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tv   News  RT  January 28, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EST

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is what is there with me just a 2nd, the better to cover them, a new window to pursue this, this month really? can you're saying because i've been at the front of this as a visited into the course and you're covered on the above. the palestinians. sloane be reported suspension of funding by nearly a dozen western countries to the un relief and works agency coming off to as well claim some of the organization stuff were involved in the type of 7th territory and cassandra pool, say the dallas, he's regular, contribute to a non social non has been arrested by the id s. it's been a week since we lost contact with him. on the distressing images from
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a wrong folder with pockets done when 91 because it kills by and government kind of gets to run on this number 5 team up to tackle terrorism. the able welcome bringing you the very latest world news updates in the round up at the main stories of the week. this is the weekly on the international. it's great to have you with us. i'm nearly a dozen countries including the u. s. u k. um, germany have reportedly stopped funding the un relief and works agencies of palestine refugees as well as well both for the non confirms claim but some and well because we're involved in the october 7th terror attacks. the suspension of west and 8 has sparks outrage from palestinians as more than 2000000 gauze and depend on life saving supplies from improved. as we call on the countries that announce the session of their support for under one to immediately reverse their
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decision which entails great political and humanitarian relief risks. as at this particular time and in light of the continuing aggression against the palestinian people. we need the maximum support for this international organization and not stopping support and assistance to it or data surrounding this, all very small seeing. and we don't know what the exact allegations is rarely is making against these employees of unreal. they happen to be dispersed. what we get, the suggestion is the best thing that up to 12 and the employees is well, is alleging that they were part of hamas and actually took part in what happened in as well on october the 7th, which then of course, sparked as well as war against goals, we haven't been given the details by unreal either other than that they have let go knowing if the individuals a tense person apparently has already died into others. they're looking into the
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identities of those individuals before they make a decision over that. but what we've had from different is where the body such as the id f is these allegations and has been using it's facilitating dollars to help terrorist activities as well. and this is what is well, some passages to the you and has have to say about these allegations come with this to me should you and relief and works agency for palestine, refugees, employees are collaborators with the terrorist organizations from us. and the un has become not only a place where the existence of the state of israel is de legitimized, but also a place where employees are physically collaborating and the extermination of israel and the murder of its citizens. we know that israel has been a long critic of and read this is not unusual for as well to be making allegations of. i know, of course, these allegations of form. we'll see, race them what we've heard in the past, but it has said it in the past. unreal basis of being used by tyra organizations.
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gotcha donald, to me from our main goal and the wars to eliminate the sweats. not just neutralize it. and we know how to eliminate terrorists. it's more difficult for us to deal with an idea or is the source of the idea. the idea is that more and more terrorists are born in all kinds of methods and it will be impossible to win the war unless, but the store on the right immediately. and this idea that potentially the body could have been touched by terrorism. and let's be clear here in and this is tiny. if 12 individuals who worked on rough, which has 13000 employees in garza, were linked to how much we're talking about 0 point one percent of his employees. but despite that, countries are very quick. they said we're going to stop the funding. um, john coby, who is the, the white house national, a service communication spokesperson. he was asked about this in a press conference and essentially asked, are you funding terrorism some of this into that response past suspended any uh,
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outline or yet to be allocated to funds for under other un relief in works agency. now to go to people that are getting hundreds of millions of dollars of us my are not being vetted. so who do you guys check out? as i said, we want this investigation to be complete and transparent. and if the, if the, if in the investigation it's determined that people need to be held accountable, then obviously we want to see that too. but up until today us policy then has been, we don't negotiate with terrorists, but we will give them hundreds of millions of dollars. come on. now that's, that's conflating here, that this is not your, your, that's like saying the whole honora is a terrorist organization. who is a terrorist organization come off, not on right now. if they have, if the investigation proves that in this case, i think it's about a dozen employees were assisting homeless and even to the point of maybe even, you know, involved in hospice taking the app so loosely they need to be held to account w. and as close as carrying out an investigation in the meantime,
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it says that these allegations are shocking. it's of course, taking this very seriously, but at the same time it is urgent countries not to stop the funding. while i understand their concerns, i was myself horrified by these accusations. i strongly appealed to the governments that have suspended their contributions to at least guarantee the continuity of unreal was operations. on the role live saving assistance is about following concerts, decisions to cut the funds into the agency or humanitarian operation on which to midland. people depend as a lifeline in gaza is collapsing. i am shocked, size decision sought taking based on the loads behavior of a few in tv deals, and as the war continues, needs a deepening and simon booms, hosting and some gaza. didn't know if need be, so there's no collective punishments. this sustains all of us. one other issue if i can just put to it, but the, the timing of us,
