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tv   News  RT  January 30, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EST

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are we still have some common ground? the the pocket county coal sentences pull the crime and us to a run called to 10 years in prison for the king states. the court charges hate the 9th, claiming the diplomatic tables pointed to the west of the box conspiracy that alex sent him in 2022 and $9.00 supposedly reviews a new si, fi proposal with as well. all in all through a conservative is way the cabinet minister states of white cliffs fields, swing down, its government who have been to class russian polls russia's times because of all the crazy for decisions. it's one of fine russian olympic figure skating champion to the left side of the a. that's the whole year. the
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a very warm welcome to you wish to attend 7 pm here in the russian capital. and this is all to you international with the late as well things on the state, as always, it's great to have you with us. a top story this, our form of pockets on a prime minister in mind con, has denounced as far as a fix to months. myself that he was sentenced to 10 years in prison. i was off of the cold, found him guilty of making state secrets. com has been in jail since august on corruption charges on has repeatedly denied all accusations before the private as the code fully supported to remain peaceful and participate in the upcoming elections. this is not a trial, but a fixed match whose outcome was pre determined. that is why i already knew the decision of this case. these people want to provoke you by giving me a severe punishment in this case. so that you go out on the streets and pro desk, then they can leave. you have another false flag operation. second, they want you people to stay at home on election day. disappointed and angry,
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and run con, was ousted as prime minister in a no confidence vote. in april 2022, he claimed he was removed from office in the us conspiracy. concert a cable from the pack is sunny on boss of the to washington proves his obligation. but with an accused of misusing the cable, which brought with him to tuesday's sentence. both the i'll sing and trial of him run con, caused massive protests and pockets down over the last 2 years. the local journalist springs as most on that new the prison where the sentencing took place is one week before
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a crucial election impacts done. a special guard established under the office of secret tact inside this prison on tuesday, 100 board 5 or 5. just turn it on. con. an export on ready start. sean. they're both good. i see. 10 years in did it decipher case? the charges, i guess iran con odd that he never returned and officer, documented cod cypher an origin by the bikes, finding investor in washington for the front office, cause of defense liter, before the court that's i've heard about the us comes friday. see, i guess the next thing is the stuff like as far as the directing girlfriend is in fox thumbs up here on the charges of the violation of secret back date is particularly for that iran car and had left the cipher and private and still offers . when he had read me, he had left him 2022, his via declared the verdict as same price and that fee to leave it on some
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supporters to stay full and calm. forecasts on next. january electors and a mess are found out in philadelphia on con, wouldn't be the only way to take him out. in the month of june, july, i said these are to have to keep the word of it from funding sources. following these instructions, while you went on con, we are marcy 80 major protest across the country. but there is an anger and mark, the supporters. i mean, the hon. hold our to tv. lot was really, park is fun. we spoke with house on the car, a political analyst on historian, who said that the circumstances in him runs cons in run cons case a perfectly clear basically every month of august on most what's happening. so the usc was very unhappy and the wrong on and the us locating the overall and the good of august on the established thing. and dillman advocates and bending over
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backwards. but they're trying to gain us fever as the given the economic situation by august on find it. so the new to the stability, instability that came up in gong hong 0. so the old a signal to an actor, there's where this sentencing, but it has to do with the law of justice. now over to the latest in the middle east, her last some lessons have reportedly received a proposal for a new c 5 deal with tel aviv and a current and reviewing is now. so as is ready, security minutes have been very expressive, is dying consequences. bull benjamin netanyahu, his government, if the deal comes through is what we know so far of the month as it goes. she ations without a break through a new truce, has been proposed to, to him on some of the territory of the most political chief. but the groupons deal based on stuffing as well as school on the palestinian and place the agreement as
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opposed to the end resuming the hostage exchanges for both sides. looks like a professor of political analyst ali all hell in doha, who stays nothing. you all who could agree to amongst his terms, through to a, to a degree to a must, has tons due to domestic pressure, a prime minister. but yeah, i mean, it's a, you know, is the 3, i try to expand this war and guys that on the makes it longer. he is also deliberately encouraging the americans via the is that i, you know, be in washington to expand my, my, the old and the out of world and in the middle east for one reason. because he knows very well. if this war stops, he is going to prison and he is going to lose all his political or difficult future behind the bonds of these countries the prisoners. but he, i mean that,
