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tv   News  RT  January 30, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EST

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this is on the packet sending court sentences, former prime minister and run pond to 10 years in prison for leaking state secret charges, and he denied claiming that the provided cable is pointed to a western back. a conspiracy that hosted him in hunting 20 to come off for quarterly reviews, a new case. our proposal was as well well and ultra conservative is really cabinet minister says the reckless field would bring down its government and a war has been declared on russia's for russia. land is the part of our registration for sport decision to disqualify russian olympic figure skating champion, demila valley, eva for 4 years. the
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live in moscow. you're watching archie international. i'm rachel ruble. former pakistani prime minister in mont con, has denounced his trial as a fixed match after he was sentenced to 10 years in prison. that's after the court found him guilty of leaking state secrets. con has been in jail since august on corruption charges and has repeatedly denied all accusations from our prime minister called for his supporters to remain peaceful and participate in the upcoming elections. this is not a trial, but a fixed match whose outcome was pre determined. that is why i already knew the decision of this case. these people want to provoke you by giving me a severe punishment in this case. so that you go out on the streets and pro this, then they can move, you have another false flag operation. second, they want you people to stay at home on election day. disappointed and angry, the emerald con was ousted as prime minister and a no confidence, though. in april 2022, he claimed he was removed from office in the us conspiracy. cons that
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a cable from the pakistani ambassador to washington proves his allegation, but was then accused of misusing the cable which brought him to tuesday's sentence . both the ousting and trial of him on comp has massive protests in pakistan. over the last 2 years. the local journalist springs this more from new the prison where the sentencing took place just one week before a crucial election in pakistan. a special guard established under the office of secret dec. inside this prison on tuesday 100 board 5 or 5,
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just start eval on con. an ex folder and ready to start shop. maybe with could i see 10 years in did it decipher case? the charges i guess iran calm, odd that he never returned and officer documented con cipher returned by the bikes . finding investor in washington for the front office to monetize defense pleaded before the court. that's, i've heard about the us comes privacy. i guess the next thing is the stuff like as far as the direct and girlfriend is in fox funds up here on the charges of the violation of secret back date is particularly for that iran car and had left the site for the private and store off is when he had read me, he had left him 2022, his lawyer declared the verdict at the same price. and that fee to leave it on con supporters to stay cool and calm. forecasts on next. january electors and
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a mess are found out in philadelphia on con, wouldn't be the only way to take a moment in the fund. the did the, like i said, it, these are to have to give the word as i've a, from porting sources. following these instructions, while you went on con, we are not seeing any major protest across the country, but there is an anger and mark, the supporters. i mean, the hon. hold our to tv was really park is fun. we spoke with his son by car, a political analyst and historian who said the circumstances and in wrong kinds case are perfectly clear. a basically every learning focused on most what's happening. the usc was very unhappy in the bronx on. and the us at locating the and the good of august on the established thing and dillman bending over backwards, but they're trying to gain us fever as the even the economic situation by august on
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find it says in due to the stability instability that came up in gong, hong 0. so the old a signal to one in active is the, uh, this sentencing, but it has to do with the law of justice as the persecution of iran con and protests and his support unfolded in 2022. he himself discussed the pressure on his supporters as well as the cable that allegedly proved us involvement in an exclusive interview to our channel. i have made this into a dozen carriers that band my lives coverage on the, on, on, on the screen and, and they're trying to band me from politics because there's a goose of contempt against me since i left office. never has they been such a public response full for any political party as it is for my body today. we had
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massive rallies that tried to crack down on us, thinking that they would scare us, but that is increased. the government is panicking. they out there watching us growing popularity we we slipped up by elections in the biggest province in punjab . the other 2 by elections which we slept so that but scared and that's why that clamping down. if we go back mr. come to when you are interested from power in the spring time, you've mentioned several times that certain documents exist that can from far in interference in your removal from power. are you in any position to tell us what those documents may be? the cipher and the conversation between the bug as dunham best, and washington, and the under secretary of state. of both the you of the us. there's a conversation between them where he threatens the plugins sending besta that unless i him ron on was removed as a prime minister in a no confidence
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a motion that but that's didn't, wasn't able as yet. there would be consequences of august on the biggest problem is that western countries expect their problems to become all problems. now to the latest and the middle east to most militants have reported, they received a proposal for a new cease fire deal with tel aviv and are currently reviewing at ortiz, middle east bureau chief. maria finance now has more details or another entail between israel and have mass seems to be around the corner and negotiations as you know have been on and off. but in the last 60 or so days, there was no significant progress or any valid offer on the table until now on wednesday, how mass officials are expected to meet with addiction mediators in cairo to discuss the deal that's presuppose as an exchange of at least 100 is really hostages for 300 or more probably student prisoners held in different israeli jails