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we don't know if it's related in any way, but it did come out on friday the i c, j at ruling on israel's genocidal attempts or otherwise was spoken about another issue at least come up with, with these, with these claims. the always think a ruling saying that israel has to refrain from any act to talk that could fall under the genocide convention that we've heard from the un. special right tool tones is she's got some interesting claims to make the day after the icy j concluded that israel is plausibly committing genocide and gaza. some states decided to define united nations relief and works agency, collectively punching millions of palestinians of the most critical time. and most likely violating their obligations under the genocide convention. that's very important would be violating the obligations under this convention is what she's saying. the countries that are looking at stuffing will happen indeed still by 8.
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and of course, henri provides the humanitarian aid. there is a humanitarian catastrophe, and folding in garza so it is interesting to look at the timing of the ice to j ruling and within our so that essentially we had this real saying look to the body to provides 8 in gaza. it's aging terrorism. several on witnesses of confirms to us he did the ideas, has arrested. the frequency contribute to 2 of both cost cause a base started last month, social non m as well as being out of touch with the family and co workers for a week. now with his last known location opposed to the and baffled non so medical complex in con eunice also, he has requested comments, but the idea of has not denied no confirms the information so far. we spoke with mine, so it was mother you. apart from the relentless idea of assault on gauze and results that concerned her son could not be held without charge, by the way, the military and even right there is back out bad communication. few times it's best to go anywhere to get some connection and nobody knows what it is. i assume he
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was still a good fit. and when they went to an officer house, because he has been too much sort of, he had the contract with a price for kind of cut off just 2 days before the award. i believe you changed always his mind, but he went behind you and is the sort that people wanted him because of his english language and as a canadian. so hopefully the entire word because at the beginning the guns over is or it was too much about lies about be heading about too much lies in the news and they wanted somebody who speaks english, that teams change is perfect. and, and he managed to do that, and every time i, sometimes i think the class with m p isn't leave easily. he's upset if i told him the idea, as you said, my, my men come not leave. okay. and i'm not in need of the situation. people need me here can never, never accepted a word from me. if i told him leave, keep, and at the last minute when was that, what is the solution that's i tell them i think that must be a sense that they knew it's going to put con no. so they knew they would come and
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they had to evacuate to him and others. so please leave because they're not supposed to be done. now i've seen that coming. he said no mama, it's wanted, it's ok. it will when you have a ceasefire, somebody can't take me to an office or to con you. and if i want to for my son, i want to look for it. is running tends to send the troops farther into the enclave to rest some a in the area. long see populated with people displaced within gaza. as according to media reports of those as a egypt which bowed as a territory, opposes the decision. the audience intentions have raised the face of locals to ready on the brink of disaster as local journalist. so not come on reports. that gives us an here and rough off, and it doesn't. part of the cost of the english is very diana, mainly as a variety of laws in get from this area which leads to designing though more than 1000000 people who really live under state. don't worry on the feeds that
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maybe the is that i, the government would decide lying, that'd be that it would expand it to provision. meanwhile, i knew that, but the cm's here, a vista suggested that if you did that with, with needs, absolutely, with new stuff. i mean there after and 9 meg who lived in countries, the decided this was a lot of then then a fun to it. so that you might see it to the 9th of naked relief, the adverse agency on the right and maybe see, suppose that a late until now the people here. and i see from time to time. so this 3 to have some internet says to follow off for the updates on the use of hours or the display as us would be $32.00 between some us. and this is the amy army, our i and the as a is that you may be when it takes place replacement and then and deputies close out and get the better cdns here are struggling to,
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to obtain their basic needs to like food and load the boston main line, we have dozens of thousands of people who live in the streets without having any houses. did that or any houses do for them? understand? they imagine version to the that they may call the human housing letterman, mainly the electricity was 9 pockets. saudi workers are being killed on 3 more wounded in a shooting spree in a wrong restive border region upstairs. done on pollution stuff. a warning distressing images are, has, it's raining, those sorts. these are investigating the attack, my unknown assailants, in response to sounds of a suit taken pocket stones for him, and as a sub, as such incidents or attempts to explode, ties between is not a bond and to wrong becomes if the 2 neighboring countries are intensifying the joint efforts, gains terrace groups and the mutual board assign. what does he see?
