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tv   Documentary  RT  January 28, 2024 2:30am-3:00am EST

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emphasize that this conflict is more a case of western countries trying to see russia put in its place without having to sacrifice their own soldiers reduced the thing you took, stood them. i hope that there was still small people in the west. the president joe biden said that if you crane loses then russia will immediately go to the baltic states, finland, and other nato countries. so i'm president, putin commented on this story quite recently by saying that we have no desire to attack anyone neither militarily nor politically or economically. we would have had no need to launch a special military operation if the west had not allowed. the coo and ukraine in minsk agreements was signed at the request of the germans and the french and americans. then it'll work to go see. but it turned out that except for the president boot and none of the signatories intended to implement them, a special military operation became inevitable of to many years of attempts to convince the west of the danger of creating a direct threat from ukraine directly on board is collaborative also show that the
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claims that russia is completely isolated or just incorrect. he met with many international delegations, while he was in town, including jordan, church, algeria lab, and on indonesia and iran. he also met with the swiss had a foreign affairs before leaving. he addressed the russian plan that was shot out of the sky by keywords forces. the plane had 65 ukrainian prisoners of war that were sent to be returned and a prisoner swamp. today, along with 9 russians were all killed the winners and let's you, it's a, i have to start with yet another fact of the use of terrorist message by the key of regime on the morning of january 24th. a terrorist act was committed as a result of which a russian hill, 76 transport aircraft, was shot down near the belgrade region, carrying out to flight to transport 65 military personnel of the um, it forces of a crane was from the moscow region to belgrade. they were company by 3 russian
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offices and a crew of 6 people. every one was killed, ukrainian prisoners of war, being moved to the belgrade region for the exchange agreed upon between moscow and kids. instead, ukraine hit this plane with empty aircraft missiles from the call called region. over all the russian foreign minister use his platform to call out western leaders were spreading instability. the also solidified rushes bonds with many countries and celebrated the new economy that is emerging in the world. after a short time in manhattan, he was back to moscow to continue his diplomatic work. they would live and archie new york. now the numerous migrants arriving in small boats on to europe insurance has shut off since the decline of cobit dean on those authorities struggle to deal with the influx. we look into what rights though, was a do rich load actually hub. it's all next door decks and our short documentary here, we are the
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most lucky and going to canada, the one with dig around with a lot of them. he said he is the one that has the a of, of good in the, on the 2nd data. so if i thought about the, what do you see on the, the, i e? no, no, maybe it on the neg, if i'm going to nadia, you love it. i got a bunch pretty good at all. and the son of a probably a hit on compliment on my end that the tv. yeah. like almost 10 that it on or off on. yeah. and i know it's okay. be there a man you're not, i got key look, you know, status, you barely started. i mean biased, who made it,
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how does i need that id? no, no, get a status. i guess some of his ideas is has been davis. let us, i mean, hopefully going from the new york again, instead of the monday. the, i guess he gives me because he had different ones out there. yeah. when would the amazon man somebody you a movie, this come all get somebody to get us to buy that. didn't get it as to how to put it a little difficult for us going into what are that we've seen a couple of the woodson you're looking for the one bit now. so the thing out is for the whole, yeah, in the corner from the and the other mouse. so it also says for the, like i said and got an idea on live though. but who means that if it's a little difficult looking for the channels, how much do you put in that is all the numbers on, i mean, i'm thinking, you know, the best one i can know. so i'm the village of bicycles. i guess i sort of though, is this a little bit out of the defeat by a step one of the ceiling. you're getting to be someone, somebody at the other side it gives me the else because it, it just singles. what in the middle but have sees recently the change that i'm not saying i'm forgetting when little think about west side of money. these are the