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that he oh is going to ball. so how much to patients because the company did a pressure from everybody, kind of the side inside the is the you, i'll put him at the bull. we had the, the motors today, shoes, more of a gun, 120000. they came up with that all over is right and took the beep and the doors of them. the mom being a tooth broke. but he, i mean the video to accept a tools a little which vic, um, uh, is good. the back they, your son's, the want to see slide, proposal is on the table is where the forces are intensifying their attacks in the enclaves south. the goal is to help them industries that as well as targeting doctors and patients and doctors that connie, this is main hospice. elizabeth blockaded for the 2nd week is what claims are there
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any targets terrorists and gaza? the ideas has released potential allegedly, so it gets sold just conducting rates ons, low casing, large weapons stashes including a rocket launcher and ounces ready territory. they also it concerns identifying and taking out what they say was a terrorist cell in calling eunice. as i can tell you a to phone ball the enclave dollars. this desktop is now raising committee. 27000. meanwhile, the public city in red crescent, posted an audio recording of a conversation with a 15 year old go trip to the call surrounded by the is ready on me. she was allegedly killed was by the idea during the training conversation. a warning for you disturbing odeo follows the mold in the in the in the caribbean. ringback level you will see all
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the little little another 6 year old palestinian gulf was also trapped inside the call oft. we saw that by the idea of killing a number of his family members, the local reg, christmas, and the team to rescue the young girl. but says it has lost contact with the magical units. this is a picture of the 6 year old go high and have a main trapped inside the vehicle, find a phone buddy, occupation forces resulting in the mall to them. of everyone inside 6 individuals hind to remain for hours pleasing for our teams to reach her and evacuated from the area surrounded by is ready tanks. the father sounds, display sconces instead of b, as wally ground invasion. mason, completely and gulf base of the most city of rafa. leaving no safe place in the and baffled enclave. many refugees also say they know what to return. so it was,
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the homes have been demolished by the idea of what we fear, that the military operation will extend and reach rafa because we escaped death from the underwood shelter center. in con, you nice. unfortunately, there is no place i can take refuge because there is no empty place so that it has become impossible to find a tent. all those who are displaced took refuge in rafa. israel did not leave a safe place that it did not reach. they entered the shelter and con units as we left behind the dead and wounded there, and they deported us on the issue. what i see a most is the future and then known and will terror forest me most. and when i go out to work in the morning and leave my daughter, as i fear that i will return and not find them, i see that i will not be able to keep my daughter's will as a little more is continuing. and these are know, is continuing with its inception. glad xandra fox, i misplaced home to hoffman and people in the war. and i will no longer have
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a place that goes as real destroyed in my house. we bought some nissans on the stall. it's all the goal is the conflicts, the entire middle east has been inflamed yet why it's up until october. the 7th, the u. s. was claiming that the situation in the region was calm. us secretary of state onto the plane could now saves me to these circumstances. i move through i something than ever before. this is an incredibly volatile time in the middle east. i would argue that we've not seen a situation as, as dangerous as the one we're facing now across the region since at least 1973. the middle east region is quieter today. then it has been in 2 decades in the us, continue sophomore fields of the middle east flames despite the flaming of wrong. so the killing of 3 us soldiers in a drones like in syria, on sunday, oceans and not games is actually trying to de escalate the situation. that's what
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the white house comes under a wave. of course, this isn't at home for taking no action to a vengeance treats me wally wrong, has denied any involvement. and that, that the drone strength of hits and american, based on the syrian beaudet with jordan throne has blame the us itself for provoking be a time for me to rocky militant the function that they came responsibility from a senior pentagon on the list mark, i'm a live told all t washington is only creating problems. instead of bringing solutions to the middle east. we really need some adults in this room in it and, and they're nowhere to be filed. and right now it's not looking good. i mean, when you have people like lindsey graham and the m a and other us senators, calling for direct hits on to ron. you're on. what's the point to let you know what, what, what do you want to do? well, you, you, you want to create a, a conflagration that's going to be worldwide without realizing the consequences. they say they're,
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they're not thinking. it's all irrational. and i think that this policy that we have right now we're remaining in iraq and illegally in syria has got to change immediately. part of that part of that response, i think by the a she, a resistance in iraq was basically the send a message to the united states to get out. so we need to really evaluate our policies in those countries from here on because we're only creating greater turmoil. we're not detouring anything. we're for part of the problem, not the solution. hey, wall has been declared on russian sport stuff according to the russian olympic committee who slammed the suppose arbitration quote, decision regarding me that it's on the adverse case and bows to respond to the reaction came off of the quote rules to disqualify they figure skating stoffer full yes. on strip the russians vegas skating,
