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tv   News  RT  January 30, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EST

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through of slavery, but also began to rule their state. the, as you can see here, the scene of types of devastation calls have been destroyed. and there are at least a 2 step bodies, graphic images from the carnage and done yet city as fresh. ukrainian shelling over residential area kills free and wounds for other locals. in the wake of the latest deadly, it's really strikes on g as a a 6 year old palestinian girl is trapped inside the car of her slain family. the red crescent say's its last contact with a team center risk of the child. this is a picture of the 6 year old go high and he remain trapped inside the vehicle trying to remain for hours pleasing for our teams to reach her and evacuated from the area . surrounded by is ready. tanks found as
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a rock sits down with the us to tell american forces directly to leave the country . the pentagon planes out isn't actually on the agenda. on the rocky lawmaker tells us there's nothing left to discuss with for something that many kids do not forget the occupation of iraq in 2003 brought disaster to a wreck on the peoples of the region on other region was unstable, which is not as bad as it is today, the rubber your catching, then use our from today at home or on the move. welcome to moscow onto our t international ukraine. slate is showing of a residential neighborhood in done yet. said he has left, 3 civilians killed and 4 others wounded. according to local officials, the following report by r t. steve sweeney of the scene, contains distressing images. i don't, yes it is under attack from. are you crazy?
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not tillery. once again, we can say that the fullest is 5 haven to identity populated separately in areas. there's been cause destroyed and there's a 3 bodies the been unfortunately killed during the talk. this is the candidates, the district we're on, the scene, emergency services, investigators all hey, working a way behind us of course are we don't want to stay here for too long. that will be warnings for people to take shelter. and areas such as these are often probably into what we call a double top a talk. this is the often most of another ukrainian shelly game in the cabinets. the district of don't your city, as you can see behind me, this is a purity residential area. these are people's homes. the emergency service is on the scene that trying to make the site secure. we spoke to a number of locals who told us what happened, deal above a total of 3 or 2. you had one boom, then the, then another one. my neighbor came out screaming and they ran outside as well. i
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had children at home. the whole house was shaking with the on or near the the only civilians here, no military personnel or infrastructure, only elderly women and men. that's it. this is been another day of terror and don't yet with at least 3 killed and 3 wounded. as key of continues as bump up into civilian areas with impunity. yet still the west continues is and the supply of weapons. this is steve sweeney for nazi and don't yet city to gals, which so more deadly is really strikes overnight. a large number of civilians were reportedly killed in kansas city. bringing the enclave death told health officials say to at least $26600.00. since october 7th. while in the southern part of this trip, a young palestinian girl was left trapped inside a car for hours after it was shut down by the idea of killing 6 of her family
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members. the local red crescent sent a team to rescue the 6 year old. but states it's lost contact with the medical unit . this is a picture of the 6 year old go high and to remain trapped inside the vehicle, fight appalling body occupation forces resulting in the mall to them. of everyone inside 6 individuals. hines, remain for hours pleasing for our teams to reach her and evacuated from the area. surrounded by is variety. tanks also in southern gaza. the is really military say's its destroyed a symmetry on the moss to roots out a come tumbling network. the idea of doug a must of picked up the side of the economic symmetry while leaving the mosque really reduced to rubble. bottoms were reportedly used to collapse. the terminal it's underneath is really like use how most of using location as cover, thereby depriving it's of protection from the idea of assault. the
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ads in the central gallon and city of darrow belie. another is really striking on monday, reportedly left at least 20 civilians killed and dozens more trapped on to the ruins of collapse. buildings. dramatic footage from the scene shows the devastating aftermath as local scramble to search for survivors and really salvage anything may come from the debris of their destroyed homes. survivors say their heart broken by the killing of so many shipments. we came and found the house destroyed. they were attacked by an f 16 and no one survived. everyone was monster them to the rebel because of the winter conditions. we cannot examine the bodies, young man, and trying to dig with the hands to recover the bodies. now, after the court's decision, we expect that the severity of the ground, the attack on palestine would come even a little bit. but unfortunately,
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things are getting worse. these riley's are increasingly aggressive, and i still kelly and displacing the positive in people and get on. it is just a new in house owned by farmers who are hosting some of their displaced friends, the family on the 2nd floor of the house. they were, he'd buy something bigger than a me. so you could see was a bomb because it should the whole area. there were more than 40 people in the house. they have all the march or yesterday we recovered the bodies and today will continue takes you there remains the house of struck without warning. the well in south africa journalists in johannesburg have gathered to pay tribute to fellow workers who, being killed by is really strikes and gowns that the reporters honored their colleagues who made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of to take. according to paula standing officials on police, $120.00 journalists being killed in kansas since october 7th, or t correspondent cath legal missile me attended the solemn ceremony and the display
