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tv   Documentary  RT  January 30, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EST

4:30 am
if i do more the produce to then city on the right here, we usually buy more into the account and us and in the, remember those actually exist very squares per square. you can give me a solution to the next 3 of the to me nice as then look at that which and see chops, theater under the impression the g 's use that the pipeline in your subscription to the illustrative. which lexus messages here on some she did the 1st of all, but those of the was the avenue struggle. the price was sticking with the brother pretty to ship the bridge a lot. if you do here for the sense that some of which were important at this, how much adds to each and yes, i did it the usually the i'm the to the, the truth and the solution in the that i'm
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with it's just the name, but i'm with the system, i mean motions far enough too much better. so for us, the most pretty do understand that, you know, i'm few and what the thinking did you want to come that large and all the new shows and stuff on ocean photos. and then we, sir, just to do the the
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sooner the better one can look at an opinion at the book and of course not dogs can yes, can don't the last and work on your she's not a 3 year her name really, nixon, i'm sure it can professional, good story, but a book i need really progressed and i'm still going to go gardening and bun desk ramirez was kind of a g, g chase, but the role is written this name and no single one that you to believe done in nor when you mine you that will motional cartridges agent in between which legit nearby and grew up with. james, due to requirements for some of the shrubs with that you could of george guess that's a difference of the most to, to get what i used was the dining and the 1st and then as you have, and then you know, the thing, if there's somebody that said the board, the fisher did bring you on your son. that's was still a thoughtful look, you could you cheer and you're still something in the corner missing. come dying or you need those to i need to go to national. and from that i just go to finish the
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fish and then you'll survive. it's the yeah, that would be suggesting carlos, i don't know who she lives in us with us. not really sure. it's an issue that you the shouldn't be a more beautiful academic be the 1st month really just to visually invalids, even the staff is facing. we barely sound like, you know, getting started as most of the are going to come on the excuse me, should the she told you, but i'd be really both enough convicted of murder especially for managing, you know, kind of leading. yeah. personal. don't fear my, let's see. see,
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i'm not junior durham is 0 earlier and you were bone. you earlier. and i stopped at the end of the evening, a bull national, engaging village here in india, gym. the ocean, everybody really is. i think you can search through the back nice of this doesn't take you over to the, to the floor. you can use wireless. which agent us the,
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what did you cook? yes. yeah, i mean this one is that slipping into the side of the puppy dog, which way a person that i saw was direct you, but that is the percentage in the legit my yearbook gm is try with the with your you. but i would look at the logistics of a do a miami, which an upgrade to it, which even you might to know, but this isn't good full gloves. i believe. heed next to the system. yes, it is now shows that i smoke up the sign which followed last me sign by guy loud by guy liability. yeah, i'm not sure it's a mom and you're just a know i have some boy. the email comes no more at the moment limited
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for them, restoring you for them that i need to buy it. i knew the full as soon as she mama wasn't familiar. she went on the books before i confirm the titles just to give one
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of my summers to ruth could do to do to the ones to what's going on in this for which of which the caution are doing in your muscle for it. but how many extra each of those are one from when she did some mountain said even thought on them now or come from the room will come for unless i'm leaving, the students will be a junior she's been said he was pushing me then. then when emptiest, so when you mean, yeah, and use my hands. i watch the see a couple of the next piece i just so she need to be smarter than with when you send the critics toodle just kind of shooting at people to those. right. so i could just use immunization, i believe, as i was on a she my school ski, and i actually need to have you book and then you pull the upstairs. and then if you need to get to a specific assume they could ask you to purchase the process, dispute the fund moves for sure. when you cross these, you stand. okay,
4:38 am
for sure. still a motion ocean notion shuster folks. and let me see what's the community, the the shop, the
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windows no. do you need to wonder? you don't wanna check for the next few minutes to come up with that. he's speaking to me. you sound like wrong that's. i'm a resident at the gate. you know, when i say i'm or to my reading and i use just, you know, little concerns. you only in the night if you're on uh track more than that, but much mr. gustin doing course, the corrosion on that's in the review board. i'm conclusions in regards to neither national, most guys nor doctor on the doctor or of 3, which is to share their own lives in washington. glenn, is there a cookie for decent packing? i don't want you to go on more than a century and you'll be brought out of what's in the, in the positive you on conversion for the then
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we have to go to youtube videos using it october. the 1st thing here to, to, for me to mention is kristovich or she still needs to know what the story just to get on my choice. you have to punish so much for the ships and going into the mice. you took a. yeah. because i was to, i know those know which i brush and then you could 3, but i knew, i don't know if it's just a dying and but i'll just just ask them in motion source on the screen. much better
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for us to. yeah, cuz i'm sure if we ended up watching the video, you're good or swimming it in what ask you to look up, should i? that's really the key story to cut the one. i know i'm just reading the uh, what divides days. so what's ups? no, but i don't want you to learn to see them cookie to bed. sure. but of those with what i'm what, what are you dealing with the being what i'm what, what, what are you doing? yeah. preston new chose just to grab that again or with some that the talking down with recording. so most of them is running easy. cima came up for leisure. i'm done. provide you to a motion to fax them to catch the machine. yes, that almost makes you mind that we're switching this quick memorial. i mean what to do next to pamela bringing you
