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tv   News  RT  January 30, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EST

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the, the, the, the latest, the 4 people are killed and the bomb blast during the rally and support. a former pakistani prime minister in ron pon, who was recently sentenced. it's 10 years in prison, is rarely forces. this guy is the civilians killed 3 palestinians in the west bank hospital. the medical facilities says the men were killed in their sleep at this time of the attack. and how a mazda, a part of layer of use a news states fire proposal with israel. well, and ultra conservative is really cabinet minister says the reckless field will bring down is governments. the i'm rachel ruble live in the russian capital. you are watching our
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t international islamic state has claimed responsibility for a bomb blast in the south west of pakistan that killed at least 4 people. the explosion happened to during a raleigh in support of former prime minister in wrong cons party with the former leader. recently sentenced to 10 years in prison. of the report say 3 of the 4 people killed remembers of im, wrong cons, party 6 others from a part of the injured in the blast for a bomb planted on a motorbike exploded official say it's unclear whether the rally was the target. local journalist brings us more details. i think we did the bomb exploded here agenda wrote when the p d, i election rally just passed this venue and make it by doing at least 4 people have been confirmed, dead police and security forces have cordoned off the area while the dead and injured are being taken by private ambulances to the local hospital and emergency has been declared and city district hospital. if my camera man can pan behind me,
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troops have just arrived to collect the evidence and to confirm if they suspect the suicide bomber were improvised explosive device. the blast came as former pakistani prime minister in mancha and denounced as trial as a fixed match. the court found him guilty of leaking state secrets. con has been in jail since august on corruption charges, and has repeatedly denied all accusations. the former prime minister called for his supporters to remain peaceful and to participate in the upcoming elections. this is not a trial, but a fixed match whose outcome was pre determined. that is why i already knew the decision of this case. these people want to provoke you by giving me a severe punishment in this case so that you go out on the streets and pro desk, then they can leave. you had another false flag operation. second, they want you people to stay at home on election day. disappointed and angry. us in wrong con, was ousted as prime minister and a no confidence though. in april 2022, he claimed he was removed from office in the us conspiracy concert
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a cable from the pack a sent in bassett or to washington cruises allegation. but he was then accused of misusing the cable which brought him to tuesday's sentence. first, the ousting and the trial of him on con, cause massive protests in pakistan over the last 2 years. the . 6 the . 8 iran cons lawyer said they are appealing the sentence claiming the trial and violated the constitution. it was written on the was yesterday, it was the 24th is about the legally appointed legal team of mr. ron from austin.
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so from the proceedings with to the, to the out of the quote and they were not given the right to cross executive to defend the appliances is unconstitutional. this is against, within suppose of natural justice. a local journalist brings us more from near the prison where the sentencing took place just one week before a crucial election in pakistan. a special court established under the official secrets act. inside this prison on tuesday, 100 board 5 or 5, just turn it on con. an export and ready start shopping. able to receive 10 years in debt. it'd be cipher case. the child is, i guess iran calm, odd that he never returned an officer documented todd cipher region by the bikes, finding investor in washington for the pot on office cons defense deleted before. because that's i've heard about the us comes friday. see, i guess the next thing is the stuff like as far as the directive afraid is in flux,
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funds appear on the charges of the violation of secret back date is particularly for that iran car and had left the site for the private and store office. when he had read me, he had left him 2022, his lawyer declared the verdict as soon price. right up fees to be with on some supporters. to stay cool and calm. for goes on next. january electors and a mess are found out in philadelphia on con, wouldn't be the only way to take a mold in the, from the did the, like i said, these are to have to keep the word of, of a, from pointing source of following these instructions. while you went on con, we are marcy 80 major protest across the country. but there is an anger and mark the supporters. i mean the last time on our tv lovers really fuck is fine. we spoke with hassan vakari, political analyst and historian,
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who set the circumstances and in wrong cons case are perfectly, claire, visually, every month of august on most, what's happening? the usc was very unhappy and the wrong on. and the us locating the only not. and the good of august on the established thing and dillman bending over backwards, but they're trying to gain us fever as the even the economic solution focused on find it says be due to the stability instability. this game often bronzer more. so a signal to an actor, there's the defendant saying, but it has to do with the law of justice as the persecution of them wrong con and protest and is support unfolded in 2022. he himself discussed the pressure on a supporters as well as the cable that allegedly prove us involvement in an
