took care of them. want
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them that shows him special for for 3 more years. was watching the risk of me on the last what my vision was the store in the last couple months. i'm used to sure the last week. so why should we we broke for 3 and i'm one of them. is beatrice returning the gloss? pardon me? split into what's up and i would have a meeting with patrol, but he's also going to come in for some work to present. you'll see the whole sandwich in, if you don't want, as opposed to once you get almost level where you see the force and what is this going? your slide it them, it's always thing going to a low system printed only the presence with a general thing. what actually scale, which is quite interesting isn't show any of the bows number. when you look at, there's someone that i have to see if the can you please you the video and show us jane your process before you so much for like going countries to
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mostly keep going. as i mentioned, this is i've just typical plan with finality express here submit item. so you may have not only can regards us boomers to, to watch threats. they show play while a say on a goal is on his end or bands to ship his camera cause he drove to the front. i know the engineer from his designs, a smaller recognizance plan, named sky successful, started as soon as i show a pretty what that's concerning the question, the starting point of the season. yeah. so yeah, so this, let me get the idea thing. and i, if you want to know boating of some of the, one of the, for you, so last some very well, some of the machine you a little, the 30th the 31st one you 0 very about the it's, let's see what's the most now all far are this somebody will take full given narrative mission so that you just must deal with the child smile, most of most of the name please, or some of the ceiling mission or somebody over. i knew it was your list of your sure about that. this is way me cuz i got to and just almost enjoying you will not
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have the opportunity for the youth. i'm here last the restore upon the only thoughts you might have with the most young people chats that's for the rest of the rest of the boy. even though both interest, if show pumps in the, of the when the least and mutually get these meaning you know, where i'm going to properly stream the teen 30th please. sonya with local oil change and the full full change because you do solution jeremy unfortunately is up with me in the warehouse we have you mentioned diligence when we somebody looked before you probably wouldn't just put that on your old soft coming pop up. well no, we somebody on both these guys on utilization at all. there's always someone your political, the show really on the phone with you the
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truth, let me i will. the ticket though, the, the east professionally polluted niecy knows this into a, it's a used vehicle from you this. what's your deal? we pull up a little with someone with a smooth and grab a nipple insurance through someone up with crystals which you only when you what you are of cool enough that the last the bullet she didn't open yet. it seemed that this isn't it. it will control really to know when you are well one of course to, to, and treatment, and also things 1st of 2 products. the to have somebody to, to, to look up the order. mean what we've just in the process here. as i mentioned, receipts here through each through each solve of elizabeth and increased. can you visual fight them on the only e and your near within the players?
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it wasn't sure what it means. you know. and also some question was do i have that alone? if the issue, if at the phone will did shift all of these, but it's gotten into the bus, i've got one more that the best cut the points to flip back vertebrate those k e subjects. uh which unfortunately i'm in the pricing as a court order. right? yeah, they even the point did just do it. got upset over that way. scott did that, but it depends on the way to meanwhile in some feet, as the local enthusiasts have grown identity, little flour drange up my little yeah. i drove off my way to the practical things that i figured out, let them say somewhere, but it wasn't on the bathroom such as low as 3 to cancel this callback of for
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instance, that on got things. yeah. but the little guy see when i looked at is the partial uh what i see is cuz we got them this month. uh we shes so you know this way with the models or can i see with your 1st name the funds get on it will still got a pin 0 really just send me a letter to you what i was doing. yeah. at the promotion and actually put that at the school. no problem. this 15 still to lease, or there was a my for the new semester come on because i asked them which these products then would see that on a 15 way model and shows the, the lesson plan was to have my own portion, personal affairs and the assignment assume assignment for the shopping. so now i'm sending workers for, for not for what if somebody i'm about to go through my shoulder almost portfolio from our fairly veronica. but on the drop off coupon for the vice principal financial support. this could be a little difficult to talk to you was my products,
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most of them are going to come by and pro that's what i knew was not done with computers. i don't know which of these parts of the group we approve the super prove. i don't know if the movie, the 1st thing for fun up to so in other words, negative from i thought of stone, cuz for me nothing are preventive on the inside of this thing worse. and it would be different to say no problem. no, no, but up in the front and then for the 5th, and if i know for will the will be to the section that's pretty much pollution from my from i didn't know what i've been doing for mobile for those types of products that are going to have to remove that
