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tv   News  RT  January 28, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EST

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the the depaula sent in slum the reported suspension of funding by nearly a dozen western countries to the un relief and works agency coming after israel claims some of the organizations stuff were involved in the october 7th terrorist attack. the international court of justice, orders that nothing yahoo government to prevent a genocide and gaza speaking exclusively to our, to the palace of the name and password to turkey. i say it's only the international community come forces real to solve its assault indicator, suggest that israel will continue the suppression. but this requires the international community to take responsibility and extra maximum pressure on israel to stop this aggressive war. distressing images from around the border with pakistan were 9 workers are killed by on known government coming us to run on this
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loma, but seem off to tackle service. the president putting the cues as keeps troops of using a nato, a supply list. so i will system to should star and a plane carrying the printing another, treat prisoners which approach killing all aboard and rushes belgrade region. this week. the with the latest developments this sunday and a wrap up the big stories from the past 7 days. welcome to the weekly on archie or nearly a dozen countries including the u. s. the u. k. and germany have reportedly stopped funding the un relief and works agency for a policy by refugees about south or israel brought forward and almost confirmed claim that some and right workers were involved in the october 7 terror attack. the
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suspension of western aid has sparked outrage from palestinians as more than 2000000 gallons depend on live saving supplies from abroad. we call on the countries that announced the session of their support for under one to immediately reverse their decision which entails great political and humanitarian relief risks, as at this particular time and, and lights of the continuing aggression against the palestinian people. we need the maximum support for this international organization and not stopping support and assistance to it. let's get to more on the story now with our tea. charlotte to been screw joins me in the shoot, the charlotte. it just breaking this door and we hug. thing is really allegations 1st we then had a probe, a 9 spice, then rot um the sucking of some of its employees. but still funding from abroad from those countries appears to be happening the stopping of funding at what are the details surrounding this?
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well, data surrounding this, all very spa scene and we don't know what the exact allegations is rarely is making against these employees of unreal. they happen to be dispersed. what we get. the suggestion is the best thing that up to 12, and the employees is well, is alleging that they were part of hamas, and that she took part in what happened in as well on october the 7th, which then of course, smoked as well as war against goza. we haven't been given the details by unreal either other than that they have let go knowing if the individuals attends person apparently has already died and to others. they're looking into the identities of those individuals before they make a decision over that. but what we've had from different is where the body such as the id f is these allegations and has been using its facilities in dollars to help terrorist activities as well. and this is what is wells on passages to the you and has have to say about these allegations. come with this simulation un relief and
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works agency for palestine. refugees, employees are collaborators with the terrorist organizations come off and the un has become not only a place where the existence of the state of israel is de legitimized, but also a place where employees are physically collaborating in the extermination of israel and the murder of its citizens the relations between the u. n and is well at all historical low. at the moment, we've had several high profile figures within the u. n. criticizing israel and how it's being conducting. it's more in gaza and not allowing humanitarian aiden and all of those cool spies parts of the un for a c spine. at the same time, we know that is well, has been a long critic of unread. this is not unusual for me as well to be making allegations of. i know, of course these allegations of form we'll see, race and what we've heard in the past. but it has said in the past, unreal basis of being used by tyra organizations. but an investigation is yet to
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take place. it's just a number of days ago that these allegations 1st came forward. so there's been very little time for that to happen. the response though, has been swift from the us. it's it's allies awesome that absolutely. we've had well, 9 countries, almost a dozen countries saying that we're going to stop the funding. we don't want to be touched by this. this includes the u. s. the u. k. jeremy big fund does of unreal an organization that is providing aid to, to 1000000 people in goals that this is organization was set up after the hour. a best way to go in 1948 to make sure the palestinians had schools had aid, had shelter. and this idea that potentially the body could have been touched by terrorism. and let's be clear here in and this is tiny. if 12 individuals who worked on rough, which has 13000 employees in garza,