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. earlier the chief of the political bureau have masses, mo, heavier sags, the militant group, rejects the deal, but later he changed his tone, probably due to some pressure from the mediator saying how mass has not yet made a decision and is still open for negotiations. we are expecting to hear the verdicts after the meeting in cairo, hard to say, of course if it's going to work as both sides push forward conditions that the other side rejects seem to disagree on key points. how much the minus the end of fighting and complete withdrawal, all the idea of troops from the gaza strip. and that is something rather unacceptable for israel earlier on tuesday, 5 minister, a bench. how many to the yahoo who spoke of the conference in the west bank supplement of the lee said again that the fighting would not stop troops would not leave the slave and thousands of palestinian prisoners would not be released on the
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w come. we will not conclude this war without achieving all of its goals. this means illuminating him us returning all of our hostages and ensuring that cause and never again constitutes a threat to israel. we will not withdraw the idea from the gaza strip and we will not release thousands of terrorists. none of this will happen. what will happen is your total victory. and again, we have to wait and see what the mission in cairo will bring, and there is still hope as him, i didn't say no, but suddenly the situation is rather fragile. and the rough horses fueling the fire from both sides, palestinian islamic jihad and other guys, a base militant group that might hold the number of his really hostages just recently claimed. they once go into any deal with israel without a comprehensive cease fire. and the withdrawal of these really forces from the street in each row at the same time, shortly after the news came about 10 miles starting the deal, the country's national security administered. antonia was key call lucian,
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partner for us and stick with the government over any attempts to enter a reckless deal with him. as most twisted its proposal that is real, offered him, that is the one that had matches now starting and certainly this is the one that it might have been with national security administer obeys row has been talking about included reportedly as it was never officially confirmed. 2 months long to cease fire and the idea of withdrawal from major cities in guys so that civilians gases could gradually come back to their homes. it goes into the un estimates more than 85 percent of gas. those 2300000 strong population has been internally displaced. following please really offensive in the street. so from 110 is really hostages happened released following a deal with her mouse in the brand, but 136 others, including children, women and elderly, still remained and took david to engage them and disappointment,
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bonanza grow exponentially within these really public of how the government deals with this situation protests to put pressure on the leadership to make any deal with the mass that would secure the release of their loved ones. back home held on a daily basis with this recent news about a potential deal. these people finally got to leave of hope on sundays representatives of agent taught are israel and the us matching the french capital parish to discuss the offer. now we hear that a master c shows mentioned in gyptian, mediators in cairo earlier and education sources told r t that no breakthrough has been achieved yet. but we do know that the proposal has been full within the table. and that could potentially mean that we are closer to a deal than ever before, but again, it may unfortunately easily collapse. but we spoke to professor and a political analyst, ali al hale and doha, who says netanyahu could agree to him on his terms, due to domestic pressure,
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a prime minister. but he, i mean, it's a ppo, is deliberately trying to expand this war and does that. and the makes it longer. he is also deliberately encouraging the americans via the is that i, you know, be in washington to expand my mom, the old and the other world. and in the middle east for one reason, because he knows very well if this war stops, he is going to prison and he is going to lose all his political or difficult future behind the bonds of these countries the prisoners. but he, i mean that, that he oh is going to ball. so how much to patients? because the company did a pressures of, from every kind of the side inside the is the you, i'll put him at the bull. we had the,
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the motors today shoes more than 120000. they came from that all over is right. and took that beep and the doors of them. they are demanding a truth from but he, i mean the video to accept a tools uh through which vic um, uh, is good. the bad. they are uh, sons, relatives, as well as the so our proposal is on the table is really forces are intensifying their attacks in the enclave. south. they've got the health ministry, said israel is targeting doctors and patients and added con unice has made hospital, has been blockaded. for the 2nd week, israel claims it only targets terrorist and gaza. the idea of has released footage, allegedly showing its soldiers conducting raids and locating large weapons dashes, including a rocket launcher, aimed at is really territory. they also confirmed identifying and taken out what
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they say was a terrorist cell. in con eunice, as they continue to the bar that the enclave causes that's was now risen to nearly $27000.00. meanwhile, the palestinian red crescent posted an audio recording of a conversation with a 15 year old girl trapped in a car surrounded by the is really army. she was allegedly killed by the idea of during the chilling conversation. a warning the following audio is disturbing. lou might have been in the caribbean or before you. ringback level and did you will see all the little little another 6 year old palestinian girl was also trapped inside the car after it
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was shot out by the idea of killing a number of her family members. the local red crescent, send a team to rescue the young girl, but says it has lost contact with the medical units. this is a picture of the 6 year old go hi and have a main trapped inside of the vehicle. find a pool and buddy occupation forces resulting in the mall to them of everyone inside 6 individuals high and to remain for hours pleasing for our teams to reach her and evacuate. have from the area surrounded by is ready tanks. the further south displaced the guys and see are the is really ground invasion may soon come slightly in golf. the southern most city of rafa, living know safe place and then battled enclave many refugees also say they have nowhere to return to. as their homes have been demolished by the idea of female, we fear that the military operation will extend and reach rafa because we escaped death from the underwood shelter center. in con, you nice. unfortunately, there is no place i can take refuge because there is no empty place so that it has
