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tv   News  RT  January 29, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the r chase crew takes cover while reporting from the scene of the cranium shelling and on bass for at least 3 people were killed. and one injured anger boils over in the us or with the killing of 3 soldiers by drones in the middle east . but president biden doesn't explain what he'll do about it. the number of attacks on american led forces in the region has passed $0.15. october. i bought these to tax the direct message to the administration of all of the level of the in the middle east, towards the us policy. and the list price of that also fails to explain how he's going to deal with the texas rebellion. right. the orders are installing,
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razor wire along the states and border with mexico. they would have needed a lot of wire cutters because we have a whole lot of wire that they had snippet and cut it we. we would replace it right away. we're going to put wire down the entire board, the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. we are watching archie international. we start in the dawn bass, where a 3 people have been killed and one injured and ukrainian shelling of the city of donuts are 2. steve sweeney brings us this report from the ground. i don't. yes he is under attack from. are you crazy? not tillery. once again, we can see that the full of these 5 have into identity populated 7 in areas. there's been calls destroyed and there's a 3 bodies the been, unfortunately killed during the talk. this is the candidates, the district we're on, the scene, emergency services, investigators all hey,
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working a way behind us. of course, we don't want to stay here for too long. that will be warning as well, people to take shelter. and areas such as these are often prone to what we call a double top attacks. this is the often most of another ukrainian shelly gain in the cabinets, the district of don't your city, as you can see behind me, this is a purity residential area. these are people's homes. the emergency services are on the scene that trying to make the site secure. we spoke to a number of locals who told us what happened deal above the 3 or 2. you had one boom. then the, then another one. my neighbor came on screaming and they ran outside as well. i had children at home. the whole house was shaking this morning. keep extra them come with the tip of the on board near the only civilians here, no military personnel or infrastructure. it's the only elderly woman and managers that said here is being another day of terror and don't yet with at least 3 killed
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and 3 wounded. as key continues as bump up into civilian areas with impunity. yet still, the west continues is end of the supply of weapons. this is steve sweeney for nazi done. net city. sending weapons to ukraine is a trace and us act that's according degrees. so as ultra national parliamentary party, greek solution whose leader made the statement about reports of possible arms deliveries to key of the trucks with ukrainian license plates are emptying out ammunition, depos intake res. i witnesses report more than 17 trucks in one day, and that was not an isolated case. high capacity, ukrainian trucks are taking ammunition from there. if all of this is true, it amounts to treason. the political party later vowed to raise the subject in the great parliament after local medium. a part of the us secretary of state, has appealed degrees to send arms to keep us in an apparent effort to longer
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weapons. funding. washington offer increase the option of transferring or selling weapons to grain in exchange for up to $200000000.00 in us aid. farmer green could diplomat lee and i just percentile. paula says the case is another round of escalation. i've taken me against this position because of lots of pre government, basically because we should reserve our administrative kept my abilities at our defense capabilities except for me. and for me, the greeks is, is that it should be the priority of greece instead of getting involved the with the war id id to you. great. it's not helping it is not helping the us be settled meant that everybody wants or this conflict. debbie europe needs space rush. i need space. yeah, we all need be sit in order to recover for from what is happening, particularly we're headache. so the charity for the 3rd world war,
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if we don't do anything to stop what drives us or another from out to the middle east or the syrian defense ministry says at least 2 civilians were killed as a result of as really or strikes on southern damascus more people were also injured, but casualty figures have not yet been confirmed. military sources told most of media the strikes came from the syrian vote on the heights occupied by his really forces. are ron's ambassador to syria projects claims the headquarters of, of rain in advisors in damascus was the time of, i'll say they've gotten used to such attacks from israel is nothing to separate the we do not rule out a new targeting from israel or america toward syria or any country in the region because it may be a response to the resistance targeting american bases on one hand. on the other hand, there are indeed in the real crisis, trying to explored crises to the region and fabricating these wars. what do they think, for example, that there will be a welcoming with roses, naturally with every aggression there should be