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were linked to home us. we're talking about 0 point one percent of his employees. but despite that countries and very quickly said, we're going to stop the funding. john coby, who is the white house national service communications spokesperson. he was asked about this in a press conference and essentially asked or you funding terrorism. some of this into that response. the past suspended any outline or yet to be allocated to funds for un rather un relief in works agency pending the result of this investigation. while seeking to watch this very closely. we welcome the un secretary general and the commissioner general. lenora their comments today, calling for a full investigation secretary blinking made clear and his call with the secretary general yesterday. we expected that we have complete and thorough and transparent investigation. we all want to see that's good for everybody in that the. those who are, who are, who, who should be,
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are properly held accountable for that. so people that are getting hundreds of millions of dollars of us money are not being vetted. so who do you guys check out? as i said, we want this investigation to be complete and transparent. and if the, if the, if in the investigation it's determined that people need to be held accountable, then obviously we want to see that too. but up until today, us policy that has been, we don't negotiate with terrorists, but we will give them hundreds of millions of dollars. come on now that's, that's conflating here. this is not your, your that's, i've seen a whole audra is a terrorist organization who is a terrorist organization come us, not on right now. if they have, if the investigation proves that in this case, i think it's about a dozen employees were assisting homeless and even to the point of maybe even, you know, involved in hospice taking that. absolutely. they need to be able to account, and we will all the we've already suspended any additional applications to him or we'll certainly consider additional, you know, what it,
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depending on the investigation, whether that requires any additional changes in the way we support on we're going forward. now the you and as close as carrying out an investigation in the meantime, it said that these allegations of shocking it's of course, taking this very seriously. but at the same time it is urgent countries not to stop the funding. and while i understand their concerns, i was myself horrified by these accusations. i strongly appealed to the governments that have suspended their contributions to at least guarantee the continuity of unreal was operations on real life saving assistance is about following concerts. decisions to cut the funds into the agency, all humanitarian operation on which to me land. people depend as a lifeline in gaza is collapsing. i am shocked, size decision sought taken based on the loads behavior of a few in tv deals and as the war continues, needs a deepening and simon booms,
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hosting and some gaza. didn't know if need be. so there's no collective punishments this sustains all of us. so but that's what the you in such a pleading to continue that funding. and one other issue if i can just put to it. but the, the timing of this, we don't know if it's related in any way, but it did come like on friday the i c, j at ruling on israel's genocidal attempts or otherwise was spoken about another issue. let's come up with, with these, with these claims is we have to report back within one month on what it's doing and gas that trying to less than uh, fatalities, casualties. the timing, can we just speak on that for, for a moment? yeah. not something the other people are questioning is why is this? well, making these accusations about about this body that provides that a central humanitarian aid in the gaza strip. the always enjoy ruling saying
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that israel has to refrain from any act to talk that could fall under the genocide convention that we've heard from the un special process tool holmes is she's got some interesting claims to major design during the day after the icy j concluded that israel is plausibly committing genocide and gaza. some states decided to defend united nations relief and works agency collectively bunching millions of palestinians of the most critical time and most likely violating their obligations under the genocide convention. that's very important would be violating the obligations under this convention, is what she's saying. the countries that are looking at stuffing will have indeed stopped by 8. and of course, henri provides the humanitarian a. there is a humanitarian catastrophe, and folding in garza so it is interesting to look at the timing of the always the j ruling. and within hours of that, essentially we had this real saying look,
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the body that provides 8 in gaza. it's aging terrorism, breaking all that done for us this, our, our, to charlotte to been ski. well, let's bring you to tell a vive, i want to show you some images from there. benjamin netanyahu was facing the rough of his own citizens who were unhappy with his government's handling of the war. protesters took to the streets over night, facing off with local police. the demonstrators are demanding the resignation of the east. really pm, to know at least 217 idea of troops up until so far cheering the invasion of gaza while israel has failed to return. most of the hostages. so held by a mass. here's what's some of the protesters there, how to say my message is that this man never knew who needs to go to hell. he needs to go as he failed,