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of solidarity and support the south african generalist. organized a queen in tonight of visual to on of the memory of slain genesis and gaza. stevens house in mirrors, fitzgerald square to give them media figures, reports, as i'm concerned, citizens to condemn the indiscriminate silence and fix it by gentleness and concerns. and to mind, just as for the phone and the visual organized by solve f content in this themselves is happening concurrently in 4 major cities across the country. it's aimed to shed light on the pipes of journalists would come in dangerous areas and the increasing street spaces. mine was to remain the generous when the fellow joined us dying. they shouldn't wait for this to come out solid data t. he's that like giving principle, it's called box it, you know, and dennis is being the word for the other. so in children died in 2022. right? uh, the june the sure to get it. but you can see the pressure has the on the,
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on the commercial media for the free to come. we appreciate the work that they're doing. but we also want to tell the international community every want to be silent, twinge and so being killed. it's an international time to kill genuine us, so we want them to know that we're here also generous in gaza. we want them to know that we're sure and we, we will not be silence. many re, quote the vital role jane in this play is watched on providing crucial information and holding those impala comfortable. events focus was not only in condemning the violence, but also on celebrating the i'm wavering, determination of gentleness will continue to report from one to tom location are still ahead in the program. this are a historic moment for the footballers of palestine. odds it's nashville team, which is the north college stages of the asian cup, clinching
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a win for the very 1st time. details coming up a little later in the, the number run has branded us auctions in syria under rec. simply illegal, sales outrage escalates in washington. after 3 american troops were killed and dozens more wounded in a drone strike on a us military base on the syrian border with jordan that happened on monday, the american politicians pledged to respond, but few details were provided. we will respond and that response could be multi level common stages and be sustained over time. there was no group affiliated with the islamic republic of iran's forces, whether interact syria or elsewhere that operates directly or indirectly under the control of the atlantic republic of iran or x on its behalf. therefore,
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the islamic republic of iran is not responsible for the actions of any individual or group within the region. furthermore, the actions undertaken by the united states in syria and iraq are illegal and violate both international more and the un chapa. following the attack, sharp criticism of jo biden's leadership came from really across the aisles. politically states side, particularly the republican party presidential frontrunner donald trump, as well as florida governor. run this sometimes. joe biden has made our troops sitting ducks, and he allows our enemies to attack them with impunity. biden's weakness is getting our troops killed, rest in peace to our 3 fallen service members. this brazen attack on the united states is yet another horrific and tragic consequences of jo biden's, weakness, and surrender. we are on the brink of world war 3. our country cannot survive with
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joe biden. this commander in chief or former append to go on the security on the list. mike, i'm a live spoke to r t and say's the us is only creating problems instead of bringing solutions to the middle east. we're digging ourselves until i think, and even greater holes and, and as a consequence and not realizing, not looking at the reality of why we're even there any longer. why we need to be there any longer. i think that this needs to be taken into serious account because we are getting more and more into involved in and a potential conflict through the with the region. and not, not surprisingly, countries such as he, i'm and they even iran have economic leverage over the west, over the united states by shutting off those water excess waves in the red sea and then the persian gulf. so there's a lot at stake here, and it's clear that the,
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these countries have shown that they can sustain a lot of, of hard knocks and that they can, they can take that to take any response. and so we need to really evaluate our policies in those countries from here on because we're only creating greater turmoil. we're not the turing anything which are part of the problem, not the solution to the us. the rock have held the 1st round of talks, as by god pushes for reduction in washington's military presence in the gold state . however, wouldn't grilled by journalists of pentagon representative came to withdrawal, is not actually on the agenda. you sent the patient to see meetings or the shaving. the withdrawal of us for to 0 is that because it's been mutually agreed upon with the government to discuss this issue,
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or is it because the us is not willing to discuss a request? and the purpose of these meetings will be a rocky mountain for a full withdrawal. came after a series of american attacks on arm groups in the country, washington plains. it's been targeting militants linked to a rum columns despite a declaration by the us back in 2021 of its come back. mission in iraq had come to an end around $2500.00 cemetery contrib still remain in the country. but we heard from a rocky parliament member saw the outside, they say is that talks unwinding done. america's military prisons must become a cornerstone of bilateral relations with worship, a gloss, an empty key for the us says the meetings will revolve around bilateral relations.
