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tv   Documentary  RT  January 27, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EST

5:30 pm
the the, the access you mean? yeah. the most is them this to image. does that mean? is this, you should do or would you need to move the queen? yes. what i mean, what's that? as you get a really need to be that beautiful glass, them just use our place to invest flash or you can we did conduct were listed it, but the only thing and the rest of it. yeah. because i put in your thing to the kind of dental and vision, read us them down as a special wagner, you come down the bills to stay or even the rest of the check you only have to so i
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have that somewhere else. coastal oral care. what does it do that the vip, just less than one way or the? yeah. does he have to the yes guess surgical deals? what that's the foot, the initial on eastern dot one meal, but that's dodge in napa slot, that kind of jam or that you or to me, and i'm going to take your questions grab it wasn't yours boss, exclusively because that's endorsed opinion and you come down with a talk with ha, ha, click charlotte of
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the notes adjusted to the slide. the so what i was with fits in the spring and i know that when the when the vehicle and see if i do yes there. so they'll go with a for which i assume you can go to as soon as it gets to the right edge, or must it unless it is a quick thing or what it's m o, it's not full of california to the minus throughout the moment. so those are the source formulas that there was no doubt in the symbol of the human levels. familiar with the flu shot, but it was fast. so we need
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a really simple cut out to the bone, you with a quote for them with that on your personal family the and what's your name was mentioned as a mom. well, i mentioned that to various are calculate, so a give the mean it was because of, okay, and when you're using your so, so we're going to start with that. what's that? no sprayed really bu watching you. he is not from the firestone sugar that sort of reason. i say this is then there's the one of the so you should have it, you should go through them as soon as the closer schemes the one to assign. what are you and you've done with school and it also show and your interview and you put out this investment peters greater overtures, the,
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the, the interest that i'm going to be additional specialists divide here. what i pull chance is just to have come and get off tina, for new employment. what goes into a spectrum of fuel hattermio, but known as the most efficient fuel have specialty on the horse on the west coast invest. okay. when you finish last your course. awesome, well sir, the script the yeah. and when you volunteer with you on this new for you on a stretch and or signal mazda typically will be for a sub sharing has been telling me 1st, unless, unless, unless i'm not sure. if i have 2 thirds extension to you coming to orchestra for sure, something like that. sure. what's the phone number? sure. now for participating in domestic dental or? yeah, well the average don't go so for the 1st or to to,
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to push that the ratio the surgeries going 0. ok. when you, when you get there. sure you do for us when you a 100 wasn't worse in the future. future subscription grew in chicago, so where does anything just leave video us for, for, for so is that also felt that covers can work on for sure. it will work for me to actually buy 250 best pretty fast for the 1st i think there's there's no chester for those who look ways to clear the picture below when you when you go, i mean not but yeah, but when your husband like you most are awesome. all right, you fortunate by the stay action for some families with the show there was the longest you with those original one moment. which did i show which in the course
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videos now, you know, numerous close by cool, a story on to the laser by video and students teaching them to come to check on the board is showing that admission your team will us to bring ship them to talk to the user. sonya silverado is the company or students producer from young movie a sion little bit to bring you much to know how good you're still listed as when it's important to patients. right. the last to the dollar store is features and i know
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definitely more interested in the fall, which is atanya simpler, which it took you up and you'll have somebody with a group home by slow fee. is it just for places to go to task on? he has the uh, the, the desktop, pedestrian restaurants in the us next to the same according to the couple abuto international which is completing the order with the pictures that others pick you thought supposedly is also boy, the movie a beautiful felicia brussels hope all of the age of solisco, suppose you for the call to come onto the
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left, 2 messages for super, for the videos that were supposed to associated with the special for someone. and the reason besides that was the coming you and she guess area associated with this just since anyway. and so when you, when he goes to appointment, wait a minute. i'm the guy who's just fixed since i know it sounds, selena conditional, which one of them all of the vehicle is consuming just so it this way to to negotiate set up
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a jail especially you're here with which can you look or succeed one or 2 things are still ok. most of the business criteria and luxury also for anything sister food or is it the hold on sending and all that's inside the boost i guess i'll send that over to me. who is this? will just be a simple follow g o. yeah, boom. boom, yours me. see we story more them song is really long. so even though what does the future will deal with them on each end? you know. uh huh. was the smoke when you're in? who's it, who is for your can is uh no, says union is on the whole, this is a city to facilitate this. i'll just last thoughts as you said, that was 3 of the yeah, i don't know what the pictures for sure. but when i put in a the,
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[000:00:00;00] the sort of spray of the just at the shows was a show of control the scriptures offers. let's use this to me. this was nothing is just simply
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the, there's steps you have just left new skills to miss kozora. and take some of them visitors or for the most trouble. i'm sending you a little sample to me, but don't quite assume you need some of the folks who goes to show me, which is the age of approaches to some of them with this is a feel for the is the the she had a slow us on that just to get to yes, by all sorts of o'clock, and you're not sure which is often the voice mails are confronted annual offer to
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the shogun, some of what i originally did, even though that old book on the now it's not a or a system issue especially a simple new and you're likely a new board was most us for the producer of spanish somewhere in your mouth or something that i smoke that thought aspect of the the the well
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the the, the 1st 3rd of the 19th century was marked by the aggressive expansion of the united states, the american sought to seize as much territory for settlement as possible. ignoring
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the sovereignty of the neighboring states and the interests of the indigenous peoples. in 18. 45, washington announce the annexation of mexican texas. and in march, 1846, american troops invaded mexico. however, mexico itself did not have enough means to effectively confront the enemy. besides, it was being torn apart by internal conflicts. the americans manage to turn the tide of the war in their favor. in september, 1847, the u. s. army captured mexico city. mexico was forced to assign a humiliating peace treaty according to wait to get lost 55 percent of its territory. vieques agent of the lands to the united states lead to terrible consequences, bloodshed, genocide was committed against the indians in california. during the 1st half century of the american ruled, the number of the indigenous people in the region decrease from 150216000 people. slavery,
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which had been abolished in mexico long before the united states attacked was restored on the occupied territories. this will later become one of the reasons for the civil war in the united states themselves. nations like individuals are punished for their transgressions. we got our punishment. american president ulysses grant wrote about the consequences of aggression against mexico several decades later the.
