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tv   News  RT  January 28, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EST

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day your candidate by sato and the sandbanks. this is a letter in most of political condition, the city it on the is completely different really are the other will use explain one line to receive the classes until a v. those protestors the resignation of israel's prime minister. over his continuation of the assaulting delta and failure to bring all the hostages the international court of justice, orders that nothing yahoo government to prevent a genocide in joseph, south africa's just as administrative role the case to the hague of pregnancy i. c . j for it is a victory for international law. it is also a message that they cannot be in the exception of these in the world on countries mostly took the same. and is that i,
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it is not an exception. it can not be an exception to the genocide convention distressing images from around the border with pakistan where 9 workers are killed by unknown government coming us to around on this alarm about team up to the back of the terrorism on president put an accused as keeps troops up using a nate, so supplied misfire the system to shoot the plane, carrying you training and military prisoners, which brush killing all the board and rushes belgrade region. this the, with the latest developments this sunday, i'm a rob felt the big stories from the past 7 days. welcome to the weekly on our team is really pulling some anti government. pro testers have faced off and tel aviv overnight the, the
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demonstrators are demanding the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu over his humbling of the warring cal. so at least $217.00 idea of troops being killed so far during the invasion of israel has failed to return. most of the hostages still held by some us. here's what some of the protesters notice the my message is that this man never knew who needs to go to hell. it needs to go as he failed, he's very dangerous. it needs to go and then we can deal with all the rest. it's clear that these, well, the prime minister, benjamin that's on yahoo doesn't want to and the war doesn't want to free the hostages. so the public will be dealing with base and not with him. this is the only thing that bothers him. the son, you know, we call to dismiss never the who, it's not acceptable to the person who is busy and move his political future would
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lead a war in which we have 3 young soldiers killed every day. we know this all the world and the parents in negotiation for their hostages, say that even the is dragging it out without justification just because of his personal problems. well, those protests in tel aviv come after the international court of justice, ordered israel to take action to prevent acts of genocide in gals of israel's prime minister on saturday. fever, mentally condemn the reading from the i sent you or are you old? we almost so i've been to me, there is no greater absurdity than that of yesterday on the eve of international hall, a customer member, and stay today those who came to the hague to accuse us of the false and outrages charge of genocide in whose name did they come in the name of home us in the name of the new nazis who came to commit genocide on us. i say again to you, the citizens of israel, that our commitment is to fulfill our will and achieve all the goals of the war to
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eliminate him, us, to return all the hostages, and to ensure that gossip will no longer be a threat to israel. will haig stopped short of calling for an immediate cease fire, which south africa also demanded or but the i c j did order is real to facilitate the delivery of few military and 82 civilians. and in buffalo, gas cord is also the view that israel must take, measures extend its power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide in relation to the members of the palestinian group. in regards this trip, the court further considers that israel most takes immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by palestinians in the gaza strip as well the i. c. j rejected is really to mom's to scrap the case.