1:43 pm
a couple of the functional components of that as on their fail for particularly the corner of the school learners all figured out a way of detroit. so the 1st one was with the recording of someone for the no problem this for word. so between that, but i thought of the, one of over the last one is really got things to learn is below to when you are is additionally to any other yes. and your sort blood work. do i get out of your system and your more just allows phone support is is the phone to postpone the efficient but it was 5 years ago. so a lot more sense along with the other side of the record we, we use the thing, and i mean, we've always been in there so that they're still working on spencer. what's
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mitsubishi mutual? and it was done in the minutes when the praise core of the which in the, on the and it looked at us and we were chest good for those rights without the technical team we plastic, but i let something always be positive, but the more the funds in let them know is the wrong phone. i'm talking to the pacific union for the experience that are things are going to flow and you know, so i think we look at them. and the answer, you know, is it shows in the month of the sample size, but that is one of those items. why didn't the extensions plant sale? let me, i thought it was closed, the else can you go to the footboard and the
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the pool 2 minutes in the future. but that is not yet, but yeah, yeah, i bought a the it's it the name of the court the which has some will show up with the soft impression. i said,
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when i just put in that it was due to the move to the from us by the new most. but it was not anything that i'm not sure that on any, since the seller was it. and part of the the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the this is the squad because it goes ends in the last to the other. what is just digital digital photo voice, me a little aggressive enough where this is just we're still going missing so much and we'll get it was just to remember, i don't know felina program was wondering if at the low is just for the dismissal. great. the voice and the scope of eloquent districts do me a little. it's a lot of lots of folks who, unless the good group items that are always on i did an answer. so it's, this is the, the, the understand,
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the foreclosure or the phone number where i think where they found it. so i don't think that's what they're nicholas video says, blow feature that i do for the new exposure. so there's only thing where if it's in a separate, you know, it was supposedly a lot that's the nature of the cast. can troops are ready to collaborate with the hydro. and you guys, the unit runs his own drone pilot school and driving the lab. wastage of a full amount of the of the problem was mobile with this construct if uh i'm up. i have my flyer again, i'm worse from those questions. you know, in a 2nd, if i live up just and just bear with me if it doesn't become part of the software for them, which company plus the score below,
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but the escrow the competitive anybody was sold on uh no, no no no problem. but it was a pleasure, i appreciate the below. but the problem is this, the plastic wafaa. what's the name of this book to just, you know, somebody, i thought i was a polite unit, the window to put it in a little simpler and send it to it's to learn this for the last one was there, but it was size voice news don't have to send the lovely speed as far as that goes, i can manipulate, you know,
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so if somebody is familiar with us and that basically the size of a little of the, from the 1st scene was that i'm really interested in music of was always noticed when i pulled up, most of them, it took not giving me a list of what the company's last night the, my desk and one of those my ways. but the most the do, the modeling can put it in as a new personal consult. we'll just do the annual with them. no, because you to consider them on the lowest and they say there's going to sit the balance due on the c trust. you know, these are still watching action homes of most cream and used to rebuild the 3 and nothing was happening as over a stuffed you my shrink bought a t. e, a cut off from saying i'm from the city and i'm going to be used to be much cheaper simply if you use your very, i mean you name is be if it's ever,
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but that is the one that was the book junior, the but from the finish of chief of yeah, submitting those mist isn't when you thought of them goes on a product. so we're going to look at the customer is looking at the what's the either on the store most of the building the surface from the back just to be sure. let's see. did that,
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did you got the hipaa do you have what's the kind of what you're used to? does that, does that number, once you have zone farm, it will stream on put somebody else to bump a little bit to some of the additional, some of them in my number. so we've got all the, the, the most. so bringing the standards with it is that it is uh when you ask them that it is the best. so based on the rules are different than the assessment. so i'm always here at least not a mind there. goodness, i don't want to, don't worry so, so brilliant. well, yeah, but i was cut off. okay. good or bad? including so some of the fine, you're fine. you're fine. the guys are fine. it looks like, even though it's pretty creative because the photos i needed to have you know, for the movies and then you most of the pictures that you're wanting here. so can you spell that somebody has gone somewhere?
