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tv   News  RT  January 29, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EST

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to the teeth, chris takes the combo while reporting from the state of ukrainian shelly and didn't tell me fast 43 people were killed and one engine on the boils i used in the us. it was a killing of 3 of the soldiers by drones in the middle east. positive find themselves to explain what he's going to do about this for them, for all the tasks on american let's both is in the region. have exceeded a $156.00 folks for about a month. so i want them based attacks to direct the message to the administration about the level of anger, even middle east, towards the us policy. the us presidents also fails to explain how it's going to do
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with the texas web. sally and ortiz are installing ways of why i loved the state border with mexico. they would have needed a lot of wire cutters, because we have a whole lot of wire that they had snippets. thing try to we, we would replace it right away. we're going to put wire down the entire board, the a very warm welcome to you, which to 17 pm here in most go. and this is all to you international with the latest world news on the day as a way it is great to have you were. we thought in the don't boss with 3 people have been killed and won't enjoy, didn't use the crating and shot. think of the city of don't. yes, i'll tell you that steve sweeney brings us this report from the ground. a stone? yes. because come on to phi once again with the creative forces targeting a densely populated civilian area around 3 o'clock on monday afternoon. as you can see here, there's a scene of types of devastation calls have been destroyed and there are at least 2
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dead bodies. now we have to on the line, once again, this is no a, but it's we have you just behind us. if we come down here, we can see that this is a supermarket. we would have been packed with people doing the shopping. this is one of the most popular songs from all kids in the city. so this is a 70 and every the color into the district of don't, yes, we've heard all to re fire. i'm drugs across the tools of today. this has come under heavy bone, bob and a game with western supplied weapons and drugs with on the st. emergency services of investigators all, hey, working a way behind us. of course, we don't want to stay here for too long. that will be voting as little people to take shelter. and areas such as these are often prone to what we call a double top attacks. this is the often most of another ukrainian shelling again in the cabinets the district of don't your city, as you can see behind me, this is a purity residential area. these are people's homes. the emergency services are on
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the scene that trying to make the site secure. we spoke to a number of locals who told us what happened deal above the 3 or 2. you had one boom. then the, the, the nozzler one. my neighbor came on screaming and they ran outside as well. i had children at home, the whole house most shaking morning, keep extra them come with the tip of the on board and the other. the only see if i live here, you know, military personnel or infrastructure only elderly women and men. that's it. so the weapons to ukraine is a trees. and this act that's according to greece is old trent and national parliamentary policy. greek solution is needed made the statements about records, if possible, on deliveries to care. the trucks with ukrainian license plates are emptying out ammunition, depos intake res. i witnesses report more than 17 trucks in one day and that was
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not an isolated case. high capacity ukrainian trucks are taking ammunition from there. if all of this is true, it amounts to treason, to the political policy, need a valid to raise. the subjects of the greek parliaments of local media reported the us secretary of state of appeal to greece to send on to kids and a parents effort to resume the weapons funding. washington also agrees the option of transferring or selling weapons to ukraine in exchange for up to $200000000.00 in us aid for my greek diplomatic lead, need us to present in popular stays. the case is another round of escalation. i beg of you against this position of because of the pre government, basically because we should reserve our administrative kept my abilities at our defense capabilities except for me. and for me, the greeks is, is that it should be the priority of greece instead of getting involved the
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with the war in, in the you create, it's not how big it is not helping the, those be settled meant that everybody watch of this conflict every europe in each space rush that need space. yeah, well we all need peace in order to recover for trouble. what is happening particularly? we're head exploded. surely for the 3rd world war. if we don't do anything to stop what drives us or another and to the middle east where the syrian defense ministry say several civilians were killed as a result of is really asked like some southern damascus. most people were injured, but numbers of casualties of not being can sub military sources have told local media that the strike came from the syrian and golden heights occupied by is waiting forces. it runs on boxes. the to syria rejects claims that the headquarters of a rainy and advises in damascus walls of tubs were agent has also sparks out wage.
