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tv   Documentary  RT  January 28, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EST

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yet they continued to throw lives away in a meaningless military confrontation. he also dismissed the widespread claims that if somehow the zalinski government were to fall, that would lead to many countries being in great danger. the emphasize that this conflict is more a case of western countries trying to see russia put in its place without having to sacrifice their own soldiers reduced it, then you still with them. i hope that there was still small people in the west of the president joe biden said that if you crane loses then russia will immediately go to the baltic states, finland, and of the nato countries. so i'm president, putin commented on this story quite recently by saying that we have no desire to attack anyone by the miller, truly, nor politically or economically. we would have had no need to launch a special military operation if the west had not allowed the coo and ukraine. the minsk agreements was signed at the request of the germans, french, and americans. then it'll work. but it turned out that except for the president
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putin, none of the signatories intended to implement them. a special military operation became inevitable after many years of attempts to convince the west of the danger of creating a direct threat from ukraine directly on board is lab or of also show that the claims that russia is completely isolated or just incorrect. he met with many international delegations, while he was in town, including jordan, turkey, algeria, lab, and on indonesia and iran. he also met with the swift head of foreign affairs. before leaving. he addressed the russian plan that was shot out of the sky by keywords forces. the plane had 65 ukrainian prisoners of war that were set to be returned in a prisoner swap. de, along with 9 russians were all killed legit. so i have to start with yet another fact of the use of terrorist methods by the key of regime. and on the morning of january 24th, a terrorist act was committed as a result of which the russian hill,
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76 transport aircraft was shut down near the belgrade region, carrying out a flight to transport 65 military personnel of the armed forces of a crane from the moscow region to belgrade, they were accompanied by 3 russian officers and a crew of 6 people. every one was killed, ukrainian prisoners of war were being moved to the belgrade region for the exchange agreed upon between moscow and kids. instead, ukraine hit this plane with empty aircraft missiles from the call called region. overall, the russian foreign minister used his platform to call out western leaders, were spreading instability. he also solidified russia's bonds with many countries and celebrated the new economy that is emerging in the world. after a short time in manhattan, he was back to moscow to continue his diplomatic work. they would often, archie, new york, the number of migrants arriving in small boats to european shores has shut off since the decline of cobra, like,
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authorities struggle to deal with the influx. we look into what rights to those who do, which then actually have it's all explored. next in our short documentary, here we are the the most that i know that i continue to say 45 a to the other day to him. i live my number that's, i mean go that easily, but for sort of the 30 minutes and that must cannot be that until the band. so the, to the sensitive to do you have a gun or if, if they say,
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when you call those side presumably got a little further. so that a month that you sent me on the bill instead of going to the $299.00. and i do see that you spoke with the seo or the other thing would be the number is lorraine from sorta. and honestly, i went ahead and put them into a hold of a 30 slowly and a half hour hour. either the part of the only people that are supposed to see me got an idea they want to invite you to. so anytime you pull them in through, by that time frame,
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that people are still extremely busy time, even though is a message on your end tells me that the audio, the sort of the 4th i know bit on see how the associate out of any sort of 90 percent of fully got it. i think i'm in the on the persona and let me get for it and the price of the visit, what the the know for an age of one of the numbers on the, on the see. and would you be able to get them with the information? i mean, the whole sort of imagine lead us in mind as somebody ok normally. uh, were you interested in the work? this was it on the end of the, of the
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heavier, more funding for them assume just so many have given me that persona the process for so i'm in statement which i certainly can tell when you sit on the buttons inside the apartment and thrown it must really be any time during the unit that on . so hold on because it'd be simple to easily we though the but i so i don't know who i mean i thought of it as it goes, ends in a 2nd audience, most heavy and what is the word of an ends? you almost have from the a base even able to say, well, can see what, but it will see if i mean i pick this. i me that i'd be able to sample bundle i did go look at bustle, end of matthew, for those who sound good in their lives, and that can let them come inside of that. and also we're gonna send you the, the so as you will keep doing dimple in on the bottom, allow the site and the midwife info said let's see. and i meant the but i, you, but i mean guiding why that under that i'm,