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a text book. she has to do a text and blue and his passion for that. you need you to say it's just me. i would you tape what i teach in a glutton, isn't that you paid them at the store. it's a stops to get there. and what, what does that finish to see what's, what they're much to eat. but i do need you to new georgia, as you might have the use just for now look, look at them in your butcher used to mom and that thing and that's throwing up for those. i'd be happy to provide support on the west compulsion. if somebody has to turn up to prescribe the sounds and the doors to do, it's just you in virginia store. but i do you choose to test a deal, it's just feeling. and that's what, fortunately for them which is between the
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the, to attempt to collect at the extra amount i thought she sat there for the show event. it will be a job. love for the cause of a dish. uh, excuse us for the defense of the supplement is such
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a button and that's a concern that i thought someone did he lives. you'd ask me that if i said the media love to focus on you to reason to just say with the city vendors, companionship, us, and they're gonna be pretty good. it was working monday morning to work it on stimulus. the industry is little less money. the final sales dealer. sure, sure. william farmer shops, my goodness, we have good guys started or decisions in my lab. and what was that man was, what was that ridiculous and the best one today and but you know, so that's what it is that you want to set. i'm sure those are pretty sure can was i'm patient. did it for she's kim, those are the best. do what i mean. there's a push out the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the or is the
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case for the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon. this is the 3rd world will receive re washington, as for so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deal. so what should i need something moving on. now, you have a very quick propaganda. you know a price here in your i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask a better the answer is will be the wouldn't pretty much it. we're giving you a follow up and ready to discuss some of the most long as we have the most use contrast with, with the upstairs done in the season. yes. good. can you check out the criteria but, but at least isn't an option when you're not able to thoughts for me in the wrong screen or something else. give them that form used to miss the use of she had got those as just the would. so what this printer, so some good to know who sure to come with us,
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the slogans can go to them cause there's hope you can see the, [000:00:00;00] the must here to which is do you need it to cannot on both ends. very sensitive. so you will go from then they've done positions to say she did it in and i thought it was because i still quite use it to what you're just doing. and there's my go up to don't much on the card with the former. she did leisure, ga that gov daughter even lose not the most. that's a name is not little different,
4:47 am
but that got the list because the way i know from the there's not already built uh on the if the duplicate, the asked of the name is that i just described pick it up and you get pick our boat . i am nobody near permission. if i took the massage and you're going to throw specific humor within this little by additional limited enterprise, right near above. are you with them on my comes to me. i did you meeting last year to you soon? related to go to m name you to keep the product you doesn't need to near them the system when the division fits fit on the open fits that are on their way of credit of aren't really for a lot the most expensive need to have couple with and you said you're the deepest, the foreigners, the invoice, but the symbol of flores now over the next 3, or was it to me? complete the video? mm hm. when we're looking at about which and 2 types of data directly it already that's kind of you from it or not,
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which didn't start with then nadine smith of new cars to really force nice to flatten. yeah. e dani, you come in the, from the video from the store. so that just let me do that sort of both a little bit just kind of similar. surely when you, when you, when you 1st me bye, give me about the mattress and from the closures near, near, near pennsylvania, the governor's nurse, which it is deem for her to live. i'm coverage, corporate commission, destructive crime. which to that, that's because i would do it throughout that i'm option usually produces sure. just gotten into that secondary line usually was the fittest of us focused, listed on the, you know, the never mind that jump to that is but it's just of what's in it. so, but of course leave with a bit. of course it will stay on the grid to coverage. he will stay on the glut
4:49 am
each to lucy, just to find out what the board they tell you just from new to us, cock that new. but the shit i'm the, here's the best that we started the jello. but guess what you thought was a used car that was used to, particularly in the pretty much the just the, the, the dealer stuff, the deluxe done. and switch it back to me yesterday to subscribe to to, to be, you know, used to clearly uh, which is danielle deer. uh well, what i know well, just stuck a torch th of lead you on the net. just the line near to to do is just a few drops that will the met with the level of guns cannot on that is for me to use near below for double chain. you think you did, you know, not should i just because it's not nice to good at the thought. still live, we get you guys to doing the committed, put all the novel change and do 10000 that particular plots score the patricia to
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so what's just i'm across the time security. not like another sweater. no good. i have to store the other one and the digital guns cannot on that is for me check the system because i'm writing a new version, so gloss. now. i will check the q t t. well, in the book got this instead i am so uh, i'm book so in discussions that the web doesn't, what do you want to continue for a minute? that's awesome. you send it as name of this and this i'm doing is a pro it's not affordable. then you have the commander for yeah, that's done. the music ups like you just click on you should go to there's not for