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in washington office, 3 american troops were killed and thousands more wounded in a row strike on the us military base on the syrian border with jordan, american politicians have been quick to blame a wrong while officials the not any involvements. really more resistance groups in the region did not take orders from the same crew, public affairs, and in their decisions and actions in their realm does not welcome the escalation of the conflict in the reach of your honest belt and bolt into the seasons. and the resistance of groups and how to support the hosting a nation or defend themselves and the people of their country against any aggression and occupation. repeating this, baseless accusation against the wrong is the projection and the conspiracy of those who see their interests. and they're giving us something you weren't in the regional and then so i think the expansion and escalation of the crisis to cover up their problems. everyone has formally rejected claims that it was behind sunday's air strikes against american outposts and syria. and israel. foreign ministry spokesman and also can i so on monday that the actions of the resistance groups and
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that we just are in response to quote the war crimes and j assigned cumulate by israel. he said they do not take orders from jeff on. he went on to say that these groups designed to act based on their own principles and priorities as well as the interests of their own nation erodes un mission, has also echo, sought from our say. the country has no role in the attack. and shortly after the strikes president, joe, why it is the attack was carried out by quote radical iran backed militant groups, while many of us politicians waiting to fall directly with republican senator lindsey graham, calling for direct. it's connie ross, same quote, hit them hard. this as well, but so how is lubbock resistance otherwise claim responsibility for the attack in continuation of our approach to resisting the american occupation forces in the rock and the region. and then the response to design, hist, entities massacres, gets started, people in gaza. then we just had dean of the slamming resistance in iraq launch
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drone attacks against, for enemy bases, 3 of which are in syria. as part of the broadcast network of villages in the region called the axis. so for this says it want, it's part of the actual chevy or the popular mobilization unit. 6, the count or american presence and their rods. they have to testify their attacks as solidarity was power studios and in protest against washington support for tele rakowski walk, you resistance forces. i've watched more than $150.00 attacks against us positions, any rock and syria. with this latest attack really marked a turning points as it shows us forces, something which has really touched a nerve in washington observer. say the ways that american officials are playing the waiting game against the wrong is to do for the attentions away from their repeated failures. almost 4 months have passed as the idea of the guys operation.
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and so when they have not achieved their primary goals of destroying ha, so it is that they are now engaged in fighting in order for us from a balky village, as well as far as the you have any who the route which has virtually close the red sea on american and is rarely shipping and that's what american officials have since day one tried to avoid a wider regional conflict that started to take it to one us forces and is increasingly drawing the was it for a war of attrition when the resistance, lady washington starts between a rock and a hard place and its support for israel. the head. yeah. those who the supreme revolutionary committee has cooled, the stripes on us military base is a result of washington's meddling in the region of the. so that was one of these attacks, the direct message to the administration about the level of ganga in the middle east towards the u. s. policy. and the americans need to understand the anger
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against the american passive outlets. military processing. the region is increasing . we say to the us, administration, but now if you do know the law, one, my friends, across the border of texas, oh, do you want the whole world checks out that you allow yourself to go anywhere with your forces as a colonizer and kill people. this is unacceptable on the crisis and, and around, garza has revealed the ugly face of the united states. and therefore today the president of the united states has lost his san antigua. he's committed crimes against the population of gaza and doing everything to ensure that these crimes continue, including genocide, which is known to everyone and recognized by the international court of justice in the hague. the united states is now going through a difficult time see, and it's simply, it's right to exchange the x to its policies. first of all, because it is in direct conflict with the russians and ukraine and also with us wage and to direct the war against the palestinians. we believe that america is the
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machine, north carolina and the terrorist model of the america itself is the terrorist states. because today it is the united states that is behind the extermination of point 3000000 people in garza. and they teach the united states that refuses to solve the killing machine. and the us military presence in the middle east is also not welcomed by george. and that's we have heard from that's what we've heard from the rape runs, how we found during director general of in amman, based at the same time that is $92000.00 for the if you're dealing with the increasing influence and expansion of biases in the area even in the getting closer to a lot of them up in east and both of those that was in the bad need to stop all the ads that was there any very is the as if they even exist vision at that time. yeah,
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i thought i think things changed and the issue is how you can shape between the all of these men again, but as of yet 3 in jordan, in from the beginning i c n n e n e i came by they might say, yeah, yeah, for a different on the go get it on or something like that, which is the joe daniel invited me. this is not a lot of organ. positive binding has vowed to retaliate for the day, at least twice. quote at a time and an amount of on choosing the
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on the following via touch shop. curtis is in the president and findings. leadership has come across the political spectrum state side, and especially from the republican party on this front. when a donald trump, as well as florida governor of rome, desantis well, joe biden has made our troops sitting ducks, and he allows our enemies to attack them with impunity. biden's weakness is getting our troops killed, rest in peace, to our 3 fallen service members. this brazen attack on the united states is yet another horrific and tragic consequences of jo biden's, weakness, and surrender. we are on the brink of world war 3. our country cannot survive with joe biden. as commander in chief america icons afford in other regional conflicts of any scale left alone with a wrong sounds. according to professor slides mohammed around the university of toronto, the united states cannot maintain its position in searing the rock without paying a lot and without losing troops. how is it going to deal with the run?