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exclusive interview to our chat. i have made this into a dozen carriers that band my lives coverage on the, on, on, on the screen and, and they're trying to band me from politics because there's a goose of contempt against me since i left office. never has there been such a public response full for any political party as it is for my body today. we had massive rallies that tried to crack down on us, thinking that they would scare us, but that is increased. the government is panicking. they out there watching us growing popularity we we swept up by elections in the biggest province in punjab. the other 2 by elections which we slept so that but scared and that's why that clamping down. if we go back, mister, come to when you are interested from power in the spring time, you've mentioned several times that certain documents exist that can from far and
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interference in your removal of from power. are you in any position to tell us what those documents may be? the size of the conversation between the bug as dunham best and washington, and the under secretary of state of both the you of the us. there's a conversation between them where he threatens the plugins sending besta that unless i him ron ron, was removed as a prime minister in a no confidence a motion that but that's didn't, wasn't able as yet. there would be consequences of august on the biggest problem is that western countries expect their problems to become all problems is really soldiers, a skies in civilian clothing, a storm, the hospital on the west bank city of jeanine and the killed 3 palestinians. the local house ministry has slammed to the operation the dream. this is
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a crime that is recorded in the register of crimes committed by the occupation excellency of the minister of health, stressed in a statement, and called on all international institutions and the world health organization. to stand up and meet their responsibilities in combating this phenomenon and holding them accountable. a video circulating on social media shows is riley special forces, dressed in doctor's uniforms and civilian clothes, reading the evening scene a hospital. israel said the men killed where have mosse and as long as you had fighters. well, how mazda the man were members of the janine brigades. a warning distressing images are ahead. the 3 men were reportedly sleeping at the time of the attack id upset the targeted fighters who were involved in promoting significant terrorist activity. the army also claims that fighters were hiding in the medical facility,
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while the hospital itself said they were receiving medical care. we heard from their relatives to share the zoe against the martyr mohammed because we was my friend from 1st. great, thank god, he was one of the martyrs. today, mohammed was with his brother in hospital. the brothers were injured almost 4 months ago. special forces wearing civilian clothes and freaked as robs came and assassinated. 2 of them along with the 3rd martyr mohammed jolanda young. the mission of mohammed grew up with a childhood full of aspirations to live in his free country. just like any other person born on that land. however, he found himself living under occupation where his ambition was to experience life like children in free countries, in a land where he could live in peace and security. unfortunately, as he grew older, he came to the realization that the occupation was damaging the land and denying
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children their lawful rights. dounia, what is the new york city? so the court analyst, dr. side name are says, this attack can be considered a crime against international law. what they consider is the success we can see the thought of this kind of act to go. you can disguise russian guys as indians because obviously you do, you know, kind of a victory rather just go out of the sky kind of under the same time expressed how the, you know, this is a crime. i'm the crime, i guess the crime, i guess the international law, i guess the a one dimension on the what we are not to see nowadays that after the 77 boulevard, that's the street and all kinds of like i said these i guess the 1st year depots in so many levels there for the very 1st time. now using goals and using miss are still the cdns and they are getting the cities and the gums. it's only
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damaging and the section in order always. the mazda militants, have reportedly saved a proposal for a new cease fire deal was to leave, and are currently reviewing at ortiz, middle east bureau chief, maria, for notion that has more details, and other del, between h. roland had mast seems to be around the corner and negotiations as you know have been on and off, but in the last 60 or so days there was no significant progress or any valid offer on the table until now. on wednesday, how mass officials are expected to meet with a junction mediators in cairo to discuss the bill that presupposes an exchange of at least $100.00 is really hostages for $300.00 or more palestinian prisoners held in different israeli jails. earlier, the chief of the political bureau had mazda as male head, near aside, the militant group rejects the deal, but later he changed his tone,