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instead, ordering tel aviv to ensure it genocide, deluxe are not carried out by the countries. miller treat what israel was also told to a lot of the acts as an adequate at food, water fuel and other 8 supplies to gather on according to the ruling, israel must not destroy any evidence that would support genocide allegations and a lot of access to fact finding missions while the ruling has been welcomed by so if africa and others who called it a decisive victory for international law, not in the wake of the ruling from the hey go, jerry has to or requested a un security council meeting to implement the i c j's genocide, prevention verdict, the north african nations foreign ministry states. it's time for israel to be held accountable for the x, all bits military. what sort of african president serial,
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run the pose that states that given what his nation has gone through, it had to act on what's happening in counseling, international courts of justice in the hague, in the netherlands. issue that ruling, that is a victory for international law of human rights and above all, for justice. some have told us that we should mind our own business and not to get involved in the affairs of other countries. we still have africans, whether not to the passive bystanders, and to watch the times that we have visited upon us. being perpetrated upon other people elsewhere by husbands that we will begin to move toward the process with substantively a 2 state solution is being discussed. the people of palestine of stuff at home for many, many decades. i don't, but i do believe it to in today or tomorrow. but what we've done is
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a very clear signal has been sent by the court. and it's now a test for the government and people of israel as to whether they will act in a manner that says all of us must respect international. well speaking to r t, south africa's justice minister rumble amolla said the court verdict represents a big winner for palestinians and their international supporters. it is a victory for international law. it is also a message that they cannot be in the exception of these in the world. all countries must be took the same and is that is not an exception. it cannot be an exception to the genocide convention. so i believe this is a victory for the people have caused them for the people of policy and particularly children and in and human. and for us here in south africa, we believe that the eh, eh, former president mandela would be smiling in his grave. the only practical outcome is that this would be a, is this for you, and they should be measures put in place to how to do money, chevy and $8.00,
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which civilian infrastructure and so forth. so indeed, it is going towards what we as hold africa quested, they have to comply with them with the image us and as indicated by the ice of june, the, it's not exceptionalism, they must comply. and then they all miss just so that we think that you and it starts us to deal with non compliance. it isn't the interest of the original from that do comply. so i do believe that there is no ending. that is a non negotiable, the issue of fair compliance, and the issue of international law. we need to leave me a horse based society. rolling the muller speaking to r t well in the us pro palestinian protesters in california. say president bible is complicit in, quote the genocide perpetrated by these really military against the people of galsen. that was the message here spread across a major street in the city of oakland. so as demonstrators demanded an end to
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u. s. military support for israel cases even being brought to the american courts in an attempt to prevent the u. s. president from sending the luxury supplies to israel. protesters also excuse us, talk diplomats, anthony blinking defense secretary, lloyd austin of war crimes liability. it was pro palestinian demonstrators a relative at jeff k international airport in new york, urging the us government to cease h visual while calling for a cease fire that happened right now. new york police officers were off the scene to prevent potential disruption this to the work of the airport no instance or a risk. well, let's take you across the atlantic to the u. k. hundreds of protesters blocked off barclays bank branches and london over it's a legit funding for is really mid the warren cash. so they're demanding a boy scouts of the financial institution of coal for troops to in the com.
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the protesters held up post to me in flags in bonner's calling for an end to quote, barclays blood money. dozens of demonstrators reportedly entered in one of the bikes, branches and the british capital, at shorting for at ties with israel, should be taught to look like this. the russell sent us this from the hearts. 7 containers in each room on comfortable. 7 continues these royal,
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which are being used in the modules in gauze of these proteins comes just one day off to the interim judgment of the international court of justice, which is a historic result is the 1st time that one of the golden circle of 17 o 20 western countries and there are lies throughout the world. and of course is rarely as one of the nations of the nato countries. primary ally in the middle east. uh the 1st time that one of them has to be not to be labeled as committing genocide effectively. the protests in london follows a series of similar demonstrations across europe. berlin, enough in something crowds of people take to the streets, the money going into the violence. i'm an immediate cease fire and goes a while in milan protesters plus with police during another pro palestinian really
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the 100 sway palestinian flags and shunted slogans despite upon by local officials for they chose right least pushing back a group of demonstrators bespectacled shields as well as using the buttons to contain the product. well, as does the suffers from relentless idea bombing raids, we've lost all contact with a frequent contributor to our broadcast journalist months or should be heard from his mother. essays for son was willing to leave gals that despite the danger, live, bring you more details later in the, for the okay, moving all know, 9 practice dining workers helping killed on 3 more wounded in a shooting attack and around the rest of the region of suspend and pollute just on, on the border. a warning distressing images. alright, ahead. so far,