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a corresponding reaction to this aggression. i mean, she what, what a lot of the not strange for the zionist entity when these attacks are trying to score points for the inside. so it strikes what they call the last that blows, trying to harm is that would be trying to hit inside. i mean, we got used to it, i mean, even before the event a, my design is the end of the was attacking syrian territory before the rainy and present to it was attacking the syrian territory, had the choice to recover its health. this royal appears destroying the state of stability, especially since the target to diarrhea today is the area of so you're saying a predominantly residential area and also a religious tourism area. i mean just the season of religious tourism at this particular time. so i believe is around twice as much as possible to strike the state of stability in syria to glass tales prevailing in this country among the region has also sparked outrage in washington, and after 3 american troops were killed and dozens more wounded. and a drawn strike on a us military base on the syrian border with jordan,
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american politicians had been quick to blame a wrong well officials. they're denied any involvement, a lot of money, resistance groups in the regions and not the orders from the same group public for on their decisions and that actions in their rums, that's not the bulk of the escalation of the conflict in the regions and you're on is often bolt into the seasons and the resistance groups and how to support the posting a nation or defend themselves and the people of their country against any aggression and occupation. repeating this, baseless accusation against the wrong is the projection and the conspiracy of those who see their interests and they're giving us something you weren't in the regional and then so i think the expansion and the escalation of the crisis to cover up their problems has formally rejected claims that it was behind sunday's air strikes against the american outposts in syria and israel for ministry spokesman. and also can i start monday that the actions of the resistance groups and that we just are in response to close the war crimes and j assigned cumulate by israel. he said they
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do not take orders from jeff on. he went on to say that these groups designed to act based on their own principles and priorities as well as the interests of their own nation. it wrong as you one mission has also echo sought from our say the country has no role in the attack and field shortly after the strikes. 1st of july . it is uh, the attack was carried out by quote radical iran back to militant groups, while many of us politicians waiting to one directly with republican senator lindsey graham, calling for direct attack. connie was saying, quote, hit them hard this as well, but so how is lot of resistance of the wrong claim, responsibility for the attack in continuation of our approach to resisting the american occupation forces in the rock and the region, and then the response to design hist entities massacres, get started, people in gaza, then we just had dean of the slamming resistance in iraq. launch drone attacks against,
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for enemy bases 3 of which are in syria. as long as far the water is cold. yeah. so for this says, it was, it's part of the pressure chevy or the popular mobilization years 6 to count or american presence. and they have testified their attacks as solidarity with palestinians and in protest against washington support for their walk. you resistance forces have much more than $150.00 attacks against us positions. anyone can syria with this latest attack really marked a turning points as it shows us forces something which has really touched a nerve in washington. i was ever say to waste that american officials off playing the waiting game against the one is the diversity of tensions away from their repeated failures. almost 4 months have passed as the idea of the guys operation and not achieve their primary goals of this point. so he said they are now engaged in fighting in order for us from
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a balky village shows less for us. the you have any who the route which has virtually close the red sea on american and is rarely shipping. and that's what american officials have since day one tried to avoid a wider regional conflict that started to take it to one us forces and is increasingly drawing the west and for a war of attrition where there was a suspense leaving washington start between a rock and a hard place and its support for israel. the head of young men who is the supreme revolutionary committee, has called the strikes on u. s. military base, as a result of washington's meddling in the region. and also the slice. a lot of these attacks to direct the message to the administration about the level of ganga in the middle east towards the u. s. policy. and the americans need to understand the anger against the american passive outlets. military forces in the region is increasing. we say to the us with ministration. but if you do know the law, one, my friends, across the border of texas, how do you want the whole world to?