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the, [000:00:00;00] the source of the godaddy degree, and then if the kids took the media solutions them, he has not seen it. keeps ability to be by which custom the news tribune, the bianca visual beverage, and as much to feeling as wishes. yes. because miss player that supports your decision on the color of grids to put off the credit for the music, disappearing those extra fees. and the forces headed out as a slot to have
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a slough circle. if you're more interested in that of the shuttle and then just use the post modest, you might just get the past most often about she read it more glass shelves and i have to hit a you said more that processed the actual than your password. when you spice me, scroll down and go to watch, adjust the spice on. i don't do, shall still use that to which it. so something has to have sufficient interest to remove just to see the, the story, the strikes the toner issue. just one minute.
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national logistics should of course, can accomplish because i was interested i the those i deal with the states love testing. sheila, looking for the use was you can get to get a little confused because the rubbish for some reason was that's going to be a long story and we could almost think i'm good on the game. so because the both of these is the building that you really just such as the, the, were you thinking, the 2nd part of this almost of the police getting in the what mislead me. it was not so much jamie morgan interested in the somebody's taking the video and let me to, to see the degree of. so he asked me now yes and this in the go to see may of which with the we're going to see if i chose to process the blackboard 1st of whom she not to be or how to access those are so special moms while you're lecturing,
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you would have done such i'm going to just show that there was a sheet on the court that's come down is really bad. the influx cards, you put those communities with no changing the gym to me. the ones are boy mentioned now that i was remitted. so it's a lot of work on 6 more than that of the season. the mazda, most of the wood needs, got a good number of hours. if not that good to be a good for now, because it will come come on board and get this to another product. all righty. bye bye. good movie. who do you know the week now? the good. i have another 15 because i do most of you need to submit the lab is you have just a digital image slash, but digital it will come with the but as a sonya diamond label for digital is the slow bind media with testers like a kid that appear to i just didn't have the genius. occlusal guard has to be the, i believe a media is
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a story that we chose here on the bus to get those books for. yeah. and i'm supposed to be honest with i did what we chose a to or so i want you to kind of show it to her for the less than that what it was see was interested in reference to just to know if those play on your thoughts are so we're pretty much with the life and the same wish to to was the name of the or who was at the i don't know it just just yeah the manual sheila in one of those 2 will glove with only in your mind while you boy yep, the spark or so the goose seem to find you more so it won't let me up like smart,
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superior well knew a while that we really send that to the photo. i see that that was the but also after the julie is because the sign in the spitting across the center of the call to both of them would be allowed to participate. and they want you to me put it on the list, but you don't want to pursue the notes on the introduce new rules credits for the,
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for the solution because used it to the phones for the thought that it would fit into the store based on the video so that works here when you want me to start blow up or you could so the somebody be out there and we'll put here there's a solution, very somebody called my dish previous to but also in your sound behind it. yeah i'm, i'm glad you agree with me. we just the way i'm we're still because we were just has to as long or the customer will know. can you if it is correct for us to
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a soho who intrusive special things. what about missing? do you want to do that because you missed the for to us. some of that was before you know what the do me a but i also the number echo long it took was more since just just the because you get to create a motion for the people can do it. this. i'm going to throw it in. yeah. so that's the shape long, is that go with that? so like, i'll go with the scratch go with and describe with lumber for this was just my for
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one that's so each the fish focus q a senior meeting the shape gesture showing if there is a serious before and the talk to shaker to the house. also, such as the for what's the story slash like our national she's just not sure what's going on. there were those and journalists, us but she has steps to very strange like a kid named is a separate in the industry up as well. yes, that's looks fine. so that the person believes funds flush
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the toilet this morning. the styles squared those luggage shamia ste. yeah. came on board with a former ship. i shall domestics in depth question. your projects for the just a finding last couple and you said ask somebody to put a list on how the rates are doing the shirts, the shirts, to create a living condition, what the status of which was funded buckner for me. and i am nationwide nationwide just actually the different starting the shipping and moving them around the show single strategy before in the sure.
5:56 pm
so there is a whole day the food chain that for calling him city me speckled on the me. when you pick mostly that don't you with the cause of a change in the d, u d t o w x, do you do this because people come, but they mean usually you do you do anything different than the user story, dvd you or dizzy in chase state of course, calling you to let me know you called name is b e t h e d d, keep this in the electrical, it would be a pretty good deal. you will do what he gives you to be each
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sepia the so you would you which do story do you need to use the sensor but the most, i'm going to put a note for him as a really loud noise. the media. i feel the same for the detail of the speech. it's you lose reason money to the kitchen time. it's the fluids, you know, employees that go
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into a possible use of the stuff it's now the answer is not as much as we here. you mean? yeah, yeah. sure, as simple as
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a chat is good. the the the,
6:00 pm
[000:00:00;00] the, in the, in the headlines this all i'll give you a call. so a un security council meeting that's in a bits compel israel to implement the rulings 100 down by the international court of justice. also, us, i think the world has already realized the absurdity of israel and the condemnation of israel at the hey, court has justified that in or out of local, say the i c. j's rolling the on israel is a clear path for justice. but this still remains the israel made much wrong with


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