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tv   News  RT  January 29, 2024 5:00pm-5:29pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the our case crew takes cover while we're porting from the state of ukrainian it's showing in done best for at least 3 people were killed. and one injured anger boils over in the us or with the killing of 3 soldiers by drones in the middle east. but president biden doesn't explain what he'll do about it. the number of attacks in american med horses in the region has passed 150 since october. the recent tax, the direct message to the administration about the level of anger in the middle east towards us policy. and the use is funds as a political tool,
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according to hungary, as brussels threatens budapest, with economic consequences, if it blocks paid to ukraine. the . i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching archie international. we start in the don bass, where a 3 people had been killed and one injured. a new print in showing of the city of don't ask, are to steve sweeney brings us this report from the grant. i don't, yes he is under attack from. are you crazy? not tillery. once again, we can say that the force is 5 haven to identity populated 7 in areas. there's been calls destroyed and there's a 3 bodies the been unfortunately killed during the talk. this is the candidates, the district we're on, the scene, emergency services, investigators all, hey, working a way behind us. of course, we don't want to stay here for too long. that will be warnings for people to take shelter. and areas such as these are often prone to what we call
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a double top attacks. this is the often most of another ukrainian shelly, gaining the kind of netscape district of don't your city, as you can see behind me, this is a purity residential area. these are people's homes, the emergency services are on the scene that trying to make the site secure. we spoke to a number of locals who told us what happened deal above the 3 or 2 ahead, one boom. then the, then another one. my neighbor came out screaming and they ran outside as well. i had children at home. the whole house was shaking or near the the only civilians here, no military personnel or infrastructure, only elderly women and men. that's it is being another day of temperament on yes. with at least 3 killed and 3 wounded. as key have continues, it's bump up into civilian areas with impunity. yet still the west continues is end
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of the supply of weapons. this is steve sweeney finality and don't yet city. the secretary of state anthony blank and a sent a clear message that america will respond to the recent delay attacks. however, it sees fit, we will respond and that response could be multi leveled coming stages and be sustained overtime. washington, the stern warning comes out for 3 american troops were killed and dozens more wounded. in a drone strike against a u. s. military base near the syrian jordanian border, american politicians had been quick to buy moran, while officials, they're denied any involvement. a lot of money resistance groups in the region did not take orders from the side mach republic for on their decisions and actions and their own does not welcome the escalation of the conflict in the region that you're on is often bolt into the seasons. and the resistance in groups and how to support the hosting a nation or defend themselves and the people of their country against any aggression and occupation. repeating this,
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baseless accusation against the wrong is the projection and the conspiracy of those whose either interest seems or it can be us something you were in the regional. and then so i think the expansion and escalation of the crisis to cover up their problems has formally rejected claims that it was behind sunday's air strikes against american outposts and syria and israel for ministry spokesman. and also can i start monday that the actions of the resistance groups and that we just are the response to close the war crimes and genocide stimulated by israel. he said they do not take orders from jeff on. he went on to say that these groups designed to act based on their own principles and priorities as well as the interests of their own nation erodes you. one mission has also echo, sought from our se the country has no role in the attack. and shortly after the strikes president, july, it is uh the attack was carried out by quote radical iran backed militant groups, while many of us politicians waiting to one directly with republican senator
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lindsey graham, calling for direct. it's connie ross, same quote, hit them hard. this as well, so how is lot of resistance otherwise claimed responsibility for the attack in continuation of our approach to resisting the american occupation forces in the rock and the region. and then the response to design, hist, entities, massacres, get started, people in gaza. then we just had deal of the slamming resistance in iraq. launch drone attacks against, for enemy bases 3 of which are in syria as well because as, as, as part of the broadcast network of villages in the region called the axis. so for this says, it was, it's part of the actual shabby or the popular mobilization use for 6 to count or american presence. and they have intensified their attacks as solidarity with palestinians and in protest against washington support for their walk. you resistance forces have much more than $150.00 attacks against us positions. anyone