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except that you allow yourself to go anywhere with your forces as a colonizer and kill people? this is unacceptable. the crisis and, and around garza has revealed the ugly face of the united states. and therefore today the president of the united states has lost his san antigua. he's committed crimes against the population of gaza and doing everything to ensure that these crimes continue, including genocide which is known to everyone, and the recognized by the international court of justice and the hague. so united states is now going through a difficult time. see and is simply, it's right to exchange the x to its policies. first of all, because it is in direct conflict with the russians and ukraine, and also with us wage and to direct the war against the palestinians. we believe that america is the machine of crime and terrorism must model and that america itself is a terrorist states because today it is the united states that is behind the
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extermination of point 3000000 people in gaza. and it tastes the united states that refuses to stop the killing machine. and the u. s. military presence in the middle east is also not welcomed by jordan. that's what we heard from, or everyone's holly founder and director general of an amman based think tank. it is $92000.00 for the if you're dealing with the increasing influence and expansion of licensing in syria, a bidding and getting closer to a lot of them up in the eastern. both of those that was in the bad need to stop all the as it was, the, i mean very is the as if they even exist vision at that time. yeah. what i think things changed and the issue is how to differentiate between the all of these men again, but as of yet through enjoy that in front. the guy,
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the eyes is any. yeah. any i came by. they might be mistake. yeah. and because of the different on the go on or something like that, which is the joe daniel with this is not our president by then has vowed to retaliate for the dudley strikes quote at a time and in a manner of our choosing. the following the attack, sharp criticism of items leadership has come from across the political spectrum state side, especially from the republican party and presidential front runner, donald trump,
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as well as florida governor rhonda santas. joe biden has made our troops sitting ducks, and he allows our enemies to attack them with impunity. biden's weakness is getting our troops killed, rest in peace to our 3 fallen service members. this brazen attack on the united states is yet another horrific and tragic consequences of jo biden's, weakness, and surrender. we are on the brink of world war 3. our country cannot survive with joe biden as commander in chief and more awkward news as us forces apparently failed to counter the deadly attack on its base. due to an identification mix up the wall street journal sites to us officials, the same iraqi resistance. drone approach the base at the same time an american drone was returning, causing confusion over whether the 2nd drone was from late or notts. michael moves, former senior pentagon official, says u. s. domestic and foreign policy have both become deadlines due to a rational decision making. it is totally irrational, it's, it's
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a gut reaction. it's, it's all reactionary. we're not operating as we should from a strategic plan. people like lindsey graham and other us senators, calling for direct hits on say, a wrong, you're wrong. what's the point when, when you want to do you want to create a conflagration that's going to be world wide. we really need some adults in this room and, and they're nowhere to be found. and, and i think that this policy that we have right now is remaining in iraq and, and illegally in syria, has got to change immediately. and you know, it's not just a broad, but the us is also facing many challenges domestically. the texas border are stand off, for example, is the us government's struggling to which, which some of these issues to take as priority as well as try the lump the to it's trying to come up with legislation that's supposed to accommodate the border in the us binding of things has become kind of new legislation. it's not good if this is all nonsense actual as a result through guy,
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you get this tremendous growing resistance, both in the house and some in the senate. now, to any further compromise on, not only the us border, but no more funding for israel or for ukraine. so this, it's really coming to have everything is coming to a head. what, what we're doing domestically has, has now international implications as well as whether or not we're, we're going to continue on our war footings just by supplying these proxies. and we've got to stop it. and text us authorities 7 am certain tension to install razor wire on fences along the length of the states of border with mexico. they would have needed a lot of wire cutters because we have a whole lot of wire that they had snippet and cut it. we, we would have replaced it right away. we're going to put wire down the entire border. more than 2 dozen us republican governors have spoken out in support of texas as examples down on it stand off with washington over the migrant crisis at
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the mexico border. the southern state has announced in defiance of federal orders that it is recruiting volunteers to control the crossing zone. and texas governor gray gap it has refused to comply with the us supreme court ruling to remove razor wire from border fences. some americans are open like calling the stan. 5 the start of a civil war, as ortiz, for when it comes to raven reports, they used to say houston, we have a problem. but now the problem is, houston, as it takes on the federal government with washington risking losing control of texas, which has sparked a while of debates on a civil war on the home front. there is rumblings that joe biden showed, or may actually federalized the national guard. take that power away from greg cabin. let's say this show down. can i mean this? that's what it is. it's a show down at the show down a power and loyalties and constitutionality. let's say he does that, how many people say no, you know what, screw you by the administration and how many people stay and fight with texas versus the federal things. and does that put us on course for