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become impossible to find a tent. all those who were displaced took refuge in rafa. israel did not leave a safe place that it did not reach. they entered the shelter and con eunice, we left behind the dead and wounded there, and they deported us. i knock study what i see a most is the future and then known and will terrifies me most is when i go out to work in the morning and leave my daughters. i fear that i will return and not find them. i see that i would not be able to keep my daughter's will and safe. the war is continuing. and israel is continuing with its intention to invade reform and displace woman to hoffman and people. if the war ends, i will no longer have a place because israel destroyed my house with its me. solve the war has been declared on russian sports. that's according to the russian olympic committee which has denounced the sports arbitration court decision regarding
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camille evaluated his case. and vows and to respond. the reaction came after the court ruled to disqualify the figure skating star for 4 years and to strip the russian figure, skating team of his gold metal from the 2022 badging olympics. unfortunately, the task decision is negative. it has long been impossible to rely on the objectivity and impartiality of this international structure. we know this taken into account those cases where the r c itself is taking part as a policy, including in the case regarding our exclusion on the basis of the decisions of the ios, the executive board. in fact, a will, has been declared on russian sport. and as we see anything goes with devastating announcement by the quote, full value of a who's not just 17 years old. she's still in mind that she's to be susceptible to my goals, all of the earnings. she's made in her very short international career. she'll also be stripped off. the finishing goals met olympic as part of being team russia. so
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to all of her teammates, a new russian olympic committee is offering on suffices. it says that actually the court rulings go in gates fits news, which means that this should and has impacted the team. and it still says that there was a huge question still hanging on the timing of when these do think allegations made against ballet. but let's not forget, she took the test in december 2021 and it was almost 2 months later just of the dish has made this big splash at the patient. and let me fix that. these allegations 1st i met for 2 years in the public space that has never been a meaningful answer. supported by fact, so not ridiculous replies to the question that was initially the subject of great doubt. why valley eva's doping test taking in december 2021 was kept for a month and a half in a swedish labord tree. despite all established deadlines, the russian embassy goes even further than this. this is the embassy in the us
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saying that you knew this decision means that the chief in the russian team having the metal stripped away. and it means that those metals will go now to teen usa. and this saying that given the tensions they were surround, doing the lead up to the pacing olympics between the west and russia. this is a political decision. all of this fits into the main stream of the hybrid war, unleashed by the west, against the russian federation. us authorities do not shy away from outright pressure on support structures in order to prevent highly competitive russian athletes from appearing at competitions, especially under the russian flag were russia says it still can sit, is the team is being the win is at the beijing olympics. and it could look at challenging this decision by the cool. so the take a story, some of the background leading up to the scandal. well yeah. if it was a name that everybody knew in the world device skating, even before she's made your baby or my international scene, you're seeing,
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everybody was desperate to watch to. i mean, every thing is she's a genius when it comes to the rink, when she arrived invasion, she's part of the russian team. she's taking part in that challenges and should produces historic movement in olympic history. this put to a full jump, the 1st time this has ever been done by a female and she's only 15 years of age. then of course came these allegations when she's at the start of this incredible career ahead of her. everybody's focused on her and then we have social media and the world's press turning on, not remembering that she was just 15 years and making these allegations as if they were really the best point was at this point, it was just an allegation. and this, this literally came and it's the mounting tensions between russia and the west, the full born queen. and some people suggesting that she was being used almost as a state codes. and that's one of the reasons that they held back these results and
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went after her at this time. we oversee it was on the big international stage. we spoke to professor ellis cash, more an author of books on sports politics. and the coulter who considers to see a us decision an exceptionally harsh results for a minor nothing in sport really surprises me nowadays have been following and analyzing it. besides many as all the same, it does seem exceptionally harsh on a young woman who really has to just tell it. and by failing is that there will be a pretty strong challenge when the appeal goes forward. that will say, as i said a few moments ago, that this was just a young girl, an innocence, and all this is somehow inadvertently ingested. a banned substance that wasn't really procured and given to by a coach in an attempt to gain an unfair advantage. it's an accident,
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in other words, i think that is all, most certainly going to be an appeal and there is one more adult, shall we say that that that could be a strongly bulk or it could be. 1 a way forward for valley eye, but that is the swiss federal tribunal. they will, the russians will present that case that i'd say the value of it did not know about this. she was a minor, she was an innocent in all this, i need any case. the drug really isn't that much of a performance in hans, any way you members have agreed to set aside billions of heroes that come from profits on the frozen assets of russia's central bank bank for ukraine. the move is considered to be the 1st step toward reconstruction of ukraine. russia has deemed the freezing of his assets and the plans to transfer them illegal with russian president vladimir putin. comparing the practice to theft,
