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tv   News  RT  January 30, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the everything we've done has been designed to try to de escalate to extension makes messages from washington. and as a default is on responding to the canning of 3 us troops in the middle east. what are the same time flaming and ramping up the rhetoric against a wrong which the 9th, any involvement a pakistani code, sentences, phone appointment us to a run con to 10 years in prison for leaking state, they put charges, heated, nice climbing the diplomatic table was pointed to the western buttons, conspiracy that out of him in twins in the twins in the wake of the latest deadly is really strikes on gauze a 6 year old palestinian girl is perhaps inside because her flames dominate the
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right presence. say that most contact with a team sense to rescue the child. this is a picture of the 6 year old go high and he remain trapped inside the vehicle trying to remain for hours squeezing for our teams to reach her and evacuated from the area. surrounded by is ready to tank the a very warm welcome on this tuesday afternoon. this is on the international with the very latest world news updates is good to have you with us. now starting with this, despite blaming a wrong for the killing of 3 us soldiers in a row, striking serial on sunday, washington now claims its activity trying to de escalate. the situation bounced off the white house comes on to a wave of criticism at home for taking no action to avenge his troops. we are not looking for a war with iraq or not. so you can in conflict with the regime in the military way
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. and as i said in the, in the opening, we're not, we're not looking to escalate here. everything we've done has been designed to try to deescalate those tensions. and the presidents been crystal clear, we will respond decisively to any rush. and we will hold responsible. the people who attacked our troops will do so at a time and a place of our choosing. iran has denied any involvement and the deadly drone strength of hate and american, based on the syrian border with jordan to raw, has blamed to the us itself for provoking the a top fleming. a rocky militant function that did claim responsibility. there was no group affiliated with the islamic republic of iran's forces, whether in a rock, syria or elsewhere that operates directly or indirectly under the control of the islamic republic of iran, or ex, on its behalf. therefore,
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the islamic republic of iran is not responsible for the actions of any individual or group within the region. furthermore, the actions undertaken by the united states in syria and the rock are illegal and violate both international law and the un charter. type by the and isn't whole to wherever the situation with the west and media cooling could be, was crisis off his presidency. and while some outlets suggest a military response of those course in the white house that gave us giving it to pressure to attack a wrong warning that the region is already on file and ready and political analyst on academic side behind the ground. the believes washington cannot afford a full scale conflicts with a wrong or indeed any other country in the region. despite its own patience, the americans have created a vicious cycle for themselves because they are losing the war or they've lost the war. they think that by expanding the war, they can maybe find the path to victory. but that path doesn't exist. it's highly
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unlikely that the united states would try to carry out an attack on iran. the response would be devastating and the united states is not prepared for war with you run all the spaces in the region would be targets. and all those regimes that hosts us space is, would be seen by iran, as hostile and their infrastructure, their critical infrastructure, the oil and gas installations would be devastated. the united states cannot afford the conflict with the wrong the united states can't afford to conflict with. yeah, mean, they can't afford to conflict with the rock. it's this is not the 19 ninety's empty anymore, even back then the united states cannot attack him on. that's why they made it. i found this on any rock, but today they're not in a position to even have a all out conflict with the admin or iraq mean wallace being revealed the to us forces apparently fails to intercept the deadly attack. and it's a legally stationed face in syria due to an identification mix up the wall street
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journal sites. us officials a saying the militant, the drone approach, the bass at the same time as an american one was returning, causing confusion as to whether the 2nd you a v was friendly, not from a senior pentagon analysts, malcolm. and they've told all the options of his ali, creating problems instead of bringing solutions to the middle east. we really need some adults in this room at the end, and they're nowhere to be found. and right now it's not looking good. i mean, when you have people like lindsey graham and then and other us senators, calling for direct hits on to ron, you're on. what's the point? let you know what, what, what do you want to do? you, you, you want to create a, a conflagration that's going to be world wide without realizing the consequences. they say they're, they're not thinking. it's all irrational. and i think that this policy that we
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have right now we're remaining in iraq and, and illegally in syria, has got to change immediately. part of that part of that response, i think by the a she, a resistance in iraq was basically to send a message to the united states to get out. so we need to really evaluate our policies in those countries from here on because we're only creating greater turmoil. we're not deterring anything. we're for part of the problem, not the solution. a pakistan coach essentially is full and a prime minister in run con, to 10 years in prison, of the finding him guilty of making state secrets. mister con, was ousted from power in 2022 and has been in jail since last august on corruption charges, which he has repeatedly denied a journalist from his mom about 12 just through the details will be controversial ruling, which comes to wait before a crucial election impacts the,
