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tv   Going Underground  RT  January 29, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EST

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news and 30 minutes. thanks for watching the action or time. so you're welcome back to going on the ground broke out single around the world from dubai in the heart of the middle east nation nations. after iraq, afghanistan, syria, libya yes'm. and then more recently, the roaming of alleged genocide and gaza or preparing something else, it's build is the largest military drills into the circle, cold war and comes on the heels of nato's admiral robado, telling washington's allies to my radios and flashlights in preparation for conscription. in war, joining me now from colorado. pennsylvania is professor john now go retired us army, lieutenant colonel, a veteran of to was on iraq. you want us to mind to the us army marine conference
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agency manual. on the latest c i a boss, general, the translator pentagon, both matters is now professor of war fighting studies with us army war college. thank you so much resigned and kind of coming on. i know you're not speaking for the us, the homie or the us army will college. but just tell me what it is. we like the past few months lecturing, speaking to nato officials, a little like, just ahead of this. um, well, stead for us to defend drills of 90000 troops, apparently in the next few weeks, the biggest since the i said so cold, cold war, it was very warm for a lot of people. what's it like being talking, talking to them, to my students here at the army war college are mostly army officers from 75 different countries around the world. uh, air force officers, navy officers, marine corps officers, some state department officials, but, but primarily made great army officers. lieutenant colonels just passed the tank command. and what i tell them is that in the national security business business is
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good and getting better. that the good news is that their chances for promotion are high. it's a bad news is i think the chances for great power war are higher than they've been in 30 years. say, i mean, you're teaching them as an exponential antagonism apparently from vision i cooperation, organization, countries in the wake of all these different places. what i mean, i should just get come to the quick and say, why do you think 2 navy seals were killed? they gave up that lives for the us military and the red z and the bus few days. so very sad to, to lose our sales, highly trained professionals. they were conducting boarding operations as part of an efforts to defend international trade through the red sea. the that is one of the costs of the international free trade system that the united
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states are friends and allies around the globe have promoted since the end of the 2nd you think was opperation is by the by and the ministration is going to increase the ability of shippers and insurance companies to be able to ensure free trade and not lead to increased attacks. well, some of that depends on what a ran decides to do, of course. so a big part of the problems in the middle east and there's plenty of blame to go around, is that a ran is trying to form and problems for the united states and to put pressure on israel. and the attacks on shipping in the red sea are part of that effort. united states is trying to punish those who are committing those attacks. it is trying to safeguard international shipping and, and it is doing so with relatively limited success. so far, i'm quite concerned that that war may turn hotter before it grows cold. where do
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you get this information and i hear it repeated. the iran controls and sorrow a in, in human. i mean, as is repeatedly being said, these are allies of iran, clearly in the region, and you're on probably quite close now with china or arguably up to china broke at this. how do you run the deal? china needing these trade routes desperately and answer a lot to anything they were only targeting is really linked ships. china and russian ship to explicitly named by a human is not being targets. so how did this? 2, navy seals die, giving up their lives in a fight that surely was not going to increase international will trade. this is about something else as me is about gaza. well, certainly, that has the science of our casa a, but uh, in fact,
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the war is designed to put pressure on israel in the united states. and the only way they're able to do that, and that is by attacking international trade. united states is working hard with the international trade is it's trade with israel and maybe israel is allies, is not trained with, i mean, they know they've exposure. they said they're not going to attack questions. you have chinese ships presuming side of african ships so that they, they certainly say which ships they're attacking, but they are attacking a number of ships that have no connection with israel whatsoever. so they're, they're simply not that good. they are able to harass ships, including us naval ships in the area. they are able to bring attacks against international shipping. and of course, the law of the sea, the united nations, all agree that ships peacefully transiting international waters are not to be