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probably due to some pressure from the mediator saying how mass has not yet made a decision and is still open for negotiations. we are expecting to hear the verdicts after the meeting in cairo, hard to say, of course, if it's going to work as both sides push forward conditions that the other side rejects seem to disagree on key points. how mazda minds, the end of fighting and complete the withdrawal, all the idea of troops from the gaza strip. and that is something rather unaccessible for israel earlier on tuesday, 5 minister been so many to the yahoo! who spoke at a conference in the west bank supplement of the lee said again that the fighting would not stop troops would not leave the slave and thousands of palestinian prisoners would not be released on the whole lot. so you don't need to come up. we will not conclude this war without achieving all of its goals. this means eliminating him us returning all of our hostages and ensuring that cause and never again constitutes a threat to israel. we will not withdraw the idea from the gaza strip and we will
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not release thousands of terrorists. none of this will happen. what will happen is total victory. again, we have to wait to see what the mission and tiro will bring and there is still hope as him. i didn't say no, but certainly the situation is rather fragile. and the rough forces fueling the fire from both sides, palestinians, lumbering jihad and other guys, a base militants group that might hold. the number of is really hostages, just recently claimed. they once go into any deal with israel without a comprehensive ceasefire. and withdrawal of these really forces from the streets in each row at the same time, shortly after the news came about 10 miles, starting the deal, the country's national security administer, and india was key call lucian, partner for us and stick with the government over any attempts to enter a reckless deal with him as most twisted proposal that is real over and that is the one that have matches now starting and certainly this is the one that it might have
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been with national security administer obeys row has been talking about included reportedly as it was never officially confirmed, 2 months long cease fire and the idea of withdrawal from major cities in guys on so that civilians gases could gradually come back to their homes. it goes into the un estimates more than 85 percent of gas. those 2300000 strong population have been internally displaced, following these really offensive industry. so from 110 is really hostages happened released following to deal with him as in the brand, but 136 others, including children, women, and elderly, still remained in cafeteria to engage them and disappointment. and, and the grow exponentially within these really public, over how the government deals with this situation protests to put pressure on the leadership to make any deal with a mass that would secure the release of their loved ones back home held on
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a daily basis with this recent news about a potential deal. these people finally got a glimpse of hope on sunday rep as, as days of egypt taught, our israel and the us matching the french capital parish to discuss b. o. for now we hear that a master say show. so i mentioned in gyptian, mediators in cairo earlier education sources told r t that no breakthrough has been achieved yet. but we do know that the proposal has been full within the table. and that could potentially mean that we are closer to a deal than ever before, but again, it may unfortunately easily collapse. well, since the start of the dogs, the conflict to the entire middle east has been inflamed yet, right up until october 7th. the us was claiming that the situation in the region was calm. us secretary of state anthony blinking now says middle east circumstances are more threatening than ever before. this is an incredibly
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volatile time in the middle east. i would argue that we've not seen a situation as, as dangerous as the one we're facing now across the region since at least 1973. the middle east region is quieter today than it has been into decades by the us continues to add more fuel to the middle east flame despite blending of ron for the killing of 3 us soldiers in a drone strike and syria on sunday. washington now claims it's actually trying to de escalate. the situation on that side of the white house comes under a wave of criticism at home for taking no action to avenge its troops in law around has denied any involvement in the deadly drone strikes that hit an american base on the syrian border with jordan toronto. has blamed the us itself for provoking the attack from an iraqi militant faction that did it claim responsibility. all right. let's cross live now to lead attorney and founder of muslim legal hassan that sibley us on
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a change of 2 and among top us diplomats on the situation in the middle east. what do you make of it? well, i think that are recognizing that this administration has led really the world down an extremely disruptive path. the united states has lost what little credibility to had. i mean, i think the most enrolled in particular, i think the international world, look, it is, this isn't the muslim world versus israel. this is the entire global community being united, calling for a cease fire, condemning israel for its worth of crimes against humanity and its genocide. and america, which it purports to be the leader of the free world, propose to be a nation, the aims to protect democracy and freedom appear to be the biggest lot of the biggest hypocrite it is enabling genocide. president binding is actually the 1st sitting us president to be sued for enabling genocide if israel is guilty of genocide, which i think as a lawyer, it absolutely is intentionally guilty of perfect crimes against humanity. in genocide the united states is it is its biggest co conspirator, and enable or, and frankly,
