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tv   News  RT  January 28, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EST

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the, the, the palestinians that surround the reporting suspension of funding by navient does in western countries to be un relief and works agency coming off the as well can some of the organizations off were involved in the october 7th terrorist concerns report say the dante, regular contributes a non social non speed arrested by the i d. s. it's been a week since we lost contact with them on distressing images from a wrong with pockets on when 9 workers are killed by another gun coming us to run on this along the bad team up could tackle terrorism the
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a room. welcome bringing you the very latest. well, news updates on all the international is great to have you with a really, a dozen countries including the u. s. u. k. on gemini, have a both of these thoughts funding the un relief and works agency for palestine. refugees, us off the as well as both forwards nonconsent claim. but some of our workers were involved in the oaks hope a 7th terror attack, the suspension of west today to sponsors out wage when palestinians is moving $2000000.00. and this depends on live saving supplies from a broad we call on the countries that announce the session of their support for under was to immediately reverse their decision, which entails great political and humanitarian relief risks, as at this particular time and in light of the continuing aggression against the palestinian people, we need the maximum support for this international organization and not stopping
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support and assistance to it, or data surrounding this, all very spa saying, and we don't know what the exact allegations is rarely is making against these employees of unreal. they happen to be dispersed, what we get, the suggestion is the best thing that up to 12 and the employees as well as alleging that they were part of hamas. and that she took part in what happened in as well, on october the 7th, which then of course, sparked as well as war against goals. we haven't been given the details by unreal either other than that they have let go knowing if the individuals attends person. apparently has already died into others. they're looking into the identities of those individuals before they make a decision over that. but what we've had from different is where the body such as the idea, is these allegations and has been using it's facilitating dollars to help terrorist activities as well. and this is what is, well, some faceted to the you and has have to say about these allegations come with the
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simulation. the un relief and works agency for palestine. refugees, employees are collaborators with the terrorist organizations come off and the un has become not only a place where the existence of the state of israel is de legitimized, but also a place where employees are physically collaborating in the extermination of israel and the murder of its citizens, we know the israel has been a long critic of unrest. this is not unusual for me as well to be making allegations of. i know, of course, these allegations of form. we'll see race and what we've heard in the past. but it has said is in the past unreal basis of being used by tyra organizations, joshua donald, the me from our main goal and the wars to eliminate the sweats, not just neutralize it. and we know how to eliminate terrorists. it's more difficult for us to deal with an idea or as the source of the idea. the idea is that more and more terrorists are born in all kinds of methods and it will be impossible to win the war unless with the store on the right immediately,
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i'm sure. and this idea that potentially the body could have been touched by terrorism. and let's be clear here in and this is tiny, if 12 individuals who worked on right, which has 13000 employees in goals that were linked to home us. we're talking about 0 point one percent of his employees with, despite that countries and very quickly said, we're going to stop the funding. john coby, who is the, the white house national, a service communication spokesperson. he was asked about this in a press conference and essentially asked or you funding terrorism. some of this into that response has suspended any outline or yet to be allocated to funds for unreality, un relief, and works agency for people that are getting hundreds of millions of dollars of us are not being vetted. so who do you guys check out? as i said, we want this investigation to be complete and transparent. and if the,
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if the, if in the investigation it's determined that people need to be held accountable, then obviously we want to see that too. but up until today us policy then has been, we don't negotiate with terrorists, but we will give them hundreds of millions of dollars. come on now that's, that's conflating here that this is not your that's, i've seen a whole condra is a terrorist organization who is a terraced organization come off, not on right now. if they have, if the investigation proves that in this case, i think it's about a dozen employees were assisting homeless and even to the point of maybe even, you know, involved in hospice taking the apps loosely, they need to be held to account w at as close as carrying out an investigation in the meantime, it said that these allegations of shocking it's, of course, taking this very seriously. but at the same time it is urgent countries not to stop the funding. while i understand their concerns, i was myself horrified by these accusations. i strongly appealed to the governments that have suspended their contributions to at least guarantee the continuity of