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i didn't the video game so that i do model by then thought it was a maintenance united agency model. interest on your key is ethan generalize it and i'm convinced the associate on pay for that. he's size armoire booms like the way of throw it filled with care and canada. and for most, at the end of the seasons, all mazda approaching the who they've been there since then police ago, you know, sometimes people get out of upset a local phone in the middle. no. the way you can use it in data sort of going thing us him by saying, i say so,
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but to be solid foot allowed and he says he'll know what that means out of getting a simple examples. and i mean think demo say they give a sense, it'll hold a little random danville, they'll go inside of the room and they say that, oh, yeah, going through my sales center. i come by me and wants to go through my content that i might be got a like a same one that i'm ready like you're not planning on using it, but i'd rather got the money that i've seen of them. i don't need any better. so now the name on this, if pm, but i want to use it and don't miss a guess anymore. as a lot of it easier, i will say in some of them like that is somewhat of the media in, within my dentist one and that a lot of on a city a at that one city of the city, a federal edison. i have the top role that i might see though i'd be in uh see it to be a month. oh man. oh, yeah. the boss here. yeah. i mean, i know, but i have to persona,
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i feel that people put it in the commercial name for 100 because of yeah, you know, so i'm going this unit and, but i spent all low price on these c o a look for them. i guess in the bottom, the producer of them is a no cellphone zone and it's and deals, you know, based on but honestly the majority of that office on a k, i did, i will if it goes to that. i mean, i'm, but he's going, let me go see i'm a persona and then we'll have a when i be that me for a while. can you? i'm afraid that then any say all the money out and look at a me on the heart. the whole keeps asking me about in my city, somebody middle and will not say this, you know, see how long airport i'm a little bit. i'm not someone come by minutes or just on us. you know, we are going to, you know, say and will just say you for them, you that, i mean, that sounds that either something by me in the morning you said somebody about
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video people the addressing perfect up. what about it is still saying 0 ending work and also say them so being one that they have not heard of that set to say sadly, and they will send that over to you. so it's telling the system i want money that you give them a like i you and my mother is the most heavy and my mother to the police here. if i little i was enjoying that, i mean, yeah you're, i mean this is, i'm on the say, well, they've got to say that. but obviously, and i thought i said it was the say i could either of them a deal unless the land went up to see they've got to say, oh, then see a little bit of money into it. but i don't, you'll get a all tended out of a set that on. so getting into the policy on there. okay. most kindly. no boss. i need a when i see the see on let me say the valencia bonnie: the if i got a morgan, i see i get it can buy them on inventory. i use that i, i didn't go to it almost the end to see that. but it's something that i don't know
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about that out of in the see it they have in the single methodist month of man on the 2nd photo last a lot for me. the value of the name. what's the deal? yeah, i think it's a lot of money out of it and someone will meet on the bus out him we model out of way model or the most that will see this talk because and they they convince him that i person, i mean i don't think that the from 30 so visibility menu, well it'll be a sample k northeast canal. and what it will be, you know, was your name was right about you from what i booked on with some of the one of those a physical mostly with the media. well, they located, okay, he's what they need to live here. so if he's in that bundle, sort of let me see what it means. you're not assume level he the but a mobile cell though, and i bought it the seo and i bought doesn't get us in february and then the setup and we'll see if they would get a cost. so i think you'll get an idea of what do you think us will go out and feel a little bit of 2 of them. they would have to assume like,
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and then they will k love to get me open gasket the product, but the sooner big denisa hasn't been sort of the sort of the person i gave him a compliment to have them going up. i just want to give you the compliment, the like when, when you use what, okay, cuz i get billed to you. i'm okay. we looked at the book, i might as it is what the name of the so if he's in a little bit of better, so typically sir, you get the money to do some of the digital probably see what a sort of my video soon with i mean the motion of when i get, i don't know what the sort of level of the, the level of in a good way model that's in a way model, the lam uh, the, the house on the scene. you get on to the data, not why even a video get to be defensive, but on the
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internet, i'm in tablet and the height of the whole house and i so want to get to that that i will have no fun home. i know just talk over on the 2nd day and disability, i'm able to fit the no guess and wasn't able to all the old but it's, but i'm go a organ and one of them went into my world, my floor. would it not the negative fit that and the name on the face of the frequency and get on the go and minus the thing i'm in the, you know, one of the middle, this is the uh, so when i left the galaxy in dallas, i have be able to place it into the, into teams on live in either side and sorry, i know and listening. uh, monique, on. yeah. and my, the from the main thing is i'm the vice and receive us even in the san antonio.
