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tv   News  RT  January 29, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EST

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the never change their minds about video. they think that was wrong. and that's the true text to cover while reporting from the scene of ukrainian it's showing in dung baths where at least 3 people were killed. and one injured anger boils over in the us or with the killing of 3 soldiers by drones in the middle east. about president biden doesn't explain what he'll do about it. the number of attacks on american lead for us is in the region, has passed 150 since october. these attacks the direct message to the administration about the level of anger in the middle east towards us policy. south african journalists gather to honor their colleagues who village victim to id and strikes on gaza as a desk to among media workers surpasses. 120 and the you use is
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funds as a political tool, according to hungary, as brussels threatens budapest, with economic consequences. if it blocks aid to you frame the live in moscow, i'm rachel ruble, your watching archie international. we starts in the dawn bass for 3 people have been killed and one injured and ukrainian shelling of the city of don't ask are to, steve sweeney brings us this report from the grounds. don't get sick. he is under attack from are you crazy and artillery? once again, we can see that the force is 5 haven to identity populated 7 in areas. there's been calls destroyed and there's a 3 bodies the been, unfortunately killed during the talk. this is the candidates, the district we're on, the scene, emergency services, investigators all hey, working a way behind us. uh oh, cool was we don't want to stay here for too long. there would be warnings for
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people to take shelter and areas such as these are often prone to what we call a double top a talk. this is the often most of another ukrainian shelly game in the cabinets. the district of don't your city, as you can see behind me, this is a purity residential area. these are people's homes. the emergency services are on the saying that trying to make the site secure. we spoke to a number of locals who told us what happened. villalobos, delaware, 3 or to you had one boom. then the, then another one. my neighbor came on screaming and they ran outside as well. i had chosen the next day, king martin context with them come with the tip of the young or the other. the only see if i live here, you know, military personnel or infrastructure in the elderly woman and managers that sit here is being another day of terror and still gets with at least 3 killed and 3 wounded. as key continues, it's bump up into civilian areas with impunity. yet still the west continues is and
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the supply of weapons. this is steve sweeney finality. don't yet city for the outrage and washington is escalating after 3 american troops, raquel, than dozens more wounded in a drum store. i kind of us military base on the syrian border with jordan. american politicians had been quick to blame a ron, while officials, they're denied any involvement. a lot of money resistance groups in the region did not take orders from the same group, public affairs, and in their decisions. and that actions in their rums as multiple come to escalation of the conflict in the regional and you're on his often bolt into the seasons. and there was this, the groups on how to support the hosting a nation or defend themselves, and the people of their country, senior aggression and occupation, repeating this baseless accusation against the wrong is the projection and the conspiracy of those either interesting or giving us something you were in the regional and then so i think the expansion an escalation of the crisis to cover up their problems has formally rejected. claims that it was behind sunday's air
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strikes against the american outposts in syria and israel foreign ministry spokesman and also can i start monday that the actions of the resistance groups and the region already response to close the war crimes and j assigned cumulate by israel. he said they do not take orders from jeff on. he went on to say that these groups designed to act based on their own principles and priorities as well as the interests of their own nation erodes un mission, has also echo, sought from our say, the country has no role in the attack. and so shortly after the strikes president, july, it is uh the attack was carried out by quote radical iran back to militant groups, while many of us politicians waiting to fall directly with republican senator lindsey graham, calling for direct attack. connie was saying, quote, hit them hard this as well, but so how is lubbock resistance otherwise claimed responsibility for the attack? in continuation of our approach to resisting the american occupation forces in the
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rock and the region. and then the response to design, hist, entities massacres, gets started, people in gaza. then we just had deal of the slamming resistance in iraq. launch drone attacks against, for enemy bases 3 of which are in syria. as well, because this as part of the broadcast network of villages in the region called the axis. so for this says it wants to, it's part of the partial sharpie or the popular mobilization unit 6, the count or american husbands. and they had intensified their attacks as solidarity was now studios and in protest against washington, support for their walk. you resistance forces of much more than $150.00 attacks against us positions, any rock and syria. with this latest attack really marked a turning points as it shows us forces something which has really touched a nerve in washington. i was ever say to waste that american officials off playing the waiting game against the one is the diversity of tensions away from their