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unreal was operations on the role live saving assistance is about the following concert decisions to cut the funding to the agency all human. it's very adult probation on which 2000000 people depend as a lifeline in gaza is collapsing. i'm sure. so as decision sought taking based on those behavior of a few mtv deals and as the wall continues needs a deepening and simon booms, hosting and some gaza did not need this additional collective punishment. this sustains all of us. one other issue if i can just put to it, but the, the timing of us, we don't know if it's related in any way, but it did come out on friday the i c, j at ruling on israel's genocidal attempts or otherwise was spoken about another issue let's come up with, with these, with these claims. they always send you a ruling saying that israel has to refrain from any act to talk that could fall
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under the genocide convention that we've heard from the un special process tool on the is she's got some interesting claims to make the day after the i c j concluded that israel is plausibly committed genocide and gaza. some states decided to define united nations relief and works agency, collectively punching millions of palestinians of the most critical time and most likely violating their obligations under the genocide convention. that's very important would be violating the obligations under this convention, is what she's saying. the countries that are looking at still things will have indeed stopped by aid. and of course, i'm gonna provides a humanitarian a. there is a humanitarian catastrophe, and folding in garza so it is interesting to look at the timing of the i c j ruling . and within hours of that, essentially we had this real saying look, the 40 the provides 8 in gaza. it's aging terrorism. in favor of the funding
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hope dozens of his way lease have gone to the curriculum. so long crossing points by trucks carrying c monetary need and to going to coming through as well. the process as opposed to a deliveries to the besieged and slave. as long as his way the hostages are still in her mazda captivity, and the just the immediate release of the, for you, uh hi, folly besser and palestinian mine sign to this down. the blogger stays the decision by western countries to hold on. why age to palestine? amounts to a crime against old gods and civilians. genocide it is eh, no, foamed every day against it, but a sing and depend on the wide skin. and this i find go smaller than so many on the internet and guys lot is the immense. and now the decision of says on the expense to and then there's a very basic sales. this is why is it an evening sales rep?
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but as we have seen that in these, these are, those times is all pages. and i think that it is actually complacent. in genocide because genocide thinking i'm out on the dime before the shooting and the bombings . i also dined from han, get in for med disease and zone and seeking to hide the normal samples from a lady bowman, i am formulating the indiscriminate shooting as of the videos. and by doing minus the style is in space without doing it actually and taking files and the parents in, in, in the time of the genocide several, several, i wouldn't say it's have confirmed to warranty that the only diaz has arrested a frequent contributed swap, road tossed gauze that based on of this month, so show month month. so as being out of touch with family and co workers for
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a week now with his last known location with post to the bass of nasa medical complex, in con eunice o t has requested comment, but the idea has not denied. know confirmed the information so far. we've, but we've also was mazda, who, apart from the relentless ideas for sultan guns, and was also concerned, his son could not be held without charge by these wally military, even betters back out bad communication. few times. it's best to go anywhere. ok, so connection and nobody knows what it is. i assume he wants to get it. and when they want to announce that costs, because he has been taken much sort of, he had the contract with a price for kind of cut off just 2 days before the award. i believe you changed or which is mine, but he went to find you in is the sort that people wanted him because of his english language and as a canadian. so hopefully the entire word because at the beginning the guns is or it was too much about lies about be heading about who much lies in the news and they wanted somebody who speaks english that you've changed is perfect. and the,
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and he managed to do that, and every time i, sometimes i think the class with mt isn't leave easily. he's upset if i told him the ideas. he said my, my men come not leave. okay. and i'm not in need of the situation. people need me here can never, never accepted a word from me. if i told him leave keeping a dhl ask when if, when was the, what is the solution that's i tell them i think that must be a sense that they knew it's going to put con no. so they knew they would come and they have to evacuate to him and others. so please leave cause i'm not supposed to get them. now i've seen that coming. he said no mama is going to, it's ok. it will when you have a ceasefire, somebody can take me to an office or to con you. and if i want to for my son, what looks like he is running tends to send the troops by the into the enclave. to rafa anerio lodge, they populates with people displaced within gaza. as according to media reports