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no group has named responsibility for the assault. so in response to saturday shooting, pakistan's foreign minister said that such incidents are attempts to spoil ties between islam of odd um, toyota. all that comes as the 2 neighboring countries are intensifying, their joint fight against terrorism. as the ccs attack is an attempt to split relations between pakistan and iran by outcome of the enemy's while offering condolences to the family. as the victims we urged on any government to take action . no in pakistani national. subbing jo, that's we others have been wounded, shooting incident on saturday in the border town of several bar. it is. he's talking about of just on problems and effort spiked of one. and guess what i'm about to man ties following reciprocal missile strikes between the 2 sides. so far, no group has claimed responsibility for the attack. what survivors a lease that were quoted by local news outlets of saying that sweet armed the
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silence opened fire other foreigners after entering the residence and then fled the scene. the victims were reportedly pack is stunned. neighbors who live at a car repair shop or the warrant pakistan called the attack. a terrorist incident has said it contacted one of those warranties and asked it wrong to investigate me so that it wanted foreign ministry spokesman nasir can on. he condemned the attack . i said that to the end, pakistan will not allow any use to damage the fraternal ties between the 2 countries. this all followed and the return of the masters of the 2 countries to their missions. after being recalled, when the neighboring countries exchanged missile strikes last week, targeting what they called, hide down. so in certain groups, the shootings also came with a head of applied visit to pakistan on monday by one and for the minister of jose, i'm, you're up to the young to officially restore diplomatic ties of some of the short
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lived escalation between the 2 countries. rushes, president saves ukraine, use a nato. ms file system to shoot, done a transport plane over the belgrade region. on wednesday, the aircraft was targeting ukrainian po w's for a prisoner exchange. all of them, as well as the russian crew, were killed in the crash. the security isn't really, i'm not sure the entire court and key regimes isn't one way or another, based on crimes that it commits daily including against its own citizens. they shut down or aisle $76.00 plane which was carrying their own service meant the main intelligent service and the ukrainian army knew that we were taking $65.00 service men there. most likely, a patriot missile system was used an american or european air defense system. most likely french in a couple of days. the exact answer will be given earlier the russian defense ministry problem that the incident a terror attack by keeps forces. a list of this 6, the 5 you printing and p o w 's killed in the tragedy has been published. another
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play carrying a further 80 military prisoners was diverted with multiple saying, swap deals have now been suspended. here's how the situation unfolded. the
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people in key of knew very well about the upcoming exchange. they knew the route preserves, and more would be delivered by the attack on the plane was a deliberate ink cartridge section. the terrorist attack clearly demonstrates the inability of the key ever seen to negotiate the right after the news about the crush emerged, the printing and media were quick to a non so the kids troops, hud shopped on a russian plane. however, as soon as messages about ukraine's own p, o w 's being all near craft spread, those outlets quickly change their headlines. are you printing and p voice, this frustration with a lack of response from his government? it's a tony, stopped. everyone is sitting around keeping quiet, but we're the defense minister is nowhere in sight. the presidential office is out
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of contact. everyone has the heads up, direct keeping quiet and just watching and waiting for someone to blame this on. of course, when you're sitting in warm flaps in kiev and revolve, it's really comfortable to think about what is great and historic. well, despite all the evidence showing that the plane was carrying ukrainian p, o w, as president zalinski has refused to take the blame sais of the facts surrounding the incident, still need to be certain which will be the short of the it is obvious that the russians are missing with the lives of ukrainian captives, the feelings of their relatives and the emotions of society. oakley, affects them must be established to the extent of possible, given the viagra of crashed on russian territory. beyond the controls, enough were only on saturday yesterday at full 3 days after the deadly incense p. as authorities confirmed the names, all those 65 p o w's the coordination staff for its part confirms
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that 65 ukrainian defenders from this list were indeed planned to be returned to ukraine as part of the planned exchange. on january 24, a former us army officer scott fan. it is of the view that ukraine betrayed the lives of the service men on board. the dungeon. a brush is dealing with a dishonest actor escapes a frantic after a drug addict act or in the form of the zalinski and is his little bottom lies cabinet. so they named betrayed this. they betrayed russia, they betrayed the world. they betrayed the even the sentiment of prisoner exchanges, and they've murder their own forces, and that's the narrative that should be carried across to every ukrainian soldier. consider yourself dead if you want to try and return to ukraine as a p o w. ukraine would rather murder you, like they've done in the past. then have you tell the story and the story they're