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he's very dangerous. it needs to go and then we can deal with older wrist. it's clear that these really prime minister benjamin that's on yahoo doesn't want to and the war doesn't want to free the hostages. so the public will be dealing with these and not with him. this is the only thing that bothers him. the son, you know, we call to dismiss that of the who. it's not acceptable that a person who's busy and move his political future would lay the war in which we have 3 young soldiers killed every day. we know this older world and the balance in negotiation for the hostages, say that it in the is dragging it out without justification just because of his personal problems. well, the protests in tel aviv come off to the international court of justice as we've been speaking about this week, ordered israel to take action to prevent ox of genocide. and guess that israel's prime minister as pure mentally condemn the ruling from the icing. j. are you all we almost so i've been blooming. there is no greater absurdity than that of
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yesterday on the eve of international hall, a customer. remember in stay today those who came to the hague to accuse us of the false and outrages charge of genocide in whose name did they come in? the name of home us in the name of the new nazis who came to commit genocide on us . i say again to you the citizens of israel, that our commitment is to fulfill our will and achieve all the goals of the war to eliminate him, us, to return all the hostages. and to ensure that god's up will no longer be a threat to israel. and while haig did tell israel to prevent and punish any type of genocide, deluxe and gaza, the court stopped short of calling for an immediate cease fire with shy of africa, which brought the case by the way, also with them. and the court is also to view israel must take measures within its power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide in
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relation to the members of the palestinian group. in regards this trip, the court further considers that israel most takes immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by palestinians in the gaza strip. well, let's go through this because the i c j rejected is really to minus disrupt the case. instead ordering at west jerusalem to ensure a genocide, deluxe are not created by the country's military. israel was also told to a law the access of adequate food, water fuel, and other aid supplies that goes according to the ruling. israel must not destroy any evidence that would support genocide or allegations on the loss of access to this fact finding missions. while the reading has been welcomed by south africa, and indeed others who called it a decisive victory for international law, not in the wake of the ruling from the hague. algeria has no requested
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a un security council meeting to implement the i c james genocide prevention verdict. the north african nations foreign minister sees it's time for israel to be held accountable for the acts of its military. one source african president sterile rom, oppose the states. they've given what his nation has gone through it, how to act and what's happening and guessing international court of justice in the hague, in the netherlands. issue that holding, that is a victory for international law for human rights, and above all, for justice. some have told us that we should mind our own business and not to get involved in the affairs of other countries. we saw the africans is not the passive bystanders. and watch the times that we have visited upon us being perpetrated upon the people
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a sway. my hope is that we will begin to move toward the process where substantively a 2 state solution is being discussed. the people of palestine of stuff at home for many, many decades. i don't, but i do believe it to in today or tomorrow. but what we've done is a very clear signal has been sent by the court. and it's now a test for the government and people of israel as to whether they will act in a manner that says all of us must respect international law. or trick here is among the nations which as praise b i. c, j. verdict, the palestinian ambassador to the country spoke to archie explicitly after the hague states judgment fired. most stuff are your words, the international community to work together to stop the war in gaza and implement a 2 state solution of the israel is now in a corner, is the whole world. listen to what the court said and presented in terms of reasons
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and facts which largely confirmed with south africa went to and its lawsuit against the occupying state. and much of the evidence presented by south africa in its case, and is called to support the palace to me and people was adopted. therefore, we is palestinians. welcome what was issued by the international court of justice. i left the indicator suggest that israel will continue this aggression by you. this requires the international community to take responsibility and exert maximum pressure on israel to stop this aggressive word. this crazy word, wages against trees, stones, and people in the gaza strip. what were the main target and the 1st to suffer are the civilians among our people in the gaza strip of the 2 state solution is the solution agreed upon by the world that is translated into numerous international resolutions. becoming the pivot of political and diplomatic action and resolving this conflict in the region. however, for israel it is clear that the solution is unacceptable. they still consider the