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suffice. it was an idea of a like a, i say you quite a startled friend. they oliver because he didn't and, and then they did run it and i must have gone up. it doesn't mean that i'm going to use it. i'm label for me. but on that in and it would open the the, i'm the scenario as somebody and then okay, you know, the answer that i'm too old and see if i left or not useful company. i think that's a good point. yeah. hold on by me. i also see how to do so, mean a little here, little data moodle, and we're not so not a big company by law, the size, the phone. i don't know just a couple of minutes. so if i use it, so i will go back and have them send the model as well.
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but if we need tons of that, i mean, i look for the, this was the scene for see either a little that's i love you as to cut off very soon. i live now we'll see you later. let me get us the only we don't pay the the most enough to get the abundant amount of legal, but i wanted to, you know, not necessarily teddy, almost the i picked up. i mean, get out of forget a lot. i don't mind a bit that are listed according to the one, but they mean that i will get them up soon or what else? i feel not to be in the off to the end of the month for the quarter, but a just the someone said didn't know everything about the internet. so what is the address all the stories guy going on? the guy they go on, he says,
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sealed is neil going on. he says you vehicle only says seo, sound good on us. say because i was here last a be to come in the day for the envelope on wednesday. and i see a lot of people in san francisco city, so i don't buy a comma synagogue, but i for those that will not be now. i guess it will be, i see on that that i know you said you know what, i mean? yeah. saturday, i said, i mean uh, i thought it might of them that you medical friends here cuz you, uh, let's see, was going use a lot of friends here. go ahead and base the buzz or people. so then the, i'm on the
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go go ahead and book it on the way. and bailey is a nice i see that the in a little. but if it doesn't, then i will the, on the, on the apple, the side of the say, based on the basic game again, or whether that idea or on the sentence. if people is this one doesn't say so, it doesn't necessarily have to solve the gun on this own thing. the interface ethan sold people in the bottom line a at the end of the agreement. the one thing in the community is a whole bunch of people come in for me to boy close it,
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but i won't see the a little bit obviously because i'm in a device a gina washington and the plug out you may get me come bolt a lot the they keep that in model, they'll say gas, it will have that with me. it's not by let me help my dad up the top of the need i d. e. i got a feed in my line, you know, bad ones. and they got a little one of the best got on a lot of going on. got us on the model. you said you're going out about a copy going, you know that they will side of the buttons and delete the setting up a fight. and i'm mobile home now it's just like a little demo. i'm invited to, i mean, you know what, i, what i want, don't want it. that's totally not a well how more about a believe any one second, the
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anymore. mississippi. this uh this uh this what he wanted to see that the industry so basically no point in december. yes. open enrollment. when is that right? yes, it was either sooner so. so yeah, the pointing to the guy, what do you see and if it goes it goes to the single bit, the bottom, lucy, part of the city or simple say it is, wasn't nobody meeting this earlier in the day or the vice or the real positive friends here all the money in because i am part of them in and i've been, you know, the most of the other folder. so anybody on from feeling that i'm an associate of and this was, you know, i think on the list owned in the why it wasn't as a but i some that, i mean i think you'd have to think of it, but i think it that the thing got when i think of that of the mean me lower. i lost a lot of the to get out laughing. got to get i same thing that they get. i think that off on and the same. okay. i will call when i'm out. if i leave lovely so i
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don't know something i see that and does this will help i that up? i leave the and i think that is the meaning that i didn't want to doing that i guess having to follow the bull. i think the disappearing involved in things for the english, 2 and a half and it sort of was that i'm on it. i get for him. going to send me 3. 0 one video, severe business borderline. but i'm looking to see why that might be an interest on a bit of a warranty. so what because like on sale 9, but as long as you know, i mean it say that i will give you. oh yeah. are you all ready for one on the same page? they send us at that point i'm in say 83. got nothing, but assume this opinion for the sourcing things here. and then you've got to pull it up here by mistake here. so i figured i'd probably i'd decided on for the even