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things i myself were given with a matter of form. you've only seen 6 less. if i see a little bit, i meant that me, vice, you to sort of gave me the same and so much, please leave me. a lot of times i don't know something else. what kind of a heart medicine you have a one of the you, the circus i meant off. and by blessed that goes on a little single, not i have some will get on the some of the, you know, what she for someone's got boss. is it, i sort of a little bit by side. you know, you gotta afford it though. it gives you noticed that it listen young bush level. you see a very simple hit on the spot. it isn't $3030.00 openings for that. one is, i mean i get, i don't know about data, she's going to be a split i later 90 that petition, blow a mass united spring for that up with the assume the main phone's you put up a photo. lydia. she had a bit of light and that is what we have on all of them in a way to finish up things here. are you that he, i'm with you or the screen as a mean although no, jen is my you and again is main on the job. okay. it looks like yeah. same, and it's i guess what i well one of those, one of my is one of the yellow. so yes,
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back from the later on yesterday. but i will see like, instead of i need to, but i shall send out a little video on your mobile much. i yeah, you're okay. no big see whole sandwich cut by says that that that is funding. if you look at it, the better study may feel, i think, i should guess what i mean. they want to come. i'm wondering if you have with a who's, you know how, what i am in order to get done and send the, you know, the status. if i'm out of main on it, on my unit and a little bit, let's get here. so either got it. look, man, i don't know, but instead of going to of my unit, the, uh, what i have demo somebody and get on the go. s dot, while i pull that up on, let me uh see i would defend to give you one single message at the single me sustain method, email savvy, see why not they want a van line in one of us suffice to so i get that accurate and doesn't look in on getting the, one of us are not being f, i will kind of want to be down there for about kind of been coming in on a total given and also getting get, i'm getting cut out a lot my you yet. then if i media any by the end and then the sign you know,
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up in the sooner the better take off trying to see it. so by the process of getting tickets to have you know, the subordinate commercial field on both one thing, goose yourself. you are going id i, but if i mean, i'm even political liberty and we'll have it up in the the, you see something you, this for the school 7 was out of his boyish when we were in finish. the game showed up to come in visual from the national how much more, how to have a system that the sort of person i came to, sam created and put us in, but of how they've been in the field and will say, i have them. i know put him in order. notice i'm setting up a little bit so and i have said how much is the city? and so what's the point that the exchange of montana have given me in the conflict? so when i get a pulling up, a simple sampling, what they will see the low think of for the people on the show 6, let me know the,
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i think it's on the phone and also the video instead of it was confirmed. i don't remember the western tenea anthem most that are sort of us for the information. i think the formula then it was no matter what level is we'll get the rest of it a go to the law. and she was in the non think. yeah, yeah. the, it shows me your initial or most of them, i noticed forget there's any nation over here and we'll have it, which one would you to me hold on for a sec, but it's kind of unit municipal. but i mean, she was ending on getting almost together safety and us persona just have am was born expecting to get home. i you, it is forgiveness. pick the physical, she least to be this. i really am us the global stadium and able to pay the whole mental mentor if someone had and just throwing that in the, in the courses. i mean, i just happened to that to me and you know, mean that, you know, in a long as an option of getting his name is rochelle, when that person of important, that, you know, gets you to a degree in my area. and i'm gonna just kind of some not use that one in there,
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full time to do that with a lot of as the main audience, especially, was a bit of funding anyway. like i said, i electric. and that gives us any thought. if the 1st one i had on the news and then the data sort of the boy and by many said mothers that they the sort of it on pacific area. but in the middle, the soonest they got on peace. i say it was gonna say the hot, what's the latest element or some kind of somebody else and in all that i the, now i don't see much canada, i lose those. i don't make it one side of that. one is only the one i mean he that goeth village is like a significant look at the front that i thought, i think what the soonest was by you said cnn can certainly get back to me the i'm the savvy or to handle the meaningful consent for the next one, somebody. so you see that on the inside you get a bodies either or not, or something to some of them to somebody else. but i do look them inside the apartment that simple supplies for commercial allow. i believe you guys as to the, i saw it at the end of some it was a lot of other in the way of that,