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european commission experts have determines the annual profits on the funds will total $15000000000.00 euros by 2027, less legal and management fees. all right, let's get more details on this now from care manual to me on an expert in geo politics and presidents of euro continental to have you on with us. what do you make of the use decision to set aside profits from these frozen russian assets in order to help you frame a wave festival of useful position as being done? great. each the, from the shuffle position that was use huge flesh or from united states for it. do you remember states to freeze or a sense of, or the russian son charged back about your european. so from me, you refuse? suddenly the army accepted so far to, to have separate accounts of the,
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your dbi dunce major from the, the frozen the russian assets. and then a few rates are fewer or maybe aids to be your full ukraine. but your, it's good now not to be for the frozen assets from the central to bunk doesn't i'm not going to be or entirely or are sucked into. but you budget because there are you members state, so i'm the, you're based on 200 bucks. i think in might be your done joseph of representation of the you room and the full time in a short study teacher to do so. so peaceful position is or is it, is it done great or from the in the shuffle position. what president does the set susie in other countries, assets, and is this even legal? can the you sees these assets and hand it out and handle it, the money that isn't even there is to give way to um the 3 is
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the process and then are subject to visa or monday into the you books yet to be to tell you the look, and that's why they all mold or suspicious of doing. but on of a did you didn't choose about option bucks or also to freeze the assets and also to take the tv then students to give it to you, but ship it to ukraine or is not it has never been done before. and though we know about the wisdom of the countries on you, we thought to be western ward at create. you don't own the rules, but they want to impose to the rest of awards. and it does nothing to do we eat during the shuttle was such because these sections has never been been approved, but you would secure which it constituted, for example. so it's a represent that to you, but be so western world would like to be posey's on the knobs. we vote
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negotiations, but you wouldn't leave are sold for my part of you is not really leaking. well, what can be said about the security of investing or holding funds in europe as something like this can happen if, as this can just be frozen and diverted in this way. i mean, should people be concerned that their assets potentially aren't safe to when we see your watch, we came out. find out any of this proposition. we bird decision? no, for you. remember states of imaging uh tomorrow. very important. also with the funds to gain stream ukraine and or, or where do you home, go res, broke king of his position on the disputes between member states as where more and more about what to do. uh we just options because he doesn't work. in addition to which we have internet programs, so demonstration of a paper work. can you agriculture? well, we didn't talk about the visa or impulse software. ukrainian,
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the uh for a week or truck products on the, in the you market. so for you, remember, states would be would be wise to be very cautious about these metros and into the long run. i seem to be, we'd be legal challenge to be. so the assumption, so on, on the fries of offsets. because so from my point of view is not to really leak or under rochelle to kind of read talking to age. and do we surely go to code into our chart cools to or to challenger is decisions. all right, well, leave it there expert and tell politics and presidents of the or continent pair manual to mon thinking on the sidelines of the bricks form and moscow is, he'll be a serpent told us that joining the organization signals a new stage for his country and it's a foreign affairs, a party to appear. this is
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a particularly important moment because this would essentially hit on in new york and the rest of the partnership. we fully support that i shouldn't fainted. see, as you know, the main team and what to, what i shouldn't have done. see these 2 things in milton. i try to make them as the engine work, this energy. and that's very, very important for us particularly need your vision, why it's important reason to be part of the big assignment is to uh, how does that given the party clinic tucked in the ship for most was most critics segment with countries. we have a very strong by let's read, trade and investment. the relationship we see in the big family will provide you the opportunity to an important thing. but that has to most kind of frustrating wisdom and, and also to sort of, you know, has to meet and financial corporation. so far as you know, breaks is
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a month to let the initiative is quickly a significant or enhancing our release of the voice of the my cells to make my threat that i need to be strong to make them more inclusive and fair. and also to make it to work effectively for all of that. i think this does learning and then big family planning percentage. and i'm sure you know what i said would play an active role in terms of enhancing that extension of a big product. to say with us up next, the documentary series, leningrad, unbreakable details, the courage and unwavering strength of leningrad citizens in their struggle for liberation during the years of nazi it cease by the the,
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the beauty of the story, the luck of the full, i'll go on the board, that's what i can use valves originally, new spots, and i said, you mean the one that should have? yep. pets again. so facility based in yet that would you like me to just keep photos that anybody's industry to the book of the building and grab it up to a bundle at the at the site. the smith looked at the new. yeah, that was that said it was a mis leveled in there. they use a c assessment, readiness form with year of experience of but i will say in nearest the blue books and you for that 80 percent of the time. is that budget? so be $250.00 that you would say because you have to just cash the senior.


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