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tv   The 360 View  RT  January 30, 2024 11:30am-11:50am EST

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useful funds in on that day around 20 children with blast injuries and shrapnel loans were brought to us. we treated the children, some of whom were later transported to federal clinics. it's difficult to be aware of what these children have suffered and our job is to treat them regardless of whether they come in with a cold or with an injury. all children must could be treated ukrainian military's random attacks. i should back and most of the infrastructure have been devastating . many houses, home shops, and public buildings have been destroyed with the people of the town determined to take their lives back. in many cases, improving the homes that they are rebuilding. we spoke to some of the people driving the project for the police the union. so she kind of load bearing structure of the building was damaged and the shelling of we have rebuilt the whole structure of the building as well as the water and the gas and electricity. some likely, with the more we are currently finishing, the furnishing works on the damage we last look over the work is almost complete. the building came under attack in the summer and soon after it was safe we began
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reconstruction works. thank god, no one living here was prior to the reconstruction works or paid for using the budget funds us. if the people do not have to pay for anything, we'll do so as you can see, ordinary lives continue in extraordinary circumstances. despite the threat of ongoing drone attacks, miss tyler tex artillery shells fully, people continue their lives, they go to the library, they go to the shop, they educate their kids, and they move about very carefully. in this new reality, which is dawned in belgrade, particularly in the corner settlements like here and should beckon of their bravery under determination to rebuild their lives and continue here is absolutely remarkable. and it's something to behold shay bose for or t. it should back in a bell girl to me away next. so nancy international scott's e mails use with the latest episode of the 360 view and make sure you join rachel group, but at the top of the alpha, the lights as well as news updates. thanks for watching the
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is america going to experience it? are they biden versus trump macha? i'm going to use it on this episode of 360. while american voters might feel like they're experiencing deja vu with one candidate facing $91.00 charges in court. and the other candidate for think, chaos, folks at home and abroad. the race to electing of the 47th president of the united states is guaranteed to be filled with many surprises. let's get started. the the 2 1st major holidays of the 2024 campaign season are now on the books with the campaigns of the vic from swami set or tim scott and governor rhonda santas also left the history for president donald tri today historic when in the iowa caucus
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and of the new hampshire primary. now, using a victory speech in new hampshire to take a stab at his final remaining primary opponent nikki haley. you know, you have to have people that speak up. i said. so i can go up and i can say to everybody, oh, thank you for the victory is wonderful, that's what or i can go up and say, who the hell was? the imposter said went up on the stage before and like, playing the victory, she did very poorly. actually. now haley was to trump by 11 points and the new hampshire primary. but she made a promise in her concession speech to stay in the rice to now you law her, the chatter among the political class. they're falling all over themselves, saying this race is over. well, i have news for all of them. new hampshire is 1st in the nation. it is not the last bench right,
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is far from over. there are done a left to go and the next one is my. we stayed on the job. i didn't, and donald trump, or far, and the lead of their competitors power, according to the latest decision, dest pole, about 59 percent of americans do not want a rematch between president joe biden. and for our present, donald trump, now this re match might be inevitable despite what americans wishes might be. the democrats were not going to lane just their own president by suggesting replacement . and the maga base is still the most loyal and unified coalition. within the g o p . well trump, it might have a long list of haters on the right side of the aisle. it was in real, unrealistic to think any candidate besides donald trump would be able to sway support away the best. any of these republican challengers could hope for would be trump rolled ineligible because of one of these impending court cases. for the g o
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p, this primary season has proven the conservative wing of the republican party is the most dominant number amongst its membership. while the more moderates continued to try and find a place, let's discuss this with our panel political analyst, and you have the commentator movie abdul here in studio with me and steve, gil host of the steve gail show and we have a former congressman from florida. alan grayson, a wide diverse panel of opinions. i'm so appreciative of all of you. joining me today. also i want to point out alan grayson, his book that he actually wrote called high crime impeachment of donald trump. so therefore, i guess, congressman, you're not afraid of donald trump. oh no, no. i honestly he, he probably should get sick then you know what? and then go to atl double to fix fairly well. i'm glad that you're um, holding back your opinions right from the front. that's exactly what i expect from the 3 of you. i want to before we get to these for writers like donald trump,
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i want to take a look at a quick reflection on these past 2 primaries, nikki haley finished 2nd in iowa base and 2nd in new hampshire. she's not even. are she been his 3rd? i'm sorry, the 3rd in iowa, the 2nd in new hampshire. not even competing in nevada, going over to south carolina where she is double digits below her. her opponent, donald trump, that is the new hampshire primary with all of these numbers. why is nikki haley still in this race? and i'm gonna start humiliating on this. why? because as she said after i away, it's a 2 person race. i think that what nikki haley is doing, she's carved out of space in the establishment lane, as she's being attacked for being the establishment. and i'm actually perfectly fine with her being in the race. because at the end of the day, there is no indication that she will win south carolina. so even if she's in the rate for another month, there won't be any debates happening. whether or not she has a town hall and people turn into the town. all that's on her, but ultimately don't have an issue with it, but it does seem as if she is competitive in the sense of being able to get more