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westbank as to dan samaria and do not see the possibility of establishing another state between the sea and the river on the state of israel has worked over the years to undermine the 2 state solution to land confiscation operations. in the intensification of settlement building across the west bank, they need to prevent the realization of the 2 state solution. but we share un secretary general gutierrez, call, and vision that a solution is still possible. i'm an only with this solution. can security stability and peace in the region, be a cheap without it, the region will remain in an endless cycle of violence, counter violence and instability for that. okay, more world news, 9 pockets. sony workers help being killed and 3 more wounded and a shooting spree and around the rest of border region of suspense and pollute system. and warning this pressing images ahead. reading authorities are investigating the attack buys on, known as sealants in response to some of the shooting pocket stones for administer
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said that such incidents are attempts to spoil ties between his mom about on to run . it comes as the 2 neighboring countries are intensifying their joint fight against tara risk groups and the mutual border. so as does he see said zach is an attempt to spoil the relations between pakistan and iran by all coming to enemies while offering condolences to the families of victims. we urged it on in government to take action. no in pakistani national. subbing jo, that's we. others have been shooting incident on saturday and the border town officer all bon deceased on him, but of just on problems and effort, spite of one. and guess what i'm about to man ties following reciprocal vessel strikes between the 2 sides. so no group has claimed responsibility for the attack, but survivors a lease that were quoted by local news outlets of saying that 3 of the silence opened fire other foreigners after entering the residence and then slid the scene,
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the victims were report or lead pakistani laborers who lived at a car repair shop or the world pakistan called the attack a terrorist incident. i said it contacted one of those warranties and asked it wrong to investigate me so that it wanted foreign ministry spokesman nasir can on he condemned the attack. i said that to the end, pakistan will not allow any use to damage the fraternal ties between the 2 countries. this all followed and the return of the masters of the 2 countries to their missions. after being recalled, when the neighboring countries exchanged missile strikes last week, targeting what they called, hide down. so in certain groups, the shootings also came to the head of applied visit to pakistan on monday by one and for administrative was saying i'm, you're up to the young to officially restore diplomatic ties of some of the short lived escalation between the 2 countries as well. as mentioned so far, no group has claimed responsibility for subsidies as sold and wherever the really
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and region has previously seen the series of attacks by a sunni islamist terrorist organization. the josh will all separate. this group has been operating inside the eastern a room since 2012. it's claimed responsibility for numerous deadly attacks inside the country, including a suicide bombing that killed 27 iranian troops back in 2019, according to some of the countries medial eclipse the terrace grouping as links to the united states and allegation washington denies. earlier this month, you're really in military bombard at the militants positions inside the restless border. so let's cross now i to are really and political a list of academic from the university up to about and side, but how much more on the always good to see you, sir. at products um foreign minister has called the deadly to her attack. an attempt by quote common enemies to solve her relations between this love about interrupt. what kind of forces might he be alluding to in europe, you?
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and if this turns out to be a terrorist attack, then it is most probably the is riley regime that lies behind it because these right of these have been funding this terrace organization. especially over the past few months. we've seen, according to iranian intelligence agencies, and increase in terrorist attacks against iran by different tara organizations that are at the moment linked to these riley's, in other words, the news riley regime has a prominent role in communications and in funding care organizations, both in northern iraq which is not fully controlled by the rocky government, but also in the no man's land in the pocket. stormy border region near iran pockets on has a major problem because most of its forces are located alongside the indian border
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. and therefore it's capability to monitor the border and regulate the border with the ron is limited. tension is just the point our tensions recently spike between pockets down and around with a cross border exchange of missile strikes. both as on the bottom to run stated their targeting militants, not each other's forces. doc, price has been seen to blow over shortly after it flared up. your brief assessment of what happened there, a slide. well there was a gathering of terrorists near the running board or at their base in practice on, in a region which is not well controlled by the practice on the government. and the ronnie is felt that if they did not strike immediately there they would carry out a major attack. and since we already had a number of very hurt, painful attacks,