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team of its gold medal from the 2022 aging olympics. and unfortunately the cast decision is negative. it has long been impossible to rely on the objectivity and impartiality of this international structure. we know this taken into account those cases where the r c itself is taking part is a policy, including in the case regarding our exclusion on the basis of the decisions of the ios, the executive board. in fact, a will, has been declared on russian support and as we see anything goes with devastating. and it says by the quote full value of a who's not just 17 years old. she's still a minor that she's to be susceptible from my goals or earnings. she's made in her very short international career. she'll also be stripped off. the finishing goals met olympic as part of the b team, russia. so to all of her teammates, a new russian olympic committee is on a passive. it says that actually the court rulings goes against news,
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which means that this should did 15 and it still says that there was a huge question. still, honey, lose. the timing of when these do think allegations made against the but let's not forget. she took the test in december 2021 and it was almost 2 months later just of the dish has made this big flush at the pain. sugarland fix that these allegations 1st a message for 2 years in the public space that has never been a meaningful answer. supported by facts and not ridiculous replies to the question that was initially the subject of great doubt, white valley. eva's doping test taking in december 2021 was kept for a month and a half in a swedish labord tree. despite all established deadlines, the russian embassy goes even further than this. this is the embassy in the us saying that you knew this decision means that the team, the russian team having the metal stripped away. and it means that those metals will go now to teen usa. and this saying that given the tensions they were surround,
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doing the lead up to the pacing olympics between the west and russia. this is a political decision. all of this fits into the main stream of the hybrid war, unleashed by the west, against the russian federation. us authorities do not shy away from outright pressure on support structures in order to prevent highly competitive russian athletes from appearing at competitions, especially under the russian flag were russia says it still can say, does the team is being the win is at the beijing olympics. and it could look at challenging this decision by the cool. so the take a story, some of the background leading up to the scandal really have what was the name that everybody knew in the world device skating even before she's made a baby or my international scene, you're seeing, everybody was desperate to watch to, i mean, every thing is, she's a genius when it comes to the rink when she arrived invasion. she's part of the
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russian team. she's taking part in that challenges and should produces historic movement in olympic history. this put to a full jump, the 1st time this has ever been done by a female and she's only 15 years of age. then of course came these allegations when she's at the start of this incredible career ahead of her. everybody's focused on her and then we have social media and the world's press. turning on her not remembering that she was just 15 years and making these allegations as if they were really the best point was at this point, it was just an allegation. and this, this literally came and it's the mounting tensions between russia and the west, the full born queen. and some people suggesting that she was being used almost as a state codes. and that's one of the reasons that they held back these results and went after her at this time. we oversee it was on the big international stage. we
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was here in moscow. the arabian representative to the brakes forum told his wife so many countries a keen on becoming a member of the block. the 1st impression was fantastic. because of the events which the vice chairman shoot of the russians, they have defined more than $202.00 to $5.00 events which these events especially in cost to apply non show. and also banking system is fantastic. find known seeing an economy which, which one of the cases it is in boxes among the brakes cars, which means that we can delete the dollars. i'm worked with the low cost. money's of the cost. they have seen a lot of on just this in the, especially after the corporate 19. they saw that the intro national organization
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and the big countries, the big countries. just they do the to about the sauce countries. and they saw for pen v. you put the chairs about that and the, you know, you can not do anything. it was. so this is the reason the countries to are trying to beat the member and too much for allies unilateralism. i'm just looking for the new organization, a new i should say that me countries in the states i'm pretty raised to the subject each day having dental processing fall, nothing from south blocks, the roads to to do set, but on. yeah. got pulled in the country south. they've also obstructed major highways needing the power is due to a range of grievances, one payments to green policy issues. the spot that's just announced by the government to address them. images, recognizing online reporting research hires, hey, i was renewals piles up and by they knew the ass hold on blocking the ring road.