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the oh good, i'm almost out of the o and the so like i said, i'm a little wild people so i'm not able to use that is amazing. if these are the lead us. yeah. i see on the, on the coming all day, little by the end of you're done. beautiful. i'm coming with them in the, the, the is, i don't see in the quinta, the moody vanya to, that matter, i go forward, i lose the moment we have no, i like the fun. yeah. you know, we'll see what we, i don't know. they go to the table inside my little brother to see kind of fun. yeah, no, i'm not from you the, this one was you another really my, i don't necessarily a so with, you know, the money. i get the notice i had a if i'm off in the older, it's a going to be the kind of idea. when can we just in case deciding that you bought,
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selling the whole bottle the like you and said that you get prosy somebody? is anybody on the bus the only less or not can i will see us just kind of the find out but to see on the find out but assume that i would all but but i don't know. oh yeah, that's what we're coming to see on there. and then if you see also what i said, are you gonna pay you for holding my help or do you think we'll get it to like do you see for any i don't know. like, do you think for the any other thing online and is i don't see and i think the, the old and the, and the other thing is one of the one that i think i was using was and if i'm a little bit of money, i'd be happy got on my see, i want to see if you have those and then i'll definitely go into a little bit of i think i losing losing one a little by saying that is so important that i enjoy going in the esl piece. ok lie to black people on the other, say that for my i'm calling for the serial number, which is a little bit the impulse and what we are not deal with. i'm glad one. let me go get
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even less associated because he feels inconvenient going little place a little bit the same, or let's see on the let's you and this is a new, almost a whole year. know the, the one is a little bit going lot a lot will be it will be like them in this, you know, come you is, i have 2 black one yet a single get i have them for like one this is you guys to the suppose it it wasn't independents corner was se, se a boss on the go on. yeah. i the, the, me and they don't in like one on. yeah. and associates visit the c and c in the court on, you know that i'm going to see all is good. i'm not mean because if you had on a little but a board and see what we do and i bought that soon because again on the things you know, it all gets it the content on independence because it is on the family. if you go, i don't know if he is going okay. law. think on not be in an older file. you one
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case with only on within the us. if you got it, not just in coming to the i need a few, i'm sorry for the missile vice, but can know somebody meet the most of it to me that in this area. oh, but what this'll place is probably gonna be moving the out of my office and this is and see what i'm kind of in and out of my normal conflict of interest in ca, golfing, cutting off the side of the realm of the middle, and it would open until say you'll get to them and you'll meet more deputy. i'm need out of what it would be in going to be made out of us. yeah, pretty got the most and know you to think about. it says that people forget little gas in weekend, but it's how do you ideal for everybody at all? what i'm looking for the default letter decide to have to kind of been an agent to a couple of it a bit. the whole set of sending out to me small i would, you'll probably be looking in when i think i know to me on the updated and automate the my m. we're looking for that already set up. when i go in with the new and the
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video either later, i don't think they think, daniel, and generally when i was in a job the invalid only, you'll see you the side of the board meeting and the customer. and then you should have the address. they send us and those are covered and if at any see i'm gonna be to be here on monday they are in seattle funded and the 1st i've always accessing over here. it's the no, no, no building on nothing. i mean, i don't remember anything. assume the mean video, but i'm also going to meet assume this email, send me, that's what i mean. people who they belong to me that i'm able to call somebody 20 percent. see on a new guy said that i said, was it able to tell you a little bit about my uni? oh not i'm part of failure to meet on. think it finally the in the didn't get on this and the minute the asking when you think about the avenue in your let me go see on this one the that's the one of the motors. they don't amend a lot or need to go based on silvia and it's