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afraid of is that russia is a hospitable kind of balanced, intelligent nation that doesn't want war. that simply wants to put an end to the us, had gemini hostilities that weren't put in place in 2014, that has led to biochemical labs, all sorts of corruption within the united states. and has put the world into a position of conflict like never before. so they're afraid of the narrative. getting out the rush is really the best friend of the ukrainians. while zalinski is their biggest enemy is evidenced by this act of murder with a local church in belgrade, where the plain south house held a memorial service to pay tribute to the russian crew. local eye witnesses say that after being struck, the pilots near the are passed away from the nearby time, ultimately saving lives. we spoke with the wife of alexi, the song, one of the pilots and they are trapped. you walked us through the tragic news. she was awarded to mester off metal, the most important metal and aviation,
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and one of the most important in russia. but i can't say to what degree he's a veteran of combat operations and syria, and he works in cause us don. i knew about this flight. i 1st heard about it on the news. i hoped he'd been on board the other plan, the one that was turned around, but i realized it was him because he would always let me know when he was taking off and landing this time. there were no messages from him for a long time. i mean, i knew it was him, but i didn't want to believe it. i hoped that he had been on board another plane and just couldn't get in touch. my husband is from was coming. of course, a region in eastern causes us don. we had been married since 2005, and we have 2 daughters and 11 and a 14 year old. they already know about what happened. my husband was a real ma'am. he was a great husband and father, i always felt safe with him, hiding behind my stone wall. he was very supporters and he had very good judgment, never deceived any one. and he lived by his morals. he loved flying. he loved his
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ill, 76 aircraft. although he started flying on another type of aircraft, they had several types in the regiment. so we had to retrain for the eel, 76 to 3 different kinds of planes. clay russian army, lieutenant who's taking part in the military operation in ukraine and don't boss say's that history would remember those who carry i such terrorist atrocities a just a reaction. so the ukranian security and intelligence services repeatedly violated international standards. they carry out service tax on to teneo prussia, government agencies can be created cetera, only for the court system to however, i think history will still punish those who committed terrorist attacks after old. what will they say at the end of the day that they fold orders while in public service? it is still necessary to distinguish terrorist operations from comb, with ones that are associated with milledgeville operations and the killing of
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civilians who do not take part in us. do it is by saying the russian president, his right to grant accessibility of the army and military personnel to the supreme high command and the ability for them to voice some pressing the issues that require answers from officials for a whole week. now we've not been able to contact a frequent contributor to our broadcast gals in base journalist month, so we're shooting them. his last known location was of the nestor medical complex, in cum eunice. there are some highlights from his recent reports for our team member for non stop and quiet alternately. non stop drones like non stop the buzzing of by doing some of us today. we have an exclusive footage inside the more you have and also hospital in the south of, of the script. people here continue flight for their lives. continued space
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that fast. what are going to do some interviews with some people who left some of the areas that are not safe and see what they think, see how they are living. thank you to the audience for continuously this thing to us. what are the, are we spoke with? monster is mother who's concerned her son may have been detained by the idea. it has to have sunday 21st. about 12 am. it was sent me nice messages. this a good night my my last few weeks here sooner. so i love that you sent back angel and the question i last time the morning i sent him some messages, but he didn't answer applies. so i thought this could black out and then again i sent him messages. i've got messages under the flag, and then for 2 days we thought it's not safe. you know, back i had communication. but when it became more than a 3 days friday, and i still can't do that,
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even finish back out bad communication. few times. it's best to go anywhere to get some connection and then we started to, he was telling us he might be in the hospital in critical spit out as i saw, some people said he left stuff or something that he is not there enough or nobody knows where he is, i asked you, he must be taken right. that is right. he's doing everything for the human. that is, it doesn't want this to happen. and of course, telling everybody in the, in the few words in english about the situation, helping to each step forward to the whole entire reward and get support to hope disobedience. of course, that's important that so i assume he wants to get it. and when they went to announce it costs, because he has been taken much sewage. he had the contract with a price for to cut off just 2 days before the war got really changed or which is mine. but he went behind you and is the sort that people wanted him because of his english language and as a canadian, so hopefully the entire word because at the beginning the guns over is or it was
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too much about lies about the heading about too much lies in the news and they wanted somebody who speaks english, that teams change is croak, and the and team managed to do that. and every time i, sometimes i think the class with m. p as in leave easily. he's upset if i told him the idea assistance my, my men come not leave. okay. and i'm not in need of the situation. people need me here can never, never accepted a word from me. if i told him leave keeping a deluxe when it's, when was the, what is the solution that's i tell them i think that must be a sense that they knew it's going to put con no. so they knew they would come and they had to evacuate to him and others. so please leave cause i'm not sure hospital . now i've seen that coming. he said no mama, it's one to it's ok. it will when you have a ceasefire. the only thing, what worries me that you are not on there because much to it is not for me. got stuck. his wife's room. does that and i can go there if anything happened to you there, how can i be we do. how can i take care of you?
