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tv   News  RT  January 29, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EST

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got some really the headlines stories. this are around red jacks and marketing accusations of its involvement in drones strikes the pill. 3 us troops sell and millet pre i post on serious border with george, president 5. and threatens to risk taking exclusively to our to pocket stones in boston or to around details they fortifying relations after a recent order. the most important thing is 4 bucks on and get on to deepen the ties or categories of understood you corporation generators. of course they have did want to jump to had the most important or are we to judge of dice to the tv in those times on call us send me an sloan the suspension of funding by nearly a dozen in western countries to the u. n. relief and works agency proctor,
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israel thing, some of the organizations stuff were involved in the october 7th terrorist and we reject any decision from any party on cutting or reducing on or what funding all countries need to be fair and not take double standards or follow is real systematic plan and programs aiming at eradicating the owner. what the problem must go to the world. this is our t. let's get into our headline stories. this monday. there's escalating treyjen washington. after 3 american troops were killed and dozens more wounded in a drill and strike on a us military base of the weekend. it occurred on the syrian border with jordan. american politicians have been quick to blame around while officials they're deny any involvement. the resistance groups in the region are responding to the war crimes and a genocide of the child's killing zion. this regime. and they do not take orders
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from the sly make republic over on these groups, decide and act based on their own principles and priorities as well. as the interests of their country and people, well, drones were alone, step 3 us spaces in syria, of which are stationed there legally are considered occupation forces by damascus. the jordanian government has refuted washington's claim that one of the attack bases is inside jordan, president 5 and has voted to retaliate for the deadly strikes quote of a time and in a manner offered. choosing the
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little group calling itself the slow. i'll make resistance in our rock has claimed responsibility for the attacks, which it labeled retaliation for the us military presence in the region, as well as washington's continued barking of israel to more in gas. a continuation of our approach to resisting the american occupation forces, even rock and the region, and then the response to design is to entities massacres a guess start people in gaza. then we just had dean of the slamming resistance. iraq launch drone attacks against, for enemy bases 3 of which are in syria as long because this concept, the rock out is affiliated with the umbrella network of new alicia's in the region known as the access of resistance. now would claim responsibility for the attack before senior walk, the group as part of the hash to a sharpie or the popular and mobilization. and it's with the state of the goal of
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fighting the influence of the us military in the region. so based on the statement released by the rocky is womach resistance group. uh, the bases in syria were targeted this as well. uh, washington initially got a claim bad one of it. ready is an outpost in jordan, was hit by the militia group in rock of course. so it seems that the united states initially did not have any idea of which one of its basis was targeted even before the war. they had a history of attacking the american forces to make them feel unsafe and their walk in syria and leave their country by following the gauze of crisis on the west support for israel. they are really ramped up their operations against the u. s. spaces there have been more than 150 instances of strikes by the groups. sense the conflict dropped it in gaza about this latest attack. really marks a turning points as it killed us. forces something which has really touched
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a nerve in washington and us, us president joe biden has now was vowed revenge while placing. busy blame on it wrong, so it would be already 10 situation is getting edge here now as infuriated american officials, especially though swap a history of hawkish rhetoric towards to one are now speaking about directly is try, can't give one as they believe that one is behind all of these attacks against us spaces in the region, republican senator lindsey graham has now openly called for a direct confrontation, st. quote, hit the one now hit them hard. of course one has about what was blocks to the brink of a direct confrontation of it. repeated is really a tax on all your d. c positions in syria and iraq. but the one has tried to stay out of it. you most of it twice as the actions of the resistance groups in iraq and syria for 11 on.