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a bicycle and all sorts of unifying you. how do you say that there was a meeting with one to see in the media? i find this item for the, you know, for the most recent one was a way to go to the ceiling to learn a little bit later. and it was a my animal is what the hell i'm leaving people being different than the normal face. and i think on the normal work that those probably won't go all day for best uh does it by side, is that and let me see, i'm going to go in and if i lost it and allow me to assume that there's a portal, i see a single button click on audio, just one of the possible the me to somebody said, said i see those things and maybe you get this off by, you know, being done as i can, different things. generally i'm going to go into the say 48 and i'm going to send them in the black leslie, get them the link that isn't very busy. this plastic is on the busy road. get the
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link. that is the thing. but anyways, a guy you can think of me with the, i want to go look at events, this and one that i gave up and all that i'll all been throwing us into the system is, i mean i'm, i'm that i would last like when i mia this a place, the order we saw, the, you know what i seems, the bodies 20, the if i save it as voice like that, they pull it out of him dana a out of the night. and i'll tell you that if indeed not a want to me on this, i may or maybe i'm wrong or might be only why be that soon? a unclear like my data, the one of the need them maybe i'm, i'm a 1 dollar more months that the, you're the sort of the, that i will see and what i mean. so i later we're going to look to the end of the live you, that again, the city will have a lot my dad, i mean it, i gave the
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data, some of the needles within this have been data source. if you call me and tell me that it asks me from be, i'll go and i might have done id, but i don't even look at the name of local people under my city and help them pick when they go to open. that's no cause you mean that's no problem, political like going to be with and my they have some people, but they seem to have much going on. no political, most meanings and see all the things that you got on bundles may notice options. those may notice go more like i'm do you that. i mean that just getting it on the line and then you will, can you see some, let me see that was, can you of course the saw bush on cock, is he stay my? and i think i felt able to fix the on demand notice or can i need your help with a lot of it's a, it's pretty much, i mean take it on the phone. i don't everybody's, i'm thinking you don't segment the whole moist. it's like a stuff, it's just
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a thought interesting. even if the middle okay, know the name of it, the own up any more. so what it the and off and that is when this normally get up on the scene. these here are the livestock leases, is how they pointed. nope, any i'm of course management society as part of all of it. i've been there in oregon. so doing this for some weight on that and what i'm, what i, what else? i mean, what just so that is easy to finish pulling because know what you mean by means of cutting those to the end of the people names telling feeling good for us was the dealer besetti a lo, how me in to complete a better with the new i really gotta do a secondary and that has to be someone i do that because in my document they don't see in pendleton window equal numbers before the let me see that the remainder of them in the senate on the has plus forget i get i was forced to get out, of course the owner says here as long as you get the number to complete a, a number just on what you meant on the non way will that i asked them to respond them for the, for the people that are still responding. and i responded, i'm back a, you can edit my saddle and the same thing. let's just let them know. so the 40 people
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kind of run the city it on the is completely different. the layer of the other will use experiment i into a c, c, the classes intel a v, those protestors, the resignation of israel's prime minister over his continuation of the assaulting gals. i'm failure to bring all the hostages help the international court of justice orders and nothing yahoo government to prevent a genocide in jobs, a south africa's just as administrative role. the case to the hate of praise b i. c, j for is a victory for international law. it is also a message that they cannot be in the exception of these in the world on countries must be took the same. and is that i, it is not an exception.


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