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any run over the past few weeks of the on for just decided to strikes that target inside practice on even though they knew it would cause serious trouble with the pockets on the government. the practice on the government i made, or when they saw the evidence that the writings provided that there were no children there. it was a military base the these groups, this group had gathered its forces. they decided to move alongside the iranians to bring ties back to normal will be running for ministers going to pockets on and hopefully the 2 sides will spend more money on the border to secure the border. because it is only in the interest of 3rd parties for tensions to be created between iran and practice on. and these 9 people were most probably killed, even though i don't have information yet. but most probably killed murdered by terrorist groups that want to increase tensions between the 2 sides. well,
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thanks very much for giving us a breakdown on developments. there are really and political level as i like it demick side, but how much we're on the live on our tea. not president putin saves ukraine using nature missile system to shift died, a transport plane over russia's belgrade region of wedding started the aircraft was carrying ukrainian p o w 's for prisoner exchange. all of them, as well as the original crew, were killed in the crush of the security isn't really, unless you, the entire court and key regimes is in one way or another, based on crimes that it commits daily including against its own citizens. they shut down our aisle $76.00 plane which was carrying their own service in the main intelligent service, and the ukrainian army knew that we were taking $65.00 service men there. most likely, a patriot missile system was used, an american or european air defense system. most likely french in a couple of days. the exec answer will be given aspects and then you still in school earlier, the russian defense ministry. brandon, what occurred
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a terror attack by keeps forces, a list of the 65. you printing people. nobody's killed in the tragedy has been published. another plane carrying a further 18 know the tree prisoners was diverted with moscow saying that the swap deal has not been suspended. there's a brief recap of 100 forward of the
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people in key of knew very well about the upcoming exchange. they knew the route preserves in the world would be delivered by the attack on the plane was a deliberate ink cartridge section. the terrorist attack clearly demonstrates the key ever seen to negotiate. i want to show you this to right to offer the news about the crush and merge the printing and media 9 stuff to us troops had shopped on a russian plane. however, as soon as messages about ukraine's own service meant being on the or cops spread, those assets quickly change their headlines on while the country's top officials kept silent up by the incident for many hours. you printing an m. p. furiously took the social media to events as anger and it's a tony. everyone is sitting around keeping quiet,
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but we're the defense minister is nowhere in sight. the presidential office is out of contact. everyone has to be heads up throughout, keeping quiet and just watching and waiting for someone to blame this on. of course, when you're sitting in warm flats in kiev and levels, it's really comfortable to think about what his grades and historic well when he did eventually make a tele by statement, ukraine's president refused to accept as no entry had been involved in shooting down the plain landscape for him, the details of the incident remained on clear while pointing the finger of blame of moscow itself. what's the shortest piano? it is obvious that the russians are messing with the lives of ukrainian captives, the feelings of their relatives, and the motions of society. oakley effects must be established to the extent possible given that b. a graph crashed on russian 33 beyond the controls and we heard the view this,
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we get all of a form of us army officer on the little plane dining brushes. dealing with the dishonest actor escapes a frantic after a drug addict, death during the form of the zalinski and is his little bottom lies cabinet. so they named betrayed this. they betrayed russia, they betrayed the world. they betrayed the even the sentiment of prisoner exchanges, and they've murder their own forces, and that's the narrative that should be carried across to every ukrainian soldier. consider yourself dead if you want to try and return to ukraine as a p o w. ukraine would rather murder you, like they've done in the past. then have you tell the story and the story they're afraid of is that russia is a hospitable kind of balanced, intelligent nation that doesn't want more. that simply wants to put an end to the us, had gemini hostilities that weren't put in place in 2014, that has led to biochemical labs,
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all sorts of corruption within the united states. and has put the world into a position of conflict like never before. so they're afraid of the narrative getting out that russia is really the best friend of the ukrainians. while zalinski is their biggest enemy is evidenced by this act of murder. you know, we saw it in sol. technicolor during color on a virus times the tensions between the economy and politics and government strategy . so how does such disparate sectors work together going forward? well, well it's a part guesstimates without the big question. it's a multi faceted as one that's all that the .


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