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i mean the amount of a v as a pricing system on the call. we assess the e. c. i don't think so. okay, these are the subsidies. it will get the numbers that i will tell you that. and then your bustle is still something that means i have to settle. i know complete on how many less anybody s e. as in seattle, as people see it, i don't use anybody any who needed any medical need and even the most people said that i don't. so i see i don't the, the lower level. so yeah, it goes back to the positive for them. i fully extended at least like the referral because of the we don't give us the photos for offensive a lot for you that, that it was or chose by few of us the people and the smallest kind of in the benefit of those. you know, i know yesterday and i've, i've lived in it. he said he looked at him, but uncle staple, and honestly, i kind of, you know, if i said it out a bit of time in case i turn him. but assuming the unit in the unit available to help me including us, i don't see, i guess that that house is down for 72 and my daughter had
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a baby. you can so you know, like jesus, anybody so, but we have that and besides meaningless couple young ones that are more little on the mount fields. give you a little bit about this one i need on can i'm going to do any one that you've been looking at as it goes to. no one. is there any history on any of it? so somebody is and nobody said you have to sort of at least meet on the bus. i can't then i'd have to look into the side of them in the seats, or you could get a gun. i didn't get to a level, i think a getting an idea. if i just said, whenever you're familiar with the person i meet on the consent, but i was able to get them on the bus, i guess will that mean? i still don't see the for my you the, someone i love you with the super easy, your pulido house, that idea what it will seems for the person i meet on the witness. at least i'm going to forget very so they've been a good for some of you about it yet. i keep getting my squares with you and got the inc. i so i'm wondering if you want to do it that more that a generally then we'll get an idea, e and c might, but i'm going to get off the road, but i think i'm a bit so not the one that i didn't get out of on me,
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i got the letter saying you understand that he gave me 6 soon as he gets out of senior. if it's on us can spanish abuse and they know they may not be. i mean the not, no, i mean we're not gonna end out on me. and we'll take almost unit, i own a single guess on me. i don't know what the sending i live on near sending out, even in this about that. but i think, i mean, i know you want to know something men on it a lot more thing. so my unit or that it gets on in a, i don't know once it gets i'm sending invoices. i guess i'll get them on the train . you gotta, i stuff and a bit of noise. you know, not a super some of the level. he said, yeah, the policy accuplacer learned, got it. all that. i mean that a little i single mind go that are based on that isn't wondering and the more people didn't fit on those see that but uh say that didn't view he. so he started for the big seventies unless you're not feeling good. it took us, it sounds like it's, you know, part of me to a settlement on
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a income that i'm gonna put us on. i cannot see your name and document that seal. or if y'all do any assessing on it, no lemons on it, and leave it on this and get on the same bus, you've got multiple people have at the see on it and goes it almost time being go see the soonest is some way they know we just click on and we will if i ask you to model of what i was able to see on the call and say, golly, go ahead and as soon as it goes into the matter one money hole by, you know, by and said, there was a big idea that it will be, i'm gonna send you the seo when i'm not going to, i'm going to be, i'm not going to see the 4 level. you see it almost anybody say by going into the guy i go to able to see him. so i started for the same thing, but everybody said people have simple 1000 something and, and that is so bad. i used almost any style going to assume that she has to be the, the compliment. okay. no, it shouldn't be me. when you go, think of me,
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i love the house. never let me get a bit of whatever it is. you mean, dana? no, no, no. this was the brother named month in this, but i bought it that sort of thing. i get it. but when i get somebody to own it, i really the so that means i will go ahead and pay these part of fixing. and then as soon as good morning come, my name is david thompson. i bought a battle december that went to buy the lease of the noise. let me know when the, when the eat, i went up, i data eat up when you see up with that issue that i hope these are sitting at a special needs to come by the end of the year. and that goes to my data for this investment. so this will be, i'm into the city one years of i'm, you know, i'm not going to get you. i don't honestly soon i moment does it that. i mean, i, those, they, me that i see the feeling degree. see this, the moment, the data for the, for the, for the position that in the sad yes, a visit i'm going to see. uh no, see should we have a new view and america,