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attacked. and that's one of the most basic principles of international relation. the global economy depends upon that rule being fall isn't that the embargo in cuba . the same is not being barger, one cube of, for the bus. 50 is, i mean i more centrally here waiting to cease firing guns and the us voted the un security council will be a more effective way of, uh, ensuring freedom of navigation then uh these 2 navy seals giving up their lives and strikes on the poorest country and they are build as well. so those of who these might and might not stop their attacks depending on what the outcome of, of any ceasefire in god's or might be. of course that decision is israel, so not the united states to make. i am not a huge fan of all of the decisions that israel is making that i think it is time for a cease fire or at least i moved to more targeted strikes. i'd like to see more discrimination
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and the use of force from israel and who would use the whole gauze or the thing we use. so you just solve the problem in just what you said. so all you have to say was sees far and we can go to the stages, go and see which show you know, which is why the answer alignment with the prescribe, by the, by the administration. and the 1st instance, because they was progress on the idea of uh, you know, a view of the process and just see if i did stage, you could have solve the freedom of navigation instantly by just saying that you need to strike them. indeed, it's certainly nice to believe that we could return to a status call on time before october 7th, but i don't think that's possible in any way, shape or form, even if the 100 or so hostages. some of the american citizens weren't released as, as it is long overdue, mostly, noncombatants. no, no one, no principal of international law. no religion recognize religion in the world
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believes that hostages innocent hostages should be held either one day. if you don't want to be opposite from the, as israel is keeping thousands of palestinians hostages, but in any case, how does supplying loads of weapons some people say by biasing congress to attack the tunnels. suppose we and probably make it more likely those captives also just a kill benefit of the argument you're making as well as i said, i'm not on on a bashed fan of the strategy that israel is conducting. i would prefer to see more discretion. i do think it's time to move toward a different phase of the war, but again, those are israel's decisions to make, not america's israel, a solver, and when they call, make them without the weaponry. i mean, you can use enter guns with that. i munition, it certainly is grateful for the support it's received from the united states. it
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does have a pretty substantial arms weaponry industry of its own way, concise towards your job that you're saying they don't need beyond munition. that the by the ministration is speeding through. and the congress obviously angry about that not being consulted enough. they don't actually need it. they have enough weaponry themselves in grown. so they're, they're, they're moving toward a different phase of this complex. they are, are moving toward or away from. if you compare it to a rack, the 2003, they're moving away from the general invasion and toward i, i believe i owe a more targeted counter insurgency campaign counterterrorism campaign. where rather than using tax special forces teams will of the day of individuals whom intelligence believes are, are responsible for holding the hostages for leading the october 7th attacks. and, and so the demands for ammunition will go down. when you study this, d p,
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you are the author, the 1st counter insurgency. manual. you're telling me the, everything you're watching there, conforms to this idea of 2 stages. and the next stage will be this. and i mean, a genocide judge is, would be in to the national court of justice back by the arab league, go myself africa. co conspirator, judges perhaps being developed against the united states and european union in britain for arming the genocide. and you're saying, yeah, the 2nd stage will capture those responsible for the october 7th attacks. right. and we're going to throw around charges of genocide that kind of cars go both ways . no, no the i c j o they have no they, they, they could. but, but so homeless needs to recognize israel's right to exist. they have a change, their joshua, their, their actions on october 7th,
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did not demonstrate that. they believed that is really right. he repeatedly said the change they charged you to accept the $9067.00. and what is it, and as you, as well as anybody know as being a t v, i was saying things is easy doing things as far as so. uh they, they clearly hoped to my belief, man, i'm not here this morning, i live and i'm just saying like you as a military strategist, what israel has done and now brought britain in the united states and europe in union. india is the entire world and international community think they're all participating in genocide and, and 4 percent of the entire population of guys is dead, disappeared or wounded, which would equate to $13000000.00 americans dying of to being bombed in the usa. certainly the whole world does not think that israel is conducting genocide, americans not. i do not. i do believe that a loss is responsible for the consequences of its actions. right?