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the question is, how can that be a discussion about future iraqi american relations without addressing the issue of the american forces in iraq? what is happening is semantic and conceptual quibbling, through which washington named the mislead american, iraqi, and global public opinion. what's the purpose of this, and what is the strategic framework agreement between the rack of the united states? this is linguist to conceptual manipulation, to must be a legitimate presence of foreign forces, primarily american. how can we establish bilateral relations with the united states of america? which is accused of violating the rocky sovereignty by assassinating a boot, marty, almo hondas, and custom. solely money, made the ongoing operations against the right. do not forget the occupation of iraq in 2003 brought disaster to erect on the peoples of the region below. the region was unstable, which is not as bad as it is today. even said m. hussein's invasion of around him to wait, supported by american as many documents show that for washington by his primary and
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full responsibility for causing the tomorrow. unrest. instability and provoking was in the region. i'm a washer on the phone, diamond and washington always up to escape some clouds issue, which shows its reluctance to leave despite the repeated requests by a rock. we are engaged in a war of terms and the goods sticks with washington, alongside our political, financial, and economic struggle, and the fights against the legitimate farm presidents on the rocky soil. america is like a desire to lead the rock, the appointments of in your inbox. it is not designed to end withdrawal negotiations, but rather to arrange a new and permanent american presence in the country. following the embarrassment caused by the strikes in iraq and syria. and by netanyahu of the repeated fairly is in the bottle of annihilation and gaza. the shifts in the balance of political, military, economic and financial power will negatively impacts americans presence, which is in the gradual decline and capacity. strengths result is dominance,
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uncontrolled. therefore, the us claims to any excuse to stay despite the transformations that are happening, even if there is no logical resemblance with reality on the grounds. even what happens in jobs originally and relates to america's general vision needs protects the existence of design of states and controlling areas or energy sources and certain countries in the region as possible. basic strategies. this is pushed washington to try to buy more times to absorb and contain iraqi strikes and tries to influence public opinion in the country. while embarrassing the rocky governments. by disgusting negotiations. i didn't want to cut a little island why that would be significant and immense investment and development opportunities a has. and before that, iraq will be liberated, along with restrictions imposed on the countries funds deposited in the federal reserve, binds unbuttoned on oil sales, will be listed, the national will and silver in right. so the rack will also be free,
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as well as its free thinking, which has been penetrated by american concepts terms, metaphors, perceptions and ideas. okay, so i'm political machinations in europe hungry has accused the e. u of block, milling, budapest, the 4th, it's concession on the allocation of more a to ukraine. as brussels threatens to freeze on gary and funds. as a block member, it's all going on of hungary does not give into black males. the document drafted by brussels bureaucrats only confirms what the hon gary and government has been saying for a long time. access to you. funds is used for political black mailing by brussels. if i'm gary and prime minister victor or bond does not vote later this week to approve another 50000000000 euros in you a to print. then hungry is economy investors, job market and currency will all be targeted. kia says no, actually it was
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a queue that threatened that at all. it was the european union that supposed to be defending the interest of its own member states, but apparently thinks that it's now working for you for any present environments. zalinski owen, by the way, targeting congress currency is also targeting your own palm and currency, the euro. you brainiacs. it's a wonder that they haven't moved the capital of europe from brussels to key as already they could even keep the same blue and yellow color scheme. so how exactly did these unnamed you officials issued these threats according to the financial times report that disclose them? did they call up or bon or throw a phone and whisper and untraceable ultimatum like a drug lord or a mob boss? nope, they put it all in writing so everyone can now read their rent and letter in the newspaper. it's like something straight out of an episode of the world's dumbest criminals. the document declares that in the case of no agreement in the february, 1st summit, other heads of state and government would publicly declare that in the light of the