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is it the interesting is that you understand women. so if you want to click on this particular session, i see single by that will be my son for the mother goose has anybody? yeah, noise. the boy you have on the city a jacket to get us and get those plastic and the single stick. it almost has to you and i get more of the so that again again. and will you that, you know, you can almost be so a look at the very bottom because they're going to say gospel movie. so a lot now they can send that beautiful in the site and face these, the federal day for them and sort of think of them in a more we some way. if you by means in waiting room, this 7, how persona and is that going to see on it? can you think you're going be of the yes, i need that in the box here. we're the ones in the front of us can do it on this of glass. i'm giving the rest on how you guys have been 0 sort of went up. i just wanna know whether or not it must be important. they need me a lot going. i feel a little on me in need. i'm to give you another 4 dice flores. and what am i doing? i'm assuming i'm taking home beach. what else has been data sort of years ago saying that to simulate,
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i can say on it the best example the by the way. okay. and may i get that now? and because i know for them, for me please, is to florida ill for you and ideas and way that you know, you know, person, i can install it with them on somebody's a. hopefully you can ask and that's what i'm thinking. city as being very as mess seems in it accessible, elastic the the close. okay. so you don't know about when there's a letterman, the audits boyland. do you want to know even when the new ones are, i saw a couple of the labels and assume the real easy is it? uh it, i'm part of the, the, the border or can even come humans to best on a guy hang on a 2nd. this award winning them into more available. and one to say one of the more
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i might have been assigned to the rest of the numbers on it and then also wherever you got another one of those, you will get. so unless you've a feeling good at all in the wedding, we always tell you on the personnel, so we are given supposed to be on the fast. okay. yeah. then we'll kind of, i mean, we'll have to go from there on some of you to find some units. like, what's the affordable, easy i find the best i know getting get back to the office on atkins. will that make? i know, i didn't know. let's look you to confirm the post office. that doesn't seem so much cabinet. you click on that. yes, they own a b. so it got an idea of sale and i've got the best one i need, i'm thinking or whatever the case, something like a what do you think is true? it's been a little just the point of view them in the wake of the one. can you tell me look, if you didn't view that a few last german 3 saw combine. yes, it is combined. yeah. monday through us on the modem and i keep on missing and let me look at us. i see a video of the fan of the somebody though,
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it's probably if it gave me they was, it does say you, this'll be searching in on a simple one with the dc complex in new if that, that's what i've seen. it even view it easily using all okay, let me do this. then you need the feeling that it's of remember that i'm many of them are by sending me sitting there sitting mostly sending the need about the introduction of this vehicle. i'm or if it's a new experience, you're going to like be must've just started splitting the survey in criminal justice. let me check on the now you only say gulfport, but the simpson i love when you hear me the same thing as if he'd have less going on one of the of the toner and exist any wonderful mental monday you'll have access to must i guess when you meet them that are from them in that office on data that has given us a minimum of sort of at least a case and they include video. and if it goes with a significant get you something sure you're going idea that on these on the thought of going to be a sense, a get myself key less 11 and notice and the success,
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what kind of media. and so let me mobile look at that. i mean, nasa, hotline double here is that isn't even bringing up as a was about it's a yeah, room thing bobo going and letting you know, look again, i think isn't that good? but i, you said you only assess the, for the level in felicia gas and i don't what about the the 90 sonata? so look at my 100 follow being though, but a lot of the point you cannot see a lot and less on. i forgot to convince them of the different than the other. mostly. can we go through and a half of those done to begin all pretty sufficiently. what do you think? i knew what less gift is for government. that'd be dynamic in football game. able to see that affordable you, animal hall is pull up out of the units. what do you see? ask again, i said maybe some of them one last and, but it was interesting. and what is the problem? and yet you get the binding factor. come from us little bit bobo say about that and they said again ideas. and by say, i know that what do you need to get? i know my be us. so it and get kicking, visa if that person has a plan that is with them and then the never know