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none of those people whose lives have sadly added 4 percent of the population because as you note right, many of them, innocent civilians caught in the crossfire most most the most wanting to view and most of the resources, most of them, women and children, to many of the women and children of course, with the 7th age of the population in gauze. and that's probably likely. however, right under the hood view and security, general attorney retainer is saying that it's on presidents. what's happened at edu and the impression that there was a asked for the attacks of october. so and so i would have a very different perspective if october 7th hadn't happened. and. and if israel were not trying to recover its hostages and kill or capture those who aren't flying very even okay with this happens, isn't our hotly debated, and people in these really press are, it's
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a full front of showing how most of the or many of the those effects it on october, the 7th are killed by is riley american armament on the day. if you read these rarely papers, it's full of this information about how it wasn't em, us killing children at all. and the but i, i've seen the videos of home us the right thing in killing children, cutting the heads off of this really. so yeah, all of that has been debunked as you, as you know, the know, really premises that the full frontal showing that all that evidence was forged. anyway, the passage on the i'm just going to be the more from the professor wolf, i think studies. buick, how many will college after this break the
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and welcome to the cost of full born? here we discuss and we'll in the welcome back to going undergoing i'm still here with professor joe. now go retired us army lieutenant kindly, professor bullfighting studies and us army war college professor. i do want to get onto your a, but i suppose i should just ask, given that you are the author of the country and so i just see manual human has vowed revenge on the usa and u. k. for its strikes in the past few days. um is, is britain in the united states prepared for any insurgency against them? however, that might to happen. i mean, now whatever context that might happen. yeah, i think going to look more like terrorism in like in search and see. so it is
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certainly possible that you, many agents could conduct additional tax on us british assets in the region as possible. if those attacks could extend further into a rack is raining attack sponsored attacks recently have the human does not have a global reach. and i think they can do more damage to commercial shipping, then they can to the armed forces of the united states and in france. well, certainly there was a 2 british warships that are backed up into each other because once the visual media be you came in to see your defense, i have to admit in the past few days. so let's go to, to ukraine, then you predicted a major victory for food. and federalist a at the outset to of the move in to waste and ukraine, and now slots in the global south. i could be, would say,
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persians moving to east and ukraine. he obviously, so it is protecting the people of the some don't yet even in the global side of the thing, it is a staffing pistol for the burying of us. and by forever as bricks, images is a huge. you might see a new opponent for the united states and nato india and china and continue to fund the russian war. obviously, buying the energy. how do you see it now? well 1st i very good company when i incorrectly predicted the rest of what went to work quickly. the germ of the joint chiefs believed the same thing turned out that the russians were not as capable as i feared, and that the ukrainians were tougher fighters. so i believed the war against russia between russia and ukraine was part of prudence, territorial ambitions, a desire to restore the former soviet empire. it has failed to date.
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the main g o. political result of it has been an expansion of nato and expansion of western defense budgets. nato coming closer together, last year, having a much longer border to defend against nato going forward. and so i, i think it's safe to say that to this point. clinton's invasion of ukraine has failed horribly or so we don't know what's going to happen next. and in fact, i'm quite concerned about whether the united states will still support ukraine going. why, why given the, you teach and read, why play a know that uh, for decades now, the warnings about nato expansion east was bound to capitalize a reaction from moscow. whoever was leading it a do just don't buy that at all. and why do you think that it's not the pressure did badly in the initial stages of the war? it was maybe they were blocking cab from tanks. going that way for the supply lines
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and they're in it for the long haul because the real battle here is for the dollar for uh, uh, economic power. and as we can see us in europe. so the economies lie in taxes. so they, they certainly weren't at it for the long haul. the tag crews headed toward keep their dress uniforms on board for a victory. for me. i spent a bunch of time on tax. there's no spare room for a dress uniform. it would've been better off leaving the dress uniforms at home and throwing out space with the weapons, the munition, the gas, the way to do that, then you would enter the tax all the way to keith. i'm sorry. who told you about the dress uniforms? that's widely reported, i've published on it. you can, you won't have to google work to the source because it's really, those are emissions relational washington post. so that's, that's absolutely well known. so it does the failures russian arms in the initial