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repeated failures when almost 4 months of fast as the idea of the guys operation and not achieve their primary goals of destroying ha, so he said they are now engaged in fighting under frosts from the villages. but as far as the you have any who the route which has virtually close the red sea on american and is rarely shipping. and that's what american officials have since day one tried to avoid a wider regional conflict that started to take it to one us forces and is increasingly drawing the west for a war of attrition. when the resistance, lady washington starts between a rock and a hard place and its support for israel. the head of them into the face of frame revolutionary committee has called the strikes on us military bases of result of washington's meddling in the region. and also the, so that was what i'm, this attack is the direct message to the administration of all of the level of
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anger in the middle east towards the us policy. and the americans need to understand this and go against the american presence. it's military forces in the region is increasing the crisis in a wrong garza has revealed the ugly face of the united states. and therefore today the president of the united states has lost his attitude. he's committed crimes against the population of gaza and doing everything to ensure that these crimes continue, that including genocide which is known to everyone and the recognized by the international court of justice and the hey, i mean i'm, i'm a washington has claimed to ron is behind the attack also saying that us reserves the right to respond, however, it considers necessary. we will respond. we'll do that on our schedule in our time . and we'll do it in the manner of the presidents choosing as commander in chief will also do it fully cognizant of the fact that these groups back by table have
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just taken the lives of american troops. following the attack. sharp criticism of biden's leadership has come from across the political spectrum state side, especially from the republican party and presidential front runner, donald trump, as well as florida governor rhonda santas. joe biden has made our troops sitting ducks, and he allows our enemies to attack them with impunity. biden's weakness is getting our troops killed, rest in peace to our 3 fallen service members. this brazen attack on the united states as yet another horrific and tragic consequences of jo biden's, weakness, and surrender. we are on the brink of world war 3. our country cannot survive with joe biden as commander in chief. the more awkward news as you, as far as has apparently failed to encounter the deadly attack on his face. due to an identification mix up the wall street journal of sites. and us officials as saying the rocky resistance thrown approach to the base at the same time, an american frown was returning causing confusion over whether the 2nd drone was
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friendly or not. all right, let's discuss this further. now with political analyst and screen writer, sean stone, sean given that explanation from washington that the u. s. military struggle to identify the enemy drone. how realistic and do think it is that by then will came into pressure from to the pressure and launch an attack on iran? oh, well it's difficult to say um, you know how, how much they were still respond. i think that it's clear that will be our response . we've seen this before though, and up in the past couple decades where you can get a response such as a missile strike. i mean that we've obviously seen the us doing unlimited sags the same way that the israel does, for example, with individuals that are themes as terrorists, right? i mean, you can get it drawn strike or something like this. you could also get some kind of, you know, cyber retaliation, but as far as like an escalation to a war,
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i think that would be very difficult to to justify. yeah, i mean, given that it, does it just seem a rational these calls to strike around given the us is inability to protect its own basis in the region? well, we saw that all through be a rock, you know, that war and postwar occupation, right? that was a big problem. you know, i ronald glee through that whole time period. a lot of the attacks were by groups that you could say had iranian financing or support. right. made it to the, with the groups that were attacking us soldiers during the occupation up until the point that the united states basically withdrew the majority of their, of their forces. but as we know it's, it's very difficult to man and occupation of a region where a lot of the people don't like you for, don't want you to be there. so yes, as far as occupying, you know, it's, it's,
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it's one thing trying to basically launch an invasion of a country like iran, which is a, probably more militarily sophisticated then, then iraq was at the time of the invasion. certainly has a lot more implications for russia and china. so it would just, it's one thing to say, yeah, we're going to strike back of the citizen of the thing to actually launch a full scale war is on the us as facing many challenges as we've all know, both domestically and abroad. what, what is the u. s. government likely to focus on as a priority and this selection here, the cell know where the service department is gonna focus on because he is government is so is dealing with some of the issues at the moment. i mean, we just were talking last week on the, the border issue right there is a dispute between texas and the in the us government over basically who gets to the patrol the border. and um, a little bit of the, of
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a lot of the states is going to the texas because the united states has been such a poor job of stopping illegal immigration over the last 3 years. you know, so you have issues like this, you'll be economy, which even though a lot of people are saying, well, you know, the, on the, the economy there was no recession last year. thanks to spending an inflation. the truth is still that people are, are, are, are hurting as a result of the inflation, the high cost of basic, uh, goods and services, as well as, uh, you know, energy, gas, things like this. so, you know, you have the economic issues, you have the war with it is real and israel and gaza, which is partly playing it and obviously to what we're seeing right. escalation and yeah, man, as a potential escalation and jordan. mean, these are all part of that region, they're all part of the same fundamental conflict. so i don't know what the us government's gonna focus on if i is going to focus on as far as saying a, i've done a great job as president these last 4 years. yeah. with washington fingers and so many complex around the world, can it even afford another military escalation,