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the government has declared that obstruction of major power is at both would be a red line work and the use good sounds. what color tools, how, how say they are on the page of being choked by excessive regulations for the sake of the green energy agenda. farm is argue that a push find the government and retailers to bring down the food installation has left many produces unable to cause a high cost of energy. so to like that and transpose some protest is a power is, is throwing them onto the bus ships. as usual, we want to earn a decent living from our professional, se lakewood today. agriculture is under attack from all subject to the doctor. they claim that we pollute the environment when we interfere with everyone me, we are passionate about our work and no do not forget that our role is to feed out the whole of france. and they said, we try to do this as best we can on the we're constantly being the way i come on in the process of freedom is you, we are not satisfied with them anything i'm say for example, if the notorious law in the field of agriculture and food,
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the wage issues up on the import of products from other countries differently. we apologize for the inconvenience caused by the road closures, but the government does not hear us in any other way. and so that we sometimes work 80 hours a week ago. and what is the result of our work is not appreciated, but we carry a lot of administrative and mental burden. and most importantly, even if you want to create jobs, it's very, very difficult today because costs are constantly rising, but you put in and no official for the french union of independent police officers told us that fellow a, you stay sound brussels itself. it's pay more attention to the struggle of bomb and the bulk that bread boscus in the home. and so, do you have to be irreparably not here to believe that a couple of promises made by the government will be able to solve the problem faced by the world of agriculture in a few days. in addition, there was no frank co french solution. it is mandatory to enter into negotiations. i think you repeat and level to some extent and here there was
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a risk of getting into with that. and when we talk about addendum ok, then at some point there was a radicalization of social movements that these radical groups joining, the protesting farmers, clashes between law enforcement officers and protest as i'm not excluded. and what we ask, what we very much want is that there be no violence classes and the political solution will be found as soon as possible. but we also have no illusions because europe does not respond to francis demands. then we will find ourselves elected and situation, and we risk eventually coming to this. this resentment of farmers is explained by the free competition in the international arena. it's due to which we import the products to funds from countries where the workforce is less trained and receives lower wages than in e u countries. so we import incredible volumes of ukrainian poetry produced at low cost and very deplorable conditions. but besides ukraine for there are also south american european and african markets, where we find products at a much lower cost. if we re pens have imposed strict rules on ourselves in the
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field of environmental protection. the same time we input products produced without any restrictions of the to the unfortunate cup of nations. now when i've, where he ties toes kind of low way to reach the competition, quotes of files i've organs came close to illumination in the group stage trailing throughout as much. we've sent a goal, the cloud for the lead on penalties. so just minutes before the final whistle, they'll put you in a society, my ma, the brings those details from the tournaments that you need to. why do they have a need for the, for the one i would say the right time to qualify for the quote back up to you right now, we live in who had the life before. after the 2nd big quotes midway for the competition comes back to life. i mean it's infinity guy, very gaming. got you. not the champions found this through. it's upset. it's 406
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feet now sitting in the street at the gym after this when the south victories. now for the final bit simple fuzzy because what we'd be know between booking up for so in many these a couple months, maybe a different deep den frequency day for the rest of the competition. try on solve the i, laurie, and it national team wasn't surprised, not any for his opponents, but also for his funds. some didn't believe in the victory until the very ends, but also such a victory ivory kinds residents and funds have become more confident than ever. and it's a, in the summer we are very happy today. after that humiliation i guess equitorial getting almost buried the ivory coast would have thought of our victory. we just wanted to guide you. so this is a life lesson for all of us drive, orient, let's believe in our destiny. it's never down. mom to be honest. i didn't expect to
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speak to me because we lost for nailed to a team that wasn't good enough to be just by that school. this to features and still doubts in the minds of the i bore you. when my older brother and i came here, we said we would know we're not, i'm the 1st go confirmed doubts, but we weren't. we'll support the i boy. especially because who we must congratulate on mr. m. a. say, did a great job. we don't even know what to say to him. we are amazed. i must say, a 1000. so i have the elephants proved today that they are boys indeed. tomorrow they play molly or burkina faso. they are our neighbors. we're going to beat them both like we beat the center. no problem. we'll waive the ivory coast will be in the final. there is no doubt the ukraine conflict is increasingly spinning, going into formerly peaceful parts of russia, civilians. and the belgrade region recently came on to a fresh wave of deadly cell. and by key ups, troops, ortiz, that shape. others reports from the food area of the people. the sales wrought have
