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tv   News  RT  January 28, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the breaking news, 3 american soldiers are killed and dozens more wounded in a drones to write down a us middle eastern outposts. president joe biden says pro rainy and forces are behind the attack. listed in slam the suspension of funding by nearly a dozen western countries to view unbelief and works agency effort. israel claimed some of the organizations staff were involved in the october 7th terrorist attack. also, i have eco weiss, under the influence of foreign powers and betraying its founding principles, has become a threat to its members. states adopted in here rational and unacceptable posture by imposing illegal illegitimate in humane and irresponsible sanctions in violation
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of its own text. 3 west african countries, we share, malia and regina fox to announce their withdrawal from the regional block echo on the rachel ruble live in moscow. we are watching archie international. we start with breaking news on our t. hit a ron. now that's the call from american senior senator lindsey graham, who's demanding revenge for the attack that killed a 3 us servicemen and wounded 30 more on the syria jordan border residential guidance as the attack was carried out by so called radical around back the militants. today america's heart is heavy. we know it was carried out by radical. i ran back to militant groups operating in syria and iraq. have no doubt we will hold all those responsible to account at a time and in a manner our choosing. all right,
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let's get the details now from our rainy and correspondent yusef and joe la la uses what, what more can you tell us yet, of course it's a serious escalation. um, since the start of the conflict in the gaza strip as this march, the 1st time us troops have been all right, i think we've lost our connection with the assess of july. we'll see if we can get him back and get some more information on that attack that killed 3 us to service members. but the over night during attack hit and american outpost on the jordan syria border jordanian officials dismissed by the end statement saying that happened in syria, not in jordan or committee. a say the a rocky resisting group claimed responsibility for the deadly strike. but the us president said an investigation is still underway and those responsible will be held accountable. the slightest strike comes after $158.00 reported attacks on
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western forces in iraq and syria since october, 7th, professor of political communication at the university of toronto. it is adi says these attacks are, was. busy of americans actions in the middle east to let the united states is trying to do is to link these organizations to you on the, highlighting the fact that there's a lot of this content in both the rock and syria against the american occupation. yeah. and the timing basically deals with 2 factors. one fact is that there's a recent attacks by the united states. and the 2nd reason is the genocide that the same as the end user renovations are trying to a stop the genocide based in a based on the abilities that they have makes as have been a to find a sylvia illegally. we don't have any you elizabeth ocean asking for emetics, has to be in syria. so and government has went into the,
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as somebody tends to leave sonia their occupation is continuing, does, occupying the fields and say, uh rich, is that something about the nature of the us government in times of the brain to us? then let me send on news here molly and burkina faso have announced they are all withdrawing from the regional block. echo was amalia and government spokesperson, maybe announcement on national tv, declaring it was has failed to protect them. the city. oh, so long speaker was under the influence of foreign powers and betraying its founding principles has become a threat to its members. states. the organization has not provided assistance to our states in the context of our x, a central fight against terrorism, and insecurity before us when we decided to take our destiny into our own hands, we thought the eco was adopted in irrational and unacceptable posture by imposing
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illegal illegitimate in humane and irresponsible sanctions in violation of its own texas. faced with this continuing situation, our respective heads of states to decide incomplete sovereignty on the immediate withdrawal of burkina faso. molly and nature from the economic community of west african states government does just basically this withdrawal is not coming in as a surprise to many on the continent. we know that last year in september these 3 countries now, girlfriend by the, our respective military's um, you know, created a block no one asked the alliance of this house page. and these, it least comes on the use of the heavy science and impose on these are after the military there last july over to a president for how many assume. and i'm now these types of is where, you know, when described as the most severe about aircraft as ever, impose on any air on stage or member, you know, up to a block. and, you know, since then it has created
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a tree that creatures exams on the regional block. also the regional block happened, threatening to, to, you know, deploy a military forces in new jersey which, you know, were stock constitutional florida. so all of that great at the 10s, you know, at most fair in the region. and, you know, obviously tends atmosphere between equity. and, you know, to be sure as well as malia and looking at possibly last year. these countries that they will, that any attempts to innovate in these, or would be an attempt to war against bobby, and fucking a fossil themselves. so we're seeing today, you know, or not long after the statement was put out or be announced that was made, you know, by the sports president of the modern military. you know, we also saw that airports as non released an official statement saying that it is aware of that announcement that has been put out, but the f watch said it is yet to receive any official notification to the bottom defect. and that, you know, the economy blocks as it has been working, you know,
