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tv   News  RT  January 28, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EST

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as we discussed, the wheels the has divided and says that washington will respond to up to 3 american soldiers are killed and dozens wounded in a jo strike on a us middle eastern. i'll post a range and forces reportedly behind the inside. disturbing images i had in northern garza medics lay out the bodies of the dead. as a result of these very strife on dogs and city, at least at least 23 dead of simeon slammed the suspension of funding by nearly a dozen western countries to the un release of works agency. that's up to israel, claimed some of the organization, stuff were involved in the october, the 7th service, the side of the eco was under the influence of foreign powers and betraying its founding principles has become
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a threat to its members. states adopted in irrational and unacceptable posture by imposing illegals. feel legitimate in humane and irresponsible sanctions in violation of its own. tx 3 west african countries in egypt. melina bobby, and put keen a fossil announced the withdrawal from the regional block. because the crew must go to the world here, watching all the international monies. pizza scouts. hey, with all the very latest. a 5 am this monday morning. let's go to present. joe biden has promised that's washington will respond to following a deadly attack by militants on the american base in the middle east. in
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the little group known as the islamic resistance in iraq has claimed responsibility for the series of attacks. one of which killed 3 us troops and we did doesn't small on the silvia jordan border. a continuation of our approach to resisting the american occupation forces in the rock and the region. and then the response to design is to entities massacres. get started, people in gaza, then we just had deal of the slamming resistance. iraq launch drone attacks against 4 and the bases 3 of which are in syria as long because this comes off the rock is affiliated with the umbrella network of miller shows in the region known as the access of resistance. now with claimed responsibility for the attack force and the group as part of the hash to
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a sharpie or the popular mobilization. and it's with the state of school fighting the influence of the us military in that region. so based on the statement released by the rocky is womach resistance group. uh the base is in syria were targeted this as well. uh washington initially claimed that one of it so. ready is an outpost in jordan, was hit by the militia group uh, in bedrock, of course. uh, it seems that the united states initially did not have any idea which one of its spaces was targeted even before the war. uh, they had a history of, uh, attacking the american forces to make them feel unsafe and their walk in syria and leave their country. but following the gauze of crisis on the west support for as well. they are really ramped up their operations against the u. s. spaces there have been more than 150 instances of strikes by the groups sense the conflict dropped it in gaza about this latest attack was really marks
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a turning points as it killed us. forces something which has really touched a nerve in washington. us us president, job why didn't, has now was valid revenge while placing the blame on last night 3 u. s. service members were killed and many wounded during an unmanned aerial drone attack. on our forces station to ne jordan. you're the syria border. while we are still gathering the facts of this attack, we know it was carried out by radical. the around backed militant groups operating in syria and the rack. have no doubt. we will hold all those responsible to account at a time and in a manner are choosing. so it would be already 10 situation is getting edge here. now as infuriated american officials, especially those one of a history of hawkish rhetoric towards to one are now speaking about directly as to
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why can't give on as they believe that one is behind all of these attacks against us spaces in that region. republican senator lindsey graham has now openly called for a direct confrontation st. quote. hit to go on now. hit them hard. of course one has about what was blocks to the brink of a direct confrontation of it. repeated is really a tax on all your dc positions in syria as your walk, but that one has fly, choose 2 out of it. your boss says it twice as the actions of the it was a stance groups and iraq, cnn syria for 11 on. but they do not take orders from here one of course. so it one says that the actions by the resistance groups from the who fees and you have on to all the even has but line live in on and to have laws against as well. and the high school shall be in iraq. all those groups are part of the resistance access. any one says that it tails what they do to try to stop the is really attack against
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palestinians and just talk to at least us support for as well. and it's all slot against the gaza strip, but at the same time, they do not take orders from the want and they act on their own, even when it comes to you. i meant, for example, the united states said that what the who see you, how many who the group is doing and like the closure of the red sea. why the whole fees, uh, the united states that says that, uh, it is directed and uh it is. um, orchestrated an engineer and by the islamic republic as well, but that one has time and again try to stay out of it and said that it is not part of this whole sure that the american presence believes that iran is behind the attacks and said that they will not go on understood for the us national security advisor, john bolton called for direct strike on the run rather than the light resistance movements across the beach. and so i think the u. s. u. k. strikes against the who