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if there is a conflict with you, then all us spaces in the persian gulf and across the region will be target for whether the us kind of for, to be involved in another conflict they have. it's thinking about a lot of pies, so to speak, in the middle east and outside the region. so do you believe it can afford another games to wrong? you know, without a doubt the united states cannot afford the conflict with the wrong. the united states can't afford to conflict with. yeah, mean, they can't afford to conflict with the rock. it's this is not the 19 ninety's empty anymore, even back then the united states cannot attack you wrong. that's why they made it. i found this on any rock, but today they're not in a position to even have a all out conflict with the admin or a rock. so the smart thing to do would be to stop killing children and gaza. the only solution is to end the genocide, but the united states, the u, the u. k,
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canada, australia, they want the genocide to continue and as long as they pursue that barberic and in the main and medieval policy, the resistance is going to hit them more and more. the texas, all parties have announced their intention to installed ways of why offensive 11th of the states bowed up with mexico. they would have needed a lot of wire cutters because we have a whole lot of wire. and if they had snippet and cut it we, we would replace it right away. we're going to put wire down the entire border as well into dawson, us republican governors have spoken often suppose on texas as it doubles down on it stands off with washington. other than like when christ is at the mexico food to the south. western states has announced in defiance of federal load as it is recruiting volunteers to patrol the crossing zone. and texas governor greg outputs has refused to comply with the us supreme court ruling to remove, raise the water from food offenses. some americans are openly calling the stand off
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the start of a civil war, as long as he's marina calls or whatever. they used to say houston, we have a problem. but now the problem is, houston as a takes on the federal government with washington risking losing control of texas, which has sparked a while debates on a civil war on the home front. there is rumblings that joe biden showed or may actually federal lives, the national guard. take that power away from grab it. let's say this showdown can, i mean this? that's what it is. it's a show down at the show down a power and loyalties and constitutionality. let's say he does that, how many people say no, you know what, screw you by the administration and how many people stay and fight with texas versus the federal things. and does that put us on course for a force on force conflict? are we on the brink of another civil war? or will grandpa joe? just take a pill in a nap and for getty ever advocated his oath of office and the 1st place he feels feels a little civil worry. it's like 25 states saying that the federal government,
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this is where we hold the line. this comes after an outpour of support for texas and is governor who is defying the federal government and the latest supreme court ruling order in it to remove the razor wire along its border with mexico. whatever we've been building the body ministration is now trying to attack us because of it . and we will continue to do exactly what we're doing to expand our denial of illegal entry into the state of texas as she has the support of republican governors making up half of the u was recently released to join statements expressing their security concerns and frustration with the government, president biden, and his administration have left americans and our country completely vulnerable to unprecedented, illegal immigration pouring across the southern border instead of upholding the rule of law and securing the border. the bite and administration has attacked
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ensued, texas for stepping up to protect american citizens from historic levels of illegal immigrants, deadly drugs like fentanyl and terrorists entering our country. and to take matters into their own hands. as some states have already begun sending state troopers to texas to not only help them out immediately, but also in the case of a civil war because the threats seems to be real, at least online. you are trying to start a civil war. a you got every body in the state of texas. oh, bit up joe biden is about to start a civil war over his treasonous handling of the border. a civil war officially begun. oklahoma and texas are now defending america. donald trump is of course, all over this situation as immigration has always been the hot topic for republicans. he set the situation on the us border has become