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said zach is an attempt to spoil the relations between pakistan and iran by all coming to enemies, while offering condolences to the families of victims. we urged the it on in government to take action. no, in pakistani nationals have been killed that we others have been wounded, shooting incident on saturday. the border town of several bar it is. he's talking about of just on problems and effort, spite of one. and guess what i'm about to man ties following reciprocal missile strikes between the 2 sides. so far, no group has claimed responsibility for the attack, but survivors a lease that were quoted by local news outlets. us saying that 3 of the silence opened fire at the foreigners after entering the residence and then fled the sea. the victims were reportedly pack is found laborers who live at a car repair shop or the world pakistan called the attack. a terrorist incident has said it contacted one of those warranties and asked ron to investigate visa that it
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wanted. foreign ministry spokesman us are can on, he condemned the attack. i said that the end pakistan will not allow any use to damage the fraternal ties between the 2 countries. this all followed the return of the investors of the 2 countries to their missions. after being recalled when the neighboring countries exchanged missile strikes last week, targeting what they called highly doubtful in certain groups. the shootings also came in the head of applied visit to pakistan on monday by february and for administrative was saying i'm, you're up to the young to officially restore diplomatic ties of some of the short lived escalation between the 2 countries as well. so it's on the past claims responsibility for assault. today's assault, however, the radian region has previously seen a series of attacks by a city is the most terrorist organization, the dry is old. although a separatist group has been operating in southeast, in a wrong since 2012,
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it has claimed responsibility of a numerous therapy as hawks inside the country, including a suicide bombing that killed $27.00 iranian troops back in 2019. according to some of the country's media outlets, the terrorist group has links to the united states and navigation. washington has denied earlier this month, the radian military bump balls, it's the militants positions inside. the restless boat is as close on to journalist a causewell clause, right? many thanks for joining is on the program today is very nice to see. so practiced on sperm and as the as close that today's deadly terror attack and attends by quote, common enemies to sour relations between is on the badge and to rome, which have just recently be normalize. what kind of forces my to be alluding to with that statement as well. thank you for having to be on the so once again, under elect the judge you the statement which has come from the form lister is
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really interesting. the job for to a he, he, after the drive to play on the phone the, we are not sure which tom and entity is actually trying to sound for the relationship. because on the i, i believe that you did unplugged for mr. root has been named that from an antibiotic that i'm. ready we, we want to know which coming out of the bus stop and i think it was this totally instability off or dislike because is the law enforcement agencies golf for it on because it would be on the, on their side, they were targeted and they were getting bored, i want to get for sure that the is i do have actually pointed out that the pockets on that data has been in it. but in the good to go see good sense of i live at this point, the seat on the dock and pockets on this funding and all of a sudden denied illegal to my son. he lives out on it on his side this. oh sure
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because of my experience, this all shows that just seems a lot of really difficult last time in golf dc. see dante this for product, killing of really, you know, tomatoes focus on what at least see it on in for him. at least that in his phone box adjuster did before a just from before. uh before this, the important uh visit. got my pockets on his, on his, on his on is not an audited thing, but i think the both microphone and uh, you know, the entirety the time to look into it. i just saw it to a guy i spoke to investigate vista, may apply some of those for both of what we'll do, but i am exactly blind which culminated is a boss, but i think august is a monday $1000000.00 question. as well as the timing wise, it is an incredibly interesting as it comes as both wrong and his level of i'd say
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they were even increasing the joint efforts to combat terrorism. do you think we can expect to see them teaming up on the other issues in the region like these where the palestinian conflicts for instance, and also do you expect this incident on such a day to destabilize relations in any way? the 1st just actually pointed out and you are another probably good person. i've seen this situation, denny. it's nothing to to be do. sign up with you to validate pockets on it on both sides. it's on a lot of. uh huh. just i was on to the side of the attack on because i as well, but i think that is that not at all fact it both focused on his on it on yet how soon does the doctors and before of the day they cannot do anything beyond the donation of the united nation, or if i could find the john is on the stump and then the situation is of us but,