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the charges against a farmer, prime minister at amazon. com that he never returned. and our official document, our guard the cipher origins by the dead, by expanding investors in washington to the father and office. and the latter had said that if the pakistani parliament does not almost run con uh for as a prime news to date, it will be consequences. uh saw that this letter did the copy of this letter was that with the 5 news tribune on time. and that, that sensitive document is missing and the court said that you put on com is responsive on for that. and it is on relation of park starts to good act. his lives said that he was confident he was biling because he wasn't expecting on that. so he's send a message to his father was and he said that uh,
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you should concentrate on our lectures and you should go remain cool with them at coolant. com and must focus on the the working day. and you must come out from the your homes and analyze them. but about, and he said that a mess of are turned out are really be a success fridays party. and for parks the economy to the lot that they have to more forward arms. one is the high court, the slammer by the high court, uh, his uh, lives uh, are 2 pending to be in the higher court. and if that be to the high court and that the desired results are not to come out from behind code, then they have another phone on the supreme court off bikes on which is the single and the largest court. so they have another for them for not being there. so today they said that they plus the parts tiny cords and uh, that's just uh, realism. in it just is probably what i'm from the in southern guns,
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a on palestinian dove was less trapped inside a car. off it was show to us by the idea of killing a number of his family members. the local red crescent team said to sent a team to rescue the 6 year old, but it says it has lost contacts with the medical unit. this is a picture of the 6 year old go hi and have a main trapped inside of the vehicle. find a phone, buddy. occupation forces resulting in the mall to them. of everyone inside 6 individuals high and to remain for hours pleasing for our teams to reach her and evacuate. have from the area surrounded by is variety. tanks also in southern guns, a v as waiting military since it has destroyed a cemetery on the most gained and routing out, say him a tunnel network in the city of con eunice. the idea of doug a massive pit at the sides of the is nomic graveyards, while leaving the most reduced to rubble. funds were reportedly used to collapse the tunnels underneath as well. have accused the amounts of using the location as
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compa. that by depriving it of protection from the ideas assault, while from all on the mediation process, we crossed to ali. i'll highlight political on the list based in cons. so many thanks for joining goes on. the program stays very nice to see you. so a new proposal for a lend fee is the spot between as well, and the homeless militants has reported it being discussed. the guitar department is does say thomas has the last words, do you think that they were quotes on afterwards? could you elaborate in the situation force me? yes, that's the very latest news. according to mister as my n. yeah. the can cheat of him. i says that they have agreed to a stuff stay in the agreement to peace, the agreement between them and is right now, part of me. but we, i build this moment, we have not the air from the is that i the side,
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but this is the very latest news uh from uh, the for the pick up the very order to continue for uh from us. okay. okay. because there are also reports that him ask militants if were jack said, the latest proposal they insisted on the withdrawal of only is ready troops on the as i was report as false. why should the door to us accept the conditions of the defeated? uh a moss. uh that sounds pretty gates. um the other assistance uh the guys in does that. they have been wanting the over is right and not just uh uh, on the sub was the silver when they entered joyce more or less bought the vehicle to buy the home since 1948. but since the 27th of october, when that all um, the war started between and how much time the other assistance they gave them,
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does that. and that is like, it has been uh, losing every single day and all the things. but he, i mean a 3 hour days like the prime minister bit on a completely he, uh said, i would try to convince the relative of the prisons and guys that, that he is going to uh get them back by our i'm the oldest uh phase when he tried to buy uh military frontier to get the uh, bottle. the is the, the prison of the ad from us. he failed. and the, the, the people, the admitted to the unit which came to, uh they, they used them to get them bad. they were uh cool and uh they have pulled them
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between injured and the ones that have oh, how much. and also when he tried to uh, release or get the back. that 4 is the right 80 and prisoners. and that is really uh, forces it kills them because they both, they will find a city and that's because of the theater inside the alias. so just because of what happened on the 7th of october last year and of what's has been happening almost every single day and does that especially the eastern over because the bottle, which is a lot of the uh, in the one lot that holds them 24 so just but the estimates at other stuff that they are saying, no, they are even more more than 100 killed in that to buy the a lot. yeah, well it a new last thing, a truce, a new last
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a truce deal would s these fireball the would definitely come as a massive time for the for the people in garza, you said that the safe spot proposal has been confirmed. can you refill the souls of that information for us? well, uh, before i uh uh, came over to talk to you. i heard the news from i just need a part of the saying, the pick up chief of how much it was stairs my any i agree to. uh, i am frustrated part of it into english 828 spin over at b. c. uh, agreement. uh. com. i believe is how much as it be responded positively to the tardy but to do for a system of the uh, piece. uh uh, tools. uh that's what i have here. the other details. but what i know,
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that's how much has always been insisting on that whitening does the whitening mean? it is 0 and that is right, the prisoners from the father city and there are more than 1000 find a city in the prisoners, but amongst them children, women and people. and there's less who spent $4855.00 is that the last 5 years and those the is the really a business. what is very unfortunate that i'm going to come to and that is why it is all the concern about the prisoner eligible, who are about 120 because the others where uh, bombarded by the 88, appraised as a mother, but is a, i'm going to get a to phase used by is about 80 at points of, i mean this is a 88.2 and that's just for the city is to adams and to