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to see about if it restores constitution alcorda in these countries. um, but then it is saying that it has to be asked to receive any of the stuff you know um no, to the case on from molly and booking or 5 so and these yes. okay. we have to watch to see what happens from here. nearly a dozen countries, including the u. s. u. k and germany have stopped the funding due on relief and works agency for palestine. refugees, as after israel made unconfirmed claims. some unreal workers were involved in the october 7th terror attack. the palestinian prime minister has said the suspension comes to the most difficult time for all dozens. this measure is extremely dangerous, and it is our hope that that would be of us. the suspension of aid comes at the most difficult times. at the time when the international court of justice has poured for any immediate supply ending please supplies
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and international aid. and to does that for you to a is an source. and then you wouldn't body which provides essential aid of 2000000 people in gulf has had its funding suspended by around a dozen weston countries. under a life saving assistance is about to end following countries. decisions to cut their funding to the agency, our humanitarian operation on which 2000000 people depend as a lifeline and gaza is collapsing. i am shocked that such decisions are taken based on the alleged behavior of a few individuals and as the war continues, needs are deepening and famine looms, palestinians and gaza did not need this additional collective punishment. this stains, all of us, the reason well it was just 10 to the the is well which is waging a will on the enclave has claimed that a handful of unruh his workers were involved in the october 7th attack against its people. come with the simulation,
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the un relief and works agency for palestine. refugees, employees are collaborators with the terrorist organizations from us. and the u. n . has become not only a place where the existence of the state of israel is the legitimized, but also a place where employees are physically collaborating in the extermination of israel and the murder of its citizens. when i say a handful, i need it, and that's because unless employee, some searching 1000 workers in garza, that is what claims around at 12 of those were involved in this attacks. that's 0 point. one percent of henri is team on the ground, the you and launched an investigation, and it's already funded. knowing if the accused while i understand their concerns, i was myself horrified by these accusations. i strongly appealed to the governments that have suspended their contributions to at least guarantee the continuity of unreal was operations. but disappoint, that's with response boy,
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the un western countries. i've been quick to watch that homes of the organization, the u. k. germany from canada, australia, and others old joining the us in pulling the plug on money that's desperately needed to help the people in gulf as the 5 the so i think the faith of the money based on only the possible guilt of the few. so does the u. s. re a believe it's funding terrorist spa and we want this investigation to be complete and transparent? and if it, if the, if in the investigation it's determined that people need to be held accountable. then obviously we want to see that too. but up until today us policy then has been, we don't negotiate with terrorists, but we will give them hundreds of millions of dollars. come on. now that's, that's conflating here that this is not your that's, i've seen a whole audra is a terrorist organization. no, it clevi doesn't, but it's still suspended. additional payments to and i know that's money that she
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used to aid shelters in school. and that's a time when experts say assignment is moving in goal is a move until people are being exposed to a deadly disease. outbreaks, this is when that money is needed most. the timing of the accusations by israel has also come under scrutiny of the day after the icy j concluded that israel is plausibly committing genocide and gaza. some states decided to defend united nations relief and works agency collectively bunching millions of palestinians of the most critical time, and most likely violating their obligations under the genocide convention. hold all space. seals of the interim judgment follow the un. top quote is well made these to, i mean allegations is not the 1st time the israel has made accusations about unreal links to hum us is where the defense force has claimed previously that and was
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facilities were being used for terrorist purposes. and just a few weeks ago, one form official laid out with complete clarity. the unreal must go. gotcha donald, to me from our, our main goal and the wars to eliminate the sweats. not just neutralize it. and we know how to eliminate terrorists. it's more difficult for us to deal with an idea or is the source of the idea. the idea is that more and more terrorists are born in all kinds of methods and it will be impossible to win the war unless but the store on the right immediately. the idea of the all bill was talking about was the right to a ton. i know i did, but she testified as being in still the generations of palestinians helping them cling to unsuccessful lands and fight for the rights. unreal has consistently denied the allegations. israel has slung in its direction, but without funding from countries like the us,
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it will be unable to continue. it's book. and the full lot from back is stock. it's millions of people who are already displaced or where the living minute to minute. so the last without any lifeline, actual in favor of the sunday hall and dozens of his rallies gathered at the care. i'm salaam crossing wind where trucks carrying humanitarian aid enter. guys are coming to israel. their protesters oppose a deliveries to the besieged enclave as long as is rarely hostages, are still in her mouth captivity, and urge the immediate release of their loved ones. was cross live to academic and researcher, and media and politics. i at her very i and good to have you on with us is really allegations are true and 12 and right employees out of 13000 active. and guys, i have been accused of involvement in the home also tax. how fair is this collective punishment considering 2300000 palestinians in the enclave are going to
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suffer from that decision? yes. unfortunately, the western uh states or the the announced the code to, to the funding just gave is it a degree ward? just so they off to the, to national, not claim and the court has accused of committing genocide against the, the, by the city. and so the 1st thing is this shows again that they gave the governess centers of the western come to use the i source. i don't think that the allegations are the tools and let's assume that they are through. this does not mean oh, this is not the or this does not get that art to a promise or disclose to stop the funding of is you see that we know is essential