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but they do not take orders from everyone, of course. so it won't says that the actions by the resistance groups from the who fees and the amount to all the even has been line live and on and to have laws against israel. and the high school shall be in iraq. all those groups are part of the resistance taxes. anyone says that it tails what they do to try to stop b a is really attack against palestinians. and just talk to at least us support for israel and it's all slot against the gaza strip. but at the same time they take do not take orders from the wine and they act on their own, even when it comes to you. i mean for example, the united states said that what the who the yeah many who the group is doing and like the closure of the red sea. why the whole fees, uh, the united states side says that it is directed and uh, it is um, orchestrated and engineered by these woman republic of iran. but one has time and
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again, i tried to stay out of it and said that it is not part of this whole sure, that use of july from to around the following the attack sharp criticism of president biden's leadership was seen state side across the political spectrum. but especially so from the republican party on its front burner, donald trump as well as florida, the governor rome desantis. well, joe biden has made our troops sitting ducks, and he allows our enemies to attack them with impunity. biden's weakness is getting our troops killed, rest in peace to our 3 fallen service members. this brazen attack on the united states is yet another horrific and tragic consequences of jo biden's, weakness, and surrender. we are on the brink of world war 3. our country cannot survive with joe biden as commander in chief. well, let us show you some, the extended comments as well from the head of humans who t supreme revolutionary con mitsy, which is called the strikes on us monthly basis simply
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a results of washington's meddling in the region on the slide. what i'm this attack is the direct message to the administration of all of the level of anger in the middle east towards the us policy. and the americans need to understand this and go against the american presence outlets military forces in the region. he's increasing the crisis and, and around gaza has reveal the ugly face of the united states. and therefore, today the president of the united states has lost his sanity. he's committed crimes against the population of gaza and doing everything to ensure that these crimes continue, including genocide which is known to everyone and the recognized by the international court of justice in the hague. we will tell americans that force alone will not achieve anything. arabs and muslims have enough coverage, well, independence in our decision making. we don't look back at the americans at what they say and what have allusions to they build the united states is now going
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through a difficult times and is simply and it's rising states thanks to its policies. first of all, because it is in direct conflict with the boss, something ukraine, and also with us wage and a direct war against the palestinians. we believe that america is the machine of crime and terrorism. and that america itself is a terrorist states because today it is the united states that is behind the extermination of 2300000 people in gaza. and that it is the united states that refuses to stop the killing machine, of what keeping contingent on them in the rebel officials. there are say their forces launched a missile out a u. s. navy worship, and the gulf of 8. and on sunday, the hooting is out of the american and british forces will continue to be targeted in response to their recent bombing of the country. and also pledging to support palestinians by attacking any ships linked to israel in the red sea. washington has
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not yet responded top yeah, many official mohammed sally outputs, the again saves, they are a nation, cannot ignore the hostile us sparked actions right across the middle age. how do we continually reiterate that? as the many armed forces have declared, we own the attack ships boned for as rarely ports or owns buys valleys. this is necessary to leave the blockades and stop the question against the people of garza, in order to delete the wants of food and medicine to the policy. it ends with america south is a convenient excuse that has nothing to do with the truth of the same time the war ships are approaching. i'll show us to palm and kill us, and then they declare you can not respond to all actions. and if you do that, we will response, but this is unacceptable for us, but not one of those who remain silent and do not react well determines in this regards. as all products leader has mentions, as we have already said,
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any country that helps the americans will in danger, its naval vessels will be within the range rover. yeah, my name is sauls and all, all the weapons that can reach them to know did you ask activity in the middle east also affect around relations with neighboring pack us them both countries recently targeted terrace functions inside their mutual border. so while summer rainy and media have pointed to a legend, american funding for radical groups, they're following a brief diplomatic dispute. it says, lama above and to rome have not reinstated each other's ambassadors. the short lived crisis was sparked by a mutual exchange of rocket strikes between the nations around unpack a stone work quick to state, the work targeting terrace notes each other's forces. in the wake of the diplomatic reconciliation, we set on exclusively with a smaller balance in boston or 2 around mohammed with a seal to keep up for his view on the situation. we haven't got sufficient on that
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as a sort of a long time. there's in new jersey music categories are patients timberly, t and of course some extra and electors can also pay a digital to receive data at most for you. so i think that's now the point is how do we do for the concentrations and how do we make efforts to contain this monster? the most important thing is 4 bucks on each on to deepen the ties on terrorism, on their strategic corporation on duty. and do they have enough data for about the comparison to political affairs, delta interest, of course they have their own agenda and their most important or are we did the edge of dice to deal in those types. but i can get into that both countries, you know, are very determined to make sure that these forces do not succeed. we have, uh, we have a little use it on his own views. but the most important thing is richard, understanding officer. there's that it to and to have more discussion, to have more cooperation, to do with this issue. i think again,
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the most important thing is for the 2 countries to recognize that this is a trip to both countries. they won't respond, the solutions you of how they are being supported, how they're being financed, how they're being equipped. i think that is a critical challenge. but i can guarantee you that bucks on has 0 thought prints, whatever. some and students get on the spectrum on for microsoft. this is very important. we can not allow any entity to, to, to affect it on the x, turn attention on the program to northern gas. i wait 23 people have reportedly being kills an idea of strikes that hit a refugee camp in kansas city in the early hours of this monday footage from the scene shows no codes on emergency services. scrambling to comb the rubble for survivors, a number of casualties and bodies were taken to the nearby l chief. a hospital.