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t's are the right thing to do, but i think clearly because after now about 6 or 7 of these strikes and i'm sure we've done a lot of damage the attacks on shipping in the red. so you continue. the problem here is that we're attacking the proxies and we're not attacking the source, the source as a rod. oh, 1st of all, i think when it comes to why one context, the truth and matter is that there must be always a conflict in the western days. yeah. so that the americans can justify their military practice in this region, and they have continued to sell their veterinary use to this region and that they can justify their influence on the energy market. and the other reason is that they are quoting force in order to just give a picture of any contingency for the american presence in the region best. but this picture is getting more and more faded and made for several reasons. but getting back to the question, i think this is one argument that you as president police force in order to justify
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his baby or in the back. the next. yes. uh. so if you just take a look at the current circumstance, i think for different purposes, but uh for the same actually uh, certain id that exists. i think both the ron and the united states are not interested in any kind of direct intervention or drakes on presentations. but i told events the united states is getting more and more close to a big failure after the disastrous withdrawals. i'm the kind of started afternoon stand in, in iraq and you mine and elsewhere. so they're trying to kind of justify these failures by resorting to iran factor. the florida governor, run desantis, has called out the body, not ministration for jeopardizing us troops. he says that the american forces have become easy. praise the country's enemies. joe biden has made our troops sitting
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ducks, and he allows our enemies to attack them with impunity. biden's weakness is getting our troops killed, rest in peace to our 3 fallen service members. let's cross live now to robots in la cash at gentlest. on the political analyst robot, thanks very much for joining us. i'm certainly a dumbing message from the us government desantis. i'm a how do you think it's criticism is or is it just political points calling to i believe that that statement was political point scoring. the republican party would have done the exact same thing, whether it would have backed the as railways, in their words, at this point, which has brought these attacks on us forces. and then of course, the us escalated by launching 2 separate attacks inside of the dog. and they just the same and then by launching hundreds of precision missiles across again, then amendments rising the red sea and supported israel, which then resulted in their ships being targeted as well. this is person in the united kingdom. so i, i believe that desantis his statement really is, you know,
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it is point scoring because under the trump administration he fell to strike over 50 targets in iran. if any hair on the head of us soldier was hurt after the assassinated. awesome. so the money i knew the asset base was struck, say it messes over a $100.00 traumatic brain injuries and nothing was done to the iranians in retaliation. and this is ridiculous clustering to try and claim that the ron is behind this and then that they should be struck directly. and this is perhaps a inside saying a regional war, which the us could only really to damage and come off looking like a winner. if it use nuclear weapons and at the end of that war is relevant spaces wouldn't exist in the region. it's inflammatory rhetoric unfortunately, but it's still a very comprehensive 1st answer that robot. thank you very much and, and the lots on park. i'm just going to pick you on donald trump. now we said that the us is on the edge of world war 3 after this,
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since i know it would seem to be another beast, typically flung points exaggerations put for us troops have been killed. now, what do you think the risk of the skirmishes in the middle east expanded knowing so much? why the conflicts? well, i believe the united states is escalating with every single event that occurred. spar instance. the international court of justice opinion came for they issued their provisional measures and, and because the south africans are seemingly, they quoted under a law as a source. they then withdrew their funds from under. was you to, in this rarely campaign without actually understanding what it is for their sufferings, the serve, the further uh, the, the furthering the suffering and the gaza strip. and then of course as well, we see the continued tracks on them and we see that they allow the israelis to continue launching these violations of syrian sovereignty. and the fascinating iranians inside of syria and also as well assassinating members of has the law and
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assassinating senior senior member of have mass uh, in a root. when you look at has the law, you look at the, at all key groups, you look at on sar law and you look at even the iranians, they've been very calculated for around 4 months. now as there is a genocide of being perpetrated against the people of gaza, donald trump uses this rhetoric because an election is coming up. but realistically, we don't know what he would have done in this situation, whether he would have ended it or not. as for his statement about world war free of the united states, if it does head into a regional war, which again, it could only when really and come out as a victor by using nuclear weapons. and then we are looking at a potential situation where it could lead to world war freight. i don't believe that we're there yet. but this is an extremely dangerous situation. we see, and we see an absolute lack of leadership in the united states. a lack of diplomacy and diplomatic skills on behalf of the us leadership. and it's led to this