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can syria with this latest attack really marked a turning point system? it shows us forces something which has really touched a nerve in washington. i was over say the ways that american officials are playing the waiting game against the one is the diversity of tensions away from their repeated failures. almost 4 months have passed as the idea of the guy's operation and not achieve their primary goals of destroying. ha, so he said they are now engaged in fighting for us from the villages. but as far as the you have any with the group which has virtually close the red sea on america and is rarely shipping. and that's what american officials have since day one tried to avoid a wider regional conflict that started to take it to one us forces and is increasingly drawing the was it for a war of attrition. with the resistance leaving washington starts between a rock and a hard place and its support for israel, the head of them,
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and see what the supreme revolutionary committee has called the strikes on u. s. military base, as a result of washington's meddling in the region. and also the slides, what i'm this attack is the direct message to the administration of all of the level of anger in the middle east towards the u. s. policy. and the americans need to understand this and get against the american presence. it's military forces in the region is increasing the crisis in and around god. so has revealed it, ugly phase. so the united states and therefore today the president of the united states has lost his attitude. he's committed crimes against the population of gaza and doing everything to ensure that these crimes continue, including genocide which is known to everyone. and the recognized by the international court of justice and the hey, i mean i'm a, there are contradictory reports on which you a spaces have been struck in the middle east. while jordan has invited america to maintain
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a military presence in country. the us spaces in syria have no legal basis, meaning any attacks can be considered acts of self defense. syrian political analyst and academic isabel designed on says washington may be reluctant to acknowledge operations there. the reason of course, is to syria and they use the very close spot near to the border again, the visual daniel porter because they can mislead the they think they can mislead the city international community. but be very simple reason that they live it, that it's happened in georgia, not in syria because according to international law, it's legal for them to have these troops. why are you, i mean, being according to international law, the existence of the american troops is side of syria is, is legal. absolutely, it is just the lie there. so you just refuse that these factions are not iranian. these are factions that has arisen from the heart core of the people's b. it's just,
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they just want to live them to themselves just like they lie to the whole world. following the attack, sharp criticism of biden's leadership has come from across the political spectrum state side, especially from the republican party and presidential front runner, donald trump, as well as a florida governor. rhonda santas. joe biden has made our troops sitting ducks, and he allows our enemies to attack them with impunity. biden's weakness is getting our troops killed, rest in peace to our 3 fallen service members. this brazen attack on the united states is yet another horrific and tragic consequences of jo biden's, weakness, and surrender. we are on the brink of world war 3. our country cannot survive with joe biden. as commander in chief, i mean they think of it like getting up in yada or something, right? as you know, you just hit the been yada until it breaks up. that's, that's almost, you know, that was a slogan. i remember back in the navy and mccain and romney, i remember that i think mando rodney but it was like bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb iran . right. that was a slogan at 8 saying it was like
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a i think more political points then. then actually, you know, it's more rhetoric than reality. so we say, i don't think these people like the grounds and others are genuinely trying to, to start a war with iran. medi said, they're probably just going based on their, their typical, you know, how to respond. even cut across and as calling these people with a text. and as we know, tucker is got a pretty strong network of influence, a bunch of conservatives who are not from the party line. let's say that the, the deep state republicans are public events that are, that are more in the line with the establishment tucker's, i think, represents more of the, the, the conservative impulse that's pro american. that's not looking to just go and jump into any war with the pretense that it's gonna help the american people. so i really don't think that they have the currently b's visit ministration or the
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republicans that are basically calling for war. have the support to actually justify what was the wrong of this one. the more awkward news, as us forces apparently failed to counter the deadly attack on his face. due to an identification mix up the wall street journal sides, us officials a saying they a racket, resistance and drone approach the base at the same time. and americans round was returning, causing confusion over whether the 2nd drone risk friendly or not. michael maloof is a former senior pentagon official says us domestic and foreign policy have both become deadlock due to a rational decision making. it is totally irrational. it's a, it's a gut reaction. it's, it's all reactionary. we're not operating as we should from a strategic plan. people like lindsey graham and other us senators, calling in for direct kids on to ron ron. what's the point where do you want to do? you want to create a conflagration that's going to be world wide. we really need some adults in this