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i want to be with you with that's the only thing i want. somebody can take me to announce us, or to con you. and if i want to for my son, i want to look so he rushes foreign minister said this week up to you and that our roadmap for the creation of a palestinian state must not end in vain like a plan for settling the ukraine issue. circular, for all full, so called that the west for taking a very different approach towards those 2 conflict ortiz caleb lots and reports from new york city. during his visit to the united nations headquarters, the russian foreign minister called out the united states for getting in the way of efforts to stop the fighting and gaza because they just took some of that each round of washington's arrogant, unilateral policy in the middle east. it's separate shuttle negotiations with the regional powers, accompanied by financial promises, ends in an increasingly bloody outbreak of escalation. that's what happened this time to washington 1st buried the work of the quartet,
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of international mediators. and now is consistently blocking all international efforts to de escalate within the un security council survey lab. rob, compare the way us officials are handling this situation to the way the americans dealt with ukraine, saying he hopes the international community will do better this time. we need me put it over. we do not have the right to allow the un decisions on the creation of a palestinian state to be buried just like the minutes agreements of 2015. the guarantors of which were from some germany, who later admitted that they did not even think of implementing them for money. when speaking on new crane, he emphasized the key and its western partners have completely fail. and yet they continue to throw lives away in a meaningless military confrontation. he also dismissed the widespread claims that if somehow the zalinski government were to fall, that would lead to many countries being in great danger. he emphasized that this conflict is more a case of western countries trying to see russia put in its place without having to
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sacrifice their own soldiers reduced to it. and you took this to them. i hope that there was still small people in the west of the president joe biden said that if you crane loses then russia will immediately go to the baltic states, finland, and other nato countries. so i'm president, putin commented on this story quite recently by saying that we have no desire to attack anyone neither militarily nor politically or economically. we would have had no need to launch a special military operation if the west had not allowed the coo and ukraine. and the minsk agreements was signed at the request of the germans, french, and americans. then it'll work and see. but it turned out that except for president putin, none of the signatories intended to implement them. a special military operation became inevitable after many years of attempts to convince the west of the danger of creating a direct threat from ukraine directly on the borders lab or of also show that the
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claims that russia is completely isolated or just incorrect. he met with many international delegations, while he was in town, including jordan, turkey, algeria, lab, and on indonesia and iran. he also met with the swiss had of foreign affairs before leaving. he addressed the russian claim that was shot out of the sky by keywords forces. the plane had $65.00 ukrainian prisoners of war that were set to be returned and a prisoner, swan se, along with 9 russians were all killed. the let's you, it's, i have to start with yet another fact of the use of terrorist methods by the key of regime. and on the morning of january 24th, a terrorist act was committed as a result of which a russian hill, 76 transport aircraft, was shot down near the belgrade region, carrying out to flight to transport 65 military personnel of the forces of a crane from the moscow region to belgrade they were accompanied by 3 russian offices and a crew of 6.


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