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distressing for the channels being emerging from that side. while the sending an official saying more than 26400 people of being killed and another 65000 wounded in the unsafe since october 7, a part of medic briefly shared his accounts of the aftermath in kansas city earlier today. the regarding shoddy camp, uninhabited house was seed inside the camp nearby to the military clinic. and some of the martyrs were transferred to the chief of hospital. the situation is hearts and the area because there is a difficulty to reach the place to narrow streets. districts were inside the shrouded camp nearby, but there were no explosions that we saw in the area and was millions of people in the in buffalo then they have are in dire need of humanitarian assistance. really, it doesn't. western countries including the u. s. the u. k. in germany have stopped donations to the un relief and works agency. it follows unconfirmed claims from
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israel. but some of the workers were involved in the october 7th terrorist attack on israel. the funding co test spark fears. backlash from several nations including egypt. you know this the, let's frankly we were surprised by the decisions taken yesterday regarding unreal. an eloquent expressions used about the allegations against the agencies employees to him. and we did not have similar expressions about the killing of more than 26000 innocent civilians in gaza. most of them women and children, we are a bleed group of nations has come feeding for an emergency meeting over the western cuts to on run, the palestinian representative slammed the decision to suspend donations, which came after the international court of justice ordered the facilitation of humanitarian aid to get into goes off of the i cut off the i, the court didn't call for a ceasefire, but for an end to the killing of palestinian civilians. o couple of the court
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ordered that the physical and psychological damage to the palestinian people must stop and we reject any decision from any party on cutting or reducing on or what funding. all countries need to be fair and not take double standards or follow is real systematic plan and programs aiming at eradicating the owner was restricting the honor while will result in the operating of the matter of palestinian refugees . all countries are responsible for continuing funding for the underwater, what the future of unreal is on search. and the you wouldn't body which provides a central aid of 2000000 people in gulf. it has had its funding suspended by around a dozen western countries under a life saving assistance is about to end following countries decisions to cut their funding to the agency, our humanitarian operation on which 2000000 people depend as a lifeline and gaza is collapsing. i am shocked that such decisions are taken based on a legend behavior of a few individuals and as the war continues,
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needs are deepening and famine looms. palestinians and gaza did not need this additional collective punishment. this stains, all of us, the reason well it was just 10 to the is well which is waging a will on the own clave has claimed that a handful of unruh is workers were involved in the october 7th attack against its people come with the simulation, the un relief and works agency for palestine. refugees, employees are collaborators with the terrorist organization. him us. and the un has become not only a place where the existence of the state of israel is de legitimized, but also a place where employees are physically collaborating. and the extermination of israel and the murder of its citizens. when i say a handful, i need it. and that's because i'm right employee some 15000 workers in gaza. that is what claims around 12 of those were involved in this attacks. that's 0 point one percent of and was team on the ground the you and launched an investigation and
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it's already funded. knowing if the accused while i understand their concerns, i was myself horrified by these accusations. i strongly appealed to the governments that have suspended their contributions to at least guarantee the continuity of unreal was operations, but display that's with respondents by the un western countries. i've been quick to watch the hands of the organization, the u. k. germany fronts, canada, australia, and others old joining the us in pulling the plug on money bits desperately needed to help the people in gulf as the 5 the so i think the faith of the money based on only the possible guilt of the few. so does the u. s. re a believe it's funding terrorist spa and we want this investigation to be complete and transparent? and if it, if the, if in the investigation it's determined that people need to be held accountable.