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a webpage of mass destruction for the country itself, and he's urgent staves to show their support. we encourage all willing states to deploy their guards to texas to prevent the entry of illegals and to remove them back across the border. i think that what's happening in texas is not just the texas issue. it's an american issue. and you ever situation you have a situation we've had over 8000000 people pour into this country illegally adjusted in the last 3 years. oh, this has led to no, it's hawks regarding the potential for civil war. but the breakup of the united states as a whole popular bloggers already making videos, exploring the possibility and practicality offices, sation the following video, for example, going over a 1000000 views in just 24 hours. a march 2023 pulse adjusted around one 5th of the population or 66000000 americans. if you can extrapolate from that,
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are amenable to a national divorce. looks like the 250 year it's is real. and even since we also ran the haley is on tape claiming the constitution allows students to succeed. besides, the united states constitution says, the problem is that americans are becoming increasingly more divided on the number of issues. something which can be seen by the partisan differences, for example, in the white house as well. now take this survey for example, which looks at america's top national issues installation and house costs, populace and right after it's, it's the ability of democrats and republicans. so work together, it seems that one of the few, these things they can actually agree on is that they can agree on march, which is why congress is still debating the budget and unable to reach a decision. republicans wants to buy the ministration to focus on the americas
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problems 1st, which is why they've been blocking the white house of times to push through a $106000000000.00 national security package for ukraine and israel. since october . we will not shy away from calling out what we see is political games from the governor because it is not safe, it does not protect our communities. it's not, it doesn't help border patrol to do their jobs. so we will continue to call that out. that's not gonna hold us back. and now joe biden seems to be bathing republicans, give me what i want, and i'll shut down the border right away. it would give me as president a new emergency authority to shut down the border when it becomes overwhelmed. and if given that authority i would use of the day i signed the bill into law, it's not clear how long of a show that will last before it all the signs and so tails or arrests. but one thing is, for sure, texas has shown that the seeds of the score seems to be well and fully ponds. the deep within the american society business groups around the us,
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europe and japan have united in urging the bonded administration to list the poles on liquefied natural gas. as comes off, the president biden suspended approvals on friday for pending and future applications to explore new project allergy with numerous forecasts projecting global natural gas demand to rise well into the next decade. additional supplies of l n. g will be needed to supply world markets. we know this demand can be met in a manner that continues progress on the emissions reductions in the announcement proceeds a comprehensive evaluation of the impacts of l. n. g expos, on climate change, the economy and national security environmental. critics said that the expansion of l. n. g exposed in 1st junction may commit the well to continued reliance on fossil fuels. the u. s. has emerged as the world's leading l. n. g expos up as america plays a crucial role in supplying europe. all of the russian gas supplies of being produced
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in the region. japan was aged as largest supply of us. l n g the previous yes. let's cross the allies now to professor as don king and they cannot makes it. richard, why not many thanks for joining us. on their part comes day is lovely to see so well the by the administrative assistant to the coals, phone business groups in the united states, europe in japan, to cancel the l. n. g. pause of what steps? cut the government take here suddenly and germany isn't a desperate situation. and it really is how praying that the buying the administration. well, with this, it's a reason the decision to stall the expansion off energy expos. but the german is now totally dependent on us energy gas expos, to germany. i remember it used to important most of it's a gas point reliably for many,
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many decades from russia. bought 2 things happens. number one, the west till gemini, you've got to stop taking gas for russia and the to just to underline that point. they, they fall in the gym and russian pipeline, which is just nearly being completed. and it's being except for one pipeline is being blown out. the water and so do you have any has been frantically building up? is l n g hold facilities to receive much more expensive us gas, but a bad is now not full coming. and, you know, the us didn't used to export energy until 2016 was on domestic use. certainly the us has become a, you know, a global export to, but, you know, it's, it's basically these cold, it's allies. you have to stop getting cheaper offensive on it. too much, frankly, at russian's gas. and if that is now the new policy,