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we as americans ought to be ashamed and we need to hold our elected officials accountable because we are the bad guys. in this scenario, we are the empire. we are the dark side, we are the evil side, enabling the, the blood shed of thousands of children that really may eventually be civilized, the entire region. i think it's gonna build resentment against the united states for generations to come. when you read up and lot is letter against the united states, his biggest excuse for attacking america. and of course we stand against any attack against civilians. but his biggest justification was america's support of the murder of children in palestine by israel. so i feel that the united states administration, the binding and ministration is put israel's interest above america's interest. they've put america at risk for supporting the criminal state of israel, and they're doing so with our tax dollars. well, people are homeless and ignited states while people like education and the not safe, lots of people can afford to eat in the united states. somehow we have billions of
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dollars to send to blow up children in the middle east. it's embarrassing and it's a shame. and it's a marks on our history. i think we're going to be looked at retrospectively as enablers of a similar palace, the new holocaust. frankly, her son is only 4 months, have passed between sullivan and blinking statements as such. that's a very short period of time. is that a huge deal political shift? why do you think the situation is gotten out of control so quickly? because the united states basically gave israel the green light to shed birthday carnage against the palace thing and people, i mean, look, the social media shows the world. what's happening. we're witnessing genocide happened before our very eyes. we witness literally. i think many of us have seen that thousands of children blown to pieces. we've seen the images and we see the weapons that it's american weapons that are doing this with israel doing this on check enabled by the united states. obviously, it's leading to a lot of tension and resentment towards the united states. i believe biden has put
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americas national security at risk, perhaps for decades to come. but frankly, that's still not as we're big as the fact that he was in power, providing weapons that are being used to kill children that are on aren't white pop, complete civilian blocks, white balls, there's not a hospital. what mosques are destroyed, churches are destroyed. you had christian woman, nuns, shot and killed in k one in churches. bike is really snipers using american weapons . we've lost all credibility and you know, i'm just afraid that it may be too late even to ship course. and i think by biting and the american political system is going to learn the lesson company elections when by the loses because frankly, he doesn't represent even the willoughby american people. the american people are the people. they don't support this genocide, but these politicians have sold their souls to a pass, a folder sold to is really low hobby. and they've done so at the cost of palestinian children. the u. s. was and is still a key player in the middle east. how do you assess the influence of the us on
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what's happening in the region now? i mean, i think the u. s. has less credibility both in the middle east and globally, as americans growing up in this land that we really chairs, really value. i mean, i love calling america home it's, it's a wake up moment for us. i think it's making americans question our entire history . it seems that in almost every conflict, american politicians tend to support the occupiers, the colonizers, the murderers. i mean, you look at south africa, america is one of the last nations to continue to support the apartheid regime in south africa that treated of, of black africans as so human in america was supporting the apartheid redeem. and therefore, it's no surprise that it was south africa that came to who is real accountable in the international court of justice. and again, you see the whole world coming and condemning these worth of crimes. and america is the black sheep. america is the one enabling and supporting it, and i think this is going to be, or if explain on our history, you know,
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as americans we say never again. when we talk about the holocaust you, we never again is meaningless because we are doing exactly what we question. what would we do if there's a holocaust or if there's the genocide? well, we're seeing what we're doing. we're funding it. we're unable and we have to be ashamed and it's our duty as americans as lawyers, as professor, as active as a student to push back against this injustice. all right, hassan, chevrolet, late attorney, and founder of muslim legal hassan. thank you. thank you. some of the, the you has agreed to set aside billions of euros and profits unfrozen assets owned by rushes and central bank to help support ukraine. plan is considered as a 1st step toward the reconstruction of ukraine. russia has blasted the move as illegal with president vladimir put in comparing the practice to daylight robbery. european commission estimates. the prophets will reach a 15000000000. the euro is by 2027. we spoke with geo politics, expert pier manual to mine who says that use decision is unlawful. so was huge,