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these yet to present. i turn in my short review any snow down the money and the floors nice to buy. she's got these kind of things as kept me. she could form a sheet, but not in that it's due to me yet, but i to upstairs and input. she generals that she got such cool no sweat and slip. joseph jones, this is due to go to any cause then. yep. smear though it is easy said that you will to new from engine command. the facilities should exec nice to get of what used to do to get the sound you to use. the got that's here to escape the douglas pseudo. and then you cutty x now which this double sphere of which is both bus binding, the pm pioneers assembling those days. she placed at the gate to cut the jasmine is uh, kind of me do you have that with jasmine? so can you put the debt set that's got the nation? so he says is that it does need to be doing some with the teen that you would go with much a little who were sending it to my child. she thought that she is on what she meant,
4:52 am
what your thoughts cause on which i mentioned that so anyways, did it comes to christmas man, and is that how it was? because i couldn't get a chance once you get me to you, sir, by it. i'm trying to keep it a few minutes. that's fine. we need for sort of the other stuff to move into. yes, it was actually, it's a 1st day and it was sneezing to hit us not to grab a pen and would this to when they just wanted this fine, which one is more? is it that you to that was at the mess since then incentive. we were, oh, which and then, and then there's the one, the position of progression from the line station us if the which in the initial list,
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if that's enough to use my particular on the 1st you don't, you call me when you go to with the last couple of much did at the local cost cost on those can some of the, the portions to hold and extension. again, things change special needs. this will show the contingency when you have this to in your used as a desk, i use terms to nice, possible open in the lab for too much energy. and you've got all of them on the baloney oceans, from the on the us us. why anyone able will try and come see crush, to cause reason. you're supposed to bring your energy, which you don't know for sure. it's assumptions. a nameless toys. that's cuz that's pulling the slow hand sky play. if we see them
4:54 am
clear which i sent them. yep. i'll put it back to the play up to date. yeah. um, because the names project industry show you the funding at the see what to expect you to know what the full gas company? yes. so nobody home needs to skim somebody who snap the snap dash. i shows can pretty much cover for some of our demo that stuff you're new or putting your own separate investment in the table depending on what, pushing effective and nice to meet you. new kind at the end of it as many times with you, all for the most popular period or really you of course, let me show with the most it up to produce, hooked it up. so you know what got daughter and those are the more share from us on the non the dispatcher. know which i'm
4:55 am
a former sure for doing cool. i've shown i've give service it putting it up based on the move. yes. the release from the up to the stick ikea today because that's what hygiene is food cut daughter. a couple of portable and you should all normally is actually she did. i remember i should clean that much because obviously you speak to you do to use the cutest in your thoughts as your manual read it to. is it just pulling a desktop? let me ask you the largest of what he spent on this. so with brushing, most of them is that you, you turn the band at them. that's the last off charlie attempt to see the car. so, so through the system, see you 1st started
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the last few months. watch the email. no, i this cock. what is it? the confession shooter itself, or just your to tell you pensions through this, the trust. there's no bosses of what you must have with the endorsement like gardening, some goose up, some of the stuff in the form that you lets me you will. each doesn't rings, casual text, or speak to, oh yes, no shopping across number to reach pictures in your global credit and you sign language, but i'm not saying you have, which is tim. what i'm, what the tax is. do i need nibble defenders that's nif cliquish credit, so you need to go in this portion of it and i know that to the credit and that's just and i'm not glove by that. is that that should say, you know what's happening, so shouldn't i mean? yeah,
4:57 am
the the, the, the, the beauty of the story, these couple of them, the board, that's what i can use. valves originally inspected and i said your boy menu on the show you as a general facility based in yet periods which are likely to ski photos than any vision isn't and have looked at the building and grab it of steel, bundle ski at the, at the to site, the goal of this, when you look at the new year of that is that set it with
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a miss level and everything is as see assessment. ready this form with year of experience of foot levels to say in nearest the blue bush and you for the 80 percent of the when this happens or somebody to pick a day, you would say because you have to just catch the senior. the video of alleged abuse by an officer today, a sheriff's deputy in columbia, south carolina, forcibly removed a student from a classroom at spring valley high school. i saw him just talked to her sprained her and initially, you know, i didn't think is a problem because i knew that she was just is quite a student in the class. someone looks,
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the police officer says here as law enforcement that is worse. clearly attacking, abusing power and other than others besides, this is what's wrong with the poorly be on discipline. black church, he was there in forcing a lot to meet in the crime, to quote, disturb schools in any way. that means any disturbance that any kids causes in school is using sources never refer to the necessary a tops t 4. never gonna change your mind something and never change their minds about video. they think i was wrong. and that's it.
5:00 am
the, the, everything we've done has been designed to try to deescalate those tensions, mixed messages from washington. now that falters on responding to the killing of 3 us troops in the middle east, while at the same time blaming and run thing off the rhetoric against the around, which denies any improvement. i can send the court sentences, former prime minister and run counted 10 years in prison for leaking state secrets charges. he denies claiming that diplomatic cable is pointed to the restroom by the efforts to the ice, him from home. and in the wake of the latest deadly, it's really strikes and kills


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