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tv   Documentary  RT  January 28, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EST

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countries of the world in support of the palestinian people. certainly the herald now stands united due to the crimes committed against the pals to me and people. therefore, instead of addressing reactions here or there, we must return to the root cause and find a solution to this conflict. and this solution can only be granting the palestinian people their rights to the jewel race, then slay these riley prime minister by him. and yet tonya, who has rejected how must this proposal to the war in return of the release of the remaining hostages. in your opinion, what codes be the viable built and this war uh, we on the uh, were not there now talks through mediators. the mediators aren't guitar egypt, the united states, trying to reach a call, a temporary truce that leads to the release of prisoners with these really side, focusing on his really prisoners without addressing palestinian prisoners held in
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his really jails before this aggression, their number was around 5000, but since october 7th, israel has arrested approximately 5000 new detainees from the west bank alone and about 4000 detainees from the gaza strip. they are placed in extremely poor and incoming conditions in unregistered detention centers. best subjected to a slow death process. now there are talks between multiple parties, international parties trying to mediate on this issue. it seems some progress has been made and god willing, we hope these steps will succeed in completely stopping the aggression once and for all. we do not want to reach just a temporary truce for days or weeks, then have the aggression reoccurring. what we seek is a complete cessation of this aggression and then to find complete solutions to all issues, including the issue of palestinian prisoners. israel focuses on it citizens, hostages, and prisoners. we also have prisoners, we have sons, is really jails,
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and we want to see them all as free as soon as possible said prussian, for a minister live row has set up a policy and political fractions should unify, to full a strong foundation for future policy and states, do you agree with this view? yeah, what was the level of law? so 1st the russian foreign minister law problem is my friend and i value his friendship. i certainly share his opinion and view points, and i am well aware of the russian position on this issue. for my years working in russia, we worked together to make progress and nationally, unity. i remember russia hosted several delegations from all palestinian factions in previous years. and tried to exert efforts to achieve reconciliation and make progress on this matter. i believe we're close to achieving national unity. now there is a field unity in the gaza strip for everyone from the factions defense the end of the gaza strip. regardless of their slide colors or party or political affiliations,
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there's also some harmony between our people's resistance and resilience. and the political movement provided by the palestinian leadership, which is also engaged in a political battle represented by this movement, led by president must mote abbas, and the ministry of foreign affairs and palestinian diplomacy in general. so the decision by the international court of justice is part of this political and diplomatic movement, the harmonizes with our people's resilience in the field. we also see that israel does not distinguish between one palestinian and another for them. a good palestinian is a dead. palestinian netanyahu said a few days ago that he does not want to see and gaza. these are homicide on north side of stan. meaning he opposes all palestinians. this should push us as palestinians to come closer to each other and to move beyond past decisive issues. i believe we are now close to this matter, and god willing may witness positive developments in this regard. whether during
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this battle or after in some what the, [000:00:00;00] the i usually, i mean he likes that i get. i'm kind of like the ones who doesn't from the view and he's got to be a good on getting us. i don't know, brother in law and tell it advocate to see us in the see, you know, kind of getting on the not on the me look at it just i go here and i go to this, going to find you online and go ahead and do the media music on the mini malls and deal go moon. there's almost 100 of under by that i was with the boy,
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but so now go ahead by knew it seemed verified own by use and i mean you get on things around them, enjoy the impulse, can i just i'm be, i mean it, i don't want to see what the thoughts can you think the government for, and what you see my casa a guess when the hotel? yes i phones, how are you? i mean for that is for the game who have the most and, and why not the amount of love, you know, the best. so not sure, even if that for it again, nothing which or you want to see me plus i had only a $400.00 and then the all and i will only so what i said, so easy though, but at the same time i sent out on both words know if with a wednesday, i mean, when someone bring that up on their phone and they will not in myrtle g m, i guess, you know, for safe side all we activity so you'll get up and they'll go be a non duty uh for a minute minute outcome, no gumble, i can better look at my site. you see something you're going to be and you'll see what i'm in the row, and it'll come from in the center of one of the city or the one of them for
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e mail. me that you'll get okay. the, the higher the middle getting in the middle meet on the emails that don't go down. the sad part is heavy. i seen on the face the the, i mean i live in the ceiling and i want to kind of what i'm being maybe seen that take i don't see and this isn't 0 english on resume the service. you have bicycles almost every so you may be closer to assessing goals. they say that i looked at those seeking him through to zillow for me. no, but for the kids to see that the like kind of go to the, to me, the 30th is that like i used little faces and so can i see at the time of the month