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room and, and they're nowhere to be found. and, and i think that this policy that we have right now, we're remaining in iraq and, and illegally in syria, has got to change immediately. and you know, it's not just a broad, but the us is also facing many challenges domestically live in the texas border are stand off, for example, is the us government's struggling to which, which of these issues to take as priority as well as try the level to to it's trying to come up with legislation that's supposed to accommodate the border in the us binding, i think says some kind of new legislation. it's not good. this is all nonsense and i felt as a result through the you pick up this tremendous growing resistance, both in the house and some in the senate. now, to any further compromise on, not only the us border, but no more funding for israel or for, you know, so this, it's really coming to have everything is coming to have what, what we're doing domestically has,
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has now international implications as well as whether or not we're, we're going to continue on our war footings just by, by supplying these proxies. and we've got to stop it. hungry has accused the you of black mailing budapest for us. it's concession on the allocation of more a to ukraine as brussels that threatens to freeze, who in gary and funds the hungary does not give in to black males. the document drafted by brussels bureaucrats only confirms what the hon gary and government has been saying for a long time. access to e u funds is used for political black mailing by brussels is fine during prime minister victor or bond does not vote later this week to approve another 50000000000 euros in you 18 frame. then hungry is economy investors, job market and currency will all be targeted. ts says, no, actually it wasn't here that threatened not at all. it was the european union that supposed to be defending the interest of its own member states,
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but apparently thinks that it's now working for you for any president buyers with e o. and by the way, targeting henry's currency is also targeting your own common currency, the euro, you brainiacs. it's a wonder that they haven't moved the capital of europe from brussels to key has already, they could even keep the same blue and yellow color scheme. so how exactly did these, i'm named you officials issued these threats according to the financial times report that disclose them? did they call up or gone or throw a phone and whisper and, and traceable ultimatum like a drug lord or a mob boss? no, they put it all in writing, so everyone can now read their ransom letter in the newspaper. it's like something straight out of an episode of the world's dumbest criminals. the document declares that in the case of no agreement in the february, 1st summit, other heads of state and government would publicly declare that in the light of the un constructive behavior of the hon gary and p. m. they cannot imagine that
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e u funds would be provided to budapest without that funding, financial markets, and european and international companies might be less interested to invest in hungary. the document stated, such punishment could quickly trigger a further increase of the cost of funding of the public deficit and a drop in the currency. it sounds like a script for a play with brussels lines for the heads of you members state is written in advance, which is super democratic and almost as respectful as national sovereignty is trying to blackmail the country that doesn't fall in line on demand with the dig todd, imposed by i mean, elected bureaucratic handmade and serving an institution of global governance. you've got to wonder why all the desperation to shove this show of unity down everyone's throat. so instead of just going with their so called plan b in the event that hungary defense, remember that particular sto, store for billions, involves countries voluntarily donating their own cash to a fund for your brain. which obviously would make everyone participating in. it
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looks like they are voluntarily selling out their own people by handing over tax cash to ukraine that they could really use at home right now to offset the damage done by brussels self harming anti russian sanctions. and policies would be well served. getting out of the rhetorical and into the more pragmatic project much there, paul seems to oregon is one of the only ones inside this clown, 10 who favors pragmatism over ideology, and all of this offensively, in the defensive is on people's interest. meanwhile, the pentagon has been forced to cancel a military extra sizes with a 6 african countries and med pressure from congress. as according to an article in the washington post, the pentagon has abruptly abandoned plans to train alongside the militaries of several countries either involved in the overthrow of democratic governments or accused of human rights violations. reversing course, the mid recent scrutiny in october preparations were announced for