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potentially, against, or on, as well. and that's, and that's really the, the, the goal, the quotes and che guevara. i think she said, united states, you know, they can have their vietnam but the, the 3 for vietnam's, all of a sudden it's like you've over extended. right. and, and i think that's where the, the real challenge comes from the united states. because as i mentioned, i mean all through the conflict occupation in iraq, you could have justified the i see the various presidents and i know that they were pushing of this different points in new york has been pushing for what was the wrong ever since $911.00 they could have maybe escalated and said, oh, we know we, we know the, she had groups are connected to your on and they're attacking our forces that know that or occupying your rock. so we're going to escalate to a was drawn. but obviously we saw it consistently that they backed down, right. and in 2012, 1112 times you remember there was a heightened heightening of tension and then it got relaxed under trump, we never escalate it. even though a lot of people like bolts and where the administration were trying to push for it
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. i, i still think the, the, the really has to be a realization that the us military is probably not prepared for such a war. because again, it's, it's not like you're just over throwing an unpopular dictator with saddam hussein, you're actually trying to, i don't know, you'd have to just to overthrow and then just build up and mean that having the same issues of nation building that they had in the rock, but again with that may be a more sophisticated military that's against you, an educated population, but hostile population because of their tradition, even if they're end to beginning of their post their government they, they want us to really be friendly to us occupying it. so i don't know if they can realistically do that. all right, we'll leave it there for the final has been screenwriters johnstone, sean, thank you for the training. now the guys are where they is really military says this destroyed the cemetery and mosque and gaza to read out how mazda is a tunnel network to the idea of got
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a 140 meter wide pit where the cemetery had once been revealing what the army says is a hum, awesome tunnel. underneath display sconces fear no longer being able to return to their homes. will that feed much? we fear that the military operation will extend and reach rafa because we escaped death from the underwear shelter center in con eunice. unfortunately, there is no place i can take refuge because there is no empty place so that it has become impossible to find a tent. all those who are displaced took refuge in rafa. israel did not leave a safe place that it did not reach. they entered the shelter and con units as we left behind the dead and wounded there, and they deported us unlocked the issue. what i see a most is the future and then known, and will turn as far as me moves is when i go out to work in the morning and leave my daughter as i fear that i will return and not find them. i see that i will not be able to keep my daughter's will. i see the war is continuing and these were no
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is continuing with its inception to invade or fox and the play. so hold on to hoffman and people in the war. um yeah, i will no longer have a place that goes as real destroyed in my house. we bought, we saw that now to johannesburg, where a local journalists have gathered to pay tribute to their colleagues who fell victim to his rally. r strikes against gaza. the media workers honored their colleagues to maybe ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty, according to palestinian officials, at least 120 journalists have been killed in the, in the ongoing violence. are 2 correspondent got like almost tell me reports from the events and the display of solidarity and support of the african generalist organizing. queen and knights of visual to one of the memory of slain genesis and gaza. the vin called in mirrors. it's gerald square to get the media figures
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reports as i'm concerned, citizens to condemn the indiscriminate silence and fix it by gentleness and concerns. and to mind, just as for the phone and the visual organized by solve f content and as themselves is happening concurrently in 4 major cities across the country. it's aimed to shed light on the pipes of journalists with dangerous areas. and the increasing street space 6 mine was to remain the generous when the fellow joined us dying. they shouldn't wait for this to come much solid deputies. he's that life giving principle as co marks it, you know, and dennis is being the word for the other. so in children died in 2022, right, uh, the jewish it of cabbage. but he can see the precious, the on the, on the commercial media for the free to come. we appreciate the work that they're doing. but we also want to tell the international community that we won't be silent
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twins writing this up being killed. it's an international time to kill genuine us. so we want them to know that we're here also generous in gaza. we want them to know that we're sure and we, we will not be silence. many re, quote, the vital role jane in this play is watched on providing crucial information and holding those impala comfortable events focus was not only in condemning the violence for the whole. so i'm celebrating the i'm wavering determination of journalists to continue to report from one to tom location hungry isaac, who is the block mailing. budapest force is concession on the location of more ag crane. as brussels threatens to freeze hung, gary and funds, hungary does not give into black males. the document drafted by brussels, bureaucrats only confirms what the hon gary and government has been saying for a long time. access to you funds is used for political black mailing by brussels.