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for the supervisor of the people and does though i only plead the western states especially the usa of its allies, and they immediately took into consideration this lady allegations. however, despite all the pictures and all the footages. oh, how is it i it is committing genocide and different aspects of what crimes they, i've seen of suspecting this. they are still calling for more investigation and august reading. so i'm taking a new measure against, is there a, this is if you would deflection of the u. s. policy. uh and the towards is that are in the double standards of actually i can see if it comes down. oh, uh the united states um is there is a, uh, the allies through the national good additional one more time that the international law is actually a political to yeah, to your point that more u. n. a workers have been killed in the idea of selling of gaza than in any other
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single conflict. we've know the death toll has for past 150 relief workers. those same countries, the whole to the a to and i haven't reacted it to is really crimes. how can the western policies differ so much? i mean, how can they allow the stubborn double standard to exist? actually if we go back to history edison, so the occasion of the international criminal court and also the security council, especially with the, the guard and we, we know it's clear that everything that is against the policy of the united states is coming down the, the use of the security costs of the national to attack the competitors or and to call it the, the states that again said policies. so actually if we, again, if we see it historically, this has been the case of today. this was
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a gave goza, it became clear to the war. that is a, okay, fine. well, the story is competing at genocide drawer tribes. unfortunately, the words, you know, some countries in europe in particular. uh okay, and i think we've lost our connection with hired to l. a. re re academic and research and media and politics, but we'll thank her for her time and discussing this with us. all right, let's get back to our top story. now. those 3 american soldiers who have been killed and dozens more wounded and a drowned strike on a us middle eastern outposts. president joe biden says pro rainy and forces are behind the attack. ok, let's get the details from our rainy and correspondent yusef delilah eustace, i'm glad we could reconnect with you. what more do you know about what happened
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here? hey, rachel. it's really a serious escalation in the already 10 sun volatile one precarious situation in the middle east. since this marks the 1st time american troops in the region have been killed by rocky ministers in resistance, militias in the middle is east since the start of the conflict. and now once more is that a few minutes ago, the rocky resistance as long because it, since group were a claim responsibility for the attack. of course, these womic resistance is affiliated with the broader access of resistance, which comprises different forces across the middle east, including that, that who if he's in yemen, live in us, has about law. and it rocks hatch to shabby or the popular mobilization. who is this statement has just been released in arabic, and i'm going to translate from arabic of this statement by these womic resistance
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. ways that in response to the us occupation forces support for israel and it's crimes against our gods in families. we launched drone attacks on sunday targeting for bases 3 of them in syria and namely added shut, dowdy, added uh, rook, bon and out of town spaces. uh, those bases are in syria and the 4th, named zack malone is located in the occupied territories, which they mean by occupied territories as well. of course. and presently the united states initially did not know even which one of its bases was target as saying initially that an hour post in jordan was head spied drones. of course, put that aside. this is not the 1st time our us positions in the region have come under attacks by there was instance forces, especially in iraq like the popular mobilization unit for the islamic resistance groups which shop together make
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a one of the strongest forces in that we just part of the umbrella group of the acts of resistance. as i mentioned earlier, more than 150 attacks have been carried out by those resistance groups against american positions and bases in the region. of course, uh about all of those attacks are conducted by the axes of resistance. but now we see that the united states is trying to put the finger of blame or a point the finger of blame at iran, saying that everyone is pure heading and orchestrating all of those attacks. and we heard earlier that the actual, by the end, the rest president said that the, those groups are iran fact and therefore it one is responsible and grow. your different american officials have tried to bring get one, enter the conflict or a pull. these lum accomplish into the gaza war by several times and on different platforms, trying to blame iran for the attacks against the us forces an event. the attacks
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carried out by the many who will see movement against all the ships that are bound to tours as well, and the closure of the red sea by the many who was a group of but this as it won't have your one has not commented yet on those claims and those accusations but me in different instances. and in previous instances, a bond has rejected all those claims saying that the force it supports and praises the actions taken by the resistance acts as against as well and the united states. but at the same time, it does not but order those groups on those groups do not take orders from iran. that one has said on different occasions that those groups act on their own. and one is not involved in the decision making process. but of course, um we see that as well for, for, for a couple of times try to pull around into the conflict by targeting call yard gc