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but i see it is a major issue because the dot net on the 9 o'clock, it's on a, on it on inside. and i will, i will draw your attention to what happened earlier this month of the dawn is talking to the dockets inside like this on the bar base or sometimes getting pockets of this funded the point for the late uh the incentive on it on inside of and i do look for yeah, uh the offer man talk, do you use a tax on this policy because it on and it's on both sides of the day of suspended. their diplomatic relation is better, but i don't see that i actually was just like the funded the maybe it did it that there is some to run it on the farm this aside and heat up the common need behind such type of relationships behind. so i talked about a guy on fox valley side. yeah. maybe a complimentary but this prominent because i am
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a journalist. i don't have sponsored and i got the most. he gets totally different . i don't understand the whole day because i'll put the leader to sorta lock it fine and you don't get to do it on the bottom of this, i say that it's almost any assistance that would be behind these says ac does is defined for florida. as matter of fact is on it, i see he made the comment on the prices on these really. and i actually said all of these my in my views, my office on the fly, the lawsuit that they say that i belong to read. and i am in the, the final is off of the, of those victims of fans and dissertations. and we've also got these to go off for the day. yeah. more like solve for jobs. we just bought a box of smokeless jobs over there, monday. and the situation is the best of getting most viewed items,
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even though even though he has to accommodate me, i think he must come afraid that a solid ever does. he must have been any boxes on you upon the boston or go as i this is the height of the pockets on to give them the pockets on the farther dungeon. i really don't have it upon them. this must be the comment and by the design, by the some of the, this is a high time that the phone is the know. yeah, it's a, it's going to be interesting to see how the increased joint efforts between pockets, donna and his other thoughts to develop many thanks to of for your time today. cause well counselor, a journalist, appreciate it. thank you. one person that's being killed and as high on the, as holly and catholic church, and just on bullets to government breach the building during
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a during services. se correspondent the amount that doug on has more details. well, this has happened during this sunday in us years at the santa maria charge. this is a catalina italian charge, and i'm sorry, our districts. we know so far that 2 armed men entered the church. they were wearing black moss than the one person was killed at the time of the incident. the i've admitted to say that the part of the matter. we also knew that another person was so i didn't know instigation has started into issue. and as you can see, of police and security forces are at the area now. they have surrounded the roles that are coming to 30 our district, and they have started an investigation to find the perpetrators. all students had
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president tied on his and about the issue. he said that the investigation in east on going to president putin say, is ukraine. it used a nato supplied missile system to shoot down a transport plane. other rushes belgrade region on wednesday. yeah. 12th, was carrying that ukrainian prisoners of war for a prisoner exchange. all of them as well as the rushing crew were killed or the crash. the security isn't really and that should. the entire court in key regimes is in one way or another, based on crimes that it commits daily including against its own citizens. they shut down our aisle $76.00 plane, which was carrying their own service, been the main intelligent service, and the ukranian army knew that we were taking $65.00 service. been there. most likely, the patriot missile system was used an american or european air defense system. most likely french in a couple of days. the exact answer will be given earlier the russian defense
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ministry branded the incidents a terror attack by kids forces. a list of the 65 ukranian, po, w's killed in the tragedy has been published. another plane carrying, if the 80 military prisoners was diverted with most go saying this won't deal has been suspended, has a brief recap of how things on folded the
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people in key of knew very well about the upcoming exchange. they knew the route preserves, and more would be delivered by the attack on the plane was a deliberate in conscious action. the terrorist attack clearly demonstrates the inability of the key every seem to negotiate. right off the news about the clash, imaged ukrainian media, and honestly keeps troops and shutting down a russian plane. however, as soon as messages about ukraine's own serviceman being on the cross spread those out as quickly changed the headlines of all the countries, 12 officials kept silence about the incident for many hours, a ukrainian and p. so to social media, to vent his anger. it's a tony,