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invasion of ukraine, or, or why the mere fact of that? who was attacking keats, right? we certainly all agree that happened right, is proof that he was not merely concerned about the eastern portion. so ukraine, you wanted to topple the ukranian government and he wanted to bring ukraine into what, what he sees as a revitalized soviet sir. i mean, i failed in doubt. i'd say the source, the source is highly suspect, but you said the new york times, the washington post, that clearly being fed lines from those in pa, now that as a landscape defeat is on the cards every day and then your times and was your bus. we can see the summer saying a softening up of nature, nations to prepare for the defeat of the landscapes forces you don't see that says, unless these forces that you're creating forces are suffering right now from a lack of a munitions of landscape. famously, when he was offered a ticket out of ukraine by the united states, that he didn't want to leave you on to the munition. and unfortunately,
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because of the problems here in the, what i see is failures in the united states congress right now. he's running out of ammunition is running out of air defense, munitions, he's running out of artillery, munitions, all of those are being rationed right now on the battlefront in ukraine. i strongly believe having written on this extensive living started for the past 2 years. that as long as the united states congress and the majority of the members of the united states congress and broke the side of the house, do support additional funding for ukraine. as long as that coast room, ukraine will continue to survive as an independent nation. drew calendar 2024. the pigeons never said he didn't want an independent nation. what are they in one abrams tanks? is it a p all question as to why they're not being used more often. i mean, their claims that the, they on ahmed well against you avi's on the sides and on the top of the change that
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techs have been designed to. we're designed the, i'm one tech. all, all learned outlets were designed before on mad aerial vehicles were an effective weapon of war. they're all being modified now to provide additional protection against you reviews of, of the real. i think the critical failure of ukrainian arch today is not the young ones. they'd certainly like to have a lot more of them and i believe they will have more of them in years to come with the modification. great. or with the modification against the russian drugs were a guess, i guess whoever's drones, they may be drones are now one of the inescapable factors of the modern battlefield . that's a relatively new development in the past 5 years or so. i don't expect it to go away, but i think is always happens. the tank itself was it was created in reaction to the machine guns so so of their progress in one direction. and it just, it is countered by another,
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working on the russians and the ukrainians are both showing dramatic increases in their ability to counter unmanned aerial vehicles in, in a number of different ways. but the big problem ukraine varies is using the year, but it's not you avi's, of which they have sufficient quantities of quality. it's in may and aircraft. it's in the ability to provide air superiority or the value and, and until they get that. and some of the, some of the 6 teams will be coming on board, both european and us at 16 so will be coming on board in 2024. i don't expect those to be decisive on the battlefield, but they're going to help and long term unconfident the ukraine can survive as an independent nation again, as long as the west and in particular, the united states continues to find a way to provide it with the arms that needs to fight. yeah, i do with pointed by the independent nation page and said denot supply and
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obviously protect the russian speaking people in the center of ukraine never said he wanted to take over ukraine today as well. i'm sure he was sending tags to game just to wish president salon ski. i happy birthday. but he's actually, i don't real intention for his a lot of sky at all and what have less than once again power is that what you're suggesting? no, but he says you can establish your own stage and of course some people have things and then skills life is being protected by a by rusher in a sense, because as you know, and i want to ask you about that, actually why those rusher just don't take zalinski add, which clearly they have the capability of doing, but choose not to do so they have tried to repeatedly write in and so far from me. oh them. so they haven't, that's not it. no, that's not is they've tried many, many times a dozen times 2 dozen times to take out the landscape that failed to do with the suicide. this information again is this information again, coming from the ukranian side. some of it is coming all over is coming from
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a lot of classified sources. let me be clear, right? although i would think the dress uniforms in the tanks came from a ukrainian. i feel like we already have arms that came from. that's not true. that record the paper, it's completely sure. no, it shouldn't paper vaccine united states but, but again, you don't have to believe me, right. you, you asked me to come on. i'm happy to talk to but but, but so um and as, as for the future of, of ukraine under some of your time, russian domination, you might look to the soviet domination of poland checklist of lucky, uh, east germany, right. and has a why do these countries the united states is not forcing countries to join nato. they wish to join nato because they have lived under soviet domination. we don't, we hoping that the american window to gain take over vietnam. i'm not sure that historical powell quite works to an i'm, i'm pretty sure the americans learned about to take over cuba,