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a joint exercise with sudan new share molly and a number of other countries. but some of these states are forbidden by us law from receiving american security assistance. however, it remains unclear whether dependent on we'll separate plans with countries with recent military coups or with human rights records that don't align with president biden's and stated commitments. somali in and new jersey and citizens expressed her disappointment with a decision on why is it possible in the 2nd thing, that the fact that americans stopped their training program for the military of these countries is a double edged sword. the training that our soldiers were receiving will stop, meaning they will miss out on the opportunity to be received in terms of training. and secondly, these countries, more precisely, molly, will try to feel devoid. our authorities are already at work on the news. i think that the end of this training program is not good news for us. molly ends because currently we have security difficulties. it is not beneficial for us to stop
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training our soldiers. if there is an impact, it will be a bad for us. in pre i what are the defines, there may be failures if we cannot replace this american structure. we must determine now with the new partners or me in the ways and means to continue this training and, and above all, to make it more dynamic. however, public opinion on the matter divergence with many believing that there is little the us can teach african armed forces long talk about i don't believe there will be any other impact on what we have. we always had problems with their presence. so i believe that stopping their program will not impact us. why, what or another different scenario. we have the choice of partnership with whoever we want, but so much the better for us because this is the sovereign mission of our army. ok . so on the left is off, we don't really need their presence. we need sophisticated equipment to help fight in security. african countries believe
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a locked in these 4 and soldiers thinking they are superior, but they are no better than applicants and chromebook. oh, that's cause live down to scott bennett, former us officer, a scout. what are your thoughts on the us military's decision here regarding to those countries that are accused of violating human rights and trailing on democratic standards? well, i think you're witnessing a larger implosion of the neo colonial policy philosophy and organizations from africa to the middle east to even europe. i think you're seeing a, a massive shuffling of the seats and the musical chairs game, and we're witnessing also history and no history and modern day reality going through a twilight eclipse sort of a moment where the people in these areas are forgetting about the history of the country for a 100 years under colonial rule,
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and it's really looking at the last 10 to 15 years and distilling from the last 15 to 10 years. the overall uh you know, benefit or lack there off of involvement with united states specifically. and when you look at the last 10 to 15 years, you're hard pressed to come out with anything positive, anything constructive, anything nourishing, anything. goodwill that the united states or france, or britain or germany, or nato, or the e. u has bequeathed to these countries or association. so it makes sense that the seat of us africa command which is in the now share molly. but quino fossil. ready around is, is now being eroded away, so i think you're going to witness a lot more of these come countries separating from their associations and ties and, and contracts and permissions with united states and with other colonial powers.
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and i think that's also a, uh, a uh, predictor of what we will, what we will see in europe. i think the, the, you, i think nato are all going to be suffering a lot of loosening of ties. and i think the next thing you're going to witness is us central command and control are possible, like going through the, the same demands for expulsion and removal. as we've seen, of echoing in a rack in syria and, and most recently be attacked upon us base, their scott, members of biden's own political party have criticized this decision. what's your take on that? well, of course the, by the administration in the military industrial complex establishment is going to protest any declarations, any parties, any individuals, any policies that deteriorate it's, it's hid, gemini, it's empire, or it's ideology of work is um,
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let's not forget that this is all brought on by the united states for saying or trying to force woke as i'm homeless, actual transgender rainbow flag ideology on some of these african countries that have refused it. and as a result, they are repelling the united states because they, they see it is uh, you know, with an ideological aversion to their, their conservative principles. the same thing essentially happened in ukraine in 2014, when you on a cove and said he would not be adopting a lot of the radical left day homosexual agendas of the european union. and we've seen, of course, the west replacing young a co, which in a violent qu, they taught as a result. but history is now the pendulum is swinging the other way. you're seeing all of these smaller independent countries. i think following the bricks, model in the shanghai cooperation model, where they are shifting away from their allegiance as servants,