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a force on force conflict? are we on the brink of another civil war? or will grandpa joe, just take a pill in a nap and forget he ever advocated his oath of office in the 1st place. it feels. feel a little civil worry, it's like 25 states saying to the federal government, this is where we hold the line. this comes after an out poor of support for texas, and it is governor who is defying the federal government. and the latest supreme court ruling order in it to remove the razor wire along its border with mexico. whatever we've been building the body ministration is now trying to attack us because of it. and we will continue to do exactly what we're doing to expand our denial of illegal entry into the state of texas as she has the support of republican governors may, cannot pass. although you was recently released to join statements expressing their security concerns and frustration with the government,
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president biden and his administration have left americans and our country completely vulnerable to unprecedented, illegal immigration pouring across the southern border instead of upholding the rule of law and securing the border, the biden administration has attacked ensued, texas for stepping up to protect american citizens from historic levels of illegal immigrants, deadly drugs like fentanyl and terrorists entering our country and to take matters into their own hands. as some states have already begun sending state troopers to texas to not only help them out immediately, but also in the case of a civil war because the threats seems to be real, at least online. you are trying to start a civil war. a you got every body in the state of texas. oh, bit up joe biden is about to start a civil war over his trees and his handling of the border. the civil war officially
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begun. oklahoma and texas are now defending america. donald trump is of course, all over this situation as immigration has always been the hot topic for republicans. he set the situation on the us border has become a webpage of mass destruction for the country itself, and he's urgent staves to show their support. we encourage all willing states to deploy their guards to texas to prevent the entry of illegals and to remove them back across the border. i think that what's happening in texas is not just the texas issue. it's an american issue. and you ever situation you have a situation, we kind of are 8000000 people pour into this country illegally just in the last 3 years. oh, this has led to no, it's hawks regarding the potential for civil war. but the breakup of the united states as a whole popular bloggers already making videos, exploring the possibility and practicality offices,
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sation the following video. for example, good offer a 1000000 views in just 24 hours. a march 2023 pulse suggested around one 5th of the population, or 66000000 americans. if you can extrapolate from that, are amenable to a national divorce. looks like the 250 year it's is real. and even since we also ran the haley is on tape claiming the constitution allows students to succeed. besides the united states constitution. the problem is that americans are becoming increasingly more divided on the number of issues, something which can be seen by the partisan differences. for example, in the white house as well, it's unclear how long of the showdown will last before it, all the signs and so tails or arrests. but one thing is for sure, texas has shown that the seeds of the scored seems to be well and fully ponds. a
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deep within american society of the british labor party has suspended k us more for a social media post about holocaust memorial day. which cited events and gaza and other examples as genocide. tomorrow is holocaust. memorial day, an international day to remember the 6000000 jews murder during the holocaust. the millions of other people murdered under nazi persecution of other groups and more recent genocides in cambodia for wanda bosnia and now gaza. the suspension followed a backlash from the board of deputies of british choose and the jewish labor movements. they criticized k taskbar for promoting inappropriate comparisons between the holocaust and events and guys are forcing her to delete her post and apologize and refer to the complex as a humanitarian disaster. and the investigation has been launched. the suspension provoked anger among left his active as climbing. the move undermines the reputation of the party lou southridge as decision. so the damage is labels
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reputation and should be immediately reversed. the international court of justice found that israel had a plausible case to answer on genocide in regards to its brutal and in the humane war on gaza. but instead of echoing this goal to stop a potential genocide, gustavo is attacking those cold and get out a similar labor party spot occurred when i'm paid to hear a lee was made to apologize for challenging research to knock over his hand. the length of the conflict in gaza. ali said the british leader has quoted the blood of thousands of innocent people on his hands. journalist and strategic affairs expert, i mean to con must re key says labor has failed to represent its own members and voters with his position on the complex to anybody else. i can see the cost as one of the biggest activities of the email is great, but at the same time, if he compared the warehouse, i mean, it is always the simple fact and literally all the items ready to go to the