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then obviously we want to see that too. but up until today us policy then has been, we don't negotiate with terrorists, but we will give them hundreds of millions of dollars. come on now that's, that's conflating here. this is not your that's, i've seen a whole audra is a terrorist organization. no, it clearly doesn't, but it's still suspended, additional payments to and so that's money that she is a shelters in school. and that's a time when experts say assignment is moving in goal is a move and who people are being exposed to a deadly disease outbreaks. this is when that money is needed. most. the timing of the accusations by israel has also come under scrutiny of the day after the icy j concluded that israel is plausibly committing genocide and gaza. some states decided to defend united nations relief and works agency, collectively punching millions of palestinians of the most critical time. and most
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likely violating their obligations under the genocide convention, hold off the seals of the interim judgment, follow the un. top quote is well made. these timing allegations is not the 1st time the israel has made accusations about henri links to hum us these where the defense force has claimed previously that and was facilities were being used for terrorist purposes. and just a few weeks ago, one form official laid out with complete clarity. the unreal must go. gotcha. let me from on our main goal and the wars to eliminate the sweats. not just neutralize it. and we know how to eliminate terrorists is more difficult for us to deal with an idea or as the source of the idea. the idea is that more and more terrorists are born in all kinds of methods and it will be impossible to win the war unless but the store on the right immediately. the idea of the all bill was talking about was the right to a ton. i know i did,
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but she testified as being in still the generations of palestinians helping them cling to unsuccessful lands and fight for that. right. unreal has consistently denied the allegations. israel has slung in its direction, but without funding from countries like the us it will be unable to continue. it's book on the full lot from back is stock. it's millions of people who are already displaced or worthy living minute to minute. suddenly last without any lifeline actual well that's welcome. all know, live to the program, run the amount of a un legal advocacy representative of the bottle. they resort center for palestinian residency. refugee rice. thank you for your time today. serious allegations by israel. but on verified ones,
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your reaction to the decision by some 11 countries to suspend their donations to on rough, the inside it was very bad and some decisions especially now. where do we need more and more? in fact, after what's happened and what's happening does. so in fact, i'm just curious speaking, returning back to that is, are you sion 194 in 1949 in which the all network created in order to have that it's usually the police can to pages to return back to their homes and villages of audience in which we can relate, that is that i'm feeling now, so that the under buckley is, it's for 40 years. and all of that is to help this through 10, but, you know, i'm saying no more than 75 years. and that is usually is where everywhere in the war. so in fact, it's a very bad decision and we know as well the, the, we just give of the, is it, are it is, it's look the 1st time that they want to and, and what's called the fusion is,
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you know, and this is why many times they called for risk that the man and they even tried to be some countries and all that really to set the, the, the, by the senior this use use what his dad is. so in fact it's, it's scam in the best time. uh, okay. any time it's best time, but especially now we are more in need toward the existence of this organization. then if uh, can i just talk about the organization for, for a 2nd, because while an investigation is ongoing, which, which on right is doing. is there any way funds can be channeled into help those in gaza with thoughts on right or, or is that just on feasible during the ongoing. busy or to inspect this for a 9 to you know, in 2005 in the boat is still don't know what i have been accused. his name is am, and mr. cram would. he was accused of some allegation and then he was every to
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freeze and we understood at least that is what you do. they are the ones who really do with this investigations against him on the accusations against him. so honest to speaking, it's not the 1st time that the objective is the end to end the issue, which is mean the end of that if you do so, and that, sorry, i missed the board. you watch collecting money from different countries left you america at a punches accepted, and they were able to cover the money which was missed from the other one. but now for the moment, you know, more than to choose country, it's not easy. what's, what's, what's make me sad. it's without even an investigation to put them into this allegation and stuck out of the, to be very honest. it could be one of 2 or 3 employee. you don't know why they, they participate or they did anything. but this doesn't mean that we should be up to being car, nor do i have to get the help of the 15000 to