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sleep. well, water read the from the fact i'm the influence of the is that i the low be thing in the what? so the information you have is that the but her mouth has agreed to be faced by proposal. but the waiting on these really side to also agree to it. that is absolutely i. they are waiting. that is the radio sports, but guitar has been working very hard since day one. as you perhaps know. uh 4 ac is fine because got the pool or has always been before because the encryption is that a bit very a trusted because they have the money. they normally, they shouldn't, over there should was what is right. and they have been not the one good thing to open that up. i gave more the a make this in oxygen, the fuel, a gasoline for booking at madison
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a need the items or one of them lean and 800000 the finest thing and up, send it and goes. now are you, i'm sorry to interrupt you up to mistake that the is riley side will agree to the the proposal because i know the is where the appointment is that how supposed to be being critical of console as well in the mediation process in the past the minister, but he, i mean that, that he, oh, it's been a bit of the, it's right to expand this war and does that and the makes it a wrong there. he is also deliberately encouraging the americans via the is the right you know, be in washington. do expand the old and the out of world and in the method he is for one reason because he knows very well. if this war stops, he is going to prison and he is going to lose all his political or the
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future behind the bonds of this country is the presence the bic atari farm industry has the previously said that as well as refusal to consider a 2 state solution makes the negotiation product says really complicated. i mean, do you ever expect um, the positive outcome for the palestinians and in the form of a 2 state solution? well, the to a state solution is impossible. where will the palace deanus fit be? i mean, come on, are they want to the, is the latest bid? that is absolutely the palace being the state to be established on the 4th of june 19 9th, 1967. and that is impossible because all the west bank of the eastern, the outputs over eastern generals of them are politically full of illegals,
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as settlements. um there are more than 700000 is the 80 settler when when the boat is the 816 of them because they are going to add want to take the cold them make the soldier to persons on that is the really estate and i am sure that they are not, this is going to accept them because to give them a piece of land. and one of the us states is that what, when will, when will the body has been talking about the, the 2 state solution. but this to is this, a solution is a method of, of processing the processing processing. and at the end of the day, there would be no us, do you understand would be the loans to, or to stablish on the board as of 1967. if it's impossible, i know with the video, i don't know, why are they talking about the when,
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when the 700000 is the radius so such as ball. that is a big question. the has been. the other thing done that a good thing about doing this very question, but how do you see things playing out over the coming weeks and months, especially with an s and yahoo? now feeling the pressure from his own people, you know how he things going sky as the end of the end from my point of view. but he, i mean that the video is going to ball to how much to patients because there is a, as you, uh, i see, uh what it did. um, it shows the problem, every client, every side in the site, that is why you offered him. uh the, the, the, the pool we had the same issues more than 120000 and they came and put them all over his light and took that beep and the drawers of them. the mom being
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a tools problem. but he, i mean the video to accept a tools through which vic, um, uh, is good the best video or some of the relatives as a whole. thank you very much for speaking to us today. i really appreciate your insights and ali, i'll help political unless based in castle. thank you. the schools, all french farmers have blocked major highways, leading to power since they pro, to stay the range of grievances despite several measures announced by the government, industry workers and the use biggest agricultural power house say that on the paid and to being choked by excessive regulations for the sake of the green energy agenda from is argue that a post by the government and we had this to bring down food inflation is left many which even says unable to cover high cost energy. so to lies on transport,
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applying to phase out a tax breaks us, tom is on the use of diesel fuel is also a bone of contention. some of the protesters as a piracy is throwing them onto the new shift of your we want to earn a decent living from our professional and say like what today agriculture is under attack from all sides. they claim that we pollute the environment, that we interfere with everyone. we are passionate about our work and not and do not forget that our role is to feed the whole of france. and if we try to do this as best we can on, but we are constantly being put in the way money because it is. yeah, we are not satisfied with many things. for example, the notorious law in the field of agriculture and food, the wage issues and the import of products from other countries to france. we apologize for the inconvenience caused by the road closures, but the government does not hear us in any other way. so we sometimes work 80 hours a week and what is the result of our work is not appreciated. we carry a lot of administrative and mental burden. and most importantly, even if you want to create jobs, it's very,
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very difficult today because costs are constantly rising and no official for the french union of independent police officers told us that the fellow who states on brussels itself needs to pay more attention to the struggle of farmers and the blogs, the breadbasket that you have to be irreparably. not here to believe that a couple of promises made by the government will be able to solve the deep problem faced by the world of agriculture in a few days. in addition, there is no franco french solution, it is mandatory to enter into negotiations at the european level to some extent. and here there was a risk of getting into a dead end. and when we talk about a deadlock, then at some point there is a radicalization of social movements that is radical groups joined in joining the protesting farmers. and many law enforcement unions of finally realizing the law enforcement agencies can no longer be allowed to serve as