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if i'm during prime minister victor or bind does not vote later this week to approve another 50000000000 euros in e u. h in your brain. then hungry is economy investors, job market and currency will all be targeted. ts says, no, actually it was a queue that threatened that at all. it was the european union that supposed to be defending the interest of its own member states, but apparently thinks that it's now working for you for any present environments with b o. and by the way, targeting henry's currency is also targeting your own common currency, the euro, you brainiacs. it's a wonder that they haven't moved the capital of europe from brussels to key as already they could even keep the same blue and yellow color scheme. so how exactly did these, i'm named you officials issued these threats according to the financial times report that disclose them? did they call up or gone or throw a phone and whisper and i'm traceable ultimatum. like a drug lord or a mob boss?
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no, they put it all in writing, so everyone can now read their rent and letter in the newspaper. it's like something straight out of an episode of the world's dumbest criminals. the document declares that in the case of no agreement in the february, 1st summit, other heads of state and government would publicly declare that in the light of the un constructive behavior of the hon gary and p. m. they cannot imagine that e u funds would be provided to budapest without that funding, financial markets, and european and international companies might be less interested to invest in hungary. the document stated, such punishment could quickly trigger a further increase of the cost of funding of the public deficit and a drop in the currency. it sounds like a script for a play with brussels lines for the heads of you members state is written in advance, which is super democratic and almost as respectful as national sovereignty is trying to blackmail the country that doesn't fall in line on demand with the dig todd,
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imposed by i'm elected bureaucratic handmade and serving an institution to global governance. you've got to wonder why all the desperation to shove this show of unity down everyone's throat. so instead of just going with their so called plan b, in the event that hungary defense, remember that particular stove circuit, billions involves countries voluntarily donating their own cash to a fund for your brain, which obviously would make everyone participating in it looks like they are voluntarily selling out their own people by handing over tax cash to ukraine, that they could really use at home right now to offset the damage done by brussels self harming anti russian sanctions and policies. decatur to ukraine on everything from agriculture to energy. and it would look particularly stupid in light of another ukrainian corruption scandal that just broke involving military aid ending up and 4 and bank accounts and places like the pumpkins to a weapons procurement scheme. i'm covered by ukraine's own intelligence service,
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which apparently had the intelligence not to stop scam before $40000000.00 had banished. but a if or bon does it want to donate to that kind of thing. it can't possibly be because of legitimate concerns that even t f is now conceding much like or bonds opposition to the expansion of washington's defense doctrine. deeper into europe, through nato enlargement. he must all just be statements of his imagination. the hon gary ins have this idea that it's a political communications device where they're constantly talking about imperialist and colonialists and brussels, and george soros and all of these entities who are trying to interfere and it's domestic politics. and it's really a fantasy. and it's a fantasy that is serving some political purpose in this entry, but it's also distracting from some of the real challenges and opportunities that hungry has. and part of that fantasy involves waiting out other governments. so whether it's wishing to see
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a different leadership in the european commission or different leadership in the united states of america, or different leaders in any country around europe. it's not a foreign policy, it's a foreign fantasy. i think everyone would be well served, getting out of the rhetorical and into the more pragmatic project much there. paul seems to oregon is one of the only ones inside this plan. tense, who favors pragmatism over ideology. and all of this extensively in the defensive is on people's interests. business groups from the us, europe and japan have united in urging the bite and administration to lift a pause on like a fide natural gas. and this comes after president biden suspended approvals on friday for pending and future applications for new ellen gene project exports with numerous forecasts projecting global natural gas demand to rise well into the next decade. additional supplies of l n. g will be needed to supply world markets. we
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know this demand can be met in a manner that continues progress on the emissions reductions. the announcement follows an evaluation of the impacts of allergy exports on climate, the economy, and national security. environmental critics fear the expansion of allergy export infrastructure, making that the world reliance on fossil fuels, the u. s. has emerged as the world's leading elegy, ex porter, and america plays a crucial role in supplying europe after russian gas supplies were reduced in the region. japan was asia's largest fire of us, ellen gee, the previous year member of the german buddhist dog and spokesman for the economic and the energy policy of the old, tentative for germany parties to find a quote today says, the real purpose of the positive elegy export is to get biden and the white house for another term. i i, um, i think that by the end the democrats are more committed to the full climate narrative than others. i think the democrats wants to get ahead of republicans and score some political points by joining the course of the climate hysterics. i don't really think that this is about the climate,