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when i thought of it, no, not in my yet assume on a vision was found on it. yeah. you know, they defend the either the mind. yeah. and so on my, that i said it on my yeah, no bootable in and out of the but in both the pay it on it. so it's not like that. i'm not going to and i mean that on the line us in the us in order. i'm gonna end up being a okay. wants to put it on my yeah, nothing, nothing at all. no, no, no, not the on the i don't know the head on get nothing else. no, i haven't done a month. i you you. i said, yeah, i told him and i've been, i've been out and had a settlement about getting, i'll save you see about my sending honestly but, but i've been useful on, on an ann wants me to be fun to san diego and i love you if not i will not be go on my way to the same. i never got them and they had me the photo and then i'm all about sitting up. maybe say i'm new and sort of started whether it's a love seat,
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the 5 minutes. will that see what i the receipt and once i sent it out and does say odyssey now the set of sandstone people, the must do it. and on monday, the defendant single one of us on the front of my policy, well. so then, and then sort of then i, then, i guess i'll, and then i say, you know, when i had this was the one method a scales on the internet as well. okay. i'm sorry, and carrie and see miles and they'll say a cannot have the color then you just, i sort of with it nowhere, separate guessing that'll help them get bit better for me. do you think which i really feel guess i think on the that'll get when we do a lot of soon it will be get, will know that i saw it then it could be in singles on facebook event, but this was that h or k phone smith, get in monday at 8 and we cannot come and do anyone that need to single get it. mm hm. so can you say that maybe they would not have wi fi and the key and they said let's be asking you this and that can we bid us like for the dental decent can get
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us a little less. vs no female is the same. ok, so i knew this will by end up with what it is. so you have a sign up with a solution that he showed when we solid as we go slow. and one of you, most of what i be living in the fuel december, legally the 1111 out of a need to let me know that the dialect has done a few minutes. i will see. and that will be in the end of these last week. no phone numbers on the left hand side, but in the meeting the union don't lose me. no, there's no, i mean is, is less than that is i guess i'm getting what's your my press? yeah, we'll get, i've got to take one on the little bit of a need and are you willing desktops or there's a house in the field for photos besides time through. and here's the thing though, i don't sell a there, they give them the indian and they'll be able to get a horse that i've used any by on the, on, on ease of feeling. oh, our own best color, the color that i'm supposed to been, i know, asked if we're getting a so the you data goes with all this time you and this is what he said is the the,
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to see if there's someone who sent me that is that you did get our own image on a u. s. i logo in the field e we have, i resolved to look into it. but my son, who is the ability to go to real bad dealing week, ready to, you know, about the mentoring and about because he thought the model if i to, to be able to meet as soon as you get that collateral guilty guy. they've been 00 from did anything in 3030 for federal and i from dennis old. but i, they bought the basis of my new, almost cheapest. but i could buy them up in a slow process. not vis a little bit in this in, but i think it like, i mean get, i think i'm the about the and so do it on this. so same is no point in somebody that i can plug it is available in the us and gone into the at the point in what's the best way to get into it then you don't mind maybe the gas on what it said. so you know, model the newer
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that into the math and almost died. so in the, i'm a separate, so not good. you get, i find out a quill a that's a fan, but he thought pc loan and see data ramsdale. why the money out there? by my nice, you know, x, the reason i'm thinking is finding out if by now, as i suppose tablet, it gives way part of the bell a full, a late saudi. send you the other half people the all the man said no, and yet i'm part of the idea emphasis on it. dahlia. combine. you excel by say for don't 30. so look at the 1st one i am, but the man i was one of the home in the same you have on the inside this out of my for the ink, a single body piece of bit. the 2nd either got it and less than a 100 to me, i know for the moment he gives me the model that i'm losing the 50 as well. yeah. the idea. i'm the internet and my goal. what is it possible to get someone to learn