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a regulator of public protests in crisis conditions which have been continuously replacing each other since 2018 clashes between law enforcement officers and protest as i'm not excluded. and what we ask, and what we very much want is that there be no violent clashes and the political solution be found as soon as possible. but we also have no illusions because if you're up does not respond to francis demands, then we will find ourselves in a dead end situation. and we risk eventually coming to this. this resentment of farmers is explained by the free competition in the international arena. due to which we import products to funds from countries where the workforce is less trained and receives lower wages than an e u countries. ukraine springs to mind here which has come to the fort again because we import incredible volumes of ukrainian poetry produced at low cost and in very deplorable conditions. but besides ukraine, there are also south american european and african markets,
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where we buy products at a much lower cost. so the problems of french farm is, are exactly the same as in other e u countries. but the level of wages and expectations from the quality of products are completely different. we europeans have imposed strict rules on ourselves in the field of environmental good action. but at the same time, we import products produced without any restrictions. russia's atomic energy corporation, well, sentiment has done to congo the essential hardware to tech, yet to help finish the construction of the country. suppose nuclear power plants, the shipment pos, through a frozen northern route by some petersburg, with the russian icebreakers clearing the way to bridges were raised in a row. when some time moves for the city. we got more details from a ross on some official i bid us that the civil transportation along didn't involve river in winter is a very complex logistical project. we're faced a lot of challenges for the 1st time. many services are involved in making the
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journey from the peer to the big port of saint petersburg, comfortable and safe. the road traditionally runs along the most famous historical sites of the sea, and special response services have a company to carbon through the entire route at a large port steam super heroes will be loaded onto the vessel and will proceed further to turkey. many thanks the account of the here, and i'll tell you international this tuesday up next, this documentary time. and to make sure you join me again at the top of the alpha morning the a video of alleged abuse by an officer
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today for sheriff's deputy and columbia. south carolina forcibly removed a student from a classroom at spring valley high school. i saw him just talking to her was playing her and initially, you know, i didn't think is a problem because i knew that she was just, is quite a student in the class. someone likes the police officer and says, here is law enforcement that is worse, clearly attacking, abusing power and influence and other than others besides. this is what's wrong with comes fully be on discipline. black children, he was there enforcing a lot to meet the crime, to quote, disturb schools in any way. that means any disturbance that any kids causes and school is huge and forces never predict but necessary. a tops people were never gonna change your mind. so people will never change their minds about video. they think i was wrong. and that's it. the
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head of style of ation staying with the siege survivors for the rest of their lives . it took a long time to restore the hills. it goes up to see who do you think or talk to people who managed to break out of the big draft. the what i'm doing is so us putting yourself down your site, which you're aware, the book of the, on the view and giving you the stories of new car. another way is that to see us, we have 2 euros for stating your storage correct on your list. yeah, i suppose i have nothing new. it's good because it would work out though nobody else will go out so. so she doesn't go through a bus district just i, she's in the house with tanya lift, the windows faced neighboring ribbon. a straight for the bulk of the stomach starts . look at me asking, what are the what's the idea? is this the symbol out of the thing?
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is over the more than one sort of federal sort of federal ownership, but with duck modesto, did you post a new school or what i need to go to with you a little bit more visit with you wasting a sort of joseph at a local level of solicitation and probably i'm in the service and she helped me to show the states in legislative and what is it crediting, but also her thought across recently sort of that will go to the battle i'm i mean to, to i'm only he was pretty nice. it seems like some just best, but it could be a problem existing working because it was someone had asked me for his thoughts the meeting, so would have spoken to. connie will move forward. yeah. but also the given this confusion, more of a look on the one ending the on the finish, they're still going to need some particular good symbol. i'm e, i'm not only could i get the the vehicle for the guy
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to even look at the blue less than you would say he seeing that he made a mistake as click web page. the logic of an initiative should double up any visual bullied, select which interest you face, which by give shortly, i'm going to a country of all of this to me at the moment that goes with some some definitely i was able to find actually the could i need is just read to me how, but it was the whether it was bought the car enough for her and the will have done . what will you can you started is the piece. so if don't couple dot is really not good at that. i get his grades to different schedules, couldn't even with y'all, was the wish for plugging that there isn't young. usually we needed to set up a more to 8 the and i'm assuming you and what you're used to is it is the it, the wound because occurred on your, you sleep, let's put it there. can you go? it which is she so us with jump even though would you pointed to


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