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of funding as the new model one cannot in instead of the single, i can, you can i punch the assembly to get people from the i mean thing up inside of can level for me because some excess, you know, into early you guys are living so nobody is going to resume kevin bella, but i think the main thing is all the agents and then can, you will see that us on data mazda mazda e. i'm gonna put a little bit, i put so like a k no, but as i leave for my pace, i'm going to be self. because i d, i recognize that it will only come in there, but i will spell not a goose of going up as an a plus a little so be. so can see that if you go get a new a, b as in satellite, as you get a feel difficult when the 2nd row of any, one of us are gearing, that's able to be uh monday, female satellites. and you can see them difficult on most i did give you a little that the one to say last set. oh no,
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no bad. the name is the name is the name is that isn't, i mean is the 3rd joint is veiled and lovely. supposedly wonderful cannibals the from the you see in the middle based on the city of the 9151. i'd like, honestly the dad is he gets older so me, you know, made it fine if you want to come by and then the so that nice for them. i made a lot of this or not get them into one in model. they born hazel, somebody in the service goes into the, the settings and as long as they sit on me to say, you know that this evening as i get myself, i heard about the 6 that even us in i live, i mean old on equal, or you know the big team down a seems said, i mean to get
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a ok for the side of the opponent for a little guy and we'll see on it because on after the fever and we'll see when it gets on there. but i see, and we'll send it to you if i'm being in c at a to a get a okay, me, me that i'll give you a little bit about the note on that. so let me see. so it'll get how to proceed. i mean, this thing went on. yeah, they will notify. okay, so go ahead and go to the 7, colorado and miss diesel. only agreeing to sign on to say anybody out of okay, so that means and conditions. keep us here and if you want to set them with any but as soon as they need it for to the receiving end date on the weekends you case a little bit empty. and then what do you mean? the s c a are on the form of idea on the road. is
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a gable a, let's say, saying like, isn't that they need it was lab, florida stopped by the horse that a lot of guessing, as me said, the single single thing for some, you know, some of the big data from the they've got in the end of the year that since the title, the unit, they want us to come. but at that point yet i feel that the best i feel is mean though they don't want them to say we need that up. i didn't, they meant that, but i will split up as soon as i can get them to sleep. out of that for me. i you didn't know if you ever got this symptom 4 of them. you mean those sticky for the bidding, different fuel? nobody's going to say that, but i will still get a sense on 9. is that going on for somebody can? so now you see my name is sort of myself and my name is that i will go to the specific one. so me, your name, my name is the name from the base and see that ends in the bottom beside the from the you know,
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the thing that i'm the son of the little i, the woman's ok was as he had thought of. i see when we had them for g. i love to get a one, i guess one will see on the last one is on ody honey, the little window. see, i guess what i'm saying? i don't know the handles. i know the significant when no signature, columbia heavy, i know it plugged in and use the, you know, say i last year. know like what all that good. but i know that you and i'm going to go into unless you're not able to get in and see how i'm getting it. so what are the things we're gonna need? i don't know. i need the need would be most of you in the in think i'm into more. i'm in the guess i need. i feel like i'm a little bit busy to get. i decided i forgot to put them onto the boards long. there is a good. nobody's a little bit of peanut, i am the rest of it using the, the size of it, annual identity or get a hold of somebody that i,
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that i'm body. that's how you mean out of hello daniel. this is bradley and i leave an easy fix in the a focus on the media to google. more like i do have the facts on audio on the course of like the size of media. and that was really an invalid. and he says enough in our studies to go the and then your boss, all, i'm leaving this a defense. that's what to do to meet this one. i can battle at the finance to defend back what and they would tell me what the sample is. you need to send me the why didn't they, you mean is in need of the some best on like in about the say i guess what the percentage made i person, i mean for the id or the even it goes the we so again it was, it was i bought it and the zip for getting that is, here's what the sample for point 8 and folk. so i need somebody getting a while, but i think that is what it though could have been like i said, and be a little bit music. his book is nominated either for the sample of all of them will get the when a messy on your motto,
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it goes able to say that the single that you sent that up. so my kid, i don't see somebody maybe angry. yes, i had always some you a some the nor do i still know what the they, they ask because it is, i mean, didn't give it a lot for the summer and doesn't get the be made a payment to us the last. what about the dresser? the the size game on the when we sent i'm able see we can tell you for like what is the vehicle on the panel off and know where it's a lot of them, you know, for so i mean, i'm thinking in id for the purposes. yeah. and then he'll get on better. so what the point is, what she likes to view. i give us people in there you're gonna see might need to get it needs to get him on my personal number to the category of non duty f one. and he said he didn't have the end to get by say, get them, you know, so, i mean, no, no, okay, i mean, you know, getting this that i'd be able to get any problems if i mean i had to get,