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moderate voters that trump is actually lacking. i think there's an advantage of having her not just in the race, you know how i am, i think that seems to be as v p choice. okay, we're going to get to that question real quick before i move on. what wrong is money though? plan her staying in this rice? well, unless her donors say okay, time is up. she's going to can we've already seen that the linkedin found her, the get her 50. i think it's over to $1000.00. so one of the pat they're not giving anymore unless you are funding your own race, that determines how long you can stay into the race. so what the donors say, it's time to get out then nikki haley will get out. well, she just has enough money to go into south carolina coast. dr. will speaking of money on this one because the background was warm, it came in himself full of his own, but did not necessarily raise any steve. the crown was totally believe he could actually when this nomination or do you think he was in it for another reason? well, i think he was in it said himself up or down the line, and i think he has said himself up or down the line. but this is all about money,
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as long as nikki haley has billionaires willing to fund their super packs to attack donald trump, which is mainly what. ready are there to do, she'll be able to move forward and these political consulting class that i'm, i'm sure it ally and believe we're both agree. it's all about them as their money. you know, when they are ready to $100000000.00 in, they're going to raise the $10000000.00 for themselves for raising it. we are going to get 15 percent for replacing the tv as i go charge. another 5 or 10 percent for producing the tv ad and for managing the super fax about a 3rd of what goes into the super packs goes into the pocket of the super pack folks themselves. and. and as long as nikki is listening to them, say, oh yeah, we can move on. we can move on because they're sucking money out of the pot. you've got to keep listening to them rather than the fat lady. we've all heard, you know, that the opera, the, the opposite out over to the fat lady said the fat lady is singing loudly. but hey, we got vicky. hey, he's only. busy thing to the little consultants tell your,
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oh yeah, you can still when this we still make another 25 or 30000000 for ourselves. well, it's interesting that to bring that up, but i think that's the one thing i'd love to hear politicians and people like they screw about the money and politics. and yet they continue to realize and continue to raise it. i've gotta ask you, there was lots of talks of democrats in new hampshire, switching over to either independent or actually registering as republicans back in the fall when they had the ability to do so. what is your feeling as a democrat looking at this isn't because they actually like hailey or do they believe it. hailey might be an easier pick off for joe biden, just in case she was the nominee. you know it's such a hey trunk. and then we have ser case, very interesting dynamics in that regard where there's a sort of a built in animosity votes or whoever is most likely to win. and i will point out i, i think that she's an incredible phony. but i will point out that haley came closer to the trunk, then mccarthy there to johnson and johnson dropped out. these,
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these are, you know, these are real trials that are worth having. and i was actually pleased to new hampshire, stuck to the guns that have their prime or, you know, the party stripped them of their votes and doing so on the democratic side, dr. republican side. so new hampshire is a very, very interesting and different tests from what we're going to see down the line where they have closed primaries and only republicans to vote. well, one of the story is out of new hampshire. i think not many people were talking about linking. you've had to that it was the vice president pick. i very few people referenced it, but yeah, we saw a whole parade of potential trump picks paraded out there on election on the new hampshire primary knight who is on your list of people that you think trump to pick and who actually should he pick? well, i'll just say this about the new hampshire, just quickly though, a new a, nikki haley actually over performed in new hampshire because the polls had donald trump beating her by a larger margin. so she actually did better than what people thought. but on my
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list, the top of the list for me really as tim, scott, i think that's in scott, not only has a good relationship with the president because the loyalty question comes up a lot. who's going to be loyal to donald trump? and if you've actually heard tim's got, if you read to him scott's book, talking about the relationship that he has with donald trump, i think that he's a good fit. and what's important to me is not just these for years. it's what happens after donald trump leaves because of donald trump. pick someone, for instance, like a vic. rumba swami. someone who potentially cannot win in 2028. his legacy ends in 2028. so he has to choose some on holton when in 2028 less. his legacy just dissipates after he leaves steve gill. can you believe me? you just heard a republican strategist actually thinking long term involving present pretty picks . republican party is not known for thinking that who was on your list, who could you be happy with him? scott, as a vice president or someone else, you have republicans considerate,
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long term thinking when they're trying to figure out where they're going to watch next monday. so i am please at least some of us are thinking a little bit further than that. but let me one quick point about both. i will land new hampshire. i think you only have about a 100000 people participate in the iowa caucus. you had a couple 100000, participate in, in new hampshire, which was their largest turn out ever thanks to those democrats crossing over. and most of them on election night were admitting to see. and then they were just there to heard from not to try and join the party and move forward together. but yeah, we've left 300400000 votes. you're really kind of royal the whole presidential campaign and it happens every 4 years. and everybody's out before we even get the super tuesday and get to these mainstream states and i, and i think i get it, it just kind of could towards the process out of what's, what's the reality as we look towards the general, i think that as i look towards the epic and i'm always reminded that those who are talking within the trump camp don't know,