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justices. sadly, i would see the name of the leadership have a field trip on the next own water. excellent. we have seen so many labeled and be going to be talking about the general site and do you have be uh you know, fortunately installed on finally by the name of leadership. the use of, i mean it is undermining the that'd be all the duties are doing as far as doing unconditionally supporting these ladies. it's the same policy. the other model just a, just the issue on investing the election on the basis on the final be part of the is a, but i don't see for a feel. you know, you memorize when i said you had us for where a local journalists have gathered to pay tribute to their colleagues who fell
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victim to is really our strikes against gaza, of the media workers, honor to their colleagues who made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty and forwarding it to palestinian officials at least 120 journalists have been killed and gaza in ongoing violence are 2 correspond that can lego miss so many reports from the events and the display of solidarity and support of content unless organized appointments nights of visual to on of the memory of seeing gentleness and gaza. stevens house in mary fitzgerald square to get the media figures, reports as i'm concerned, citizens to condemn the indiscriminate silence and fix it by gentleness and concerns. and some on just a sort of visual organized by continuing as themselves is happening concurrently in 4 major cities across the country. it seems to shed light on the price of
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journalist switching dangerous areas and the increasing streams v $6.00 minus to the mind, a june list. so that when the fellow june this dying, they shouldn't wait for this to come much solid data t. he's that like giving principle as co marks it, you know, and dennis is being the word for the other. so in children died in 2022. right. uh, the jewish it of kansas city can see the precious the on the, on the commercial media for the free to come. we appreciate the work that they're doing. but we also want to tell the international community every want to be silent twins writing, this being killed. it's an international time it's killed to unless so we want them to know that we're here also generous in gaza. we want them to know that we're sure and we, we will not be silent. many records the vital role jane in this play is watched on providing crucial information and holding those impala comfortable. events focus
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was not only in condemning the violent little of celebrating the unwavering determination of gentleness, continued to report from one to tom location. the president of russia and galleries have wrapped up a working meeting in saint petersburg. the talks took place on the eve of the supreme state council of the union state meeting, betterment put in the stress of both countries continued to collaborate in the international arena. despite external pressure, a list of what i see it is important that is russia and billable under conditions of unprecedented external pressure. the closely incorrect in the international arena and being able to believe that you provide each other a new life truly allied mutual support in the countries apologize. the con, the no problems so coincide or on large. these will work together and the interest of forming a truly multi national democratic and san world order and ensuring equal an
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indivisible security. the federal government is what we have on the lives, the events that are taking place in the world. we're in the middle east and what is happening in the south china sea was taiwan national. are all because a multi polar world is emerging, as the russian foreign minister said in the police does not one of us got. so they are trying to keep the union or world or by different method to use are now using our conflict. less meeting of the supreme state council of the union state, just wrapped up here in saint petersburg with vladimir, put and putting special emphasis on just how rapid leap of cooperation between val roost and russia has developed across all spirits just last year. the trade turnover between these 2 countries grew by 9.5 percent, and there currently between 2003000 russian companies working in belgium. the russian president also spoke about the future plans to increase of this cooperation even further. specifically, in the spheres of industry, agriculture, information,
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and many others. despite the fact that both countries have faced immense pressure from the west, something that the russian president called their work towards a multi polar and democratic world based on mutual cooperation and mutual respect. now for his part, lucas central said that russia is at the forefront of this struggle for a multi fuller world, putting in the most work towards it, and taking the most punches in terms of western aggression. but russia does have one big advantage as lucas central pointed out. and that's it's reputation in the developing world, specifically, the fact that in africa looks to russia as a friend, the something that they've done since the times of the soviet union. so that's basically a wrap up of what the 2 leaders spoke about at today's meeting. so i do stay with our 2 international. i'll be back with much more news in about 30 minutes by
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the the, the feeling we were story the luck of the on the board or as ordering yourself. originally, you spoke to the senior boy menu on the show you as a general facility based in youth periods which are likely to ski photos that any vision is going to the book as nobody can grab it up. still bundle ski at the hold at the tomb, inside the smith look at the new. yeah, that was that said it was a mis leveled there. they use a c assessment brady this form with year of experience of but that will say in nearest the blue books. and you said 90 percent of the


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