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that also say egypt, which bode is the territory, opposes the decision behind the intentions of race, the face of locals, the lady on the brink of disaster, as local journalists on our c'mon reports that uses us in here and roof off and 2nd part of the course of the english is very diana, mainly as is a 80 on me long as you can get from this area which is to designing though small done when the people who are really new, understood, worry, and dad. maybe the is that i, the government would be side line that he, that it with. but it's a parisian, meanwhile, in the day, but if you can hear, it suggested, suggested that you did that with, with me it's up to loosely with new stuff. i mean, there, after and 9 meg who in countries decided this was a lot of sense that a fun to it so that you might see it. so they might that make it really say i was, i didn't see on the why a maybe see suppose that a late until now the fee for the year. and i see from time to time. so this 3 to,
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to have some information to follow off the, the updates on the use of file. so the see if i added that would be $362.00 to come up. and this is the amy army out. and is it a, do me b when it takes place replacement, and then deputies close out and get the better cdns here? i'll try to really good to obtain their basic needs to like food as well. does boston main? why do we have dozens of thousands of people who live in the streets without having any houses in the old and houses the for them understand? maybe in making version to the got the make the call the human housing letterman, it may lead to electricity, water rushes. foreign minister said this week of the you end of the roadmap
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for the creation of a palestinian state must note and in vain. like enough time for assessing the ukraine issue. so deadline for both as long as the west for taking a very different approach to was those 2 conflicts on today's kind of open reports from new york. during his visit to the united nations headquarters, the russian foreign minister called out the united states for getting in the way of efforts to stop the fighting and gaza designated to someone that each round of washington's arrogant unilateral policy in the middle east. it's set for the shuttle negotiations with the regional powers, accompanied by financial promises was ends in an increasingly bloody outbreak of escalation. that's what happened this time to washington 1st buried the work of the quartet, of international mediators. and now is consistently blocking all international efforts to de escalate within the un security council survey lab. rob, compare the way us officials are handling this situation to the way the americans dealt with ukraine,
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saying he hopes the international community will do better this time. we need me put it over. we do not have the right to to allow the un decisions on the creation of a palestinian state to be buried just like the minutes agreements of 2015. the guarantors of which were from some germany, who later admitted that they did not even think of implementing them for money. when speaking on you crane, he emphasized the key and it's western partners have completely failed yet they continue to throw lives away in a meaningless military confrontation. he also dismissed the widespread claims that if somehow the zalinski government were to fall, that would lead to many countries being in great danger. de emphasize that this conflict is more a case of western countries trying to see russia put in its place without having to sacrifice their own soldiers reduced it and you took this to them. i hope that there was still small people in the west of the president joe biden said that if you crane loses then russia will immediately go to the baltic states, finland,
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and other nato countries. and so i'm president, putin commented on this story quite recently by saying that we have no desire to attack anyone neither militarily nor politically or economically. we would have had no need to launch a special military operation if the west had not allowed the coo and ukraine, and the minsk agreements was signed at the request of the germans and the french and americans. then it'll work to go see, but it turned out that except for president pollutant, nothing of the signatories intended to implement them. a special military operation became inevitable after many years of attempts to convince the west of the danger of creating a direct threat from ukraine directly on board is lab or of also show that the claims that russia is completely isolated or just incorrect. he met with many international delegations, while he was in town, including jordan, turkey, algeria, lab, and on indonesia and iran. he also met with the swift head of foreign affairs. before
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leaving. he addressed the russian plan that was shot out of the sky by keywords forces. the plane had $65.00 ukrainian prisoners of war that were set to be returned and a prisoner swap. de, along with 9 russians were all killed the legit. so i have to start with yet another fact of the use of terrorist methods by the key of regime on the morning of january 24th, a terrorist act was committed as a result of which a russian hill, 76 transport aircraft, was shut down near the belgrade region, carrying out a flight to transport 65 military personnel of the forces of a crane from the moscow region to belgrade. they were accompanied by 3 russian offices and a crew of 6 people. every one was killed, ukrainian prisoners of war were being moved to the belgrade region for the exchange agreed upon between moscow and kids. instead, ukraine hit this plane with empty aircraft missiles and from the call called region
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. overall, the russian foreign minister used his platform to call out western leaders, were spreading instability. he also solidified russia's bonds with many countries and celebrated the new economy that is emerging in the world after a short time in manhattan. and he was back to los gal to continue his diplomatic work. a little often artsy, new york, 9 pockets sony work because of being killed and 3 more wounded in a shooting spree and a rounds rest. a boulder region of says done on pollutants done a warning, the following images are distressing and regional socrates or investigation vs hotspot, unknown assailants in response to such de shooting pockets done spar, administer such as such incidents or attempts to spoil ties between his loan to pass on to ron, it comes if the 2 neighboring countries are intensifying, that join finds the games, terrorist groups, and the mutual buddhist. or does he sees attack is an attempt to split relations between pakistan and iran by outcome of the enemy's while offering condolences to