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and those who know aren't the ones that are talking. so i don't think we can give much credence to anybody leaking out who is going to be the v. p tech. i like sarah, how can be sanders? she's a governor. she is less hot in terms of, of. ready rhetoric than donald trump base, completely trusted by donald trump. i think got you a jim scott and others, good choice. i think there are a lot of just choices, but the bottom line is to does it for you? i don't think. ready of the piece it helps you moving forward. i think it can hurt you. and i think it, you know, is a great distraction for people to speculate as we had from you know, when the pick is finally done to the, when the presidential nominees fix their b, b. o, but stay. we've got to have jerome a car. now the car to ashley ends are out of season right now. there's no real housewives. of course we've got to look the politics to have somebody to talk about at the water cooler politics. 2 is also on the democrats, i because 2 thirds of americans believe this country is on the wrong track. that's usually not good for the guy who's sitting in the oval office. allen,
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do you think democrats are doing what is expected by keeping biden? or should they actually listen to the people and possibly looking at another candidate? well, we can come and present has enormous power and influence over every part of you'd have to go all the way back to the civil war. and andrew johnson and to see a president who completely loved getting his parties down the nation. as a sitting president became enforced by the freezing page, the if you are president states, even if you're out of office throughout the norm is our teddy roosevelt demonstrated that on multiple occasions. so is it shouldn't surprise anybody. because i think that the private present by has exceeded many people's expectations . he has in fact gone. some important legislation passed and he continues to do so . uh, the economy is the best that's been in decades and foreign policy seems to be under control. i disagree with you, and instead of the beginning of the segment,
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the things were out of control. i don't see it that way by just doing what he is new to how to important allies running into a lot of resistance and maybe send will be asking ourselves who boss to crate. that won't be job i. well that's so, i mean, i think that button is using the levers of power in order to get his 2nd on the nation. and that's what everybody does. but you know, it's interesting, you bring up the 4 policy aspect. he said it's under control. i don't think people know the nuts and bolts of what's going on, you crane, or even israel. they might just know a generic distance who they support, but they don't know why. i think the majority of americans are not necessarily paying attention in that way. but they know there's 2 conflicts, potential to conflict, and you also have taiwan and china sitting out there as well. isn't that enough? so to damage biden's, credibility on foreign policy with democrat voters. not at all through the stars of warren ukraine. nothing by them could have done to prevent it almost started the work because on nothing by include them to prevent this foolish to st. transferred
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by them is somehow or responsible for this. and when trump says the both quickly, that sounds just like president next, the secret plant and the works, which was so sequencing even next because he didn't have one was very interesting in this time, january of 2020 donald trump was still extremely popular with the people and then we saw what happened. i want to get to this conversation. thank you mike. steve allen's stay right here to, to be speculation that neither president biden or president, trump will actually be the nominee at the end of their political parties. convention, all of the student age or legal prosecution. we're going to bait the chances of this happening and who might be waiting in the wings to replace them with our panel . the same just don't have to shave
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house after kids and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look so common ground the the welcome back and presence of mind is by far the front runner of the democratic party. however, one man has a birch as a potential thorn in his side. representative dean phillips, 121 percent of the vote in new hampshire and primary after only being in the race for 90 days. this state you granted staters practice democracy like no other state
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and its entire country. and the, and the fact that the party i represent would heavier density to take that from you and would have the definitely to say that this was meaningless. no, no. your votes tonight were the most meaningful boyd boats you've ever passed in your life. and i'll make that promise to you because i'm going to, here's them going forward. now be interesting to see if you tell south carolina voters and they're both the most important. now. meanwhile, the democratic national committee wanted to change south carolina to be the 1st in the nation primary. the new hampshire was not going to have it, as it is at their state law to be the 1st primary held. this lead to bite in being booted from the ballot though he still made a historic when in the granite state, but receiving 55 percent as of right in candidate. so should democrats actually give phillips a chance? well that's bringing our political tail back, political analyst, and you have the commentator really got to steam go hosted a steve jo show and
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a former congressman from florida. alan grayson. alan were in your wheel house right now. do you think present bind is physically and mentally fit enough to serve a for more years? and if not, why do you think the dnc is working so hard to suppress dean phillips as well? the answer, your 1st question is yes. does it compare him to trump? trump is the incoherent been seen at all, for most was don't, was a bite and at least take stab it from named. fitz, my mother is 91 years old and i think she could be president inside the country would be a lot better off if she were president. so i, i don't see any problem with, by the serving in terms of health. and i think he's demonstrating dental really unlike trump, who was always saying good for things like, let's try in a big light up here. but now if your code of buying this done anything comparable to that regarding whether the party should suppress dean phillips?
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i think when we finally get the super pack reports for next month, we'll see that the sole story likely. and the 20000 votes for the god got on to 340000000 americans. 20000 those city going your sensors very likely. g o p wall street money that was diverted to try to make a president bible bout.


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