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this will buy it. if we're so that amount of so, but a month, so, so, i mean, it does a lot of has like a single message say message seem to see and seen. that seems like a 2 point is how they get. nobody's. i mean, eli and for much on some of the data and it's at one city on more than what we thought would be more mess. it will be one you little ones. it is my seasonal in the bill to really meant the month. okay, not that much, those in the field in the single 2nd level in this area and then the numbers will not meet on the muscle. doesn't mean being the living the but as need. there's on opera see moments ago. and the same thing was the monthly fee, and also some of these sites, it seems to indeed be going flexion. if and i mentioned something typical, they need to have a southern leader that the person that need. i'm thinking you got a letter about groceries in a little while. let me the so they need some professor,
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the other women side as a seat. and it's as simple as that, but it'd be a hard for going to me that how do you know how to calm me? got me in this and it was for you. it is impossible for me to email them. be honest . there is the role that is i see, i mean, does i press on and stuff? i know a lot of them is that officially the cable and the 2nd one is the extension to say this at the moment when i can come and do the focus on the interview. my sample lesson k, you know, let me get on the list. i'm with the mouse or you know police, i lease the saddle or for model corners to forget he's coming to the need us need unless somebody and the other money i don't is when i view them any sort of the one the form of the month, the or the, i'm in the not to buy this thing going to get all you know him for the funds. the bus will be model. guess the for my view that they've been side dollar
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a little here. know the driver. my tell you little here. if i'm using is the cindy bland. i see i'm not the sort the see whether there's any better assume than this one in front of the sort. and i guess and now the audio can see the vin symbol, the but i said to be in, i looked into this as a consumer either several unit associate or not the lock up in the u. k, u n. so to get a hold of the up union, they mean, unless we'll see that on the left and we need to see if we can do the electron. yes, i get get you in on the, on the to start when you stop. i mean you send them in dad. i can come in in one leaving unless you opened it up for you. as i look for my media a so that i send the most of the money to get back into possibly, i mean, unless you got a lot of literacy needs the so i so you would have in 9th, as the photo i remove it out of i was only meant to get any of you can only i'm
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with you, but in the interest of course. so you'll get in the, in the, in the end, the mortgage and the good. okay. and sort of land line 30 gardner bits. and natalie natalie, hey, the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the or is the case for the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also absurd. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing press for so the funder line likes to say we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deal. so what should be living on that we have very close propaganda. you know a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask a better. the answer is will be the,
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the choice between the market seems odd. socrates is a false one because the ultimate issue is about who controls information the means of production and distribution and who controls money in debt and increasingly in the united states. or for that matter, by, in china, russia and other countries is controlled by multinational corporations, which are not an alternative government, but are rather a form of government itself, which is on account of the society of getting kind of ideas are going to use the problem that africa and also a lot that big deal. a lot of the heavy other lot the lawsuit. so this have all, you'll see no, actually goes on the scene, you need for the, for the gun on the see if i'm going i have for the guy, not the most of the, for,
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let's see on the like the basis, you know, and then of that guy, you have the gum, we bought a bunch a piece of within that i have and so i don't see and then you have to give problem and didn't know so much. what about if you need, do you want me to complete those? i don't see any of them. i haven't had a problem. i think 75, i'm not going to the not do that either in from the scene that booked. i for the gun. no, no like to it's and we are, but i only 30 on that. and i guess within the single this, and i mean i have done audio video and so we just had our, we went in, i gave it to you, i get it on us. so you have, it's, are you wanting the time, you were to die like one on the go after and on the book says another policy on it, you know, guess was any other way they added it kind of to do it on, you know, so long as i hadn't seen of them being promoted by any of those. and you guys, i'm going to be able to get some seal people in. are you at the appropriate saves? acknowledge other several. yes. is a you yeah, this, how are you? i'm not going to,
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so the, the, this, i wanna get it from being the positive cost gain condition and all the money to get the loan value. the numbers are at least getting us and let them get the same. all right, so it was at the end, the nursing at the end of august. and as always, as you get to the sending like assume a little bit. i'm a single and a lot of kids in prison getting allowed is oh boy. and now my legs missing a little bit, i'm going to somebody say present. that's okay. i suggested the i get back to the works. it also meant that if i'm not at the end, it can sit under the last couple hours. if i nearly cannot even get done in this, in its own. yeah, i mean, so no problem in the i, but when you know the last, you know, the style, you know, you know, to be, i is, is voice. when i push the on that those because again, the for the must not were stealing, they told us to the audio those things you and i to them because i got up on an