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a living get guys. and we know that the was before really the, this, the, this is of the, or know what i have been really subjects of mom being a feeling even that if you use where that are 2004 to you. yeah. can i put a challenging point to you? do accept that such she monitoring groups need to focus solely on helping those in need and not get involved in any way with politics or else such agencies leave themselves open to claims of bias. just your thoughts on that? this is very good question. that's good kelly. i agree with you because the issue, it's not just to, has this be followed by feeding them or opening a new kitchen or whatever it should be. they are the one will, should be clear as you know, and clearly to explain the situation that this is not true. and what shocked me more that some coaches, it's just the front of the united states and to,
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to remind you miss deborah b. u was the 1st one who declared the cost of 100000000 and this year and switched it around. we know who the government really it was a hard time. but do you need the government? they didn't really please the mind me would suppose to go to that to or not. so on the street, i tiffany, i agree with you, but unfortunately this is most of the of the district or how it was created just for this reason. understood the under a case just to pick up and something you said it was a noise by israel just as the international court of justice ordered the country to prevent acts of genocide and gaza on facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid. is there anything in the timing here that it's, that the accusations by users are happening at just that time that they are being told to do that by the i c j. this is great and smart
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question absolute the, this is why for them it's that i moments so and what's called or no to, uh, what's called the fusion is what's called to help the people because in fact they called you the, is it our unit, if it isn't that it is often the big cold we have the boys to this is all we were in the to bring the voices through the i c c. they said that these people, if they were not killed by a lot of them, they have to be go by, you know, when you prevent to water electricity. so that is that it's the right time for the is the easy to play the scave. and this is why we are very angry, but the sub that the government, the government, they followed this decision beyond the and they decide to look up the head of the honorable. just to return to, to that question i asked earlier, is there any way that people in gals that because there's a lot of anxious people there right now needing help immediately in hospitals with
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food fuel, any kind of human attorney and a, is there any way for funding to get in with thoughts on right. if those countries decide to do otherwise or is not absolutely vital to what is happening, they're not ok. coming back to this question, which is very important. i mean, any organization, even the motion i was we are in contact with them like said that children do you see are you know, stuff, you know, they are funded by government so they will never accept a give in money to that population. and what should that attaches be then for them? good. so this is why in fact it's the moment for that are easy to play. describe. but that doesn't mean that the confusion are all over the world. they will hear the voices. we are starting since the beginning from should send them to do some. how do you know it's like a to send money back to you know, the bond them you know, they refuse to do have in this matter. so now tomorrow we will get some, uh,
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23 children from guys, uh, you know, in which they lost their legs to do this operation. although switched to, not one of the come to web from the beginning. again, financing or not. so we are starting our best, but that doesn't mean that you wouldn't be able to get the same sum of money in which on the used to get from betterments totes underside. yeah, that is awesome. thank you for breaking that down for us and thank you for your time today. good. just like to run the i'm not a big u. n. legal advocacy representative model. the resource center for palestinian residency on refugee rights. thanks a lot as well. lots are offered on a busy and use day, but if you're in the mood to del a further into any of those stories r t dot com is a solid jumping off point, it was fresh content, lively discussions to be fine there too. bye for now. the
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option or time, so you're welcome back to going on the ground broke out single around the world from dubai in the heart of the middle east nature of nations after iraq, afghanistan, syria, libya young. and then more recently, their army of alleged genocide in gauze are and preparing something else. it's build is the largest military drills into circle, cold war and comes on the heels of nato's admiral ballad telling washington's allies to buy radios and flashlights. in preparation for conscription in war, joining me now from colorado, pennsylvania, as professor john knuckle, retired us army, lieutenant colonel. a veteran of 2 was on the rocky mount, estimated the us army marine conference agency manual on.


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