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catastrophe which could have been ended with a few phone calls. and i'm simply telling the israelis that enough is enough. you have to end this. now. do you see a point where the us could strike iran directly? it would seem to both sides have been fairly remote since since we reach this point so far. well launching direct strikes on it or on would be the equivalent of escalating of an escalation in which you're on launch. it strikes on israel. if the strikes are launched on a wrong, it is likely that israel will be struck directly with iranian ballistic missiles. and at least us bases will be targeted perhaps in the persian gulf area. this is the reason, really, if the united states cannot do this, if it does, it's a suicide mission and it's a suicide blow, and they're putting more of their troops in jeopardy. and the response that will come from the iranian side will likely be overwhelming if people are killed inside
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of their ronnie and territory by us air strikes. that would be defacto a declaration of war. and this is not a war that the us could when it ran exercises all the way back in 2006, which it couldn't win. and that's when a ron was not the power of the military power regionally that it is today. so it's irresponsible rhetoric that they're using, they're attempting to blame iran for the their own failures diplomatically. iran is not causing the war inside of the gaza strip. that is israel and the united states by frequently backing it with everything it needs. whether that's diplomatic, economic or military support and logistical support, and even soldiers on the grounds as well inside of the causes grow. so it's very irresponsible the way that the united states is talking at this point. i don't believe it makes sense for the united states to launch direct strikes and they wrote, i believe that they will launch strikes perhaps in syria and it all, it would be a terrible mistake for the us to get into
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a war. it's already stretched. been, it does not have a resource. it doesn't have to means to launch a war against iran and a war against iran is war against the entire reach for sudden help the things don't reach that points, robots and look s gentlest inputs calling list. thanks so much for your thoughts on the tensions introduced at the moment. thank you. thank you for at least 23 people have been killed when an idea strike hits a residential building and goes a city according to reports. a quick warning to view as there are some disturbing images that had no locals and emergency services such the rebel for survivors as the injured and the bodies of the dead were rushed to of chief hospital. more than 26000 palestinians have been killed since i have long since assault on garza calling to how much are the types of october the 7th. as, according to the gaza else industry upon medic showed his accounts from the city. the shelter from above the regarding shoddy camp, uninhabited house was seed inside the cab nearby to the military clinic. and some
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of the martyrs were transferred to the chief of hospital. the situation is hard to be area because there is a difficulty to reach the place through the narrow streets. districts were inside the shot at campbell and the nearby, but there were no explosions that we saw in the area of staying in the region, nearly a dozen countries, including the us. you can germany have stopped funding the u and relief and website and see for palestine. refugees that follows is really allegations. it's a handful of overall work is were involved in the october the 7th. so it's talking about us. the new prime minister says the suspension comes the worst possible time . this measure is extremely dangerous, and it is our hope that that would be of us. the suspension of aid comes at the most difficult times. at the time when the international court of justice has poured for any immediate supply ending please supplies
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and international aid and progresses. uh, the future of unread is on search. and then you wouldn't body which provides essential aid of 2000000 people in gulf. it has had its funding suspended by around a dozen weston countries. under a life saving assistance is about to end following countries decisions to cut their funding to the agency, our humanitarian operation, on which 2000000 people depend as a lifeline and gaza is collapsing. i am shocked that such decisions are taken based on the alleged behavior of a few individuals and as the war continues, needs are deepening and famine looms. palestinians and gaza did not need this additional collective punishment. this stains, all of us, the reason well it was just 10 to the is well which is waging a will on the enclave has claimed that a handful of unreal workers were involved in the october 7th attack against its
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people. come with the simulation, the un relief and works agency for palestine. refugees, employees are collaborators with the terrorist organizations come off and the un has become not only a place where the existence of the state of israel is de legitimized, but also a place where employees are physically collaborating in the extermination of israel and the murder of its citizens, when i say a handful, i need it, and that's because i'm right employee some, 13000 workers in garza. that is what claims around 12 of those when falls been this attacks. that's 0 point. one percent of henri is team on the ground. the you and launched an investigation and it's already funded. knowing if the accused while i understand their concerns, i was myself horrified by these accusations. i strongly appealed to the governments that have suspended their contributions to at least guarantee the continuity of unreal was operations. but disappoint, that's with response probably be un western countries. i've been quick to watch the