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the families of victims. we urged on in government to take action. no, in pakistani nationals have been jo that we others have been shooting incident on saturday and the border town of central bar it is. he's calling about a just on problems and efforts bye to juan. and guess what i'm about to man ties following reciprocal missile strikes. between the 2 sides, so far, no group has claimed responsibility for the attack, but survivors a lease that were quoted by local news outlets of saying that 3 of the silence opened fire other foreigners after entering the residence and then slid the sea. the victims were report or lead pakistani laborers who lives at a car repair shop or the warrant pakistan called the attack. a terrorist incident has said they've contacted one of y'all's warranties and asked ron to investigate visa. that is wanting in foreign ministry spokesman nasir can on he condemned the attack. i said that the end pakistan will not allow any use to damage the fraternal
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ties between the 2 countries. this all followed the return of the investors of the 2 countries to their missions. after being recalled when the neighboring countries exchanged missile strikes last week, targeting what they called hide down. so in certain groups, the shootings also came in the head of applied visit to pakistan on monday by that one and for administrative i'll say i'm, you're up to the young to officially restore diplomatic ties of some of the short lived escalation between the 2 countries. it was, i saw no grey pass claims responsibility full size of days of salt. however, the radian region has previously seen a series of attacks by a city as num as terrorist organization. the dry ishall idle a separate square. it has been operating in southeast, in iran since 2012, its kind responsibilities even numerous deadly attacks inside the country, including a suicide bombing that killed 27 and ran new troops like in 2019,
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according to some of the country's media outlets, the terrorist group has links to the united states and allegation, washington has denied. earlier this month, the radian military bombarded the militants positions inside the restless board as i was supposed to count as well. class. while a journalist, he stays the common enemy between pockets done on the wrong. his unknown, which undermines relations between the 2 countries. the, the do, the, the heat here to try to play on the not sure which thomas edu is truly trying to sound for the relationship between the buyers on the i believe that you get on a pause for mr. green to name the. ready he was a we want to know which commonality he bought. second, this off. sure. the just see us really good to go last dining all these things to dante this or product feeling of really, you know,
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tomorrow focus on what at least see it on the inform released or then this all adjusted it before. uh, just from before. uh before this, the important uh visit because they got my pockets on these on it on his on is not at all did anything but i think the both microsoft and the look into it. i just saw a do just for the to investigate investor may apply and some of those, well, we'll do the one person has been killed and an attack on the italian catholic church and it's done. bull is to gun and breach the building during services and i witness days. the victim was shot in the head or on the other. is it? give it to them. i saw one person face down on the floor. yes. he was shot in the head and covered in blood coat them. if there was blood everywhere and what we call, the ambulance will grow. it arrived within few minutes, but he was already dead. our community is in sorrow below. the scene was
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indescribable. it's sunday to day, so there was a service in the church was crowded, it is very said, we are in deep sorrow. i pray for the victims and hope the injured person recovered soon. while this has happened during this sunday years at the santa maria charge, this is a capital italian charge, and i'm sorry, our district. we know so far that 2 armed men entered the church. they were wearing black, small, spend the start in the wrong one person was killed at the time of the incident to say that the part of the mass, another person was so i mean, the instigation has started into issue. and as you can see, of police and security forces are in the area now. they have surrounded all the
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roles that are coming to our district, and they have started an investigation to find department traces off the attack president adelanto about the issue. he said that the investigation in east on going to the, the bbc has been providing distorted news and information on the cubic 19 situation into you. time, particularly in scotland was, according to a recently published witness statement to the u. k. code inquiry which has been active since 2022. in the medium, the bbc television news repeatedly reported rare depths or illnesses among healthy adults as if they were the norm. again, creating a misleading impression of who was at greater or lesser risk. i consider that this applies to scotland as it is to england. one example is that they gave the