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un constructive behavior of the hon gary and p. m. they cannot imagine that e u funds would be provided to budapest without that funding, financial markets, and european and international companies might be less interested to invest in hungary. the document stated, such punishment could quickly trigger a further increase of the cost of funding of the public deficit and a drop in the currency. it sounds like a script for a play with brussels lines for the heads of you members state is written in advance, which is super democratic and almost as respectful as national sovereignty is trying to blackmail the country that doesn't fall in line on demand with the dig todd, imposed by i'm elected bureaucratic handmade in serving an institution of global governance. you've got to wonder why all the desperation to shove this show of unity down everyone's throat. so instead of just going with their so called plan b, in the event that hungry defense, remember that particular stove circuit,
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billions involves countries voluntarily donating their own cash to a fund for your brain, which obviously would make everyone participating in it looks like they are voluntarily selling out their own people by handing over tax cash to ukraine that they could really use at home right now to offset the damage done by brussels self harming anti russian sanctions. and policies that cater to preen on everything from agriculture to energy. oh, and it would look particularly stupid in light of another ukrainian corruption scandal that just broke involving military aid ending up in 4 and bank accounts and places like the balkans to a weapons procurement scheme. i'm covered by ukraine's own intelligence service, which apparently had the intelligence not to stop scam before $40000000.00 had banished. but a if or bon doesn't want to donate to that kind of thing. it can't possibly be because of legitimate concerns that even t f is now conceding much like or bonds,
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opposition to the expansion of washington's defense doctrine. deeper into europe, to nato enlargement. it must all just be figments of his imagination. the hon gary ins have this idea that it's a political communications device where they're constantly talking about imperialist and colonialists and brussels, and george soros and all of these entities who are trying to interfere and it's domestic politics. and it's really a fantasy. and it's a fantasy that is serving some political purpose in this case entry. but it's also distracting from some of the real challenges and opportunities that hungry has. and part of that fantasy involves wading out other governments. so whether it's wishing to see a different leadership in the european commission or different leadership in the united states of america, or different leaders in any country around europe. it's not a foreign policy, it's a foreign fantasy. i think everyone would be well served, getting out of the rhetorical and into the more pragmatic project much there,
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paul seems to oregon is one of the only ones inside this plan. tense, who favors pragmatism over ideology, and all of this offensively in the defense of his own people's interests. to east africa where at least $54.00 people, including 2 un peacekeepers helping killed the scores. more wounded after gunmen attacked a village in the oil rich region of b. a. a territory today and by both so done a neighboring site to sit down. now the shooting spree was linked to a long dispute between 2 tribes. in the dispute of the area, the gunmen were reportedly from the newer tribes considered the 2nd largest ethnic group in thoughts that of the united nations has condemned. the violence that killed its peacekeepers. well sued in these reporter, most of abraham told us the oil rich region that has long been plagued by violence which the un mission is unable to prevent in the audience. the incident is out
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today and it's a very sensitive area. it's gonna say in the oil and we, we can see this processing 2021. a lot of people get angers more than 52 lives, 52 as being in the series that injures those young people, the former lawn for a long time. and this is, or your have is find online in making this kind of, uh, this kind of mess, investigoar, asian there. unfortunately, there is a peacekeeping already from beginning already mastery, what's making there is no more secure. we see this after people, frequencies from these. and also we, ne, a part of ryan between soneta sciences and both entry, they presume display one teacher. while we know the security of scenarios get us freaking all the neighbors kind of recess today. i need all of it are connected with into the each other. well, you just always doing her best and they don't get a vision was being pulled in their window for those people for about. i think if i