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positions in syria and in error can nearby retaliated. and by hitting i most sat center and the most out, of course i base inside iraq store to sound we general in the city of our bill, but everyone does not seem to be interested in getting himself in this trouble. that one has time. it again said that it does not want the situation to spiral out of control. busy toll and turn it into a wider original conflagration. but it seems that all the us officials are trying to pull the running through the complex right. are to use it yourself. delilah uses thank you as well. and tends to send troops further into the enclave to rock an area largely populated with people displaced with in gaza. that's according to media reports that also say egypt which borders the territory opposes the decision. the idea of some tensions have raised the fears of locals already on the brink of disaster, as local journalists on a come all reports that uses us in here and roof off himself. and part of the
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course the english is very diana, mainly as a variety on me, as long as you can get from this area which leads to designing though well done. 1000000 people who are really new, understood, worry on the fields that maybe the is that i, the government would decide line that he, that it would then it's a parisian, meanwhile, in the day, but the cm's here, it's suggested, suggested that you did that with, with news absolutely, with new stuff. i mean, there, after a 9 meg who lived in countries said, decided this was a lot of sense that uh on those uh you might get to the 9th of nathan release, the address i can see on the right. and maybe see, suppose that a late until now the fee for the year and i see from time to time, so this $32.00 to have some internet follow off. uh, the updates on the use of our display as us would be $32.00 received from us and
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this is a amy army out and is it a that may be, will it take place, place replacement and the deputy close on the thank if you bought a cnc i'll try calling you to obtain the basic needs to like food and well, the boston main line. we have dozens of thousands of people who live in the streets without having any houses. did that or any houses do for them understand? they imagine version to the in the got the make the call human housing letterman, mainly the electricity was about a 100 and a half. and if we fled with only the clothes were wearing since this morning, we have been in the rain and cold. the scene is one of complete destruction of properties. the landmarks and han units have completely disappeared. there many's
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really things and soldiers. you are a very aware gentleman. so we received a leaflet from the israeli army to evacuate. my son, who is innocent, do it, has been arrested. my son did nothing. why did they arrest him? they tell us to leave, so they can arrest our sons. why not? who will take responsibility for all of this matter? the 57 am in the morning. we have been in the rain and cold fire. do you see this child? well well, is this what netanyahu was calling for? i don't understand. you know, we are civilians with no involvement. we want to keep the drinking and have sheltered up. there are no tests here. hello, everyone is rarely ministers. are seeking to ensure the security of its citizens by expanding its settlements to the territory of them. battle the gaza strip. the matter is being discussed at the so called victory conference and to be convened in response to the october 7th from us attack us. all right, let's get more on this topic now from is really journalist robbie berman, robbie,
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what are the plans being discussed at the event? well, right now i'm in jerusalem opinion a. the main convention center for jerusalem is old or 5000 people. here the overwhelming majority of them are orthodox shoes. i get the sense that most of them are settlers. this is a conference to try to plan the re settlement of jobs though. let's hear from some of them. i used to be some memory on a list here for me, some of them now, and then i'll explain what's happening, the needs we are. we are already resorting to us like to
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make sure we will be when we will return to that. that is really controlled is where. 2 renewed settlements, we will have some of the overall up to this in some area. we will return and correct the mistakes and the tragedies of the agreement. and we will have joyce solvency between the river and the sea so that they will not destroy israel so that it will not be able to continue with you up in america. that's the program. the main problem with the air of the guys i've had bad. there's so many of them or that they wouldn't be a problem with the box. they probably want to kill us for half ago. they cannot be next to us. so inside the conference, all we have actually the most extreme right wing elements of the government. we have the minister of torres in caps. we have been beer, we have smoked rich for white wing ministers who are lecturing and they are discussing how we're going to reoccupied gaza. as you can see from the map on the wall, they already have planned out new to me. are you, sir? settled in regards us is a sign up there that says
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a settlement springs security. there are some people and as old will be that they can settle garza if they can have settlement to the gaza. it'll make it much more easy to bring security because i think what they're forgetting is, is that what is what was in georgia prior to 2005, there were soldiers and federal is being killed on a very frequent basis. people are heading out paper works out of propaganda, showing that israel of the committee, suicide is a kind of health tell us that he is or actually is really our grow this cycle for them to uh, place the arabs outside the land of israel. some of the size inside there was only for transfer, they were chairs and transfer inside of the uh, the convention center. and the other side is a lot of sources. those sources were critical sources talking about, oh, god gave the land to israel. and that's what the convention is all about. this is robbie berman withholding live from pinion a wilma andrews. all right,
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thank you. robbie berman is really internally all right. do say was our to international. i'll be back with much more news in about 30 minutes in the meantime . be sure to visit our website or to come by the middle schools will inject some of the music from you the goals for
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the services the the access. you mean? yes ma'am. this to image says that my e and is a should to you to munoz, the queen. yes. what i mean, what said as he gets paid,


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