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like the soviet union once invaded. poland let's, let's get on to sanctions then. um, in your, in your, in china, even zelinski is kind of funding the russian war machine now with buying energy from the cause the alaska has to pay dues for the energy coming through ukraine. for a gas. transitory is, is it the end of the united states sanctions policy as a method of war fat in that the sanctions of left to russia with a growing economy. and of course that you are a p in western europe and in dire straits economically. so i would say that western europe is in dire straits economically. britain certainly is bryson it hasn't helped it. but the you continues to germany a good grow the industrialized. not as good as the united states but, but so russia has demonstrated some remarkable resilience in the face of the
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american sections, the western sanctions. i think the civilian your craft industry, so they may be asian industry is probably the place where russia is having the hardest time adapting to the sanctions. and i believe that sections tend to be a very slow and imprecise tool of international politics. there's some emotional and psychological benefits to them, but russia has shown more resilience that i had expected. of course, a big bunch of that is that the russian people are used to suffer. and one of the indicators i'm looking at most closely is the russian dismay at the extraordinary law since they've suffered in ukraine and the so called mother's protests against the totality and regime of food. so we've had one to attempt to get scrutiny so far, but it's clearly not to tell a terrier. and if they're a purchase on the streets,
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you really, we don't know that we don't know the category that i just, let's just find the broadcasters. yeah, with the security know approach the know position bodies in this case you great and that will be in band and the newspapers shut down, but just quickly, new york magazine, you road, i believe is neutrons or any kind of negotiated settlement entail putin finds the trump is not going to be the next president of the usa. he's had to end december. what do you think now then? so there is going to be a negotiated settlement when trump wins in 2024. the choice is president. trump is re elected in 2024. i think that that would have dire implications for ukraine's independence, as well as for nato as a whole. so according to john bolton, one of the president drops, nash, he's been on this, you god bless a job, said that the trump of what, what to do and plans to full the united states, out of nato. in the 2nd term. if he gets a 2nd term,
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i think that that would have arrest the consequences for global peace and security . and in fact, the recent national defense authorization that try to prevent any future president from withdrawing united states from nato without explicit side of the approval. whether that particular part of the n d a is constitutional or not, is, is an open question. i am deeply concerned that ukraine will not stand as an independent country. if donald trump is re elected to the presidency of the united states. there to see what the american people decide there's an account provides that you all know. thank you. thank you. and that's it for the show. continued condolences, those bereaved by the u. k. u. s. back slaughtering gaza will be back with a brand new episode on saturday until i keep in touch with either one of my social media. if it's not send, send me your country and had to have channel going on. the going to be a normal don't come to us. new and old episodes, i'm going undergrad suicide. the
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video of a ledge abused by an officer today, a sheriff's deputy in columbia, south carolina, forcibly removed his student from a classroom at spring valley high school. i saw him just talked to her who sprained her and initially, you know, i didn't think is a problem because i knew that she was just this quiet student in the class. someone looks the police officer and says, here is law enforcement that is worse. clearly attacking, abusing power and thoughts and either another is present. this is what's wrong with those probably be on discipline. black children. he was there enforcing a lot to meet in the crime, to quote, disturb schools in any way. that means any disturbance that any kids causes and school is huge and forces never predict but necessary. a tops people never gonna
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change your mind. so people will never change their minds about the video. they think i was wrong. and that's it. the breaking news on the t, at least 3 people are killed and several injured in the latest ukrainian selling of going back on the boils life or in the usa with the killing of 3 of the soldiers by threatening me to leave the preston find themselves to explain what he's going to do a balance it. but then the all attacks on american levels in the region has exceeded $0.15 of total. but these attacks the direct message to the administration of all of the level of anger in the middle east. towards the us policy and for us, presidents also fails to explain how it's going to deal with it takes us with sally and wellstar. these are installing res.


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