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then germany isn't biased rate. so the us has to really think on whether they want to buy the damage to the german economy as well. they have sanctions imposed on europe in germany, but take you less than $21415.00 and have already done. um, because that i think was the week of the gym and conviction to stay in this very funky, over relationship with the united states. you know that america in america suspending these l n g exports. i mean it's, it's set to be in order to analyze their impacts on climate change, the economy and national security, which, you mean could be a win for, find it in this election year with the, you know, climate active. it's so did you find the explanation or do you think america could be benefiting some other way from suspending ology expos? um, well, definitely it's good to drive out energy prices. they're ready, you know,
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much more expensive as they the, the, the, the russian gas. and, but to me it looks like so, but what some critics are being say that the west is intentionally destroying the german economy. you know, may, may actually be true because, you know, you just put together all the policies that imposed in germany since 2014 bother you with is be now massive, massive loss to the german economy to join the country society and the, and the, the cost as bill accumulating, so perhaps it is intentional. um, you know, some people are saying that essentially in the so called us lit free market economy . if you and to competitive then you get taking out 1st they took out japan. now they taking out germany because the us is working on china,
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but it's not succeeding that. so if that's the case, do you think that over tons of russian gas to be, or it might be possible that way would make perfect sense because you have to be aware of the western media and german media. the very wrong impression is made on russia. count all supply of gas, which is not true. and the reality is actually one of the full pipelines, the most stream to pipelines is still working. still open can, could be used in germany, should reopen that. but, you know, all of the ratings, including environmental reasons, is much more environmentally sustainable. and it could only be much more sustainable and logistically and that it just makes much all sense. um, but of course this will hypertension with is, you know, over a lot of us who doesn't like that, but i think the germans have to stand up themselves at some stage. it just doesn't make sense. what's happening is it's one of the generally economy in germany. d d
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industrialized d, rawls is being implemented per capita gdc is being shrinking for quite a few years now and is going to get worse. but us policies like those continue which is not a great speaking. so you have been talking to russian von or professor of finding out a can nomics. thank you very much. thank you very much. and as the well, mock the international a holocaust memorial day, the gym and johnson, i love shows didn't miss an opportunity to make comparisons between his main political arrival the f. the policy with nazi is of the a if they is gaining popularity with the public and has become germany 2nd strongest policy on the list to tell alphabet, the reports are emerging all the time. that's about neo nazis and the dark networks just at the same time. right? mean populace are gaining ground fuel in fear. and so when hatred come on this bolt shots conveniently omits the reasons why,
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right when populous. like the alternative for germany or alternative for deutschland, a f d party, currently pulling in 2nd place. federal lead behind the center. right? christian democrats are gaining ground not just in germany, but also throughout europe. the f. b also benefits from the fact that there still doubts over whether they screw things up. contrary to saul, to suit it up on holocaust memorial day to shadow box with the dark network. neo nazis lurking in the shadows with the a f d. it's much less likely beneficial for schultz to cite actual examples of western pro nazi is i'm not among his political rivals, for example, at least supreme court shrugging off fascist salutes. and also the canadian parliament, led by private history just to ensure those establishment liberal party celebrating an actual bona fide world war 2 era ukrainian nazi right alongside this
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pumping. visiting ukraine. president liners zalinski fairly chamber today. ukrainian canadians cleaning canadian world veteran from the 2nd world for from fort ukrainian independence against the russians and continues to support the troops today. even that is age of $98.00. the whole of also brought up canada is training and equipping of neo nazis in ukraine to fight against russia, which as part of the soviet union actually liberated the hours to its concentration camp from the nazis in the 2nd world war. no mention of that contribution or holocaust memorial day.


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