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huge flesh or from united states, full o e u member states to freeze, or us citizens of for the russian sen charged back. 3 is the process and then or 2nd to visa or monday into review books yet to be until tardy. and that's why they all move or suspicious of doing, but i'm not, they did, you didn't choose about option bus. busy or so to freeze the assets and also to take the tv, the stools to give it to you, but ship it to ukraine or is not it has never been done before. and. busy we know about the wisdom of the countries on you. we start to be switched on word and create. you don't own the rules that they want to impose to the rest of awards and it does nothing to do. we don't know, shuddered or such because these sections has never been approved by you and
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security constituted for example, and not to venezuela, where the us is threatening to re impose sanctions on the countries oil sector. it's right to come after the south american countries, the highest court upheld a van on opposition candidate maria corrina machado from standing for election as well as of him quite confirmed a 15 year ban on a politician from running for public to office us and previously impose sanctions on venezuela's oil sector after president nicholas ventura won a 2nd term in 2019 washington relaxed the restrictions only after the dural government reached a deal with the opposition or the 1st live. now to daniel shop, professor of latin american in the caribbean studies at the city university of new york professor, great to have you on with us. what do you make of these depression threats from the us toward venezuela? does it come at all as a surprise? united states continues to pass through these great defender of democracy. nothing
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could be further from the truth. this is pure grandstanding and pastoring. here in the us are constitution stipulates article 3, section 3 that any person running for office or holding office accused of treason could receive the death penalty and would receive no less than 5 years in jail. so if we look at, i'm ready according are much shadows track record. she is a long history of supporting sanctions against her own people, the 30000000 people of the venezuela. and she has long asked for us invasions and occupations of been as well as so if the u. s. was to hold himself up to these same standards, they would never allow. i'm a child of candidacy in a presidential election here. professor saw american companies operate in venezuela are these sanctions not going to also hurt the us market as well?
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in the us is side to re shuffle with the 2nd anniversary of the us and nato proxy war on russia. with you the training people trapped in the middle, they've had to see other sources for oil and gas. that's why they began some 2 years ago, re opening talks with the boulevard and leadership in kayak us. but now that they see they're not going to get the. busy our candidate, a right wing candidate to a stooge was a long track record of working with the united states. and the state department in the bush administration was all of the accolades of the west from you university to other awards. now, the usaa saying that they don't want to work with venezuela, it like a spoiled child throwing a tantrum. they can get their way, but it's important for us audience to be able to critically read between the lines
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on this issue about why the us is so upset. how much of an impact if they do you think these sanctions will ultimately have on venezuela or this ation since 2014 in particular have been crippling because it doesn't allow the venezuelans to trade with other countries. i ran, for example, when it's tried to deliver and invest in venezuela, the pirates of the caribbean, the us coast guard, and marines who have hijacked those, those iranian boats that never makes any headline here. the bank of england confiscated $2000000000.00 in venezuelan gold. uh right now they are privatizing then as well, then as well as pay the visa in st. go i would ride today, have to seize the vin as well in the assets. these belong to the 30000000 people of venezuela who have suffered a great deal. some 7000000 been as well as 2014,
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have been forced to leave their homeland involuntarily because of this economic and hybrid war. and ben as well, do you think we'll see a reversal of the court's decision to band the opposition candidate in the face of these threats from the us? no, absolutely not. i don't think that the venezuelans want to make the same mistake is the sun. denise is made in 1990. i basically heading back power over to the us in western sponsored right wing candidates. the venezuelans want to hold strong. they know that i'm a shadow presidency with all of this support that she would receive from the us and the national endowment for democracy to the tune of millions and millions of dollars would present an unfair candidacy with this huge injection of, of us dollars in a country where they have done everything, the cripple, the national currency, the believe are so i don't think the vent as well. and the 2nd guessing was
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vacillating for a 2nd on this important decision that the courts of venezuela had to make. right, while he was there, daniel sha, professor of latin american and caribbean studies at the city university of new york. daniel, thank you. thank you. rich on the sidelines that were brought submitting in moscow, brazil's sherpa gave us an insight into the golden rules of bricks and brazil's expectations from moscow, the presidency of the block, the wheat and the security. also one of the issues that we discussed last tier that it's very important for us with the discussion of did you choose ation on national currents and.


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