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a little bit more than some point been to learn a little bit. and also in general, when see a more and i'm a kind of the now and the money a single get by yeah. losing the say. so i don't been doing on the case money into this is that i've to, she goes to the dining board conference, but i'm not getting anything to see on it. can. can somebody move in the corner? look, i'll put it in the she said, i mean the summer came off a lot picking that he said, hey, can you be so my that he quoted as for the side as i was already, that they are going to be out of this is your name again, i mean, it was somebody in the say
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a policy on that then you know that he think those unit is on that, that i did in a little bit. and i mean, i, you, me says we followed i live. what about the assuming on you know that you're looking for p o. k? i didn't was the sort of boiler you up with the money if it's a frustrating for you, because sound good on the east. almost invest almost one does the 2nd time it um on the uh the uh the yeah, those 2 will be, well, i mean it's still not on us either. the lot that off to my knowledge. yeah ma'am it is. i'm glad this is. i said we just city of the said yeah. and then because any of those people up in east will be in the office. yeah. me and i mean i guess sign, i just almost, i'm in a yeah. it'd be, you know, maybe the 2nd in the say that he yeah, if, if i'm off the say a while, but somebody other than that, i mean get a feeling funny. delmont, a deal out a lot of money and you want to later in the say to him, ok, go my, you get an
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e. lebanese will be lovely. so i said we just put your the price and this was awesome. and, you know, i mean, but we'll get an idea back in a way that you, that, you know, legally live in a guy for a lot. if i need us to better be in the one bedroom to put that in. okay, that i drop off the day for me. uh, i can put a time to pick it ill, get them off for about a cnn. do they have just time of day, but as soon as yeah. but it's interesting me think, i get this thought a whole lot better. so let me get on pick one, the same one thing and i see the same company got. i'm sending that up all you see, uh when i send you the board of the policy, you're gonna get married. go says that i say that it's on the phone. i don't even, i don't get a little bit more meaning because the in the middle of the release of the month that we're doing this and awful, i can barely meet and visit us in the mail. so i'm thinking this on that also. so i'm going to come in, take a portal, then i do see one of them even ease of use it but for some of the young
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again, but i think the thought on it and then by you have of you either. so you have to meet the think i'm you're going to get the fees they you because i $1.00 of the less percent us to whoop, of course the political or just, you know, money time or say so a just a few years back. but just give us of us on the sign language. so the element that us but it's are not fully because because most of the, you get the name was all we need us to understand any more thought. but i guess the combined yet or because that and then even if it's worth pursuing, picking them as though no point of service they going to be got our cell or the my yeah, no, wait for them on, you know, i mean give on a, for my son to be there a, is it the guy you beat it and when that on a can say, well, this is becky, the liam, but a less bottom us, you such as the guy you know, for the fia,
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you sent me a guy that amount of space for fitness may not, i mean in thing, when the girls may already be integrated on the way the investigation conducted on the united way restores though, the, the how digital media and the people to embrace. so she goes into that guy, you cuz the bottles in the design is on the you think it might have been seen on services and i want to see by the michael more of a heads up on the 30th. think of him, i'll be in a gate open, it will be a fee to make it a simple business. yeah. yeah. okay. i'm on the i'm in the, in the office. yeah. other than that, but as it was there anything when ever you see another thing, the, as i said, let me look at the look if that was the only for us on the all. but i do have so many link it to get a with it the new make any more the yeah go yeah, it'll be in it, but i would have to be able to do it. when did i really seem to get it pretty much it will not believe you. when would you most likely level up yourself not getting access so? no, no, no think i'm pretty go. the
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law susan telling the bus protesters the resignation of israel's prime minister over his continuation of the gal that war on failure to bring all hostages home to the international court of justice orders then nothing. yeah. whose government to prevent the genocide in doubt? that speaking exclusively to archie, the less than the num fostered features the states only the international community can forces realtors to stop its war indicator suggests that gets real, will continue the suppression. this requires the international community to take responsibility and exert max.


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