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impression that hospitals were being over whelmed. during the 1st wave, some mainly in london were watch overall hospital bed occupancy was at an all time low during that period. epidemiologist, monica bowl, how stays the baby stays coverage. it depends on making the u. k with designs to discourage people from leaving the homes and having contacts with others, resulting and people who need help know receiving it. i think that the most valuable groups stuff had more negative and positive effects from the looks down meshes. we spoke to a political commentator who said the mainstream media, responsive of government propaganda campaign as well professor will have system. well it's just a couple of minutes. i see because so many of us a $9.00 balance it for a considerable time. i mean, it hasn't just being the bbc, the bbc is probably the worst example, but the rest of the mainstream major to right, right, so on. and in fact, sir,
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is to be to reveal that by being part of these 5 are government propaganda units, which provides aust today with a basic great persuading the purchase public click the lock down policies where the crack during today. um, now one of the things which is interesting is because line right from the beginning for with informations in china, where the responses that has made me the elderly and vulnerable members of a population more than 600 ukrainian soldiers have been killed in reason the attacks that were palate and the call calls and don't yes, regions, but that's according to the russian defense ministry. defense officials opposed to these 10. you creating a tax with being put down while you russian, both is in bonds. so what was the city of cook ganske? most go say is all it's hillary and as support say the key role and also destroyed
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staff. will ukraine objectives fall from the line of concepts but done sounds well hits and not the only tools used to gain victory. rushing volunteers have told us how that work helps on the front line. i'm not sure what does come on and the phones on the coordinator of the used wing of the russian national front end of our on this region. we started working with the national front team from the very beginning of the special military operation. we collected incent equipment medicine and letters from school children. sometimes we delivered this things ourselves, will help the families of compet participants. and we also help the residents of russia's new regions. today, a large number of organizations and people one to help the military front have been formed. there's even a separate organization that deals purely with the delivery of humanitarian aid. this is a very good story, a story about our country uniting in difficult times. the cost of, of the special material preparation starts us. we realized that we could not believe everything that way we left it back in 2014. but it's all thoughts,
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it's. we must complete all tasks to the downs. well, it's relying with all mites to preserve all well use and culture. so the people who are on the opposite sides will finally understand why we act this way. it's a rush. it begins trial operations of the new when say complex in antarctica, most of these boxes, southern most research station on the continents on built by the soviet union as being modernize to facilitate the study of natural processes. president vladimir putin face the new station is a key to success, not only for russia, but for weld science period. you know, the opening of a new into complex at the legendary of us talk station is a big and significant event. this is a major gift from the russian antarctic expedition 70th anniversary, which starts in the fall of this year, and also the key to success and fulfilling it's important tasks for russia and for the entirety of world science. and of course, there are
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a lot of tasks. these include monitoring solar activity and other space, whether phenomena that effective both technology and humanity, and studying the role of antarctica in global climate change. a lot of more potent than bella, russian president, alexander lucas shunned co met with a number of government ministers to commission. the pilot operation of russia's reconstructed wintering complex was stuck in an arctic car, which is moscow's flagship operation. right now, on the continent, the russian president said that this will allow scientists to better understand questions of ecology specifically when it comes to climate change. and he also said that this is going to allow for deeper scientific cooperation in the international community, specifically between russia and beller, is something that location co agreed with saying that this is a continuation of the tradition of close cooperation between the 2 countries. that wasn't droids during the soviet period. the thought uh see, january i'm talked to is the least studied continent on the planet. but the base
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shown by a restaurant, the leader in the study of on talk to cut to date. no one can compare with it. we had the great country, soviet union, we worked together the menu, scientists from different cities and towns. if anyone hope that they would all perish, it turns out it did not perish, but rather reach the higher level. now this complex itself is really impressive. it consists of 5 different blocks with a total area of about 3000 meters, and it's located very far in linds, about 1500 kilometers from the coast and just to get supplies. this complex is a struggle in itself, as you should be able to see on your screen right now. the supplies have to travel on vehicles that are specially equipped to combat the hostile environments there in an article. it's also important to understand that this complex was originally actually built during the soviet period and the restoration process required a colossal amount of work. now you should be able to see on your screen the complex
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itself both before and.


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