1:53 pm
oh, it is a computer pulling up for you. my bedroom. is that what they do? the ceiling chest. yeah, that crap. let's just do the with the phone on with them. but almost somebody would have to know cuz you're getting in the have come with this or is, or most of you those keys, somebody parts of your what was more of this to be grange, get boats us. and they're all with opportunities for what kind of that would be joke or i'm, can we my, your oh unless you to because you've triple comes by yet. and you come for sure. why am i speaking to chicago for disappointment, for the position of friday, going with somebody at the oaks? i don't typically do that because it's a quarter to a wifi or whatever you want to go to the main main part,
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all those much them. i believe that only have the controls 3 for the boys can afford to boy feel embarrassed community out of the of i should do a little for sure what the startling to display the display and go to the most prescriptively for serious shift. so a dozen language systems you've used which of them and there's a problem for us to reduce cuz of the, the santa goals manufacturers, 1st 3 drones with tested by a camera man team called the brain one, the blue i said to be able to explain it will probably no problem in your so barbara, so we're just gonna cut off the table. some of those cells should stuff are mostly enough. one to loads almost to the, to remove the system, the good. what issues and you know,
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the word in the face. cornerstone video store what? no. nobody else got off the moisture which was at those. i mean yeah. doing subtract. i'm would you prefer a combo or the southern center? yes. to charles, you have the from both from where the girl was raised, the most of the numbers that i should be doing at school. but the best of my grades got when a property of the same i was i watched the video clip this last night, somebody me on the road or another couple of them with a deal. and i'd like to set up one us with, you know,
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i didn't have permission to clear up what we think i can use the fuzzy. yeah. didn't show i, there was a 0 i did on was i didn't show me how much the lower the bank is. my combat drum is it, but that's difficult to hit most mission anywhere. what so there's more difficult to them the or were young. i'm not sure, but the way it was came 3 of you, the one of my shifts, which wasn't, which of me sitting there, i'm or which of the bonus, and it's taking the nation through a bit there and more than i would shut somebody on a new much improvisors thinking mutual for if i'm doing one very to the to just saw me know what is going to the free manual lives up on the, on this you already enjoy the, the next best. joining us or do you think you're doing the interested in the last year when you're older than you on this, do i spell it? make sure i'm the truck. if there was more that shows or more than what i heard, it was
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a key that perhaps you knew unless you used the not the of the one bedroom or is this company to sure it was a no story store uh more than 3 years will gladly send somebody out there to pick him to the store at the shop for the, from the fish or pretend to the drivers to get interesting to that sort of, that's what shows a couple of movies compress. you compare to go to the musician she wasn't as after we are, the phone was lecturing, you can i 0 and if your book i'm gonna send you the other thing, we have them continuously from costco, boston for rivers, federal st. list of things to do is to finish up the, for instance, researching from such as my profession. i should on your door there of sure which symbol a pretty up us thing. it was not going to so will be due to construction work, but i'm going to scratch the what do you want to formally option or shoot me with
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a line function. my somebody got them. i think that's a bureau or says voice supervisors. yeah. from the local people is do. what we're going to do is when you're joyce, new books, assuming the various and your thoughts please showing you when you come in, you'll just it'll just in the us deal with them for me or somebody off the story or both as and usually 16 and a little for children, and when do you ill soon as good news the children and you have and why don't you just the one that just means you can use a problem in those scope with yeah, will, could you both go see what? well, the thing is,
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the both know this continue the rituals of the door and then your mostly splitting the pepsi available. and i'll talk with you only can use some, some of the describes anybody gifts for remove silvas picnic. first. operability is just purple. see uh will switch to store string is new or not most of your them on the when you molly, come on, the desk was new or when the key from william, can you guys and you, me a little send me a some wireless view from nissan for spoken thing, it doesn't lift until it goes to uh, fluids, new york for lots of things. you just know a pro which, which with, with the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, all jerry a call for the un security council to convey and, and a bit to force equal to implement the rulings handed down by the international court of justice. i think the world has already realized the absurdity of israel and the condemnation of israel at the hey, court has justified that iran locals say the i c. j. preliminary ruling on these are all as it could be a bond for justice. what fears remain that he's real name, march on with its destruction of guys that have it packaged or backed by america the each now going at the low installed states,


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