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order showing up for have you been doing this though, is just to get that goal for them, if we, if i see the inside of the middle and it will not at all, and i'm, i'm not, yeah. and can you be in the see not a little bit by side, not big on the i can dig into something will be the most of any, the setup, initial invoices. you'll get to get the video blending of them into that on sales. and then they can be a how to get there, let me and debbie ended up on a site and looking at my son, noah delilah forget, i read it again. a little said he, uh send me that. so this would be a me but it will still be a bit of an i guess you'll see some of what i think i forget to do it. i'll call you shouldn't get thing. well, i mean that's fine. yeah. you know, make it that way. i can use that. yeah, i am sending out a form. if i media the is it you say the owner. so here's the thing that are gonna view me. your name,
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you need any mean if it's on the front that kind of thing got on some in my he knows that the scenario owns that i'm super nude. it is a lot of the my name is that a thing that was wonderful and people haven't even memphis. i lived in that article mcgill almost have a little i got a feeling the rest of the gentleman. imagine assessor the name of the scene. i'm ready when the new level of us have been seeing sharing that let me this, i have seen it on that goes to the point of the scene. the forgive, let them 100 minus a 100. the thing of it you only live at all or that i get, i'm gonna have one out of 200 out of the photo my vision. but i gave the movie up on it. i did a different 0 from deal going view equal. yeah, yeah, that was simple saying is associated with the get them with the jeffrey amendments in my name is, is that he never a single either have it as of yet, i think or. okay. and it was and see i can see much less that a little bit more for you and i like the last time of my check on the phone. i can send you the latest email. okay. yeah, that of the, for me to with that if so much. so get it monday you want me to leave at that
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lancaster landline. can i be able to then they will have my kid cut off and then the machine is it? it says the middle, the middle name unit is able to buy and is that a problem? this is the thing that i thought i said was, you know, solver and someone's answer, companion of it isn't available of him, but i have to have him. he's already a list of some of the what is sending it about and the some of the funds that i can be some is what i'd be like if i'm with you know that some of the us she says the not on level here in any move in to us, in all of your social for me and let me look into some level here when i have this one you see on here. so one other builder editor from them instead of the models waste. so city a fit and we've had in this piece of wood, april, so let's look into that. there are no, i'm off, i'm get us the one of the c and your last name, click on it and go to save. you know, so what i'm about, i can pick it up well have to let me harder the failed. fatal. good. okay. see that? and if you don't want to get something to see that live in the world that your bullied up and getting a lot of them on that, you forget them. but he definitely get a lot of them and i will get as i clicked on the database,
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because we have some kind of able to get a full cellphone on me. so i will get you to send these opportunities. verbal told me to put you on, that's what i like for going to be. so we've got a lot of people who will be lucky because he's going to go a little bit. but i say you didn't, it gives him the and the set it up for. no, but it's a nice keep that unless he has a really good fun. but of that mother wasn't on, you know, you don't need a hassle to get by to take it because it can be to be in the that it doesn't mean it adds $15.00 a month for make it simple formulas low cost me and that are those that are within the of the services and i gave them
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the by the gave, i'm hung up my data. anybody said no, no, i have not my data. enjoy them both in a god you know somebody and i would, i guess is no say dose. is there anybody? anybody maybe say i do the by that by me. get out and then douglas, have you sat us, you know, i think that i gave a call, i mean, how many of us have you any of those in the system? but i mean, yeah, mom, i'm even going to dial. i live in vegas. i see you're within the meeting to stay
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the same way. i mean, anybody, you mean by the way, maybe uh, way through streaming instead of waiting on someone to get out in best buy and then download your bible. so instead of going to say no to mine, i will edit, i mean i won't come, you know, see if i've, you know, know, and if the error is saying you already sent me that i think i may not be able to bubble up. my dad, i do gotta be in if muscle to get to the reset of the head of the button, but i can be not in that email by them in the same way. no. yeah, they slid through in the l. a slow leak. your to the the soon good luck
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with the good. ok. the of the main world, the poor. assume the all look at the bus. the other vehicle is of the the, the bus, the the, the, the, the, the get the, uh, the,
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the guy your the the, the, your to, the, the, is to available is the that competitive. but i can get in loans on the um, the most crucial. but simple, the be done at the sky. see good
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meals. uh pretty good. good. yeah. good for the most of the oh the, the people just hit the button
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the the, the breaking news, 3 americans folders are killed and does is more wounded in a drone strike. on the us middle eastern outposts, president joe biden says pro rainy and forces are behind the attack. the palestinians slammed the report in suspension of funding by nearly a dozen western countries to view and relief and works agency after israel claims some of the organizations staff were involved in the october 7th terrorist attack. and the 3 s west african countries. these are molly and brick uniforms to announce to withdrawal from the regional block. echo was
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