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suffered so much in the last 2 years from indiscriminate shelley shillings bombings and drone attacks. the people of the city attempted to get on with their lives. here that there is a shrine that has grown at the city symbol. if you like, the symbol of belgrade, which itself has suffered shrapnel damage from it to set munitions. we believe that landed here on the 3rd of december. sadly, given the indiscriminate nature of the attacks on the weapons used, it's for re civilians to pay the highest price. on december 30th, $24.00 people were killed, including 3 young children, hundreds were injured. there's absolutely no military infrastructure anywhere near the sites. just ordinary people going about the business. they're crying purely being russian and being close enough to the ukrainian border to be reachable targets for this indiscriminate artillery notes into the machine. this is
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a terrible tragedy for the people of belgrade, or we grieved together for the children and their parents who did not celebrate new year's eve. this was a terrorist attack by ukraine. they knew exactly what they were doing, which everyone was in a festive mood, shopping and buying presents. and then there's a terrible tragedy over them. so of course, a city that's evolving to face the reality of almost daily run the artillery strikes and attacks has to evolve. it has to protect its citizens and its buildings like this large shopping center. kind of doing that with the city about it directed these huge concrete barriers to give protection to civilians. in the event of a strike with the sirens happened to start that was a cobra yoke. on 30 of december, when we heard the explosion, there was one incredibly loud bang. my husband and i realized that a rocket had hit the houses next to us soon there was black smoke all around the buildings opposite were hitting, the windows were shattered, and bodies were lying in the street. and everyone was in a state of shock,
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and it was hard to sleep at night all night the, so one of the terrible realities i live now in belgrade, in the city center and all over the region is that people have to have access to the shelters but as you can see, audrey citizens here in belgrade going around their daddy business, or the civilians have to be close to these structures which are been erected by the government at every bull stuff in the region, only 35 kilometers. so obviously the bell garad lies the smaller town of should back and because of shit back and was close to the ukranian border. it is so for terribly under a continual random ukrainian artillery strikes on a rocket attacks on the civilian population. well, we've turned to ship back, you know, a small town very, very close to view finding and border calls is only kilometers away with the border itself is very close play. we were here a year ago. were abilities like this one were being shelled heavily while ukrainian forces. so as you can see, the shelling from the ukrainian forces has caused significant damage to military
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infrastructure for to ordinary civilian homes. this building or shattered by rocket, far from the ukrainian side of the bore find the people had to flee towards belgrade. and we covered that last year. but the people are slowly coming back with an air of determination to claim the homes on their lives. here to back you know, force in the life here is not that hard now, but it's scary at night. sometimes we're used to is right there. after the shelling of the city in the summer, everyone went away. when we came back, it was scary at 1st, but now we are used to it. well, it seems that the darkest of times can bring out the best and many of us, we certainly met one of the best at bell garage, regional childrens hospital. a young russian surgeon who struggled and succeeded in saving the lives of many of the children who are terribly injured during the december 30th attack from mutual funds and found that day around 20 children with
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blast injuries and shrapnel loans were brought to us. we treated the children, some of whom were later transported to federal clinics. it's difficult to be aware of what these children have suffered and our job is to treat them regardless of whether they come in with a cold or with an injury. all children must be treated ukrainian military's random attacks i should back and most of the infrastructure have been devastating. many houses, home shops on public buildings have been destroyed. with the people of the town i determined to take their lives back. in many cases, improving the homes that they're rebuilding. we spoke to some of the people driving the project for the police. the associate, going to load bearing structure of the building was damaged in the shelley of we have rebuilt the whole structure of the building, as well as the water and the gas and electricity some likely with a more we are currently finishing, the furnishing works on the damage to us without the work is almost complete. the building came under attack in the summer and soon after it was safe we began
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reconstruction works. thank god.


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