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under the colonial western power. and seeking to transform their own individual identities through other associations like bricks and such. so you may even see the arrow bleeding and opec beginning to disintegrate and re re coagulating reorganized themselves. so i think it's a time of great reorganization, but no one should expect any leadership outside of the by that the ministration he's barely able to remember is no name. but he is being handled and i think they're desperate for a war. starting at a ron starting in the red sea, starting in the persian gulf to try and shift away from the very corrosive political disintegration of the bite and democratic regime in the united states. so they may be seeking a war to, to try and just distract the american people, but i think that's only going to result in, in more of their defeats as we see on the southern border. the southern border
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crisis in texas is triggering a civil war in america against the federal government against biden. so they are losing on all fronts. they're losing in the united states. they're losing in africa . they're losing in syria. they're losing in gaza. they're losing and uh, you know, a rack and i think they're going to continue as long as they're also tied with the israeli genocide. and that's the next to to drop is the united states being completed in aiding and abetting genocide, right. as israel has been judged to be the progenitor of, of genocide which all nations around the world have uh, you know, found a port and turned against. so united states is in a bad position as long as it's shipped to uh, israel. yeah. to your point there is this just to double standard considering the us involvement and support for israel is actions and gaza as well. it's very disturbing to me to witness any time, an american figure, whether it's admiral john kirby or, or someone in the bided ministration,
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or even democrats or republicans in congress like the war monitoring lunatic. lindsey graham is very disturbing to listen to their words because they're so delusional. they're so out of touch with reality. they're so devoid of truth they're, they're so blatantly deceitful and hostile and it, it's almost like witnessing someone without any bearing on reality, any serious honesty. there's, there's no diplomacy or soft power in the united states state department. busy or, or in any other instrument of government. so when the united states and as representatives are going on and on about america being the lights and the policeman and the beacon of democracy and, and how democracy is being forwarded by these other countries. and how there is no genocide in gaza despite the $30000.00 women and children who are crushed in and dead in a tomb of a, of an ast, bolt, a country. you know,
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the united states is losing all moral, standing in the world. and i, but i do think it's opening up an opportunity for again, the bricks, nations birds, russia, turkey, iran, china to step in the gaza and use all that level to build naval ports and use that a gaza territory to establish a bricks, embassy, or some sort of a real estate parcel which then can be used to expand and build life back into gaza, but it has to be an international coalition. right. okay, scott bennett, former us officer. thank you. scott. to east africa now were at least 52 people, including a u and peace keeper had been killed. and 64 in dirt after gunman attacked the village in the oil rich region of the territory claimed by both sedan and sounds to them. the deadly ethnic attack was linked to a land dispute between 2 tribes in the area. the gunmen were reportedly from the newer tribe considered as the 2nd largest ethnic group in south. a sedan. united
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nations issued a statement condemning the murder of the peace keeper. the united nations entered on the security falls for at b, u. n. i s s a strongly condemns a series of on the tax that took place on the 27th of january 2024 in the abbey area, which resulted in civilian casualties, as well as the death of the united nations peacekeepers from donna. we spoke to today as journalists with sub abraham, who says the oil rich region has long been flagged by violence of the audience, the forward between sedan and south today. and it says there was an incident area that's going to say in the oil and we, we can see this processing. it's $121.00. not a lot of people get angers more than 52 lives. 52 was being serious that injures those people. the border line for a long time, and this is dirt or have is fine online in making this kind of uh, it's kind of mess and best equation there. unfortunately,
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they will reset of peacekeeping already from beginning already mastery. what's making there is no more security for people frequencies from these. and also we don't be supported ryan expensive, that is alex with that and both entry for so this place the warranty chart. while we know the security of scenarios get us freaking all the neighbors can process today. you all of it are connected with into the each other. well, you just always doing her best vision was the billing department to protect those people from about. i think if i could use key things, they think they do their best to, to saw this guy, you know, is addition. and this is kind of anger between 2 fingers to continue their job for a long time. but it's still, it's kind of this price and that according to the word that is only to be effected by the security. right, that's gonna do it for me for now, but do stay with us by calling peter scott is in next in about half an hour with a look at your headlines by
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