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or the real purpose is to get binding into the white house for another term. however, the client is just there is lobbies very strong in the us, so they probably want to kill 2 birds with one stone. they want to position themselves as a progressive force in the eyes of the american electorate. and they're willing to accept the economic damage that goes along with it. however, we have yet to see whether they're really going to follow through with it, and for how long. i mean, we don't even know whether the democrats and joe biden are going to win in november, and whether this policy is going to be continued. so it looks to me like a move that is made for the democratic audience and nothing else. telling prime minister in georgia, maloney says she is ready to address the root causes of illegal migration with the help of african countries. i must say i'm about to mass illegal. immigration will never be stopped. human traffickers will never be defeated if the causes that push a person to leave his home are not addressed at the source single port 20. this is exactly what we intend to do to get from one side by declaring more to the
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smugglers. of the 3rd millennium, and on the other by working to offer african people and alternative of opportunities, work through and training and legal migration passes. organize maloney also pledged in the initial 5500000000 euro is as part of the plan name that boosting economic ties, creating an energy hub for europe. and the curbing migration or comments came into italy, africa summit, held in rome with more than 2 dozen african leaders in attendance. medical analyst did you met mary fu says italy's plan 6 to fly africa and it's the natural resources, the minister of foreign affairs. they will mark the drum that each of these thing to push these um initiative to instruct africa, which is uh, indigenous targeting of count without actually comes because you can see the source of job. they will process how he is approved about and also even when it comes to its components on your medical plan, is that a mean with or cheap energy for,
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for 4 year old for their waste and getting our way up by 90 percent of roughly comes cannot even access energy. i see, i mean many people, those who can access if you didn't present a roughly comes, you didn't buy it more expensive than the wasted countries, which drugs produce. it does take you to the heart. it's amy at to shut stretching the free kind of brands on the under the shifting definitely comes about trying to provide the so let me see quote, is it linked with regression? so you see that the coordinates of the strong these uh oh, i bought it. that was, you know, figure out what the process is to be able to easily quite come friday towards that time to say that the single somebody's was gone. so i think that's what causes me to open their eyes on because i see at least 52 people, including the u. n. peace keeper had been killed and 64 injured after gunman attacked a village in the oil rich region of alba territory. claims by both sedan and selves
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to them, the deadly ethnic attack was linked to a land dispute between 2 tribes in the area. the gunmen were reported away from the new air tribe considered the 2nd largest ethnic group in south threw down. united nations issued a statement condemning the murder of the peace keeper the united nations inter and security falls for b, u. n. i s s a strongly condemns a series of on the tax that took place on the 27th of january 2024 in the bay area, which resulted in civilian casualties, as well as the death of the united nations peacekeeping from bona. let's cross live now to see the news journalist with sub abraham a sub. what more do you know about this attack at this stage? yes, a read all the is the part between sit in silence and so there was incident area. it's been saying the oil and we, we can see this processing 2020 want
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a lot of people get angers more than 52 buildings. vista to was meaning the serious bad injures socio overline for a long time. this is dirt dirt has his finding online in making this kind of a scanner mess and best situation there. unfortunately, they have a reset of peacekeeping already from beginning already mastery. so with those people, they still continue fighting for a lot of time. so the scanning were up here, me as listen, can you give us some more background on this dispute did land between sedan and south sedan and talk to us about the overall security situation in the area as well . we don't alter the word and the sensitive situation and also that enough for rebate support versus an all kind of this the vision, what's make it there is no more. so you would see this up for people for today's, from these. and also we know case to part right in between, so that is out. so then both country they for so despite the long teacher,
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so in this fighting this kind of young people time to attack this one of the big las already these are one goes this dispatcher was being separated into something. i love it. so there is a lot of misunderstanding kind of very bad that people are not restrict premium to know where their rates and where you know, 2 people get mad and, and find for no reason even for all the goals usually that's happening 2 years ago . so it's kind of a method situation there, people 5 or relying for a long time and nobody know what to reason behind it, but it's still fighting. then we can. so all of them, all young people use age. listen, but how has the war and sedan had an impact on neighboring countries, especially cells to then? while we know the security of said he's got his freaking hole, the neighbors countries us today, due to all of it, are connected to linked into the each other. so when something that's retained country best suited to another country because.


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