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everyone is sitting around keeping quiet, but we're the defense minister is nowhere in sight. the presidential office is out of contact. everyone has the heads up throughout, keeping quiet and just watching and waiting for someone to blame this on. of course, when you're sitting in warm flats in kiev and levels, it's really comfortable to think about what his grades and historic when he did eventually make a televised statements. ukraine's president refused to accept that his military was responsible for killing the country's own service. men not to move the landscape claims, the details of the instant remained on clear while pointing the finger were aflame with most scro itself. which will be the issue of a human. it is obvious that the russians are missing with the lives of ukrainian captives. the feelings of their relatives and the motions of society, oakley, effects must be established to the extent possible, given the be a graph crashed on russian 33. beyond the control of when we us all the office is
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called bed. se is of the view the k of didn't talk to any want to see the say for to and if it service men from russia. a brush is dealing with a dishonest actor, a skits of frantic after a drug addict, death during the form of the zalinski, and is his little bottom lies cabinet. so they named betrayed this. they betrayed russia, they betrayed the world. they betrayed the even the sentiment of prisoner exchanges, and they've murder their own forces, and that's the narrative that should be carried across to every ukrainian soldier. consider yourself dead if you want to try and return to ukraine as a p o w. ukraine would rather murder you, like they've done in the past. then have you tell the story and the story they're afraid of is that russia is a hospitable kind of balanced, intelligent nation that doesn't want more. that simply wants to put an end to the us at gemini hostilities that weren't put in place in 2014,
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that has led to bio chemical labs, all sorts of corruption within the united states. and has put the world into a position of conflict like never before. so they're afraid of the narrative. getting out the rush is really the best friend of the ukrainians, while so lensky is their biggest enemy is evidenced by this act of murder and rush . it begins trial operations that a new when so complex it on talks like a most or kids versus a southern most research station on the continent, on. so by the soviet union as be modernized to facilitate the study of natural processes. president vladimir putin size the new station is a key to success, not only for russia, but the world science a few inches long. the opening of a new winter complex at the legendary of us talk station is a big and significant event. this is a major gift from the russian antarctic expedition 70th anniversary, which starts in the fall of this year,
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and also the key to success and fulfilling its important tasks for russia and for the entirety of world science. and of course, there are a lot of tasks. these include monitoring solar activity and other space, whether phenomena that affect both technology and humanity, and studying the role of antarctica in global climate change. that's the close live now to us, the correspondence doubled closer. who is following the russian leader from some pages, but the good to see you today, could you tell us more about the russian president statement for us and then how this new, why state you said i put the impulse and a full rush to on the well like you said, well vladimir putin then bella, russian president, alexander lucas jenco, met with a number of government ministers to commission. the pilot operation for russia's reconstructed a wintering complex boss, stuck in act art in antarctica, which is mosque out, a flagship project. on the continent, the russian president said that this complex is gonna going to allow scientists to
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better understand questions of ecology. specifically when it comes to climate change, and he also talked about the fact that it's going to allow for deeper as international scientific cooperation, specifically between russia and bell roo. something that lucas jenco agreed with and said was a continuation of the tradition of close cooperation between the 2 countries that was enjoyed during the soviet union. as the thought uh, let's say, gingerly stockton is the least studied continent on the planet. but the base shown by russia, the leader in the study of the doctor today, no one can compare with it. we had the great country, the soviet union, we worked together, the menu scientists from different cities and towns. if anyone hope that they would all perish, it turns out it did not perish, but rather reach the higher level. now this complex itself is really impressive. it's got 5 different blocks.


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