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hands of the organization, the u. k. june many fronts, canada, australia, and others old joining the us and pulling the plug on money that's desperately needed to help the people engulf us. the 5, the so i think the faith of the money based on only the possible guilt of the few. so does the u. s. re a believe it's funding terrorist spa and we want this investigation to be complete and transparent. and if it's, if the, if in the investigation it's determine that people need to be held accountable, then obviously we want to see that too. but up until today us policy then has been, we don't negotiate with terrorists, but we will give them hundreds of millions of dollars come on. now that's, that's conflating here that this is not your that's like saying the whole audra is a terrorist organization. no, it clearly doesn't, but it's still suspended, additional payments to and so that's money that she used to aid shelters in school
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. and that's a time when experts say assignment is moving in goal is a move until people are being exposed to a deadly disease outbreaks. this is when that money is needed. most the timing of the accusations boy as well, has also come under scrutiny of the day after the icy j concluded that israel is plausibly committing genocide and gaza. some states decided to defend united nations relief and works agency collectively bunching millions of palestinians of the most critical time, and most likely violating their obligations under the genocide convention. hold off the seals of the interim judgment, follow the un. top quote is well made. these timing allegations is not the 1st time the israel has made accusations about ruth links to hum us is where the defense force has claimed previously. but unless facilities were being used for terrorist
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purposes. and just a few weeks ago, one form official laid out with complete clarity. the unreal must go. gotcha donald, to me from our, our main goal and the wars to eliminate the sweats. not just neutralize it. and we know how to eliminate terrorists. it's more difficult for us to deal with an idea or as the source of the idea. the idea is that more and more terrorists are born in all kinds of methods and it will be impossible to win the war unless but the store on the right immediately. the idea of the all bill was talking about was the right to a ton. i know i did that, she testified as being instilled in generations of palestinians helping them cling to unsuccessful lands and fight for the rights. unreal has consistently denied the allegations. israel has slung in its direction, but without funding from countries like the us,
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it will be unable to continue. it's book on the full lot from back is stock. it's millions of people who are already displaced or where the living minute to minute. suddenly last without any lifeline. actual meanwhile is rarely so the supports for the funding freezes doesn't is gather to the term shalom crossing points. but drugs caring humanitarian aid. and so it goes up by israel, processed as oppose age for the besieged enclave as long as it's very hostages are still held in almost captivity and cold for that immediate release. the media and political aspects. hyatt l harvey says this is yet another example of west and more immoral to all the thing i to say, especially the usa of its allies. and they immediately took into consideration this lady of the game. however, despite all the pictures and all the footages, oh,
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how is it? 8 is committing genocide and different aspects of word crimes they i've seen and suspecting this, they are still calling for more investigation and refraining from taking a new measure. i guess is there a, this is, if you would reflect some of the u. s. policies in the, towards it, sorry. and the, so based on this, and actually i can see the content of the united states. and there's, there is a, a, the, a large to the, it's a must have a good additional one more time that the international law is actually a political towards moving over to africa now, where hundreds gathered on the streets of news, yes, capital. and to show supports for the decisions. so withdrawal from the economic community of west african states as alongside neighbors, molly and became the fossil people gathered on the central square in the mesa voice, the approval of the country submitted for government and condemned the sanctions
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imposed by eco was following less summit magic cuz this is a subject that we welcome this decision that despite our calls for toxic co is kept sanctions on us. they do not want to work with us. so we do not want to work with them. we left with dignity, and we are proud we the decision from our government to leave eco was did not surprise me because we are still sanctioned eco law. states were supposed to support us as brotherly countries, but instead acted as enemies. this is nikki, to leave eco, as was a normal conclusion, but no cooperation can work when one of the parties treats you as badly as eco was treated us. we were ignored and then unfairly sanctioned. what more can i say we had to leave this unfruitful cooperation. you know, new ones are moving it to west to molly, now west coast, also strongly by the government's decision to pull out of the regional in the