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could use key things, they think they do their best to, to saw this guy. you know, is it asian? and this is kind of anger between 2 fingers to continue their job for a long time. but it's still, it's kind of this price and that according to the word that how things are going to be affected by the security. now the palestinian enough still football team made history on monday by reaching the not guide stages of the asian cup. for the 1st time, the lines of can non qualified for the last 16 after a respectable joel with the u. e. followed by a convincing 3 know when, over hong kong they're 1st ever asian complex tree. all of a sudden also went ahead and they're not guide stage much with the hosting defending champions katara but were eventually done. so we had all the match. we spoke with one of the players about the teams, all of us see the jump each pretty much out of the car. and when we heard the
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ballast scene and, and some and so the flags in the stadium. we felt pride at representing the pals team and people an identity, especially given the situation in palestine. it gives us very strong motivation, an incentive to can bait the message of our people, especially those and guys. as everyone can see, what is happening there. they give us the will power and determination. we need, we think old our fans who supported us and came to see us in the tournament because these nations spend whole heartedly with about seeing and cost. they're also delivering the message of the past. and then people which god willing will see palestine liberated soon. yeah, quite an astonishing tournament for that same at moving on the i want to fit this story in nancy pelosi has claimed the protests in the us and beyond calling for a cease fire in gaza. are instigated by russia and to allow them they're putting the former high speaker in the us census. the pro palestinian demonstrations are
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conveying, quote, pretends message a bye for them to call for a cease fire. is mr. to this message, mr. put in this message, make no mistake, this is directly connected to what he would like to see. same thing with ukraine, its about kootenai message. i think some of these, some of these protesters are spontaneous and organic and sincere. so my think are connected to russia, and i say that having looked at this for a long time. now, as you think some of these protests are, russian plants say they're plants. i think some financing should be investigated, demonstrator stateside helping, actively calling for a see fire in dallas as since the beginning of the war. tobar. some democrats filters have criticized president by his decision to keep supporting israel calling and quote, genocide jo, disrupting his campaign defense. according to
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a recent poll, half of those who cast a policy for fighting in 2020, think that israel is come missing, quote, genocide. think gals that we spoke to new york base commentator lydell who stays missed lucy's words may have caused more harm. i'm sure this is a good message. me someone say the i c j just in his preliminary phone, finding boned genocide in a host of violations of international law violations and the like. so what you're doing is you're having this, this of this concocted world monster vladimir bowden, basically endorsing peas and the cessation of what the i, c j, and many people believe is genocide. so think about this. she's on tv, excoriating somebody for dairy to raise the idea that genocide, if you weren't to believe others shouldn't be stopped there, that there should be
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a cessation of, of targeted the death of a, of in a nationality or whatever. i mean, the, did anybody call her back? is a mis policy with all due respect, it didn't hurt anyone. i'm thinking maybe you might be part of a russia conspiracy because what do you just did actually bolsters and causes many people to look favorably? bruship gladly rippled so she might have done more damage than she ever imagined. for now, no amount of shelling or indeed any other type of danger was going to stop the workers up the cross. no, don't children's home in don't boss from helping those just starting out in life next week. chronicle high, one timely charge the cash injection help turn the building from a place of near survival to one of true hope or short documentary is right at the
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do monday or for keys to the city or are you here? we usually, if i want to do nothing in the remember also i still exist very impressed for you. if you can give me a solution in the meeting that's 3 of the, to the new system. the current about which and to top seeing the samples on the g is used in quite some of your subscription to the most part of which lexus massachusetts, on some she did the 1st of all, but those of the was the avenue struggle. the price was sticking with the brother
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pretty to ship the bridge a lot. if you do here for the 6 at some much more important this how much adds to it? yes, i did it. the usually the i'm the to the, the truth and the solution. the that i'm with, it's just the name, but i'm with assess the motions far enough to much better to for us you both agree doing that. you know, i'm few and i'm a what is can give you welcome that like you're more than usual geez. and stuff on ocean federalists and then we, sir just to do the .


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