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budget. i'm very happy with the decision taken by our rosara scenes because a co us is no longer credible. it no longer defends the interest of its people. if i'm not illiterate, but that's what i think everybody's interest to being violated, and that are for that go us own existing name, which we did not feel any impacts on the problems of molly and the shower and book, you know, if other countries impose sanctions or isolation, mom and then there's something bobby's problem and they don't need to stop but just sanction. you're just a killer so and i will die satisfied. and that is, i mean, i mean, my opinion is this molly or cannot and the sheer must join hands because packer was, is nothing but a switch. the money. i'm very happy with the decision. if i were sort these, i don't know what will happen, but i think the 3 countries must support each other on the i'd be on 5 mean i cool so, so directly between the 3 countries i'm because that's what's important minutes and then go, i'm really happy with the fact that we left eco us up with it all i, we don't care about possible sanctions from other countries. besides,
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they can all take sections again. so 3 countries, they only make threats, other countries to one to follow and footsteps, but they are the rates different. all leaders who have the cottage doc must continue to move forward with the venture. the other countries will join us 2nd doubt that many african countries want to but are a 3 thought enough. i would like the 3 countries to speak the same language to move forward. i don't know the details, but we see a lot of things that are not going well in that you can watch face molly income and spokes person burnouts. i joined statements by nature. molly, i'm booking, if i so on the decision to withdrawal from eco was claimant, the regional block had failed to protect them in a city. oh, so long speaker was under the influence of foreign powers and betraying its founding principles has become a threat to its members. states. the organization has not provided assistance to our states in the context of our x, a central fight against terrorism, and insecurity worse when we decided to take our destiny into our own hands. the
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eco was adopted in irrational and unacceptable posture by imposing illegal, legitimate in humane and irresponsible sanctions in violation of its own texas. faced with this continuing situation, our respective heads of states to decide incomplete sovereignty on the immediate withdrawal of booking a false. so molly, a nature from the economic community of west african states government does. that's basically this withdrawal is not coming in as a surprise to many on the continent. we know that last year in september, these 3 countries now golfing by the, our respective military's um, you know, created a block no one asked the alliance of this house space. at least it least comes on the use of but heavy science and impose on these are also the military loss july over. ready president mohammed presume, and um, now the stock shows where, you know, when described as the most severe about aircraft as ever impose on any error on
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stage 4 member, you know, up to a block and you know, since then it has created a tree that creatures exams on the regional block, also the regional block happen branch into to, you know, deployed in military forces in new jersey, you know, overstock constitution off board. so all of that, great at the 10s, you know, at most fair in the region. and, you know, obviously tends atmosphere between the airport as you know, to be sure, as well as malia and looking at possibly last year. these countries that they will, that any attempts to invade these or would be an attempt to war against bobby, and fucking a fossil themselves. so we're seeing today, you know, a not long after the statement was split out or be announced that was made, you know, by the sports president of the modern military. you know, we also saw that airports just found, released an official statement saying that it is aware of that announcement that has been put out, but the f was said, it has yet to receive any official notification to the bottom defect. and that,
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you know, the economy, the blog safe, it has been working, you know, to see if i did it restores constitution alcorda in these countries. and but then it is saying that because you asked to receive any of the stuff you know um no, to the case on from molly and uh, booking at 5. so and these yes. okay. we have to watch to see what happens from here. meanwhile, o'donoghue got a former presidential candidates in nigeria, new jersey, neva. it's in the south says the decision creates an opportunity to restructure eco was i think it's just that really a very um, looking full duty, especially the economy coming to joseph. it goes to it's distributed to your distribution has been leading by the one time, lots of relationship that existed between these independent quantities. what is crucial, why might be how and some of the critical members of the saw how you doing this a hit in alliance in vehicle was i'll put, you know,
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it's actually not terms fit. you say the good thing to do regional stability and your model would be more just to do is on the side of distributions. but if you're not also presented, i'm actually fully in gene adding the offer. what i mean, because the adapt employer quotes, usually a 100 little colonial structure behind your creation. i think it was presented in, in measurable opportunity. so the leadership of it was to come in with a better framework that would be more impulsive, double integrated with the economy. it's the politics of the security objective within the costs were more for the uh, the ability funds security or the whole region from all on any of those stories do you have? it's all websites are c dot com minus pizza. scott's only fuck with another one down of all the lights is around about 30 minutes to my principal. the.


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